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Resources, Conservation & Recycling 129 (2018) 45–55

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Regional approach of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) T

management in France
⁎ ⁎⁎
Jean-Baptiste Bahersa, , Junbeum Kimb,
Laboratoire Espaces et Sociétés (UMR ESO 6590 CNRS), Ecole des Métiers de l’Environnement (EME), de Rennes, France
CREIDD Research Centre on Environmental Studies & Sustainability, Department of Humanities, Environment & Information Technology (HETIC), University of
Technology of Troyes, France


Keywords: Waste management regulation is generally impacted by Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) implementa-
Waste electrical and electronic equipment tion, such as Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE). The main goal of this article is to explicit the
(WEEE) WEEE chain and flows using the material flow analysis (MFA) method and to contribute to the understanding of
Recovery and recycling chain the EPR implementation in a specific case study by examining operational activities of WEEE regional and urban
Waste management
flows. A detailed case study of the EPR implementation for WEEE in the Midi-Pyrénées Region and the Toulouse's
urban area was conducted. Based on a MFA of the WEEE chain, results give an insight into operational activities
Regional approach
dealing with circulation of waste material. It reveals the main dysfunctions of this WEEE management system,
including lack of involvement of local authorities and consumers, dispersion channels and a low recycling rate at
the local level. The roles of recycling operators, social economy companies and EPR compliance are also im-
portant to recover more resources from waste and to close the recycling loop.

1. Introduction waste flow management because it offers the opportunity to investigate

each waste path (Binder, 2007). We refer to the term “waste chain” as
Since the concept of urban metabolism was first introduced defined by Yuan et al. (2011): “a chain consisting of a series of waste
(Wolman, 1965), several studies have been conducted on this issue, as management activities. Wastes pass through all activities of the chain in
reviewed by Zhang (2013). Regional or urban metabolism refers to the order and at each activity the volume of waste is minimized by various
exchange processes where regions or cities convert raw materials, en- waste management activities”.
ergy, and water into the built environment, human biomass, and waste Therefore, the WEEE chain is a system which involves different
(Decker et al., 2000). The regional level can be chosen with respect to operators, activities and factors. A multi-scale analysis of waste chains
biophysical and political system definitions, even if socioeconomic is also relevant to understand waste flows and policy dysfunction
statistics are not always updated or even available (Kennedy et al., (Berlin et al., 2008; D’Alisa et al., 2012), but further studies about the
2011). The concept of regional metabolism analyses the relationship concept of proximity and the role of local activities are required (Barles,
between material flows, environmental assessment, and social prac- 2010). MFA is not only focused on the legislative framework but also on
tices. The material flow analysis (MFA) method is often used to un- the “blind spots” of regional management systems (Binder et al., 2004).
derstand national metabolism, but also pollution from human or in- MFA has proven to be useful in understanding pollution from
dustrial activities at regional and urban scales (Fischer-Kowalski and human or industrial activities, i.e. to study the “Metabolism of
Haberl, 2007). This tool examines the socio-ecological conditions that Anthroposhere” (Baccini and Brunner, 1991), and can be applied at
influence flows in order to support a basis for material flow manage- different scales according to the study’s objectives (Binder et al., 2004;
ment and dematerialization strategies (Barles, 2009). MFA also enables Erkman, 2004; Fischer-Kowalski et al., 2011). In order to perform the
new understandings of material and energy flows within the city environmental assessment of a WEEE management system, Kiddee et al.
(Brunner, 2002; Broto et al., 2012) that can be integrated into policy (2013) presents an overview of several tools including MFA, LCA and
making and land planning. Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA). This study shows that these approaches
A MFA approach linked to agent analysis can be considered to study present different benefits but can be complementary to evaluate the

