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466 Reversible Computing

c x=c c c c c
p y = c· p + c·q p p
c·q + c· p c·q + c· p
q z = c·q + c· p q q
c· p + c·q c· p + c·q
(a) (b) (c)
Reversible Computing, Fig. 2 Fredkin gate. The pictorial representation (a) is the original one given in (Fredkin and
Toffoli 1982), while (b, c) are often used in the design theory of quantum logic circuits

Reversible Computing, x1 x1 x1 x1 x1 x1
Fig. 3 Implementing
x2 x1 ·x2 1 x1 1 x1
AND, NOT, and fan-out by
Fredkin gate 0 x1 ·x2 0 x1 0 x1
AND NOT Fan-out
(a) (b) (c)

Definition 2 A set E of logic elements is called 8x  f0, 1gm , 8y  f0, 1gn , ∃g  f0, 1gmþkn
logically universal, if any logical function can be f ðxÞ ¼ y ) Fðx, cÞ ¼ ðy, gÞ
realized by a circuit composed only of the ele-
ments in E. This theorem states that any logical function
It is well known that the set {AND, NOT, fan- f can be realized by a circuit composed only of
out} is logically universal, where “fan-out” is the Fredkin gates, if we allow to give a constant c and
function such that x 7! (x, x) (x  {0, 1}), i.e., the to generate a garbage g in the circuit.
copying function. If we add a delay element (i.e., a It is also possible to show logical universality
memory) to a logically universal set, we can con- of the set {Toffoli gate} (this is left as an exercise
struct any sequential machine and thus can build a for the readers). Besides Fredkin gate and Toffoli
universal computer from them (as an infinite circuit). gate, there are many logically universal ones. The
We can see that AND, NOT, and fan-out can be total number of 3-input 3-output reversible logic
realized by Fredkin gates (Fredkin and Toffoli gates is 8! = 40320, and most of them are logi-
1982) as shown in Fig. 3, if we allow to supply cally universal. In fact, it is known that 38976
constant inputs 0s and 1s and allow to generate gates among them are universal (De Vos 2010).
garbage outputs besides the true inputs and out- On the other hand, Toffoli (1980) showed any
puts. For example, in Fig. 3a, the constant 0 is 2-input 2-output reversible gate is composed
supplied to the third input line, and garbage sig- only of CNOT and NOT. Since it is easy to see
nals x1 and x1  x2 are generated besides the true that {CNOT, NOT} is not logically universal, we
output x1x2. By above, we have the following can conclude no set of 2-input 2-output reversible
theorem. gates is logically universal.
Fredkin and Toffoli (1982) also showed a
Theorem 1 (Fredkin and Toffoli 1982) The set method of reducing garbage signals in a circuit
{Fredkin gate} is logically universal, if we allow composed of reversible logic gates.
constant inputs and garbage outputs in a circuit.
More precisely, for any logical function Theorem 2 (Fredkin and Toffoli 1982) For any
f : {0, 1}m!{0, 1}n, which is generally non- logical function f : {0, 1}m!{0, 1}n, there exist
injective, there exist k  0, a constant c  {0, 1}k, k  0, a constant c  {0, 1}k, and an injection
and an injection F : {0, 1}m + k!{0, 1}m + k that is G : {0, 1}m + 2n + k!{0, 1}m + 2n + k that is real-
realized by a circuit composed of Fredkin gates and ized by a circuit composed of Fredkin gates and
satisfies the following. satisfies the following.
Reversible Computing 467

8x  f0, 1gm , 8y  f0, 1gn : are also useful in reversible computing. The
f ðxÞ ¼ y ) Gðx, c, 0, 1Þ ¼ ðx, c, y,yÞ advantages of using RLEMs are as follows.
First, as we shall see below, reversible computing
Here, 0  {0}n , 1  {1}n, and y is the systems, such as reversible Turing machines, can
bitwise complement of y. be constructed very concisely using RLEMs. In
The circuit for G is composed of three modules: addition, construction methods are very different
a circuit for F in Theorem 1, its inverse circuit, and from the traditional ones using logic gates, and
a fan-out circuit consisting of n copies of Fig. 3c. thus RLEMs give new vistas in the theory of
Note that, the “inverse” of a circuit composed of reversible computing. Second, even very simple
Fredkin gates is obtained by exchanging the input RLEMs are universal in the sense any reversible
and the output of each gate, since the inverse of sequential machine can be built from them. In
Fredkin gate is itself. The circuit for G first com- fact, it is known that all the two-stare RLEMs
putes F(x, c) = (y, g) by the circuit for F. Then, it except only four are universal. Third, in a circuit
computes the mapping ðy, 0, 1Þ 7! ðy, y,yÞ by composed of RLEMs, there is no need of synchro-
the fan-out circuit to obtain a copy of y. Finally, nizing two or more coming signals at each ele-
F1(y, g) = (x, c) is computed by the circuit for ment. This is because a signal coming from some
F1, and thus the garbage is reversibly erased and other place interacts only with the state of the
converted into the clean constant. RLEM, which can be regarded as a “stationary”
The circuit for G does not give a large amount signal. Hence, no clock signal is required.
of garbage signals. But, it produces x and y besides
the true output y, which may be regarded as Definitions on Reversible Logic Elements with
another kind of garbage (though the amount is Memory
generally smaller than that of g). Especially, We first give a definition of a sequential machine
when we construct a circuit with memories (i.e., of Mealy type (i.e., a finite automaton with an
a sequential machine), this kind of garbage is output) and its reversibility.
produced at every time step. In this sense, the
above circuit is an “almost” garbage-less one. Definition 3 A sequential machine (SM) is
However, as we shall see later, if we construct defined by
only “reversible” sequential machines, then
completely garbage-less circuits can be obtained. M ¼ ðQ, S, G, q0 , dÞ,

where Q is a finite nonempty set of states; S and G

Reversible Logic Element with Memory are finite nonempty sets of input and output sym-
In the classical design theory of logic circuits, two bols, respectively; q0  Q is an initial state; and
sorts of logic elements are supposed. They are logic d : Q  S!Q  G is a mapping called a move
gates (such as AND, OR, NOT, etc.) and a delay function. A variation of an SM M = (Q, S, G, d),
element (i.e., a memory like a flip-flop). Its design where no initial state is specified, is also called an
technique is also divided into two phases: First, we SM for convenience. The SM M is called a revers-
implement Boolean functions as combinatorial logic ible sequential machine (RSM) if d is injective
circuits consisting of gates and then construct (hence |S|  |G|).
sequential machines from combinatorial logic cir- A reversible logic element with memory is an
cuits and delay elements. In this way, the entire RSM with the same numbers of input and output
process of constructing digital circuits is systema- symbols.
tized, and various methods of circuit minimization
can be applied, especially for the first phase. Definition 4 A reversible logic element with
Using reversible logic gates and delay ele- memory (RLEM) is a reversible sequential
ments is a method along this line. However, machine M = (Q, S, G, d) such that |S| = |G|.
reversible logic elements with memory (RLEMs) It is also called a |Q|-state |G|-symbol RLEM.
468 Reversible Computing

t t +1 Reversible Computing, Table 1 The move function

dRE of rotary element MRE
(a) ai State
q sj Input
Present state n e s w
State H V w0 H w0 V e0 H e0
a. 1 s1 a. 1 s1
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. State V V s0 H n0 V n0 H s0
. . . . . .
.. p sj ..
.. q sj
.. .. .. ..
. . . .
am sn
. .
am sn
. . n n n n
w e w e
Reversible Computing, Fig. 4 (a) An operation of an w e w e
RLEM and (b) an interpretation of the RLEM as a module
having decoded input ports and output ports s s s s
State V State H
In an RLEM M, if the present state is p, the
Reversible Computing, Fig. 5 Two states of rotary ele-
input symbol is ai, and d(p, ai) = (q, sj), then the ment (RE)
next state is q, and the output is sj as in Fig. 4a. To
use an RLEM as a logic element for composing a
logic circuit, we interpret it as an RLEM having t t +1
“decoded” input ports and output ports as shown n n n n
in Fig. 4b. Namely, for each input symbol, there is
a unique input port, to which a particle can be w e w e
given. Likewise, for each output symbol, there is a w e ⇒ w e
unique output port, from which a particle can
s s s s
appear. Hence, particles should not be given to (a)
two or more input ports at a time. When compos- n n n n
ing a circuit using RLEMs, we assume each out-
put port of an RLEM can be connected to at most w e w e
one input port of another (may be the same) w e ⇒ w e
RLEM. Thus, fan-out of an output is not allowed.
s s s s

Rotary Element: A Typical RLEM Reversible Computing, Fig. 6 Operations of RE: (a) the
The class of 2-state RLEMs is particularly impor- parallel case and (b) the orthogonal case
tant, since they are simple yet powerful. We con-
sider a specific 2-state RLEM called rotary particle comes from a direction parallel to the
element (RE) (Morita 2001) defined as follows. bar, then it goes out from the output line of the
opposite side (i.e., it goes straight ahead) without
MRE ¼ ðfH, V g, fn, e, s, wg, fn0 , e0 , s0 , w0 g, dRE Þ affecting the direction of the bar (Fig. 6a). If a
particle comes from a direction orthogonal to the
The move function dRE is shown in Table 1. bar, then it makes a right turn and rotates the bar
The operation of RE can be understood by the by 90 (Fig. 6b).
following intuitive interpretation. It has two states The following theorem states that RE is uni-
H and V; four input lines n, e, s, and w; and four versal in the sense any RSM can be realized as a
output lines n0 , e0 , s0 , and w0 (Fig. 5). A particle circuit composed of REs.
(or token) can be given to one of the input lines.
We interpret that RE has a “rotatable bar” to Theorem 3 (Morita 2003) For any reversible
control the moving direction of the particle. sequential machine M, there is a garbage-less
When no particle exists, nothing happens. If a circuit C composed only of REs that simulates
Reversible Computing 469

Reversible Computing, Reversible Computing, Table 3 The move function d1

Fig. 7 RE column, where l1 r1 of an RSM M1
x  {H, V} l1 r1 Input
State a1 a2
l2 r2 q1 q2b1 q3b2
l2 r2 q2 q2b2 q1b1
.. q3 q1b2 q3b1
ln rn input signal comes from, e.g., the input line a2, then
ln rn the signal first goes out from the line l02 of the first
RE column, setting this column to the unmarked
x state. Then, this signal enters the third column from
the line r2. This makes the third RE column marked
and finally goes out from the output line b2, which
realizes d1(q1, a2) = (q3, b2).
Reversible Computing, Table 2 The move function of
the RE column
Input Universality of 2-State RLEMs
State x li ri There are infinitely many 2-state RLEMs besides
H (marked) V l0i H l0i RE, if we do not restrict the number of input/
V (unmarked) V r 0i H r 0i output symbols. Hence, there will be many uni-
versal RLEMs. Surprisingly, it has been shown
that nondegenerate 2-state RLEMs except only
four are all universal (Morita et al. 2012).
M. The circuit C is completely garbage-less in the First, we classify 2-state RLEMs. We can see
sense that it has no extra input/output lines other the total number of 2-state k-symbol RLEMs is
than true input/output lines (hence, it is a (2k)!, and they are numbered from 0 to (2k)!1
“closed” circuit except the true input/output). in some lexicographic order (Morita et al. 2005).
We show a construction method of a circuit To indicate that it is a k-symbol RLEM, the prefix
C by an example. First, we consider a circuit “k-” is attached to its serial number like RLEM
module composed of n + 1 REs shown in Fig. 7. 4–289. Here, we use a pictorial representation for
It is called an RE column. In a resting state, each 2-state RLEM. Consider, as an example, 2-state
RE in the RE column is in the state V except 4-symbol RLEM M4289 = ({0, 1}, {a1, a2, a3,
the bottom one indicated by x. If x is in the a4}, {s1, s2, s3, s4}, d4289). Its move function
state H, the RE column is called in the marked d4–289 is given in Table 4. Then, it is represented
state, otherwise unmarked state. It can be regarded by Fig. 9, where the two states 0 and 1 are
as if it is a 2-state RSM with 2n input symbols represented by two boxes. Solid and dotted lines in
{l1, . . ., ln, r1, . . ., rn} and 2n output symbols
 each box describe the input-output relation for each
l01 , . . . , l0n , r 01 , . . . , r 0n , though it has many tran- state. A solid line shows that the state goes to the
sient states. Its “macroscopic” move function is other, and a dotted line shows the state remains
shown in Table 2. unchanged. For example, if the RLEM 4–289
We now consider an example of an RSM receives an input symbol a3 in the state 0, then it
M1 = ({q1, q2, q3}, {a1, a2}, {b1, b2}, d1), where gives the output s1 and goes to the state 1. As in the
its move function d1 is shown in Table 3. Prepare case of RE, we interpret that each input/output sym-
three RE columns with n = 2, each of which corre- bol represents an occurrence of a particle at the
sponds to each state of M1, and connect them as corresponding input/output port.
shown in Fig. 8. If M1 is in the state q1, then only the We regard two RLEMs are equivalent if one
first RE column is set to the marked state. When an can be obtained by renaming the states and/or
470 Reversible Computing

q1 a1 q2 a1 q 3 a1

a1 b1

q1 a2 q2 a2 q 3 a2

a2 b2

q1 q2 q3

Reversible Computing, Fig. 8 A garbage-less circuit made of REs that simulates M1

Reversible Computing, Table 4 The move function 3-symbol RLEMs. The representatives are so cho-
d4–289 of the 2-state RLEM 4–289 sen that it has the smallest number in the class.
Input Among k-symbol RLEMs, there are degener-
Present state a1 a2 a3 a4 ate ones, each of which is either equivalent to
State 0 0 s1 0 s2 1 s1 1 s2 simple connecting wires (e.g., RLEM 3–3) or
State 1 0 s3 0 s4 1 s4 1 s3 equivalent to a k0 -symbol RLEM such that k0 < k
(e.g., RLEM 3–6). Its precise definition is found
in (Morita et al. 2012). In Fig. 10, they are indi-
cated by “eq. to wires” or “eq. to 2-n.” Thus,
a1 s1 a1 s1
nondegenerate k-symbol RLEMs are the main
a2 s2 a2 s2
concern of the study. It is known that the numbers
a3 s3 a3 s3
of nondegenerate 2-, 3-, and 4-symbol RLEMs are
a4 s4 a4 s4
4, 14, and 55, respectively.
State 0 State 1
It has been shown that the following three
Reversible Computing, Fig. 9 Pictorial representation lemmas hold.
of 2-state RLEM 4-289, which is equivalent to RE
Lemma 1 (Lee et al. 2008; Morita et al. 2012) RE
can be composed of RLEM 3–10.
the input/output symbols of the other. For exam-
ple, RE and RLEM 4–289 are equivalent. It is Lemma 2 (Lee et al. 2008) RLEM 3–10 can be
verified by the following correspondence: H 7! 0, composed of RLEMs 2–3 and 2–4.
V 7! 1, n 7! a3, s 7! a4 , e 7! a1 , w 7! a2 ,
n0 7! s3, s0 7! s4, e0 7! s2, w0 7! s1. Lemma 3 (Morita et al. 2012) RLEMs 2–3 and
It has been shown that the numbers of equiva- 2–4 can be composed of any one of 14 non-
lence classes of 2-state 2-, 3-, and 4-symbol degenerate 3-symbol RLEMs.
RLEMs are 8, 24, and 82, respectively (Morita By above, we obtain the next lemma that
et al. 2005). Figure 10 shows all representative entails universality of all nondegenerate
RLEMs in the equivalence classes of 2- and 3-symbol RLEMs.
Reversible Computing 471

2-0 (eq. to wires) 2-1 (eq. to wires) 2-2 2-3

2-4 2-5 (eq. to wires) 2-16 (eq. to wires) 2-17

3-0 (eq. to wires) 3-1 (eq. to wires) 3-3 (eq. to wires) 3-6 (eq. to 2-2)

3-7 3-9 3-10 3-11 (eq. to 2-3)

3-18 3-19 (eq. to 2-4) 3-21 (eq. to wires) 3-23

3-60 3-61 3-63 3-64

3-65 3-90 3-91 3-94 (eq. to wires)

3-95 (eq. to 2-17) 3-450 (eq. to wires) 3-451 3-453

Reversible Computing, Fig. 10 Representatives of wires, and it is equivalent to RLEM 2-n, respectively. Thus
8 equivalence classes of 24 2-symbol RLEMs (top), and they are degenerate ones. The total numbers of 2- and
those of 24 equivalence classes of 720 3-symbol RLEMs 3-symbol nondegenerate RLEMs are 4 and
(bottom) (Morita et al. 2005). The indications “eq. to 14, respectively
wires” and “eq. to 2-n” mean it is equivalent to connecting

Lemma 4 (Morita et al. 2012) RE can be correctly simulate the target RLEMs. These cir-
constructed by any one of 14 nondegenerate cuits are shown in Figs. 11, 12, and 13. Lemma
3-symbol RLEMs. 1 is proved by a circuit made of RLEMs 3–10
Lemmas 1, 2, and 3 are proved by designing that simulates an RE, which was first given in
circuits composed of given RLEMs which (Lee et al. 2008). Later, a simpler circuit was
472 Reversible Computing

n e s w
n n
w e
w e
s s
s w n e


n e s w
n n
w e
w e
s s
s w n e

Reversible Computing, Fig. 11 A circuit composed of RLEMs 3–10 that simulates RE (Morita et al. 2012). (a, b)
correspond to the states H and V of RE, respectively

3-10 3-10
a s a s
b t b t
c u c u
State 0 State 1
a s a s
2-4 2-3 2-4 2-3
b t b t
c u c u
0 0 1 1

Reversible Computing, Fig. 12 A circuit composed of RLEMs 2–3 and 2–4 that simulates RLEM 3–10 (Lee et al.
2008). The lower left and the lower right figures correspond to the states 0 and 1 of RLEM 3–10, respectively

given in (Morita et al. 2012), which is shown in Finally, Lemma 3 is proved by 28 circuits com-
Fig. 11. Next, Lemma 2 is proved by a circuit posed of each of 14 nondegenerate 3-symbol
made of RLEMs 2–3 and 2–4 that simulates RLEMS that simulate RLEMs 2–3 and 2–4 as
RLEM 3–10 shown in Fig. 12 (Lee et al. 2008). in Fig. 13.
Reversible Computing 473

2-3 2-4

a s a s a s a s
b t b t b t b t

State 0 State 1 State 0 State 1

s s a a
3-7 a a s s
b t b t b t b t

a s a s
b t b t
3-9 a s a s
b t b t

a s a s
3-10 a s a s
b t b t b t b t

a s a s
b t b t
3-18 a s a s
b t b t

a s a s a s a s
3-23 t t b b
b b t t

a s a s a s a s
3-60 b b t t
t t b b

a s a s
3-61 a s a s t t
b t b t b b

a s a s a s a s
3-63 b t b t
b t b t

a s a s a s a s
3-64 b b t t
t t b b

s s
a s a s a a
3-65 b b t t
t t b b

a s a s a s a s
3-90 b b b t b t
t t

s s
a t a t a s a s
3-91 b b b t b t

a a s s
3-451 b s b s a a
t t b t b t

s s s s
a a a a
b b b b
t t t t

Reversible Computing, Fig. 13 Circuits composed of each of 14 nondegenerate 3-symbol RLEMs that simulate
RLEMs 2–3 and 2–4 (Morita et al. 2012)
474 Reversible Computing

Reversible Computing,
Fig. 14 A hierarchy
Every non-degenerate 2-state
among 2-state RLEMs.
Here, A ! B (A 6! B,
k-symbol RLEM k-n (k > 2)
respectively) represents that
A can (cannot) be simulated
by B
RLEM 2-17

RLEM 2-3 RLEM 2-4

RLEM 2-2


The following lemma gives a relation between Figure 14 summarizes the above results. It is
k-symbol RLEMs and (k  1)-symbol RLEMs. Its not known whether RLEM 2–17 is universal or
proof is found in Morita et al. (2012). not. On the other hand, it is shown that any two
combinations among RLEMs 2–3, 2–4, and 2–17
Lemma 5 (Morita et al. 2012) Let Mk be an are universal (Lee et al. 2008; Mukai et al. 2014).
arbitrary nondegenerate k-symbol RLEM (k > 2). We finally mention the following relation
Then, there exists a nondegenerate (k  1)-symbol between RSMs and reversible logic gates.
RLEM Mk1 that can be simulated by Mk.
By Theorem 3 and Lemmas 4 and 5, we have Theorem 6 (Morita 1990) For any RSM M, we
the next theorem stating that almost all non- can construct a completely garbage-less logic
degenerate 2-state RLEMs are universal. Note circuit composed of Fredkin gates and delay ele-
that universal RLEMs can simulate each other. ments that simulates M.

