2023 SHEB000 MO & SG NB Final and Submited

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Faculty of Science and Agriculture


Department of Physiology and Environmental Health

Health Education and Life Competencies II


Module Title Health Education and Life Competencies II

Module Code S No. of 24
Physiology and SI Credits Molecular and Life
Department Environmental Health OL School Sciences
Pre-requisites O Co-
Module Code N requisites None
o Module
Module Compiler Mr E Sibuyi & Mr H Mokoena

Mr H Malan
Module Evaluator

* Lecturers
Module Lecturers
(1) Mr EM Sibuyi
(2) Ms SK Mpherwane
(3) Ms CM Baloyi
(4) Mr H Mokoena

* Practicals
NB: To Be Communicated (TBC)

* Queries on Marks and

Mark Changes

(1) Office 1022, Old Q-Block
Office Address (2) Office 1021, Old Q-Block

E-mail 1) eliot.sibuyi@ul.ac.za Telephone (1) 3778

2) salome.mpherwane@ul.ac.
(@ul.ac.za) No. (2) 2276
(3) 2209
3) lerato.tladi@ul.ac.za
(4) 2209
4) charrity.baloyi@ul.ac.za (5) 2209
5) Huskly.mokoena@ul.ac.za

Tues 13:00-14:40
Consultation Time 9:00 Lecture (Health)
1 Periods Thurs 13:00-14:40
Semester Test 1 NB: To Be Self-study: 72
Communicated (TBC) Contact time: 160
Important Dates Semester Test 2 (TBC) Learning Assessment: 8
Semester Test 3 (TBC) Hours TOTAL: 240
Semester Test 4 (TBC)
Semester Test 5 (TBC)
Semester Test 6 (TBC)
Practicals: Weekly
Practical Tests: During each practical
Mark Changes: Within 7 days of the
of marks and scripts.
Feedback: 7 days after each test
Aegrotat (Sick) test: Within 7 days after
each test. NB: Submit a Valid Medical
certificate, or valid relevant
documentation to the effect.
Semester 1st & 2nd
No. of Lectures: 88 Semester
Module Structure No. of Tutorials: 88
No. of Practical Sessions: 21

Assessment Method
Description Weighting
Theory mark 30% of final mark
6 formative tests 17% of final mark
2 assignments 9% of final mark
Other (incl. class tests) 4% of final mark

Practical mark 30% of final mark

Practical assignments & tests

Main/Supplementary exam 40% of final mark

In this foundation module, students will study certain health related issues, as well as aspects to
that they possess certain necessary “academic” skills. It will give them knowledge to make
informed decision about their studies and their lifestyle in general. The module should empower
students to achieve success in their studies as well as their personal and professional lives in future.
• Ensure that students have a sound foundation upon which to build their academic careers.
• Empower students to make informed decisions about their studies and lifestyle in general.
• Empower students to achieve success in their studies as well as in their personal and future
professional lives.
• Encourages students to apply basic knowledge towards solving problem-based scenarios.
• Develop students’ level of proficiency with regards to scientific communication.

• Sexual health
• Healthy lifestyle
• My environment influences my health
• The scientific method
• Successful scientific communication
• Information literacy

• Recognize the importance of having and showing respect for all forms of life.
• Describe the basic features and functions of the human reproductive system.
• Identify factors that may have an influence on the safety of everyday environments.
• Recognize the importance of responsible citizenship.
• Communicate scientific information in a clear, logical, and accurate manner.
• Compare and contrast different study methods.

• Describe infertility, its potential cause, and its treatment.
• Discuss the consequences of abortion.
• Distinguish between different sexual orientations.
• Describe various sexually transmitted diseases/infections (STIs such as HIV), their causes, and
• Explain the effect of smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and substance abuse.
• Devise a healthy lifestyle programme for someone currently leading an unhealthy lifestyle.
• Describe the effects of exposure to air and water pollution, as well as various forms of radiation, on
the human body.
• Collect scientific information using various reputable sources (e.g., library, internet).
• Present scientific information in various forms (e.g., oral presentation, written documents,


Prescribed Textbooks:
Bailey, S. 2011. Academic writing: Handbook for international students: 3rd ed. London and New
York: Routledge.
Gillet. A., Harmond, A. & Martala, M. 2009. Inside track: Successful academic writing. Cape
Town: Longman.

Additional Recommended Textbooks:

Marieb, E.N., Mitchell, S.J. & Smith, L.A. 2012. Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual.
Steenkamp, R. & van Schoor, A. 2013. Occupational Safety and health (OSH): A TQM and quality
of work life approach. Cape Town: Juta.
Swan, M. 2009. Practical English usage: an international student’s edition. 3rd ed. New York: Oxford..
Van der Walt, C. & Nienaber, A.G. 2012. English for law. 4th ed. Cape Town: Juta.
Waugh, A. & Grant, A. 2010. Ross and Wilson’s anatomy and physiology in health and illness.
11th ed. New York: Churchill Press.

Additional notes will be supplied to students.

Additionally, any dictionaries that focus on English or Biology will be useful.

