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Entrevistador: Hey, tell us about a horror movie you liked

Critico: A horror movie that I recommend watching is Friday the 13th

Entrevistador: What did you think of the story of the movie?

Critico: The story of the film is not very deep, what draws attention are the different ways in
which it kills people

Entrevistador: Did you think it's a scary movie?

Critico: Yes, it has moments of suspense that make you jump out of your seat.

Entrevistador: What is the character that you liked the most in the movie?

Critico: The character I liked in the movie is Jason, who is the killer

Entrevistador: what did you like most about the character?

Critico: I really liked his mask, it's quite iconic.

Entrevistador: Alright now tell us about the ending

Critico: Well, the ending is quite simple, one of the protagonists pretends to be Jason as a child
and another protagonist manages to kill him, ending with a scene in the hospital where they
are saved.

Entrevistador: Very well, quite interesting we hope to have you here again to tell us about
another movie you've seen, until next time


Entrevistador: Hello, today we have a special guest who is going to tell us about a horror movie,
what movie you will talk to us.

Critico: hello, today I will tell you a little about the movie called SAW GAME that I saw recently

Entrevistador: Very well, tell us what you thought of the movie?

Critico: well the movie is a good horror story, it’s about a man who wants to punish people by
making them play a game where many will die

Entrevistador: ¿and what types of deaths occur?

Critico: There are several deaths that are seen in the movie, there are traps with firearms, also
a character dies burned, on the other hand a character is forced to kill his partner to look for a
key inside his stomach.

Entrevistador: It's a movie that has a lot of blood on it.

Critico: Yes, the movie is quite bloody and there are more deaths that are difficult to see

Entrevistador: well very interesting movie, thanks for telling us a little about it, see you next

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