Tgas Inggris

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For Mr. Yuni Safitri as English Teacher


- Aril Firmansyah
- Muhamad Rico Junior
- Muhammad Bagus Yudi Purnomo
- Raka Saprildan
- Septi Salmah Rahayu



TITEL PAGE.......................................................................................................

TABEL OF CONTENT.......................................................................................

PREFACE............................................................................................................. 1

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION........................................................................ 2

Background ............................................................................................... 2

Identifications of problems .......................................................................2

Goals .........................................................................................................3

CHAPTER II DESCUSSION............................................................................. 4

Type of drungs that are often abused ....................................................... 4

Factors causing drugvabuse in adolescents ............................................. 7

CHAPTER III CONCUSION.............................................................................10

Concusion............................................................................................. ...10

Sugegestion............................................................................................. 10

REFESANCE....................................................................................................... 11

APPENDIK.......................................................................................................... 12

Praise the presence of God Almighty who has give grace and His guidance
so that I ca complete the paper assignment entitled this NARCOTICS is just in
time The puroose of writing this paper is to flufill the duities of Physical
Education Mr Suyono, Apart from that, this paper also aims to increase insight
for students readers and also writer

I would like to thank suroyno, my physical education teacher has give this
assignment so that I can increase appropriate knowledge and insight with the field
of study that I pursue. I would also like to then everyone who shared some
knowledge so that I can finish this paper. I realize that the paper I wrote is still far
from perfect. Therefone I will look forward to constructive criticism and
suggestion for the perfection of this paper.



A. Background
We are addressing this paper especially for teenagers, students and the
younger generation who are none other than the nation`s snext generation
so that we are all aware of the dangers of drug and narcotic abuse for
health and its impact on the social environment in particular. Along with
the rapid development of information, apart from being positive, of course
there is a negative side if there is no filter for the information that reches
society, especially teenagers and the younger generation

One of the negative sides of the development o information is that the

distribution of drugs has become easier and more widespread to remot
areas and has even reached the educational environment which is a
learning medium for creating creative, intelligent and moral young people.
Drugs and Narcotics are now a complex problem because they not only
threaten the perpetrators but also have an impact on the social environment
by increasig crime due to the influence of narcotics

B. Identify the P roblem

Based on the background of the problem, the problems that arise can
be identified, these problems can be identified as follows:

1. Lack of understanding and knowledge among the public and teenagers

about the dangers of drugs.
2. Lack of parental supervision.

C. Goals
Abuse of narcotics and illegal drugs among today`s young generation is
increasing The rise of deviant behavior in the younger generation. Could
endanger the survival of this nation in the future. Because young people, as a
generation that is expected to become the nation`s successors, are increasngly
vulnerable to being eaten by addictive substances that destroy nerves. So the
young man couldn`t think clearly. As a result, the nation`s generation of strong
and intellegent hopes will only remain a memory. The targets of this drug
distribution are young people or teeenagers. The paper aim to

1. As knowledge for teenagers about the dangers of drugs for themselves.

2. As a referenc so that teenagers can understand the types of drugs.
3. Parents have the awareness to pay attention to their children.



A. Types of Drugs that are Often Abussed

They are many types and types of nircotics which are often misused by
addicts. The following are the types or kinds of narcotics, accompanie by
definitions and pictures.

1. Opium

Opirates or opium are powders produced directly by a plant called poppy /

papaver somniferum where the haram powder contains morphine which is
very good for relieving pain and codeine which functions as an antitussive

2. Morphine

Mofrin is a alkoloid which is a the result of extracing and isolating opium with
certaain chemicals for pain relief or hypnoanalgesics for patients with certain
diseases. The negative impact or effects of using morphin mean that the use of
morphine is replaced with other drugs that have the same use but are friendly
to the user.

3. Heroin

Heroin is a descendant of morphine or a semisynthetic opiod with a chemical

Process that can cause multiple levels of addiction compared to morphine.
Heroin is used by stupid addicts by inecting heroin into muscles,
skin/subcutaneous or veins.
4. Codeine
Codeine is a type of cought medicine used by doctors, but it can cause
depedence/addiction effects so its distribution is limited and strictly

5. Synthetic/Synthetic Opiates
Types of drugs derrived from artificial opiates include methadone, pethidine
and dextropropoxyven (distalgesic) which function as painkillers. Methadone
is useful for curing addiction to opium/opiates in the form of white powder.
Synthetic opiates can have effects like heroin, but are less addictive. However,
because it is difficult to manufacture, this antificial opiate is rarely available.

Cocaine is a white crystalline powder obtained from the extraction and isolation
of coca leaves (erythoroxylon coca) which can act as a stimulant in nerve
connection by dinking it by mixing it with a drink, smoking it like a cigarette,
injecting it into a blood vessel, inhaling it from the nosewith a small pipe, and
various other methods. The pleasure of using cocaine is only felt for a short time,
namely for 1 to 4 minutes, such as feeling happy, happy, more confident, aroused,
increasing energy and stamina, success, and so on. After 20 miutes, allthe good
feelings disappeared, instantly turning into feelings of tiredness, mental
depression and addiction to using them again, again until deth. Psychological or
spiritual mental effects that can result from using cocaine.