Theorem 4 (Morita et al. 2012) Every non- Billiard Ball Model (BBM)
degenerate 2-state k-symbol RLEM is universal Fredkin and Toffoli (1982) proposed an interest-
if k > 2. ing reversible physical model of computing called
On the other hand, there are four non- the billiard ball model (BBM). It consists of ide-
degenerate 2-state 2-symbol RLEMs 2–2, 2–3, alized balls and reflectors (Fig. 15), and balls can
2–4, and 2–17 (Fig. 10). So far, nonuniversality collide with other balls or reflectors. We assume
of RLEMs 2–2, 2–3, and 2–4 has been shown in collisions are elastic, and there is no friction.
Mukai et al. (2014). Hence, there is no energy dissipation inside of
this model. Fredkin and Toffoli showed that
Theorem 5 (Mukai et al. 2014) RLEMs 2–2, 2–3, Fredkin gate is realizable in BBM. Therefore,
and 2–4 are nonuniversal. reversible computing systems can be embedded
The following lemma says RLEM 2–2 is the in the space of BBM.
weakest one among nondegenerate 2-state RLEMs. It is shown that RE can be simulated directly in
BBM as in Fig. 16 (Morita 2008a, 2012). It consists
Lemma 6 (Mukai et al. 2014) RLEM 2–2 can be of one stationary ball called a state ball and many
simulated by any one of RLEMs 2–3, 2–4, and reflectors indicated by small rectangles. A state ball
2–17. is placed at the position of H or V in Fig. 16a
Reversible Computing 475

depending on the state of the simulated RE. A mov- port s with any speed. This is a trivial case, i.e., the
ing ball called a signal ball can be given to any one signal ball simply moves from the position 0 to
of the input lines n, e, s, and w. Then, the operation 1 without interacting with reflectors and the state
of an RE is simulated by collisions of balls and ball. Hence, the transition dRE(V, s) = (V, n0) is cor-
reflectors. Figure 16b shows the case where the rectly simulated. Figure 16c shows the case where
state of RE is V and the input is s (corresponding the state of RE is H and the input is s (corresponding
to Fig. 6a). In this case, the state ball is at the to Fig. 6b). In this case, the signal ball given to the
position V, and a signal ball is given to the input input port s collides with the state ball at the position
1. Then, the two balls move along the paths shown
in the figure. Each ball is reflected several times by
the reflectors on each path. Finally, the two balls
Reversible Computing,
Fig. 15 A ball and a collide again at the positions indicated by 6. The
reflector in the billiard ball state ball stops at the position, and the signal ball
model (BBM) moves eastward. Thus, the transition dRE(H, s) =
(V, e0) is simulated.

n n n n

w e w e
V 0,1
w e w e

s s s s
(a) (b)

n n

w e
w 6 7 e
4 5

s s

Reversible Computing, Fig. 16 (a) Rotary element the states H and V. (b) The case dRE(V, s) = (V, n0). (c) The
(RE) realized in BBM, where small rectangles are reflec- case dRE(H, s) = (V, e0)
tors, and H and V show possible positions of a state ball for
476 Reversible Computing

An advantage of this method is that, in an idle Definition 5 A one-tape Turing machine in the
state, the state ball is stationary. Hence, a signal quadruple form is defined by
ball can be given at any moment and with any
speed. Thus, there is no need of synchronizing T ¼ ðQ, S, q0 , F, s0 , dÞ,
two balls. In Mukai and Morita (2012), it is also
shown that any m-state k-symbol RLEM can be where Q is a nonempty finite set of states, S is a
realized in BBM in a systematic way when k  4. nonempty finite set of symbols, q0 is an initial state
(q0  Q), F is a set of final (halting) states (F  Q),
s0 is a special blank symbol (s0  S), and d is a move
relation, which is a subset of (Q  S  S  Q)
Reversible Turing Machines
[ (Q  {/}  {, 0, +}  Q). Each element of
d is a quadruple, and either of the form
A reversible Turing machine (RTM) is a standard
[p, s, s0, q]  (Q  S  S  Q) or [p, /,
model in reversible computing as in the case of
d, q]  (Q  {/}  {, 0, +}  Q). The sym-
traditional (i.e., irreversible) computation theory.
bols “,” “0,” and “+” stand for “left-shift,”
The notion of an RTM first appeared in the paper
“zero-shift,” and “right-shift,” respectively. The
of Lecerf (1963), where unsolvability of the halting
quadruple [p, s, s0 , q] means if T reads the symbol
problem and some related problems on RTMs is
s in the state p, then write s0 and go to the state
shown. Bennett (1973) showed that every irrevers-
q. The quadruple [p, /, d, q] means if T is in p, then
ible Turing machine (TM) can be simulated by an
shift the head to the direction d and go to the state q.
RTM with three tapes without leaving garbage
Determinism and reversibility of a TM are
information on the tapes when it halts. He also
defined symmetrically as given in the next defini-
pointed out the significance of RTMs, since they
tion. Hence, we can regard a reversible TM as a
are closely related to physical reversibility and the
“backward deterministic” TM.
problem of energy dissipation in computing process.
In this section, after giving definitions on
RTMs, we explain the method of Bennett for
Definition 6 Let T = (Q, S, q0, F, s0, d) be a
converting a given irreversible TM into an equiv-
TM in the quadruple form. It is called a determin-
alent three-tape RTM. We then discuss the prob-
istic Turing machine if the following condition
lems how RTMs can be built by reversible logic
holds for any pair of distinct quadruples [p1, b1,
elements and how a small universal RTM can be
c1, q1] and [p2, b2, c2, q2] in d.
If p1 ¼ p2 , then b1 6¼ = ^ b2 6¼ = ^ b1 6¼ b2 :
Definitions on Reversible Turing
Machines (RTMs) On the other hand, T is called a reversible
We give two formulations for TMs, i.e., the qua- Turing machine (RTM) if the following condition
druple formulation and the quintuple formulation. holds for any pair of distinct quadruples [p1, b1,
The quadruple formulation introduced by Bennett c1, q1] and [p2, b2, c2, q2] in d.
(1973) makes it easy to define an “inverse” TM
for a given RTM. The inverse RTM, which If q1 ¼ q2 , then b1 6¼ = ^ b2 6¼ = ^ c1 6¼ c2 :
“undoes” the computation performed by the orig-
inal RTM, plays a key role for garbage-less com- Note that, in what follows, we consider only
putation. On the other hand, the quintuple deterministic Turing machines. So, we omit the
formulation is also useful, since TMs can be con- word “deterministic” henceforth.
cisely described by it. In addition, most classical It is easy to extend the above definition to
TMs are defined in quadruple form, and thus it multi-tape TMs. For example, a two-tape TM is
makes convenient to compare with them. defined by
Reversible Computing 477

T ¼ Q, ðS1 , S2 Þ, q0 , F, s1, 0 , s2, 0 , d : Proof Let T5 = (Q, S, q0, F, s0, d). We define
T4 = (Q0, S, q0, F, s0, d0) as follows. Let Q0 = Q
A quadruple in d is either of the form [ {q0|q  Q}. The set d0 is given by the next
p, ½s1 , s2 , s01 , s02 , q  ðQ  ðS1  S2 Þ  ðS1  S2 Þ  QÞ
or procedure. First, set the initial value of d0 to the
of the form [p, /, [d1, d2], q]  (Q  {/}  empty set. Next, for each q  Q do the following
{, 0, +}2  Q). Determinism and reversibility operation. Let p1 , s1 , s01 , d1 , q , p1 , s2 , s02 , d 2 , q ,
are defined similarly as above. Namely, T is . . . , pm , sm , s0m , dm , q be all the quintuples in d
reversible if the following condition holds for whose fifth element is q. Note that d1 = d2 =   
any pair of distinct quadruples [p1, = dm holds and s01 , s02 , . . . , s0m are pairwise dis-
X1, [b1, b2], q1] and [p2, X2, [c1, c2], q2] in d. tinct, because T5 is reversible. Then, include
m + 1 quadruples p1 , s1 , s01 , q0 , p1 , s2 , s02 , q0 , . . .
If q1 ¼ q2 , then X1 6¼ = ^ X2 6¼ = ^ ½b1 , b2 6¼ ½c1 , c2 : pm , sm , s0m , q0 and [q0 , /, d1, q] in d0 . It is easy to
see that T4 has the required property (Q.E.D.).
Next, we define a TM in the quintuple form. By Proposition 1, we see the definition of an
RTM in the quintuple form is compatible with that
in the quadruple form. The converse of Proposi-
Definition 7 A one-tape Turing machine in the
tion 1 is also easy to show. It is left for readers as
quintuple form is defined by
an exercise.
T ¼ ðQ, S, q0 , F, s0 , dÞ,

where Q, S, q0, F, s0 are the same as in Definition Universality of RTMs and Garbage-Less
5. The move relation d is a subset of Computation
(Q  S  S  {, 0, +}  Q). Each element We now discuss computational universality of
of d is a quintuple of the form [p, s, s0, d, q]. It RTMs. It is actually easy to convert an irreversible
means if T reads the symbol s in the state p, then TM to an RTM, because we can construct an
write s0 , shift the head to the direction d, and go to RTM that simulates the former and records all
the state q. the information which quadruples were executed
by the irreversible TM by using a special history
tape. But, by this method, a large amount of
Definition 8 Let T = (Q, S, q0, F, s0, d) be a garbage information will be left at the end of a
TM in the quintuple form. We say T is determinis- computation. An important point is that such a
tic if the following condition holds for any pair of garbage can be reversibly erased. Hence, a
distinct quintuples p1 , s1 , s01 , d1 , q1 and garbage-less computation is possible as shown

p2 , s2 , s2 , d 2 , q2 in d. in the next theorem.

If p1 ¼ p2 , then s1 6¼ s2 : Theorem 7 (Bennett 1973) For any

(irreversible) one-tape TM, we can construct a
We say T is reversible if the following condition three-tape RTM that simulates the former and
holds for any pair of distinct quintuples leaves only an input string and an output string

p1 , s1 , s01 , d 1 , q1 and p2 , s2 , s02 , d 2 , q2 in d. on the tapes when it halts (hence, it leaves no
garbage information).
If q1 ¼ q2 , then s01 6¼ s02 ^ d 1 ¼ d2 :
Proof Let T = (Q, S, q0, {qf}, 0, d) be a given
Proposition 1 For any RTM T5 in the quintuple irreversible TM in the quadruple form. We assume
form, there is an RTM T4 in the quadruple form T satisfies the following conditions (it is easy to
that simulates each step of the former in two steps. modify a given TM so that it meets the conditions).
478 Reversible Computing

(i) It has a rightward-infinite tape whose left- then include the following quadruples in d1.
most square always keeps the blank symbol.
(ii) When T halts in the state qf, it does so at the qi ,=, ½0, þ , 0 , q0i
leftmost symbol.  0   
qi , sj , 0, 0 , ½sk , h, 0 , ql
(iii) The output is given from the second square
of the tape to the right when T halts.
(ii) If the h-th quadruple (h = 1, . . ., m) of T is
(iv) The output string does not contain blank
(v) The initial state q0 does not appear as the ½qi ,=, d, ql ðqi , ql  Q, d  f, 0,þgÞ
fourth element of any quadruple.
(vi) There is only one quadruple in d whose then include the following quadruples in d1.
fourth element is qf.
Let m be the total number of quadruples qi ,=, ½d, þ , 0 , q0i
contained in d, and we assume the numbers 1, . . ., qi , ½x, 0, 0 , ½x, h, 0 , ql ðx  SÞ
m are assigned uniquely to these quadruples.
An RTM T R that simulates T has three tapes: a 2. The quadruple set d2 for the copying stage:
working tape (for simulating the tape of T), a
history tape (for recording the movement of T at
each step), and an output tape (for writing an If the forward computation stage is completed,
output string). We assume Q = {q0 q1, . . . , qf}. and T R becomes in the state qf, then it copies the
It is defined as follows: output string on the working tape to the output
tape. This is performed by giving the quadruple
T R ¼ ðQ0 , ðS, f0, 1, . . . , mg, SÞ, q0 , fp0 g, ð0, 0, 0Þ, d0 Þ set d2 as below. Here let n be the identification
  n 0 0 o  
0 0 0
Q ¼ q 0 , q 1 , . . . , q f [ q 0 , q 1 , . . . , q f [ c 1 , c1 , c2 , c2 number of the quadruple that contains qf as the
  n 0 0 0
o fourth element.
[ p0 , p1 , . . . , pf [ p0 , p1 , . . . , pf
qf ½0, n, 0 , ½0, n, 0 , c1
Computation of T has three stages: (1) the ½c1 ,=, ½þ, 0,þ , c2
forward computation stage, (2) the copying ½c2 , ½y, n, 0 , ½y, n, y , c1  ðy  S  f0gÞ
stage, and (3) the backward computation stage. c2 , ½0, n, 0 , ½0, n, 0 , c02
The set d0 of quadruples is defined as the union  0 
d1 [ d2 [ d3 of the sets of quadruples given below. c1 , ½y, n, y , ½y, n, y , c02 ðy  S  f0gÞ
We assume when TR starts to move, an input string c2 ,=, ½, 0, , c01
is written in the working tape, and the history and  0 
the output tapes contain only blank symbols. c1 , ½0, n, 0 , ½0, n, 0 , pf

1. The quadruple set d1 for the forward computa-

tion stage: 3. The quadruple set d3 for the backward compu-
tation stage:
When T R simulates T step by step, it records on
the history tape which quadruple of T was used.
By this operation, T R can be reversible. This is After the copying process, the backward
realized by giving the quadruple set d1 as follows. computation stage starts in order to reversibly
erase garbage information left on the history
(i) If the h-th quadruple (h = 1, . . ., m) of T is
tape. This is performed by an inverse TM of
    the forward computing. The quadruple set d3 is
qi , s j , s k , ql qi , ql  Q, sj , sk  S , as follows.
Reversible Computing 479

(i) If the h-th quadruple (h = 1, . . ., m) of T is 18, and its computation process for the input
122 is shown in Fig. 19.
    It is also possible to convert an arbitrary
qi , s j , s k , ql qi , ql  Q, sj , sk  S (irreversible) TM into an equivalent one-tape
2-symbol RTM (Morita 2015b; Morita
then include the following quadruples in d3. et al. 1989).
 0  There are studies related to computational
p ,=, ½0,  , 0 , pi complexity of RTMs (Bennett 1989; Buhrman
pl , ½sk , h, 0 , sj , 0, 0 , p0i et al. 2001; Jacopini et al. 1990; Lange et al.
2000; Morita 2014a). Bennett (1989) showed the
(ii) If the h-th quadruple (h = 1, . . ., m) of T is following space-time trade-off theorem for RTMs,
where an interesting method of reducing space is
given. Note that the RTM in Theorem 7 uses large
½qi ,=, d, ql ðqi , ql  Q, d  f, 0,þgÞ
amount of space, which is proportional to the time
the simulated TM uses.
then include the following quadruples in d3. Note
that if d =  (0, +, respectively), then d0 = +
Theorem 8 (Bennett 1989) For any e > 0 and
(0, ).
any (irreversible) TM that uses time T and space S,
 0 0
 we can construct an RTM that simulates the for-
pi ,=, ½d ,  , 0 , pi 0  mer using time O(T1+e) and space O(S log T).
pl , ½x, h, 0 , ½x, 0, 0 , pi ðx  SÞ
On the other hand, Lange et al. (2000) showed
that language recognition capability of
It is easy to see that TR simulates T correctly.
(irreversible) TMs with space bound S is exactly
Reversibility of TR is verified by checking the
the same as that of RTMs with the same space
quadruple set d0 . In particular, the set d3 of quadru-
ples is reversible since T is deterministic (Q.E.D.).
Theorem 9 (Lange et al. 2000) For any
Example 1 We consider the following irrevers-
(irreversible) TM that uses space S, we can con-
ible TM Terase and convert it into an RTM T Rerase by struct an RTM that simulates the former using
the method of Theorem 7. space O(S).
     In Morita (2014a), equivalence of non-
T erase ¼ q0 ,q1 ,q2 ,q3 ,q4 ,qf , f0,1,2g,q0 , qf ,0,derase
deterministic reversible TMs and deterministic
derase ¼ f1 : ½q0 ,=,þ,q1 ,2 : ½q1 ,0,0,q4 ,3 : ½q1 ,1,1,q2 ,4 : ½q1 ,2,1,q2 g,
   reversible TMs and a simplified proof of Theo-
5 : ½q2 ,=,þ,q1 ,6 : q3 ,0,0,qf ,7 : ½q3 ,1,1,q4 ,8 : ½q4 ,=,,q3
rem 9 are shown.
When given an input string consisting of 1s and
2s, Terase rewrites all the occurrences of 2s into 1s Constructing RTMs by REs
and halts (see Fig. 17). The set of quadruples of It is possible to construct a garbage-less reversible
the RTM T Rerase that simulates Terase is given in Fig. logic circuit that simulates a given RTM. We have
already seen that any RSM can be realized as a
t =0 t = 16
garbage-less reversible RE circuit (Theorem 3). In
Morita (2001), it is shown that an RTM can be
0 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0
decomposed into tape cell modules and a finite
q0 qf control module, each of which is an RSM. There-
fore, any RTM can be composed of REs as a
Reversible Computing, Fig. 17 The initial and the final garbage-less circuit.
computational configuration of Terase for the given input Figure 20 shows an example of an RTM Tparity
string 122 composed only of REs (Morita 2001, 2015a).
480 Reversible Computing

Reversible Computing, [q0 , /, [+, +, 0], q0 ], [p0 , /, [−, −, 0], p0 ],

Fig. 18 The quadruple set
of the RTM T Rerase
[q0 , [x, 0, 0], [x, 1, 0], q1 ], [p1 , [x, 1, 0], [x, 0, 0], p0 ],
[q1 , /, [0, +, 0], q1 ], [p1 , /, [0, −, 0], p1 ],
[q1 , [0, 0, 0], [0, 2, 0], q4 ], [p4 , [0, 2, 0], [0, 0, 0], p1 ],
[q1 , [1, 0, 0], [1, 3, 0], q2 ], [p2 , [1, 3, 0], [1, 0, 0], p1 ],
[q1 , [2, 0, 0], [1, 4, 0], q2 ], [p2 , [1, 4, 0], [2, 0, 0], p1 ],
[q2 , /, [+, +, 0], q2 ], [p2 , /, [−, −, 0], p2 ],
[q2 , [x, 0, 0], [x, 5, 0], q1 ], [p1 , [x, 5, 0], [x, 0, 0], p2 ],
[q3 , /, [0, +, 0], q3 ], [p3 , /, [0, −, 0], p3 ],
[q3 , [0, 0, 0], [0, 6, 0], qf ], [pf , [0, 6, 0], [0, 0, 0], p3 ],
[q3 , [1, 0, 0], [1, 7, 0], q4 ], [p4 , [1, 7, 0], [1, 0, 0], p3 ],
[q4 , /, [−, +, 0], q4 ], [p4 , /, [+, −, 0], p4 ],
[q4 , [x, 0, 0], [x, 8, 0], q3 ], [p3 , [x, 8, 0], [x, 0, 0], p4 ],

[qf , [0, 6, 0], [0, 6, 0], c1 ], [c1 , [0, 6, 0], [0, 6, 0], pf ],
[c1 , /, [+, 0, +], c2 ], [c2 , /, [−, 0, −], c1 ],
[c2 , [y, 6, 0], [y, 6, y], c1 ], [c1 , [y, 6, y], [y, 6, y], c2 ],
[c2 , [0, 6, 0], [0, 6, 0], c2 ]

