Bleach d20 Classless - The Expanded Zanpakutou

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Bleach d20 Classless: The Expanded Zanpakutou

A supplement to The Complete Zanpakutou, but not Complete Zanpakutou II

Ok. Let's face it. Most people came to this system for the subject... Bleach. But most of you stayed for the main
power system of Shinigami. The Zanpakutou Customization System. We revamped that system modifying it in
small, but potent ways in “The Complete Zanpakutou”. In this book, however, we are expanding that book, not
really revamping anything, or changing rules.

There are several new Shikai types, and a number of Bankai abilities. Some of which were requested through
donations, others created by Devs as mental experiments. Below are some of the types inside this tome.

• Portal Type: Opening gateways for offense and defense, the Portal Type allows one to teleport around
the battlefield, inflicting injury on opponents and defending allies.
• Celerity Type: The need for speed is real for anyone. The Speed type allows you to move faster than
anything, and even redirect kinetic energy to your advantage.
• Chance Type: Random Chance can be your friend, and while the Games type allows you to allow your
opponent a chance to defeat you, the Chance Type only relies on luck and chance to achieve victory.
• Mystic Type: A shikai type that introduces powerful abilities into the Bleach Universe that uses Chi or Ki
to power abilities, the Mystic Type brings the powers of Dragon Ball into the Bleach Universe.

Bankai Abilities will be added, as mentioned above, such as

• Massive Upswing
• Superior Control
• Unending Deluge
• Overflowing Spirit

I give no context for the above Bankai Abilities, but let's say they'll be fun. And there will be more than what's
The following feats supplement all others.

Combination Feats
Prerequisites: A release with the Portal and Aerial Types
Benefit: You may use your portals to initiate a "Leap Attack" by teleporting upwards (And possibly towards your
target). If you have the ability to chain portals together, you may either increase the height of your "Leap Attack"
by chaining additional portals, or you may force a "Leap Attack" that would take more than one round to end
during your attack action, and still use the proper modifier in full. Lastly, you may add the number of Portal and
Aerial Type abilities together to abilities that increase by either (So things that increase by one type are
increased by both types).


Prerequisites: A release with the Alien and Dragon types
Benefit: Whenever you transform into a Dragon using Dragonshape, you may rearrange your Alien Maker points
gained from the Alien Type based on your new form. The points return to their original configuration once you
end Dragonshape. In addition, when you use Spreading Alien DNA, You may allow the chosen targets to use
your Dragon form in addition to your Alien Maker points.


Prerequisites: A release with the Alien and Summoning Types
Benefit: Instead of applying your Alien Maker points to yourself, you may add them to your Summon instead. If
you have multiple summons, each gets your total amount of Alien Maker points. If you have the Improved Retain
Blade ability, you also benefit from your Alien Maker points along with your Summons.

Zanpakutou Feats
Prerequisites: A release with the Portal Type, Basic Portal Zanpakutou Ability
Benefit: You no longer have to clearly see your target destination to use your Basic Portals. You must at least
have an idea of where you are going before teleporting, though even a vague description such as "100ft straight
north" is acceptable.


Prerequisites: Blind Portal, A release with the Portal Type, Basic Portal Zanpakutou Ability.
Benefit: You may link portals together to travel in strange directions. You may now chain together Basic Portals
by sacrificing one iterative attack. You may do this multiple times per round, surrendering one iterative attack
each time. This is only one path, all that pass through your basic portal must go the same direction.
Shikai Types
The following shikai types supplement all others.

Alien Type
Unlike other Shikai Types, the Alien type revolves around augmenting your racial feat using the Alien Builder
from the Quintessential Dragon Ball.

Ability: While your Zanpakutou is released, you gain 4 Alien Maker Points from the "Quintessential Dragon Ball"
to add to your character. You must set these points when you choose this ability (But can retrain them later).
While you are in an Alienation (Or their later versions), you physically change form to match the points you
Special: You may choose this ability multiple times, each time you gain an additional 4 Alien Maker points to a
maximum of 5 times taken before epic levels.


Prerequisites: Alienation
Ability: For every 2 Alien Maker points you gain, you gain 2 Statistic Points that you may spend on your
attributes. Once spent, they cannot be changed. They are available when you release your Zanpakutou.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time increase the bonus Statistic points by +1


Prerequisites: Alienation
Ability: You gain 1/4 of your Alien Maker choices in your Sealed State.


Prerequisites: Alienation
Ability: When you gain this ability, choose one other racial power list (You cannot choose Abyssal One without
GM Permission), or Power Choice list and put it along side this ability. That ability becomes yours while your
Zanpakutou is released.
Special: You may choose this multiple times. Each time gain another ability (Or another iteration of the same
ability if it stacks).


Prerequisites: Alienation, Alien Physiology
Ability: You may create 2 different Alien Maker builds from the prerequisite abilities. You may switch between
them as a move action.
Special: You may choose this ability multiple times. Each time add another Alien Maker build using the points
and abilities from the prerequisite abilities.


Prerequisites: Alienation, Alien Physiology, Alien Bitrix 3x times.
Ability: You gain the ability to switch your Alien Maker points and abilities when you first release your
Zanpakutou, and whenever you would be able to switch your builds using Alien Bitrix.


Prerequisites: Alienation, Alien Physiology, Alien Bitrix
Ability: You may use Alien Bitrix to switch builds as a swift action instead of a move action.


Prerequisites: Alienation, Alien Physiology
Ability: You gain 3 points to modify your Zanpakutou as per the "Alernate Zanpakutou Form" feat.
Prerequisites: Alienation, 2 other Alien Type abilities
Ability: You may select up to your Spellscore Modifier of creatures within 100 feet of you. While your
Zanpakutou is released, they also gain the Alien Maker choices you've made. Unwilling targets gain a Charisma
based Will save to resist the effects.
Special: You may choose this ability multiple times. Each time, either extend the area 100 feet, or add 2
additional target that you may choose.


Prerequisites: Alienation
Benefit: Choose one iteration of an Alien Maker option. You gain a 50% bonus to the numerical bonus of that
Special: You may choose this option multiple times. each time choose a different Alien Maker option you
currently have chosen.


Prerequisites: Alienation, Alien Mutation
Benefit: Increase the bonus gained by one of your Alien Mutations by 50% (for a total of 100%)
Special: You may choose this option multiple times. each time choose a different Alien Mutation option you
currently have chosen.
Celerity Type
This type is all about mobility and how fast you can move, gaining power from the kinetic energy produced by
high speed movement.


Prerequisites: None
Ability: Whenever you move at least 10 feet in a round, add +1[BW]damage and +1 to your Defense Rolls for 1
full round. This activates as a free action when you release your Zanpakutou
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time increase the [BW] of damage and the Defense Bonus by
+1 to a maximum of 5[BW] and +5 to Defense before Epic Levels.


Prerequisites: Blade of Zephyr
Ability: You gain the benefits of the "Spring Attack" feat while your Zanpakutou is released.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do, add +5 feet to your movement while using Spring


Prerequisites: Blade of Zephyr, Mobile Strike
Ability: You gain the benefits of the "Flash Step Spring Attack" feat while your Zanpakutou is released.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do, add +5 feet to your movement while using Flash
Step Spring Attack.


Prerequisites: Blade of Zephyr, Mobile Strike, Greater Mobile Strike
Ability: You gain the benefits of the "Senka" feat while your Zanpakutou is released.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you do, add +1 to your rolls to successfully use Senka.


Prerequisites: Mobile Strike, 2 other Celerity Abilities
Ability: When you attack a target during "Spring Attack" or "Flash Step Spring Attack" you may make a main
hand and an off-hand attack instead of normal.


Prerequisites: Blade of Zephyr, 3 other Celerity Abilities
Ability: As long as you move 10 feet in a round and have activated your Blade of Zephyr, you gain the bonus
from Blade of Zephyr to your Reflex Saves, and any opponent that ends their turn within 5feet of you (Being
Adjacent), takes your Blade of Zephyr bonus damage that ignores Damage Reduction/Mitigation.


Prerequisites: 4 Celerity Abilities
Ability: If you end your turn with a move action (IE: The last thing you did on your turn was move at least 5 feet),
reduce all damage you sustain by your Dexterity Modifier + Your (Landspeed/5).
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time you do, add +5 to your Landspeed for this ability.
Prerequisites: Kinetic Field, 2 other Celerity type Abilities
Ability: You gain the ability to store kinetic energy. When you would take Ballistic, Bludgeoning, Crushing,
Falling, Force or Sonic damage, or if you move more than 100ft per round, you instead gain 1 Kinetic Point per
dice of damage you would have taken, or 1 Kinetic Point per 100ft moved. This can only stop 5 dice of damage
at a time, anything above that is dealt to you.
You may use Kinetic Points to increase your Speed, Defense or Damage output. Spending Kinetic Points is a
free action, and you can only spend as many kinetic points at a time as your level.
• 1 Kinetic Point adds +4 to Defense or Reflex saving throws.
• 1 Kinetic Point adds +10ft to your Landspeed
• 1 Kinetic Point adds +4 to your Jump checks for Long Jumps and +2 for High Jumps.
• 2 Kinetic Points add +1[BW] Force damage to your damage for 1 full round
• 2 Kinetic Points adds 10ft to your assumed movement for abilities that rely on the distance moved, or if
you moved.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time increase the dice that can be absorbed by +3.


