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- Phạm vi kiến thức: Kiểm tra phần kiến thức từ bài 1 đến bài 8

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- Oil rig tools/ Parts of tool

Words Meaning
Drill /drɪl/ Máy khoan
Hammer /ˈhæm.ər/ Cái búa
Claw hammer /klɔː ˈhæmə(r)/ Búa nhổ đinh
Club hammer /klʌb ˈhæmə(r)/ Búa đầu trùy
Hacksaw /ˈhæk.sɔː/ (n) Cưa tay
Chainsaw /ˈtʃeɪnsɔː/ (n) Máy cưa xích
Nail /neɪl/ (n) Đinh
Pliers /ˈplaɪ.əz/ (n) Kìm
Flathead screwdriver Tua vít 2 cạnh
/ˈflæthed ˈskruːdraɪvə(r)/
Phillips screwdriver Tua vít 4 cạnh
/ˈ fɪlɪps ˈ skruːˌdraɪvər/
Stubby screwdriver Tua vít loại nhỏ
/ˈstʌbi ˈskruːdraɪvə(r)/
Wrench /rentʃ/ (n) Mỏ lết
Pipe wrench /paɪp rentʃ/ (n) Mỏ lết mở ống
Grinder /ˈɡraɪndə(r)/ (n) Máy mài
Pig /pɪɡ/ (n) Dụng cụ làm sạch đường ống
Cordless grinder Máy mài không dây
/ˈkɔːdləs ˈɡraɪndə(r)/
Grip /ɡrɪp/ (n) Phần đầu kẹp (của kìm, ...)
Handle /ˈhændəl/ (n) Phần tay cầm (của búa, ...)
Head /hed/ (n) Phần đầu (của búa, ...)
Tip (n) Phần đầu, đỉnh, mũi (tua vít, dao, mỏ
/tɪp/ hàn....)
Claw (n) Phần móc, vuốt (của búa đinh, ...)
Blade /bleɪd/ (n) Phần lưỡi (cưa, ...)
- Personal Protection Equipment/Safety equipment at work

Respirator /ˈrespəreɪtə(r)/ Bình phòng khí độc

Gloves /ɡlʌvz/ Găng tay
Safety goggles /ˈseɪfti ˈɡɒɡlz/ Kính bảo hộ
Coveralls /ˈkʌvərɔːlz/ Quần áo bảo hộ
Lab coat /læb koʊt/ Áo đồng phục phòng thí
Apron /ˈeɪprən/ Cái tạp dề
Mask /mɑːsk/ Khẩu trang
Shoes covers /ʃuː ˈkʌvəs/ Túi bọc giầy
Fire extinguisher /ˈfaɪər ɪkˈstɪŋɡwɪʃər/ bình cứu hỏa
Fire blanket /ˈfaɪə(r) ˈblæŋkɪt/ Chăn chịu nhiệt
Eye wash station /aɪ wɒʃ ˈsteɪʃn/ Trạm rửa mặt
First-aid kit /ˌfɜːrst ˈeɪd kɪt/ bộ sơ cứu
Safety shower /ˈseɪfti ˈʃaʊə(r)/ Vòi hoa sen an toàn
Hearing protection equipment /ˈhɪərɪŋ prəˈtekʃn ɪ Thiết bị bảo vệ thính giác
Eye protection equipment /aɪ prəˈtekʃn ɪˈkwɪpmənt/ Thiết bị bảo vệ mắt
Face shield /feɪs ʃiːld/ Mặt nạ bảo hộ
Hard hat /ˌhɑːrd ˈhæt/ mũ bảo hộ
Earplugs /ˈɪəplʌɡ/ Nút bịt tai
Earmuffs /ˈɪəmʌfs/ bảo vệ tai
High visibility jacket /haɪ ˌvɪzəˈbɪləti ˈdʒækɪt/ Áo khoác phản quang
Steel toed bốt /stiːl təʊd buːt/ Ủng có mũi sắt (ủng an toàn)
Slip-resistant shoes /slɪp rɪˈzɪstənt ʃuːz/ Giày chống trơn trượt
Safety harness /ˈseɪfti ˈhɑːnɪs/ Dây đai an toàn
Hairnet /ˈheənet/ Lưới bao tóc
Flame-resistant clothing /fleɪm rɪˈzɪstən ˈkləʊðɪŋ/ Quần áo chống cháy

- Hazards or injuries at work

Slip /slɪp/ Sự trượt chân

Fall /fɔːl/ Việc bị ngã
Knife cut /naɪf kʌt/ Dao cắt
Broken glassware /ˈbrəʊkən ɡlɑːsweə(r)/ Đồ thủy tinh vỡ
Fume /fjuːm/ Khói
Fire /ˈfaɪə(r)/ Lửa
Hazardous chemicals /ˈhæzədəs ˈkemɪkl/ Chất hóa học độc hại
Burning /ˈbɜːnɪŋ/ sự cháy
Chemical splash /ˈkemɪkl splæʃ/ Bắn hóa chất
Head injury /hed ˈɪndʒəri/ Chấn thương đầu
Hearing loss /ˈhɪərɪŋ lɒs/ Mất thính giác

- Elements/ compounds/ mixtures

Words Meaning
Hydrogen (n) /ˈhaɪdrədʒən/ Hiđrô
Carbon /ˈkɑːbən/ Cacbon
Iron /ˈʌɪən/ Sắt
Copper /ˈkɒpə/ Đồng
Chlorine /ˈklɔː.riːn/ Clorua
Sodium /ˈsəʊdiəm/ Natri
Sulfur /ˈsʌlfə(r)/ Lưu huỳnh
Carbon dioxide Cacbon đioxit
/ˌkɑːbən daɪˈɒksaɪd/
Ammonia /əˈməʊniə/ Amoniac
Hydrogen chloride Hiđrô clorua
/ˈhaɪdrədʒən ˈklɔːraɪd/
Sulfuric acid Axit sunfuric
/sʌlˌfjʊərɪk ˈæsɪd/
Soil /sɔɪl/ Đất
Oxygen /ˈɒk.sɪ.dʒən/ Ôxi

- Properties of elements/ compounds/ mixtures

Solid /ˈsɒl.ɪd/ Chất rắn, thể rắn

Liquid /ˈlɪkwɪd/ Chất lỏng
Gas /ɡæs/ Chất khí, thể khí
Colourless /ˈkʌl.ə.ləs/ Không màu
Odorless /ˈoʊ·dər·ləs/ Không mùi
Silvery /ˈsɪl.vər.i/ Ánh bạc
Tasteless /ˈteɪst.ləs/ Không vị
Pungent /ˈpʌndʒənt/ Mùi hắc
metal /ˈmetl/ Kim loại
Non-metal / nɒn ˈmetl/ Phi kim
Reactive /riˈæk.tɪv/ Hoạt động hóa học mạnh
Flammable /ˈflæməbl/ Dễ cháy

