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Assalamualaikum wr.wb

Good afternoon everyone, good afternoon mr Nanang, miss Ajeng, and miss Imas
(gurunya). We are gorup 6 ictl class xie and today we are going to present about our ictl
result. Our ictl result is Garten der Liebe. Before that, I will introduce the members of our
group. Our groups consists of CINDY, JANICE, DIVA, IZAAZ, AND ME HAFIZZ

Slide 2

So, what is garten der Liebe

Garten der Liebe is a German term which means Garden of Love. A garden that doesn’t
produce air pollution because it is made from renewable natural resources. And our garden
Symbolizes a garden that cares, and love the earth (because reducing the air pollution)

Slide 3

here are some things that we will explain in this presentation

Slide 4 On this slide, we are going to explain why we choose this project

Translate :

Global influence cannot be underestimated anymore.In the latest study, the area of the earth
which is occupied by a third of the world's population, including 145 million Indonesians will
difficult to survive the next 50 years, due to global emissions due to greenhouse gases. The
temperature on earth is projected to increase rapidly and has a crisis impact on the lives of
the human population due to the emission of greenhouse gases.

Emissions from greenhouse gases make the air quality in Indonesia worse. The poor quality
of the existing air can be caused by various things like use excessive motorized vehicles,
increased industrial activity, and disposal of garbage or household waste. The existence of
air pollution can certainly have bad health consequences because the content in air pollution
like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, and sulfur dioxide.

For the group, we from group 6 thought about how to reduce the level of pollution in the air.
One of the effective ways to reduce air pollution is create a garden in the environment.
Because as we know, this garden makes the air around us fresher. Plants in the garden can
absorb greenhouse gases in the air so that they can reduce the levels of air pollution that
exist. Besides being useful for reducing levels of air pollution, the existence of the garden
also has another positive side, the value of beauty so that people who see it will not feel

Pengaruh dari pemanasan global sudah tidak bisa dianggap sepele lagi. Dalam studi terbaru, wilayah
bumi yang ditempati oleh sepertiga populasi penduduk dunia, termasuk 145 juta penduduk
Indonesia akan sulit bertahan hidup 50 tahun mendatang, karena pemanasan global akibat emisi gas
rumah kaca. Suhu di bumi yang diproyeksikan meningkat dengan cepat dan berdampak krisis bagi
kehidupan populasi manusia itu adalah akibat emisi gas rumah kaca.
Emisi dari gas rumah kaca ini membuat kualitas udara yang ada di Indonesia menjadi buruk.
Buruknya kualitas udara yang ada bisa disebabkan oleh berbagai hal yaitu penggunaan kendaraan
bermotor yang berlebih, bertambahnya aktifitas industri, serta pembuangan sampah atau limbah
rumah tangga. Adanya polusi udara ini tentunya dapat berakibat buruk bagi kesehatan karena
kandungan dalam polusi udara yang berupa karbon monoksida, nitrogen dioksida, partikel padat dan
cair, timbal, hingga sulfur dioksida.

Untuk itulah, kami dari kelompok 6 ictl berpikir bagaiamana caranya untuk mengurangi
kadar polusi yang ada di udara. Salah satu cara yang menurut kami efektif untuk menekan
pencemaran udara adalah dengan membuat taman di lingkungan. Karena seperti yang kita tahu,
dengan adanya taman ini membuat udara yang ada di sekitar kita lebih segar. Tanaman-tanaman
yang ada di taman dapat menyerap gas-gas rumah kaca yang ada di udara sehingga dapat
mengurangi kadar polusi udara yang ada. Selain berguna untuk mengurangi kadar polusi udara,
kehadiran taman juga ada sisi positif yang lain yaitu berupa nilai keindahan sehingga orang-orang
yang melihatnya tidak akan merasa bosan.

Slide 5

next, we will explain about the purpose of our ictl project

1. Reduce levels of air pollution

the most important of our purpose in this ictl project is to reduce levels of air
pollution. because as we know, the air pollution around us is already very bad. With
our product in the form of an environmentally friendly garden design, it is hoped that
it can reduce levels of air pollution.

2. Make the environment more beautiful

Furthermore, our goal is also to beautify the environment so that people can also
directly enjoy our ictl products.

3. Take advantage of scraps so that can be more valuable

Around our environment, there must be a lot of scraps that are no longer used. In fact,
from these items, they can actually be processed into something that can be more
useful than just scraps. Therefore, some of the materials used to make our ictl
projects use scraps to increase the use value of these thing and of course reduce

4. Create a tool that can be useful for society

Our garden design also contains new tools that are expected to be useful for the

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