Frases Com Presente Simples Afirmativo e Verbo To Be Afirmativo

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Turma 92 – 04.03.


What’s your daily routine?

I get dressed
I go to school in the morning.
I clean up the house three times a week.
I have my hair cut twice a month.
I take a shower every day.
I brush my teeth three times a day.
I watch TV every day.
I go out to eat on weekends.
I take a medication when I get sick.
I go to school on foot.
I surf the internet.
I talk to people on WhatsApp.
I wake up at 6 AM.
I get up at 7 AM.
I have lunch at noon.
I have dinner.
I play soccer very well.
I love chocolate.
I read books.
I study in the morning.

Turma 73 – 04.03.2023
To be ver uses:

I am from Brazil.

My mother is Brazilian.

My husband is not fat. He is thin.

Rio de Janeiro is my favorite city.

Blue and Red are my favorite colors.

I am so happy to be here with you.

You are so kind.

My name is Sally Brown.

I am so sorry.

I am sad today.

I am fine, thanks.

It’s raining a lot today.

It’s very hot in here.

I am a student.

Usando o verbo To Be para fazer perguntas:

42. Where are you from? (De onde você é?)

43. Who are you? (Quem é você?)

44. Whose books are those? (De quem são aqueles livros?)

45. What is your name? (Qual é o seu nome?)

46. Why are you here? (Por que você está aqui?)

47. How is your brother? (Como está o seu irmão?)

48. How are you doing? (Como vai você?)

49. How much is this wallet? (Quanto custa essa carteira?)

50. How old are you? (Quantos anos você tem?)

51. Are you ok? (Você está bem?)

52. Aren’t these dogs cute? (Não são fofinhos esses cachorros?)

53. Is Peter home? (Peter está em casa?)

54. Is there a drugstore near here? (Existe uma drogaria perto daqui?)

55. Is it good for you? (Está bom para você?)

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