Additional References:
GetBodySmart http://www.getbodysmart.com/
Innerbody http://www.innerbody.com/
Mayo Clinic http://www.mayoclinic.com/
United State Centers for Disease Control http://www.cdc.gov/
VirtualBody http://www.medtropolis.com/virtual-body/
World Health Organization http://www.who.int/en/


Students will receive feedback seven days after assessments (class tests, semester tests, etc.)
have been completed. This feedback may be in various forms, e.g. discussions during contact
electronic feedback via online communication,

Students are always welcome to consult with their lecturer(s), should there be any issue
encountered during the module. Serious issues should first be discussed with the relevant
Students are always welcome to consult with their lecturer(s), should there be any issue
during the module. Serious issues should first be discussed with the relevant lecturer(s) and
module coordinators; if matters remain unresolved, students may take up the issue with the Head of
Department (HOD). Only if the HOD cannot solve the problem will it be elevated to the level of
Director of the School and the Executive Dean of the Faculty. Students can also report grievances to
the Class Representatives or the Student Representative Council (part of the SRC), or other subject
specific societies and these individuals will then take the matter up with the Lecturer concerned or with
the HOD.

If students are not satisfied with the way in which test or assignment scripts have been marked,
a student can apply for remarking, on the Departmental Application for Remarking form, at the HOD.
This has to be done within seven days of assessment feedback. The matter will then be handled
according to the Faculty Rules (FSA4.7).
MODULE POLICY (Including plagiarism, academic honesty, attendance etc.)
Plagiarism is a serious offence! Copying of text from other students or from any other sources
(including the study guide and student notes) is not allowed. Brief quotations are allowed if it is
indicated as such. You should reformulate existing text and use your own words to explain what
you have read. It is not acceptable to retype existing text and just acknowledge the source in a
footnote. Thus you have to relate an idea or concept, without repeating the original author word for
word – use your own words.

The University of Limpopo subscribes to the Turnitin plagiarism detection software

(http://www.turnitin.com), which is available for use on the Blackboard e-learning platform
(https://tmlearn.ul.ac.za). You may be required to electronically submit assignments on
Blackboard, where they will be checked for plagiarism/similarity by Turnitin. The University of
Limpopo’s Plagiarism Policy (https://www.ul.ac.za/application/downloads/PLAGIARISM
%20to%20Senate%20%20%2014%20November%202014.pdf) states: “A percentage of below 15
is proposed as acceptable plagiarism percentage for the UL with 5% or less to be obtained from
one source.” In line with this policy, any submission that returns a Turnitin Similarity Index of 15% or
more will not be marked. For more information regarding the Turnitin Similarity Index, please visit

Absence from lectures:

Students are expected to attend all lectures. Since we follow a system of continuous assessment, the
lecturer might at any time do an assessment (unscheduled class test; assignment or group work)
in class. These assessments will contribute towards the final mark for the module. If a student misses
an assessment, he/she will get no marks for it, irrespective of the reason for missing the lecture.

Absence from practicals:

Students are expected to attend all practicals. A student will only be excused/exempted from a practical
when he/she is in possession of a valid exemption document as described in rule G15 in the
General Rules of the University of Limpopo. A student may not be absent from more than four
practicals in any module. Students will not be allowed to redo any practicals.

All valid exemption documentation has to be completed and submitted to the departmental
secretary within seven days after having missed a practical. The secretary will verify the
documentation before handing it to the lecturer to include the valid excuse on the mark sheet for the

Absence from tests:

A student is only allowed to apply for an aegrotat if he/she is in possession of a valid
exemption document as described in rule G15 in the General Rules of the University of Limpopo.
This evidence has to be submitted to the departmental secretary and the applicable forms
submitted no later than 13:00 on 8 February). The only exception to this rule is if the student is still
hospital at the given time, in which case the medical certificate should be handed in as soon
as possible. The secretary will verify the information on the documents submitted before informing
the relevant lecturer of the sick test.

The date for the aegrotat is set at the start of the module. The HoD will arrange for a time that
is convenient to both the relevant lecturers and the student. If a student fails to attend the
aegrotat, he/she will receive no marks for the test. Aegrotats can be either written tests or oral
examinations, depending on the decision of the lecturer(s) involved.

Applications for aegrotats for examination papers should be submitted to the office of the Director of the
School for Molecular and Life Sciences within seven days after the examination paper was written. The
office of the Director will inform the Department of the aegrotat. Aegrotats for the main examination will
be the supplementary examination.
NB. Students should be aware that a subminimum of 40% is required in the summative (or
supplementary) examination in order to obtain a pass for a final mark. (Refer to rules G13 and G14 of
the General Rules of the University of Limpopo.) Therefore, if a student enters the exam with a high
module mark, but doesn’t manage to obtain 40% in the summative (or supplementary) examination, it
is entirely possible for that student to obtain a 50% final mark, but still fail the module!
Date Topic/Activity