- Periodic table

Word Meaning
Periodic table
Bảng tuần hoàn
/pɪəriɒdɪk ˈteɪbl/
Element symbol
Kí hiệu hóa học
/ˈelɪmənt ˈsɪmbl/
Square /skweə(r)/ Ô nguyên tố
Group /ɡruːp/ Nhóm
Period /ˈpɪəriəd/ Chu kì
Horizontal row
Hàng ngang
/ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl rəʊ/
Vertical column
Hàng dọc
/ˈvɜːtɪkl ˈkɒləm/
Noble gas /ˈnəʊbl ɡæs/ Khí hiếm
Inert gas /ɪˌnɜːt ˈɡæs/ Khí trơ
Alkali metal
Kim loại kiềm
Periodic trend
Xu hướng tuần hoàn
/ˌpɪəriˈɒdɪk trend/
Atomic number
Số hiệu nguyên tử
/əˌtɒmɪk ˈnʌmbə(r)/
Ionization energy
Năng lượng ion hóa
/ˌaɪənaɪˈzeɪʃn ˈenədʒi/
Electron affinity
Ái lực điện từ
/ɪˈlektrɒn əˈfɪnəti/
Electron shell
Vỏ electron
/ɪˈlektrɒn ʃel/
Place /pleɪs/ Đặt
Organize /ˈɔːɡənaɪz/ Sắp xếp
Trình bày
Contain /kənˈteɪn/ Chứa
Consist of
Bao gồm
/kənˈsɪst əv/
Reveal /rɪˈviːl/ Tiết lộ
Classify as
Phân loại
/ˈklæsɪfaɪ æz/
Belong to
Thuộc về
/bɪˈlɒŋ tu/

- Organic or inorganic compounds

Words Meaning
Organic /ɔːˈɡænɪk/ Hữu cơ
Inorganic /ˌɪnɔːˈɡænɪk/ Vô cơ
Carbon-based compound /ˈkɑːbən beɪst ˈkɒmpaʊnd/ Hợp chất gốc carbon
Carbon-hydrogen bond /ˈkɑːbənˈhaɪdrədʒən/ Liên kết hydrocarbon
Covalent bond /ˌkəʊˈveɪlənt bɒnd/ Liên kết cộng hoá trị
Ionic bond /aɪˈɒnɪk bɒnd/ Liên kết ion
Electrolyte /ɪˈlektrəlaɪt/ Chất điện phân
Non-electrolyte /nɒn ɪˈlektrəlaɪt/ Chất không điện phân
Flammable /ˈflæməbl/ Chất dễ cháy
Complex /ˈkɒmpleks/ Phức tạp
Simple /ˈsɪmpl/ Đơn giản
Melting point /ˈmeltɪŋ pɔɪnt/ Nhiệt độ nóng chảy
Bolling point /ˈbɔɪlɪŋ pɔɪnt/ Nhiệt độ sôi
Carbonhydrate /ˌkɑːbəʊˈhaɪdreɪt/ Hidrat cacbon
Lipid /ˈlɪpɪd/ Chất béo
Protein /ˈprəʊtiːn/ Chất đạm
Nucleic axit /njuːˌkliːɪk ˈæsɪd/ Axit nucleic
Petrochimecal /ˌpetrəʊˈkemɪkl/ Chất hóa dầu
Amino acid /əˌmiːnəʊ ˈæsɪd/ Axit amin
Flavor ehancer /ˈfleɪvə(r) ɪnˈhɑːnsə(r)/ Chất làm tăng gia vị
Preservative /prɪˈzɜːvətɪv/ Chất bảo quản
Seasoning /ˈsiːzənɪŋ/ Gia vị
Food additive /fuːd ˈædətɪv/ Chất phụ gia thực phẩm
Fragrance /ˈfreɪɡrəns/ Nước hoa
Plastic /ˈplæstɪk/ Nhựa
Diamond-glass cutter /ˈdaɪəmənd ɡlɑːskʌtə(r)/ Dao cẳt đầu kim cương
Jewelry / ˈdʒuːəlri/ Trang sức

- Environmental problems, causes and solutions

Word Meaning
Soil contamination (n) Ô nhiêm đất
/sɔɪl kənˌtæmɪˈneɪʃn/
Soil erosion (n) Xói mòn đất
/sɔɪl ɪˈrəʊʒn/
air pollution (n) Ô nhiễm không khí
/eə(r) pəˈluːʃn/
water pollution (n) Ô nhiễm nguồn nước
/ˈwɔːtə(r) pəˈluːʃn/
Global warming (n) Hiện tượng nóng lên toàn cầu
(np) /ˈɡləʊbl ˈwɔːmɪŋ/
aquatic life /əˈkwætɪk laɪf/ (n) Thủy sinh
Motor vehicle /ˈməʊtə viːəkl/ (n) Xe gắn máy (ô tô, xe máy, ...)
Sewage /ˈsuːɪdʒ/ (n) Nước thải
Oil spill /ɔɪl spɪl/ (n) Sự cố tràn dầu
Fossil fuel (np) /ˈfɒsl fjuːəl/ (n) Nhiên liệu hóa thạch
Waste disposal /weɪst dɪˈspəʊzl/ (N phr) Xử lý chất thải
Greenhouse gas /ˌɡriːnhaʊs ˈɡæs/ (n) Khí thải nhà kính
Emission /ɪˈmɪʃ(ə)n/ (n) Khí thải
Contaminate /kənˈtæmɪneɪt/ (v) gây ô nhiễm (do chất hoá học)
Release /rɪˈliːs/ (v) Thải, giải phóng

Harmful (a) Có hại, nguy hiểm

Threaten /ˈθretn/ (v) Đe doạ, gây hại
Damage /ˈdæmɪdʒ/ (v) Gây thiệt hại
Affect /əˈfekt/ (v) Ảnh hưởng
Overuse /ˌəʊvəˈjuːs/ (n) Sự lạm dụng
Electric vehicle Xe điện (ô tô, xe máy, ...)
/ɪˈlektrɪk ˈviːəkl/
Solar energy Năng lượng mặt trời
/ˌsəʊ.lər ˈen.ə.dʒi/
Environment-friendly (a) Thân thiện với môi trường
/ɪnˌvaɪrənmentəli ˈfrendli/
Renewable energy Nguồn năng lượng tái tạo
/rɪˈnjuːəbl ˈen.ə.dʒi/
Reduce /rɪˈdjuːs/ (v) Giảm thiểu
Impose /ɪmˈpəʊz/ (v) Áp đặt, đặt ra (luật lệ, quy tắc, ...)