Corresponding author at: EME, avenue Robert Schuman 35170 Bruz, France.
Corresponding author at: UMR CNRS 6279, University of Technology of Troyes, 12 rue, Marie Curie, BP 2060, Troyes Cedex, 10010, France.
E-mail addresses: (J.-B. Bahers), (J. Kim).
Received 10 May 2017; Received in revised form 10 October 2017; Accepted 10 October 2017
Available online 18 October 2017
0921-3449/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.-B. Bahers, J. Kim Resources, Conservation & Recycling 129 (2018) 45–55

system's environmental impact. Many studies have been conducted of these stakeholders greatly influence and shape the current practice of
with a LCA approach (e.g. Hischier et al., 2005; Van Eygen et al., 2016), the WEEE management system. In the following discussion, some in-
an input-output model (Leigh et al., 2012) or a characterization of sights concerning these roles and perspectives are provided.
WEEE flows at different scales (see for instance in Seattle (Lee et al.,
2010), in China (Yang et al., 2008), in the U.S. (Kahhat et al., 2008), in 1) EPR compliance and relations with French ministry and OCAD3E
Korea (Manomaivibool and Hong, 2014); in Denmark (Parajuly et al., (coordinating center for WEEE management).
2017), in Switzerland (Duygan and Meylan, 2015), in Pakistan (Imran
et al., 2017). Unlike the other tools, MFA aims to analyze material and Four compliance schemes have been agreed by the French Ministry
energy flow throughout all the chain’s steps, including treatment steps of the Environment, who sets the specification requirements. These four
where waste fractions are either recovered into secondary materials or French EPR compliance organizations (Eco-Systèmes, ERP, Ecologic,
sent to final disposal. Even though many studies tackling WEEE systems Recylum) are created by original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and
and management exist (Ng et al., 2016), the approaches in specific brand owners, according to their professional association (for example,
regions or urban scales were not well studied and analyzed. The un- Eco-Systemes includes members of the Association of Manufacturers of
derstanding of the WEEE chain is an important issue to reveal how local Household EEE, the Federation of Commerce and Distribution and the
recycling systems contribute to the region's operations. Collective System of Industries of Multimedia and Electronics). These
Therefore, the goal of this article is to contribute to the under- non-profit companies (called “eco-organisms” in France) aim at orga-
standing of Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) implementation, nizing and financing the take-back, treatment, and recycling of WEEE to
such as WEEE management, in regional and urban areas. Being fun- meet mass-based recycling and recovery targets. They get visible fees
damental to this study, the WEEE flows were considered in depth by (see Fig. 1) from the consumers through the retailers (Favot et al.,
examining the operational activities of recycling, collection, resource 2017) and they provide financial support for local governments, re-
recovery, etc. Also based on the analysis of WEEE chain flows in the furbishers, and logistics and treatment operators. If they are certified by
Midi-Pyrénées Region, the study intends to explore the potential of a the French government, EPR compliance organizations do not operate
regional approach in order to generate useful quantitative analysis for in every region and urban area. They operate in a free market to pro-
waste management. vide the service of e-waste collection, transport and treatment, under
the supervision of a coordinating center (called OCAD3E in French).
2. WEEE management system in the Midi-Pyrénées region Each country in the European Union (EU) is free to set up a compliance
scheme (or schemes) for EPR implementation. As a result, the schemes
WEEE includes a large family of devices such as TVs, computers, can differ widely, depending on each country's organization and the
mobile phones, white goods (e.g. fridges, washing machines, dryers, status of companies. The coordination is sometimes very strict, if it
etc.), home entertainment and stereo systems, toys, toasters, or kettles, supervises compliance schemes thoroughly and maintains the role of
which present an average lifespan of two to ten years and a mass of management regarding the conventions with local authorities.
0.1 kg to 45 kg (STEP, 2012). WEEE production is growing ex-
ponentially: between twenty and fifty million tons per year across the 2) Regional and local governments
world and between 8.3 and 9.1 million tons per year in Europe alone
(STEP, 2012). The end-of-life of WEEE is a global issue (Williams et al., Local governments, on a voluntary basis, establish a take back
2008) given that these products contain hazardous materials (such as system to selectively collect household WEEE at container parks. Some
brominated flame retardants, chlorinated substances, polychlorinated municipalities do not want to be involved in the collection (because it is
biphenyls (PCB), refrigerant gas, cadmium, mercury, lead, and forty supposed to be the retailers’ role). The municipalities receive com-
elements including metals). However, WEEE represents a significant pensation for their collection efforts by the French EPR compliance
source of valuable metal resources (Charles et al., 2017; Cucchiella organizations. Municipalities are also required to provide campaigns to
et al., 2015; Vadoudi et al., 2015). inform citizens about WEEE management and related disposal chan-
Collection and treatment of WEEE is regulated by European direc- nels. They are not involved in the EPR governance, although these
tives, (Directives 2002/96/CE and 2012/19/EU), the latter deems authorities have to establish and organize household and hazardous
producers financially and logistically responsible for WEEE at the end- waste management plans.
of-life stage (called the principle of Extended Producer Responsibility).
Producers are required to organize and finance the take-back, treat- 3) Retailers
ment, and recycling of WEEE, in addition to meeting mass-based re-
cycling and recovery targets (the financial flows are described in Retailers of EEE, as local stakeholders, are required to establish a
Fig. 1). This regulation framework is a part of a growing trend in EPR take back system of WEEE brought back by consumers. They are equally
for waste which results in both economic and political incentives for obliged to promote WEEE recycling. Retailers are an excellent urban
waste recovery and green design (Lifset et al., 2013). EPR is a gov- network for collecting wastes but it requires space in shops to handle
ernmental instrument which “if applied appropriately, could sub- WEEE.
stantially influence and change the way industry and society produce,
use, and dispose of materials […] and could be one of the mechanisms 4) Refurbishers (enterprises of social economy)
by which circular economies can be realized” (Mayers et al., 2005,
p171). This approach puts forward solutions for skills coordination, Stakeholders, as part of the reuse and reemployment sector, are also
new links of proximity and new dynamics of the specific stakeholder expected to contribute to WEEE management by recovering used ap-
systems. pliances. They mostly consist of companies that contribute to the social
economy of urban areas. They repair, reuse, and refurbish waste in
2.1. The roles of national, regional and urban stakeholders order to sell second hand electric appliances to other consumers. It is
quite difficult for them to maintain profitability.
The French program’s implementation is the result of the joint
participation of various parties, including EPR compliance organiza- 5) Consumers
tions, city and local governments, retailers, refurbishers, consumers,
and collection, processing and recycling operators. Therefore, the roles Consumers are responsible for returning their WEEE to the

