Tools For CUrr Assessment

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Tools to Assess the Curriculum

Recording Devices/ Tools

This provides the various means of
organizing the recordings of information about
student achievement.

Teachers can choose or develop recording

devices which suit the teacher’s style, the
students and the activity or learning being
assessed. These are:
1. Anecdotal Record
2. Checklist
3. Rating Scale
Anecdotal Record
A. Definition
it is a short narrative describing both a
behavior and the context in which the
behavior occurred;
should objectively report specific and
observed behaviors;
describes students performance in
detail and in writing.
B. Purpose
provide an outgoing record of written
observation of student progress;
to record objectively, significant
observations, that are not part of a formal
assessment which might otherwise be
forgotten or remembered incorrectly;
record observations of unanticipated
performances, behaviors, incidents or
C. Characteristics
provides rich portraits of an individual’s
records information of a form which
specifies the learner, date of observation
and a factual description of the event or
provides a mechanism to recognize
patterns of student growth overtime;
is often used to document a student’s
behavior for later reference.
D. Teacher’s Role
determines which observation are to
be considered significant and important;
states in clear, concise, language
exactly what is being observed;
should record information while the
event or behavior is fresh in the teacher’s
establishes a systematic procedure
for collecting records on all students,
ensuring that no individual is overlooked.
E. Considerations
is time-consuming to read, write and
is often used in conjunction with other
assessment strategies;
records interpretations or
recommendations separately from the
description of the student’s
The Checklist
A. Definition
is a list of actions or descriptions that a
rater (teacher) checks off as the particular
behavior or expectation is observed;
is a written list of performance or criteria
which is used to assess student
performance through observation or may
be used to assess written work
B. Purpose

record whether a specific skill or behavior

was “ evident” or “not evident”.
record the presence or absence of
specific behaviors in given situations.
C. Characteristic
is used when the process or product can
be broken into components that are judged to
be present or absent; adequate or
is quick and useful with large number of
is an efficient way to obtain information
about student’s improvement over time by
using the same checklist more than once;
consists of list of statements which are
expected to be exhibited;
usually uses a check mark, or other
indicator which is placed in the
appropriate space on the checklist form to
indicate that it has occurred.
D. Teacher’s Role
observes, judges, and determines
if a students performance meets the
criteria outlined on the checklist;
does not evaluate the quality of
work or contribution but indicated that
it occurred or was completed.
The Rating Scale
A. Definition
is a simple tool for assessing performing on
a several-point scale ranging from low to
high. It may have as few as 3 points, or as
many as 10 points;
is based on a criteria which allows the
teacher to judge the performance, product,
attitude, and/or behavior along a continuum;
is used to judge the quality of a
B. Purpose
record the frequency or even the degree to
which a student exhibits a characteristic;
record the range of a student achievement in
relation to specific behaviors
C. Characteristic
can be analytic or holistic. Analytic rating scale
describe a product or performance on multiple
dimensions (e.g., in a writing task the
dimensions or criteria that might be rated are
organization, mechanics and creativity). Holistic
writings consider all the scoring criteria
simultaneously, rather than assigning scores.

Analytic Rating
D. Teacher’s Role
makes decision about the student’s work on
the basis of description, categories, or topic
and assigns a numerical or qualitative
E. Considerations
uses statements to rank, describe or
identify criteria;
uses carefully chosen words to describe the
meaning of various points on the scale so
that they have the same meaning to different
raters. (teacher, student, peer)
The Rubrics
A. Definition
contains brief, written descriptions of
the different levels of student
is a descriptive rating scale which
requires the rater to choose among
the different levels.
B. Purpose
summarize both student performance
and product against pre-stated criteria;
make scoring of student performance
more precise than using a list of items.
C. Characteristics
consists of several descriptions, each
for different level of quality;
uses specific descriptions of each of the
variables for each point along the
communicates to students, teachers and
parents what is expected in terms of
D. Teacher’s Role
selects which of the description
comes closest to the student’s
E. Considerations
can be used in conjunction with self-
assessment and peer review’
involves students in the process of
identifying important performance
criteria which gives him/her the
ownership of the criteria and provide
concrete examples of good and poor
The Learning Log
A. Description
is an outgoing record by the student of what s/he
does while working on a particular task or
makes visible what a student is thinking and/or doing
through frequent recordings over time.
B. Purpose
show student progress and growth over time;
provide the student with the opportunities to gather
and interpret information, ask questions and to make
D. Teacher’s Role
provides the guideline for the maintenance
of the learning log;
provides regular feedback to the students.
E. Considerations
may present a challenge for some students
who have difficult time express their thoughts
in writing;
provides students with opportunities for
reflection about their progress towards a
stated goal.
Non-test Monitoring and
1. Oral written reports- students research a topic and
then present either orally or in written form.
2. Teacher observation- the teacher observes students
while they work to make certain the students
understand the assignment and are on task.
3. Journal- students write daily on assigned or personal
4. Portfolio of student’s work- teacher collects samples
of students work and saves for determined amount of
5. slates or hand signals- students used this as a
means of signaling answers to the teacher.
6. Games- teachers utilize fun, activities to have the
students practice and review concepts.
7. Projects- the students research on topic and present it
in a creative way.
8. Debates- the students take opposing position on a
topic and defend their position
9. Checklist- the teacher will make a list of objectives that
students need to master and then check off the skill as
the student masters it.
10. Cartooning- students will use drawings to depict
11. Models- the students produce a miniature of replica
of a given topic.
12. Notes- students write a summary of the lesson.
13. Daily Assignments- the students complete the
work assigned on a daily basis to be completed at
the school or home.
14. Anecdotal record- the teacher records a students
15. Panel- A group of students verbally present
16. Learning Centers- students use teacher provided
activities for hands-on learning activities.
17. Demonstration- students present a visual
enactment of particular skill or activity.
18. Problem solving- student follow up a step-by-
step solution of a problem.
19. Discussions- Students in a group verbally
Answer and explain.
1. What is the most effective recording
device/s for you? Why?
2. How does non-monitoring and
assessment affects the learners?
3. Are these two (recording devices
and non-test monitoring and assessment)
influences the curriculum? Why do you
say so?
Assignment: In ½ sheet of paper, define
the ff.
1. Curriculum
2. Instruction
3. Assessment

Ref: Curriculum Development by Purita

Bilbao, Module IV. Lesson IV, pp. 153-155
Thank you very much

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