- Ecosystem

Words Meaning
Ecosystem (/ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/) Hệ sinh thái
Abiotic (/ˌeɪbaɪˈɒtɪk/) (yếu tố) vô sinh
Biotic (/baɪˈɒtɪk/) (yếu tố) có sự sống
Organism (/ˈɔːɡənɪzəm/) Cơ thể,sinh vật
Producer (/prəˈdjuːsə(r)/) Sinh vật sản xuất
Consumer (/kənˈsjuːmə(r)/ Sinh vật tiêu thụ
Decomposer (ˌ/diː.kəmˈpəʊz.ər/)) Sinh vật phân hủy
Herbivore (/ˈhɜːbɪvɔː(r)/) Sinh vật ăn cỏ
Carnivore (/ˈkɑːnɪvɔː(r)/) Sinh vật ăn thịt
Omnivore (/ˈɒmnɪvɔː(r)/) Sinh vật ăn tạp
Algae (/ˈældʒiː/) Tảo
Microscopic (/ˌmaɪkrəˈskɒpɪk/) Nhỏ,cực nhỏ
Tissue (/ˈtɪʃuː/) Mô
Nutrient (/ˈnjuːtriənt/) Chất dinh dưỡng
Mammal /ˈmæml/ Động vật có vú
Photosynthesis (/ˌfəʊtəʊˈsɪnθəsɪs/) Sự quang hợp
Terrestrial (/təˈrestriəl/) Ở cạn
Rainforest (/ˈreɪnfɒrɪst/) Rừng nhiệt đới
Tundra (/ˈtʌndrə/) Lãnh nguyên
Stream /striːm/ Dòng suối
Desert (/ˈdezət/) Sa mạc
Grassland (/ˈɡrɑːslænd/) Đồng cỏ
Aquatic (/əˈkwætɪk/) Sống ở nước
Freshwater (/ˈfreʃwɔːtə(r)/) Ở nước ngọt
Marine (/məˈriːn/) Thuộc biển
Population (/ˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn/) Quần thể
Community (/kəˈmjuːnəti/) Cộng đồng
Coral reef (/ˌkɒr.əl ˈriːf/) Dải san hô ngầm
Lentic ecosystem Vùng nước tù
/ˈlɛntɪk ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/
Loticecosystem Vùng nước chảy
(/ˈləʊtɪk ˈiːkəʊsɪstəm/)
Abundant (/əˈbʌndənt/) Phong phú
Swamp (/swɒmp/) Đầm lầy

- Energy sources

Words Meaning
Coal /kəʊl Than đá
Crude oil /kruːd ɔɪl/ Dầu thô
Fossil fuel (np) /ˈfɒsl fjuːəl/ Nguyên liệu hóa thạch
Hydroelectric energy Năng lượng thủy điện
/ˌhaɪdrəʊɪˈlektrɪk ˈenədʒi/
Natural gas /nætʃrəl ˈɡæs/ Khí thiên nhiên
Nonrenewable energy cource Nguồn tài nguyên không thể tái chế
/ˌnɒn rɪˈnjuːəbl ˈenədʒi sɔːs/
Renewable energy cource Nguồn tài nguyên có thể tái chế
/rɪˈnjuːəbl ˈenədʒi sɔːs
Solar energy /ˌsəʊ.lər ˈen.ə.dʒi/ Năng lượng mặt trời
Wind energy /wɪnd ˈenədʒi/ Năng lượng gió
Advantage /ədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ Ưu điểm
Air pollutant /eə(r) pəˈluːtənt/ Chất gây ô nhiễm khôngkhí
Available /əˈveɪləbl/ Có sẵn
Benefit /ˈbenɪfɪt/ Lợi ích
Complement ˈkɒmplɪment/ Bổ sung
Dam dæm/ Đập
Disadvantage /ˌdɪsədˈvɑːntɪdʒ/ Nhược điểm
Drawback /ˈdrɔː.bæk/ Nhược điểm
Exhausted /ɪɡˈzɔːstɪd/ Cạn kiệt
Extract /ˈekstrækt/ Khai thác
Generate Sản xuất
Limited ˈlɪmɪtɪd/ Có hạn
Manufacture /ˌmænjuˈfæktʃə(r)/ Sản xuất
Negative point Nhược điểm
/ˈneɡətɪv pɔɪnt/
Non-renewable (adj) Không thể tái tạo
/nɒn- rɪˈnjuːəbəl/
Positive point / ˈpɒzətɪv pɔɪnt/ Ưu điểm
Plentiful /ˈplentɪfl/ Dồi dào
Renewable /rɪˈnjuːəbl/ Có thể tái chế
Solar panel /ˌsəʊlə ˈpænl/ Tấm năng lượng mặt trời
Threat /θret/ Mối đe dọa
Unlimited ʌnˈlɪmɪtɪd/ Vô hạn
Wind farm /ˈwɪnd fɑːm/ Cánh đồng gió


A. Unit 1

a) Questions:
- What + be + the function(s)/use(s) of [tool]: chức năng của dụng cụ đó là gì?

VD: what is the functions of drill ?

- What + be + [tool] + used for/to?: dụng cụ đó để làm gì?

VD: what is drill used for?

- What does + [tool] + do?: dụng cụ đó để làm gì?

VD: what does drill do?

b) Answer:
- S + be + used to + V
- S + be + used for + V-ing
- S + help(s) + V/ to V
- S + enable(s)/allow(s) sb + to V: nó cho phép cta làm đc …
- The function of the [tool] is to V
c) About material:
- What + be + S + made of?: cái đấy đc làm bằng gì?
- S + be + made of + material

d) About shape and colour:

- What shape/ colour + be + S?: hình dáng/màu sắc của vật đấy là gì?
- S + be + Adj( related to shape/colour)
e) Asking for help:
- Could you pass me/ hand me/ give me [tool], please?
- I need + [tool]

B. Unit 2

* Passive voice of modal verbs (must, have to, can, should, need to, ..)

S+ modal verb + be • PII (past participle)

Eg: Lab safety equipment can be used in case of dangers.

+ Note: need to be PII = need Ving

* Structures to give a command or instruction

1. Imperative sentence: V•O

Eg: Use first aid kit if you have injuries.

2. Structure: It's important/necessary to V

Eg: It is important to use fire blanket to put out fires in the lab.

* Other structures Avoid something

Eg: You should wear face mask to avoid poisonous chemicals.

- Protect someone/ something from/ against something

Eg: Hard hat protects scientist from falling chemical objects.

- Prevent someonel something (from V-ing)

Eg: Earing protection equipment is worn to prevent loud noise.

- Face something

Eg: Safety equipment can be helpful when you face dangers.

-Be exposed to something

Eg: You should wear safety goggles to protect your eyes when you are exposed to hazardous

-In case of Noun/ V-ing = If s+ V

Eg: Lab safety equipment can be used in case of dangers.