J.-B. Bahers, J. Kim Resources, Conservation & Recycling 129 (2018) 45–55

Fig. 1. Product and Financial flows related

to the management of WEEE in France.
(Adapted from ADEME, 2012)

collection points on a voluntary basis. They are expected to dispose of boards, capacitors, other hazardous materials). These are niche
WEEE properly by using the institutional channels of EPR compliance markets at the national level.
schemes. We consider this to be Extended Consumer Responsibility. This
“doing the right thing” behavior results from complex interactions The Midi-Pyrénées Region (population 2.8 million in 2007 and 2.9
(Capurso, 2014) between several factors such as individual practices million in 2011) and its largest city, Toulouse with a population of 1.2
(driven by values, attitudes and moral norms (Miliute-Plepiene et al., million inhabitants, are relevant regional scales for studying WEEE
2016)), perception and awareness (Borthakur and Govind, 2017). management because all types of stakeholders (institutional, industrial,
retail, waste collectors, waste recyclers, incineration plants, and com-
6) Operators of collection, processing and recycling panies of social economy) are present (Bahers et al., 2015). The main
operators are located in the urban area of Toulouse. They provide an
Operators of the processing, treatment and transport phases are urban network for recovering and recycling wastes. The Midi-Pyrénées
eventually involved in WEEE management on behalf of service provi- Region case is instructive because it shares some implementation fea-
ders for the EPR compliance organizations. These stakeholders operate tures with other regions, but also has some unique features that facil-
at the international, national, regional and local levels according to itates the field study. Indeed, the maturity of the Midi-Pyrénées Region
their activities. Different types of operators exist: for EPR implementation creates a unique opportunity to do an in-depth
Some specialize in logistics. They aim to collect WEEE from busi- analysis of certain regulatory design choices. This is due to the re-
nesses and from households under contract by municipal authorities. markable involvement of ORDIMIP (Observatory of the Waste in the
They then organize the transport to specialized WEEE processors at the Midi-Pyrénées Region). This observatory helped contribute to this
national level (logistic contractors of EPR) study, as it has the role of establishing the regional plan for hazardous
wastes management (such as WEEE). For example, ORDIMIP (Bahers,
- Some are metal shredders and specialists in processing WEEE cate- 2014) decided in 2009 to oppose the compliance scheme management’s
gories. They receive sorted appliances, mono-flows and ‘pre- decision to transport WEEE to border regions in France. There is no
shredded’ material for treatment. There is strong competition in clear regulation to prohibit this kind of decision, even if the principle of
processing technology investments and waste volumes. EPR com- proximity is supposed to be respected.
pliance organizations select one operator per region and by type of
WEEE. 3. Methodology and data collection
- Some are operators of material recycling (metal, plastic, glass). They
collect at the local level and dismantle waste regardless of whether a 3.1. Model analysis of the WEEE regional flows
compliance scheme exists or not. These recycling companies are
especially focused on downstream material flows (metal, plastic or Fig. 2 presents our model, which demonstrates the connections
glass) for international trading. between the operations of the WEEE production chain in the Midi-
- Some are specialists in recycling and processing of special hazardous Pyrénées region in France. The steps used for describing the chain,
WEEE or components from dismantled WEEE (printed wiring according to UNEP (2007), are: imports, products' consumption, WEEE

