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Hello teacher. My name is Quỳnh I’m in the 10c1 class.

Welcome to my
presentation. And in my talk, I want to share my knowledge of our energy
around the earth with you
- First of all, we need to know what is energy. Energy is everything. It’s
everywhere. it’s is one of the true constants of the universe because as long as
there’s been a universe there’s been energy.
- Our universe has a finite amount of it. it’s neither created nor destroyed
but can take a different form such as kinetic or potential energy with different
properties and formulas to remember
- Our planet’s energy comes from internal and external sources
+ geothermal energy from radioactive isotopes
+ and rotational energy from the spinning of the earth are internal sources of
+ while the sun is the major external source driving certain systems like our
weather and climate. Sunlight warms the surface and atmosphere in varying
amounts and this causes convection producing winds and influencing ocean
- We humans, of course, spend our energy doing a lot of things besides
eating. We travel, we built, and we power all sorts of technology.
- To do all this we use sources like fossil fuels: coal, oil, and natural gas,
which contain energy that plants captured from sunlight long ago and stored in
the form of carbon
- When we burn fossil fuels in power plants we release this stored energy
to generate electricity
- Modern civilization depends on our ability to keep powering that flow of
And you know we aren't limited to burning non-renewable fossil fuels to
generate electricity. But scientists estimate that we've consumed about 40% of
the world's oil. According to present estimates, at this rate, we'll run out of oil
and gas in 50 years or so, and in about a century for coal. On the flip side, we
have abundant sun, water, and wind. These are renewable energy sources
meaning that we won't use them up over time.
Relating to this, we have a question: " Can we replace 100% of the current
power with renewable energy?"
According to my research that our technology is already advanced enough to
capture all that energy from renewables and there's an ample supply. For
example, we'll talk about solar energy. The sun continuously radiates about 173
quadrillion watts of solar energy at the earth, which is almost 10,000 times our
present needs. It's been estimated that a surface that spans several hundred
thousand kilometers would be needed to power humanity at our present usage
levels. So why don't we build that? Because there are other hurdles in the way,
like efficiency and energy transportation. To maximize efficiency, solar plants
must be located in areas with lots of sunshine year round like deserts. But those
are far away from densely populated regions when energy demand is high.
There are other forms of renewable energy we could draw from, such as
hydroelectric, geothermal, and biomasses, but they also have limits based on
availability and location.
So now we have the answer to this question. We can replace 100% of the
current power with renewable energy but not now because their technology isn't
advanced enough to do this. But I think we can do it in the future because
everything is possible.

it's my presentation about energy. Thank you for listening!

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