Lecture 1&2: Infertility

Tutorial 1&2: Passive voice in academic writing
Practical 1: Computer literacy (ICT)
Lecture 3&4: Infertility
Tutorial 3&4: Time words
Practical 2: Computer literacy (ICT)
Lecture 5&6: Abortion and its consequences
Tutorial 5&6: Cohesive writing
Practical 3: Computer literacy (ICT)
Lecture 7&8: Abortion and its consequences
Tutorial7&8: Academic vocabulary
Practical 4: Computer literacy (ICT)
13/03/2023 Lecture 9&10: Sexual orientation
17/03/2023 Tutorial 9&10: Academic vocabulary
To Be Semester Test 1: Lectures 1 to 8 Health & Academic literacy
Autumn recess

13/04/2023 Submission of Assignment 1

Tutorial 11&12: Academic vocabulary
Practical 5: Computer literacy (ICT)
Lecture11&12: Sexual orientation
Tutorial13&14: Cause and effect
Lecture 13&14: STIs and STI Examination
Practical 6: Computer literacy (ICT)
11/04/2023 Tutorial 15&16: Cause and effect
13/04/2023 Practical 7: Computer literacy (ICT)
To be Semester Test 2: Lectures 9 to 16 Health & Academic literacy
17/04/2023 Tutorial 17&18: Rewriting and proof-reading
21/04/2023 Practical 10: Computer literacy (ICT)
Lecture 17&18:STIs
TIs and
Tutorial 19&20: Rewriting and proof-reading.
Practical 9: Computer literacy (ICT)
27/07 /2023 Submission of Assignment 2

Lecture 21 & 22: STIs and STI Examination

Tutorial 21 & 22: Affixes (prefixes and suffixes)
Practical 11: Computer literacy (ICT)

Lecture 23 & 24: STIs and STI Examination

Practical 11: Using the library
and plagiarism (Library)
To be Semester Test 3: Lectures 17 to 24 Health & Academic
announced literacy
Lecture 25&26: STIs and STI Examination
22/05/2023 Tutorial 25 & 26: Parts of speech, adjectives and articles,
26/05/2023 prepositions and conjunctions
Practical 12: Using the library and plagiarism (Library)
Lecture 27&28: STIs and STI Examination
29/05/2023 Tutorial 29 & 30: Parts of speech, adjectives and articles,
01/06/2023 prepositions and conjunctions
Practical 13: Library
Lecture 31&32: Healthy lifestyle
05/06/2023 Tutorial 31&32: Parts of speech, adjectives and articles,
09/06/2023 prepositions and conjunctions
Practical 14: Library
Lecture 33&34: Healthy lifestyle
Tutorial 33&34: Singular and Plural
Practical 16: Library
19/06/2023 Winter recess
10/07/2023 Lecture 35&36: Healthy lifestyle
14/07/2023 Practical 16: Using the library and plagiarism (Library)
27/05/2023 Submission of assignment 3

Lecture 37 & 38: Healthy lifestyle

Tutorial 37 & 38: Synonyms and misspelt words
Practical 17: Library
To be Semester Test 4: Lectures 25-34 (STIs) & Tutorial 25 -34
Lecture 39 &40: Healthy environment
Tutorial 39 &40: Synonyms and misspelt words
Practical 18: Library
Lecture 41&42: Healthy environment
Tutorial 41 &42: Abbreviations and punctuation
Practical 19: Library
Lecture 43&44: Scientific method
Tutorial 43&44: Abbreviations and punctuation
Practical 19: Library
Lecture 45&46: Scientific method
Tutorial 46&47: Quantifiers, superlatives and comparatives
Practical 20: Library
08/07/2023 Submission of assignment
Lecture 47& 48: Scientific method
Tutorial 47& 48: Quantifiers, superlatives and comparatives
Practical 21: Using the library and plagiarism (Library)
Lecture 49 &50: Scientific method
Tutorial 49 &50: Quantifiers, superlatives and comparatives
Practical 21: Using the library and plagiarism (Library)
Lecture 51&52: Scientific method
04/09/2023 Tutorial 51&52: Formal letters, e-mails, CVs and report
08/09/2023 writing.
Practical 22: Using the library and plagiarism (Library)
To be announced, Semester Test 4: Lectures 35-46 (STIs) & Tutorial 35-46

Spring recess
02/10/2023 Lecture 53 &54: Scientific method
06/10/2023 Tutorial 53 &54: Authentic materials & Report writing
09/10/2023 Tutorial: Authentic materials; Report writing & Presentations
Revision week
Revision week
Examination commences.