J.-B. Bahers, J. Kim Resources, Conservation & Recycling 129 (2018) 45–55

production, collection and treatment in compliance scheme,1 recycling, - Economic and environmental efficiency of WEEE management sys-
recovered materials, collection in scrap metals,2 landfill and incinera- tems;
tion.3 The three last steps concern the dispersion of WEEE through - Dysfunctions and perspectives regarding the regional and urban
unofficial channels and informal recycling (Yoshida et al., 2016). This is WEEE flows.
the reason why, Capurso (2014) called them “dispersion channels”, in
opposition to compliance schemes. Dispersion channels include WEEE: 4. Results and discussion

- within unsorted waste due to household mismanagement, 4.1. Patterns of WEEE chain
- stolen from collection points,
- contained in scrap metal managed by metal recyclers, For the purpose of this study, the WEEE chain is focused on two
- legally and illegally exported. specific years: 2007 (the first complete year of WEEE management) and
2011. Although the data collection of two separate years was challen-
The inputs correspond to the electrical and electronic equipment, ging, we expected this to produce some interesting insight. The field
which are imported to the Midi-Pyrénées region. The recovered mate- work was carried out in 2008 and 2012. The year 2007 represents the
rials correspond to the output flows, which are the processes' products launch of the WEEE chain. It makes it possible to study how the chain
and co-products. They are composed of recycled materials (ferrous and operated before the regulation. The year 2011 represents a year of
non-ferrous metals, plastics, glass, printed wiring boards, cables, mo- stability. Since 2011 (see Table 2), the efficiency of WEEE collection has
tors, batteries). Other outputs are the incinerated materials (oils, ha- been changing gradually. Collection gradually increased and did not
zardous materials, liquid refrigerant, plastic pellets, plastic mixture), experience any significant changes until 2015. It meets one objective of
which are burnt in incineration plants for industrial waste or cement the study, which is to understand how the WEEE chain evolves over
manufacturers. The stocks, as the MFA method suggests, are the dif- time.
ference between outputs and inputs. Finally, the flows can be described according to their characteristics
for two patterns of WEEE chain (for years 2007 and 2011). They are
3.2. Data collection expressed in kilotons per year (kt/year) and in kilograms per inhabitant
per year (kg/inhab/year). Figs. 2 and 3 respectively show the different
The sources of data come from field work, literature reviews and flows of WEEE chain at different levels for years 2007 and 2011.
reports from the French environmental agency (ADEME) (cf. Table 1). The main points from Figs. 3 and 4 are described below;
Some of this data are obtained from national socioeconomic databases
(SINOE, INSEE) with the ratio of population in the French Midi-Pyr- - Consumption is increasing slightly (3%)
énées region (the “consumption” and “sales” steps), but the field work - The compliance scheme is growing significantly (from 2.9 kg/inhab
constitutes the most important set of data. Three quantitative ques- to 8.8 kg/inhab)
tionnaires were sent to the 20 companies operating in WEEE manage- - Other activities are decreasing (especially the “Collection in scrap
ment depending on their activity (waste collection, recycling, pre- metals” because in 2011 few metal recyclers belonged to the com-
treatment, shredding, treatment), in 2008 and updated in 2012, in- pliance scheme) from 12 kg/inhab to 7.8 kg/inhab).
cluding input and output flows for individual material balance calcu- - More municipalities have contracted with EPR compliance organi-
lation. All the companies were identified in the ORIDIMIP database, zations (reduction of 37% of incineration and landfill − from
