Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background The field of programming has become increasingly important in the
modern era, with a growing demand for skilled programmers. Educational institutions
play a vital role in preparing students for the programming industry by providing
instructions and training to improve their programming skills. This research focuses on
understanding the perception of instructions among ACLC Programming students and
their effectiveness in enhancing programming abilities.

1.2 Research Objectives The primary objectives of this research are as follows:

 To investigate how ACLC Programming students perceive the instructions provided in the
programming curriculum.
 To determine if students believe that the instructions effectively improve their
programming skills.
 To identify the instructional methods that students find most helpful in enhancing their
programming abilities.
 To identify specific areas within the programming curriculum where students feel the
instructions could be improved.

1.3 Research Questions The research aims to answer the following questions:

. How do ACLC Programming students perceive the instructions provided in the

programming curriculum?
. Do students believe that the instructions effectively enhance their programming skills?
. Which instructional methods do students find most helpful in improving their
programming abilities?
. Are there any specific areas within the programming curriculum where students feel the
instructions could be improved?

1.4 Significance of the Study Understanding the perception of instructions among ACLC
Programming students is crucial for curriculum development and improvement. By
identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the instructional methods, the study can
contribute to enhancing the programming curriculum at ACLC. The findings will provide
insights into students' perspectives and preferences, leading to better alignment of
instructional strategies with their learning needs.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Programming Instruction and Skill Development This section reviews literature on
programming instruction, exploring various instructional methods and their impact on
skill development. It examines the importance of hands-on practice, problem-solving
approaches, and project-based learning in improving programming abilities. Additionally,
studies on the impact of instructional materials, such as textbooks, online resources, and
interactive platforms, are reviewed to understand their effectiveness in programming skill
2.2 Perception of Instructions in Programming Education This section focuses on research
that investigates students' perception of instructions in programming education. It
explores studies that examine students' attitudes towards different instructional methods,
their preferences for specific learning approaches, and the impact of instructional quality
on student engagement and motivation. The literature also discusses the role of feedback
and assessment in enhancing the effectiveness of programming instructions.

2.3 Gaps in the Literature Based on the literature review, certain gaps and limitations in
the existing research are identified. These gaps serve as the rationale for conducting the
current study and provide insights into areas that need further exploration. The literature
review highlights the need for investigating the perception of instructions among ACLC
Programming students specifically, as well as the necessity of identifying areas for
improvement in the programming curriculum.

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Research Design This research adopts a quantitative approach to gather data from
ACLC Programming students. A survey questionnaire will be used to collect information
about students' perception of instructions and their impact on programming skill
improvement. The questionnaire will include multiple-choice questions, rating scales, and
open-ended questions to obtain both quantitative and qualitative data.

3.2 Sampling A representative sample of ACLC Programming students will be selected for
participation in the study. The sample will include students from different academic levels
and diverse backgrounds to ensure a comprehensive understanding of their perception
of instructions. Participation in the research will be voluntary, and informed consent will
be obtained from all participants.

3.3 Data Collection Data will be collected through the distribution of the survey
questionnaire to the selected sample of ACLC Programming students. The questionnaire
will be administered either electronically or in a paper-based format, depending on the
participants' preferences. The collected data will be treated confidentially and

3.4 Data Analysis The collected data will be analyzed using statistical techniques.
Descriptive statistics, such as frequencies, means, and percentages, will be used to
summarize the participants' responses. Inferential analysis, including correlation analysis
and t-tests, may be employed to explore relationships between variables. Open-ended
responses will be analyzed thematically to identify common patterns and themes in
students' feedback.

Chapter 3 concludes the research methodology, outlining the research design, sampling
approach, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques employed in the study.

Perception of Teachers on the improvement of programming skills among ACLC

Programming students in research form Chapter 1 to 3

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background The field of programming has become increasingly vital in today's digital
age, requiring skilled programmers to meet industry demands. Educational institutions,
such as ACLC, play a crucial role in providing instructions to students to improve their
programming skills. This research focuses on understanding the perception of teachers
regarding the effectiveness of instructions in enhancing programming skills among ACLC
Programming students.

1.2 Research Objectives The primary objectives of this research are as follows:

 To explore how teachers perceive the instructions provided in the programming

curriculum at ACLC.
 To determine if teachers believe that the instructions effectively enhance the
programming skills of their students.
 To identify the instructional methods that teachers find most effective in improving the
programming abilities of their students.
 To identify any specific areas within the programming curriculum where teachers feel the
instructions could be improved.

1.3 Research Questions The research aims to answer the following questions:

. How do teachers perceive the instructions provided in the programming curriculum at

. Do teachers believe that the instructions effectively improve the programming skills of
their students?
. Which instructional methods do teachers find most effective in enhancing the
programming abilities of their students?
. Are there any specific areas within the programming curriculum where teachers feel the
instructions could be improved?

1.4 Significance of the Study Understanding teachers' perceptions of instructions in the

programming curriculum is crucial for curriculum development and improvement. The
findings of this study can provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of current
instructional methods, help identify areas for improvement, and contribute to enhancing
the programming curriculum at ACLC. Additionally, the study can inform teacher training
and professional development programs, leading to more effective teaching practices.

Chapter 2: Literature Review

2.1 Programming Instruction and Teacher Perspectives This section reviews literature on
programming instruction, focusing on the role of teachers in facilitating student learning
and skill development. It examines studies that explore the importance of teacher
expertise, pedagogical approaches, and instructional strategies in programming
education. The literature also discusses the impact of teacher-student interactions,
feedback, and assessment on the effectiveness of programming instructions.
2.2 Perception of Instructions Among Teachers This section explores research that
investigates teachers' perceptions of instructions in programming education. It examines
studies that explore teachers' attitudes towards different instructional methods, their
preferences for specific teaching approaches, and the impact of instructional quality on
student outcomes. The literature also discusses the role of professional development and
support systems in enhancing teachers' instructional practices.