Prerequisites: 5 Celerity Type Abilities
Ability: You may spend 100 Reiatsu to travel in miles instead of feet when making a Flash Step check. You may
choose to travel a shorter distance than what you rolled.
Special: You may take this multiple times, each additional time increases the distance you can travel by a factor
of ten. (10, 100, 1,000, and so on.)


Prerequisites: Mach Step, 5 Celerity Type Abilities
Ability: You may choose to travel Light years instead of miles with your Mach Step. This does not allow you to
survive in a vacuum by itself, but you are moving so fast, most times a vacuum won’t have time to affect you.
You may choose to go a shorter distance than you rolled.
Special: You may take this multiple times, each additional time increases the distance you can travel by a factor
of ten. (10, 100, 1,000, and so on.)


Prerequisites: Mach Step
Ability: When you make a charge attack against an opponent, you may roll a Flash Step check with a DC 15.
Success adds +1[BW] to the damage and an additional +1[BW] per 10 you beat the DC.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time, subtract 1 from the needed success to add
additional [BW] of damage to a minimum of 4.


Prerequisites: None
Ability: You are always considered to have used a Swift Action when flash stepping and gain an additional swift
action to use purely for Flash Stepping.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time add an additional swift action for flash stepping or
add +2 to your Flash Step checks.


Prerequisites: None
Ability: While your Zanpakutou is released you gain a +2 bonus to Defense and Reflex Checks. In addition,
double your landspeed and gain an additional partial action each round.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time it is taken, increase the bonus to Defense and Reflex
checks by +2.


Prerequisites: Step of Hermes
Ability: While your Zanpakutou is released, you become temporarily immune to any effect that would restrain,
immobilize, paralyze or disable you (Without dropping you to below 0 hit points). You also move without
hindrance underwater and in a vacuum (Not that you can breathe, but you can move).
Prerequisites: 5 other Celerity Type Abilities
Ability: When you move more than 200ft in a round, whether through Flash Step or normal movement, you
leave a sonic boom in your wake that deals your Zanpakutou's damage, plus any extra damage from Shikai
Abilities in a 5ft area at the point of departure and at the point where you stop. If you take more than one move
type action in a round (IE Multiple Flash Steps), you leave a sonic boom for every movement made.

Prerequisites: 3 other Celerity Type Abilities
Ability: While your Zanpakutou is released you gain 1 Power Level of "Super Speed" This stacks with any you
may have normally ignoring normal PL maximums.
Special: You may take this multiple times. It's effect stacks.

Prerequisites: Celerity, 3 other Celerity Type Abilities
Ability: You may make a full attack action and move in the same round. You can move before, during and/or
after your full attack action. If you decide to move, attack, then keep moving, you may attempt to drag the
opponent with you in your speed trail. If you do, they must make a Dexterity based Forititude Save or be dragged
along till you stop moving, at which time, they take falling damage as if they fell the remaining distance you
move, and end up adjacent to you and must make a Strength based Reflex Save or be prone.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the number of opponents you may move
with you by 1.


Prerequisites: Intense Speed, Step of Hermes
Ability: You gain the ability to move on vertical and upside-down surfaces as if they were flat ground. You move
along the contours of the surface keeping contact at nearly all times.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time add an additional unstable surface to the list. It starts with
Surfaces less than One inch, then Liquids, then Clouds, then Air itself. You cannot take it beyond Air.


Prerequisites: Intense Speed, Step of Hermes, Vibrational Equilibrium
Ability: You gain the ability to phase through matter by vibrating your body at incredible speeds. You may phase
through objects with a hardness of 5 or lower when you first gain this ability. You activate this ability as a move
action, and it lasts for up to 1 minute before it has to be reactivated.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times, each time add 3 to the hardness you can phase through.


Prerequisites: Intense Speed, Step of Hermes, Blade of Zephyr, 2 other Celerity Abilities
Ability: You gain the ability to create whirlwinds around a target. Whirlwinds are 20ft at the base and 40 at the
top of the cylinder. Cylinders are 100ft tall. All targets within the cylinders must make a Dexterity based Fortitude
save or be flung into the whirlwind, taking your zanpakutou's damage, +3[BW] each round that bypasses
damage mitigation and damage reduction. You may eject a target at any time from your whirlwind. They take
falling damage normally.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times, each time add 10ft to each of the cylinder's dimensions or you
may add +1[BW] to the damage the cylinder does each round.
Chance Type

Prerequisites: None
Ability: You may activate this ability as a move action. Roll your level in d6's. For every 6 you roll, add 1[BW] to
your damage, for every 1 you roll subtract 1[BW]. Any roll of 2 or 4 adds 1 to your damage, any roll of 3 or 5
subtracts 1 damage. This change lasts till you choose to spend another move action to attempt Slots again, or
combat/the scene ends. This does not change your base [BW] for prerequisites.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times to increase you effective character level by 2.


Prerequisites: Slots
Ability: From now on, when you roll Slots, on a roll of 2 or 3, your damage type changes from normal to one of
the following elements (Acid, Cold, Electricity or Fire). On a roll of 4, add any of the elements from 2 or 3, but
add (Sonic and Force) to the list. On a roll of 5, add (Negative Energy or Psychic) to the old list. On a roll of 1,
your Zanpakutou deals only Untyped Damage this round, regardless of it's old damage, on a roll of a 6, choose 2
elements, and use the most beneficial one at any one moment.


Prerequisites: Slots
Ability: From now on, when you roll Slots, add +1[BW] to damage when you roll a 5 or 6, not just a 6.


Prerequisites: Slots
Ability: Choose one Chance Type ability that uses a higher than Swift Action to use. You may use that ability as
a Swift Action
Special: You may choose this multiple times. Each time choose another Chance Type ability.


Prerequisites: Any other Chance Type Ability that uses random chance.
Ability: You may expend an action dice to attempt a Chance Type ability roll again and take the desired results.
Each time you use this ability, the GM gains one Chance Token that may be used to force you to take the worst
possible result without the ability to use this ability in response.


Prerequisites: None
Ability: The character, as a move action on their turn, may activate this ability. Choose a number as part of the
action that is between 1 and 20. The GM then rolls 1d20, and if your number comes up, double all damage you
deal this round. If your number does not come up, subtract the difference between your number and the rolled
number from all attack rolls this round. You may activate only one Lottery at a time.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time, lower the dice size by one on this chart (1d20 -> 1d12 ->
1d10 -> 1d8 -> 1d6 -> 1d4) You cannot have lower than 1d4.


Prerequisites: Lottery of Pain
Ability: Add a .5x modifier to the Damage Multiplier of a successful "Lottery of Pain", but add +3 to the result of a
failed Lottery (Meaning if you chose 1, and the GM rolled a 20, the penalty would be -22, not -19)
Special: You may choose this ability multiple times. It's effects (Both good and bad) stack.


Prerequisites: None
Ability: The character, as a move action on their turn, may activate this ability. Choose a number as part of the
action that is between 1 and 20. The GM then rolls 1d20, and if your number comes up, you heal that many d6 of
damage. If your number does not come up, you take the difference between the rolled number and your number
as Divine Damage. You may activate only one Lottery at a time.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time, lower the dice size by one on this chart (1d20 -> 1d12 ->
1d10 -> 1d8 -> 1d6 -> 1d4) You cannot have lower than 1d4.
Prerequisites: Lottery of Life
Benefit: Your Lottery of Life ability can now target another target within 100ft of you instead of yourself. In
addition, Lottery of Life heals even the dead. In this case, the target must heal enough to be brought above their
death threashold to be revived.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you may target anohter target within 100ft.


Prerequisites: None
Ability: The character, as a move action on their turn, may activate this ability. Choose a number as part of the
action that is between 1 and 20. The GM then rolls 1d20, and if your number comes up, you heal that many
ability damage. If your number does not come up, you take the difference between the rolled number and your
number as damage to your highest statstic. You may activate only one Lottery at a time.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time, lower the dice size by one on this chart (1d20 -> 1d12 ->
1d10 -> 1d8 -> 1d6 -> 1d4) You cannot have lower than 1d4.


Prerequisites: Lottery of Regeneration
Ability: Your Lottery of Regeneration can now target another target within 100ft of you instead of yourself. In
addition, Lottery of Reincarnation's description expands to replace "...heal that many ability damage..." with
"...heal that many ability damage or one half that many ability drain..."
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you may target anohter target within 100ft.


