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Vision impairment

Program for Students with Disabilities

Professional guidelines
Updated 2019
1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 3
2. Criteria ................................................................................................................................ 3
Alternative support arrangements ................................................................................................ 3
3. Guidelines for applying the criteria................................................................................... 4
Rationale for consistent procedure ............................................................................................... 4
Administration of assessments..................................................................................................... 4
New applications .......................................................................................................................... 4
Year 6-7 review applications ........................................................................................................ 4
4. Reporting ............................................................................................................................ 5
Report requirements .................................................................................................................... 5
Summary report template ............................................................................................................. 5
Attachment 1 - Vision impairment summary report.................................................................... 6

Published by the Wellbeing Health and Engagement Division

Department of Education and Training
February 2019

© State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training) 2019

These professional guidelines are provided under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence. You are free to re-use
the work under that licence, on the condition that you credit the State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training), indicate if
changes were made and comply with the other licence terms, see: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
The licence does not apply to:
• any images, photographs, trademarks or branding, including the Victorian Government logo and the DET logo; and
• content supplied by third parties.
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1. Introduction
The Program for Students with Disabilities is a targeted supplementary funding program for Victorian government
schools. It provides resources to schools for a defined population of students with disabilities and high needs.
Under the program, resources are provided directly to Victorian government schools to support the provision of school-
based educational programs for students with disabilities. Program for Students with Disabilities resources assist
schools to meet their obligations under the Disability Discrimination Act 1992; they do not define or limit the support
provided by a school for a student with a disability.
The Department of Education and Training evaluates Program for Students with Disabilities applications in the light of
documentation and responses to the Educational Needs Questionnaire provided by the school and parent/guardian(s)
during an Application Student Support Group meeting. Program for Students with Disabilities eligibility is determined
using evidence provided by the Student Support Group to address the relevant eligibility criteria.
Educational Needs Questionnaire numbers are nominated by the Student Support Group and documentation from
relevant professionals is submitted with the application, to validate these Educational Needs Questionnaire
numbers. Program for students with Disabilities funding levels are generated from the validated Educational Needs
Questionnaire numbers.
The Program for Students with Disabilities eligibility criteria and Educational Needs Questionnaire descriptors are
published in the Program for Students with Disabilities operational guidelines for schools at:
The Program for Students with Disabilities professional guidelines contain a set of procedures which provide a consistent
approach to the assessment of students solely for the purpose of establishing eligibility for the Program for Students
with Disabilities.

2. Criteria
The Program for Students with Disabilities eligibility criteria for the vision impairment category are set out below:
a) Visual acuity less than 6/60 with corrected vision


b) Visual fields reduced to a measured arc of less than 10 degrees.

Alternative support arrangements

If the student’s visual acuity is not less than 6/60 with corrected vision in the better eye, or visual fields are not reduced
to a measured arc of less than 10 degrees, the student is ineligible for resources under the Program for Students with
Disabilities. Many of these students would benefit from the services of a visiting teacher and/or the Statewide Vision
Resource Centre who could assist the school in the development of curriculum modifications to meet the individual
needs of the student.
Eligibility for these services is:
 Visual acuity less than 6/18 with corrected vision
 Visual fields reduced to a measured arc of less than 20 degrees.

Vision impairment February 2019

3. Guidelines for applying the criteria

Rationale for consistent procedure

Standardised measures are used as part of the procedure for determining eligibility for the Program for Students with
Disabilities. It is therefore essential that the procedures used are consistent. This requires use of the same measures
to avoid variations in scores attributable to the test instrument rather than differences in individual levels of
performance. While other factors may also be taken into account in determining eligibility for the Program, including
the professional’s judgement regarding a particular student’s level of need, these are factors that supplement the data
obtained from the standardised testing, and do not negate the need for a common test and consistent approach to the
assessment of a student’s abilities.
For this reason, a consistent approach to the assessment and reporting under the vision impairment category of the
Program for Students with Disabilities has been developed. This procedure involves:

the collation of information standardised administration

regarding the student’s the use of a consistent report
background and current
and interpretation of
presentation appropriate measures

If a measure of visual impairment other than the recommended measure is used, a statement as to why this measure
was used is required. It is assumed that this would only apply in cases where the level of visual impairment is too great
to be assessed by the recommended instrument or in cases where the visual impairment is associated with some other
form of disability, such that the assessment on the recommended instrument is not appropriate or valid.

