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February / March 2015

Translating Monograph Chromatography

Methods to Smaller Dimension Columns with
Porous and Solid Core particles Using new
Guidance from USP <621>
by Alan P McKeown
Advanced Chromatography Technologies Ltd, 1 Berry Street, Aberdeen, Scotland AB25 1HF, UK
For correspondence:

Compendial tests and other product specific tests are necessary to assure the safety and quality of human medicinal products manufactured
around the world. Monographs include a variety of tests and may include an LC method for quantitative or qualitative purposes. Many such
LC methods tend to be based upon ‘traditional’ column formats and technology such as 250 x 4.6 mm 10 µm porous particles. Recognising
the recent advances in LC technology (smaller particles and smaller column formats) including the widespread use of solid core technology, an
update of USP <621> (general chapter on chromatography) came into effect in 2014. This short article highlights the key features and gives
an overview of the major changes to USP <621>. Improved productivity and solvent cost savings are demonstrated by applying the constant
column length to particle size ratio option for method translations to example USP monographs using both porous and solid core particle
based columns.

Introduction columns containing both porous and solid helpfully describes an accurate equation
core particles is reported. for flow rate changes to account for the
Compendial and product specific testing is
potential influence of particle size effects
necessary within the pharmaceutical industry
on peak efficiency. Table 1 compares the
and independent testing laboratories to Experimental
previous USP 36 / NF31 <621> chapter
ensure the safety and quality of medicines Chemicals, reagents, analytes, solvents allowed changes with the recent USP 37 /
produced by a variety of manufacturers for and water were purchased from Sigma- NF32 <621> chapter allowed changes.
countries around the world. LC methods Aldrich (Poole, UK) and were suitable
within monographs are common and As can be seen from Table 1, the major
grade for LC separations. All analyses
used for a variety of quantitative and change to USP <621> (for isocratic LC
were performed on either Agilent 1100 or
qualitative tests such as potency, purity and methods) is the flexibility to simultaneously
1200 series LC instruments. ACE Excel and
identification. Most pharmacopeia contain alter specified method column dimensions,
ACE UltraCore columns were provided by
a general chapter on chromatography particle size and flow rate to improve
Advanced Chromatography Technologies
outlining broad guidance for performing LC speed and productivity without the need
Ltd (Aberdeen, UK) and are all commercially
for method revalidation. There is further
methods listed within monographs. USP available formats.
helpful explanatory text throughout the USP
<621> describes general chromatography
<621> update to guide the analyst. This
information for USP based procedures
Results and Discussion includes cautionary notes under the particle
and includes the allowable changes to LC
size parameter section on the possible
methods within USP monographs without USP <621> 2014 update
deleterious effects of instrument extra
revalidation [1]. The recent update to USP The recent changes to USP <621> have column band broadening on smaller peak
<621> came into effect on August 1st 2014 provided analysts with clearer (and new) volumes of translated methods. Additionally
and describes new options for allowed options for modifying compendial isocratic there is commentary under the flow rate
changes to LC methods for analysts seeking LC methods to fully utilise modern high parameter guiding the analyst to reflect on
to utilise modern rapid column formats pressure-based LC instrumentation the effects of linear velocity on efficiency
that include smaller column dimensions, employing smaller dimension column via particle size changes and van Deemter
smaller particles and solid core technology. formats with sub-2 µm particles or solid core considerations. Finally there is a useful table
Considerable increases in productivity particles. There have been three major LC listing the approximate changes to practical
through reduced analysis times are therefore method parameter changes (for isocratic parameters such as back pressure and
possible. Substantial reductions in solvent separations – there has been little change analysis time for popular column lengths,
consumption are also possible with these for gradient methods) in USP <621>. diameters and particle sizes (with the L/
new rapid column format, translated These are particle size (dp), column length dp ratios included). Readers are strongly
methods, highlighting further attractive (L) and flow rate (F). Guidance now offers encouraged to seek out the USP <621>
cost savings. In this work, the new USP an L/dp ratio approach when changing primary text as an overview is only provided
<621> guidance for translating LC methods column dimensions to maintain separation in this short article.
to small dimension, rapid analysis format performance. Further changed text now