Prerequisites: None
Ability: The character, as a move action on their turn, may activate this ability. Choose a number as part of the
action that is between 1 and 20. The GM then rolls 1d20, and if your number comes up, you gain 10 times your
number as a bonus to your Land Speed (Effecting other types of movement). If your number does not come up,
your Land Speed is reduced by the rolled number, rounded up to the nearest 5ft increment. You may activate
only one Lottery at a time.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time, lower the dice size by one on this chart (1d20 -> 1d12 ->
1d10 -> 1d8 -> 1d6 -> 1d4) You cannot have lower than 1d4.


Prerequisites: Lottery of Speed
Ability: Your Lottery of Speed replaces "...10 times your number as a bonus to your Land Speed..." with "...your
number as a Multiplier to your Land Speed..." In addition, you may now target one target within 100ft with your
Lottery of Speed instead of yourself.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you may target anohter target within 100ft.


Prerequisites: None
Ability: The character, as a move action on their turn, may activate this ability. Choose a number as part of the
action that is between 1 and 20. The GM the rolls 1d20 and if your number comes up, reduce the damage from 1
attack per spellscore modifier to a maximum value of (20-Level) (Minimum 1). If your number doesn't come up,
add your level to the final tally of all hit point damaging attacks you take that round.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time, lower the dice size by one on this chart (1d20 -> 1d12 ->
1d10 -> 1d8 -> 1d6 -> 1d4) You cannot have lower than 1d4.


Prerequisites: Lottery of Mitigation
Ability: Your Lottery of Mitigation replaces "...1 attack per spellscore modifier..." with "...all attacks for 1 round
per spellscore modifier..." and also replaces "...that round..." with "...for 1d6 rounds..."
Prerequisites: Any activatable Lottery Ability
Ability: When you activate a Lottery ability, choose 2 numbers instead of one, or you may activate 2 Lotteries at
the same time.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time


Prerequisites: Any activatable Lottery Ability, Double Up
Ability: When you activate a Lottery ability, choose 3 numbers instead of one, or you may activate 3 Lotteries at
the same time.


Prerequisites: Slots, 3 other Chance Type abilities
Ability: When rolling for Slots, every time you roll a 6, in addition to gaining 1[BW], you may roll that dice again
gaining a +1[BW] for each additional 6 rolled. You may keep rolling till you no longer gain 6's, gaining any non-
6's as added damage (A roll of 1 using this ability does not subtract 1[BW]).


Prerequisites: Slots, Lucky Sevens!, 3 other Chance Type abilities
Ability: As a Standard Action, you may offer an opponent the chance to use your Slots. If they accept, they roll
their level in d6's, following the "Slots" rules. For each 1 they roll however, they roll again until they get no 1's,
continuing to subtract 1[BW] from their damage per result of 1 they roll to a minimum of 0[BW]. A creature with
0[BW] cannot damage targets.


Prerequisites: Slots, Lucky Sevens!, Prememptive Luck, 3 other Chance Type abilities
Ability: Instead of stopping at 0[BW] when an opponent uses Preemptive Luck, they may now drop to negative
[BW]'s of damage. Any attack made by the opponent while they have negative [BW] deals that many positive
integer [BW]'s of damage to the opponent that is non-mitigatable.
Mystic Type


Prerequisites: None
Ability: Taking this ability grants your character the Ki Infused Feat even while your release is sealed. While
your Release is active, you gain Improved Ki Infused as a bonus feat. In addition, you gain +1 Effective Reiatsu
Level per Mystic Type ability you possess.
Special: You may take this multiple times, each time it is taken, you gain 1 additional Ki Ability to use outside of
Release, and 2 to use while released.


Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment
Ability: As a move action, you can empower your attacks by expending 25 Reiatsu per +1[BW] damage you
wish to add. The bonus lasts till the end of combat. You cannot go above 2 + 1 per time this ability is taken [BW]
Special: You may take this ability multiple times, each time it is taken, increase the maximum you can empower
your attacks by 1[BW] (As noted above), to a maximum of +6[BW] before epic levels


Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment, Mystic Slash
Ability: You may activate Mystic Slash as a Swift Action
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time it is taken, you may pay 1/3rd more Reiatsu to move
your Swift Mystic Action down one step (Swift becomes Free on your Turn, FoyT becomes Immediate,
Immediate becomes Free) and increase the damage by +1 per [BW] empowered.


Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment
Ability: While your release is active, increase the bonus to you gain to your Reiatsu by +.5x multiplier and you
gain one free iteration of Mystic Slash.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time, gain an additional +.5x multiplier and a bonus +1 to
damage per added [BW] from Mystic Slash.


Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment, Spirit Booster
Ability: You gain an additional +1 statistic point to spend every 2 Mystic Type Abilities you possess while this
release is sealed. While released, double the points to spend. Once expended, the choice is permanent.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time gain 2 additional points when sealed, and 4 for the
released state.


Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment, Mystic Slash
Ability: By expending 10 Reiatsu, you may use your Mystic Slash at up to Close Range (25ft + 5ft/2 Levels).
This is a Full-Round Action
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the range by 1 step, and after you reach
Long Range, add 1 to your Effective Level for determining Long Range


Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment, Mystic Slash, Mystic Blast
Ability: You may fire an additional Mystic Blast as part of your Mystic Blast Full-Round Action.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the number of Mystic Blasts you may fire by
1, up to the maximum number of attacks you can make in a round.
Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment, Mystic Slash, Mystic Blast
Ability: You may pay an additional 15 Reiatsu per added [BW] of damage to use the Mystic Blast as an Area
Effect. When you gain this ability, choose one from the following list (Cone, Burst, Line, Blast, Cylinder,
Emmanation) You may use that area of effect with this ability. The area of effect depends on the Area chosen.
Cones and Bursts are 5ft per Mystic Type Ability. Lines are 10ft per Mystic Type Ability. Blasts are 5ft per Mystic
Type Ability at up to long range (400ft +40ft/Level). Cylinders are 5ft per Mystic Type Ability radius, 10ft per
Mystic Type Ability height and Emmanation are 10ft per 3 Mystic Type Abilities and last 1 round per Mystic Type
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time add 1 effective Mystic Type Ability to your Mystic
Type Ability for Area calculation or choose one additional Area Effect.


Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment, Mystic Slash, Mystic Blast, Mystic Shaping
Ability: You may select one five foot area per Mystic Type Ability you possess within an area effect you produce
with Mystic Shaping to not be included in the attack, thus preventing those occupying the 5ft areas to not be


Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment, Mystic Slash, 2 other Mystic Type Abilities
Ability: You may, instead of using Mystic Slash as an attack, change it into a shield of energy around you that
negates damage being attempted against you at a rate of 2 damage per Mystic Type ability you possess.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the negated damage by 1 per Mystic Type
ability you possess.


Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment, Mystic Slash, Mystic Blast, Mystic Spread, Mystic Barrier, 2 other Mystic
Type Abilities
Ability: Your Mystic Barrier may, at your option, cover a 5ft burst around you per Mystic Type Ability you


Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment, Mystic Slash, Mystic Blast, Mystic Spread, Mystic Barrier, Mystic Shield, 2
other Mystic Type Abilities
Ability: You may now set the starting area of your Mystic Shield to any point within Medium Range (100ft


Ability: You may make portals on walls and floors that have no access to each other. This functions thematically
as you desire (Doors/hatches, swirling portals, etc). Doing this on a wall between rooms creates a stable portal
between those rooms. Doing so on a floor above a room allows access to the room below. If you create a portal
on an outside facing wall, you may egress the building you are in using that portal. You may have only one
Simple Portal in creation at once. If you create another one, the one you placed before is closed. It is a move
action to create a portal. This cannot be used on a wall or floor made of a material that negates or seals this
ability (Example: Sekkei Sekkei Stone).
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time adds 1 to the number of Simple Portals you may have
open at once.


Prerequisites: Simple Portal
Ability: If you are subjected to a random miss chance from a Teleportation Effect, you my roll twice and take the
most advantageous result.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time you may roll an additional time to take a better


Prerequisites: Simple Portal
Ability: Senkaimon you open are automatically stabilized. This functions even if your Release is sealed.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time you do, you may designate one target within 100ft.
They gain the benefits of this Shikai Pick until your sword is sheathed, they move more than 1 mile from you, you
seal your release or you choose to end the effect as a free action.


Prerequisites: Simple Portal, Simple Portal: Stabilize
Ability: You may attempt to close a portal opened by another character. This isn't just Portals from this ability.
You may attempt to close any lasting teleportation effect (Such as a Senkaimon, Garuganta, etc). To do this, you
must be within 30ft of the target effect. You must attempt a Spellcraft Check with a DC equal to the a Spellscore
Based Saving throw generated by the creator of the effect. Should you succeed, the effect immediately ends.
You may only effect one portal at a time, and this is a standard action to use.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time adds 10 feet to the distance you can be from a target
effect to effect it, grants you a +1 bonus on your Spellcraft Check to close it or adds 1 to the number of portals
you may effect at once.