-Put out (fire)

Eg: It is important to use fire blanket to put out fires or flames in the la

C. Unit 3

Grammar 1: Present simple tense

1. Usage

- Present simple tense is used to talk about structures, physical/ chemical properties and
uses of chemical elements, compounds and mixtures.

- Thì hiện tại đơn được sử dụng để nói về cấu trúc, tính chất vật lý / hóa học và sử dụng
các nguyên tố hóa học, hợp chất và hỗn hợp.

2. Form

a. To be verbs

* Positive (+)

- S + is/am/are + adj

Ex: Pure water is tasteless

Nước tinh khiết không có vị

- S + is/am/are + (adj) +N

Ex: The element oxygen and hydrogen are gases

Nguyên tố oxy và hidro là khí

Salt is a colourless compound

Muối là một hợp chất không màu

* Negative (-)

- S + isn’t/am not/aren’t + …

Ex: Soil isn’t a compound

Đất không phải là một hợp chất

* Yes/No Questions

- Is/am/are + S + …?

Ex: A: Is sodium gas at room temperature ?

Có phải khí Na ở nhiệt độ phòng ?

B: No, it isn’t

Không nó không phải

* WH-questions

- WH-questions + is/are/am + S + …?

Ex: A: What colour is iron ?

Sắt có màu gì ?

B: It is reddish brown

Nó có màu nâu đỏ

b. Action verbs

* Positive (+)

- S + V(s/es)

Ex: Copper and iron melt at high temperature

Đồng và sắt nóng chảy ở nhiệt độ cao

* Negative (-)

- S + don’t/doesn’t + V-inf

Ex: People don’t use soil to create plants

Người ta không sử dụng đất để tạo cây

* Yes/No Questions

- Do/Does + S + V-inf ?

Ex: A: Do non-metal conduct electricity ?

Có phải phi kim dẫn điện ?

B: No, they don’t

Không chúng không phải

* WH-questions

- WH-questions + do/does + S + V-inf ?

Ex: A: What temperature does zinc melt ?

Ở nhiệt độ nào thì kẽm nóng chảy ?

B: It melts at 419,5 °C

Nó nóng chảy ở 419,5 °C

Grammar 2: Useful structures to describe properties of elements, compounds and


1, To talk about things contained in a chemical element/compound/mixture

- S + be made of + N
Ex: Water is a common compound. It is made of hydrogen and oxgen
Nước là một hợp chất thường. Nó được cấu tạo bởi hidro và oxy

2, To talk about uses of a chemical element/compound/mixture

- S + is/am/are used to V / For V-ing

Ex: Hydrogen chloride is used to produce hydrochloric acid

Hidro clorua được sử dụng để sản xuất axit hydrochloric

- S + can be used to V / for V-ing

Ex: Sodium can be used in the industry for producing plastic

Na có thể được sử dụng trong ngành công nghiệp chế tạo nhựa
- S + is/am/are needed to V-inf

Ex: Oxygen is needed by animal and plants to live

Oxy là cần thiết cho động vật và thực vật để sống

D. Unit 4

1. Passive voice in present simple tense:

 Form

S + is/am/are + PII
An element position is determined by its properties.

Carbon and Oxygen are not arranged in a same group.
S + is/am/are + not + PII
How are elements organized on periodic table?
Is/Am/Are + S + PII

 Usage
Passive voice in Present simple tense is used to talk about place of an element in the periodic

2. Useful language to compare and contrast two elements:

Compare Contrast
 How are (Silver and Copper) similar?  How are (Silver and Copper) different?

 What are similarities between  What are differnces between

(Nitrogen) and (Neon)? (Nitrogen) and (Neon)?

 One/ The first similarity is about  One/ The first difference is about (the
(ionization energy). period).
 Another/ Other/ The last one is about  Another/ Other/ The last one is about
(electron affinity). …
 They are both (non-metals).  (Sodium is classified in period 3) while/
 They both have the same (number of whereas (Potassium belongs to period
electron shells). 4).
 (Sodium is an alkali metal. Potassium is  (Sodium is classified in period 3).
However, (Potassium belongs to period
an alkali metal), too. 4).
 Sodium is an alkali metal. Potassium is  (Sodium is classified in period 3), but
also an alkali metal. (Potassium belongs to period 4).

E. Unit 5

1. Passive voice in present simple tense

Positive: Sali is used as a preservative.

S+ am/is/are + PII
Negative: Carbon dioxide is not used as a preservative.
S + am/is/are not +PII
Question: Are organic compound used in the food industry?
Am/is/are + S + PII

2. Linking phrases showing contrast:

On the one hand, organic and

On the one hand, S + V. On
On the one hand – On inorganic compounds are both used in
the orther hand, S + V
the other hand the food industry. On the other hand,
(mệnh đề đối lập)
their application are different.
Organic compounds are mostly
S + v. On the contrary, S + carbon based. On the contrary,
On the contrary
V (mệnh đề đối lập) inorganic compounds do noy contain
Structure of inorganic compound is
S + V compared to N (mang
Compared to simple compared to the complex
nghĩa đối lập)
structure of organic ones.
Organic molecules are linked using
S + V , whereas S + V
Whereas covalent bond, whereas inorganic
(mệnh đề đối lập)
molecules use ionic bond

 We use linking phrases showing contrast to connect two clauses/ideas with opposite

F. Unit 6
- Clause + since/ as/ because + clause

E.g. The soil is polluted since/ as people use too many plastic bags in daily life.

- Clause + because of + N/ V-ing

E.g. The soil is polluted because of the overuse of plastic bags in daily life.

- S + be (mainly) due to +N

E.g. The air polluted is mainly due to the overuse of plastic bags in daily life.

- S + result from + N/ V- ing

E.g. The soil pollution result from the overuse of plastic bags in daily life.

The soil pollution result from using too many plastic bags in daily life.

A. S + be caused by + N/ V-ing
E.g. The soil pollution is caused by the overuse of plastic bags in daily life.

The air pollution is caused b using too many plastic bags daily life.


- S + lead to/ contribute to/ cause + N

Global warming leads to a rise in sea levels.

- S + result in + N/ V-ing

G. Unit 7

Presentation 1: Present simple(Revision)

1. Form:
(+) Positive sentences:

I/We/You/They/... + V-inf

He/She/It/... + V(s/es)

(-) Negative sentences:

I/We/You/They/... + do not(don’t) + V-inf

He/She/It/... + does not(doesn’t) + V-inf

(?) Questions:
Do + I/We/You/They/... + V-inf ?

Does + He/She/It/... + V-inf ?

2. Usage:
We use present simple tense to describe facts and truth

E.g. Every ecosystem consists of abiotic factors and biotic factors.

Presentation 2: Percentage,Decimals,Fractions

1. Decimals (Revision)
Decimals = number point number

2.13 Two point one three
0.009 Zero point zero zero nine
Or nought point zero zero nine
Or point zero zero nine
Note : This way is not used to read currency.