Continuously are:
1. High blood presssure
2. Difficulty falling asleep/difficulty sleeping
3. The eyeballs become small
4. Loss of appetite / thin
5. Heartbeat becomes fast
6. Anesthetized for a moment, and so on

6. Marijuana / Cannabis
Marijuana is a bush / shrub plant that grows wild in the forest where the
leaves, flowers and cannabis seeds function as a relaxant and treat mild
intoxication (mild intoxication). The dry substance of marijuana resin / THC
(delta-9 tetra hydrocannabicol) is called hashish meanwhile

if melted it becomes cannabis oil. This oil is often used as a mixture of

cigarettes or handrolled tobaccco known as cimenk, cimeng, cimenx, joint,
spleft, and so on. Marijuana can have a calming / relaxing effect. New people
using it

Marijuana or marijuana has the following characteristics:

1. Drunk/drunk with red eyes.
2. The body is weak and tired.
3. Eyeballs become large.
For users of ganjo, aka marijuana, none of this is a problem even though it
causes many bad physical and mental effects, including the following:
Reduced ability to concentrate
1. The ability to perceive the brain`s nerves is reduced
2. Blurred/dizzy vision
3. Blood circulation supply to the heart is reduced
What is important for marijuana addicts are the delicious effects and pseudo-
worldly pleasure such as
1. Feeling happy
2. Self-confidence/PD increases rapidly
3. Sensitive to sound. B. Factors that cause drug abuse for teenagers
4. Many factors can cause someone to start abusing drugs.

so that in the end it can cause depedence. Several factors that cause drug abuse
include. Several things that are included in personal factors are genetic, biological,
1. Personaity factors.
2. Health and lifestyle that have influence in defining a teenager
3. Fall into drug abuse
4. Lack of Self-Control
5. People who try to abuse drugs usuallly have little knowledge
about drugs, the dngers they cause, as well as legal regulations that prohibit them
1. Drug abuse.
2. Individual Conflict/Unstable Emotions.

B. Factors causingdrugvabuse in adolescents

People who experience conflict will experience frustation. Individuals who
are not used too solving problems tend to use drugs, because they mistakenly
think that the anxiety caused by the individual`s conflict can be reduced by
consuming drugs.
1. Accustomed to a happy/luxurious life
People who are used to living in luxury often try to avoid more complicated
problems.Usually they prefer solving problems instanly, practically, or
requiring a short time so they will choose sipe methods that can provide
pleasure through druf abuse which can give an excessive sense of euphoria

2. Familt Factors
Lack of family control parents are to busy so they rarely have time to control
family members. Children who lack attention from their parents tend to seek
attention outside, usually they also seek to be busy with they friends.

Lack of discipline and responsibility


Not all drug abuse by teenagers starts from broen homes, all children have the
same potential to be involved in drug abuse. Applying discipline and responsibiity
to chdren will reduce the risk of children being trapped into drug abuse. Children
who have responsibilities towards themselves, their parents and society will
consider several things before trying to use drugs.

3. Individualistic Community Environmental Factors

The individualistic environment in big city life tends to be less concerned with
other people, so that everyone only thinks about their own problems without
caring about the people around them. As a result, many individuals in society
are less concerned about drug abuse which is increasingly widespread among
teenagers and children. *Peer Influence
The influence of friends or groups also plays an important role in drug use.
The matter this is due, among other things, to being a requirement for ease of
acceptance by members group. Groups or Genks have the same behavioral
hbits among each other member.So it is not strange if this habit of gathering
also leads to the same behavior to consume drugs.

4.Education Factor
Education about the dangers of drug abuse in schools is also a form of anti-
drug abuse campaign. Students lack of knowledge about the dangers of drugs
can also contribute to the spread of drug abuse among students.

5.Community and Social Community Factors

Factors that include and influence the social conditions of a teenager include
loss values in a family and a relationship, loss of concern with community,
and difficulty adapting well (you could say feeling like an alien, isolated)

6. Vulnerable Population Factors Today`s teenagers live in a large circle,
where some teenagers are in an environment that is at high risk of drug
abuse. Many teenagers start totry drugs, such as amphetamine-type
stimulants (including alcohol, tobacco and medicines taken without a
prescription or instructions from a doctor, as well as psychoactive drugs)
which eventually lead to various kinds of problems.
7. Symptoms and consequences of drug use
Factors that influence the symptoms ang consequences of drugs include:
Drugconcretation, namely the level of drug consumed. The higher tge
drug level, the stronger the symptoms will be. Before consumption, drugs
are dissolved in a certain solvent, which can be water or an acoholic
The type of solvent effects the effectiveness of the active substances
contained in the drug.



A. Conclusion
1) From the discussion above, it can be concluded that 1) Drugs are very
dangerousitems and can damage the nervous system which can cause
2) Change a person`s personality for the worse 2) Drugs are a source of
criminal acts that can damage norms and public order.
3) Causes negative impacts that effect the body both physically and
B. Suggestion
In the problems we face, we should always look for soutions in a good
way and think positively. The problem of drugs among teenagers is just a
handful of the problems we face. Maybe I can provide suggestions in
solving problems regarding drugs, including:
1) Parents should always pay attention to their child`s behavior and
changes in behavior.2) Love from parents and religious
2) Hopefully this paper can be used as a reference in dealing with
drugs among teenagers. And hopefully in the future this nation
can be een better and free from drugs.


bnn(prevention of drug abuse for teenagers:




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