2.3 Gaps in the Literature Based on the literature review, gaps and limitations in the
existing research are identified. These gaps serve as the rationale for conducting the
current study and provide insights into areas that need further exploration. The literature
review highlights the need for investigating teachers' perceptions specifically regarding
the improvement of programming skills among ACLC Programming students.

Chapter 3: Methodology

3.1 Research Design This research utilizes a qualitative approach to gather data from
teachers at ACLC involved in the programming curriculum. Semi-structured interviews will
be conducted to explore teachers' perceptions of instructions and their impact on
programming skill improvement. The interviews will allow for in-depth exploration of
teachers' experiences, perspectives, and suggestions for improvement.

3.2 Sampling A purposive sampling technique will be employed to select teachers with
experience in teaching the programming curriculum at ACLC. A diverse range of teachers
from different academic levels and backgrounds will be included to ensure
comprehensive insights into their perceptions. Participation in the research will be
voluntary, and informed consent will be obtained from all participants.

3.3 Data Collection Data will be collected through semi-structured interviews with the
participating teachers. The interviews will be audio-recorded and transcribed for analysis.
Field notes and reflective journals may also be used to supplement the interview data.
The collected data will be treated confidentially and anonymized.

3.4 Data Analysis Thematic analysis will be used to analyze the interview data. The
transcripts will be coded and categorized into themes and sub-themes to identify
common patterns and trends in teachers' perceptions. The analysis will involve an
iterative process of coding, organizing, and interpreting the data to generate meaningful

Chapter 3 concludes the research methodology, outlining the research design, sampling
approach, data collection methods, and data analysis techniques employed in the study.
The chapter provides a comprehensive understanding of how teachers' perceptions of
instructions in the programming curriculum will be explored and analyzed.
Scope and Delimitations in Research:

The scope of the research refers to the boundaries and limitations within which the study
will be conducted. It defines the specific aspects or components of the research topic that
will be investigated. In the case of the research on the perception of instructions on the
improvement of programming skills among ACLC Programming students, the scope may

Participants: The research will focus on ACLC Programming students who are currently
enrolled in programming courses or have completed programming courses within a
specific time frame.
Instructions: The research will examine the perception of instructions provided to ACLC
Programming students for the purpose of improving their programming skills. This may
include instructional methods, materials, resources, and techniques employed by
instructors or educational institutions.
Programming Skills: The research will assess the impact of the instructions on the
improvement of programming skills among ACLC Programming students. This may
encompass various programming languages, concepts, problem-solving abilities,
algorithmic thinking, and coding practices.
Perception: The research will investigate the students' perception of the instructions. This
may involve exploring their attitudes, beliefs, satisfaction levels, motivation, engagement,
and overall effectiveness of the instructions in enhancing their programming skills.

On the other hand, delimitations define the boundaries and exclusions of the research.
They outline the specific aspects that will not be covered or considered in the study. In
the context of the research on the perception of instructions on the improvement of
programming skills among ACLC Programming students, some possible delimitations
may include:

Geographical Limitation: The research may focus on ACLC Programming students from a
specific geographical location or a particular campus.
Time Constraint: The research may be limited to a specific time frame, such as one
academic year or a particular semester.
Instructor Variability: The research may not take into account variations in the teaching
styles, experience, and expertise of different instructors delivering the instructions to
ACLC Programming students.
External Factors: The research may exclude external factors that could potentially
influence students' perception of instructions, such as personal motivation, prior
programming experience, or external support systems.

It is important for researchers to clearly define the scope and delimitations of their study
to provide a clear understanding of the specific focus and limitations of the research.

Perception of Instructions on the improvement of programming skills among ACLC

Programming students with the Definition of terms in Research


Definition of Terms:

To ensure clarity and avoid ambiguity, it is essential to define key terms used in the
research on the perception of instructions on the improvement of programming skills
among ACLC Programming students. The following are some important terms and their
respective definitions:

Perception: In the context of this research, perception refers to the way ACLC
Programming students interpret, understand, and make sense of the instructions
provided to them for enhancing their programming skills. It encompasses their attitudes,
beliefs, opinions, and subjective experiences related to the instructions.
Instructions: Instructions refer to the educational guidance, materials, resources,
techniques, and methods employed by instructors or educational institutions to enhance
the programming skills of ACLC Programming students. This may include lectures,
tutorials, practical exercises, assignments, coding projects, online resources, textbooks, or
any other form of guidance provided for learning programming.
Programming Skills: Programming skills pertain to the abilities and competencies
required to write, understand, and develop computer programs. This includes knowledge
of programming languages, problem-solving techniques, algorithmic thinking, coding
practices, debugging, software development methodologies, and other related skills.
ACLC Programming students: ACLC Programming students specifically refer to students
who are enrolled in programming courses or programs at ACLC (Asian College of
Computing and Technology) or a similar educational institution offering programming
education and training.
Improvement: Improvement refers to the progress, development, or enhancement of
programming skills among ACLC Programming students as a result of the instructions
they receive. It may involve an increase in knowledge, problem-solving abilities, code
quality, efficiency, and overall proficiency in programming.
Perception of Improvement: Perception of improvement refers to the subjective
assessment, understanding, and evaluation of ACLC Programming students regarding
their own progress and advancement in programming skills. It involves their perception
of the effectiveness, impact, and value of the instructions in improving their programming

Defining these key terms helps establish a common understanding and ensures
consistent interpretation throughout the research study.

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