There is a finite control in the left part of this adjusted, because signals must be synchronized at
figure. To the right of it, infinitely many copies each gate. On the other hand, the circuit of Fig. 20
of tape cell modules are connected. (Here, some works correctly even if each RE operates asyn-
ad hoc techniques are used to reduce the number chronously, since only one signal is moving in this
of REs rather than to use the systematic method circuit. In an RE, a single moving signal interacts
employed in Theorem 3). Note that this circuit is with a rotatable bar, where the latter is thought as a
closed except the Begin, Accept, and Reject ports. kind of stationary signal. Hence, its operation may
It is a small RTM that tests whether a be performed at any time, and there is no need of
given unary number is even. It has the set synchronizing signals at each RE.
of quintuples {[q0, 0, 1, + , q1], [q1, 0, 1,  ,
qacc], [q1, 1, 0, + , q2], [q2, 0, 1,  , qrej], Universal RTMs
[q2, 1, 0, + , q1]}. The computing process for A universal TM (UTM) is one that can simulate
the input string 0110 is as follows: q00110 ‘ 1 any TM, or equivalently, that can compute any
q1110 ‘ 10q210 ‘ 100q10 ‘ 10qacc01. If the recursive function. From Theorem 7, we can see a
RTM accepts (rejects, respectively) the input, a universal RTM (URTM) exists. However, if we
signal goes out from the Accept (Reject) port. use the technique in the proof of Theorem 7 to
Since RE can be implemented in BBM as shown convert a UTM into a URTM, the numbers of
in Fig. 16, the whole circuit that simulates the RTM states and symbols will become very large.
is also embeddable in BBM. As for classical (i.e., irreversible) UTMs, the
We can also realize RTMs by Fredkin gates and following small UTMs have been proposed so far,
delay elements as a garbage-less circuit using the where UTM(m, n) denotes an m-state n-symbol
method of composing RSMs by Fredkin gates UTM. They are UTM(7,4) by Minsky (1967);
shown in Morita (1990). If we do so, however, UTM(5,5), UTM(4,6), and UTM(2,18) by
we need a larger number of Fredkin gates than that Rogozhin (1996); UTM(3,9) by Kudlek and
of REs. In addition, when designing the circuit, Rogozhin (2002); and UTM(6,4), UTM(9,3), and
signal delays and timings should be very carefully UTM(15,2) by Neary and Woods (2009). These
q0 t =0 q1 t = 10 q2 t = 12

Working tape
0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

History tape
Reversible Computing

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 4 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Output tape
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

qf t = 32 c2 t = 40 pf t = 49

0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

0 1 3 5 4 5 4 5 2 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 6 0 0 1 3 5 4 5 4 5 2 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 6 0 0 1 3 5 4 5 4 5 2 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 6 0

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

p2 t = 69 p1 t = 71 p0 t = 81

Working tape
0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

History tape
0 1 3 5 4 5 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 5 4 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Output tape
0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Reversible Computing, Fig. 19 The computing process of the RTM for the input string 122: the forward computation stage (from t = 0 to t = 32), the copying stage (from t = 33
to t = 48), and the backward computation stage (from t = 49 to t = 81)
482 Reversible Computing



Begin •
head 0 1 1 0

Reversible Computing, Fig. 20 A circuit composed only of REs that simulates the RTM T_{parity} (Morita 2001, 2015a)

small UTMs simulates a 2-tag system (Minsky integer m is called a phase of the ID. A halting ID
1967) or its variant, which is a simple string rewrit- is an ID of the form (Y v, 0) (v  {Y, N}*). The
ing system having computational universality. transition relation ) is defined as follows. For
In the following, we describe a 17-state 5-sym- any (v, m) , (v0, m0)  {Y, N}  {0, . . .,
bol URTM (URTM(17,5)) by Morita and k  1},
Yamaguchi (2007). It simulates a cyclic tag sys-
tem (CTAG) given by Cook (2004), which is a ðYv, mÞ ) ðv0 , m0 Þ if ½m 6¼ 0 ^ ½m0 ¼ m þ 1 mod k ^ ½v0 ¼ vpm ,
very simple string rewriting system with compu- ðNv, mÞ ) ðv0 , m0 Þ if ½m0 ¼ m þ 1 mod k ^ ½v0 ¼ v :

tational universality. Note that Cook (2004) used

CTAGs to show universality of the elementary A sequence of IDs ((v0, m0), . . ., (vn, mn)) is
cellular automaton of rule 110. called a complete computation starting from
Since the notion of halting was not defined v  {Y, N} if (v0, m0) = (v, 0) , (vi, mi))
explicitly in the original definition of a CTAG, (vi + 1, mi + 1)(i = 0, 1, . . ., n  1), and (vn, mn)
we use here a modified definition of a CTAG is a halting ID.
with the halting property, which can simulate a
two-tag system with the halting property (Morita Example 2 Consider the CTAG C1 = (3, {Y, N},
and Yamaguchi 2007). (halt, YN, YY)). The complete computation
starting from NYY is (NYY, 0) ) (YY,
1) ) (YYN, 2) ) (YNYY, 0).
Definition 9 A cyclic tag system (CTAG) is We now show there is a 17-state 5-symbol
defined by URTM that simulates any CTAG. A URTM
(17,5) T17,5 in the quintuple form is as follows
C ¼ ðk, fY, N g, ðhalt, p1 , . . . , pk1 ÞÞ, (Morita and Yamaguchi 2007).

where k (k = 1, 2, . . .) is the length of a cycle (i.e., T 17, 5 ¼ ðfq0 , . . . , q16 g, fb, Y, N; ,$g, q0 , b, dÞ,
period), {Y, N} is the (fixed) alphabet, and
(p1, . . ., pk  1)  ({Y, N} )k  1 is a (k  1)- where the set d of quintuples is shown in Table 5.
tuple of production rules. A pair (v, m) is called (Note that, in a construction of a UTM, the final
an instantaneous description (ID) of C, where v  state is usually omitted from the state set). There
{Y, N}* and m  {0, . . ., k  1}. The nonnegative are 67 quintuples in total. If a CTAG halts with a
Reversible Computing 483

Reversible Computing, b Y N * $
Table 5 The set of
q0 $  q2 $  q1 b  q13
quintuples of the URTM
T17,5 (Morita and q1 Halt Y  q1 N  q1 * + q0 b  q1
Yamaguchi 2007) q2 *  q3 Y  q2 N  q2 *  q2 Null
q3 b + q12 b + q4 b + q7 b + q10
q4 Y + q5 Y + q4 N + q4 * + q4 $ + q4
q5 b  q6
q6 Y  q3 Y  q6 N  q6 *  q6 $  q6
q7 N + q8 Y + q7 N + q7 * + q7 $ + q7
q8 b  q9
q9 N  q3 Y  q9 N  q9 *  q9 $  q9
q10 Y + q10 N + q10 * + q10 $ + q11
q11 Y + q11 N + q11 * + q11 Y + q0
q12 Y + q12 N + q12 * + q12 $  q3
q13 *  q14 Y  q13 N  q13 *  q13 $  q13
q14 b + q16 Y  q14 N  q14 b + q15
q15 N + q0 Y + q15 N + q15 * + q15 $ + q15
q16 Y + q16 N + q16 * + q16 $  q14

halting ID, then T17,5 halts in the state q1. If the example, the states q11 and q15 go to the same
string becomes an empty string, then it halts in the state q0 by writing Y and N, respectively, using the
state q2. In Table 5, it is indicated by “null.” quintuples [q11, Y, +, q0] and [q15, b, N, +, q0].
Figure 21 shows how the CTAG C1 with the Besides URTM(17,5), several small URTMs
initial string NYY in Example 2 is simulated by that simulate CTAGs have been shown. They are
the URTM T17,5. On the tape of the URTM, the URTM(10,8), URTM(13,7), URTM(15,6),
production rules (halt, NY, YY) of C1 are expressed URTM(24,4), and URTM(32,3) given by Morita
by the reversal sequence over {Y, N, *}, i.e., YY * (2008, 2015b, 2017).
YN **, where * is used as a delimiter between It is generally difficult to design an RTM that
rules and “halt” is represented by the empty string. has only two symbols or a very small number of
Note that in the initial tape of T17,5 (t = 0), the states. To obtain an RTM with a small number of
rightmost * is replaced by b. This indicates that states, general procedures for converting a given
the phase is 0. In general, if the phase is i  1, then many-state RTM into a 4-state and 3-state RTMs
the i-th * from the right is replaced by b. This are given in Morita (2014b), though the number of
symbol b is called a “phase marker.” On the other symbols of the resulting RTMs becomes very large.
hand, the given initial string for C1 is placed to the
right of the rules, where $ is used as a delimiter. Lemma 7 (Morita 2014b) For any 1-tape m-state
The IDs in the complete computation (NYY, n-symbol RTM T, we can construct a 1-tape 4-state
0) ) (YY, 1) ) (YYN, 2) ) (YNYY, 0) of C1 appear (2mn + n)-symbol RTM T that simulates T.
in the computational configurations of T17,5 at
t = 0, 6, 59, and 142, respectively. The symbol $ Lemma 8 (Morita 2014b) For any 1-tape m-state
in the final string (t = 148) should be regarded as Y. n-symbol RTM T, we can construct a 1-tape 3-state
It is easy to see that T17,5 is reversible by RTM T with O(m2n3)-symbols that simulates T.
checking the set of quintuples shown in Table 5 Applying Lemma 7 to URTM(10,8), we can
according to the definition of an RTM. Intuitively, obtain URTM(4,168). Likewise, applying Lemma
its reversibility is guaranteed from the fact that no 8 to URTM(32,3), we obtain URTM(3, 36654).
information is erased in the whole simulation pro- On the other hand, so far it is not known whether
cess. Furthermore, every branch of the program 2-state URTM exists.
caused by reading the symbol Y or N is “merged To construct a 2-symbol URTM, we can use a
reversibly” by writing the original symbol. For method of converting a many-symbol RTM into
484 Reversible Computing

Reversible Computing, t=0

Fig. 21 Simulating the
CTAG C1 in Example 2 by The rules of the CTAG C1 A given string
the URTM T17,5 b Y Y ∗ N Y ∗ b $ N Y Y b b b b b


t =6
b Y Y ∗ N Y b ∗ $ b Y Y b b b b b


t = 59
b Y Y b N Y ∗ ∗ $ N $ Y Y N b b b


t = 142
b Y Y ∗ N Y ∗ b $ N Y $ Y N Y Y b


t = 148 The final string

b Y Y ∗ N Y ∗ b b N Y Y $ N Y Y b


a 2-symbol RTM (Morita et al. 1989). In partic- A counter machine (CM) is a simple model of
ular, the following lemma is shown in Morita computing consisting of a read-only input tape, a
(2015b) to convert a 4-symbol RTM to a finite number of counters, and a finite control. It
2-symbol RTM. is known that a CM with only two counters
has computational universality (Minsky 1967).
Lemma 9 (Morita 2015b) For any 1-tape A reversible counter machine (RCM) is a back-
m-state 4-symbol RTM T, we can construct a ward deterministic version of a CM. An RCM
1-tape m0 -state 2-symbol RTM T† that simulates with only two counters is known to be computa-
T such that m0  6 m. tionally universal (Morita 1996), though it is a
By this method, we obtain URTM(138,2) from very simple model. This is useful to show univer-
URTM(24,4). sality of other reversible systems.
A reversible finite automaton (RFA) is also a
backward deterministic version of a finite autom-
Other Models of Reversible Computing aton. Note that an RSM in section “Reversible
Logic Element with Memory” is another kind of
There are several models of reversible computing reversible finite automaton augmented by an out-
that are not dealt with in the previous sections. put mechanism. Angluin (1982) and Pin (1992)
Here, we discuss some of them briefly. studied RFAs from the formal language theory
Reversible Computing 485

and showed the class of RFAs is less powerful reversible logic gates and circuits (De Vos et al.
than the class of irreversible finite automata in 2000), adiabatic circuits for reversible computer
their language-accepting capability. Their model (Frank 1999; Frank et al. 1998), and synthesis of
can be regarded as a one-way RFA. Kondaks and reversible logic circuits (Al-Rabadi 2004; De Vos
Watrous (1997) studied a two-way RFA and pro- 2010; Saeedi and Markov 2013; Shende et al.
ved that the class of two-way RFAs exactly char- 2003; Thapliyal and Ranganathan 2010; Wille
acterizes the class of regular languages. Thus, in and Drechsler 2010). However, ultimately, revers-
the two-way case, the language-accepting capa- ible logic elements and computers should be
bility does not decrease by the constraint of implemented in atomic or molecular level. It is
reversibility. plausible that some nano-scale phenomena can be
A multihead finite automaton consists of a finite used as primitives of reversible computing,
control, read-only input tape, and a finite number of because the microscopic physical law is revers-
heads. A reversible multihead finite automaton ible. Of course, finding such solution is very dif-
(RMFA) was first studied in Morita (2011). Similar ficult, but it is an interesting and challenging
to the case of RFAs, language-accepting capability problem left for future investigations.
of two-way k-head MFAs does not decrease by the
constraint of reversibility (Morita 2013), while
one-way k-head RMFAs is less powerful than How Simple Can Reversible Computers Be?
one-way k-head MFAs (Kutrib and Malcher 2013). To find very simple reversible logic elements with
A reversible pushdown automaton, which universality is an important problem from both
consists of an input tape, an input head that can theoretical and practical viewpoints. We can
move only rightward, a pushdown memory, and assume hardware implementation will generally
a finite control, was studied by Kutrib and become easier, if we can find simpler logical
Malcher (2012). They showed that a reversible primitives from which reversible computers can
deterministic pushdown automaton is strictly be built. As we have discussed in section “Revers-
less powerful than a deterministic pushdown ible Logic Gates,” the Fredkin gate and the Toffoli
automaton. gate are logically universal gates with the mini-
A reversible cellular automaton (RCA) is an mum number of inputs and outputs. On the other
important model, because it can deal with reversible hand, as for reversible logic elements with mem-
spatiotemporal phenomena. It can be thought as an ory (RLEMs) given in section “Reversible Logic
abstract model of a reversible space. So far, many Element with Memory,” there are 14 kinds of
interesting results on RCAs have been shown (see, 2-state 3-symbol universal RLEMs (Morita et al.
e.g., Kari 2005; Morita 2008; Toffoli and Margolus 2005; Ogiro et al. 2005), which have a smaller
1990). number of symbols than RE. Since
three nondegenerate 2-state 2-symbol RLEMs
among four have been shown to be nonuniversal
Future Directions (Theorem 5), we have a conjecture that 2-state
3-symbol universal RLEMs are the minimum
How Can We Realize Reversible Computers as ones. However, it is left open whether the 2-state
a Hardware? 2-symbol RLEM 2–17 is universal or not. It is
Although we have discussed reversible comput- also an interesting problem to find much smaller
ing mainly from the standpoint of computation universal reversible Turing machines than those
theory, it is a very important problem how revers- listed in section “Universal RTMs.”
ible computers can be realized as a hardware. So
far, there have been many interesting attempts Novel Architectures for Reversible Computers
from engineering side: e.g., implementing revers- If we try to construct more realistic computers
ible logic as electrically controlled switches from reversible logic primitives, we shall need
(Merkle 1993), c-MOS implementation of new design theories suited for it. For example, a
486 Reversible Computing

circuit composed of REs shown in Fig. 20 has a Bennett C-H (1989) Time/space trade-offs for reversible
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Part II
Theory of Computation and
Nature-Inspired Algorithms
engineering of biological systems. The goals of
Bacterial Computing synthetic biology may be loosely partitioned into
four sets: (1) to better understand the fundamental
Martyn Amos operation of the biological system being
Department of Computing and Mathematics, engineered, (2) to extend synthetic chemistry
Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, and create improved systems for the synthesis of
UK molecules, (3) to investigate the “optimization” of
existing biological systems for human purposes,
and (4) to develop and apply rational engineering
Article Outline principles to the design and construction of bio-
logical systems. It is on these last two goals that
Glossary we focus in this entry.
Definition of the Subject The main benefits that may accrue from these
Introduction studies are both theoretical and practical; the con-
Motivation for Bacterial Computing struction and study of synthetic biosystems could
The Logic of Life improve our quantitative understanding of the
Rewiring Genetic Circuitry fundamental underlying processes, as well as sug-
Successful Implementations gest plausible applications in fields as diverse as
Future Directions pharmaceutical synthesis and delivery, biosensing,
Bibliography tissue engineering, bionanotechnology, biomate-
rials, energy production, and environmental
Glossary remediation.

DNA Deoxyribonucleic acid. Molecule that

encodes the genetic information of cellular Introduction
Operon Set of functionally related genes with a Complex natural processes may often be
common promoter (“on switch”). described in terms of networks of computational
Plasmid Small circular DNA molecule used to components, such as Boolean logic gates or arti-
transfer genes from one organism to another. ficial neurons. The interaction of biological mol-
RNA Ribonucleic acid. Molecule similar to ecules and the flow of information controlling the
DNA, which helps in the conversion of genetic development and behavior of organisms are par-
information to proteins. ticularly amenable to this approach, and these
Transcription Conversion of a genetic sequence models are well established in the biological com-
into RNA. munity. However, only relatively recently have
Translation Conversion of an RNA sequence papers appeared proposing the use of such sys-
into an amino acid sequence (and, ultimately, tems to perform useful, human-defined tasks. For
a protein). example, rather than merely using the network
analogy as a convenient technique for clarifying
Definition of the Subject our understanding of complex systems, it may
now be possible to harness the power of such
Bacterial computing is a conceptual subset of systems for the purposes of computation.
synthetic biology, which is itself an emerging sci- Despite the relatively recent emergence of bio-
entific discipline largely concerned with the logical computing as a distinct research area, the

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018 491

A. Adamatzky (ed.), Unconventional Computing,
Originally published in
R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, # Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017
492 Bacterial Computing

link between biology and computer science is not biologists have been in a position to make much
a new one. Of course, for years, biologists have more finely tuned modifications to their organism
used computers to store and analyze experimental of choice, this generating much more refined data.
data. Indeed, it is widely accepted that the huge Other advances in biochemistry have also contrib-
advances of the Human Genome Project (as well uted, allowing scientists to – for example – inves-
as other genome projects) were only made possi- tigate new types of genetic systems with, for
ble by the powerful computational tools available. example, twelve bases, rather than the traditional
Bioinformatics has emerged as “the science of the four (Geyer et al. 2003). Such creations have
twenty-first century,” requiring the contributions yielded valuable insights into the mechanics of
of truly interdisciplinary scientists who are mutation, adaptation, and evolution. Researchers
equally at home at the lab bench or writing soft- in synthetic biology are now extending their work
ware at the computer. beyond the synthesis of single genes and are now
However, the seeds of the relationship between introducing whole new gene complexes into
biology and computer science were sown over organisms.
50 years ago, when the latter discipline did not The objectives behind this work are both theo-
even exist. When, in the seventeenth century, the retical and practical. As Benner and Seymour
French mathematician and philosopher René Des- argue (Benner and Sismour 2005), “. . . a synthetic
cartes declared to Queen Christina of Sweden that goal forces scientists to cross uncharted ground to
animals could be considered a class of machines, encounter and solve problems that are not easily
she challenged him to demonstrate how a clock encountered through [top-down] analysis. This
could reproduce. Three centuries later in 1951, drives the emergence of new paradigms [“world
with the publication of The General and Logical views”] in ways that analysis cannot easily do.”
Theory of Automata (von Neumann 1941), John Drew Endy agrees. “Worst-case scenario, it’s a
von Neumann showed how a machine could indeed complementary approach to traditional discovery
construct a copy of itself. Von Neumann believed science” (Hopkin 2004). “Best-case scenario, we
that the behavior of natural organisms, although get systems that are simpler and easier to under-
orders of magnitude more complex, was similar to stand . . .” Or, to put it bluntly, “Let’s build new
that of the most intricate machines of the day. He biological systems - systems that are easier to
believed that life was based on logic. We now begin understand because we made them that way”
to look at how this view of life may be used, not (Morton 2005). As well as shedding new light
simply as a useful analogy, but as the practical on the underlying biology, these novel systems
foundation of a whole new engineering discipline. may well have significant practical utility. Such
new creations, according to Endy’s “personal
Motivation for Bacterial Computing wish list,” might include “generating biological
machines that could clean up toxic waste, detect
Here we consider the main motivations behind chemical weapons, perform simple computations,
recent work on bacterial computing (and, more stalk cancer cells, lay down electronic circuits,
broadly, synthetic biology). Before recombinant synthesize complex compounds and even produce
DNA technology made it possible to construct hydrogen from sunlight” (Hopkin 2004). In the
new genetic sequences, biologists were restricted next section, we begin to consider how this might
to crudely “knocking out” individual genes from be achieved, by first describing the underlying
an organism’s genome and then assessing the logic of genetic circuitry.
damage caused (or otherwise). Such knockouts
gradually allowed them to piece together frag-
ments of causality, but the process was very The Logic of Life
time-consuming and error prone.
Since the dawn of genetic engineering – with Twenty years after von Neumann’s seminal paper,
the ability to synthesize novel gene segments – Francois Jacob and Jacques Monod identified
Bacterial Computing 493

