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No Notes What you do and write on your journal

Name : Agung Suhud Pangestu

NIM : 221134033
1 Planning I want to read a text that contains an interesting
story that can be seen from the title, because i
want to enjoy what i read and so that it can
increase my desire to read more.
2 Title A Little Princess
Total of words 6059 words
3 What you know Little princess is a girl that special, so that she
about the title of the called princess.
4 What questions do - What will the story tell about?
you have in your - Where will the story be set?
mind? - Who is the princess?
What predictions do Maybe the story will tell about the life of the
you have? character that called a little princess
5 Read -
6 What do you get Yeah, I got an answers for my questions.
from the text?
7 Revise This story tells about the life of
8 Reference
9 Write the number of 6059 Words
words of the book
10 Write the summary The story begins with seven-year-old Sara Crew’s
of the book journey from India, where she has been raised by
her father, to London, where she is to attend
boarding school. Before bidding her farewell, her
doting father gives her extravagant gifts including
custom-made clothes and a beautiful doll, which
she names Emily. The father and daughter say an
emotional farewell before Captain Crewe returns
to India. Sara desperately misses her father, but
survives on the strength of her friendliness and
active imagination. She tells exciting stories,
which make her popular among her classmates,
and she enjoys pretending that her doll, Emily, is
capable of thinking and understanding her. Sara's
new friends in this period include Ermengarde, a
well-intentioned but rather dull classmate who
looks up to her, and Lottie, the school's youngest
student, who accepts Sara as a kind of surrogate
mother. Moreover, Sara's extreme wealth gains her
favor with the school's leadership. Miss Minchin,
the headmistress, dislikes Sara but treats her well
out of a materialistic desire for her family's
money. Some students, such as Sara's rival
Lavinia, envy her wealth, but Sara is constantly
selfless and unspoiled. She goes out of her way to
share food, toys, and resources with those who
lack them, especially the mistreated scullery maid,
a young girl named Becky. In fact, Sara imagines
herself to be a princess who betters the lives of her
subjects. By the time of her eleventh birthday,
Sara is the school's most popular and academically
advanced student.

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