Health Education and Life Competencies II SHEB 000

Number of credits: 24
Semester offered: 1&2

Prepared by: Mr E Sibuyi & Ms SK Mpherwane

University of Limpopo

Content evaluated by: Mr H Malan

University of Limpopo

Copyright: Department of Physiology & Environmental Health

School of Molecular and Life Sciences
University of Limpopo


1 MODULE INFORMATION..........................................................................................1

1.1 Guidance on how to use this study guide...........................................................................1

1.2 Overview of module............................................................................................................ 1

1.3 Learning outcomes and assessment criteria.......................................................................2

1.4 Assessment information......................................................................................................3

2 FACILITATION SCHEDULE...................................................................................... 3

2.1 Facilitators...........................................................................................................................3

2.2 Schedule4

3 DETAILED CONTENT................................................................................................7

3.1 Health...................................................................................................................7

3.2 English................................................................................................................. 7

4 THEORY ASSIGNMENTS................................................................................................7

5 PRACTICAL ASSIGNMENTS..........................................................................................8

5.1 Aims and objectives of practicals.........................................................................8

5.2 Teamwork............................................................................................................ 8

5.3 Evaluation and assessment...............................................................................10

5.4 Discipline............................................................................................................10

5.5 Safety.................................................................................................................11





1.1 Guidance on how to use this study guide

This study guide serves only as a guideline or “map” to the successful completion of
the module. It does not replace either the lectures or the textbook and notes. Students
should however study the information in this guide carefully since all the important dates
for the module and other important information pertaining the rules and regulations of
the Department of Physiology and Environmental Health is contained in it.

1.2 Overview of module

1.2.1 Purpose and learning objectives

After the successful completion of this module, the students should be competent
enough to apply appropriate language skills, especially English and other
communications skills, to respond to professional problem-solving through effective
communication, creativity and accuracy. The students should also be competent
enough to conduct professional affairs with audience such as colleagues, supervisors
and other professionals.

1.2.2 Content assumptions

When entering this module, students are expected to have a good knowledge of the
systems in the human body. Therefore, some basic physiological concepts will not be
explained in class and others will only be discussed briefly.

1.2.3 Relevance to other courses

The course contributes to the professional completion of both oral and written
assignments and reports in all other subjects.


1.2.4 Structure

This module has a duration of 35 weeks, divided as follows:

Lectures and formative assessments: 30 weeks (06 February – 20 October 2023)

Preparation: 1 week (15 October – 20 October 2023)

Summative examination: 3 weeks (22 October – 12 November 2020)

Supplementary examination: 1 week (26 November – 30 November 2023)


1.2.5 Presentation methodology

In this module, health issues will be covered as the aspects to ensure certain
necessary academic skills. It is of importance for the students to understand the
subject specific concepts which can be acquired through regular class attendance
and self- study. Students may find parts of the work difficult and view it as a
challenge. Students should feel free to ask questions during the lecture or practical,
they may also make an appointment with the lecturer or practical instructor to
discuss your problem. Please remember that consultation with lecturers or the
practical instructor at any other time is by appointment. The onus is on you, the
student, to establish consultation times with your lecturer. Remember that it is your
responsibility and right to consult the lecturer or practical instructor if you experience a
problem with your studies.
This study guide only serves as a framework for the work that will be done during this
module and also encourage students to work and study on their own, not all the
theory work will be done during the lectures and students will be expected to do some of
the sections as self-study. Note that lecturers expect students to prepare for
each lecture and practical and to revise the section of the work as they are completed.
There will be regular assessments throughout the module.
Please note that since teaching and learning is combination of both contact and online,
most of the directives would be given by a particular lecture in class.

1.3 Learning outcomes and assessment criteria

1.3.1 Critical cross-field outcomes

Besides the learning outcomes of this module we also intend students to be able to:

• Identify and solve problems and make decisions using critical and reactive
• Work effectively with others as members of a team, group, organisation or
• Organise and manage themselves and their activities responsibly and effectively.

• Collect, organise, analyse, and critically evaluate information.

• Communicate effectively using visual, mathematical and/or language skills in

the modes of oral and written presentations.
• Use science and technology effectively and critically, showing responsibility
towards the environment and others.


• Demonstrate an understanding of the world as a set of related systems,

by recognising that problem-solving contexts do not exist in isolation.

1.4 Assessment information

All assessments will count towards the final mark. All theory and practical assessments
are official assessments of the University of Limpopo and therefore the rules for
examinations will apply to each of these assessments. Breaking any of these rules will
be reported to the HoD who will then take the necessary corrective actions. Unless
otherwise arranged by the lecturer or practical instructor, students will receive
feedback on assessments no later than seven days after the assessment has
taken place. This feedback usually consists of: the return of the marked
assessment; the display of the memorandum and marks sheet on departmental notice
boards and/or the module’s BlackBoard site; and oral/written feedback from the lecturer
or practical instructor. Students should rectify any calculation or marking mistakes as
soon as possible after receiving an assessment back. Please note that you have only
seven days after the marks have been made available to report any mark changes to
the lecturer or practical instructor! The adjustment of marks can only be done by the
lecturer or the practical instructor and not by student assistants!


2.1 Facilitators

2.1.1 Theory lecturers

All theory lecturers are located on the 1 floor of the Old Q-Block Building, except for
Prof. KD Monyeki, who is located at the building next to the Rural Development Hub.

2.1.2 Practical instructors

During this course, the responsibility for practical sessions lies primarily with the
academic staff member teaching the section covered by the specific practical, or in
some cases, with staff members other than the lecturer responsible for the theory
lectures. Students are advised, when problems regarding practicals arise, to
communicate with these individuals.