Table 1. An overview of previous and current USP <621> allowable changes to LC methods For isocratic methods, reducing column
dimensions but keeping the column
USP 36 / NF31 <621> USP 37 / NF 32 <621>
length (L) to particle size (dp) ratio the
Mobile phase
same will result in similar chromatographic
Composition Isocratic & gradient: Isocratic: performance (efficiency, selectivity and
- Minor components can be - Minor components can be
changed by ±30% relative or changed by ±30% relative or resolution) but with a shorter analysis
±10% absolute ±10% absolute time. Whilst an over simplification and not
- No changes absolute, this general principle is reasonable
pH Isocratic & gradient: Isocratic & gradient: for method translations. With translated
- ±0.2 units (1% for neutrals) ±0.2 units methods, the analyst should always consider
Ionic strength Isocratic & gradient: Isocratic & gradient: sources of error and approximation with this
- ±10% if the permitted pH - ±10% if the permitted pH generalised approach which may include
variation is met variation is met
adjusting flow rate for similar efficiency,
the deleterious effects of instrument extra
Length Isocratic & gradient: Isocratic: column volume on efficiency (specifically
- ±70% - Particle size (dp) and length
(L) may be changed if a) L/dp mentioned in the USP <621> guidance) and
Particle size Isocratic & gradient: is constant or varies -25% to the impact on selectivity of the scalability (or
-50% +50% OR b) number of plates
(N) is -25% to +50% not) of stationary phases across the particle
Gradient: size range being explored.
- No changes
Internal diameter Isocratic & gradient: Isocratic: Table 2 describes various commonly
- Any changes if linear - Any changes if linear available column lengths and particle
velocity kept constant velocity kept constant
- ±25% Gradient: sizes that include older, traditional formats
- No changes to modern fast analysis formats and the
Method resulting calculated L/dp ratios for all

( )
Flow rate Isocratic & gradient: Isocratic: combinations.
- If particle size has changed
dc2 The new equation included in USP <621>

( )
use following equation for
-F2 = F1 x similar performance: for a more accurate translation of flow rate
dc22xdp1 for simultaneous changes in column internal
(Where dc = column diameter F2 = F1 x diameter and particle size is important.
and F = flow rate) dc12xdp2
- Or, flow rate may change Significant changes to particle size (i.e. >3
±50% (Where dc = column µm to <2 µm or 10 µm to <3 µm) should
diameter, F = flow rate and
dp = particle size) ideally include an adjustment in flow rate
Column efficiency should not to allow for changes in efficiency that may
drop below 20%.
- Or, flow rate may change be observed due to operating on different
±50% sections of van Deemter curves. The option
- No changes for maintaining a constant linear velocity for
the translated method is also still available
but changes in separation performance
Injection volume Isocratic & gradient: Isocratic & gradient: Any may be noted if this option is applied to
- Any reduction change as long as peak
repeatability is satisfactory translations that include a large particle size
change. It is recommended to use the now
Temperature Isocratic & gradient: Isocratic & gradient:
- ±10°C when temperature ±10°C when temperature is specified more accurate equation.
is listed listed
Detection wavelength Isocratic & gradient: Isocratic & gradient:
- No change permitted. No change permitted. ±3 nm USP Estradiol assay
±3 nm between detectors between detectors
As an example, the current LC method for
USP Estradiol assay states that an L1 (C18),
300 x 3.9 mm column must be used. No
particle size is defined so a default of 10
µm (largest particle size for L1 classification)
must be used according to guidance. This
give L/dp = 30,000. Translating this method
to an ACE Excel 5 µm C18, 150 x 4.6 mm
column (porous particles) provides L/dp
= 30,000 which is the same and therefore
acceptable. The flow rate was adjusted for
the change in column internal diameter to
maintain a constant linear velocity. Injection
volumes were adjusted accordingly. Figure1
shows the current LC method and the
Figure 1. USP Estradiol assay system suitability chromatograms (a) original monograph method (b) translated
method. Conditions: 45:55 v/v water:acetonitrile, 205 nm, 22°C (a) 1 mL/min, 25 µL injection (b) 1.4 mL/min, 17 µL translated, faster LC method.
injection. Peaks: A= Ethyl paraben B= Estrone C= Estradiol.
February / March 2015
Table 2. L/dp ratios for traditional column formats and modern fast analysis column formats including current the -25% to +50% guide.
commercially available solid core particle sizes
Taking the USP Estradiol assay method
Column Length (mm) example already discussed, an L/dp ratio
50 75 100 125 150 250 300 range of 22,500 to 45,000 is acceptable
based upon the specified range. This allows
1.5 33,333 50,000 66,667
far more column length and particle size
1.6 31,250 46,875 62,500 combinations to be considered (Table 2) and
1.7 29,412 44,118 58,824 gives the analyst flexibility.
1.8 27,778 41,667 55,556 Whilst exploring the fully allowable -25%
Particle Size (µm)