which greatly facilitated the study. In addition, qualitative spatial in- 14.4 kg/inhab to 9.7 kg/inhab)
formation (flows' origin and destination) was collected. These data were - The reuse rate is still low even if it is growing slightly.
aggregated to keep each firm’s data confidential because of possible - The recycling rate for the WEEE treatment is much better in 2011.
commercial agreements between companies. - The main chains for outputs (landfill and recycling) have not
In addition, forty semi-structured surveys were conducted between changed.
2010 and 2012 with different stakeholders in the Midi-Pyrénées Region
and the Toulouse urban area in order to check data consistency. The 4.2. Understanding the geography of WEEE collection
following stakeholders were surveyed for this study: 12 waste compa-
nies directors: 3 social companies managers: 2 EPR compliance scheme For the present case study, the compliance scheme represents only a
managers: 4 state government engineers: 2 professional federation re- small part of WEEE flows. In 2007, only around 2,9 kg/inhab of the
presentatives: 4 regional and departmental government engineers: 7 WEEE were recovered by compliance scheme organizations in the Midi-
local government engineers: 2 NGO representatives: 4 scientific experts. Pyrénées and, in 2011, this rate grew to 8.8 kg/inhab corresponding to
They were also asked for their opinion about several topics, such as: 44% of the WEEE deposit (see WEEE collected by region in Fig. 4).
Table 2 shows that the sector is not evolving at a significant rate
- A description of their organization, scale of action and development (ADEME, 2016). Since 2011, the rate of increase has been up to only
opportunities; 15% (4 kt). It means that trends do not change much. The shift toward
- Relationships with private and public stakeholders; compliance in WEEE collection observed between 2007 and 2011 was
due to better management rather than an increase in installed capacity.
Indeed, there is no change in the WEEE chain for both MFAs. No re-
Appliance owners can deliver WEEE to a municipal collection point (or container cycling activity has been developed since 2007 in the region. In other
park) or retail collection point. Basically, the compliance schemes have contracts in place cases, like in South Korea, the PRO did commit financial resources to
with all municipalities and retailers to collect and recycle all WEEE obtained.
reverse logistics and recycling facilities (Manomaivibool and Hong,
Alternatively, WEEE can be reused by the second-hand market. Appliances can be given
to second-hand shops or charity initiatives which will repair and sell the second-hand
2014). This might explain why no so much improvement could be
products so that they are reused. found after 2011 in the Midi-Pyrénées case.
Some WEEEs are collected outside a compliance scheme. When WEEE is mixed with In Fig. 4, the stakeholders involved in both parts of the WEEE col-
scrap metal, local scrap recyclers recover metals from WEEE without dismantling the lection compliance scheme or dispersion channels are presented. It is
hazardous components and recycling the precious metals. Thus, hazardous components
interesting to notice that local authorities collect much more WEEE
and precious metals are landfilled.
Unfortunately, WEEE flows often go directly into the municipal waste treatment
from consumers than retailers do. This is because consumers are still
without being pre-treated. For instance, small devices are thrown away with residual discovering the take back system and are not yet accustomed to it. Thus,
household waste, which is sent to incineration plants or landfills. they are more familiar with municipal collection paths. This was

J.-B. Bahers, J. Kim Resources, Conservation & Recycling 129 (2018) 45–55

Table 1
Data sources of flows and stocks represented in Fig. 2.