2.2 Schedule

On the next page you’ll find a tentative calendar containing this module’s schedule for
all lectures, practicals, class and semester tests, as well as submission dates for
assignments and other important dates. Please take note of these dates, as there will
be no reminders in class! Although every care was taken to ensure the correctness of
this calendar, note that the dates and programme are subject to change. Any changes
to the schedule will be communicated ahead of time in class, on the department’s
notice boards, and on the module’s Blackboard site.

Calendar 2023

Day January February March April May June

Saturday 1
Sunday 1 New year 2
Monday 2 Public holiday 3 1 Worker's Day
Tuesday 3 4 Tutorial: Cohesive 2 Tutorial: Cause and
writing/linking devices/transition effect/critical/descriptive/reflective
Wednesday 4 1 1 5 Practical 7: Computer literacy 3 Practical 11: Computer literacy

Thursday 5 2 2 Lecture: Abortion and its 6 Lecture: Sexual orientation 4 Lecture: STIs and STI 1 Group presentation
consequences Examination

Friday 6 3 3 7 Good Friday 5 2

Saturday 7 4 4 8 Library Closed 6 3

Sunday 8 5 5 9 7 4
Monday 9 University Re-opens: ALL 6 6 10 Family Day 8 5
Academic &
Administration Staff
report for duty
Tuesday 10 7 7 Tutorial: Parts of speech, 11 Tutorial: Cohesive 9 Tutorial: Cause and 6 Authentic materials/Group
adjectives and articles, writing/linking devices/transition effect/critical/descriptive/reflective presentations
prepositions and writing
Wednesday 11 8 8 Practical: Computer 12 Practical 8: Computer literacy 10 Practical 12: Computer literacy 7
literacy (ICT) (ICT) (ICT)

Thursday 12 9 9 13 Lecture: Sexual orientation 11 Lecture: STIs and STI 8 Group presentations
Friday 13 10 10 14 12 9

Saturday 14 Library closed 11 11 15 Library Closed 13 10

Sunday 15 12 12 16 14 11
Monday 16 13 13 17 15 12
Tuesday 17 14 Tutorial: Passive voice in 14 Tutorial: Parts of speech, 18 Tutorial: Cohesive 16 13 Authentic materials/Group
academic adjectives and articles, writing/linking devices/transition Tutorial: Rewriting and proof- presentations
writing/sentences prepositions and reading(editing)
Wednesday 18 15 Practical 1: Computer 15 Practical 5: 19 Practical 9: Computer literacy 17 14
literacy (ICT)
Computer literacy (ICT)

Thursday 19 16 Lecture: Infertility 16 Lecture: Abortion and its 20 Lecture: Sexual orientation 18 Revision Period: Commences 15 Mid-Year Summative
consequences Lecture: STIs and STI Assessments End
Examination Scientific method/Group
Friday 20 17 17 21 19 16 Youth Day

Saturday 21 Library closed 18 18 Library Closed 22 20 17

Sunday 22 19 19 23 21 18
Monday 23 20 20 University holiday 24 22 19 Winter Recess Commences
for All Students

Tuesday 24 21 Tutorial: Passive voice in 21 Human Rights Day 25 Tutorial: Cause and 23 Tutorial: Rewriting and proof- 20
academic effect/critical/descriptive/reflecti reading(editing)
writing/sentences ve writing

Wednesday 25 22 Practical 2: Computer 22 Recess for Students 26 Practical 10: Computer literacy 24 Revision Period: Ends 21
literacy (ICT) Commences (ICT)

Thursday 26 23 Lecture: Infertility 23 27 Freedom Day 25 Mid-Year Summative 22

Assessment Comm
Lecture: STIs and
STI Examination
Friday 27 24 24 Recess for Students Ends 28 University holiday 26 23

Saturday 28 Library Closed 25 25 Library Closed 29 Library Closed 27 24

Sunday 29 26 26 30 28 25
Monday 30 FIRST SEMESTER 27 27 29 26
Lectures and Practicals

Tuesday 31 28 Tutorial: Passive voice in 28 Tutorial: Parts of speech, 30 27

academic writing/sentences adjectives and articles, Rewriting and proof-
prepositions and reading(editing)

Wednesday Practical: Computer 29 Practical 6: 31 28 Re-assessment/Aegrotat

literacy (ICT) Computer literacy Commences
Thursday 30 Lecture: Abortion and its 29

Friday 31 30


Non-academic time
Academic time (practicals,
Academic time (lectures)
Weekends and public

Holidays / Recess
Revision period
Exam / Supplementary

Calendar 2023
Day July August September October November December
Saturday 1
Sunday 2 1
Monday 3 2
Tuesday 4 Re-Assessment/Aegrotat 1 Tutorial: Synonyms and 3 Tutorial: Quantifiers,
Ends Winter Recess Ends misspelt words superlatives and comparatives
Wednesday 5 2 4 Practical 19: Library 1

Thursday 6 Lecture: Scientific method 3 Lecture: Healthy lifestyle 5 Lecture: Scientific method 2