1.9 26,316 39,474 52,632 to +50% L/dp range is an option, it should

2 25,000 37,500 50,000 62,500 75,000 be noted that compared to the reference
L/dp value, lower L/dp ratios will typically
2.5 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000
give a reduced method performance and
2.6 19,231 28,846 38,462 48,077 57,692
higher L/dp ratios typically an improved
2.7 18,519 27,778 37,037 46,296 55,556 method performance. Method performance
3 16,667 25,000 33,333 41,667 50,000 83,333 differences from the reference L/dp ratio
5 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 50,000 may be observed as changes in efficiency,
selectivity or resolution for the translated
10 5,000 7,500 10,000 12,500 15,000 25,000 30,000
method. The analyst must determine
whether the different L/dp ratio used from
The run time has changed from Exploring the flexibility of the L/dp option the reference value (that are an allowable
approximately 8 minutes in the original from USP <621> and acceptable change) are suitable and
LC method to <4 minutes with the new meet the system suitability criteria for the
Translating methods from larger column
method representing a >50% reduction in monograph. Additionally, the column and
format and particles sizes to exactly the
analysis time. The solvent consumption has particle size format must be practically
same L/dp values with smaller columns
reduced by approximately 30% with the new acceptable (i.e. pressure, flow rate, run time,
formats and particle sizes is not always
translated method. The system suitability etc.).
possible or provides limited options. Using
criteria require that resolution between
the USP Estradiol assay original method As an example for acceptable lower L/dp
estrone (peak B) and estradiol (peak C) is >
which gives L/dp = 30,000 it is clear from values, it is possible to translate the original
2.0 and that the %RSD of multiple injections
Table 2 that there are only two other USP Estradiol assay method (L/dp=30,000)
is <2.0. Satisfactory data that met the
common options of column length and to an even smaller column and particle size
criteria were achieved with the translated,
particle size which give exactly 30,000 (150 format for further speed gains. Thus, an ACE
faster LC method indicating no loss in
mm column length and 5 µm particle OR Excel 2 µm C18, 50 x 3 mm column (porous
method performance and so the method
75 mm column length and 2.5 µm particle particles) provides L/dp = 25,000 which is still
would be suitable for use. This first example
size). Recognising this limitation, USP within the allowable L/dp range and with a
translation illustrates the scope to improve
<621> therefore offers further flexibility and back pressure of 145 bar is satisfactory for
method speed and productivity (whilst
allows the analyst to work within an L/dp routine HPLC use. The chromatogram can
significantly saving solvent) by moving away
range -25% to +50% relative to the original be seen in Figure 2(b) and compared to the
from legacy column configurations and
monograph L/dp value. Table 3 shows original LC method chromatogram in Figure
particle sizes to modern formats with the
common monograph column lengths and 2(a). As an example for higher L/dp values,
new L/dp option in the USP <621> guidance.
particle sizes with their resulting L/dp values it is possible to translate the original USP
and the allowable L/dp range based upon Estradiol assay method to an ACE UltraCore
2.5 µm SuperC18, 100 x 4.6 mm column
(solid core particles) which provides L/dp =
40,000. This solid core column provides high
performance with a moderate back pressure
of 222 bar which would be acceptable for
routine HPLC use. The chromatogram
can be seen in Figure 2(c). Flow rates and
injection volumes were scaled accordingly
for these two new method translations. The
system suitability criteria, acceptance limits
and results for these lower and higher
L/dp format translations along with the all 3
methods performance data can be seen in
Table 4.

