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We open on a shot of our protagonist TOMMY. TOMMY is well dressed in a shirt and
trousers, readying himself for a job interview. The hallway looks plain but is well lit.

(Nervous, talking to himself)
Phew, okay, look, I got this. You got this. Gonna smash this, and I’ll get this job, the dream.

TOMMY starts heading towards the door, readying himself for this interview and what’s
about to come.


We cut inside the office, the camera behind the desk, facing the door. TOMMY knocks and
enters. There is no music, we can just hear a ticking clock in the background. JOSEPH, the
interviewer and manager of the company, is sitting behind the desk. He is also dressed well.
The colours are very dull and evoke and grey and droney attitude. We see JOSEPH’s plaque
on his desk.

Uh- Morning Mr Flakes, thank you so much for having me in today.

TOMMY leans over the desk and shakes JOSEPH’s hand.

Ah no problem Mr…

JOSEPH picks up a huge binder filled with employees and notes, flicking through to find


JOSEPH slams it shut and places it back down under his desk. TOMMY looks at the desk

Right then, lets begin shall we? So, why do you want to do office work?

(Stuttering slightly)
Uh, well, I am a competent, hard working, intelligent young man looking for work, and I
have always had an interest in…

As TOMMY is talking to JOSEPH during the interview, the camera pans up to the clock, we
cross dissolve to show the immense passing of time, with the clock showing a different time.
We pan back down the desk where we see JOSEPH writing away in his notebook
Okay well, Tommy I have to say this is all very impressive. Typically I take a while to think
about it but, I can gladly and happily say now that, you’ve got the job! Will I see you

Oh, brilliant! Thank you so much Mr Flakes! Absolutely you will! I can’t wait to start
working with you

TOMMY leans over the desk again and shakes JOSEPEHS hand and leaves the office
excitedly. We see TOMMY walking through woods and out onto the pavement near his car.
He pulls out his phone and dials in a number

(On the phone)
Hey Tommy! How’d it go?

TOMMY, still slightly shaken from the interview, breathes heavily and shakily before
answering the phone.

Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant! I got the job!

Oh my god Tommy that’s amazing! Congratulations! I’m so proud of you!

Thank you Sarah… I start Monday! I can’t wait!

During this conversation, the camera is moving closer and closer towards TOMMY. Once
TOMMY ends the phone call, the phone gets swept across the camera to cover the entire lens.
This is to be able to lead into a match cut where he see TOMMY sat at a desk in a dark room
with only really his laptop screen illuminating him. A swoosh sound effect plays as the match
cut happens. Text is on screen revealing the title of the short film, “Inescapable Freedom”.
This shot helps to show the downfall TOMMY has been through since joining this job, and
he’s now stuck in this job he is not enjoying. TOMMY slams the laptop shut and the screen
turns to black on beat to the laptop slam. End of opening credits.

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