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MBA Case Study


This Case Study is part of the application process for the 2022 full-/part-time MBA programme at Frankfurt School of Finance & Management. Please carefully read the
article from Financial Times on the following pages and answer the question below in the field provided. Please write no more than one page (500 words).

Applicant Name ...............................................................................................................

Date ..............................................

Please read the attached article by Pitta Clar from the Financial Times.
What are the main take-aways?
Do the arguments listed in the article match your own opinion and/or experience ?
Do you think the problem of “staff shortages” is a temporary, post-Covid phenomenon, or here to stay ?


Financial Times
3 October 2021

A meeting with a group of manufacturing company executives cannot be The idea that pay is not everything is not new. The influential American
guaranteed to surprise, but I recently found myself in a gathering that did exactly psychologist, Frederick Herzberg, showed in the 1960s that pay rates are a
that. “hygiene factor” that do not foster job satisfaction by themselves, but prevent
dissatisfaction — just as good hygiene does not cause good health, but will cause
The managers came from a mix of businesses. Some made cars, one made disease if lacking.
fertiliser, others produced steel or glass or perfume.
Still, if attitudes to pay are shifting, it has profound implications for employers, and
All present were troubled by the Covid-related shortages that have struck supplies not just factory owners.
of everything from computer chips to Ikea mattresses. The lack of workers in what
has been called the Great Resignation was also vexing. It would also chime with what might be called the Great Re-evaluation of working
life that the pandemic seems to have spurred for some employees.
More striking though, was what was said about the prospective shortage of
employees, especially younger ones, once the pandemic ends. A striking 15m-plus Americans have quit their jobs since April, and 40 per cent
of employees in the US, Australia, the UK, Canada and Singapore say they are
“We need to revolutionise the way we make roles in manufacturing appeal to at least “somewhat likely” to quit within the next six months, a McKinsey report
younger generations,” said one executive from a global company with thousands showed last month.
of employees. “If we don’t, we’re not going to have a workforce to make our
products.” Worryingly for employers, nearly two-thirds of those thinking of leaving say they
are ready to go with no new job in hand.
Most staff at this company did not have the luxury of worrying about whether
they could work from home or not. They did shift work on a production line in a Tellingly, pay was not the main reason cited for jumping ship. Rather, the top three
hot factory. Isolation was common, so was staff turnover at a time when, as the factors people mentioned were feeling undervalued by their organisations, or by
executive said, “there are so many other options out there”. managers, or not feeling as if they belonged.

Factory owners faced a staff crunch well before Covid struck. Studies as far back So what is the answer? Several executives cited more autonomy, more
as 2018 predicted US manufacturers risked a shortage of 2.4m workers before recognition, more flexible hours, better holidays and anything that generally made
2030, largely because of the industry’s “negative perception” problem. working life more enjoyable.

But sitting in that meeting, I was reminded of the advice Joe Biden offered I suspect they are correct, especially after speaking last week to Sophie Munn, a
recently when he was asked about labour shortages that have left US businesses 34-year-old digital marketer at consumer goods group Unilever.
struggling to find workers: “Pay them more.”
Four years ago, she was on the verge of marrying a school teacher who had two
Would it help, I asked the manufacturing executives, if they simply paid young months off in summer, when she decided to take advantage of Unilever’s unpaid
people more? Not as much as you might think, I was told. leave scheme.

As one person put it, pay is obviously relevant but it is “absolutely not the kind of It allows UK staff to take up to six months and return to either their old job or an
incentive that it’s been for older generations for many decades and we can’t rely equivalent role, without leaving their pension plan or losing other benefits.
on it”.
As a result, Munn’s planned three-week honeymoon turned into two months of
The manager said this was already the case for millennial workers, the oldest travel, from Bali to Borneo and California, that left her feeling grateful and with
of whom turn 40 this year, but was even more apparent among the so-called firm views on the significance of pay. “Salary is important,” she said. “But I want
Generation Z employees born since 1997. to live my life. ”

Pilita Clark

Source: © 2021 The Financial Times Limited All rights reserved. 2021

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