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Lineo Carving Portfolio

Monday, 27 March 2023 11:44 am


The inspiration for the carving is above but I also was originally inspired by Käthe Kollwitz however most
any remnants of her style is no longer there as my art evolved over time. But I began to be inspired by
Eric Hochberg and took a lot of inspiration from his work Flounder 'Daylights'

Practice Lineo’s

The first lineo I did was very small, a about the size of a bookmark. In the planning process I drew multiple
rectangles that were the size of the lineo we were going to use, then I drew a sketch of something vaguely
matching the theme of Land Sea And Sky. After I finished that process I transferred the sketch to my lineo,
carved along the lines and printed a few all black prints.

The second piece I did was bigger and used colour although the planning process was the same as the first one. But it
was in the sketch process for quite some time, in total I drew the design 4 different times not including the tracing
process I did when transferring the piece to lineo. The layering of colour was done by carving an outline, printing it to
be used as a background then carving out whatever I wanted to stay that colour, and then printing it again, and
repeating until done.The sky and land elements were more explored in this piece.

Official A4 Lineo

Artist Statement

The artwork is a top view of a multi-coloured lobster in a turquoise background that would
represent the ocean, the lobster is coloured in a purple colour for the main body, its claws are a
dark crimson and the outer limbs are close to the same colour as the background if a little lighter.

It was made with the same process as the previous works except for the colour scheme being more
planned out then the others. During the sketching process I experimented with a few concepts that
never made it to the final product because of time constraints, such as an idea of putting a plate
underneath the lobster or having coral around it. Also unlike the others the printing process was
much shorter as I only had to do 2 layers, one for the background and one for the colour which had
multiple colours in one layer to get the watery, blendy effect I wanted.

The main concept behind the artwork is that there is none, there is not a big idea behind the
artwork. The main goal was the to just make a good print that took inspiration from Eric Hochberg
and I believe I achieved this goal as best I could,in that the artwork itself emulates Hochberg’s work

Overall I learned how create a lineo artwork successfully and although there were ideas I wanted to
add and didn’t get to, I am still mostly satisfied with the results.

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