Prerequisites: Simple Portal, Simple Portal: Stablize, Simple Portal Denial
Ability: When you succeed in using "Simple Portal: Denial" deal 1d8 unmitigatable damage to the effect's
creator. This damage is dealt once per effect negated (So if an opponent opens 10 portals, and you close all
10... Yeah... that's 10d8!


Prerequisites: Simple Portal
Ability: You may attempt to overcome restrictions on existing teleportation effects and Portals. Such restrictions
include Specific Passage, Full Denial, Locking Effects, Mundane Locks, etc. You must be within 30 feet of the
effect to negate it's conditional passage. You must attempt a Spellcraft Check with a DC equal to the a
Spellscore Based Saving throw generated by the creator of the effect. Should you succeed, the effect
immediately ends. You may only effect one portal at a time, and this is a standard action to use.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time adds 10 feet to the distance you can be from a target
effect to effect it, grants you a +1 bonus on your Spellcraft Check to effect it or adds 1 to the number of portals
you may effect at once.
Prerequisites: Simple Portal, Simple Portal Accuracy
Ability: You may attempt to change the destination of a teleportation effect you are within 10feet of. You must
attempt a Spellcraft Check with a DC equal to the a Spellscore Based Saving throw generated by the creator of
the effect. Should you succeed, the effect immediately changes targets to a destination the user of this ability
has personally been. You may only effect one portal at a time, and this is a standard action to use.


Ability: You gain the ability to open a portal to anywhere you can see clearly within 10ft + 5ft per Portal Type
ability you possess. This is called your "Basic Portal". This portal allows you and/or allies to cross the intervining
distance without travelling bodily across it. The portal stays open for 1 Full-Round, or until you step through,
whichever is sooner.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time counts as 2 Portal Abilities for distance or allows one
person to follow behind you through the portal before it closes per time this is taken.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal
Ability: The distance you may open a Basic Portal is multiplied by 2. All other increases granted by the "Open
Basic Portals" ability apply to this.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Open Short Range Portal
Ability: The distance you may open a Basic Portal is now multiplied by 10.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Open Short Range Portal, Open Midrange Portal
Ability: The distance you may open a Basic Portal is now multiplied by 100.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal
Ability: Once per day, you may take a full-round action to designate the location where you currently are as your
"Recall Point". Up to once per day per 2 Portal Type Abilities you possess, during that day, you may relocate
yourself and up to 50lbs per level of items/allies to that location as a move action.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal
Ability: You may use your Portals as a basic defense mechanism. As long as you are aware of an attack, you
are may choose to take 10 on a Flash Step check to add to your defense as a free action once per turn. This
version, however, lasts for 1 Full-Round as you direct a portal around you deflecting attacks.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time either add 1 to the number of Full-Rounds your
Flash Step Check lasts or adds 2 to the minimum roll (You're still considered to have taken 10 on the check, the
bonus is to the final result.)


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal
Ability: You may use your Portals as a basic defense mechanism. As long as you are aware of an attack, you
are may choose to take 10 on a Reflex Check and make the check lasts for 1 Full-Round as you direct the portal
around yourself soaking up area effects. You must be part of the infringing attacks. If multiple people have this
ability, only one may use "Basic Combat Portal: Reflex" at once.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time either add 1 to the number of Full-Rounds your
Reflex Check lasts or adds 2 to the minimum roll (You're still considered to have taken 10 on the check, the
bonus is to the final result.)


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Basic Combat Portal: Reflex
Ability: Once per encounter when you succeed a Reflex Save using "Basic Combat Portal: Reflex" you may
redirect that attack to a close range (25ft + 5ft/2 Levels), legal target. This can be beyond the initial
ability/attack's range, but not outside of your's.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time, increase the number of times this can be used by 1.
Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal
Ability: You may use your "Basic Portal" during combat to make a 5ft Step up to your one-half your landspeed


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Advanced Combat Portal: Quick Shift
Ability: When you use your "Advanced Combat Portal: Quick Shift" to move behind a target, they must make a
Spellscore Based Spot Check or be caught flatfooted for your next attack.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Flash Step Charge or Flash Step Spring Attack
Ability: By using portals you may redirect your own Flash Step Charges or Flash Step Spring Attacks, allowing
you to change direction up to 90 degrees during a single Flash Step Check. These changes can be used in 5
degree incriments.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the degrees you may shift by an addition 10


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portals, Basic Combat Portal: Defense
Ability: While you have "Basic Combat Portal: Defense" active, defense checks you succeed are redirected
back at their initiator as a free action using the same roll vs the new target's defense roll. If the new target
botches their defense against their own attack, they automatically take critical damage.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portals, Basic Combat Portal: Defense, Complex Combat Portal: Slide Guard
Ability: You may use "Complex Combat Portal: Slide Guard" to redirect attacks for any Defense Check you
succeed once per combat. Add your Intelligence Bonus to the Attack Roll or Save/Check DC of Attacks/abilities
redirected by your Portals.
Special: This may be taken multiple times. Each time add 1 to the number of times you may use this ability's
active component per combat.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portals, Basic Combat Portal: Defense, Complex Combat Portal: Slide Guard
Ability: You may use your "Basic Portal" as an attacking tool. This is a Ranged Touch Attack that deals 4d8
damage, ignoring Damage Reduction/Mitigation, up to close range (25ft + 5ft/2 Levels). This is a Standard Action
to use.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the damage by 2d8.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portals, Basic Combat Portal: Defense, Complex Combat Portal: Slide Guard,
Complex Combat Portal: Spacial Tear
Ability: When you attack with your Spacial Tear, you may choose to make it 20ft Burst within Long Range (400ft
+ 40ft/Level). The Area Effect deals 6d8 Damage that ignores Damage Reduction/Mitigation to all targets, with a
Spellscore Based Reflex Save granted for half damage.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the damage by 2d8.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portals
Ability: As a move action, you may cause a milimeter thin portal singularity to slide down the cutting edge of
your weapon (Or whatever the business end of your attack is... Including Ammo!). Increase the damage of your
Release's attack by 2[BW].
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time increae your release's attack by 2[BW] to a maximum of
8[BW] added before Epic Levels.
Prerequisites: Open Basic Portals, Complex Combat Portal: Singularity
Ability: You may activate your Singularity as a swift action
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time, either increase your Critical Range by 1 (To a
maximum of 17-20) or increase your Critical Multiplier by 1 (To a maximum or x7)