specific natural processes that could be viewed as These promoters may be thought of as “markers,”
behaving according to logical principles: or “signs,” in that they are not transcribed into
The logic of biological regulatory systems abides RNA. The regions that are transcribed into RNA
not by Hegelian laws but, like the workings of (and eventually translated into protein) are
computers, by the propositional algebra of George referred to as structural genes. The RNA poly-
Boole. (Monod 1970). merase recognizes the promoter, and transcription
This conclusion was drawn from earlier work begins. In order for the RNA polymerase to begin
of Jacob and Monod (Monod et al. 1963). In transcription, the double helix must be opened so
addition, Jacob and Monod described the “lactose that the sequence of bases may be read. This
system” (Jacob and Monod 1961), which is one of opening involves the breaking of the hydrogen
the archetypal examples of a Boolean biosystem. bonds between bases. The RNA polymerase then
We describe this system shortly, but first give a moves along the DNA template strand in the 3 !
brief introduction to the operation of genes in 50 direction. As it does so, the polymerase creates
general terms. an antiparallel mRNA chain (i.e., the mRNA
strand is the equivalent of the Watson-Crick com-
plement of the template). However, there is one
DNA as the Carrier of Genetic Information
significant difference, in that RNA contains uracil
The central dogma of molecular biology (Crick
instead of thymine. Thus, in mRNA terms, “U
1970) is that DNA produces RNA, which in turn binds with A.”
produces proteins. The basic “building blocks” of
The RNA polymerase moves along the DNA,
genetic information are known as genes. Each
the DNA recoiling into its double-helix structure
gene codes for one specific protein and may be behind it, until it reaches the end of the region to
turned on (expressed) or off (repressed) when
be transcribed. The end of this region is marked by
a terminator which, like the promoter, is not
Transcription and Translation
We now describe the processes that determine the Genetic Regulation
structure of a protein and hence its function. Note Each step of the conversion, from stored informa-
that in what follows we assume the processes tion (DNA), through mRNA (messenger), to pro-
described occur in bacteria rather than in higher tein synthesis (effector), is itself catalyzed by
organisms such as humans. For a full description other effector molecules. These may be enzymes
of the structure of the DNA molecule, see the or other factors that are required for a process to
chapter on DNA computing. In order for a DNA continue (e.g., sugars). Consequently, a loop is
sequence to be converted into a protein molecule, formed, where products of one gene are required
it must be read (transcribed) and the transcript to produce further gene products and may even
converted (translated) into a protein. Transcrip- influence that gene’s own expression. This pro-
tion of a gene produces a messenger RNA cess was first described by Jacob and Monod in
(mRNA) copy, which can then be translated into 1961 (Jacob and Monod 1961), a discovery that
a protein. earned them a share of the 1965 Nobel Prize in
Transcription proceeds as follows. The mRNA Physiology or Medicine.
copy is synthesized by an enzyme known as RNA Genes are composed of a number of distinct
polymerase. In order to do this, the RNA poly- regions, which control and encode the desired
merase must be able to recognize the specific product. These regions are generally of the form
region to be transcribed. This specificity require- promoter-gene-terminator. Transcription may be
ment facilitates the regulation of genetic expres- regulated by effector molecules known as
sion, thus preventing the production of unwanted inducers and repressors, which interact with the
proteins. Transcription begins at specific sites promoter and increase or decrease the level of
within the DNA sequence, known as promoters. transcription. This allows effective control over
494 Bacterial Computing

the expression of proteins, avoiding the produc- What Jacob and Monod found was that the
tion of unnecessary compounds. It is important to transcription of a gene may be regulated by mol-
note at this stage that, in reality, genetic regulation ecules known as inducers and repressors, which
does not conform to the digital “on-off” model either increase or decrease the “volume” of a gene
that is popularly portrayed; rather, it is continuous (corresponding to its level of transcription, which
or analog in nature. is not always as clear-cut and binary as Monod’s
quote might suggest). These molecules interact
with the promoter region of a gene, allowing the
The Lac Operon gene’s level to be finely “tuned.” The lac genes are
One of the most well-studied genetic systems is so-called because, in the E. coli bacterium, they
the lac operon. An operon is a set of functionally combine to produce a variety of proteins that
related genes with a common promoter. An exam- allow the cell to metabolize the sugar lactose
ple of this is the lac operon, which contains three (which is most commonly found in milk, hence
structural genes that allow E. coli to utilize the the derivation from the Latin word lact,
sugar lactose. meaning milk).
When E. coli is grown on the sugar glucose, the For reasons of efficiency, these proteins should
product of the (separate and unrelated to the lac only be produced (i.e., the genes be turned on)
operon) lacI gene represses the transcription of when lactose is present in the cell’s environment.
the lacZYA operon (i.e., the operon is turned off). Making these proteins when lactose is absent
However, if lactose is supplied together with glu- would be a waste of the cell’s resources, after all.
cose, a lactose by-product is produced which However, a different sugar – glucose – will always
interacts with the repressor molecule, preventing be preferable to lactose, if the cell can get it, since
it from repressing the lacZYA operon. This dere- glucose is an “easier” form of sugar to metabolize.
pression does not itself initiate transcription, since So, the input to and output from the lac operon
it would be inefficient to utilize lactose if the more may be expressed as a truth table, with G and
common sugar glucose were still available. The L standing for glucose and lactose (1 if present,
operon is positively regulated (i.e., “encouraged”) 0 if absent) and O standing for the output of the
by a different molecule, whose level increases as operon (1 if on, 0 if off):
the amount of available glucose decreases. There-
fore, if lactose were present as the sole carbon G L O
source, the lacI repression would be relaxed and 0 0 0
the high “encouraging” levels would activate tran- 0 1 1
scription, leading to the synthesis of the lacZYA 1 0 0
gene products. Thus, the promoter is under the 1 1 0
control of two sugars, and the lacZYA operon is
only transcribed when lactose is present and glu- The Boolean function that the lac operon there-
cose is absent. fore physically computes is (L AND (NOT G)),
In essence, Jacob and Monod showed how a since it only outputs 1 if L = 1 (lactose present)
gene may be thought of (in very abstract terms) as and G = 0 (glucose is absent). By showing how
a binary switch and how the state of that switch one gene could affect the expression of another –
might be affected by the presence or absence of just like a transistor feeds into the input of another
certain molecules. Monod’s point, made in his and affects its state – Jacob and Monod laid the
classic book Chance and Necessity and quoted foundations for a new way of thinking about
above, was that the workings of biological sys- genes, not simply in terms of protein blueprints,
tems operate not by Hegel’s philosophical or but of circuits of interacting parts, or dynamic
metaphysical logic of understanding, but networks of interconnected switches and logic
according to the formal, mathematically grounded gates. This view of the genome is now well
logical system of George Boole. established (Kauffman 1993a, b; McAdams and
Bacterial Computing 495

Shapiro 1995), but in the next section, we show week, how does this affect the progress of the
how it might be used to guide the engineering of disease in question, or what happens if I feed
biological systems. this signal into the chip?). The results obtained
from these tests may then feed back into further
refinements of the model, in a continuous cycle of
Rewiring Genetic Circuitry improvement.
When a model suggests a plausible structure
A key difference between the wiring of a com- for a synthetic genetic circuit, the next stage is to
puter chip and the circuitry of the cell is that engineer it into the chosen organism, such as a
“electronics engineers know exactly how resistors bacterium. Once the structure of the DNA mole-
and capacitors are wired to each other because cule was elucidated and the processes of transcrip-
they installed the wiring. But biologists often tion and translation were understood, molecular
don’t have a complete picture. They may not biologists were frustrated by the lack of suitable
know which of thousands of genes and proteins experimental techniques that would facilitate
are interacting at a given moment, making it hard more detailed examination of the genetic material.
to predict how circuits will behave inside cells” However, in the early 1970s, several techniques
(Ferber 2004). This makes the task of were developed that allowed previously impossi-
reengineering vastly more complex. ble experiments to be carried out (see Brown
Rather than trying to assimilate the huge 1990; Old and Primrose 1994). These techniques
amounts of data currently being generated by the quickly led to the first ever successful cloning
various genome projects, synthetic biologists are experiments (Jackson et al. 1972; Lobban and
taking a novel route – simplify and build. “They Sutton 1973). Cloning is generally defined as
create models of genetic circuits, build the cir- “. . . the production of multiple identical copies
cuits, see if they work, and adjust them if they of a single gene, cell, virus, or organism”
don’t - learning about biology in the process. ‘I (Roberts and Murrell 1998). This is achieved as
view it as a reductionist approach to systems biol- follows: a specific sequence (corresponding, per-
ogy,’ says biomedical engineer Jim Collins of haps, to a novel gene) is inserted in a circular
Boston University” (Ferber 2004). DNA molecule, known as a plasmid, or vector,
The field of systems biology has emerged in producing a recombinant DNA molecule. The vec-
recent years as an alternative to the traditional tor acts as a vehicle, transporting the sequence into
reductionist way of doing science. Rather than a host cell (usually a bacterium, such as E. coli).
simply focusing on a single level of description Cloning single genes is well established, but is
(such as individual proteins), researchers are now often done on an ad hoc basis. If biological com-
seeking to integrate information from many dif- puting is to succeed, it requires some degree of
ferent layers of complexity. By studying how dif- standardization, in the same way that computer
ferent biological components interact, rather than manufacturers build different computers, but
simply looking at their structure, systems biolo- using a standard library of components.
gists are attempting to build models of systems “Biobricks are the first example of standard bio-
from the bottom up. A model is simply an abstract logical parts,” explains Drew Endy (Jha 2005).
description of how a system operates – for exam- “You will be able to use biobricks to program
ple, a set of equations that describe how a disease systems that do whatever biological systems do.”
spreads throughout a population. The point of a He continues, “That way, if in the future, someone
model is to capture the essence of a system’s asks me to make an organism that, say, counts to
operation, and it should therefore be as simple as 3,000 and then turns left, I can grab the parts
possible. Crucially, a model should also be capa- I need off the shelf, hook them together and pre-
ble of making predictions, which can then be dict how they will perform” (Gibbs 2004).
tested against reality using real data (e.g., if Each biobrick is a simple component, such as
infected people are placed in quarantine for a an AND gate, or an inverter (NOT). Put them
496 Bacterial Computing

together one after the other, and you have a Successful Implementations
NAND (NOT-AND) gate, which is all that
is needed to build any Boolean circuit Although important foundational work had been
(an arbitrary circuit can be translated to an equiv- performed by Arkin and Ross as early as 1994
alent circuit that uses only NAND gates. It will (Arkin and Ross 1994), the year 2000 was a
be much bigger than the original, but it will particularly significant one for synthetic biology.
compute the same function. Such considerations In January two foundational papers appeared back
were important in the early stages of integrated to back in the same issue of Nature. “Networks of
circuits, when building different logic gates was interacting biomolecules carry out many essential
difficult and expensive). Just as transistors can be functions in living cells, but the ‘design princi-
used together to build logic gates, and these gates ples’ underlying the functioning of such intracel-
then combined into circuits, there exists a hierar- lular networks remain poorly understood, despite
chy of complexity with biobricks. At the bottom intensive efforts including quantitative analysis of
are the “parts,” which generally correspond to relatively simple systems. Here we present a com-
the coding regions for proteins. Then, one level plementary approach to this problem: the design
up, we have “devices,” which are built from and construction of a synthetic network to imple-
parts – the oscillator of Elowitz and Leibler, for ment a particular function” (Elowitz and Leibler
example, could be constructed from three 2000). That was the introduction to a paper that
inverter devices chained together, since all an Drew Endy would call “the high-water mark of a
inverter does is “flip” its signal from 1 to synthetic genetic circuit that does something”
0 (or vice versa). This circuit would be an exam- (Ferber 2004). In the first of the two articles,
ple of the biobricks at the top of the conceptual Michael Elowitz and Stanislau Leibler (then both
tree – “systems” – which are collections of parts at Princeton) showed how to build microscopic
to do a significant task (like oscillating or “Christmas tree lights” using bacteria.
Tom Knight at MIT made the first six Synthetic Oscillator
biobricks, each held in a plasmid ready for use. In physics, an oscillator is a system that produces
As we have stated, plasmids can be used to a regular, periodic “output.” Familiar examples
insert novel DNA sequences in the genomes of include a pendulum, a vibrating string, or a light-
bacteria, which act as the “test bed” for the house. Linking several oscillators together in
biobrick circuits. “Just pour the contents of some way gives rise to synchrony – for example,
one of these vials into a standard reagent solu- heart cells repeatedly firing in unison or millions
tion, and the DNA will transform itself into a of fireflies blinking on and off, seemingly as one
functional component of the bacteria,” he (Strogatz 2003).
explains (Brown 2004). Drew Endy was instru- Leibler actually had two articles published in
mental in developing this work further, one the same high-impact issue of Nature. The other
invaluable resource being the Registry of Stan- was a short communication, coauthored with
dard Biological Parts (Registry of Standard Bio- Naama Barkai – also at Princeton but in the
logical Parts), the definitive catalog of new Department of Physics (Barkai and Leibler
biological component. At the start of 2006, it 2000). In their paper titled “Circadian clocks lim-
contained 224 “basic” parts and 459 “compos- ited by noise,” Leibler and Barkai showed how a
ite” parts, with 270 parts “under construction.” simple model of biochemical networks could
Biobricks are still at a relatively early stage, but oscillate reliably, even in the presence of noise.
“Eventually we’ll be able to design and build in They argued that such oscillations (which might,
silico and go out and have things synthesized,” e.g., control the internal circadian clock that tells
says Jay Keasling, head of Lawrence Berkeley us when to wake up and when to be tired) are
National Laboratory’s new synthetic biology based on networks of genetic regulation. They
department (Ferber 2004). built a simulation of a simple regulatory network
Bacterial Computing 497

using a Monte Carlo algorithm. They found that, terms of a Boolean circuit – if the circuit outputs
however they perturbed the system, it still oscil- the value 1, the GFP promoter is produced to turn
lated reliably, although, at the time, their results on the light. If the value is 0, the promoter is not
existed only in silico. The other paper by Leibler produced, the GFP gene is not expressed, and the
was much more applied, in the sense that they had light stays off.
constructed a biological circuit (Elowitz and Elowitz and Leibler set up their gene network
Leibler 2000). Elowitz and Leibler had succeeded so that the GFP gene would be expressed when-
in constructing an artificial genetic oscillator in ever gene C was turned off – when it was turned
cells, using a synthetic network of repressors. on, the GFP would gradually decay and fade
They called this construction the repressilator. away. They synthesized the appropriate DNA
Rather than investigating existing oscillator sequences and inserted them into a plasmid, even-
networks, Elowitz and Leibler decided to build tually yielding a population of bacteria that
one entirely from first principles. They chose blinked on and off in a repetitive cycle, like min-
three repressor-promoter pairs that had already iature lighthouses. Moreover, and perhaps most
been sequenced and characterized and first built significantly, the period between flashes was lon-
a mathematical model in software. By running the ger than the time taken for the cells to divide,
sets of equations, they identified from their simu- showing that the state of the system had been
lation results certain molecular characteristics of passed on during reproduction.
the components that gave rise to so-called limit
cycle oscillations, those that are robust to pertur- Synthetic Toggle Switch
bations. This information from the model’s results Rather than modeling an existing circuit and then
led Elowitz and Leibler to select strong promoter altering it, Elowitz and Leibler had taken a
molecules and repressor molecules that would “bottom-up” approach to learning about how
rapidly decay. In order to implement the oscilla- gene circuits operate. The other notable paper to
tion, they chose three genes, each of which appear in that issue was written by Timothy Gard-
affected one of the others by repressing it or ner, Charles Cantor and Jim Collins, all from
turning it off. For the sake of illustration, we call Boston University in the USA. In 2000, Gardner,
the genes A, B, and C. The product of gene Collins, and Cantor observed that genetic
A turns off (represses) gene B. The absence of switching (such as that observed in the lambda
B (which represses C) allows C to turn on. C is phage (Ptashne 2004)) had not yet been “demon-
chosen such that it turns gene A off again, and the strated in networks of non-specialized regulatory
three genes loop continuously in a “daisy chain” components” (Gardner et al. 2000). That is to say,
effect, turning on and off in a repetitive cycle. at that point, nobody had been able to construct a
However, some form of reporting is necessary in switch out of genes that had not already been
order to confirm that the oscillation is occurring as “designed” by evolution to perform that specific
planned. task. The team had a similar philosophy to that of
Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is a molecule Elowitz and Leibler, in that their main motivation
found occurring naturally in the jellyfish was being able to test theories about the funda-
Aequorea victoria. Biologists find it invaluable mental behavior of gene regulatory networks.
because it has one interesting property – when “Owing to the difficulty of testing their predic-
placed under ultraviolet light, it glows. Biologists tions,” they explained, “these theories have not, in
quickly sequenced the gene responsible for pro- general, been verified experimentally. Here we
ducing this protein, as they realized that it could have integrated theory and experiment by
have many applications as a reporter. By inserting constructing and testing a synthetic, bistable
the gene into an organism, you have a ready-made [two-state] gene circuit based on the predictions
“status light” – when placed into bacteria, they of a simple mathematical model.”
glow brightly if the gene is turned on and look “We were looking for the equivalent of a light
normal if it is turned off. We can think of it in switch to flip processes on or off in the cell,”
498 Bacterial Computing

explained Gardner (Eisenberg 2000). “Then “Finally, as a cellular memory unit, the toggle
I realized a way to do this with genes instead of forms the basis for ‘genetic applets’ - self-
with electric circuits.” The team chose two genes contained, programmable, synthetic gene circuits
that were mutually inhibitory – that is, each pro- for the control of cell function.”
duced a molecule that would turn the other off.
One important thing to bear in mind is that the Engineered Communication
system did not have a single input. Although the Toward the end of his life, Alan Turing did some
team acknowledged that bistability might be foundational work on pattern formation in nature,
possible – in theory – using only a single promoter in an attempt to explain how zebras get their striped
that regulated itself, they anticipated possible coats or leopards their spots. The study of morpho-
problems with robustness and experimental tun- genesis (from the Greek words morphe, shape, and
ability if they used that approach. Instead, they genesis, creation; “amorphous” therefore means
decided to use a system whereby each “side” of the “without shape or structure”) is concerned with
switch could be “pressed” by a different stimulus – how cells split to assume new roles and communi-
the addition of a chemical on one and a change in cate with another to form very precise shapes, such
temperature on the other. Things were set up so that as tissues and organs. Turing postulated that the
if the system was in the state induced by the chem- diffusion of chemical signals both within and
ical, it would stay in that state until the temperature between cells is the main driving force behind
was changed and would only change back again if such complex pattern formation (Turing 1952).
the chemical was reintroduced. Importantly, these Although Turing’s work was mainly concerned
stimuli did not have to be applied continuously – a with the processes occurring among cells inside a
“short sharp” burst was enough to cause the switch developing embryo, it is clear that chemical sig-
to flip over. As with the other experiments, Gardner naling also goes on between bacteria. Ron Weiss
and his colleagues used GFP as the system state of Princeton University was particularly inter-
reporter, so that the cells glowed in one state and ested in Vibrio fischeri, a bacterium that has a
looked “normal” in the other. symbiotic relationship with a variety of aquatic
In line with the bottom-up approach, they first creatures, including the Hawaiian squid. This rela-
created a mathematical model of the system and tionship is due mainly to the fact that the bacteria
made some predictions about how it would exhibit bioluminescence – they generate a chem-
behave inside a cell. Within a year, Gardner had ical known as a Luciferase (coded by the Lux
spliced the appropriate genes into the bacteria, and gene), a version of which is also found in fireflies
he was able to flip them – at will – from one state and which causes them to glow when gathered
to the other. As McAdams and Arkin observed, together in numbers. Cells within the primitive
synthetic “one-way” switches had been created in light organs of the squid draw in bacteria from
the mid-1980s, but “this is perhaps the first the seawater and encourage them to grow. Cru-
engineered design exploiting bistability to pro- cially, once enough bacteria are packed into the
duce a switch with capability of reversibly light organ, they produce a signal to tell the squid
switching between two . . . stable states” cells to stop attracting their colleagues, and only
(McAdams and Arkin 2000). The potential appli- then do they begin to glow. The cells get a safe
cations of such a bacterial switch were clear. As environment in which to grow, protected from
they state in the conclusion to their article, “As a competition, and the squid has a light source by
practical device, the toggle switch . . . may find which to navigate and catch prey. The mechanism
applications in gene therapy and biotechnology.” by which the Vibrio “know” when to start glowing
They also borrowed from the language of com- is known as quorum sensing, since there have to
puter programming, using an analogy between be sufficient “members” present for luminescence
their construction and the short “applets” written to occur.
in the Java language, which now allow us to The bacteria secrete an autoinducer molecule,
download and run programs in our Web browser. known as VAI (Vibrio autoinducer), which diffuses
Bacterial Computing 499

