The Exorcist Tradition in Islam-12

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There are two other Arabic terms, nasam and nasamah, which are derived

from the same root and are synonymous with both nafs and ru~. These
terms also refer to any crawling or walking creature which possesses a soul. 10
Although these terms are not found in the Qur'an, they are mentioned in a
number of prophetic statements. For example:

o ~ J~~ _, f .ZU' I~-~~\~~ J \b 0'>11 ;;,,._; \.ct

"Verily, the soul [nasamahj of the true believer becomes a

bird in the trees of Paradise." 11


The opinion held by the majority of Islamic scholars is that the human
soul (rfi~) is not of divine origin, but it is a finite, created entity. The
commentator of Shar~ al-'A qtdah al-Ta~awiyyah said the following, "The
rii~ [human spirit] is a part of Allah's creation and, as such, is created,
according to the consensus of Sunni scholars, as stated by MuJ:iammad ibn
Na~r al-Marwazi, 12 Ibn Qutaybah 13 and others." 14 This position is based
upon the following evidence from the Qur'an:

"Allah is the creator of all things. "

Qur'an, 13:16 and 39:62

The meaning of this verse is general and includes everything besides Allah

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Lisiin al-'Arab al-Mu~ft, vol. 3, p. 629. See al so Ibn al-Athir's al-Nihiiyah (i Gharih al-Hadith,
vol. 5, p. 49.

11 Narrated by Ka'b ibn Malik, collected by al-Nasa'i and lbn Maj ah, and authenticated by al-

Albani in "?a~ih Sunan al-Nasii'i, vol. 2, p. 445, no. 1960.

12 Mu~ammad ibn Na~r (806-852 CE), born and died in Baghdad , was a J:lanba li scholar of ~adith.

Among his many wo rks is Ta',:im Qadr a/-,5aliih, which has been published. (Siyar A'liim al-
Nubalii', vol. 14, p. 33, no. 13.)

u 'A bdullah ibn Muslim ibn Qutaybah al-Dayniiri (d. 878 CE) was also a J:lanbali scholar noted
for his books Mushkil al-Q11r'iin, Ta'wil Mukhtalif al-tJadith , Gharib al-Qur'iin and C harih
al-tJadith, the latter three of which are published . (Siyar A'liim al-Nubalii', vol. 13, p. 296, no.

Shar(, al-'Aqidah al-Tahiiwiyyah, p. 391. See also Majmii' Fa tiiwii Sha yk h al-Isliim,
vo l. 4, p. 216.


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