Both of these optional translated methods

use different L/dp values to the reference
Figure 2. USP Estradiol assay system suitability chromatograms (a) original porous particle monograph
method (b) porous particle translated method (c) solid core particle translated method. Conditions: 45:55 v/v L/dp value (within the allowable range) and
water:acetonitrile, 205 nm, 22°C (a) 1 mL/min, 25 µL injection (b) 0.6 mL/min, 2.5 µL injection (c) 1.4 mL/min, 10.1 meet all system suitability requirements.
µL injection. Peaks: A= Ethyl paraben B= Estrone C= Estradiol. They are also practically acceptable (e.g.

Table 3: Common monograph column and particle size combinations, their subsequent L/dp values and 18,750 to 37,500 (Table 2). Translating this
allowable L/dp ranges calculated from from USP <621> guidance method to an ACE Excel 5 µm C18, 100 x 4.6
mm column provides L/dp = 20,000 which
Column Length, L (mm) and Particle Size, dp (µm)
is towards the lower end of the L/dp ratio
L 100 150 250 150 250 300
range, but acceptable. In fact it is possible
dp 5 5 5 10 10 10 to optionally translate this method to an
even faster format using an ACE UltraCore
-25% Lower 15,000 22,500 37,500 11,250 18,750 22,500 2.5 µm SuperC18, 50 x 3 mm solid core
L/dp column which also provides L/dp of 20,000.
L/dp 20,000 30,000 50,000 15,000 25,000 30,000 Flow rates were scaled for constant linear
+50% Higher 30,000 45,000 75,000 22,500 37,500 45,000 velocities as required. For comparison,
L/dp the original method chromatogram can
be seen in Figure 3(a) with the ACE Excel
Table 4. USP Estradiol assay results including system suitability data and savings in
porous method translation chromatogram
time and solvent for translated methods
at Figure 3(b) and the ACE UltraCore solid
Original Method Translated Method Translated Method core method translation chromatogram at
L/dp=30,000 L/dp=25,000 L/dp=40,000 Figure 3(c).
System suitability Significant improvements in analysis speed
requirement 1:
Resolution between 4.8 4.0 5.1 and reductions in solvent consumption
estradiol and estrone for both method translation options were
> 2.0
observed compared to the original LC
System suitability
requirement 2: monograph method conditions. The system
0.1 0.2 <0.1
%RSD multiple suitability criteria, acceptance limits and
injections <2.0
results as well as analysis time and solvent
Analysis time per 3.5min 2min use data for the original LC method and the
injection 10 min (65% reduction) (80% reduction)
two translated LC methods can be seen in
Solvent used per 2.1mL 2.8mL
injection 10 mL (79% reduction) (72% reduction) Table 5.