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portals, Advanced Combat Portal: Redirect
Ability: You may use your portals in combat to move seemlessly between attacks. You may use a basic portal to
move both before and after one attack by teleporting to your target, and then away from them.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portals, Advanced Combat Portal: Redirect, Complex Combat Portal: Momentary
Ability: You may now use your Momentary Dislocation between iterative attacks, teleporting to a target,
attacking that target, then teleporting to a different target within range of where you are, and attacking again.
Then repeating those steps till you are out of attacks for the round.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Advanced Combat Portal: Quick Shift
Ability: Once per round, you may shift places with an ally within Close Range (25ft + 5ft/2 Levels). If the ally isn't
willing, they gain a Spellscore Based Will Save to resist the effect. This is a standard action to use.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Advanced Combat Portal: Quick Shift, Intricate Combat Portal: Relocation;
Ability: Once per day per Portal Type ability you possess, you may attempt to switch places with an enemy. That
enemy is allowed a Spellscore Based Fortitude Save to resist the effect. Should they fail, you replace them in
their original square, and they replace you in your original square. This is a standard action to use.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time, increase the number of times this can be used by 1.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Advanced Combat Portal: Quick Shift, Intricate Combat Portal: Relocation;
Ally, Intricate Combat Portal: Relocation; Enemy
Ability: When you use "Intricate Combat Portal: Relocation; Enemy" on a target, the target takes 4d8 damage
on a successful save that ignores damage reduction/mitigation. The target is allowed a further Spellscore Based
Fortitude Save for 1/2 Damage.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the damage on a target's successful save
by 2d8.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Advanced Combat Portal: Quick Shift, Intricate Combat Portal: Relocation;
Ally, Intricate Combat Portal: Relocation; Enemy, Intricate Combat Portal: Baleful Relocation
Ability: When you use "Intricate Combat Portal: Relocation; Enemy" on a target and that target fails their initial
save takes 2d8 damage upon reappearing in your square.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the damage on a target's successful save
by 1d8.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portals, Advanced Combat Portal: Redirect, Complex Combat Portal: Momentary
Dislocation, Intricate Combat Portal: Twisting Dislocation
Ability: You may use your portals as a Full-Round action, to teleport to every selected target within range (10ft
+5ft/Portal Type Ability) and make an attack with a chosen melee weapon. You end the turn back in the same
square, or in a safe square of your choice within 30ft of your starting location.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time either increase the area by 2 Portal Abilities, or
increase the area of safe return by 10ft.
Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Advanced Combat Portal: Quick Shift, Intricate Combat Portal: Relocation;
Ally, Intricate Combat Portal: Relocation; Enemy, Intricate Combat Portal: Baleful Relocation, Intricate Combat
Portal; Vile Relocation.
Ability: If a target is brought to 0 or fewer hit points by your "Baleful Relocation" or "Vile Relocation" they are
instantly disintegrated instead of falling unconscious.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Open Short Range Portal, Open Midrange Portal, Open Long Range Portal
Ability: You may now make long-lasting portals that last up to your Spellscore Modifier in rounds before closing,
allowing any number of beings through. A stable portal can be made up to 100ft tall and 100ft wide, but can be
as small as 5ft tall and 5ft wide. The portal may be made permanent by expending 3 Action Dice.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portals, Advanced Combat Portal: Redirect, Complex Combat Portal: Momentary
Dislocation, Intricate Combat Portal: Twisting Dislocation
Ability: You may attempt to dislocate a target from their current position to a random position within 100ft
including above. The target is granted a Spellscore Based Reflex Save to get out of the way. If they fail, roll a
1d10 to dertermine the direction (1 = North, 2 = South, 3 = East, 4 = West, 5 = Northeast, 6 = Northwest, 7 =
Southeast, 8 = Southwest, 9 = Above, 10 = One of your threatened Squares (The target provokes from you and
any adjacent allies), and a 1d10 to determine the distance (10ft per 1 on the dice). This ability triggers "Baleful
Dislocation" and "Vile Dislocation" if you have them. If the target would be place into a square that would be
impossible to occupy (A wall, a floor, the EARTH an Occupied Square) they are shunted to a safe square taking
1d6 unmitigatbale damage per square they travel. This is a standard action.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time you may increase the random position area by a
multiple (1x becomes 2x, becomes 3x, becomes 4x). This effect the 1d10 roll accordingly (Multiply the final result
by the multiplier above or increase the number of Dislocation Portals you may chain together by 1 the target is
allowed a save versus each portal.
While the Sonic Type deals with Sonic Energy, and indescriminate projection there of, the Song Type deals with
Precise sonic strikes and effects that change perception and mental states.


Prerequisite: None
Ability: You gain the ability to blare a song of your choice and badass volumes and enter the scene if you are
within 1 mile of a battle. Each enemy within 100 feet of your landing point takes your Zanpakutou's full damage
as Sonic Damage from the reverb as you break into the most metal riff ever! Face Melting.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time, increase your enterance range by 1 mile, the
damage by 1[BW] or the area by 20 feet.


Prerequisites: None
Ability: You gain the ability to make your Zanpakutou pulse with sonic bursts that can, at your whim, form
musical notes. These notes can be used offensively in the form of sound blasts that deal the Zanpakutou's
damage +1[BW] as Sonic Damage to a single target within long range (400ft + 40ft/Level).
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. When you do, increase the additional [BW] of damage by 1, to
a maximum of 5 before Epic Levels.


Prerequisites: Drop the Beat
Ability: When you use Drop the Beat on a target/s, they must make a Constitution Based Fortitude Save or be
deafened for 1 round.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times, each time it is taken, increase the time the opponent is
deafened by 1 round or increase the DC by 1.


Prerequisites: Drop the Beat
Ability: When you use Drop the Beat on a target, you may cause it to explode in a 20ft radius, dealing the
damage to all creatures within the area. A successful Constitution Based Reflex Save for half damage. The initial
target gets no save, but doesn't take damage from the burst effect.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time either increase the area by 10 feet, or the DC by 1.


Prerequisites: Drop the Beat
Ability: You can adapt the frequency of your sound and dub step it making it a flowing burst of sound from your
Zanpakutou that deals it's Drop the Beat damage to all creatures within 20ft of you. A successful Constitution
Based Reflex Save for half damage.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time either increase the area by 10 feet, or the DC by 1.


Prerequisites: Drop the Beat
Ability: You can adapt the frequency of your sound and drop a fat beat making it a flowing burst of sound from
your Zanpakutou that deals it's Drop the Beat damage to all creatures within a 30ft cone from of you. A
successful Constitution Based Reflex Save for half damage.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time either increase the area by 10 feet, or the DC by 1.


Prerequisites: Drop the Beat
Ability: You can adapt the frequency of your sound and let out a power chord that hits one target and bounces
to another within 30ft, then another, up to a number of targets equal to your Constitution Modifier.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time either increase the number of targets by 1, or
increase the damage by +2
Prerequisites: Drop the Beat, 2 other Song Type abilities
Ability: You may use a standard action to set up a baseline beat that will mimic and reflect a single attack back
on it's attacker. The attack, in all ways acts as if it came from the user of this ability after it's mimicked. This
includes legality of targets, Saving Throw DC's, Damage based on Level, etc.

Prerequisites: Drop the Beat, 1 other Song Type Ablity
Ability: By setting up a functional baseline for your music, you can make a foundation for the rest of your combat. When you enter combat, Base Line automatically activates even in your sealed state. Once
Baseline activates, you gain a field of unidirectional solid sound around you that takes some of the damage for
you. This field is skin tight, and is clearly audible as a four chord strumming. While active, you gain your
Constitution Modifier as Damage Mitigation. While your Release is active, triple that.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time add +2 to your Constitution Modifier for the purposes
of this ability.

Prerequisites: Drop the Beat, Baseline
Ability: You can set up a rocking chorus that shows the power of your music. By using this ability as a standard
action, you can hit all opponents within 100ft of you with powerful strums of music. Any opponent that hears the
music must make a Charisma Based Will Save or become confused. At the start of their turns, they must roll
1d100. On a 76-100 they may act normally. On a 51-75 they attack the nearest target whether it's friend or foe.
On a 26-50 they attack themselves in their confusion and on a 1-25 they stand, doing nothing but defending
normally, transfixed by your chorus. Those that failed the save remain in this state until you use a free action to
stop rocking out.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the Will save DC by 1.

Prerequisites: Drop the Beat, Baseline, Chorus
Ability: While you use Chorus, you can bring it to a immense crecendo, literally exploding with the force of rock!
While you're using Chorus, allies within it's area that hear it are bolstered gaining a bonus on attack, defense
and saving throws equal to your Charisma Modifier and twice that to their damage. Crecendo ends Chorus, but
causes it's own and Chorus' effects to linger for 1d8+3 rounds
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time you do, increase the number of rounds that your
effects linger by 1.


Prerequisites: Drop the Beat, Pump the Base, Up the Treble, 3 other Song type abilities
Ability: You play the greatest song in the world. It's so miraculous, that all creatures within hearing distance
(400ft +40ft /level) must make a Charisma Based Will save or be unable to act, and mesmirized by your
performance till you stop performing.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time it is taken, increase the DC by 1


Prerequisites: Drop the beat, Pump the Base, Up the Treble
Ability: You can strike a chord so powerful it moves even the hardest of hearts. While you are using a Song
Type ability that lingers, you can pause the effect to break into a power ballad. You can make a Diplomacy
Check against all enemies within hearing distance (400ft +40ft/Level) to influence mood. You gain a +2 bonus
per Song Type ability you possess.
This type revolves around discerning the true nature of facts and fiction. That line between Truth and Lies


Prerequisites: None
Ability: You gain the ability to tell where an opponent's weaknesses are. Using this is a move action, and forces
the user to make a Concentration Check against a Charisma Based DC. Success discerns some weakness in
the target and for the remainder of combat, the Zanpakutou's user has their Critical Range and Multiplier
increase by 1 (To a maximum addition of +5x Multiplier and a maximum range of 14-20)
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time increase the gained benefits by 1 (+1x, and +1 range)


Prerequisites: Discern Weakness
Ability: You may now use Discern Weakness as a Swift Action


Prerequisites: Discern Weakness
Ability: You no longer have to roll a Concentration Check to activate Discern Weakness.


Prerequisites: None
Ability: You gain the ability to spot holes in an otherwise iron exterior. As a move action, you may attempt a
Concentration Check based on your opponent's Charisma. If you succeed, reduce their Damage Reduction by
the amount you succeeded by + Your spellscore modifier or reduce their Damage Mitigation by 1/2 that amount
for 1d8+3 Rounds.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time add another form of Damage negation that you can reduce.
First is Energy Resistance (Choose 2 Elements at a time), then Regeneration (It's negation effect and NonLethal
healing becomes merely Fast Healing), then lastly to Feats such as Resillience, where you ignore 1 point of their
Resillience for each point you passed your DC.


Prerequisites: Strike True
Ability: You no longer have to roll a Concentration Check to activate Strike True.