The flows and stocks through steps Main sources Observations & additional investigation

Imports → Consumption National E-waste register from SINOE (Information Population ratio in Midi-Pyrénées (1.2 millions of inhabitants)
system) (ADEME, 2012) in t/inhab. (INSEE)
Consumption → WEEE generation French assessment of WEEE (ADEME, 2012) in t/ Population ratio in Midi-Pyrénées
Consumption stocks Difference between input flows (from imports) and In order to respect the mass balance principle of MFA
outputs flows (WEEE generation).
(ADEME, 2012)
WEEE generation → Collection in compliance scheme Quantitative study from field work (2008, 2012) in
WEEE generation → Incineration Qualitative surveys of urban municipalities (2008,
2012) in kg/year.
WEEE generation → Landfill Qualitative surveys of rural municipalities (2008, In order to respect the mass balance principle of MFA between
2012) in kg/year input flows (from “WEEE generation”) and outputs flows
WEEE generation → Collection in scrap metals Quantitative study from field work (2008,2012) in Completed from qualitative surveys of metal recyclers (in
kg/year 2012).
Collection in compliance scheme → Treatment Quantitative study from field work (2008, 2012) in
Treatment in compliance scheme → Quantitative study from field work (2008, 2012) in
Incineration & Recycling & Landfill kg/year
Collection in scrap metals → Recycling & Landfill Qualitative surveys of metal recyclers and Consistent with the Swiss take-back system (Hischier et al.,
FEDEREC (French professional organization of 2005), since the metal rate in WEEE is around 60%.
recyclers). (2008, 2012) in kg/year
Recycling → Recovered materials Qualitative surveys of metal recyclers (2008, 2012
in kg/year).

Table 2 2007. These rates are quite good in comparison with the valorization
Evolution of WEEE flows 2011–2015 (in kt and t/inhab). targets. In 2011, the Midi-Pyrénées region reached 87% of recovered
(Source: ADEME, 2016)
materials within the compliance scheme, which is a good recovery rate.
Year 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
The MFA demonstrates the good performance of the treatment in the
compliance scheme. Table 2 shows the material balance for 2011 of all
WEEE collected in kt 24 24 25 26 28 companies contributing to the four WEEE compliance schemes as well
WEEE collected in t/inhab. 8,3 8,3 8,5 9,1 9,6 as the other companies (according to the surveys). These fractions were
derived from all additional treatment steps necessary to transform
WEEE either into secondary raw materials or waste-to-energy or final
disposal (Table 3).
emphasized to be a major dysfunction in the surveys of local govern-
The reuse of electrical devices (which is shown by the arrow “reuse”
ment engineers. Even if the compliance schemes pay for the service, the
in Figs. 3 and 4) is very low in the chain (0.01 kg/inhab in 2007,
fees do not cover all the costs, according to the engineers. Indeed, they
0.1 kg/inhab in 2011). Indeed, there is no reuse target in the directive,
consider that retailers should provide a more substantial effort so that
even though this solution provides social and environmental benefits
consumers choose the tack back system first. The operators of metal
(Lu et al., 2017; de Oliveira Neto et al., 2017). Reuse activities are
recycling towards the dispersion channels still collect a lot of WEEE as
represented by social economy companies in French initiatives. These
seen in Figs. 2 and 3.
companies have a significant presence in the WEEE chain, especially as
In 2002, the European directive set the WEEE collection target, with
logistics and dismantling operators. They seem to have the social le-
a minimum of 4 kg/inhab/year up to 2006, corresponding to 20% of
gitimacy of the compliance scheme that needs public approval. In the
the WEEE generated. This rate has been updated with amendments to
Midi-Pyrénées region, fifty non-profit organizations involved in WEEE
the directive (45% by weight of electrical appliances sold in 2016 and
management have been identified (eight in the urban area of Toulouse).
65% in 2019). Therefore, the compliance was not met in 2007, but was
Some of them have expanded their activities in order to take part in the
in phase in 2011 along with the new recommendations. However, the
compliance schemes and enlarged their manufacturing operations in
regions’ performance regarding the collection rate is very irregular. It is
order to increase their logistic and reuse capacity. Nevertheless, a few
partly due to differences between rural and urban regions where, in the
non-profit organizations have had significant difficulties answering
latter, WEEEs are abundant, whereas logistic costs are higher in rural
calls for tender. They have been eliminated from the WEEE manage-
areas where waste is spread out. The choice of a collection target ex-
ment system, because of the competition with industrial companies. It
pressed in mass is not appropriate for this context (Lifset and
is important to avoid this situation, because “their workers run the risk
Lindhqvist, 2008), because if white goods represent 50% of the weight
of switching between insecure jobs and unemployment” (Favreau et al.,
of appliance sold, they constitute only 5% of the total number of units,
2001). Reuse gives an opportunity to sell second hand devices to
IT and telecom appliances making up the greatest number of electrical
modest households. This is also a solution to bridge the digital gap,
appliances sold.
which causes a large fraction of the French population to not have their
The WEEE directive also set recycling targets for each category of
own electronic appliances (especially laptops). A large number of new
WEEE: between 75% and 90% of valorization (including incineration
social and economic innovations could emerge in the urban area of
and recycling) by average weight per appliance and between 50% and
Toulouse. Nevertheless, this activity needs a labor force which is very
80% of materials recovered by average weight per appliance. According
costly. In the absence of any reuse target in the directive, social
to the WEEE directive, recycling encompasses each process im-
economy companies and industries mentioned in the surveys choosing
plemented to extract useful materials, such as sorting, dismantling and
dismantling and shredding, these business activities being more lucra-
recovery. This is therefore a case of open-loop recycling. Regarding the
tive (Flipo and Gossart, 2009).
compliance scheme, 75% of the flow is recycled and 25% incinerated in

