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Detailed Lesson Plan (For Elementary Grade 2-3)


Objectives: At the end of the lesson the should be able to: A. Identify the parts of a sentence B. Be aware in using parts of a sentence in writing and speaking C.


Subject Matter A. Subject English: Parts of a sentence B. Materials 1. Pictures of action words 2. Box with rolled papers (action words written) C. References 1. Grammar and Literature 4 John Brown 2. Prentice Hall Grammar 1 McGraw Hill 3. Basic Grammar in Use


Procedure A. Routine 1. Prayer 2. Greetings 3. Checking of attendance 4. Review of the past lesson


Motivation Game Act it on The teacher writes action words in a piece of paper, roll them and put them in a box. Each pupil is going to pick one and act it on.


Lesson Proper

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