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Topic: Volume Control

References: Google and YouTube

Materials: Laptop, Smartphone


1. Understand the importance of volume control in singing.

2. To demonstrate the proper exercises to perfect volume control.

3. Perform a song applying the exercises to perfect volume control.


Vocal or singing dynamics is the practice of controlling vocal volume. It goes beyond simply
singing loud and quiet. It also includes singing vowels and phrases at the appropriate volume.
Dynamics also include silences and rests, which singers shouldn’t forget about.

Firstly, let’s start with what it means; the definition of vocal dynamics derives from the Greek
word “dynamo”. This translates as “power”. In musical terms, we define vocal dynamics in
singing as being the volume of the voice. This can relate to the variation between notes.

For professional singers, how well they use dynamics to improve their voice and performance is
a matter of control. A microphone will only get you so far, as the most skilled singers in the
world are able to project their voice across a room without the need for amplification.

Singing dynamics is a phrase often misunderstood. In the context of vocals, it equates to the
quality at which you can switch from soft to loud singing. A dynamic singer is able to create a
performance that will set them apart from the amateurs.

Volume control in singing is a crucial skill that allows singers to modulate the loudness and
intensity of their voice throughout a song. It is an essential aspect of vocal technique that can
greatly enhance a singer's performance and expressiveness. Here are some key points to
consider when it comes to volume control in singing:

Breath Support: Proper breath support is the foundation of volume control in singing. Singers
need to develop strong breath control to manage the airflow that powers their voice. This
involves using the diaphragm and abdominal muscles to control the release of air while singing,
allowing for both soft and loud singing.
Vocal Technique: Good vocal technique is essential for maintaining control over volume.
Techniques such as proper vowel placement, resonance control, and vocal exercises can help
singers maintain a consistent and controlled volume.

Dynamics: Dynamics refer to the variations in loudness and intensity within a song. Singers
should be able to smoothly transition between soft (piano) and loud (forte) passages to convey
emotion and add depth to their performance.

Mic Technique (for amplified singing): When singing with a microphone, understanding how
to use it effectively is crucial. Singers can control volume by adjusting their distance from the
microphone. Getting too close may result in distortion, while being too far away may make the
voice less audible.

Expression and Emotion: Volume control is not just about singing loudly or softly; it's about
conveying the appropriate emotion and expression for a given part of a song. Soft singing can
create intimacy, while loud singing can convey passion and intensity. A skilled singer can use
volume changes to connect with the audience emotionally.

Practice and Control: Developing volume control takes practice. Singers should work on
exercises that involve singing softly and then gradually increasing the volume, as well as the
reverse. This helps build control over the entire vocal range.

Vocal Health: It's essential to take care of your vocal cords to maintain proper volume control.
Adequate hydration, warm-ups, and avoiding strain on the voice are all important for vocal

Monitoring and Feedback: Recording your singing and seeking feedback from a vocal coach
or trusted peers can help you assess your volume control. They can provide valuable insights
on where you might be struggling and offer guidance for improvement.

Performance Context: Consider the context in which you are singing. In a large concert venue,
you may need to project your voice more, while in an intimate setting, you can afford to sing
softer and convey subtle emotions.

Musicality: Ultimately, volume control should serve the musicality of the song. It should align
with the song's dynamics, lyrics, and emotional content to enhance the overall performance.

Developing volume control in singing is an ongoing process that requires patience, practice, and
continuous improvement. Working with a vocal coach can be especially beneficial for honing
this skill and receiving personalized guidance.

1. First, the teachers will discuss what is volume control and will present a video
discussing and demonstrating volume control.

2. Secondly, the teacher will demonstrate volume control by performing a song that
is to be determined to show the students how volume control works.

3. Third, the teachers will let the students execute the basic exercises for volume
control for them to apply it in the next activity.

4. Lastly, Teachers will conduct an activity to be performed by the class applying the
said basic exercises to a song that will be determined during the discussion.


1. What is Volume Control?

- Volume control in singing is a crucial skill that allows singers to modulate
the loudness and intensity of their voice throughout a song. It is an
essential aspect of vocal technique that can greatly enhance a singer's
performance and expressiveness.

2. Is Volume Control important in singing? And why?

- Yes, volume control is important in singing. Volume control, also known as
dynamics in music, refers to the ability to vary the loudness and intensity
of your singing voice. (Or can be answered by opinion)

3. How can someone improve volume control when singing?

- To improve volume control, consider working with a vocal coach who can
provide personalized guidance. Practice breathing techniques, support
from the diaphragm, and learn to balance your airflow. Experiment with
singing softly and loudly to gain better control. (Or can be answered by

4. Are there specific techniques for singing softly with control?

- Singing softly with control requires excellent breath control and a relaxed
vocal mechanism. Focus on maintaining proper breath support and using a
gentle, controlled release of air to produce a soft sound. (Answers may

5. Does singing sound better without volume control? And why?

- Singing without volume control can sound less refined and less
expressive. Volume control is an essential aspect of singing that allows for
greater expressiveness and versatility in a vocal performance.


John Lawrence A. Bellen
Rachelle Jane Belgica
Troy Cañeta


Mr. Jovinson Balonzo


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