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Basic communication skills in English.

Non-verbal skills, listening skills, reading skills,

writing skills, e-skills, and interview skills.

Your ability to communicate clearly and share thoughts, feelings and ideas will help you
in all your relations with other people. As a student, you may study any language, but it
is important that you are able to read, write, speak and listen well in order to
communicate properly.

The research study titled "Cultural Diversity, Interactive Learning, and Social Skills
Development of BSNED Students in Inclusive Education" investigates the dynamic
interplay between cultural diversity, interactive learning, and the social skills
development of Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education (BSNED) students within
inclusive education settings. This rationale outlines the significance, context, and
relevance of the study within the timeframe of 2020-2023.
1st Paragraph: The dependent variable (DV) of this study, which focuses on the social
skills development of BSNED students, is a critical aspect of contemporary education.
As emphasized by Johnson (2021), robust social skills are essential for promoting
positive interactions, effective communication, and collaboration among students. The
core issue surrounding the DV pertains to the imperative need to nurture and enhance
the social skills of BSNED students, especially within the evolving landscape of
inclusive education.
2nd Paragraph: Studies concerning the social skills development of students within
inclusive education settings remain socially relevant and crucial. Inclusive education is a
cornerstone of modern educational systems, aiming to create equitable learning
environments that accommodate students from diverse backgrounds and abilities. As
highlighted by Smith (2020), the cultivation of social skills among BSNED students is
paramount for fostering inclusivity and ensuring harmonious interactions among peers
from diverse cultural backgrounds.
3rd Paragraph: The first independent variable (IV1), cultural diversity, plays a pivotal
role in shaping the social skills development of individuals. Scholars such as Lee (2022)
have underscored that exposure to cultural diversity exposes individuals to a wide range
of perspectives, attitudes, and behaviors. Investigating the relationship between cultural
diversity and the social skills development of BSNED students within the context of
inclusive education offers insights into how exposure to diverse cultures influences their
social competence.
4th Paragraph: The second independent variable (IV2), interactive learning, is a
pedagogical approach highlighted by researchers like Garcia (2021) for its potential to
foster active engagement, collaboration, and communication among students.
Interactive learning experiences hold significant promise for enhancing social skills
development. Examining the relationship between interactive learning and the social
skills development of BSNED students contributes to understanding how specific
teaching methods impact their social growth.
5th Paragraph: This research study addresses a pertinent research gap by exploring the
combined influence of cultural diversity and interactive learning on the social skills
development of BSNED students in inclusive education settings. The uniqueness of this
study lies in its comprehensive examination of these variables within the inclusive
education context, an area that has received limited attention in previous research. The
study's findings are anticipated to provide practical insights and recommendations to
educators and institutions striving to create inclusive and socially enriching learning
In summary, this study delves into the realm of social skills development among BSNED
students within inclusive education, recognizing the pivotal roles of cultural diversity and
interactive learning. By investigating these relationships and addressing research gaps,
this research aims to make valuable contributions to the field of inclusive education
during the period of 2020-2023, equipping educators with insights into fostering socially
competent educators for the future.

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