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Chloe Fisher

Professor Amyett


5 September 2023

University of Texas Sports Management Program; An Annotated Bibliography

Bowers, Matthew. “Making Your Kid Play Organized Sports Could Cost Them Their Creativity.”

Quartz, Quartz, 28 Dec. 2014

This article is written by Professor Matthew Bowers, from the University of Texas at

Austin. In this article, he conveys the idea that organized sports can negatively impact a

child’s creativity. He did a study that analyzed and compared self-reported childhood

leisure activities and results taken from a test called the ATTA. In the end, their

conclusion was that more time spent playing informal sports positively related to overall

creativity whereas spending more time playing organized sports negatively related to

general activity.

This source compared to some of my other sources is slightly different. This source does

not directly talk about the Sports Management program at UT. However, this article was

published by one of the head professors of this specific department, so it allows me to get

more of a perspective on who could possibly be teaching my classes if I am admitted to

the program.

This article will allow me to recognize the kind of ideas this professor favors and it will

in a way help me to see who he is as a person. Not to mention, when it comes time to
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write my supplemental essays I will have a better understanding of who is running this

program than most who are applying.

“Faculty - College of Education - UT Austin.” Dev Site - College of Education UT Austin, 25

Sep. 2022

Dr. Matthew Bower is a faculty member in the Sports Management program. He grew up

playing sports himself and went on to coach a collegiate-level basketball team. Shortly

afterwards he decided to study the systems we use to develop athletes. He works

extensively in sports organizations in both research and consulting capacities.

Similarly, like the last source this source discussed the professor, Matthew Bower, from

the University of Texas. However, unlike the last one, this source is a page dedicated to

who Professor Matthew Bower is.

This source is able to provide me with information specific to who this professor is and

what his specialties are in the major I am looking forward to pursuing. Again, this is a

very helpful source when it comes to preparing for my supplemental essays.

“Sport Management - College of Education - UT Austin.” Dev Site - College of Education UT

Austin, 27 Mar. 2023

On this page, in the College of Education section for the University of Texas, they

present an overview of what the “Sports Management'' program is and what the college

has to offer when it comes to progressing in this field and choosing a career path. Not to

mention they also supply us with dropdowns and links to explore more about specific

topics related to the major.

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This source is helpful in many ways. One way, in particular, is it displays dropdowns at

the bottom of the page to allow you to research more about a certain topic that you are

interested in knowing more about when it comes to this specific major. I found this very

beneficial because it directed me to new websites and articles that aided me in learning

new information that could be applicable later in the application process.

UT asks us to write an essay on why we chose the major we picked as our first major.

This source is going to allow me to increase my knowledge and credibility when it comes

to writing my “why” essay.

“Sport Management.” Wayfinder, Accessed 6 Sep. 2023

In summary, this source discusses the ways in which this sports management major leans

more towards the business side of sports and entertainment. It prepares students for

multiple career opportunities such as: working in an athletics administration, becoming a

sports agent, planning events, and more.

This website is unique because it is not directly from the University of Texas. It gives a

different perspective on how this program works and allows you to research more than

just what the University website offers.

When furthering my research for my supplemental essays this source is quite helpful

because it allows me to have another view on what this program has to offer. It is also

helpful because it provides links to other websites that are also helpful in the application


“University of Texas.” Sports Management Degree Guide, 26 Sep. 2022

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If you are looking for a guide to all things related to the Sports Management program this

source is especially helpful. It offers almost everything from a summary of the program

itself, to application requirements, to tuition and financial aid, and even a summary of the

University as a whole.

This source is similar to the last because it is also an outside source and not directly from

the University of Texas. However, it is different from the rest of the sources because this

website allows you to compare Sports Management programs across the country from

multiple universities.

After reading this source I will be able to have a clear guide to what I need for this

specific application. This aids me in furthering my college search and allows me to have

better insight into specific things such as tuition.

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