2. Percentage
55% Fifty five percent
100% A hundred percent
One hundred percent
4.25% Four point two five percent
0.6% Zero point six percent
Note: You can’t add “s” after “percent”

3. Fractions
A/B: A: one, two, three, four, ....

B: first, second, third, fourth, ....

If A > 1, B +s


1/6 One sixth
2/5 Two fifths


½ A half
2½ Two and a half
¼ A quarter
¾ Three quarters/three fourths

H. Unit 8

 BOTH…AND (vừa..vừa…, cả … lẫn..)

Both + Noun + and + Noun

Both + adjective+ and + pronoun

Both + pronoun + and + pronoun

Both + Verb + and + Verb

Both + Noun + Adverb + Adverb

 NOT ONLY… BUT ALSO (khôngnhững… màcòn…)

Not only + Noun + But also + Noun

Not Only + Pronoun + But also + Pronoun

Not only + Verb + But also + Verb

Not only + Adverb + But also + Adverb

Not only + Adjective + But also + Adjective

 NEITHER… NOR (không… cũngkhông…, cả 2 đềukhông ..)

Neither + Noun + nor + Noun

Neither + Pronoun + nor + Pronoun

Neither + Verb + nor + Verb

Neither + Adverb + nor + Adverb

Niether + Adjective + nor + Adjective

 EITHER … OR (hoặclà… hoặclà …)

Either + Noun + OR + Noun

Either + Pronoun + OR + Pronoun

Either + Verb + OR + Verb

Either + Adverb + OR + Adverb

Either + Adjective + OR + Adjective


 Both… and… + V (plural)

 Either… and… + V (plural or singular)
 Neither … and … + V (plural or singular)
Asking and answering about advantages

1. Can you tell me the advantages/benefits/ positive points of …?

 It…
2. Are there any advantages/ benefits/ positive points of …?
 It …
Asking and answering about disadvantages

1. Can you tell me the disadvantages/ drawbacks/ negative points of …?

 It…
2. Are there any disadvantages/ drawbacks/ negative points of …?
 It …

III. PART I (introduction)

1. Study

1. What is your major at the university?

 My major is chemical engineering.
2. How many subjects do you study this semester?
 I study … subjects in this semester.
3. Do you think that English will be useful for you in the future? Why or Why not?
 Yes I do. Because English is one of the most popular languages in the world.
 Yes, I do. Because it helps me have a good job in the future and it’s very useful for me
when I travel.
2. Leisure time
1. What do you like doing in your free time?
 I like listening to music and playing video game in my free time.
 In my free time, I often listen to music and surf the internet
 I enjoy listening to music, drawing, …
2. Who do you often spend time with in your free time?
 i often spend time with my friends in my free time.
3. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? Why?
 I prefer outdoor activities because I like going out more than staying at home.
 I prefer outdoor activities. Because, I get to interact with nature and see more places.
 I like outdoor activities. Because it makes me feel comfortable and cool.
 I prefer indoor activities because I feel peaceful and relaxed.
 I prefer outdoor activities. Because I like being harmony with nature
3. Study
1. Do you go to school in the morning or in the afternoon?
 I always go to school in the afternoon but sometimes I have practical classes in the
2. How many days a week do you go to school?
 I go to school 5 days a week
3. What time does your English start?
 It starts at 12:30 am on Mondays and Wednesdays.
4. Future plan
1. Which job do you want to do in the future?
 In the future, I want to become a chemical engineer
 I want to become an oil rig worker.
 I want to become a petroleum engineer.
2. What are your job duties?
 My job duty is researching new methods of manufacturing chemicals.
 My job duties are design experiments, create safety procedures for working with
dangerous chemicals, conduct tests and monitor results throughout production
 My job duties include researching new products and supervising the production process.
3. Do you want to work in Hanoi or your hometown?
 I want to work in Hanoi because it is my hometown and I don’t want to work far from my
 I want to work in Hanoi because I can find a good job and earn a lot of money there.
5. Hometown
1. Where are you from?
 I come from ----
2. How far is it from Hanoi?
 It is about 100 kilometers.
3. How do you travel from your hometown to our university?
 I always go to university by motorbike.
 I go by bus/by train/by motorbike/....
6. Hometown
1. What’s your hometown famous for?
 My hometown is famous for Co Loa castle.
 It is famous for Pho/Mot Cot pagoda/...
2. What are people in your hometown like?
 My people in my hometown are kind and friendly.
 In my hometown, people are very friendly and hard-working
 They are very friendly and hospitable.
3. How often do you come back your hometown?
 I come back my hometown every day.
 I often come back my hometown twice a month.
7. Means of transport
1. How do you go to school?
 I go to school by motorbike.
 I walk to school but sometimes I go to school by bus
2. What is your favorite means of transport?
 My favorite means of transport is the bus/the motorbike/....
 It is the bicycle because cycling is good for health
3. What is the most popular means of transport for students?
 I think the most popular means of transport for students is bus.
 I think it is the bus because the bus fare is quite cheap for students.
8. Family
1. Do you live with your family?
 Yes I’m living with my family now.
 No, I don’t. At the moment, I live with my friend.
2. What does your family often do at weekends/ on holidays?
 My family often eats together at weekends because everyone has to work on weekdays.
 My family often goes camping at weekends.
 We usually go to visit grandparents at weekends.
3. Who do you love most in your family? Why?
 I love my mother most because she always takes care of other members in my family.
 I love my mother in my family. Because My mother always helps me when I have some
difficulties and she gives me good advice for my troubles

- Unit 1: Act 3

Student A: You are a new intern. You are going to have a practical lesson at an oil rig.
Make a conversation with your friend about the tools needed for this job based on the
information in your card.

Structure 3 parts: (1)___________________

Handle Shaft & tip

Material plastic/ metal (2)____________
Shape square/oval in cross
Type Flathead Phillips Stubby
Features  Head: single  Head: cross slotted  Smaller than
slotted  Blade tip: normal types
 Blade tip:  (3)________________  Handle & blade:
Wedge-shaped short

Function Drive straight (4)__________________ Turn screws in areas/

slotted screws normal screwdriver
not reach easily

Student B: You are a new intern. You are going to have a practical lesson at an oil rig.
Make a conversation with your friend about the tools needed for this job based on the
information in your card.