through the cell wall. The Lux gene (which gener- the design and construction of more sophisticated
ates the glowing chemical) needs to be activated genetic circuitry in the future” (Yokobayashi
(turned on) by a particular protein – which attracts et al. 2002).
the attention of the polymerase – but the protein Together with colleagues Yohei Yokobayashi
can only do this with help from the VAI. Its partic- and Frances Arnold, Weiss proposed a two-stage
ular 3D structure is such that it cannot fit tightly strategy: first, design a circuit from the bottom up,
onto the gene unless it has been slightly bent out of as Elowitz and others had before, and clone it into
shape. Where there is enough VAI present, it locks bacteria. Such circuits are highly unlikely to work
onto the protein and alters its conformation, so that first time, “because the behavior of biological
it can turn on the gene. Thus, the concentration of components inside living cells is highly context-
VAI is absolutely crucial; once a critical threshold dependent, the actual circuit performance will
has been passed, the bacteria “know” that there are likely differ from the design predictions, often
enough of them present, and they begin to glow. resulting in a poorly performing or nonfunctional
Weiss realized that this quorum-based cell-to- circuit.” Rather than simply abandoning their
cell communication mechanism could provide a design, Weiss and his team decided to then tune
powerful framework for the construction of bac- the circuit inside the cell itself, by applying the
terial devices – imagine, for example, a tube of principles of evolution. By inducing mutations in
solution containing engineered bacteria that can the DNA that they had just introduced, they were
be added to a sample of seawater, causing it to able to slightly modify the behavior of the circuit
glow only if the concentration of a particular that it represented. Of course, many of these
pollutant exceeds a certain threshold. Crucially, changes would be catastrophic, giving even
as we will see shortly, it also allows the possibility worse performance than before, but, occasionally,
of generating precise “complex patterned” they observed a minor improvement. In that case,
development. they kept the “winning” bacteria, and subjected it
Weiss set up two colonies of E. coli, one to another round of mutation, in a repeated cycle.
containing “sender” and the other “receivers.” In a microcosmic version of Darwinian evolution,
The idea was that the senders would generate a mutation followed by selection of the fittest took
chemical signal made up of VAI, which could an initially unpromising pool of broken circuits
diffuse across a gap and then be picked up by and transformed them into winners. “Ron is uti-
the receivers. Once a strong enough signal was lizing the power of evolution to design networks
being communicated, the receivers would glow in ways so that they perform exactly the way you
using GFP to say that it had been picked want them to,” observed Jim Collins (Gravitz
up. Weiss cloned the appropriate gene sequences 2004). In a commentary article in the same issue
(corresponding to a type of biobrick) into his of the journal, Jeff Hasty called this approach
bacteria and placed colonies of receiver cells on “design then mutate” (Hasty 2002). The team
a plate, and the receivers started to glow in showed how a circuit made up of three genetic
acknowledgment. gates could be fine-tuned in vivo to give the cor-
rect performance, and they concluded that “the
Synthetic Circuit Evolution approach we have outlined should serve as a
In late 2002, Weiss and his colleagues published robust and widely applicable route to obtaining
another paper, this time describing how rigorous circuits, as well as new genetic devices, that func-
engineering principles may be brought to bear on tion inside living cells.”
the problem of designing and building entirely
new genetic circuitry. The motivation was Pattern Formation
clear – “biological circuit engineers will have to The next topic studied by Weiss and his team was
confront their inability to predict the precise the problem of space – specifically, how to get a
behavior of even the most simple synthetic net- population of bacteria to cover a surface with a
works, a serious shortcoming and challenge for specific density. This facility could be useful when
500 Bacterial Computing

designing bacterial biosensors – devices that “hungry” and choose to move toward a food
detect chemicals in the environment and produce source, while an identical cell might choose to
a response. By controlling the density of the remain in the same spot, since it has adequate
microbial components, it might be possible to levels of energy.
tune the sensitivity of the overall device. More The team used a variant of the sender-receiver
importantly, the ability for cells to control their model, only this time adding a “distance detec-
own density would provide a useful “self- tion” component to the receiver circuit. The
destruct” mechanism where these genetically senders were placed in the center of the dish, and
modified bugs ever to be released into the envi- the receivers were distributed uniformly across
ronment for “real-world” applications. the surface. The receivers were constructed so
In “Programmed population control by cell- that they could measure the strength of the signal
cell communication and regulated killing” (You being “beamed” from the senders, a signal which
et al. 2004), Weiss and his team built on their decayed over distance (a little like a radio station
previous results to demonstrate the ability to gradually breaking up as you move out of the
keep the density of an E. coli population artifi- reception area). The cells were engineered so
cially low – that is, below the “natural” density that only those that were either “near” to the
that could be supported by the available nutrients. senders or “far” from the senders would generate
They designed a genetic circuit that caused the a response (those in the middle region were
bacteria to generate a different Vibrio signaling instructed to keep quiet). These cells are geneti-
molecule; only this time, instead of making the cally identical and are uniformly distributed over
cells glow, a sufficient concentration would flip a the surface – the differential response comes in the
switch inside the cell, turning on a killer gene, way that they assess the strength of the signal and
encoding a protein that was toxic in sufficient make a decision on whether or not to respond. The
quantities. The system behaved exactly as pre- power of the system was increased further by
dicted by their mathematical model. The culture making the near cells glow green and those far
grew at an exponential rate (i.e., doubling every away glow red (using a different fluorescent
time step) for 7 hours, before hitting the defined protein).
density threshold. At that point, the population When the team set the system running, they
dropped sharply, as countless cells expired, until observed the formation of a “dartboard” pattern,
the population settled at a steady density signifi- with the “bullseye” being the colony of senders
cantly (ten times) lower than an unmodified “con- (instructed to glow cyan, or light blue), which was
trol” colony. The team concluded that “The surrounded by a green ring, which in turn was
population-control circuit lays the foundations surrounded by a red ring. By placing three sender
for using cell-cell communication to programme colonies in a triangle, they were also able to obtain
interactions among bacterial colonies, allowing a green heart-shaped pattern, formed by the inter-
the concept of communication -regulated growth section of three green circles, as well as other
and death to be extended to engineering synthetic patterns, determined solely by the initial configu-
ecosystems” (You et al. 2004). ration of senders (Basu et al. 2005).
The next stage was to program cells to form
specific spatial patterns in the dish. As we have Bacterial Camera
already mentioned briefly, pattern formation is Rather than generating light, a different team
one characteristic of multicellular systems. This decided to use bacteria to detect light – in the
is generally achieved using some form of chemi- process – building the world’s first microbial cam-
cal signaling, combined with a differential era. By engineering a dense bed of E. coli, a team
response – that is, different cells, although genet- of students led by Chris Voigt at Berkeley devel-
ically identical, may “read” the environmental oped light-sensitive “film” capable of storing
signals and react in different ways, depending on images at a resolution of 100 megapixels per
their internal state. For example, one cell might be square inch. E. coli are not normally sensitive to
Bacterial Computing 501

light, so the group took genes coding for photore- against cancer tumors, while Jay Keasling and
ceptors from blue-green algae and spliced them coworkers at Berkeley are looking at engineering
into their bugs (Levskaya et al. 2005). When light circuits into the same bacteria to persuade them to
was shone on the cells, it turned on a genetic generate a potent antimalarial drug that is nor-
switch that causes a chemical inside them to per- mally found in small amounts in wormwood
manently darken, thus generating a black “pixel.” plants.
By projecting an image onto a plate of bacteria, Clearly, bacterial computing/synthetic biology
the team was able to obtain several monochrome is still at a relatively early stage in its develop-
images, including the Nature logo and the face of ment, although the field is growing at a tremen-
team member Andrew Ellington. Nobel Laureate dous pace. It could be argued, with some
Sir Harry Kroto, discoverer of “buckyballs,” justification, that the dominant science of the
called the team’s camera an “extremely exciting new millennium may well prove to be at the
advance” (Marks 2005), going on to say that “I intersection of biology and computing. As biolo-
have always thought that the first major nanotech- gist Roger Brent argues, “I think that synthetic
nology advances would involve some sort of biology . . . will be as important to the 21st century
chemical modification of biology.” as [the] ability to manipulate bits was to the 20th”
(Anon 2004).

Future Directions
Weiss and his team suggest that “the integration of
such systems into higher-level organisms and
Primary Literature
with different cell functions will have practical Anon (2004) Roger Brent and the alpha project. ACM
applications in three-dimensional tissue engineer- Ubiquity 5(3)
ing, biosensing, and biomaterial fabrication” Arkin A, Ross J (1994) Computational functions in bio-
chemical reaction networks. Biophys J 67:560–578
(Basu et al. 2005). One possible use for such a
Barkai N, Leibler S (2000) Circadian clocks limited by
system might lie in the detection of bioweapons – noise. Nature 403:267–268
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able to accurately pinpoint the location of any
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ratory rely on cells arranging themselves around
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have them figure out for themselves what the
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neering cells to act as miniature drug delivery genetic toggle switch in Escherichia coli. Nature
systems – fighting disease or infection from the
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from the bone marrow and develop into
Immune Computing plasma cells that are the main antibody
Jon Timmis Clonal selection theory A theory that states that
Department of Electronics, Department of the specificity and diversity of an immune
Computer Science, University of York, York, UK response are the result of selection by antigen
of specifically reactive clones from a large
repertoire of preformed lymphocytes, each
with individual specificities.
Article Outline Complex (MHC) Cell-surface molecules
(MHC class I and II) that are involved in
Glossary controlling several aspects of the immune
Definition of the Subject response. MHC genes code for self-markers
Introduction on all body cells and play a major role in
What Is an Artificial Immune System? transplantation rejection.
Current Artificial Immune Systems Biology Dendritic cell Set of antigen-presenting cells
and Basic Algorithms (APCs) present in lymph nodes and the spleen
Alternative Immunological Theories for AIS and at low levels in blood, which are particu-
Emerging Methodologies in AIS larly active in stimulating T cells.
Future Directions Lymph node Small organs of the immune sys-
Bibliography tem, widely distributed throughout the body
and linked by lymphatic vessels.
Glossary Lymphocyte White blood cell found in the
blood, tissue, and lymphoid organs.
Affinity Measure or tightness of the binding Major histocompatibility A group of genes
between an antigen-combining site and an encoding polymorphic.
antigenic determinant; the stronger the bind- Pathogen A microorganism that causes disease.
ing, the higher the affinity. T cell White blood cell that orchestrates
Antibody A soluble protein molecule produced and/or directly participates in the immune
and secreted by B cells in response to an anti- defenses.
gen. Antibodies are usually defined in terms of
their specific binding to an antigen.
Antigen Any substance that when introduced Definition of the Subject
into the body is capable of inducing an
immune response. Immunecomputing, or artificial immune systems
Antigen-presenting cells (APCs) B cells, cells (AIS), has recently emerged as a computational
of the monocyte lineage (including macro- intelligence approach that shows great promise.
phages as well as dendritic cells), and various Inspired by the complexity of the immune sys-
other body cells that present antigen in a form tem, computer scientists and engineers have
that B and T cells can recognize. created systems that in some way mimic or
B cell White blood cells expressing immuno- capture certain computationally appealing prop-
globulin molecules on its surface. Also erties of the immune system, with the aim of
known as B lymphocytes, they are derived building more robust and adaptable solutions.
AIS have been defined by de Castro and Timmis
Glossary based on de Castro and Timmis (2002b). (2002b) as:
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018 503
A. Adamatzky (ed.), Unconventional Computing,
Originally published in
R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, # Springer Science+Business New York 2015
504 Immune Computing

adaptive systems, inspired by theoretical immunol- et al. (1988). These works investigated a number
ogy and observed immune functions, principle and of theoretical immune network models proposed
models, which are applied to problem solving.
to describe the maintenance of immune memory
However, in order to build AIS, an interdis- in the absence of antigen. While controversial
ciplinary approach is required that employs from an immunological perspective, these
modeling of immunology (both mathematical models began to give rise to an interest from the
and computational) in order to understand the computing community. The most influential peo-
underlying complexity inherent within the ple at crossing the divide between computing and
immune system. AIS do not rival their natural immunology in the early days were Hugues
counterparts; they do not exhibit the same level Bersini and Stephanie Forrest. It is fair to say
of complexity or even perform the same that some of the early work by Bersini (1991,
function, but they do capture essential properties 1992) was very well rooted in immunology, and
of the immune systems that are making them a this is also true of the early work by Forrest
competitive computational intelligence et al. (1994), Hightower et al. (1995). It was
paradigm. these works that formed the basis of a solid foun-
dation for the area of AIS. In the case of Bersini,
he concentrated on the immune network theory,
Introduction examining how the immune system maintained
its memory and how one might build models and
The immune system is a complex system that algorithms mimicking that property. With regard
undertakes a myriad of tasks. The abilities of the to Forrest, her work was focused on computer
immune system have helped to inspire computer security (in particular network intrusion detec-
scientists to build systems that mimic, in some tion) (Forrest et al. 1997; Hofmeyr and Forrest
way, various properties of the immune system. 2000) and formed the basis of a great deal of
This field of research, artificial immune systems further research by the community on the appli-
(AIS), has seen the application of immune- cation of immune-inspired techniques to com-
inspired algorithms to problems such as robotic puter security.
control (Krohling et al. 2002), network intrusion At about the same time as Forrest was under-
detection (Forrest et al. 1997; Kim 2002), fault taking her work, other researchers began to
tolerance (Ayara 2005; Canham and Tyrrell investigate the nature of learning in the immune
2002), bioinformatics (Cutello et al. 2004; Nic- system and how that might be used to create
osia 2004), and machine learning (Kim and machine learning algorithms (Cooke and Hunt
Bentley 2002; Knight and Timmis 2003; 1995). They had the idea that it might be possi-
Watkins et al. 2004), to name a few. To many, ble to exploit mechanisms of the immune system
trying to mimic how the immune system (in particular the immune network) in learning
operates in a computer may seem an unusual systems, so they set about doing a proof of con-
thing to do; why then would people in comput- cept (Cooke and Hunt 1995). Initial results were
ing wish to do this? The answer is that, from a very encouraging, and they built on their success
computational point of view, the immune by applying the immune ideas to the classifica-
system has many desirable properties that they tion of DNA sequences as either promoter or
would like their computer systems to possess. non-promoter classes (Hunt and Cooke 1996)
These properties are such things as robustness, and the detection of potentially fraudulent mort-
adaptability, diversity, scalability, multiple gage applications (Hunt et al. 1998).
interactions on a variety of timescales, and The work of Hunt and Cook spawned more
so on. work in the area of immune network-based
The origins of AIS have its roots in the early machine learning over the next few years, nota-
theoretical immunology work of Farmer bly in Timmis (2000) where the Hunt and
et al. (1986), Perelson (1989), Varela Cook system was totally rewritten, simplified,
Immune Computing 505

and applied to unsupervised learning (very sim- computer security, numerical function optimiza-
ilar to cluster analysis). Concurrently, similar tion, combinatoric optimization (e.g., schedul-
work was carried out by de Castro and Von ing), learning, bioinformatics, image processing,
Zuben (2001, 2002), who developed algorithms robotics (e.g., control and navigation), adaptive
for use in function optimization and data control systems, virus detection, and web mining.
clustering (the details of these are described in Hart and Timmis go on to note that these catego-
more detail later in the entry). The work of ries can be summarized into three general appli-
Timmis on machine learning spawned yet more cation areas of learning, anomaly detection, and
work in the unsupervised learning domain, in optimization.
trying to perform dynamic clustering (where Work in Tarakanov et al. (2003) details an
the patterns in the input data move over time). alternative approach to the use of immune meta-
This was met with some success in works such phors and presents a deterministic immune net-
as Neal (2002) and Wierzchon and Kuzelewska work approach that is in stark contrast to the work
(2002). At the same time, using ideas other than presented here. This work has shown to be excep-
the immune network theory, work by Hart and tionally competitive when compared to other
Ross (2002) used immune-inspired associative computational intelligence approaches
memory ideas to track moving targets in (Tarakanov et al. 2005a, b). Due to a growing
databases. amount of work conducted on AIS, the Interna-
In the supervised learning domain, very little tional Conference on Artificial Immune Systems
happened until work by Watkins (2001) (later (ICARIS) conference series was started in 2002
augmented in Watkins et al. (2004)) developed ( and
an immune-based classifier known as AIRS. The has operated in subsequent years (Bersini and
system developed by Watkins was then adapted Carneiro 2006; Jacob et al. 2005; Nicosia
into a parallel and distributed learning system in et al. 2004; Timmis and Bentley 2002; Timmis
Watkins (2005) and has shown itself to be one of et al. 2003). This is the best source of reference
the real success stories of immune-inspired learn- material to read in order to grasp the variety of
ing (Goodman et al. 2002, 2003; Watkins application areas of AIS and also the develop-
et al. 2003). ments in algorithms and the more theoretical side
In addition to the work on machine learning, of AIS.
there have been plenty of other activities in AIS This remaining entry is organized as follows:
over the years. To outline all the applications of section “What Is an Artificial Immune System?”
AIS and developments over the past 10 years first discusses the current perception of what AIS
would take a long time, and there are some good are, and we do this in terms of a simple engineer-
review papers in the literature; thus, the reader is ing framework; in section “Current Artificial
directed those (Dasgupta 1999; de Castro and Immune Systems Biology and Basic Algo-
Timmis 2002b; Garrett 2005; Timmis and Knight rithms,” we provide a simple overview of the
2001). In addition to these works, Hart and immunology that has served to inspire the devel-
Timmis (2005) investigated the application opment of immune-inspired systems to date, and
areas AIS have been applied to and considered this is coupled with an outline of the basic algo-
the contribution AIS have made to these areas. rithms that have been used in AIS to date; in
Their survey of AIS is not exhaustive, but section “Alternative Immunological Theories
attempts to produce a picture of the general for AIS,” we turn our attention to alternative
areas to which they have been applied. Of the immunology (away from the more classic
97 papers reviewed, 12 categories were identified described in the previous section) and focus on
to reflect the natural groupings of the papers. the danger theory approach which exploits a fun-
These were, in the order of most papers first, damental different analogy from immunology
clustering/classification, anomaly detection that other AIS have done to date and discuss the
(e.g., detecting faults in engineering systems), cognitive immune paradigm as an alternative
506 Immune Computing

approach to the development of AIS; section variation, and selection. As a result of this pro-
“Emerging Methodologies in AIS” reviews new cess, a population of evolved artificial individuals
approaches to the development of AIS in the arises. A framework, in this case, would corre-
context of a conceptual framework; and finally spond to the genetic representation of the indi-
in section “Future Directions,” we review some viduals of the population, plus the procedures for
of the possible challenges and directions that AIS reproduction, genetic variation, and selection.
might follow. Therefore, they proposed that a framework to
design a biologically inspired algorithm requires,
at least, the following basic elements:
What Is an Artificial Immune System?
• A representation for the components of the
In an attempt to create a common basis for AIS,
• A set of mechanisms to evaluate the interac-
work in de Castro and Timmis (2002b) proposed
tion of individuals with the environment and
the idea of a framework for engineering AIS.
each other. The environment is usually simu-
They argued the case for such a framework as
lated by a set of input stimuli, one or more
the existence of similar frameworks in other bio-
fitness function(s), or other means
logically inspired approaches, such as artificial
• Procedures of adaptation that govern the
neural networks (ANN) and evolutionary algo-
dynamics of the system, i.e., how its behavior
rithms (EAs), has helped considerably with the
varies over time
understanding and construction of such systems.
For example, de Castro and Timmis (2002b) con-
sider a set of artificial neurons, which can be This framework can be thought of as a layered
arranged together to form an artificial neural net- approach such as the specific framework for engi-
work. In order to acquire knowledge, these neural neering AIS of de Castro and Timmis (2002b)
networks undergo an adaptive process, known as shown in Fig. 1. This framework follows the three
learning or training, which alters (some of) the basic elements for designing a biologically
parameters within the network. Therefore, they inspired algorithm just described, where the set
argued that in a simplified form, a framework to of mechanisms for evaluation are the affinity
design an ANN is composed of a set of artificial measures and the procedures of adaptation are
neurons, a pattern of interconnection for these the immune algorithms. In order to build a system
neurons, and a learning algorithm. Similarly, such as an AIS, one typically requires an appli-
they argued that in evolutionary algorithms, cation domain or target function. From this basis,
there is a set of artificial chromosomes the way in which the components of the system
representing a population of individuals that iter- will be represented is considered. For example,
atively suffer a process of reproduction, genetic the representation of network traffic may well be

Immune Computing, Solution

Fig. 1 AIS layered
framework (Adapted from negative selection
de Castro and Timmis positive selection
Immune Algorithms clonal selection
AIS r–chunk
Affinity Measures
Euclidean distance