Prerequisites: Discern Weakness or Strike True, 3 ther Truth Type abilities
Ability: While your Zanpakutou is released, if presented with an illusion, you automatically get to make a save
against it, even if it doesn't allow one, or you would have no reason to make one. You gain the benefits of
Slippery Mind for Illusions only.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time add +2 to your saving throws against Illusions.


Prerequisites: Discern Weakness or Strike True, See Through, 3 ther Truth Type abilities
Ability: When you successfully save against an Illusion, you may allow up to your Spellscore Modifier of allies to
automatically pass the same check without rolling.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increae the number of effected allies by 1.


Prerequisites: None
Ability: You may attempt to force a truthful answer from one target within medium range (100ft + 10ft / Level).
The user is allowed a Charisma Based Will Save to resist, and even if they fail, they can still refuse to answer or
be cryptic with their answers. They may still attempt to lie if they fail their save, but doing so deals your
spellscore modifier d6 electricity or force damage (Use the better option) to them
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time increase the DC of this by 1.
Prerequisites: Tell Truth
Ability: Your "Tell Truth" ability now effects all beings in a 20ft burst. In addition, lying now deals d8's instead of
Special: You may take this multiple sides. Each time you do, increase the area by 10ft.


Benefit: 6 Truth Type abilities
Ability: Truth is relative to the one saying something. If they truly believe what they are saying, it is truth... from a
certain point of view. You gain the ability to alter truth slightly to give you or an ally an advantage in combat. You
can effect a target up to Medium Range (100ft + 10ft / Level). You or they gain one of the following effects.
A bonus to the target's Attack Rolls equal to the number of Truth Type abilities you have, and twice that to
• A bonus to the target's Defense and Saves equal to the number of Truth Type abilities you have.
• A bonus to the target's Damage Reduction equal to four times the number of Truth Type abilities you
have, or one half that added to their Damage Mitigation.
• The number of Truth Type abilities you have x5 Temporary Hit Points.
• Fast Healing equal to three times the number of Truth Type abilities you possess.
These effects last for 1d8+3 rounds each, and you may stack multiple different ones on top of each other, but
cannot stack an effect upon itself.


Prerequisites: Someone Else's Truth, 6 other Truth type abilities
Ability: You may now reverse an effect from Someone Else's Truth targeting an enemy. They may make a
Charisma Based will save to resist the effect.
Special: You may take this multiple times Each time increase your DC by 1


Prerequisites: Someone Else's Truth, 6 other Truth type abilities
Ability: You may now select two options from "Someone Else's Truth" to use on an ally (Or enemy if you have
"That's Not True")
Special: You may take this multiple times. When you do, increase the number of choices by 1 (Maximum 4)


Prerequisites: Someone Else's Truth, 6 other Truth type abilities
Ability: Your "Someone Else's Truth" now effects all allies within 20ft. You much choose the same option/s for
everyone. IF you have "That's not True" you may also effect all enemies within 20ft. You may not do both at the
same time.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the area of this effect by 20ft
This type revolves around deceit and distorting the true nature of facts and fiction. That line between Truth and


Prerequisites: None
Ability: You gain the ability to cover up weaknesses in your fighting style by tricking your opponent as a move
action. They must make a Sense Motive vs your Bluff check. If you succeed, reduce your opponent's Critical
Range or Critical Multiplier by 1 (Or by .5 if it's at 2x) (To a minimum of 20/x1.5) for 1d8+3 rounds.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time increase the gained penalty by 1 (-1x, or -1 range)


Prerequisites: False Bravado
Ability: You may now use False Bravado as a Swift Action


Prerequisites: False Bravado
Ability: Your opponent no longer gets a Saving Throw to ignore False Bravado


Prerequisites: None
Ability: You gain the ability to cover holes in an otherwise weaker exterior. As a move action, you may attempt a
Concentration Check based on your opponent's Charisma. If you succeed, increase your Damage Reduction by
the amount you succeeded by + Your spellscore modifier or increase your Damage Mitigation by 1/2 that amount
for 1d8+3 Rounds.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time add another form of Damage negation that you can
produce. First is Energy Resistance (Choose 2 Elements at a time, Gain as per Damage Reduction), then
Regeneration (Choose two elements that over come it, Healing is at Success Ratio), then lastly to Feats such as
Resillience, where you increase your expenditure by 1 iteration for each point you passed your DC for free.


Prerequisites: Chest Puffing
Ability: You no longer have to roll a Concentration Check to activate Chest Puffing.


Prerequisites: False Bravado or Chest Puffing, 3 ther Untruth Type abilities
Ability: While your Zanpakutou is released, if presented with an illusion, you automatically get to make a save
against it, even if it doesn't allow one, or you would have no reason to make one. You gain the benefits of
Slippery Mind for Illusions only. If you succeed, you take control of the illusion and bend it to your own will,
changing any aspect of it within the rules set for said Illusion.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time add +2 to your saving throws against Illusions or increase
the DC of Illusions you gain control of by 1

Prerequisites: False Bravado or Chest Puffing, Warp Illusion, 3 ther Truth Type abilities
Ability: When you successfully save against an Illusion, you may allow up to your Spellscore Modifier of allies to
automatically pass the same check without rolling. You may also allow them to alter the illusion as you can.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increae the number of effected allies by 1.


Prerequisites: None
Ability: You may attempt to force an untruthful answer from one target within medium range (100ft + 10ft / Level)
under the veil of truth. The user is allowed a Charisma Based Will Save to resist, and even if they fail, they can
still refuse to answer or be cryptic with their answers. They may still attempt to be fully truthful if they fail their
save, but doing so deals your spellscore modifier d6 electricity or force damage (Use the better option) to them.
Any of their allies that hear them speak must make a Sense Motive check against your Bluff Check or believe
the lie that their ally just told.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time increase the DC of this by 1.
Prerequisites: Tell Lies
Ability: Your "Tell Lies" ability now effects all beings in a 20ft burst. In addition, lying now deals d8's instead of
Special: You may take this multiple sides. Each time you do, increase the area by 10ft.


Benefit: 6 Untruth Type abilities
Ability: Truth and Lies are relative to the one saying them. If a person truly believe what they are saying, it
becomes truth... from a certain point of view. You gain the ability to alter truth slightly to give you or an ally an
advantage in combat. You can effect a target up to Medium Range (100ft + 10ft / Level). You or they gain one of
the following effects.
• A bonus to the target's Attack Rolls equal to the number of Untruth Type abilities you have, and twice
that to Damage
• A bonus to the target's Defense and Saves equal to the number of Untruth Type abilities you have.
• A bonus to the target's Damage Reduction equal to four times the number of Untruth Type abilities you
have, or one half that added to their Damage Mitigation.
• The number of Untruth Type abilities you have x5 Temporary Hit Points.
• Fast Healing equal to three times the number of Untruth Type abilities you possess.
These effects last for 1d8+3 rounds each, and you may stack multiple different ones on top of each other, but
cannot stack an effect upon itself.


Prerequisites: Someone Else's Vision, 6 other Untruth type abilities
Ability: You may now reverse an effect from Someone Else's Vision targeting an enemy. They may make a
Charisma Based will save to resist the effect.
Special: You may take this multiple times Each time increase your DC by 1

Prerequisites: Someone Else's Truth, 6 other Truth type abilities
Ability: You may now select two options from "Someone Else's Truth" to use on an ally (Or enemy if you have
"That's Not True")
Special: You may take this multiple times. When you do, increase the number of choices by 1 (Maximum 4)


Prerequisites: Someone Else's Truth, 6 other Truth type abilities
Ability: Your "Someone Else's Truth" now effects all allies within 20ft. You much choose the same option/s for
everyone. IF you have "That's not True" you may also effect all enemies within 20ft. You may not do both at the
same time.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the area of this effect by 20ft

Prerequisites: None
Ability: You gain the ability to meditate before an expected combat (even in your sealed state) and mentally
prepeare yourself for the battle ahead. To do so, you must make a Charisma Based Concentration Check.
Shuold you succeed, you gain a +10 bonus on all Jump, Tumble, Balance, Flash Step and Landspeed for 1
minute per Zen Type ability you possess.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time increase the bonus by +5.


Prerequisites: Meditation
Ability: When you release your Zanpakutou, you may roll a Concentration Check as a move action, with a DC
based on your Charisma. If you succeed, you enter a state of Zen called Battle Meditation. In this state, you gain
a +1 bonus on Attack, Defense and Reflex Saves, and deal +1[BW] damage with your precise strikes. For every
4 by which you pass the Concentration check, you gain an additional +1 bonus to Attack, Defense, Reflex and
[BW] Damage. If you fail, you may try once per round till you succeed.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time either increase the Skill Bonus or the Damage Bonus by 1
(or 1[BW]), Max 5 of each before Epic Levels.