Structure 3 parts: handle, shaft, tip

Handle Shaft & tip

Material (5)_________________ Steel


Shape square/oval in cross


Type Flathead Phillips Stubby

Features  Head: single slotted  Head: cross slotted  Smaller than normal
 Blade tip:  Blade tip: look like types
(6)___________ plus (+) sign  Handle & blade:
Function Drive straight slotted Install Phillips screws (8)_________________

Sample Conversation:

A: Hello B. We are going to have a practical lesson at an oil rig. Would you like to discuss about
the types of screwdriver?
B: I’d love to.
A: How many parts does a screwdriver have?
B: It has 3 parts: a handle, a shaft and a tip
A: Ok, what are the shaft and tip made of?
B: They are made of steel.
A: What shape is the blade tip of a Phillips screwdriver?
B: It looks like plus (+) sign.
A: I see, what is the function of a Phillips screwdriver?
B: It’s used to install Phillips screws. What about the material of a screwdriver’s handle?
A: It’s made of plastic or metal.
B: What shape is the blade tip of a flathead screwdriver?
A: It is wedge-shaped.
B: What shape is the handle and blade of a Stubby screwdriver?
A: It is wedge shapes
B: what shape is …
A: it is short
B: what is the function of a Stubby screwdriver?
A: It’s used for turning screws in areas that the normal screwdriver can’t reach easily.
B: Thank you.
A: You’re welcome.

- Unit 2: Lesson 1 & 2 (Act 3)

You and your friend are discussing about necessary safety equipment when having a
Chemical practical lesson in the lab. Make a conversation him/ her based on the
information in your card.

Student A Student B
- Greet - Greet
- Ask about kinds of injuries can occur when - List out some injuries: burning, chemical
working in the lab contamination, hazardous chemicals exposure
Ask how to avoid these dangers - Explain: wear personal protective equipment.
- Ask for some common equipment.
Respond: flame-resistant clothing or lab coat, - Respond: Right
apron, gloves, mask. - Ask for purpose of wearing flame-resistant
Respond: avoid chemical splashes & prevent - Respond: Yes
the body from burning in case of fire - Ask for other equipment to protect eyes from
hazardous chemical.
Repond: wear safety goggles or eye - Say: Well - prepared
protection equipment - Remind of safety signs of these equipment in
the lap
End the conversation End the conversation


A: Good morning Ms Lam.

B: Good morning, can I help you?

A: I am going to have a Chemical practical lesson in the lab so I want to know some information
about safety equipment. Can you help me, please?

B: Yes, of course.

A: What kind of injuries can occur when working in the lab?

B: You can face with some injuries such as: burning, chemical contamination, hazardous
chemicals exposure,…

A: How to avoid these dangers?

B: You must wear personal protective equipment. Do you know some common equipment?

A: Yes, I know. For example: flame-resistant clothing, lab coat, apron, gloves, mask,…

B: That’s right. Why must we wear flame-resistant clothing?

A: We wear it not only to avoid chemical splashes but also to prevent the body from burning in
case of fire.

B: Good job. Do you know other equipment to protect eyes from hazadous chemical?

A: We can wear safety goggles or eyes protection equipment.

B: You have a good preparation. You should notice safety signs of these equipment in the lap.

A: Yes. I’ll. Thank you for your help.

B: You’re welcome.

- Unit 2; Lesson 2 (Act3-page 25)

- Unit 3: Lesson 1 (Act 3-page 34)

Student A: You are a student who has to do some homework about elements, compounds and
mixtures but you don’t know the differences among them. Make a conversation with a chemical
engineer to ask for some information based on the suggestions in your card.

Card A:

Student A Student B

- Greet - Greet
- Say your problem and ask for help - Respond: Yes

Ask about the similarities and differences Respond:

between element and compound
+ Similarity: Substances

+ Difference: compound – formed when ≥ 2

elements are reacted chemically

Ask B to distinguish compound to mixture Respond :

+ material, not substance

Interrupt: Ask if mixture is made from 2 or Respond: Yes

more substances.
- Explain:substances in mixture not joined
chemically, can be separated

- Ask if student A knows some common elements,

compounds and mixtures in chemistry

Respond: Respond:

+ Elements: Na, H, S, Cu, Cl + Compounds: CO2, NH3, HCl, H2SO4

+ Say you have no ideas about name of + Mixtures: air, soil, concrete
compounds and mixtures

Say thanks and goodbye Respond and say goodbye

Student B: You are a chemical engineer. Make a conversation with a student about elements,
compounds and mixtures based on the suggestions in your card.


A: Good morning B

B: Hello A

A: I have to do my homework about elements, compounds and mixtures but I have no idea
about them. Please help me with that.

B: I’m glad I could help

A: Thanks. What are the similarities and differences between elements and compounds?

B: They are both substances. However, the compound is formed when more than 2 elements
are reacted chemically.
A: How can you distinguish compound to mixture?

B: It is easy to distinguish. The mixture is a material, not a substance.

A: Is the mixture made from two or more substances?

B: That’s right. The substances in mixture are not joined chemically and they can be separated.

Do you know some common elements, compounds and mixtures in chemitry?

A: They are Na, H, S, Cu, Cl…. Can you give me the names of compounds and mixtures?

B: The compounds are CO2, NH3, HCL, H2SO4. The mixtures are Air , soil, Concrete

A: Thank you. Good bye

B: You’re welcome.

- Unit 3: Lesson 2 (Act-page 38)

Student A: You and your friend are revising for the Chemistry test. Make a conversation
with him/ her to exchange the information about an element to complete your card.
Name (1) _____________
Metal/ Non - metal Metal
Colour (2) _____________
State  Not found in nature
 Exist in minerals
Physical (3) _____________
Melting point 98 oC
Boiling point (4) _____________
Uses  An exellent drying agent
 Making artificial rubber

Student B: You and your friend are revising for the Chemistry test. Make a conversation
with him/ her to exchange the information about an element to complete your card.
Name Sodium

Metal/ Non - metal (5) _______________

Colour Silvery - white

State (6) _______________

Physical  Reactive
properties  Soft (easy cut with a knife)
 Conduct electricity and heat
Melting point (7) _______________
Boiling point 883oC

Uses (8) _______________

- Unit 4: Lesson 2 (Act 3-page 54)

You and your friend are doing an assignment. Make a conversation with him/her to exchange
information about two elements (Na and Cl) based on the suggestions in your card.

Student A Student B
- Greet - Greet
- Ask to compare and contrast 2 elements - Respond: Yes
(Na and Cl)
Ask about their similarities Respond : 2 similarities
+ 1st similarity: Period (3)
Ask about another similarity - Respond: number of electron shells
- Ask about their differences
Respond: group, colour, … Ask if Na – group 1 and Cl – group 17
Say they have some differences
- Respond: Yes Add other differences: phase and ability to
- Make a contrast: conduct heat and electricity
+ Na: alkali metal, Cl: non-metal + Na: solid, Cl: gas at room temperature
+ Na: Silver-white, Cl: colourless + Na: conduct heat and electricity
Say thanks and good bye Respond and say good bye


A: Hello
B: Hi, can I help you?
A: Can you compare and contrast two elements Na and Cl?
B: Yes, of course
A: How are they similar?
B: They have two similarities. First, both of them belong to period three.
A: What is another similarity?
B: They have the same number of electron shells? Do you know about their differences?
A: They have some differences such as group, colour ….
B: Is sodium classified in group 1 and chlorine in group 17?
A: Yes, that right
They have another difference, sodium is alkali metal while chlorine is non-metal.
Sodium is silver- white but chlorine is colourless.
B: Another difference is about phase and ability to conduct heat and electricity.
Sodium is solid whereas chlorine is gas at room temperature
Sodium can conduct heat and electricity.
A: Thank you, goodbye!
B: Goodbye!