Clearly all acceptance criteria for system

Table 5. USP Guaifenesin Tablets assay results including system suitability data and savings in time and solvent for
suitability have been met indicating the two
translated methods using porous and solid core particle columns.
translated methods are satisfactory. The
translated ACE UltraCore method is seen
Original Porous Translated Porous Translated Solid
Method Method 100 x 4.6 Core Method to give a back pressure of 370 bar, which
250 x 4.6 mm, 10 µm mm, 5 µm 50 x 3 mm, 2.5 µm may not be acceptable for routine use with
System suitability standard HPLC instrumentation and a 400
requirement 1:
Resolution between 10.8 9.8 10.6 bar pressure limitation. If using standard
guaifenesin and HPLC instruments with a 400 bar limit, it
benzoic acid > 3.0
may be better to choose the translated ACE
System suitability Excel porous method with a back pressure
requirement 2:
%RSD multiple <0.1 0.1 0.1 of 260 bar or change the solid core column
injections <2.5 configuration (following L/dp rules) to reduce
Analysis time per 4 min 2 min the pressure. Reducing flow rate is also a
injection 10 min
(60% reduction) (80% reduction) possibility. USP <621> offers options to
Solvent use per 8 mL 1.7 mL reduce flow rate (and concomitantly reduce
20 mL
injection (60% reduction) (>90% reduction) back pressure) but this would also increase
analysis time. Thus a compromise must be
run time and back pressure are satisfactory) elevated flow rates. These choices for the
whilst providing further cost savings analyst are useful when translating methods.
through reduced solvent use. This example Using allowable peak efficiency changes
successfully demonstrates the flexibility to for method translation
the analyst of method translations within the USP Guaifenesin Tablets assay
Analysts are recommended to follow the
25% to +50% L/dp range. As a second example, the original LC clear and simple L/dp guidance when
The ACE UltraCore translated method method for USP Guaifenesin Tablets assay translating monograph methods to maintain
additionally illustrates in practice that solid specifies a 10 µm L1 (C18), 250 x 4.6 mm performance and increase productivity.
core particle based columns are just as column which gives an L/dp ratio of 25,000. However, USP <621> offers an alternative
suitable for L/dp conversions as their porous However, there are few common column approach (which can be applied for instance
counterparts for monograph testing. The length and particle size combinations that to the high performing solid core columns)
additional solid core particle benefit of a give L/dp of 25,000. Using the L/dp range where other ratios of L/dp outside those
low back pressure is also helpful for robust, flexibility in USP <621> (see Table 3), it in Table 2 are allowable provided that the
routine analyses and actually could offer is possible to identify column length and peak efficiency (N, measured number of
further increased speed of analysis with particle size options that fall within L/dp of theoretical plates for the peak) is within
February / March 2015
within laboratories. The use of small
particles, solid core technologies and ultra
high pressure instrumentation to improve
productivity and reduce costs (through
decreased analysis time and reduced solvent
consumption) is helpful. The examples
shown within this brief article use the L/dp
approach and show how both porous and
solid core technologies can be successfully
applied to speed up testing. The expanded
guidance and ancillary text in USP <621> in
particular provide analysts with a far clearer
understanding of allowable changes to LC
methods within monographs. The flexibility
of USP <621> provides real options for the
analyst. Looking forward, it will be useful to
see further flexibility in gradient LC method
Figure 3. USP Guaifenesin Tablets assay system suitability chromatograms (a) original porous particle monograph parameters within monographs to allow
method (b) porous particle translated method (c) solid core translated method. Conditions: 60:40:1.5 v/v/v water: analysts to apply modern chromatography
methanol: glacial acetic acid, 276 nm, 22°C (a) 2 mL/min, 20 µL injection (b) 2 mL/min, 8 µL injection (c) 0.85 mL/ technology and enjoy similarly improved
min, 1.5 µL injection. Peaks: A= Guaifenesin B= Benzoic acid. productivity and cost savings across all LC
-25% to +50% relative to the peak efficiency methods used for monograph testing.
from the prescribed or reference column.
This option gives further flexibility to analysts
The changes implemented to USP <621> References
using solid core technology in particular,
expanding and welcoming the use of solid offer considerable flexibility for the analyst to 1.
core technology to monograph testing. apply modern chromatography technologies

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