J.-B. Bahers, J. Kim Resources, Conservation & Recycling 129 (2018) 45–55

Fig. 2. WEEE flows in the Midi-Pyrénées

region (2007) in kt/year (and in kg/inhab/

4.3. WEEE treatment at geographical scales (16%). Thus, all steps are not managed in the Midi-Pyrénées region.
Within the dispersion channels, WEEE collected material is divided
The WEEE chain's analysis (Figs. 2, 3 and 5) demonstrates the im- equally between companies located in the Toulouse area and the Midi-
portance of studying flows at various regional scales. First of all, the Pyrénées region, whereas the treatment step takes place mostly outside
surveys have shown that most collection companies within the com- (71%).
pliance scheme are located in the urban area of Toulouse. In fact, 88% Thus, the proximity principle, which advocates that waste should be
of the collection step of the compliance scheme occurs in the me- managed close to their production site, is not followed. The secondary
tropolitan area, which shows that almost all flows from the Midi-Pyr- materials market sends them throughout Europe and often to Turkey,
énées region go through Toulouse’s urban area Nevertheless, a small China and India. These countries buy various ferrous WEEE metals
part of WEEE collected in the compliance scheme is treated only by one (68% of the resulting fractions within the compliance scheme and 44%
specialized company located in the Toulouse area (16%) and by two within the dispersion channels, see Table 1) and non-ferrous metals
operators of material recycling which are in the Midi-Pyrénées Region (4.5%) for smelting plants. Secondary material flows are sent to the

J.-B. Bahers, J. Kim Resources, Conservation & Recycling 129 (2018) 45–55

Fig. 3. WEEE flows in the Midi-Pyrénées

region (2011) in kt/year (and in kg/inhab/

international, obeying the market's laws based on the London Metal materials.
Exchange ('LME’) quotations. These flows represent a high volume of - They do not recover all resources. Those located in the Midi-
exchange worldwide, with 135 million tons reported by (Lacoste and Pyrénées Region and the Toulouse's urban area merely recover
Chalmin, 2007). The spatial approach reveals how these secondary raw targeted resources (especially non-ferrous metals), which are easy to
material flows produced in the Midi-Pyrénées region are dependent on sort and generate profits.
the international market economy. However, regional and local com- - The reintroduction of secondary material into a production cycle is
panies involved in the waste recycling chain are bound to become ac- not achieved at a high enough rate at the local level (only 3%).
tors of the circular economy (Lyons, 2005), but only one part of the
solution (Grosse, 2010). Nevertheless, three main limits regarding their WEEE chain metabolism shows that the compliance scheme re-
actions were observed: covers more generated WEEE (from 8 kt in 2007–25.4 kt in 2011), but
the input flow (electric appliances sold) is also increasing (from 62 kt in
- These industrial companies lose too many sources of recyclable 2007–64 kt in 2011). In addition, a big proportion of WEEE (32.4 kt in