- Unit 5: Lesson 1 (Act3-page 61)

Student A: You are studying organic chemistry. The chemistry test is coming this
weekend. Make a conversation to exchange information with your friend based on the
suggestions in your card.
Student B: You are studying inorganic chemistry. The chemistry test is coming this
weekend. Make a conversation to exchange information with your friend based on the
suggestions in your card.

Student A Student B
Greet Greet

Ask to discuss organic and inorganic Agree


Ask about the structure of inorganic compounds Respond: Simple

- Ask if organic compounds also have simple

Respond: No. Ask about the bonding of organic compounds

- Say they have complex structure

Respond: Covalent Respond: Ionic.

- Ask about that of inorganic ones - Say four basic types of inorganic compounds:
water, acids, bases, salts
- Ask about basic types of organic compounds

Respond: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, Say you understand. Thank A for sharing
nucleic acids information.

Greet Greet
- Unit 7: Lesson 1 (Act 3-page 85)

Card A: Abiotic factors

A: Can I ask you some questions about abiotic factors?

B: Yes, of course.

A: What are abiotic factors?(1)

B: They are non -living things. They incude Inorganic substances,Organic compounds and
Climatic and Physical factors.

A: Oh! I know about inorganic substances, but what are organic compounds?(2)

B: They include proteins, carbonhydrates, lipids and so on.....

A: What about climatic and physical factors?(3)

B: They are air,water,soil,sunlight,rainfall,temperature and humidity.

A: Ok! What is the role of inorganic substances?(4)

B: They involve in the cycling of materials in the ecosystems.

A: What is the role of climatic and physical factors?(5)

B: They influence the growth and survival of living things.

A: It’s great. Thank you !

B: You’re welcome.

Card B: Biotic factors

B: Can I ask you some questions about biotic factors?

A: Yes, of course.

B: What are biotic factors?(6)

A: They are living things. They include Producers,Consumers and Decomposers.

B: What are producers ?(7)

A: Producers are usually plants

B: Oh! What are consumers ?(8)

A: They are divided into 3 groups: Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores.

B: It’s great! What is the role of producers ?(9)

A: They make their own food.

B: What is the role of decomposers ?(10)

A: They break down the the dead tissue and waste products. Moreover, they also recycle the

B: Thank you !
A: You’re welcome.

- Unit 8: Lesson 2 (Act 3)

Student A: You have information about solar energy, but you have to prepare a short
presentation about natural gas for your next lesson. Ask Student B for some information of
natural gas and answer her/his questions about solar energy

Student B: You have information about natural gas, but you have to prepare a short
presentation about solar energy for your next lesson. Ask Student B for some information
of solar energy and answer her/his questions about natural gas.

A: Hello B

B: Hi

A: I have to prepare a short presentation about natural gas for my next lesson. Can you help

B: yes, of course.

A: what type of energy source is natural gas?

B: It is a non- renewable energy source.

A: Oh yes, so where is it from?

B: Well, it is extracted from rock deep within the earth.

A: What do people use it for?

B: They use it for heating homes, lighting, cooling and cooking.

A: Ok, can you tell me some advantages?

B: It is cheap and convenient to use.

A: Yeah, what about its disadvantages?

B: Yes, It is limited and will be exhausted one day And it also releases CO2 and other air
pollutants when it is burnt.

A: Thank you.

B: It’s my turn, Can you tell me about solar energy?

A: Of course.

B: What type of energy source is it?

A: It’s a renewable energy.

B: Uhmm, So where is it form?

A: It is from the heat of the sun.

B: Yes, what is it used to?

A: It is used to generate electricity.

B: Ok, can you tell me some advantages?

A: It is renewable, safe and clean to the environment.

B: What about disadvantages?

A: It is expensive to manufacture and implement solar panels.

B: Thanks, Bye.

A: Good bye


- Unit 1:

Topic: Describe an oil-rig tool you know

Suggested Questions:

1. What is its name?

2. How many parts does it have?
3. What is it made of?
4. How does it look like?
5. What is it used for?


1. It is flathead screwdriver.
2. There are 3 parts: handle, shaft, tip
3. The shaft is made of steel and the handle is made of metal or plastic. It is square or oval in
4. It has a single slotted head, and the blade tip is wedge-shaped. It’s also called standard
5. It is used to drive straight slotted screws.
1. It is Phillips screwdriver.
2. There are 3 parts: handle, shaft, tip
3. The shaft is made of steel and the handle is made of metal or plastic. It is square or oval in
4. It has a cross slotted head, and the blade tip looks like a plus sign.
5. It is used to Install Phillips head screws.
1. It is stubby screwdriver.
2. There are 3 parts: handle, shaft, tip
3. The shaft is made of steel and the handle is made of metal or plastic. It is square or oval in
4. It is smaller than normal screwdrivers, and it has a short blade and handle.
5. It is used to turn screws in areas that a normal screwdriver can’t reach easily.

- Unit 2:

Topic: Write about using safety equipment in a specific working environment (in a lab, on
an oil or gas rig, or in a food industry company)

Suggested questions:

1. What is your job?

2. Where do you work?
3. What dangers/ injuries can occur at work?
4. What safety equipment must be worn?
5. Why do the workers must use these equipment?


I am a student of chemical department in Ha Noi University of Industry so I often work in the

school laboratory. You can face with many dangers and injuries such as: chemical spills,
burning, broken glassware,… There are three common safety equipment in the lab to keep you
safe during working. The first, it is a lab coat. We should wear it to protect your skin from
chemical spills. The seconds, safety goggles or a face shield must be worn to prevent your eyes
when you are exposed to hazardous chemicals. Lastly, you should wear gloves to prevent your
hand from knife cut and chemical spills. Those are some instructions to work in the lab that you
need to know. We should follow the lab’s rules and prepare safety equipment when conducting

- Unit 3:
Topic: Write about a(n) element/ compound/ mixture that you know well

Suggested questions:

1. What is its name?

2. Is it a(n) element, compound or mixture?
3. What is it made up of?
4. What are its physical/chemical properties?
5. What are its common uses?


I am a chemical engineering and I think the compound element or mixture is necessary.