Administration of assessments
It is not intended that re-assessment take place if the student’s vision has been assessed in the previous 12 months.
It is the role of reporting professionals to ensure that the documentation available addresses the relevant criteria.
In keeping with best practice it is recognised that there are some students who cannot be assessed using the
recommended tests due to the nature or degree of their disability. If a test instrument other than the recommended
measure is used, a statement as to why this measure was used must be provided.

New applications
An application for the Program for Students with Disabilities must contain current evidence, such as reports and other
documents, which address the eligibility criteria, and identify the student’s level of educational need as demonstrated
by a current Educational Needs Questionnaire.
Under the category of vision impairment, the following documents are required for a new application:
 A current signed report from an ophthalmologist/Educational Vision Assessment Clinic (not more than 12 months
 Current evidence/appropriate reports to support agreed Educational Needs Questionnaire levels.
For further details, refer to the Program for Students with Disabilities- operational guidelines for schools:
 Documentation checklists (Appendix G).

Year 6-7 review applications

The documentation submitted as part of a Year 6-7 Review should demonstrate whether the student continues to meet
the eligibility criteria and the student’s level of educational need as demonstrated by a current Educational Needs
Questionnaire. Some documents/reports submitted as part of the original application may remain valid, and will not
need to be re-submitted for the Year 6-7 Review.
Under the category of vision impairment, the following documents are required for a Year 6-7 Review:

Vision impairment February 2019

 A current signed report from an ophthalmologist/Educational Vision Assessment Clinic (not more than 12 months
 Current evidence/appropriate reports to support agreed Educational Needs Questionnaire levels.
For further details, refer to the Program for Students with Disabilities- operational guidelines for schools:
 Year 6-7 Review documentation requirements
 Documentation checklist (Appendix G).

4. Reporting

Report requirements
For the purpose of providing documentation, it is important that the results of the assessment and the relevant
background information are recorded in a consistent manner. A sample template is provided for reporting the results
of the assessment and the relevant details (see Attachment 1).
The structure provides a basis for the documentation to be submitted with the Educational Needs Questionnaire when
applying for consideration under the Program for Students with Disabilities.
In the case of recording assessment results of vision impairment, the results of the ophthalmologist’s assessment must
be current (within 12 months).

Summary report template

This attached template is the recommended report format for applications to the Program for Students with Disabilities.
It is designed to assist professionals to structure their results and observations.
Reports must be signed and dated for consideration under the Program for Students with Disabilities.

Vision impairment February 2019

Attachment 1
Program for Students with Disabilities
Vision impairment summary report

1. Student information

First name

Date of birth


Current year level






Vision impairment February 2019

2. Ophthalmologist’s Assessment
Report the results of the current ophthalmologist’s assessment (within 12 months).
Test conducted by


Date of assessment

Visual acuity with corrected vision Left: _/__ Right: _/__

Visual acuity < 6/60 with corrected vision in the YES NO

better eye
Visual fields reduced to < 10 degree arc YES NO

Ophthalmologist’s statement attached YES NO

3. Other assessments
Provide details of any other assessments administered to the student at the current time.

4. Other comments
Provide any other information that is relevant to an application for the Program for Students with Disabilities.

5. Summary
Provide a statement of your professional opinion.

It is my professional opinion, based on the evidence presented, that: ______________________________

(student’s name) currently presents as _______________________________.


Please note the Program for Students with Disabilities determines program eligibility in light of the documentation
provided. A statement by an assessing professional does not automatically establish eligibility for the program.

Vision impairment February 2019


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