Friday 7 4 1 6 3 1

Saturday 8 5 2 7 Library Closed 4 2

Sunday 9 6 3 8 5 3
Monday 10 7 4 Lecture: Healthy 9 6 4

Tuesday 11 Tutorial: Word classes 8 Tutorial: Synonyms and 5 Tutorial: Abbreviations 10 Tutorial: Authentic Material 7 5
(root words, misspelt words and punctuation (group presentations)
denotative; Affixes,
prefixes, and suffixes)
Wednesday 12 9 6 Practical 16: Library 11 Practical 20: Library 8 6

Thursday 13 Lecture: Scientific method 10 Lecture: Healthy lifestyle 7 Lecture: Abortion and its 12 Lecture: Scientific method 9 7
Friday 14 11 8 13 10 8

Saturday 15 Library closed 12 9 14 Library Closed 11 9

Sunday 16 13 10 15 12 10
Monday 17 14 11 16 13 11
Tuesday 18 Tutorial: Word classes 15 Tutorial: Synonyms and 12 Tutorial: Quantifiers, 17 Tutorial: Authentic Material 14 12
(root words, misspelt words superlatives, and (group presentations)
meaning=connotative, comparatives
denotative; Affixes,
prefixes, and suffixes)
Wednesday 19 16 Practical 13: Library 13 Practical 17: 18 Practical 21: Library 15 13

Thursday 20 Lecture: Scientific method 17 Lecture: Healthy 14 Lecture: Healthy 19 Lecture: Scientific method 16 Revision Period: Commences 14
environment environment
Friday 21 18 15 20 17 15

Saturday 22 Library closed 19 16 Library Closed 21 18 16

Sunday 23 20 17 22 19 17
Monday 24 21 18 23 20 18

Tuesday 25 Tutorial: Word classes 22 Tutorial: Abbreviations 19 Tutorial: Quantifiers, 24 21 19

(root words, and punctuation superlatives, and
meaning=connotative, comparatives
denotative; Affixes,
prefixes, and suffixes)
Wednesday 26 23 Practical 14: Library 20 Practical 18: 25 22 Revision Period: Ends 20

Thursday 27 Lecture: Healthy lifestyle 24 Lecture: Healthy 21 Lecture: Scientific method 26 23 Mid-Year 21
environment Summative
Assessment Comm

Friday 28 25 22 27 University holiday 24 22

Saturday 29 Library Closed 26 23 Library Closed 28 Library Closed 25 23

Sunday 20 27 24 29 26 24
Monday FIRST SEMESTER 28 25 Recess for Students 30 27 25
Lectures and Practicals

Tuesday 29 Tutorial: Abbreviations and 26 31 28 26


Wednesday 30 Practical 15: Library 27 29 27

Thursday 31 Lecture: Healthy 28 30 28


Friday 29 Recess for Students 29


Saturday 30 30
Sunday 31

Non-academic time

Academic time (practicals,
Academic time (lectures)
Weekends and public
Holidays / Recess
Revision period
Exam / Supplementary


3.1 Health


Abortion and its consequences

Sexual orientation
STIs and STI Examination

Healthy lifestyle (diet, exercise, smoking & substance abuse)

Healthy environment (sun, air & water)
The scientific method

3.2 English (Academic literacy)

Passive voice in Academic

Writing Time Words
Cohesive Writing
Vocabulary Cause
and effect
Rewriting and proof reading
Affixes (prefixes and
Parts of speech, adjectives and articles, prepositions and
conjunctions Singular and plural
Synonyms and misspelt words
Abbreviations and punctuation
Quantifiers, superlatives and comparatives
Formal letters, e-mails, and CVs


Detailed information regarding these assignments will be provided by the lecturers

during their lectures. Assignments must be handed to the lecturers by the
student concerned.
Students will do two theory assignments. One is a group assignment and one is an
individual assignment. All assignments have a maximum mark allocation of 50.
The group assignments are scientific reports on a topic that has to be completed
by the group and a single typed copy has to be submitted for marking. The individual
assignment will be completed during university recess. The students will receive


section of work to prepare, collect information about and read about. On the day that the
assignment is scheduled, students will have to bring their notes to the practical
session. During this practical the students will receive the assignment to complete, in
the form of an open book test. Students will not be allowed to help or receive help
from a friend. This is an individual assessment and we want to test your knowledge and
skills, not your friend’s. Take note that you have only four weeks in which to complete
this assignment, therefore it is very important to be well prepared, otherwise you will
not be able to finish in time.


5.1 Aims and objectives of


The primary aim of the practical sessions is to introduce the student to some
practical demonstrations of the facts and processes studied in the theory lectures.
Therefore the practical work should be viewed in context with the theory work and not
as separate entity. In the practical sessions we also introduce students to team work.
Since working as part of a team or group is viewed as a valuable skill by
industry, it is important for any student to learn this skill early.
The practical component of the course is comprised of ICT, Library and other sister
departments that shall have managed to come on board for the academic year 2023;
this practical component is mostly referred to as prcticals and the academic literacy
classes as tutorials. It should be noted that the practical component contribute more
marks on the year mark simply because it goes throughout the academic year not that it
is important than the semester tests and other forms of assessments.
Employers value both neatness and discipline in their workforce and so do we.
Therefore we encourage students to acquire these skills at an early stage. Both
neatness and discipline is an important contributor for safety in any laboratory.
We expect all students to work in a neat and disciplined fashion in the practicals.

