Pengukuran Ergonomi Reba 5.10.2023

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SEG WW Star Energy


WW Doctor On Duty [PT Primed Sumber Berkah Utama]

Pemeriksaan Ergonomi fabrikasi
Lokasi : SEG WW Wprkshop

Nama Pekerja : Tn Suratno

Tanggal : 5 Oktober 2023

Permeriksa : Dr. Rudy, Esuh

A. Neck Trunk and Leg

Step 1

Neck Posisition: 0-20º

Score : +2

Step 2

Trunk Position 0 – 20º Trunk twisted

Score : +2 + +1 = +3
Step 3


One leg ahead: +2

Step 4

Locate in Table A

Score Table A : 5

Step 5

Add force/load score

Load < 11 lbs = 0

Score : 5 + 0 = 0

Step 6

Score intable C : Score A : 5

B. Arm and Wrist Analysis

Step 7

Locate upper arm position

45-90 º = +3

Shoulder raise : +1

Score : 3 + 1 = 4

Step 8

Locate lower arm

➢ 100º

Score : + 2

Step 9

Locate wrist position

-15 - +15º

Score : + 1

Step 10

Look up posture score in table B

Score: 5

Step 11

Add Coupling score

Well fitting handle: 0

Score : 5 + 0 = 5
Step 12

Find Score in table C

Score : 6

Step 13
Activity score : 1 or more body part are held for longer than 1 minute ( Static) = +1

Repeated small range actions ( more than 4x per minute ) = +1

Total Score : Score table C + Activity Score

Penerangan : Baik
Ventilasi : Baik
Suhu : Baik

Turunkan posisi alat yang menempel di meja , untuk tidak menempel di meja, sehingga tubuh
bisa tidak twisted dan posisi nya bisa di adjust di turunkan ( Bisa turun naik ) dan bahu tidak
di naikkan.

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