Water is a compound. It is made of hydrogen and oxygen. The chemical formula is hydrogen
oxide (H20). It has 3 different states: gas, liquid and solid. In the form of liquid, it is clear,
colorless, odorless and tasteless. At the temperature of 100 degrees Celsius, it boils and turns
into gas. When the temperature is below 0 degree Celsius, water freezes and turns to the solid
form which is often called ice. Water is a chemical substance that can be found at home. It
covers around 70% of Earth's surface. We use water for more things than just drinking. We use
it in agriculture to grow food, in cleaning to wash our clothes and dishes, in hydropower to
create energy with dams.

- Unit 4:

Topic: Describe the periodic table

Suggested questions:

1. What is it used for?

2. What are major periodic trends? (left to right, top to bottom)
3. What parts are they organized into?
4. What significant features does each part represent?
5. What information is included in each element square?


My major is chemical engineering so the periodic table is very useful for me. It can be used
to predict the properties or look up information about different elements. Major periodic trends
include ionization energy and electron affinity. The ionization energy and electron affinity of
elements increase from left to right and bottom to top of the table. They are organized into 16
groups and 7 periods. Groups are displayed in the vertical columns. Elements in 1 group have
similar physical or chemical properties. Periods are in the horizontal rows. Elements in the same
groups have the same number of eletron shells. Each element is represented in 1 square. In
each square, it reveals some informations about a element such as: element’s name, element’s
symbol, atomic number and atomic weight. We can’t study well without periodic table

- Unit 5:
Topic: the examples of organic or inorganic compounds

Suggested questions:

- What are organic compounds/ inorganic compounds?

- What are examples of organic compounds/ inorganic compounds?

- What are applications of each example?


- Organic compounds

Organic compounds are compounds that have carbon-hydrogen bonds that you can find in all
living things easily. These are carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. I know some
examples of organic compounds such as organic acid, amino acids and petrochemicals. Amino
acids are used as animal food in some industry but the major usage of acid is glutamic acid that
is used as flavor enhancer. The second example is organic acids. The form of those acids is in
solid state. It is commonly used for oil and gas. Sometime, organic acids are used in food
industry as food preservatives due to their effects on bacteria. The last one is pertrochemicals.
You use products made from petrochemicals everyday. Their applications examples include
plastics, dyes, natural gas, medicines… Organic compounds are very useful in our daily life.

- Inorganic compounds:

Inorganic compounds are compounds that do not have carbon-hydrogen bond. We can easily
find examples of inorganic compounds at home but I want to talk about three main example:
salt, ammonia and carbon. First, as you know, salt is used as food seasoning. It is also used in
the past as food preservatives. The second, example is ammonia which is used for detergents,
dyes and fragrances. It can be found among other ingredients which are also used in glass and
hard surface cleaner. Lastly, as for carbon, the common names of carbon for home use are
diamond and graphite. Graphite is used to make pencil while diamonds are used in jewelries
and diamond glass-cutters. There are example of inorganic compounds. It is very useful in daily

- Unit 6:

Topic: Talk about environmental problems due to chemicals in your hometown/country.

Suggested questions:

1. What problems they are (Problems)

2. What causes the problems (Causes)
3. How they affect people’s lives (Effects)
4. What people can do to reduce/ prevent them (Solutions)

Air pollution Vietnamese people mainly use motor vehicles to travel, which releases a lot of
toxic exhaust fumes has an extremely bad effect on the air, especially in the
city areas
- People’s health can be threatened
- The burning of fossil fuels can lead to global warming because it emits
greenhouse gases such as CO2, CO and SO2 or methane into the
- It results in the increase of sea levels that can kill millions of people.
To reduce these issues in the future, people should use public transportation
or electric vehicles to travel, as well as use renewable energy sources like
wind, water or solar power.
Water It is caused by oil spill, wastewater from industry activities and untreated
pollution sewage from household products.
It harms marine life under the sea and rivers.
This problem may be tackled when laws about industrial waste disposal are
Soil The overuse of fertilizer sand pesticides.
contaminatio The excessive amount of these chemical substances can kill trees, plants and
n damage animal habitats so they can die or have to move to new places for
To deal with this issue, farmers should cut down the use of fertilizers and
pesticides in agricultural activities, then switch to organic farming methods and
buy organic food.

- Unit 7:

* Topic 1: Talk about one of two major components of ecosystem (abiotic or biotic)

Suggested questions:

 What is it?
 How many elements does it have?
 What are some examples and the main roles of each element?

Abiotic factors

Abiotic factors are non-living things. They include inorganic substances, organic compounds,
climatic and physical factors. First, inorganic substances are nutrients elements and
compounds. The examples of inorganic compounds are carbon,oxygen,hydrogen,... They
involve in the cycling of materials in the ecosystems. Secondly, the examples of organic
compounds are proteins,carbonhydrates,lipids and so on... The role of organic compounds is
form the living body and link the abiotic compounds with the biotic factors. Lastly, the most
important factors are climatic and physical factors. They include air, water,
soil,sunlight,rainfall,temperature,.....They influence the growth and survival of living thing. Abiotic
factors are very important and really necessary because without them life would cease to exist.
Biotic factors

Biotic factors are living things. They include producers,consumers and decomposers. First,
plants and algae are called producers. They produce oxygen and make their own food.
Secondly the examples of consumers are animals. They fall into three groups:
Herbivores,carnivores and omnivores. They need to eat food that producers have produced.
Lastly, the examples of decomposers are fungi and bacteria decompose. They break down the
dead tissue and waste products. Moreover, they also recycle the nutrients.

*Topic 2: Talk about a type of ecosystem you like

Suggested questions:

1. What type of ecosystem is it?

2. What are the characteristics of this type of ecosystem?

 its location
 weather/ climate
 common plants & animals
 popular plants & animals

Desert ecosystem is the areas which consist mainly of the sands with very little water. It covers
about 20% of the Earth. It is located in every continent expect Europe. Deserts have high
temperature, sand storm and it has a lot of sunlight. In the morning, the temperature is very high
but in the evening the temperature is very low. With very little water, animals must store water in
their bodies, plants must store water in their stem to live in desert. The main vegetation in desert
is cactus and spines because poorly developed. Camels, nocturnal, some insects and birds are
main animals in desert.

- Unit 8:

Topic: Talk about different types of energy sources

Suggested questions:

1. What are two types of energy sources?

2. Where are they from?
3. What do people use them for?
4. What are their advantages and disadvantages?


I’m going to tell you about two types of energy sources: They are solar energy and
natural gas. First, it is solar energy. It is renewable. It is from the heat of the sun. People use it
to generate electricity. it is not only plentiful but also safe and clean to the environment.
However, it is quite expensive to buy solar panels. Second, it is about natural gas. It is
nonrenewable. It is extracted from rock deep within the earth. It is used for not only heating our
homes, lighting, cooling but also cooking. It is both cheap and easy to use. The main
disadvantage of it is releasing Co2 and other air pollutants, so it is harmful to the environment.

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