5.2 Teamwork

The purpose of this practical approach is to introduce students to the way in
which practicals will be done in Physiology. Each student will be assigned to a
specific team (group) during this practical. Please note that your team number will be
entered next to your name on a class list. If you experience a problem with your team
members you (as a team) have to report the issue in writing to the practical instructor,
who will deal with


the issue. If the practical instructor cannot solve the problem, you may report it,
in writing, to the HoD. Students will only be allowed to move from one team to another
in exceptional cases and at the discretion of the practical instructor, lecturer or
HoD. Movement between teams or groups therefore has to be discussed with all
individuals involved. It is the responsibility of the team to name a team leader and to
inform the practical instructor who this will be. The team leader will take the
leadership responsibilities of the group, including reporting any discrepancies. If the
practical assignment of a specific practical is a group assignment, only the names of
the group members who are present in the practical may appear on the cover page of
the practical assignment. Should the name of a student that was absent from
the practical appear on the practical assignment, the entire group shall be
penalized by subtracting 20% off their marks for that assignment. The absentee
will get a zero for the practical and the issue will be reported to the HoD.
Much of the practical work and some of the theory work that you have to do should be
done as a team. Being able to successfully work as part of a team is a skill that is
required by many employers today and learning this skill early in your life will
therefore be to your advantage. When working in a team there are some aspects that
you have to keep in mind:
• It is important to get along with other members of your team. Do not let personal

issues get in the way of proper and effective


• It is of the utmost importance to have the contact details of all the members
in your team so that you can stay in contact with each other and be informed
of team meetings and changes in the times of these meetings.
• All the members of your team do not have the same skills. Each member usually

brings something special to the team. Learn to recognize the special skills of
your team members and use each member as effectively as possible. For
instance, one person may excel in the use of computers and the Internet. It
only makes sense to allow this person to show the rest how to do proper
literature searches on the Internet and how to use a computer properly. Another
team member may be good at writing, so allow this person to write the reports
with the help of the other team members.
• Under no circumstances should some team members be allowed to do no work

while the others have to do all the work. In a team everybody has to
work together to obtain the objective, whatever it may be.


5.3 Evaluation and assessment

The total amount of marks that are allocated to each practical session is 50. In
each practical session, students will be assessed in two categories. The first is a test
on the content of the practical and the second is an assignment done either
individually or as a group.
The test can be written before, during or after the practical session, and will
contribute a total of 25 marks. The purpose of the test is to determine whether
students prepared for the practical session, and in cases where the test is written
during or after the practical, to determine whether students understand the work done
in the practical session. Please note that these practical tests are official tests and
replace the practical examination. Therefore all rules and regulations for examinations
apply, as stipulated in the General Rules of the University of Limpopo. Breaking any
of these rules will be reported to the HoD, who will then take the necessary corrective
The practical assignment has a mark allocation of 25, should be completed during the
practical session, and is submitted at the end of the practical. No student will be
allowed to submit a practical assignment after the end of the practical. In the
practical session, some of the marks for the practical assignment will be allocated for
neatness and discipline.
The last practical session of the module will be devoted to mark changes. Students will
receive all assessments, except Semester Test 2, before or during this practical
session. The memoranda for all assessments will be available on Blackboard in a
reasonable time. It is the responsibility of every student to ensure that there are no
marking or calculation errors on any assessment. Any such problem should be
reported to the relevant lecturer (in the case of theory assessments) or to the
practical instructor (in the case of practical assessments). NB! Mark changes will only
be made if accompanied by the original assessment! Or any reasonable proof. All
mark changes have to be done during this practical. No mark changes on any of the
assessments, except Semester Test within 14 days after the assessment has been

5.4 Discipline

Practical sessions are much more informal than theory lectures, but good discipline in a
practical session is essential to the successful completion of the practical. Students are
therefore expected to abide by the rules stipulated below. Should a student or group of
students fail to abide by these rules, the issue will be reported to the HoD, whom, in
consultation with the practical instructor and the lecturers for that module, will then
decide on an appropriate action.

 Students should keep quiet when the practical instructor or one of the student
demonstrators (assistants or service providers) wants to speak
to the class.
• All waste products have to be disposed of immediately in the correct way.
This includes tissue, waste paper, pencil saw dust and rubber rubbles.
• All sharps have to be disposed of in a sharps container.

• No writing is permitted on the desks or any other furniture.