Prerequisites: Meditation, Battle Meditation
Ability: When you use Battle Meditation successfully, increase the dice of all damage dice on your Zanpakutou
by 1 size.


Prerequisites: Meditation, Battle Meditation
Ability: When you successfully use Battle Meditation, also increase your physical stats by 4 times the number of
[BW] you gain for the duration. If your relevant attack statistic is a Mental Statistic, choose one of your physical
statistics and it doesn't gain the bonus, that mental statistic gains it instead.


Prerequisites: Meditation, Battle Meditation
Ability: When you use Battle Meditation successfully, you also count as one size category larger for Grapples,
and abilities that rely on size to determine targeting.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time increase the size category you count as by 1, and you gain
+8 to Strength and +4 to Constitution per time after first.


Prerequisites: Meditation, Battle Meditation
Ability: You may grant your bonuses from successful use of your Battle Meditations and Meditations to up to
your Intelligence Modifier worth of Allies within 1 mile of you.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time, increase the number of targets by 1, or the distance by 1


Prerequisites: Meditation, Battle Meditation
Ability: You may use Battle Meditation as a Swift Action.


Prerequisites: Meditation
Ability: You gain the ability to heal yourself or another character once per combat per customer (Maximum 3).
To use this, you must succeed in using "Meditation" first. You may then roll a Concentration Check, and heal the
target for twice the result.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time increae the absolute maximum you may use this ability per
combat by 1.
Prerequisites: Meditation, Zen Healing
Ability: Your Zen Healing amount increases in multiplier by 1 (to x3)
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the multiplier by 1.


Prerequisites: Meditation, Zen Healing, Improved Zen Healing
Ability: When you use Zen Healing, you may forgo the healing to instead heal 1 point of Ability Damage per 5
points of attempted healing.


Prerequisites: Meditation, Zen Healing, Improved Zen Healing, Restorative Zen Healing
Ability: When you use Zen Healing, and choose to use Restorative Zen Healing, you may instead heal 1 Ability
Drain per 10 points of healing attempted.


Prerequisites: Meditation, Battle Meditation, 4 other Zen type Abilities
Ability: You gain the ability, after successfully using Battle Meditation, to gain a bonus to all non rolled Defense
checks and Reflex Saves equal to the number of Zen type abilities you have. This only effects non rolled
Defense Checks and Reflex Saves (Taking 10, 15 or 20).
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time after the first counts as 2 Zen Type abilities for this


Prerequisites: Meditation, Battle Meditation, 4 other Zen Type abilities
Ability: You gain the ability, after successfully using Battle Meditation, to gain a bonus to all non rolled Offensive
checks and Parry Rolls equal to the number of Zen type abilities you have. This only effects non rolled Attack
and Parry Checks and Reflex Saves (Taking 10, 15 or 20).
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time after the first counts as 2 Zen Type abilities for this
Bankai Abilities
The following Bankai abilities supplement all others


Prerequisites: None
Ability: As part of an Attack action in which you use a melee based Shikai Ability, you may use that ability an
additional time by reducing it's damage by 1d6 (This only applies to abilities that deal Hit Point damage)
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time grants an additional attack without reduction.


Prerequisites: Ability Increase
Ability: When you activate your Bankai, you may activate this ability as a free action to gain a boost to your
Statistics already enhanced by Ability Increase. While this is active, increase all Statistics that you possess
Ability Increase for by an additional +6.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the bonus by +10.


Prerequisites: Mystic Regeneration or Drain Reiatsu
Ability: Whenever you use an ability to regain Reiatsu (Including the Regain Reiatsu rule for reiatsu) while your
Bankai is active, double the amount gained (In the case of Drain Reiatsu and other abilities that deal Reiatsu
Damage to gain Reiatsu, do not double the damage.)
Special: You may select this multiple times. Each time, increase the gain by an additional multiplier (x2 becomes
x3, etc)


Prerequisites: Elemental Control (A release with a recognized Element in it's abilities)
Ability: While your Bankai is released your control over your element/s is multiplied 10fold. Increase the range
of your control to Long (400ft +40ft/Level), and increase the amount you can control by a multiple of 10. You
may create your element in conditions not conducive to their existence (Wind in space, Water inside a volcano,
fire underwater, etc). In addition, you may now fashion weapons, objects (Including walls) and even humanoid
shapes out of your element. When using this ability to attack, your elemental damage is your normal
Zanpakutou's damage +6[BW].


Prerequisites: Tempo, Expert Strike, Fire Baptism
Ability: While in combat, you progressively get faster and faster, striking with more accuracy, striking harder, and
moving out of the way of attacks better. Unerring Accuracy is the culmination of this ability. As you fight an
opponent you gain the ability to make more attacks. Every 2 instances of the three prerequisite abilities, you gain
1 attack at your base attack bonus. You cannot gain more attacks than you have iterative per round before Epic


Prerequisites: DR 5/- or greater, Shell of the Black Turtle
Ability: When you activate Shell of the Black Turtle, increase the gain by 10, then divide the entire DR by 2 and
switch it to Damage Mitigation. If your Damage Mitigation negates the damage dealt, their weapon must make
the same save as Shell of the Black Turtle for missing by 5 or more.
Special: You may take this multiple times. The first time makes your Damage Mitigation unable to be penetrated
unless 2 iterations of Negate Defenses are present on the offending weapon. Increases in Adamant Shell's
taking increase the number of Negate Defenses needed by 1.
Epic Shikai Abilities

Prerequisites: Alienation, Alien Phisiology, Alien Bitrix x6
Ability: You may now choose 2 of your Alien Bitrix builds and add their already estblished options together into a
super alien mutation. You may switch to this Ultratrix form as a Standard Action. The new form lasts 1 round per
level + constitution modifier instead of normal, and then your release seals itself to it's lowest released state, or
fully if you are already in your lowest released state.
Special: You may select this multiple times. You may choose two different Bitrixes (Or one of the same and a
different one) to combine.


Prerequisites: Alienation, Alien Phisiology, Alien Bitrix x6, Swift Alien Bitrix
Ability: You may shift your form through your Alien Bitrixes (Not Ultratrixes) at will as free actions, even between
iterative attacks. Your Ultratrix forms become Move Actions to transform into.


Prerequisites: Alienation, Spreading Alien DNA, 8 other Alien Type Abilities
Ability: When you use Spreading Alien DNA, it effects all allies on the same plane as you that are engaging in
battle at the same time as you use Spreading Alien DNA. Otherwise this follows the rules of Spreading Alien.
Special: You may select this multiple times. Each time, you may add an Ultratrix form into what you may use
instead of a Bitrix form.

Prerequisites: Alienation, Alien Phisiology, Alien Bitrix x6, Ultrailix x2
Ability: You may, for up to 1 minute per day, add all your Bitrix forms together into a being of unmitigated power.
Once you use this, your Zanpakutou vanishes powering your ability during use, and it seals afterward for 1 hour.



Prerequisites: Celerity, Godspeed, 5 other Celerity Type Abilities
Ability: You are constantly moving, able to literally be in more than one place at a time. When you take this
ability you gain the ability to make up to your Dexterity Modifier Afterimages of yourself that are quasi-real. They
can move and act like you, can even attack and hit just as hard as you. They cannot, however, use abilities that
require long trains of thought, as they are not real. They cannot use Kido/Cast Spells. They cannot use Martial
Maneuvers, nor can they activate new abilites that weren't available when they split off. Each clone has (your
HP/number of clones) HP.
Additionally, you always activate powers that require movement, and count as having moved your normal
Landspeed for free for abilities that get stronger the further you move in a round.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time you take it, increase your Dexterity Modifier by it's
base value for the purposes of how many clones you can make.


Prerequisites: 16 Celerity Type abilities
Ability: You gain the ability to perform any speed related feat imaginable that your GM will allow. This can
include, but is not limited to, moving hundreds of thousands of people in less than a round, running through
dimensions, or even reversing time for a short period. Please note that if the GM says no, it's probably no. This
ability cannot be used to make infinite attacks or deal infinite damage. It cannot be used to attack at all.


Prerequisites: 9 Chance Type Abilities
Ability: You may choose to reroll 1 dice you've rolled while activating a Chance Type ability. You must take the
second result even if it's worse than the original. This grants the GM 1 Chance Point each time it is used.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time it is taken, you may select an additional dice to
reroll, or you may roll an additional time.


Prerequisites: 9 Chance Type Abilities
Ability: When you roll a 1 on a Chance Type ability, roll again until you don't get a 1.


Prerequisites: Savage Dice, 9 Chance Type Abilities
Ability: Increase the window you may use to reroll your dice from Savage Dice by 1 (1 or 2 instead of 1).


