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Electronic gaming addiction is a very real problem that needs an increasing attention,

as it has ensued in different ways that affect the world in general. In fact, according to the

study of Chiu et al., (2004), it states that gaming addiction is negatively associated with

academic achievement, this means that video gamers who used to play video games

excessively and spending a significant portion of their day gaming are at danger of lower

scholastic achievement. This is according to Mihara and Higuchi (2017). By considering

these issues, along with the growing public concerns about potential adverse effects,

including the possibility that electronic gaming might affect student’s academic achievement,

particularly in Asian Institute of Technology – Digos, Inc. Thus, the researchers come up

with this study to find out the effects of Electronic Gaming Addiction to the Academic

Achievement of the Accountancy Business and Management (ABM) students on their

specialized subject in Fundamentals of Accounting 1.


Generally, this study aims to find out if Electronic Gaming Addiction affects ABM

Students’ Academic Achievement in Fundamentals of Accounting 1. More specifically, this

study is sought to answer the following research questions.

FIRST, What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of?

1.1 Age;

1.2 Sex; and

1.3 Grade level?

SECOND, What is the level of effects of Electronic Gaming Addiction on the Academic

Achievement of ABM students in Fundamentals of Accounting 1 in terms of:

2.1 Grades;

2.2 Attendance;

2.3 Time Management; and

2.4 Learning Behavior?

So, this 4 indicators talks all about how a certain student is addicted to playing electronic

games and therefore, to assess its level of effects on their academic achievement in

Fundamentals of Accounting 1.

AND LASTLY IS TO ANSWER THE QUESTION, Is there a significant relationship between

student's academic achievement and electronic gaming addiction?


This study is anchored on the theory of Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, also known as flow

theory. It is a state in which individuals are so engrossed in an activity that nothing else

seems to matter; the experience is so enjoyable that people will continue to do it even at

great cost. So, this is somewhat relatable to our study about electronic gaming addiction.

Moreover, this theory is also one of the theoretical frameworks used to explain online gamers

and game addiction (Shin, 2007; on her study entitled “Exploring the Linkage Between Flow

and Online Game Addiction”. Thus, flow theory is a meaningful theoretical framework to

assess the effect of online game addiction to students’ academic achievement.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Electronic Gaming
Academic Achievement
• Grades
• Fundamentals of
• Attendance
Accounting 1 GWA
• Time Management
• Learning Behavior

This is the Conceptual Framework of the study. It indicates the Independent Variable

which is the Electronic Gaming Addiction in terms of Grades, Attendance, Time

Management, and Learning Behavior. It implies that it affects towards the Dependent

Variable which is the Academic Achievement of the ABM students in terms of their General

Weighted Average in Fundamentals of Accounting 1.


For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined in the context

of this research.

First let us define what is electronic games, so Electronic Games, is an interactive game;

also called video game or computer game which can only be played online through gadgets

like mobile phones, computers and video consoles connected to home television sets.
Next is, Academic Achievement. When we say academic achievement, this generally

refers to the act of attaining objectives, goals and desires academically. In this study,

academic achievement represents the outcome of the performance of ABM students

throughout the learning process. Specifically, on their specialized subject in Fundamentals

of Accounting 1.


This study employs a descriptive correlational survey method. This method is appropriate

for our research to assess the correlational relationship between Electronic Gaming Addiction

and Academic Achievement.


The respondent of this research were the Senior High School (SHS) Accountancy

Business and Management (ABM) Strand students of Asian Institute of Technology – Digos,



This study employed a research-based questionnaire. The questionnaire was composed

of 20 questions and was divided into three. The first part consists of the demographic profile

of the ABM students. The second part consists the factors of gaming addiction which includes

grades, attendance, time management, learning behavior and this use to evaluate the level of

effects of electronic gaming addiction to academic achievement in Fundamentals of

Accounting 1 of ABM students in Asian Institute of Technology – Digos, Inc. This questionnaire

uses a five – point frequency scale: never (1), rarely (2), sometimes (3), often (4), and always

(5). The last part contains the General Weighted Average in Fundamentals of Accounting 1 of

ABM students.

Next is the statistical treatment of Data. The statistical tools that we used for data

analysis and interpretations are the following. First is the frequency distribution, second is

mean and lastly is pearson (r). We need frequency distribution to determine the number of

respondents who answered the given questionnaires. We also need mean. It is the total

number of data entries divided by the total number of data entries. It was utilized to determine

the mean scores on the level of effects of electronic gaming addiction to academic

achievement in Fundamentals of Accounting 1 of ABM students. And last, Pearson, so this

statistical tool was employed to determine the significance of the relationship between

Electronic Gaming Addiction and Academic Achievement.


We had made a letter of request to Miss Karen Pilarca, school registrar to hand us

the list of students in AIT who are taking ABM Strand, and another letter of permission for

gather data to Miss Madonna T. Cubar .

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