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“It usually takes me more than

three weeks to prepare a good
impromptu speech.”
Mark Twain

Presentation skill is an essential skill in one’s

Pecha Kucha career progression. Having a good an effective

presentation skill will enable you to share ideas

-Sharing ideas with a large number of people, own executive

presence and visibility in your field.
effectively In this fast-paced corporate world with
information overloading, executives have become
less patience with shorter attention span.
It’s important to be brief, spot on yet memorable
in your presentation. Pecha Kucha is a good
method to achieve just that.

Pecha Kucha is an unique, simple yet highly

structured presentation format to deliver your
message in 6 minutes and 20 seconds.

This programme is structured to build a confident

presenter who can deliver message accurately and
effectively. A variety of training methods will be
used to give participants the best opportunities
for learning.

Course Objectives
This programme can help participants to :
I) plan key concepts and ideas
II) Design visuals in enhancing their presentation
II) Engaging participants in short span of time
III)handling nerves and maintaining confidence

Course Outline

Time Agenda Key Learning Point(s)
9:00 am-10:15am Introduction Getting to know each other better
Icebreaker Warming up the participants to
through the loosely formatted Pecha

10:15 am-10:35am Tea Break

10:35am –12:30pm Emerging of short talk formats Benefits of short talk formats

Four types of presentation Informative, Demonstrative,

Persuasive, Entertaining

Elements of successful Introduction that grab attention

presentation Smooth transitions
Impactful closing

Overcoming the challenges Engaging participants in short span

of time
Managing time
Managing your nerves
12.30pm- 1.30pm Lunch
1.30pm- 2.30pm Identify key concepts and ideas Organizing information with robust
examples, data and other pertinent

Creating your story board

Enhancing presentation with Choosing the right pictures


2.30pm- 4.00pm Getting started Preparing a Pecha Kucha Slides

Start with basics Top ten easy topics to start with

4.00pm- 4.20pm Tea break
4.20pm- 5pm Debrief and closing of Day 1

Time Agenda Key Learning Point(s)
9:00 am-10:00am Recap and review Sharing of experience and lessons

10:00 am-10:20am Tea Break

10:20am –12:30pm Business Presentation
 Putting Pecha Kucha in i) Title
practice ii) Key messages
iii) Selection of visuals
iv) Supporting statements
v) Evidence
vi) Case studies
vii) Injecting humour
12:30pm – 1:30pm Lunch

1:30pm – 4:00 pm Evaluation of Pecha Kucha Participants to present

Peer Evaluation

Feed back from trainer

4:00pm – 4:20 pm Tea Break

4:20pm – 5:00pm Summary and closing

Prizes presentation

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