Prerequisites: 9 Chance Type Abilities
Ability: You may figuratively sell your soul to enact this insane power. When you do so, you may activate any or
all your Chance Type abilities, and take their best results or the results you choose. This cannot activate “Lucky
Sevens!” You may only drop an opponent to 0[BW] with Purging Luck using this ability. Once abilities that stay
active end, you immediately must make a Fortitude Save vs your own Zanpakutou's Save (Constitution Based)
or fall unconscious)



Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment, Mystic Slash, Spirit Booster x3, Power Booster x3, 2 other Mystic Type
Benefit: Whenever you use Mystic Slash to empower your attacks, you gain a +2 Enhancement Bonus to
Attack, Damage, Defense, and all Saving Throws per +1[BW] you empower. In addition, your Fast Healing
increases by +4 per [BW] you empower. Lastly, while you have Fast Healing, you heal 1d4 Ability Damage per
turn and heal 1 Ability Drain per turn.


Prerequisites: Mystic Empowerment, Mystic Slash, Spirit Booster x3, Power Booster x3, 2 other Mystic Type
Benefit: Choose 1 Mental Statistic that is not your Spellscore. Add that to your Spellscore to determine your
Reiatsu. In addition, from now on, you gain back 10 Reiatsu per round while your Release is Sealed and 20 per
turn while this is released.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time add 5 and 10 to the Reiatsu Regeneration per turn.



Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Open Short Range Portal, Open Midrange Portal, Open Long Range Portal,
Open Impossible Portal, 4 Other Portal Type Abilities
Ability: You may open portals between planes within your cosmology that you personally have been to with your
"Basic Portals" This cannot be a Permanent Portal. You do not have to see your target, but must have at least a
good description of your landing zone.


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portal, Open Short Range Portal, Open Midrange Portal, Open Long Range Portal,
Open Impossible Portal, Open Supreme Portal, 4 Other Portal Type Abilities
Ability: Your Supreme Portals may now become permanent by expending 5 Action Dice at their creation.
Special: You may take this multiple times. Each time you may link another dimension within your cosmology to
the same portal. Anyone travelling through your permanent, multi-target portal may expend a Move Action to set
the location target. If it's a permanent portal, You must expend 3 Action Dice to link the plane to the portal.
Prerequisites: Complex Combat Portal: Singularity 5 times, Complex Combat Portal: Instant Singularity, 2 Other
Portal Type Abilities
Abilities: While your Complex Combat Portal: Singularity is active, your Critical Range is doubled, and you gain
+5 to your Critical Multiplier.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time, add one of the following features to your Singularity;
Maximized Damage, Empowered Damage, +1 Critical Multiplier, Max Damage Cap +50 to your Max HP, Reroll
damage dice that come up 1 till they no longer come up 1


Prerequisites: Open Basic Portals, Advanced Combat Portal: Redirect, Complex Combat Portal: Momentary
Dislocation, Intricate Combat Portal: Twisting Dislocation, Impossible Combat Portal: Dimesional Dislocation
Ability: You may use "Impossible Combat Portal: Dimensional Dislocation" on all enemies within 20ft of you. All
targets are entitled to individual saves versus all effects. All targets are effected per target (Roll Dislocation for
each target). And any increase in "Dimensional Dislocation" increases this ability as well.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time increase the area of effect by 10ft.



Prerequisites: Metal Intro, Drop the Beat, Pump the Base, 5 other Song Type abilities
Ability: Your song is so powerful that it has the power to melt faces! When an opponent is knocked to zero by
one of your Song abilities, it must make a Fortitude Save (Which it can do even if disabled), based on your
Charisma, or be disintegrated totally.
Special: You may take this ability multiple times. Each time you do, increase the DC by 1.


Prerequisites: 9 other Song Type abilities
Ability: Your rock is so powerful it can even be felt in the past and future. When you begin to jam out (Dropping
the Beat or any other activated ability) reverberations flow out from your location. As you rock on, time and space
melt away. Heroes of the past and future arrive to aid you. On the first round three heroes of one half your level
arrives. One the second round, two heroes two thirds your level arrives. On the third round a hero of three
quarters of your level arrives. Finally on round four, a future version of yourself arrives to aid you, they are one
level higher than you, representing future knowledge.



Prerequisites: Discern Weakness, 7 other Truth Type abilities
Ability: You've gained the ability to make something you state and believe, become indisputable truth. Once per
day, you may enact this ability. When you do, you make a Concentration check based on your own Charisma. If
you succeed, one thing you believe, even if it is untrue, becomes truth. It can be anything approved by your GM.
Note, the GM has the final say on what can be made Truth. Generally, unless it's a campaign crux, universal
truths are probably off limits.


Prerequisites: Discern Weakness, 9 other Truth Type abilities
Ability: You can set something to remain true within 1 mile of yourself., even if it would be proven false, or made
to be false by abilities such as the Untruth Type. When you set something as truth, anyone that attempts to
prove it false must make a Charisma based Will Save or take ten times your Zanpakutou's [BW] damage as
unmitigatable damage. Things that are subject to Absolute Truth are immune to death effects, the Untruth Ability
“Unravel Truth” and distortions in reality that would change the object's very nature (Such as shifts in the
timestream). You must use Absolute Truth on a Person, Place or Thing. You cannot use it on a concept, idea or
Special: You may take this multiple times. It works to edge out picks of “Unravel Truth”


Prerequisites: False Bravado, 7 other Untruth Type abilities
Ability: You've gained the ability to make something become untrue, even if it is a truth. Once per day, you may
enact this ability. When you do, you make a Concentration check based on your own Charisma. If you succeed,
one thing that is considered truth, even if it is actually true, becomes untruth. It can be anything approved by
your GM. Note, the GM has the final say on what can be made Truth. Generally, unless it's a campaign crux,
universal truths are probably off limits.


Prerequisites: False Bravado, 9 other Truth Type abilities
Ability: You may attempt to make something untrue, thus unraveling it from the multiverse. When you attempt to
make something untrue, you may target a person, place or thing within 1 mile of yourself. That being must make
a Charisma based Fortitude Save or take twice your level in [BW] of unmitigatable damage. If their hit points
drop to 0, they are unwritten, and erased from the multiverse up to 1 minute per point of charisma modifier
minutes into the past undoing their actions during that time.
Special: You may take this multiple times. It works to edge out picks of “Absolute Truth”



Prerequisites: Meditation, Battle Meditation, Instinctual Reaction (Offense and Defense), 8 other Zen type
Ability: You gain the ability to, after successfully using Battle Meditation, to enter a state of true battle zen. You
give yourself wholly over to instinct, allowing your body and Zanpakutou to work seamlessly in harmony.
Activating this state is a full round action and lasts for Level + Constitution Modifier rounds. While in this state,
only Critical Hits can hit you at all, Decrease all opponent's critical thresholds by 2 unless the threshold is either
19-20 or 20, in which case they don't change. All attacks, even area attacks, must roll to hit you. In addition,
increase your own critical range by 2 (For offense and defense) and your critical multiplier by 2. While in this
state, you gain the Hanki ability that you can use once per power-up.


Prerequisites: 9 Zen Type abilities
Ability: When you successfully use Battle Meditation, you may choose to either Empower or Maximize your
strikes. You choose per attack, even during a Full Round action. In addition, By excluding yourself from the
Battle Meditation you may choose to effect all allies within your Group Battle Meditation area instead of just your
Intelligence Modifier.
Tite Kubo: Writer and Illustrator of the Bleach Manga

Draxredd: This is the guy that created the Classless Bleach d20 system

Dionon: This is Me, I created all the content within this booklet that is not copyrighted already or created by
someone else. Feel free to use it as you see fit, as long as I get credit for it.

Maddwaffles: For helping edit this volume

A_Shadow_of_Life: For the Celerity Type

Dagorheru: For the Truth Type

Google: For having wonderful images to borrow.

The Hypertext D20 SRD (Open Gaming Licence)

Peter Kisner for the classless d20 inspiration

Bleach d20 Classless: The Expanded Zanpakutou
A supplement to The Complete Zanpakutou, but not Complete Zanpakutou II

The Expanded Zanpakutou is a supplement to the already existing Complete Zanpakutou. It has more
types and more Bankai Abilities for you and your players to use.

10 New Types: Esoteric and wild, types like Alien, Song and Zen types
4 New Bankai Abilities
Epic Shikai Abilities for all new Types

The Expanded Zanpakutou is for use with the Bleach d20 Classless System

All content within is the intellectual property of Brian Korot, AKA Dionon. It may be used by anyone that
wishes, and may be changed to fit your campaign. If you are going to publish this in any format, or add
to it, please be kind and give me credit, as I am going to be giving credit to those that inspired me to
create this supplement for the d20 classless system. All mentions of the Bleach anime and Manga
including mentions of the Soul Society, Shinigami and Soul Reapers, are used with fair use from Tite
Kubo, Shoen Jump Comics and anyone else I am forgetting to give credit to.
Secret Note: Next is the Expanded Zenshaba... Watch for it!

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