Representation Hamming, Integer


Application Domain
Immune Computing 507

different than the representation of a real-time that theory. It is worth noting that, although not
embedded system. In AIS, the way in which covered here, a large effort is currently being
something is represented is known as shape made in the AIS community into exploring
space. There are many kinds of shape space, other immune ideas and mechanisms such as
such as Hamming, real valued, and so on, each danger theory and innate immunity.
of which carries its own bias and should be
selected with care (Freitas and Timmis 2003). Immunity
Once the representation has been chosen, one or The vertebrate immune system (the one which
more affinity measures are used to quantify the has been used to inspire the vast majority of
interactions of the elements of the system. There AIS to date) is composed of diverse sets of cells
are many possible affinity measures (which are and molecules. These work in collaboration with
partially dependent upon the representation other systems, such as the neural and endocrine,
adopted), such as Hamming and Euclidean dis- to maintain a steady state of operation within the
tance metrics. Again, each of these has its own host: this is termed homeostasis. The role of the
bias, and the affinity function must be selected immune system is typically viewed as one of the
with great care, as it can affect the overall perfor- protections from infectious agents such as
mance (and ultimately the result) of the system viruses, bacteria, fungi, and other parasites. On
(Freitas and Timmis 2003). This was also the surface of these agents are antigens that allow
recently shown experimentally in the case of the identification of the invading agents
immune networks, where the affinity function (pathogens) by the immune cells and molecules,
affected the overall outcome of the shape of the which in turn provoke an immune response.
network (Hart 2005; Hart and Ross 2004) The There are two basic types of immunity, innate
final layer involves the use of algorithms, which and adaptive. Innate immunity is not directed
govern the behavior (dynamics) of the system. toward specific pathogens, but against any path-
Such algorithms include those based on the fol- ogen that enters the body. The innate immune
lowing immune processes: negative and positive system plays a vital role in the initiation and
selection, clonal selection, bone marrow, and regulation of immune responses, including adap-
immune network algorithms. tive immune responses. Specialized cells of the
innate immune system evolved so as to recognize
and bind to common molecular patterns found
Current Artificial Immune Systems only in microorganisms. However, the innate
Biology and Basic Algorithms immune system is by no means a complete solu-
tion to protecting the body.
The main developments within AIS have focused Adaptive, or acquired immunity, is directed
on three main immunological theories: clonal against specific invaders, with adaptive immune
selection, immune networks, and negative selec- cells being modified by exposure to such
tion. Researchers in AIS have concentrated, for invaders. The adaptive immune system mainly
the most part, on the learning and memory mech- consists of lymphocytes, which are white blood
anisms of the immune system inherent in clonal cells, more specifically B and T cells. These cells
selection and immune networks and the negative aid in the process of recognizing and destroying
selection principle for the generation of detectors specific substances. Any substance that is capable
that are capable of classifying changes in self. In of generating such a response from the lympho-
this section, we review the immunology that has cytes is called an antigen or immunogen. Anti-
been capitalized on by the AIS community. We gens are not the invading microorganisms
outline the three main immunological theories themselves; they are substances such as toxins
noted above that have acted as a source of inspi- or enzymes in the microorganisms that the
ration. At each stage, we review a simple AIS immune system considers foreign. Adaptive
approach that has extracted some feature from immune responses are normally directed against
508 Immune Computing

the antigen that provoked them and are said to be property of immune receptors. When a non-self-
antigen specific. antigen is detected, a suitable immune response is
elicited and the antigen is destroyed. Thus, the
Natural Clonal Selection recognition of self-antigen is forbidden, and self-
The clonal selection theory (CST) (Burnet 1959) reacting receptors must be deleted.
is the theory used to explain the basic response of
the adaptive immune system to an antigenic stim- Artificial Clonal Selection
ulus. It establishes the idea that only those cells Work in de Castro and Von Zuben (2000, 2002)
capable of recognizing an antigenic stimulus will proposes an optimization algorithm, known as
proliferate, thus being selected against those that CLONALG, inspired by the clonal selection pro-
do not. Clonal selection operates on both T cells cess, as outlined in the previous section. Given a
and B cells. In the case of B cells, when their function F, a population of candidate solutions
antigen receptors (antibodies) bind with an anti- (antibodies) are evolved to either minimize or
gen, the B cell becomes activated and begins to maximize the function. Each member of this pop-
proliferate producing new B-cell clones that are ulation is a vector, in a certain shape space, which
an exact copy of the parent B cell. The clones maps values to the parameters of the function F.
then undergo somatic hypermutation and produce CLONALG exploits the cloning, mutation, and
antibodies that are specific to the invading anti- selection mechanisms of clonal selection, to
gen (Berek and Ziegner 1993). After prolifera- effectively evolve a set of memory cells that
tion, B cells differentiate into plasma cells or contain candidate solutions to the function F.
long-lived B memory cells. Plasma cells produce CLONALG operates via the following proce-
large amounts of antibodies which will attach dure. A population P is initialized with random
themselves to the antigen and act as a type of vectors, where P is the set of candidate solutions
tag for other immune cells to pick up on and for the given function. Each member of P is
remove from the system. This whole process is evaluated against the function, and the highest
known as affinity maturation. affinity n number is selected for cloning, where
Memory cells help the immune system to be affinity can be measured as the distance to the
protective over periods of time. In the normal optimal value. Clones are produced at a rate
course of the evolution of the immune system, proportional to the affinity (so the better the
an organism would be expected to encounter a affinity, the more clones are produced). Each
given antigen repeatedly during its lifetime. The clone is subject to a mutation rate, which is
initial exposure to an antigen that stimulates an inversely proportional to the affinity. These
adaptive immune response is handled by a small clones are added to P, and then the n highest
number of B cells, each producing antibodies of affinity is selected to remain in the population.
different affinity. Storing some high-affinity A number of low-affinity members are then
antibody-producing cells (memory cells) from removed from the population and replaced with
the first infection, so as to form a large initial the same number of randomly generated mem-
specific B-cell subpopulation for subsequent bers. This process is repeated until some conver-
encounters, considerably enhances the effective- gence criteria are satisfied or a fixed number of
ness of the immune response to secondary iterations have been performed.
encounters. Such a strategy ensures that both the Experimentally, CLONALG has been shown
speed and accuracy of the immune response to perform well on standard benchmark tests for
become successively stronger after each optimization problems (de Castro and Von Zuben
infection. 2002). However, it has not been reported in the
Autoimmunity is the term used to describe the literature that CLONALG itself outperforms any
existence of antigen receptors that recognize the well-known technique. Other algorithms similar
body’s own molecules or self-antigens. to CLONALG exist in the literature, such as
According to the CST, immune specificity is a Kelsey and Timmis (2003) and Cutello
Immune Computing 509

et al. (2004), with comparative studies showing as Hunt and Cooke (1996), Neal (2002), Timmis
that while CLONALG is effective, better results and Neal (2001), and Timmis et al. (2000).
can be obtained with more specialized versions of
the algorithm (Cutello et al. 2004; Nicosia 2004). Artificial Immune Networks
Indeed, recent work by Cutello et al. (2007a) has Based on the work of CLONALG, an algorithm
shown that a clonal selection-based algorithm known as aiNET was proposed in de Castro and
using a special aging operator can perform as Von Zuben (2001). aiNET is a simple extension
well as the state of art on certain protein-folding of CLONALG (described above), but exploits
problems. interactions between B cells according to the
Clonal selection-based algorithms have also immune network theory. The main difference
been developed for dynamic environments, between the two approaches is that after new
reporting good performance (Gaspar and clones are integrated into the population, a net-
Hirsbrunner 2002; Kelsey et al. 2003; Kim and work suppression function is employed through-
Bentley 2002). CLONALG has also been adapted out the population to remove cells that have
for simple pattern recognition problems, but the similar affinities (It should be noted that this is a
results from that work are less conclusive slight departure from the immune network the-
(Whitesides and Boncheva 2002). It has also ory, where both suppression and stimulation
been adapted for more sophisticated learning sys- occur between cells) this facilitates the mainte-
tems where results are very encouraging indeed nance of diversity within the population. Recent
for static learning (Goodman et al. 2002; Watkins work by Stibor and Timmis (2007) has shown
and Timmis 2004; Watkins et al. 2003) and for that aiNET performs better on data that has a
dynamic learning (Secker et al. 2003). more uniform underlying distribution, due to the
nature of how aiNET performs the suppression.
Immune Networks However, this work did focus on the initial ver-
In a landmark paper for its time, Jerne (1974) sion of aiNET, and there are recent variants of
proposed that the immune system is capable of aiNET that seem to perform much better.
achieving immunological memory by the exis- aiNET was initially designed for data cluster-
tence of a mutually reinforcing network of ing, but has been extended over the years, as a
B cells. This network of B cells occurs due to hierarchical clustering tool in de Castro and
the ability of paratopes (molecular portions of an Timmis (2002c) and through hybridization with
antibody) located on B cells, to match against fuzzy systems methods by Bezerra et al. (2005).
idiotopes (other molecular portions of an anti- In the last paper, aiNET was augmented to take
body) on other B cells. The binding between into account an adaptive radius measure instead
idiotopes and paratopes has the effect of stimu- of a fixed radius for B-cell matching. This leads to
lating the B cells. This is because the paratopes a much improved version of aiNET, being able to
on B cells react to the idiotopes on similar B cells, achieve better separation of the data, forming
as it would an antigen. However, to counter the clusters in less time. Work by de Castro and
reaction, there is a certain amount of suppression Timmis (2002a) adapted aiNET for multimodal
between B cells which acts as a regulatory mech- function optimization. In that paper, aiNET was
anism. This interaction of B cells due to the also modified to be applied to the same optimiza-
network was said to contribute to a stable mem- tion problems as CLONALG and was shown to
ory structure and account for the retainment of have greatly improved performance over
memory cells, even in the absence of antigen. CLONALG, but this is not as comparable to
This theory was refined and formalized in succes- other clonal selection-based systems (Timmis
sive works by Farmer et al. (1986) and Perelson and Edmonds 2004; Timmis et al. 2004). How-
(1989) and combined with work by Bersini and ever, it was recently identified that if careful
Varela (1994) was very influential in the devel- thought was given to the optimization problem,
opment of the immune network-based AIS such the basic aiNET algorithm can be augmented to
510 Immune Computing

give significant gains in performance (Andrews 2005), and applications of the said technique
and Timmis 2005b). (Ayara et al. 2002; Dasgupta and Forrest 1995;
Dasgupta and Majumdar 2002; Ebner et al. 2002;
Negative Selection Ji and Dasgupta 2006; Ji et al. 2006; Kim and
Negative selection is a process of selection that Bentley 2001a, b; Singh 2002) to name only a
takes place in the thymus gland. T cells are pro- few. However, later works began to highlight
duced in the bone marrow and, before they are certain limitations of the approach (Stibor
released into the lymphatic system, undergo a et al. 2004, 2005a, b, 2006) with regard to scal-
maturation process in the thymus gland. The mat- ability issues and applicability of the technique to
uration of the T cells is conceptually very simple. classification. In addition, work in Freitas and
T cells are exposed to self-proteins in a binding Timmis (2003) outlines the need to consider care-
process. If this binding activates the T cell, then fully the application domain when developing
the T cell is killed; otherwise, it is allowed into AIS, and they give particular attention to negative
the lymphatic system. This process of censoring selection. They review the role AIS have played
prevents cells that are reactive to self from enter- in the development of a number of machine learn-
ing the lymph system, thus endowing (in part) the ing tasks, including that of negative selection.
host’s immune system with the ability to distin- However, Freitas and Timmis point out that
guish between self and nonself agents. there is a lack of appreciation for possible induc-
tive bias within algorithms and positional bias
Artificial Negative Selection within the choice of representation and affinity
The negative selection principle inspired Forrest measures that comes from not carefully applying
et al. (1994) to propose a negative selection algo- not only negative selection, but other algorithms
rithm to detect data manipulation caused by com- as well.
puter viruses. The basic idea is to generate a
number of detectors in the complementary space
and then to apply these detectors to classify new Alternative Immunological Theories
(unseen) data as self (no data manipulation) or for AIS
nonself (data manipulation). In the negative
selection algorithm as proposed by Forrest et al., Danger Theory
we can define self as a set S of elements of length In recent years there has been a growing interest
l in shape space and then generate a set D of in the mechanisms of innate immune system in
detectors, such that each fails to match any ele- immunology (Germain 2004). Up to this point,
ment in S. With these detectors, we monitor a AIS had concentrated solely on the adaptive
continual data stream for any changes, by contin- immune systems, but the danger theory proposed
ually matching the detectors in D against the by Matzinger (1997, 2002) has caught the interest
stream. This work spawned a great deal of inves- of the AIS practitioner in recent years as a com-
tigations into the use of negative selection for pliment to the adaptive.
intrusion detection, with early work meeting The danger theory attempts to explain the
with some success (Forrest et al. 1997) and this nature and workings of the immune response in
being built on in later years (Balthrop et al. 2002; a way different to the more traditional clonal
Esponda et al. 2004; Hofmeyr and Forrest 1999, selection view. Matzinger criticizes this idea, as
2000). The work on negative selection has been she states that observations demonstrate that it
dominating in AIS. A great deal of work has gone may sometimes be necessary for the body to
into investigating various alternatives of repre- attack itself and conversely the immune system
sentations (Dasgupta and Nino 2000; González may not attack cells it knows to be foreign (this is
and Dagupta 2003; González et al. 2003), tech- not possible under the classical clonal selection
niques for estimating detector coverage theory). Matzinger argues a more plausible way
(González et al. 2002; Ji and Dasgupta 2004a, b, to describe the triggering of an immune response
Immune Computing 511

is a reaction to a stimulus the body considers presenting the antigen. Based on these ideas, a
harmful. This might be seen as a very small DC-inspired algorithm has been developed and
change, but in reality this is a real shift in thinking tested within a tissue environment developed in
about how the immune system responds to path- Twycross and Aickelin (2006). The application
ogens. In essence, this model allows for foreign area was that of anomaly detection, and the DC
and immune cells to exist together, a situation had to identify if certain types of behavior on a
impossible in the traditional standpoint. When computer were anomalous or not: no predefined
under attack, cells dying unnaturally may release knowledge of what constitutes anomalous is
a danger signal that disperses to cover a small required, but what is required is a definition of
area around that cell: a danger area. It is within what constitutes dangerous behaviors for various
this and only within this area that the immune variables. Results reported in Greensmith
system becomes active and will concentrate its et al. (2006) would seem to indicate that the DC
attack against any antigen within it. There is still algorithm is capable of identifying anomalous
much debate in the immunological world as to behavior (processes that were considered not to
whether the danger theory is a plausible explana- be normal) over time. However, this is still quite
tion for observed immune function, but it is prov- preliminary work, and the system needs to be
ing to be an interesting theory nonetheless, and it baselined against a state-of-the-art-type system
affects the thinking in the AIS world. As we have in order to fully see the contribution this approach
discussed in the previous section, the idea of can bring.
using the innate immune systems, in particular
the danger theory, has started to become popular. Cognitive Immunology
The first to propose the idea was Aickelin Much like the paradigm shift of danger theory,
et al. (2003) in the context of using such danger within AIS, recent attention has been paid to the
theory ideas in the context of network intrusion cognitive immune paradigm proposed by Cohen
detection. Here the authors discussed how one (2000). Notably, work in Andrews and Timmis
might introduce the notion of danger areas in (2005a) discusses how Cohen views the immune
networks which might be indicated by unusual system as a cognitive system, capable of detec-
behavior without having to define a priori what tion, cognition, and decision making, and argues
those behaviors were (a large departure from the that the primary role of the immune system is not
current way of network intrusion detection using protection (as is considered by say the clonal
AIS, where unusual behavior was used to train selection theory), but one of body maintenance.
the system). This work was then extended nota- Andrews and Timmis (2005a) say that in Cohen’s
bly in Greensmith et al. (2005, 2006) where the view, removal of pathogen is beneficial to the
dendritic cell algorithm was proposed and Bent- health of the body, and thus defense against path-
ley et al. (2005) where the idea of artificial tissue ogen is considered to be just a special case of
was proposed. Work in Greensmith et al. (2006) body maintenance. In order to carry out body
describes how dendritic cell (DC), which is a cell maintenance, the immune system must be able
considered to be part of the innate immune sys- to detect the current state of the body’s tissues
tem, performs a function that in effect controls and elicit an appropriate response.
the adaptive immune response when under According to the clonal selection theory,
attack. What a DC does depends on the signals immune specificity is a property of the somati-
that it receives within the tissue: these might be cally generated immune receptors of the T and
danger signals, PAMPs (pathogenic-associated B cells, which both initiates and regulates the
molecular patterns), safe signals, and inflamma- immune response. Initiation is achieved via the
tory cytokines. The DC will mature into different binding between an antigen and a receptor that is
states depending on the concentration of these specific to it. As stated by Andrews and Timmis
signals, and the state of the DC influences the (2005a), Cohen, however, points out that immune
response of the T cell to which the DC is receptors are intrinsically degenerate, i.e., they
512 Immune Computing

Immune Computing, modelling

Fig. 2 Conceptual probes,
framework for the observations, simplifying
development of AIS analytical
experiments abstract
(Adapted from Stepney framework/
representation principle
et al. (2006))

biological system bio-inspired


can bind more than one ligand. Immune specific- The authors argue that rather than going straight
ity, therefore, cannot be purely dependent on from observing the biology and then to the devel-
molecular binding as no one receptor can be opment of an algorithm, a more principled
specific to a single antigen. Instead, affinity, the approach is required to adequately capture the
strength of binding between a receptor and its required properties of the biological system in
ligand, is a matter of degree. Indeed, as a the engineered counterpart. The methodology is
follow-up to their work, Andrews and Timmis one of abstraction, as seen in Fig. 2. The first step
(2006) outline a simple computational model is to observe the biological system through a
that demonstrates degenerate recognition in the means of experimentation and analysis. From
context of a lymph node, and work in Mendao there it is possible to create a mathematical
et al. (2007) has also investigated degeneracy in model of the biosystem: a relatively detailed
the context of pattern recognition and begun to model of the system. However, these mathemat-
develop high-level AIS as a result. ical models may be too complex to solve, and
therefore another level of abstraction is required
to gain further insight into the interactions within
Emerging Methodologies in AIS the system and overall systems dynamics. There-
fore, these mathematical models are then used to
The methodology in which AIS are built has been derive a more abstract computational model: the
addressed by work in Stepney et al. (2006). This model can be executed and analyzed for proper-
paper proposes a conceptual framework that ties that are desired in the engineered system we
allows for the development of more biologically wish to construct, these can be encompassed into
grounded AIS, through the adoption of an inter- an analytical framework and design principles
disciplinary approach. As will be clear from the and high-level abstraction of algorithms, and sys-
article, metaphors that have been employed have tems can be developed abstract from any appli-
typically been simple, but somewhat effective. cation area. This is then instantiated in the
However, as proposed in Stepney et al. (2006), application area, being tailored to the specific
through greater interaction between computer requirement of that application area. The result
scientists, engineers, biologists, and mathemati- is a well-grounded bio-inspired algorithm that is
cians, better insights into the workings of the understood better on a theoretical level and cap-
immune system and the applicability tures the relevant biological properties for the
(or otherwise) of the AIS paradigm will be required application. As part of this process, the
gained. These interactions should be rooted in a authors suggest a second stage of development,
sound methodology in order to fully exploit the and that is to create meta-frameworks which cut
synergy. across a number of frameworks that have arisen
These interactions should be rooted in a sound as part of the initial development. At this stage it
methodology in order to fully exploit the synergy. is possible to ask unifying questions across these
Immune Computing 513

systems that are concerned with complexity of • They will be required to perform life-long
the system: learning. (Hart and Timmis 2005)

1. Openness: How much openness is required in It is apparent that, despite the success of some
the system? Biological systems do not stop applications of AIS, all AIS to date fail to fully
computing; therefore, should our computa- capture the complex operation of the immune
tions stop? system. What has changed is the increased
2. Diversity: How much diversity is required in scope of immunological theories that those work-
the system to attain the performance we ing with AIS take inspiration from. For example,
require, and how many different types of in their summaries of the future for AIS, both
actors are needed? Garrett (2005) and Hart and Timmis (2005)
3. Interaction: How should these agents interact? point toward an increased emphasis on the innate
At what timescale and what should they and homeostatic functions of the immune system
communicate? as possible areas for AIS exploitation. In addition
4. Structure: Biological systems operate on a to the increased scope of AIS, there has been a
number of levels. How many levels are needed recent and healthy rise in investigating the theo-
in our artificial systems and are suitable levels retical workings of various immune algorithms
of a hierarchy required? (Clark et al. 2005; Cutello et al. 2007b; Stibor
5. Scale: Biological systems operate on vast et al. 2005a). In a recent position paper, Timmis
scales, rather different from a typical (2007) argues that the area of AIS has reached
immune-inspired algorithm. How many actors something of an impasse. They discuss a number
are required in the system to achieve the of challenges to the AIS community which they
desired complexity? believe will stimulate discussion and help move
the area forward:

Challenge 1: To Develop Novel and Accurate Met-

Future Directions aphors and Be a Benefit to Immunology. Typ-
ically naive approaches to extracting metaphors
from the immune system have been taken. This
With this may come a better understanding of how has occurred as an accident of history, and AIS
to apply AIS and not fall into the traps highlighted has slowly drifted away from its immunological
by Freitas and Timmis (2003). A recent paper by roots. Time is now ripe for greater interaction
Hart and Timmis (2005) highlights the fact that to with immunologists and mathematicians to
undertake specific experimentation and create
date, the development of AIS has been scattergun, useful models, all of which can be used as a
i.e., many applications have been tried without a basis for abstraction into powerful algorithms.
great deal of thought. Indeed, this paper provides a Challenge 2: To Develop a Theoretical Basis for
detailed overview of the many application areas AIS. Much work on AIS has concentrated on
simple extraction of metaphors and direct
that AIS have tried, and this will not be repeated application. Despite the creation of a frame-
here: the interested reader should consult that work for developing AIS, it still lacks signifi-
paper. The authors go on to propose a number of cant formal and theoretical underpinning. AIS
properties that they feel any AIS should have and have been applied to a wide variety of problem
domains, but a significant effort is still required
that these properties may help guide the type of to understand the nature of AIS and where they
application they could be applied to: are best applied. For this, a more theoretical
understanding is required.
• They will exhibit homeostasis. Challenge 3: To Consider the Application of AI-
• They will benefit from interactions between S. Work to date in the realm of AIS has mainly
innate and adaptive immune models. concentrated on what other paradigms do, such
• They will consist of multiple, interacting, com- as simple optimization, learning and the like.
municating components. This has happened as an accident of history and
• Components can be easily and naturally whilst productive, the time is here to look for
distributed. the killer application of AIS, or, if not that
514 Immune Computing

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(2003) Immunocomputing: principles and applica- tributed learning algorithms. PhD thesis, University
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(2005a) A cytokine formal immune network. In: ent in AIRS, an artificial immune classifier. In:
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Nicosia G, Cutello V, Bentley P, Timmis J (eds) Pro- Whitesides GM, Boncheva M (2002) Beyond molecules:
ceedings of the 3rd international conference on artifi- self-assembly of mesoscopic and macroscopic
cial immune systems (ICARIS). LNCS, vol 3239. components. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 99(8):4769–4774
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Watkins A, Xintong B, Phadke A (2003) Parallelizing formation in an artificial immune system. In:
an immune-inspired algorithm for efficient pattern Timmis J, Bentley P (eds) Proceedings of the 1st
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fuzzy logic, evolutionary programming, com-
plex systems and artificial life. ASME Press, Books and Reviews
pp 224–230 Cohen I, Segal L (2001) Design principles for the
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Genet Program Evolvable 5(3):291–318. http://www. Ishida Y (2004) Immunity-based systems: a design perspective. Springer, New York
grammars), it is also said that such a model
Membrane Computing: Power can accept (resp. generate) all recursively enu-
and Complexity merable languages.
Membrane structure In biology, the cells are
Marian Gheorghe1, Andrei Păun2, Sergey Verlan3 separated from the environment by a mem-
and Gexiang Zhang4,5,6 brane; the internal compartments of a cell
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer (nucleus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus, vesi-
Science, University of Bradford, Bradford, West cles, etc.) are also delimited by membranes.
Yorkshire, UK A membrane is a separator of a compartment,
Department of Computer Science, University of and it also has filtering properties (only certain
Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania substances, in certain conditions, can pass
LACL, Université Paris Est Créteil, Créteil, through a membrane). In a cell, the membranes
France are hierarchically arranged, and they delimit
Robotics Research Center, Xihua University, “protected reactors,” compartments where spe-
Chengdu, Sichuan, China cific chemicals evolve according to specific
Key Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery, reactions. In membrane computing there is a
Xihua University, Ministry of Education, notion of space which consists of such cell-like
Chengdu, Sichuan, China arrangement of membranes and that is called
School of Electrical Engineering, Southwest membrane structure. From a theoretical point
Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China of view, this corresponds to a topological space
(a partition of the space where the actual size
and geometrical form of membranes are not
Article Outline important, and only the “include” or “neighbor”
relationships between them are considered).
Glossary Moreover, a cell-like (hence hierarchical) mem-
Introduction brane structure corresponds to a tree; hence, a
Types of P Systems natural representation is by means of a tree or
General Functioning of P Systems any mathematical representation of a tree.
Examples of P Systems Multiset A multiset is a set with multiplicities
Computing Power associated with its elements. For instance,
Computational Efficiency {(a, 2), (b, 3)} is the multiset consisting of
Future Directions two copies of element a and three copies of
Bibliography element b. Mathematically, a multiset is iden-
tified with a mapping m from a support set U
(an alphabet) to ℕ, the set of natural numbers,
Glossary m : U ! N. A multiset can be compactly
represented by a string w  U*, where the
Computational completeness A computing number of occurrences of a symbol in w is
model which is equivalent in power with the multiplicity of that element in the multiset
Turing machines (the Standardabweichung represented by w (a2b3 or ab2ab for the exam-
model of algorithmic computing) is said to be ple above).
computationally complete or Turing complete. Multiset rewriting A multiset of objects
In the case of an accepting (resp. generating) M evolves by means of (multiset) rewriting
model like Turing machines (resp. formal rules, of form u ! v, where u and v are

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018 519

A. Adamatzky (ed.), Unconventional Computing,
Originally published in
R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, # Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017
520 Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity

multisets. Such a rule is applicable if opposite directions, is called antiport. For uni-
M contains u. The result of its application is formity, the particular case of moving only one
the multiset M  u + v, i.e., u is taken off from object is called uniport.
M, followed by adding v to the result. Universality The universality is a property of a
Register machine A register machine is a com- class of computing (programmable) devices
puting device working with a finite number of that states that there exists a concrete device
registers that can hold natural numbers. It has a that can “simulate” the computation of any
program that is composed of three types of device in the corresponding class by taking
instructions: add one to the value of some as additional input the “code” of the device to
specified counter, subtract one from the value be simulated. Such “simulation” generally
of some counter, and the if instruction that is requires the input to be encoded and the
performing a zero test on some counter and output to be decoded using some recursive
based on its result transfers the control to functions. The typical example for the univer-
another instruction of the program.The register sality is the class of Turing machines, proved
machines are known to be universal with to be universal in Turing (1937). As a conse-
only two counters. Moreover, it is possible to quence, any computationally complete model
construct universal machines having a small is universal.
number of instructions.
Regulated rewriting The regulated rewriting is
the area of formal language theory that studies
(context-free) grammars enriched with control Introduction
mechanisms that restrict possible rule applica-
tions at each step.There are two types of Membrane computing is a branch of natural com-
restrictions: context-based conditions and puting initiated in Păun (2000) which abstracts
control-based conditions. The first type of con- computing models from the architecture and the
ditions specifies the properties of the word that functioning of living cells, as well as from the
need to be satisfied in order for a rule to be organization of cells in tissues, organs (the brain
applicable to it. Typical examples are permit- included), or other higher-order structures. The
ting (resp. forbidding) conditions that list sym- initial goal of membrane computing was to learn
bols that should (resp. should not) be present in from the cell biology something possibly useful to
the word in order for a rule to be applicable computer science and the area fast developed in
to it.The control-based conditions specify the this direction. Several classes of computing
properties of the control language (the lan- models called P systems (or membrane systems)
guage consisting of all sequences of applied were defined in this context, inspired from biolog-
rules corresponding to a successful computa- ical facts or motivated from mathematical or com-
tion) that need to be satisfied in order to apply a puter science points of view. A series of
rule. Typical examples are graph control (all applications were reported in the last years; we
possible sequences of rules are described by a refer to Ciobanu et al. (2006a) and to Zhang et al.
finite automaton) and matrix control (graph (2017) for a comprehensive overview.
control where the automaton is a finite union The main ingredients of a P system are (i) the
of loops starting and ending in the initial state). membrane structure, (ii) the multisets of objects
Symport/antiport An important way of selec- placed in the compartments of the membrane
tively passing chemicals across biological structure, and (iii) the rules for processing the
membranes is the coupled transport through objects and the membranes. Thus, membrane
protein channels. The process of moving two computing can be defined as a framework for
or more objects in the same direction is called devising computing models, which process multi-
symport; the process of simultaneously mov- sets in compartments defined by means of mem-
ing two or more objects across a membrane, in branes that are arranged in a topological space,
Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity 521

usually in a cell-like or tissue-like manner. These enhanced parallelism, can solve computationally
models are (in general) distributed and parallel. hard problems, typically NP-complete problems,
Since in many cases the information processing but also harder problems, in a feasible time, typi-
in P systems can be seen as distributed multiset cally polynomial). Then, as a modeling framework,
rewriting, there are strong connections between membrane computing is rather adequate for han-
P systems and other multiset rewriting-based dling discrete (biological) processes, having many
models like Petri nets or vector addition systems. attractive features: easy understandability, scalabil-
Generally, it gives a different point of view on the ity and programmability, inherent compartmentali-
corresponding problem. There are two main par- zation and nonlinearity, etc. Ideas from cell biology
ticularities of using P system-based approach for as captured by membrane computing proved to be
the investigation of multiset rewriting: (a) the rather useful in handling various computer science
explicit notion of (topological) space and of the topics – computer graphics, robot control, mem-
location of rules and objects in this space and brane evolutionary algorithms, used for solving
(b) the integration of notions from regulated optimization problems, etc.
rewriting area allowing many powerful features. The literature of membrane computing has
The first point is extremely important as in many grown very fast (already in 2003, Thompson Insti-
problems there is a notion of space and co-location tute for Scientific Information (ISI) has qualified
of symbols and rules that is made explicit by using the initial paper as “fast breaking” and the domain
a P system and which shall be encoded and as “emergent research front in computer science” –
deduced using other multiset-based models. The see, while the bibliography
second point makes the P systems area to perform of the field counts, at the middle of 2016,
the most advanced study of the principles of func- more than 3000 titles (see the Web site from
tioning of multiset-based models. Moreover, the domain
When a P system is considered as a computing is now very diverse, as a consequence of the many
device, hence it is investigated in terms of motivations of introducing new variants of
(theoretical) computer science; the main issues P systems: to be biologically oriented/realistic,
investigated concern the computing power mathematically elegant, computationally power-
(in comparison with standard models from com- ful, and efficient. That is why it is possible to give
putability theory, especially Turing machines and here only a few basic notions and only a few
their restrictions) and the computing efficiency (types of) results and of applications. The reader
(the possibility of using the parallelism for solving interested in details should consult the monograph
computationally hard problems in a feasible time). Păun (2002), the volume Ciobanu et al. (2006b)
Computationally and mathematically oriented where a friendly introduction to membrane com-
ways of using the rules and of defining the result puting can be found in the first chapter, the Hand-
of a computation are considered in this case (e.g., book Păun et al. (2010), the book Zhang et al.
maximal or minimal parallelism, halting, counting (2017), and the comprehensive bibliography from
objects). When a P system is constructed as a the above mentioned Web page.
model of a biochemical process, then it is exam-
ined in terms of dynamical systems, with the
evolution in time being the issue of interest, not Types of P Systems
a specific output.
From a theoretical point of view, P systems are The field started by looking to the cell in order to
both powerful (most classes are Turing complete, learn something possibly useful to computer sci-
even when using ingredients of a reduced ence, but then the research also considered cell orga-
complexity – a small number of membranes, rules nization in tissues (in general, populations of cells,
of simple forms, ways of controlling the use of rules such as colonies of bacteria) and, recently, also neu-
directly inspired from biology) and efficient (many ron organization in the brain. Thus, at the moment,
classes of P systems, especially those with an there are four main types of P systems: (i) cell-like
522 Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity

P systems, (ii) tissue-like P systems, (iii) neural-like Another important distinction between variants
P systems, and (iv) numerical P systems. P systems is made based on the possibility to
The cell-like P systems imitate the evolve in time the membrane structure
(eukaryotic) cell. Their basic ingredient is the (add/delete/move membranes, change links, etc.).
membrane structure, a hierarchical arrangement If the structure can be changed, then corresponding
of membranes (understood as three-dimensional models are called P systems with dynamically
vesicles), delimiting compartments where multi- evolving structure or P systems with active mem-
sets of symbol objects are placed; rules for evolv- branes (in the case of cell-like systems). If the
ing these multisets as well as the membranes are structure cannot evolve, corresponding systems
provided and also localized, acting in specified are called static P systems. It is worth to note that
compartments or on specified membranes. The the deletion and the bounded (limited in number)
objects not only evolve, but they also pass through creation of membranes yield a finite set of possible
membranes (we say that they are “communicated” membrane structures, so corresponding models are
among compartments). The rules can have several variants of static P systems.
forms, and their use can be controlled in various Any static P system using multiset rewriting
ways: promoters, inhibitors, priorities, etc. rules operating on objects in membranes can be
In tissue-like P systems, several one- flattened, e.g., reduced to one membrane
membrane cells are considered as evolving in a (Freund et al. 2013). This makes a strong link
common environment. They contain multisets of between P systems and multiset rewriting, as
objects, while also the environment contains well as other multiset-based models like Petri
objects. Certain cells can communicate directly nets, vector addition systems, and register
(channels are provided between them), and all machines. Basically this means that any result
cells can communicate through the environment. for any model cited above can be easily tran-
The channels can be given in advance or they can scribed in terms of another model. However,
be dynamically established – this latter case obtained constructions could use some nonstan-
appears in so-called population P systems. dard or nonmainstream features (e.g., max-step
Numerical P systems are based on a cell-like semantics in Petri nets).
membrane structure, but in its compartment evolve While the flattening is a useful tool for the
numerical variables rather than (biochemical) comparison between different models of
objects like in a cell-like P system. These variables P systems (as well as linking them to related
evolve by means of programs, composed of a models), it makes the analysis of the system
production function and a repartition protocol. more difficult as it hides the localization of objects
There are two types of neural-like P systems. and rules (so, the possible collocations). Hence, in
One of them is similar to tissue-like P systems in general, the description/definition of P systems
the fact that the cells (neurons) are placed in the makes a particular accent on the underlying struc-
nodes of an arbitrary graph and they contain ture of the system, making rules and objects to be
multisets of objects, but they also have a state spatially located in the system.
which controls the evolution. Another variant Many classes of P systems can be obtained by
called spiking neural P systems, where one uses considering various possibilities for the various
only one type of objects, the spike, and the main ingredients. We enumerate here several of these
information one works with is the time distance possibilities, without exhausting the list:
between consecutive spikes.
The cell-like P systems were introduced first • Objects: symbols, strings of symbols, spikes,
and their theory is now very well developed; arrays, trees, numerical variables, other data
tissue-like P systems have also attracted a consid- structures, combinations
erable interest, while the neural-like systems, • Data structure: multisets, sets (languages in the
mainly under the form of spiking neural case of strings), fuzzy sets, fuzzy multisets,
P systems, are only recently investigated. (algebraic) groups
Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity 523

• Place of objects: in compartments, on mem- the chemicals from the compartments of a cell; the
branes, combined chemicals swim in water (many of them are bound
• Forms of rules: multiset rewriting, symport/ on membranes, but we do not consider this case
antiport, communication rules, boundary here), and their multiplicity matters – that is why
rules, with active membranes, combined, the data structure most adequate to this situation is
string rewriting, array/trees processing, spike the multiset (a multiset can be seen as a string
processing modulo permutation that is why in membrane
• Controls on rules: catalysts, priority, promoters, computing, one usually represents the multisets
inhibitors, activators, sequencing, energy by strings). In what follows, the objects are sup-
• Form of membrane structure: cell-like (tree), posed to be unstructured; hence, we represent
tissue-like (arbitrary graph) them by symbols from a given alphabet.
• Type of membrane structure: static, dynamic, The objects evolve according to rules which
precomputed (arbitrarily large) are also associated with the regions. The rules say
• Timing: synchronized, non-synchronized, both how the objects are changed and how they
local synchronization, time-free can be moved (communicated) across mem-
• Ways of using the rules: maximal parallelism, branes. In many cases the rules can be seen as
minimal parallelism, bounded parallelism, particular cases of multiset rewriting rules
sequential parallelism enriched with communication. A particular inter-
• Successful computations: global halting, local est in the area is to restrict possible types of rules,
halting, with specified events signaling the end especially following some biological motivation.
of a computation, non-halting As example we cite catalytic rules (of form ca !
• Modes of using a system: generative, cu) or symport/antiport rules (of form (u, in; v,
accepting, computing an input-output func- out)) motivated by corresponding biological
tion, deciding phenomena.
• Types of evolution: deterministic, non- There also are rules which only move objects
deterministic, confluent, probabilistic across membranes, as well as rules for evolving
• Ways to define the output: internal, external, the membranes themselves (e.g., by destroying,
traces, tree of membrane structure, spike train creating, dividing, or merging membranes). By
• Types of results: set of numbers, set of vectors using these rules, we can change the configuration
of numbers, languages, set of arrays, yes/no of a system (the multisets from their compart-
ments as well as the membrane structure); we
We refer to the literature for details, and we say that we get a transition among system
only add here the fact that when using P systems configurations.
as models of biological systems/processes, we The rules can be applied in many ways. The
have to apply the rules in ways suggested by basic mode imitates the biological way chemical
biochemistry, according to reaction rates or prob- reactions are performed – in parallel – with the
abilities; in many cases, these rates are computed mathematical additional restriction to have a max-
dynamically, depending on the current population imal parallelism: one applies a bunch of rules
of objects in the system. which are maximal; no further object can evolve
at the same time by any rule. There might be
several such groups (more precisely multisets) of
General Functioning of P Systems rules, so, in general case, the evolution is
performed in a nondeterministic manner.
In short, a P system consists of an (hierarchical) Besides the maximally parallel mode, there
arrangement of membranes, which delimit com- were considered several others: sequential (one
partments, where multisets (sets with multiplici- rule is used in each step), bounded parallelism
ties associated with their elements) of abstract (the number of membranes to evolve and/or the
objects are placed. These objects correspond to number of rules to be used in any step is bounded
524 Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity

in advance), set-maximal (or flat) parallelism irrespective of the duration associated with the
(at most one rule of each kind can be used in a evolution rules). Similarly, in applications to biol-
maximally parallel manner), minimal parallelism ogy, specific strategies of evolution are consid-
(in each compartment where a rule can be used, at ered. We do not enter here into details; rather we
least one rule must be used), etc. refer the reader to the bibliography given below.
A sequence of transitions forms a computation,
and with computations which halt (reach a con-
figuration where no rule is applicable), we associ- Examples of P Systems
ate a result, for instance, in the form of the multiset
of objects present in the halting configuration in a In what follows, in order to let the reader get a
specified membrane. flavor of membrane computing, we will discuss in
This way of using a P system, starting from an some detail only basic cell-like P systems and
initial configuration and computing a number, is a spiking neural P systems, and we refer to the
grammar-like (generative) one. We can also work area literature for other classes.
in an automata style: an input is introduced in the
system, for instance, in the form of a number Basic Cell-Like P Systems
represented by the multiplicity of an object placed Because in this section we only consider cell-like
in a specified membrane, and we start computing; P systems, they will be simply called P systems.
the input number is accepted if and only if the As said above, we look to the cell structure and
computation halts. A combination of the two functioning, trying to get suggestions for an
modes leads to a functional behavior: an input is abstract computing model. The fundamental fea-
introduced in the system (at the beginning, or ture of a cell is its compartmentalization through
symbol by symbol during the computation), and membranes. Accordingly, the main particularity
also an output is produced. In particular, we can of a cell-like P system is the membrane structure
have a decidability case, where the input encodes in the form of a hierarchical arrangement of mem-
a decision problem and the output is one of two branes (thus corresponding to a tree). Figure 1
special objects representing the answers yes and illustrates this notion and the related terminology.
no to the problem. We distinguish the external membrane
The generalization of this approach is obvious. (corresponding to the plasma membrane and usu-
We start from the cell, but the abstract model deals ally called the skin membrane) and several inter-
with very general notions: membranes interpreted nal membranes; a membrane without any other
as separators of regions with filtering capabilities, membrane inside is said to be elementary. Each
objects, and rules assigned to regions; the basic membrane determines a compartment, also called
data structure is the multiset. Thus, membrane region, the space delimited from above by it and
computing can be interpreted as a bio-inspired from below by the membranes placed directly
framework for distributed parallel processing of inside, if any exists. The correspondence membrane
multisets. If the reader is interested by technical region is one to one, so that we identify by the same
details, we suggest to consult Verlan (2013) as label a membrane and its associated region.
starting point that gives a good insight on the In the basic class of P systems, each region
overall structure and the semantics of P systems. contains a multiset of symbol objects, described
As briefly introduced above, the P systems are by symbols from a given alphabet.
synchronous systems, and this feature is useful for The objects evolve by means of evolution
theoretical investigations (e.g., for obtaining uni- rules, which are also localized, associated with
versality results or results related to the computa- the regions of the membrane structure. The typical
tional complexity of P systems). Also non- form of such a rule is cd ! (a, here) (b, out) (b,
synchronized systems were considered asynchro- in), with the following meaning: one copy of
nous in the standard sense or even time-free, or object c and one copy of object d react, and the
clock-free (e.g., generating the same output, reaction produces one copy of a and two copies of
Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity 525