J.-B. Bahers, J. Kim Resources, Conservation & Recycling 129 (2018) 45–55

Fig. 4. Geographical map of WEEE collec-

tion according to stakeholders in ktons

2011, see in Fig. 3 the steps of incineration, collection in scrap metals 4.4. Regional approach of MFA as a tool for assessing chain
and landfill after the WEEE production) is still not recovered by the “dematerialization” and its evolution
compliance scheme, even if this flow has reduced somewhat (down
from 48 kt in 2007). This continuous growth of device consumption is The first finding of this study emphasizes the importance of spatial
not compatible with a reduced metabolism. The generated waste will analysis. Identifying the WEEE treatment sites and tracking the waste
increase and consequently, so will the associated environmental im- once it leaves the urban area and region provides useful information.
pacts (especially with the incineration and landfill of hazardous sub- Some studies have demonstrated that multi-scale analysis of waste
stances). metabolism highlights the chain dematerialization (Barles, 2009), the
territory's heterogeneity and multi-scale solutions to the waste

Table 3
Resulting fractions of the material flow analysis of the four compliance schemes and the dispersion channels (2011 − from surveys).

Components Quantity in tons % Stakeholder Utilized as Market

Compliance Scheme
Batteries 33.0 0,13% Hazardous waste processor Secondary raw materials International
Capacitors 20.3 0,08% Hazardous waste processor Heat and electricity Regional
Other hazardous materials 305 0,12% Hazardous waste processor Heat and electricity Regional
Ferrous metals 17,508.1 68,87% Operator of material recycling Secondary raw materials International
Non-ferrous metals 724.5 2,85% Operator of material recycling Secondary raw materials International
Plastics 1,306.7 5,14% Operator of material recycling Secondary raw materials International
Cables 43.2 0,17% Operator of material recycling Secondary raw materials/Heat and electricity International
Screens(CRT & LCD) 1,482.1 5,83% Operator of material recycling Secondary raw materials/Heat and electricity National
Printed wiring boards 360.9 1,42% Operator of material recycling Secondary raw material International
Motors for household appliances 1,621.9 6,38% Operator of material recycling Secondary raw materials International
Metal-plastics mixture 818.6 3,22% Operator of material recycling Secondary raw materials National
Mixed waste 254.2 1,00% Waste company Landfill Regional
Plastic pellets 955.9 3,76% Incineration Heat and electricity Regional
Other materials 259.3 1,02% Incineration Heat and electricity Local
Reuse devices 0.3 0,1% Enterprise of social economy Refurbishing Local
Total (compliance scheme) 25,422 100%

Dispersion channels
Metals (ferrous and non-ferrous) (from recycling) 15,384 47% Operator of material recycling Secondary raw materials International
Mixed waste 7420 23% Waste company Landfill Regional
towards incineration (MWM) 3259 10% Muncipal waste site Heat and electricity Local
towards landfill (MWM) 6514 20% Muncipal waste site Landfill Local
Total (Dispersion channels) 32,578 100%

J.-B. Bahers, J. Kim Resources, Conservation & Recycling 129 (2018) 45–55

Fig. 5. Geographical map of logistic and

treatment activities according to the scale in
ktons (2011) (MP = “Midi-Pyrénées”).

management crisis (D’Alisa et al., 2012). In this article, flows that are society and materials and in this case, the divergence of the objective in
exported outside of the regional level are highlighted. It is thus shown preventing pollution and the increase of material consumption. In fact,
that the “closing the loop” principle is not sufficiently followed at the only 50% of WEEE is efficiently treated in the compliance schemes
local level and this exportation represents a loss of resources for the within the scope of this case study. In addition, as suggest by another
territory. Hence, the management of e-waste does not generate enough study (Chancerel et al., 2009), a large amount of precious metal is lost
positive impacts for the region’s economy. during the process. Reuse of devices concerns only 0.1% of the flows,
The regional approach of metabolism investigates links between i.e. waste prevention is not favored over recycling and valorization.

J.-B. Bahers, J. Kim Resources, Conservation & Recycling 129 (2018) 45–55

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