5.5 Safety

Safety is important in any occupational setting, including laboratories. It is important

to remember that your health and that of your friends may be at stake if you do not keep
to the safety regulations in the laboratory. It is therefore the duty of each student
to insure that he/she, as well as any other student, does not put the safety or health
of any person in danger through their actions. If a student becomes aware of
somebody breaking the safety regulations, he/she has to report it to the practical
instructor immediately. If the practical instructor is not available at that stage, the
incident should be reported to one of the student demonstrators. Remember that
when you are working with human or animal tissues, it is important to wear gloves (and
safety glasses when necessary) and to dispose of the tissue in the correct way, to
prevent the spread of diseases.


This section contains cover pages for your theory and practical assignments. It is
your responsibility to print out and attach a cover page to each of your
assignments! Ensure that all the necessary information is filled in on these pages

before submitting your assignments.

Department of Physiology and Environmental Health



Group number:

Surname and Initials: Student number:

Number: Type: D Individual D Group


Module code:
Date of
Department of Physiology and Environmental Health


Aspect Marks Marks
Technical finish Justified 2 allocated
Margins 2
Page number & layout 2
Line spacing 2
Font size 2
Font type 2
Bold 2
Paragraph structure 2
Spell check 2
Structure Reference list (at least 5 references) 2
Own words 5
Content 2
Department of Physiology and Environmental Health


Assignment Pre-Lab Quiz Neatness, Discipline and Test Total

( ) ( ) Teamwork/ ( ) (50)
Individual ( )

Group number:

Surname and Initials: Student no.: Individual Contribution

Practical No.:


Module code:
Date of
Practical instructor:
Department of Physiology and Environmental Health


Surname & Initials: Date:

Student No.: Module Code:


On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being “very poor”, 3 being “satisfactory/adequate”

1. Preparation: How well prepared was the speaker? Did the speaker know

2. Focus: How focused was the presentation? Was the amount of

3. Comfort: How relaxed and comfortable was the speaker? Did the speaker

4. Order: How well did the speaker follow the order of the presentation? Did

5. Use of notes: How well did the speaker use (printed/on-screen) notes?

6. Speech: How well did the speaker actually speak? Was it loud and clear

enough for the audience to hear and understand? Was it too fast or too
7. EyeWas proper How
contact: scientific
did theused?
speaker make eye contact with the

8. Responding: How well did the speaker answer questions? Was the

9. Interest: Was it a very boring presentation? Was there something funny or

10. Overall: What was your general impression of the presentation? How

Total: 50
Department of Physiology and Environmental Health


Surname & Initials: Date:

Student No.: Module Code:


On a scale from 1 to 5, with 1 being “very poor”, 3 being “satisfactory/adequate”

1. Colour scheme: Text properly contrasting with background (i.e. dark text

2. Legibility (readability) of text: Text size sufficient (minimum 18pt,

preferably minimum 24pt)? Font type clear and legible (e.g. Arial), or
3. andlayout:
Slide illegible?
Headings, subheadings, bulleted lists etc. used efficiently

4. Consistency: Layout, text size, colours, animations all similar throughout

5. Focus: Did the presentation address everything it promised? Did it deviate

6. Progression: Did the presentation follow a sequential, logical progression

7. Amount of information: Too much or too little information? Long, full

8. Supporting information: Images/sounds/animations/slide (or text)

transitions used to support primary information? Used sparingly to

9. Credibility: Information of good scientific nature? Or “general knowledge”

10. Technical editing: Spelling, grammar, capitalization, punctuation errors?

Total: 50
Department of Physiology and Environmental Health


Additional information on the Practicals

The SHEL/SHEB practicals are aimed at gearing up the science student for a successful
approach towards their studies. These practicals consist of Computer Literacy, which is
facilitated by the ICT, Library Information Studies (Library) as well as Academic Study
Skills which is facilitated by the Centre for Academic Excellence unit and they are
compulsory for all students of SHEL/SHEB.

Computer Literacy - ICT

Computers play a pivotal role in today’s scientific research and on teaching and learning
platforms. Regrettably, our students’ social and economic backgrounds do not afford
them the same equal opportunities in education, hence a large percentage of the
students with limited or no computer skills.

The aim of this programme is


• remedy the situation;

• teach students the basics of working with a computer and

• develop hands-on working experience in using the standard computer

software that will be used e.g Microsoft Office.

Library Information Studies - Library

The library is said to be a community centre for diverse populations and plays the role of
partnering with discipline faculty and other specialists for the delivery of information.

The aim of this programme is

Department of Physiology and Environmental Health

• familiarize the students with the library and the subject librarian;

• teach the students how to access subject specific material as well as

• teach them how to navigate Open Access Resources.

Academic Study Skills - Centre of Academic Excellence (CAE)

CAE is a cross-faculty academic support unit that promotes quality teaching and
learning and strives to improve the graduate throughput rate of the University by
providing academic development and support to staff and students.

The aim of this programme is


• equip students with essential analytical skills;

• workshop the students on how to manage their time, studies as well as

balance their academic and social lives;
• assist the students in preparing for lectures and the demands of university life.

In summation, university life demands various study and interpersonal skills that, with
successful preparation and a constructive approach (such as that provided by the
SHEL/SHEB Module), will equip the students for university life and beyond.


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