Membrane Computing: membrane skin elementary membrane

Power and Complexity,
Fig. 1 A membrane
structure 1 4
5 membrane


environment environment

b; the newly produced copy of a remains in the the result is a number. If we distinguish among
same region (indication here); one of the copies of different objects, then we can have as the result a
b exits the compartment, going to the surrounding vector of natural numbers.
region (indication out); and the other enters one of The objects which leave the system can also be
the directly inner membranes (indication in). We arranged in a sequence according to the moments
say that the objects a, b, and b are communicated when they exit the skin membrane, and in this case
as indicated by the commands associated with the result is a string.
them in the right-hand member of the rule. When Because of the non-determinism of the appli-
an object exits the skin membrane, it is “lost” in cation of rules, starting from an initial configura-
the environment, and it possibly never comes tion, we can get several successful computations,
back into the system. If no inner membrane exists hence several results. Thus, a P system computes
(i.e., the rule is associated with an elementary (one also uses to say generates) a set of numbers,
membrane), then the indication in cannot be or a set of vectors of numbers, or a language.
followed, and the rule cannot be applied. In general, a (cell-like) P system is formalized
As discussed in the previous section, mem- as a construct
brane structure and the multisets of objects from
its compartments identify a configuration of a P ¼ ðO, m, w1 , . . . , wm , R1 , . . . , Rm , i0 Þ,
P system. By a nondeterministic maximally par-
allel use of rules as suggested above, we pass to where O is the alphabet of objects (sometimes it can
another configuration; such a step is called a tran- be split into several alphabets according to specific
sition. A sequence of transitions constitutes a restrictions), m is the membrane structure (with
computation. A computation is successful if it m membranes), w1, . . ., wm are multisets of objects
halts, and it reaches a configuration where no present in the m regions of m at the beginning of a
rule can be applied to the existing objects. With computation, R1, . . ., Rm are finite sets of evolution
a halting computation, we can associate a result in rules associated with the regions of m, and i0 is the
various ways. The simplest possibility is to count label of a membrane, used as the output membrane.
the objects present in the halting configuration in a We end this section with a simple example,
specified elementary membrane; this is called illustrating the architecture and the functioning
internal output. We can also count the objects of a (cell-like) P system. Figure 2 indicates the
which leave the system during the computation, initial configuration (the rules included) of a sys-
and this is called external output. In both cases, tem which computes a function, namely, n!n2,
526 Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity

1 rules from region 1 can be used. The catalytic

rule cb1 ! cb01 can be used only once in each
step, because the catalyst is present in only one
copy. This means that in each step, one copy of
a ® b1 b2 b1 gets primed. Simultaneously (because of the
maximal parallelism), the rule b2 ! b2 ðe, inÞjb1
cb1 ® cb’1 should be applied as many times as possible, and
this means n times, because we have n copies of
b2 ® b2 (e, in)|b1 b2. Note the important difference between the
promoter b1, which allows using the rule
b2 ! b2 ðe, inÞjb1 , and the catalyst c: the catalyst
is involved in the rule and it is counted when
applying the rule, while the promoter makes
possible the use of the rule, but it is not counted;
the same (copy of an) object can promote any
number of rules. Moreover, the promoter can
evolve at the same time by means of another
Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity, rule (the catalyst is never changed).
Fig. 2 A P system with catalysts and promoters
In this way, in each step we change one b1 to b1
and we produce n copies of e (one for each copy of
for any natural number n  1. Besides catalytic b2); the copies of e are sent to membrane 2 (the
(rules of type ca ! cv) and noncooperative indication in from the rule b2 ! b2 ðe, inÞjb1 ). The
(context-free) rules, the system also contains a computation should continue as long as there are
rule with promoters (permitting context condi- applicable rules. This means exactly n steps: in
tions), b2 ! b2 ðe, inÞjb1 : the object b2 evolves to n steps, the rule cb1 ! cb01 will exhaust the objects
b2e only if at least one copy of object b1 is present b1, and in this way neither this rule can be applied
in the same region. nor b2 ! b2 ðe, inÞjb1 ) because its promoter does
In symbols, the system is given as follows: no longer exist. Consequently, in membrane 2,
considered as the output membrane, we get
P = (O, C, m, o1, o2, R1, R2, i0), where
  n copies of object e.
O ¼ a, b1 , b01 , b2 , c, e (the set of objects) Note that the computation is deterministic,
C = {c} (the set of catalysts) always the next configuration of the system is
m = [1[2]2]1 (membrane structure) unique, and that changing the rule
o1 = c (initial objects in region 1) b2 ! b2 ðe, inÞjb1 with b2 ! b2 ðe, inÞjb1, the n2
o2 = c (initial objects in region 2)  o copies of e will be sent to the environment;
R1 ¼ a ! b1 b2 , cb1 ! cb0 , b2 ! b2 ðe, inÞ
1 b1 hence, we can read the result of the computation
io = 2 (the output region)
outside the system, and in this case membrane 2 is
R2 = ∅ (rules in region 2) useless.

We start with only one object in the system,

the catalyst c. If we want to compute the square Spiking Neural P Systems
of a number n, then we have to input n copies of Spiking neural P systems (SN P systems) were
the object a in the skin region of the system. In introduced in Ionescu et al. (2006) with the aim of
that moment, the system starts working, by defining P systems based on ideas specific to
using the rule a ! b1b2, which has to be applied spiking neurons, much investigated in neural
in parallel to all copies of a; hence, in one step, computing.
all objects a are replaced by n copies of b1 and Very shortly, an SN P system consists of a set
n copies of b2. From now on, the other two of neurons (cells consisting of only one
Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity 527

membrane) placed in the nodes of a directed graph then we obtain a (binary) language-generating
and sending signals (spikes, denoted in what fol- device. We can also consider input neurons and
lows by the symbol a) along synapses (arcs of the then an SN P system can work as a transducer.
graph). Thus, the architecture is that of a tissue- Languages on arbitrary alphabets can be obtained
like P system, with only one kind of object present by generalizing the form of rules: take rules of the
in the cells. The objects evolve by means of spik- form E|ac ! ap; d, with the meaning that, pro-
ing rules, which are of the form E|ac ! a; d, vided that the neuron is covered by E, c spikes are
where E is a regular expression over {a} and c, consumed and p spikes are produced and sent to
d are natural numbers, c  1, d  0. The meaning all connected neurons after d steps (such rules are
is that a neuron containing k spikes such that ak  called extended). Then, with a step when the
L(E), k > c can consume c spikes and produce one system sends out i spikes, we associate a symbol
spike, after a delay of d steps. bi, and thus we get a language over an alphabet
This spike is sent to all neurons to which a with as many symbols as the number of spikes
synapse exists outgoing from the neuron where simultaneously produced. Another natural exten-
the rule was applied. There also are forgetting sion is to consider several output neurons, thus
rules, of the form as ! l, with the meaning that producing vectors of numbers, not only single
s 1 spikes are forgotten, provided that the neu- numbers.
ron contains exactly s spikes. We say that the rules Also for SN P systems, we skip the technical
“cover” the neuron, and all spikes are taken into details, but we consider a simple example. We
consideration when using a rule. The system give it first in a formal manner (if a rule E|ac !
works in a synchronized manner, i.e., in each a; d has L(E) = {ac}, and then we write it in the
time unit, each neuron which can use a rule should simplified form ac ! a; d):
do it, but the work of the system is sequential in
each neuron: only (at most) one rule is used in P1 = (O, s1, s2, s3, syn, out), with
each neuron. One of the neurons is considered to O = {a} (alphabet, with only one object, the
be the output neuron, and its spikes are also sent to spike)
the environment. The moments of time when a s1 = (2, {a2|a!a; 0, a!l}) (First neuron: ini-
spike is emitted by the output neuron are marked tial spikes, rules)
with 1; the other moments are marked with 0. This s2 = (1, {a!a; 0, a!a; 1}) (Second neuron:
binary sequence is called the spike train of the initial spikes, rules)
system – it might be infinite if the computation s3 = (3, {a3!a; 0, a!a; 1, a2!l}) (Third
does not stop. In the spirit of spiking neurons, the neuron: initial spikes, rules)
result of a computation is encoded in the distance syn = {(1, 2), (2, 1), (1, 3), (2, 3)} synapses
between consecutive spikes sent into the environ- out = 3 (output neuron)
ment by the (output neuron of the) system. For
example, we can consider only the distance This system is represented in a graphical form
between the first two spikes of a spike train, the in Fig. 3 and it functions as follows. All neurons
distance between the first k spikes, or the distances can fire in the first step, with neuron s2 choosing
between all consecutive spikes, taking into account nondeterministically between its two rules. Note
all intervals or only intervals that alternate, all com- that neuron s1 can fire only if it contains two
putations or only halting computations, etc. spikes; one spike is consumed and the other
An SN P system can also be used in the remains available for the next step.
accepting mode: a neuron is designated as the Both neurons s1 and s2 send a spike to the
input neuron and two spikes are introduced in it, output neuron, s3; these two spikes are forgotten
at an interval of n steps; the number n is accepted in the next step. Neurons s1 and s2 also exchange
if the computation halts. their spikes; thus, as long as neuron s2 uses the rule
Another possibility is to consider the spike a ! a; 0, the first neuron receives one spike, thus
train itself as the result of a computation, and completing the needed two spikes for firing again.
528 Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity

1 movement is performed in a particular manner

a2 which can be seen as a pairwise synchronization
a2/a ® a; 0 of objects. More precisely, the system structure
3 is a so-called network of cells, which is a list of
3 cells having an identifier and a multiset content.
The generalized communication rule is written
a ® a; 0
as (a, i) (b, j) ! (a, k) (b, l), which indicates that
a ® a; 1 if an object a is present in cell (membrane) with
2 a2 ® λ the id (number) i and the object b is present in
a cell j, then they can synchronize, and as the
a ® a; 0
result of the application of the rule, object
a moves to cell k and object b moves to cell l.
a ® a; 1 In case there are several copies of a and b in
corresponding cells, only one of them is moved
Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity, using one rule (this is called 1: 1 mode). In the 1:
Fig. 3 An SN P system generating all natural numbers all mode, one copy of a and all copies of b are
greater than 1 moved to the corresponding cells. In the general
case, indexes i, j, k, l can be pairwise different;
However, at any moment, starting with the however if some of them coincide, then
first step of the computation, neuron s2 can restricted variants of the model are obtained
choose to use the rule a ! a; 1. On the one (in particular symport/antiport). We remark
hand, this means that the spike of neuron s1 that rules of the system induce a structure
cannot enter neuron s2, and it only goes to neu- corresponding to a hypergraph.
ron s3; in this way, neuron s2 will never work The evolution mode is maximally parallel; this
again because it remains empty. On the other means that the whole system can be seen as a
hand, in the next step, neuron s1 has to use its (maximally) parallel evolution of signals in a net-
forgetting rule a ! l, while neuron s3 fires, work, where only pairwise synchronization of
using the rule a ! a; 1. Simultaneously, neuron signals is permitted. The result of the computation
s2 emits its spike, but it cannot enter neuron s3 is the number of objects in some designated
(it is closed this moment); the spike enters neu- output cell.
ron s1, but it is forgotten in the next step. In this Since no objects are rewritten or produced, the
way, no spike remains in the system. The com- system is finite. In order to increase the computa-
putation ends with the expelling of the spike tional power, a special cell, the environment,
from neuron s3. Because of the waiting moment labeled by 0 is introduced. This cell contains an
imposed by the rule a ! a; 1 from neuron s3, the infinite supply of some particular objects.
two spikes of this neuron cannot be consecutive, We will consider an example of the computa-
but at least two steps must exist in between. tion of the n2 function. We start by introducing a
Thus, we conclude that P1 computes/generates graphical notation for the generalized communi-
all natural numbers greater than or equal to 2. cating rules as shown in Fig. 4.
Figure 5 gives the description of the system. We
Generalized Communicating P Systems will skip the textual representation and
Generalized communicating P systems were the discussion about using a single mode and refer
introduced in Verlan et al. (2008) as the gener- to Verlan et al. (2008) for the missing details. We
alization of minimal symport/antiport opera- only remark that we depicted cell 0 three times in
tions. The main idea is to model a conservative order to simplify the picture – it should be read as
system where the objects cannot be transformed the same cell in all three cases.
(rewritten), but only are moved through the The initial value is given as the number of
membranes of the system. Moreover, this symbols A in cell 1. The system is performing
Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity 529

the following algorithm (with the initial values Rule 2 operates in 1: all mode and moves all
1 for B and 0 for C): symbols B from cell 5 to cell 6. Further, rule 3 is
applied in a maximally parallel manner, which
1 while (A>0){ means that for every B moved to cell 7, a symbol
2 A=A1 C is moved from the environment (cell 0) to cell
3 C=C+B 8. We recall that the environment contains an
4 B=B+2 unbounded number of objects B and C. The
5 } overall action of rules 2 and 3 corresponds to
the execution of the line 3 of the algorithm.
Clearly, at the end of the above algorithm, we Next, rule 4 is executed, operating in 1: all
have that C = A2. Technically, the three steps of mode. This allows to move all objects B from cell
the inner loop are made using the additional sym- 7 to cell 5. The next two rules (5 and 6) allow to
bol S (used as instruction pointer to sequence the increment by 2 the number of objects B in cell 5,
operations). The first rule corresponds to line 2 of corresponding to line 4 of the algorithm.
the algorithm. Indeed, it decreases the number of Now object S returned to cell 2 (and objects
symbols A in cell 1, and the instruction pointer B to cell 5), so a new iteration can start.
S moves to the next instruction. The system stops when there are no more
objects A. It is easy to see that in this case, no
rule is applicable, so the halting condition occurs.

Computing Power

As we have mentioned before, many classes of

Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity,
P systems, combining various ingredients
Fig. 4 Graphical notation for the rule (a, i) (b, j) ! (a, (as described above or similar), are able of simu-
k) (b, l) in 1: 1 mode (left) and 1: all mode (right) lating register machines; hence they are

Membrane Computing:
Power and Complexity,
Fig. 5 Generalized
communicating P system
computing n2. The rules are
numbered for convenience
530 Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity

computationally complete. Always, the proofs of The hierarchy on the number of membranes
results of this type are constructive, and this has an collapses in many cases also for nonuniversal
important consequence from the computability classes of P systems, but there also are cases
point of view: there are universal (hence program- when “the number of membrane matters,” to cite
mable) P systems. In short, starting from a univer- the title of Ibarra (2003), where two classes of
sal Turing machine (or an equivalent universal P systems were defined for which the hierarchies
device), we get an equivalent universal P system. on the number of membranes are infinite.
Among others, this implies that in the case of Also various classes of SN P systems are
Turing complete classes of P systems, the hierar- computationally complete as devices which
chy on the number of membranes always col- generate or accept sets of numbers. This is true
lapses (at most at the level of the universal when no bound is imposed on the number of
P systems). Actually, the number of membranes spikes present in any neuron; if such a bound
sufficient in order to characterize the power of exists, then the sets of numbers generated
Turing machines by means of P systems is always (or accepted) are semilinear.
rather small (one to two in most of the cases). We
only mention here four of the most interesting
(types of) universality results for cell-like Computational Efficiency
P systems:
The computational power (the “competence”) is
1. P systems with symbol objects with catalytic only one of the important questions to be dealt
rules, using only two catalysts and one mem- with when defining a new (bio-inspired) com-
brane, are computationally complete. puting model. The other fundamental question
2. P systems with minimal symport/antiport rules concerns the computing efficiency. Because
(where at most two objects are involved in a P systems are parallel computing devices, it is
rule) using two membranes are computation- expected that they can solve hard problems in an
ally complete. efficient manner – and this expectation is con-
3. P systems with symport/antiport rules firmed for systems provided with ways for pro-
(of arbitrary size), using only two objects ducing an exponential workspace in a linear
and seven membranes, are computationally time. However, we would like to remark that
complete. there are no physical implementations of
4. P systems with symport/antiport rules with P systems able to produce an exponential
inhibitors (forbidding conditions), one mem- workspace in a linear time (and going beyond
brane and having only 16 rules, are computa- toy examples), so the corresponding research
tionally complete. has rather theoretical importance.
Three main such biologically inspired possi-
There are several other similar results, bilities have been considered so far in the liter-
improvements, or extensions of them. Many ature, and all of them were proven to lead to
results are also known for tissue-like P systems. polynomial solutions to NP-complete problems.
Details can be found, e.g., in the proceedings of These three ideas are membrane division, mem-
the yearly Conference on Membrane Computing brane creation, and string replication. The
and Asian Conference on Membrane Computing standard problems addressed in this framework
mentioned in the bibliography of this entry. Most were decidability problems, starting with SAT,
universality results were obtained in the determin- the Hamiltonian path problem, and the node-
istic case, but there also are situations where the covering problem, but also other types of prob-
deterministic systems are strictly less powerful lems were considered, such as the problem of
than the nondeterministic ones. This is proven in inverting one-way functions or the subset-sum
Ibarra and Yen (2006), for the accepting catalytic and the knapsack problems (note that the last
P systems. two are numerical problems, where the answer
Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity 531

is not of the yes/no type, as in decidability nonuniversality or between efficiency and non-
problems). efficiency, i.e., concerning the succinctness of
Roughly speaking, the framework for deal- P systems able to compute at the level of Turing
ing with complexity matters is that of accepting (or register) machines or to solve hard problems
P systems with input: a family of P systems of a in polynomial time, respectively. Then, because
given type is constructed starting from a given universality implies undecidability of all non-
problem, and an instance of the problem is trivial questions, an important issue is that of
introduced as an input in such systems; working finding classes of P systems with decidable
in a deterministic mode (or a confluent mode: properties.
some non-determinism is allowed, provided This is also related to the use of membrane
that the branching converges after a while to a computing as a modeling framework: if no
unique configuration, or, in the weak confluent insights can be obtained in an analytical man-
case, all computations halt and all of them pro- ner, algorithmically, then what remains is to
vide the same result), in a given time, one of the simulate the system on a computer. To this
answers yes/no is obtained, in the form of spe- aim, better programs are still needed, maybe
cific objects sent to the environment. The family parallel implementations, able to handle real-
of systems should be constructed in a uniform life questions (for instance, in the quorum sens-
mode by a Turing machine, working a ing area, existing applications deal with hun-
polynomial time. dreds of bacteria, but biologists would need
This direction of research is very active at the simulations at the level of thousands of bacteria
present moment. More and more problems are in order to get convincing results).
considered, the membrane computing complex- We give below some interesting topics that
ity classes are refined, characterizations of the arise last years; however we recommend the read-
P 6¼ NP conjecture were obtained in this frame- ing of the Bulletin of the International Membrane
work, and several characterizations of the Computing Society as well as the proceedings of
class P, even problems which are PSPACE com- the recent conferences on Membrane Computing
plete, were proven to be solvable in polynomial to stay up to date with the newest research trends
time by means of membrane systems provided in the area.
with membrane division or membrane creation. At the time of writing this material, the follow-
An important (and difficult) problem is that of ing topics attract a lot of research effort
finding the borderline between efficiency and (we concentrate on the theoretical topics; other
non-efficiency: which ingredients should be questions related to applications are discussed in
used in order to be able to solve hard problems another chapter of this book):
in a polynomial time? Many results in this
respect were reported by M.J. Pérez-Jimenez • Introduction and the investigation of different
and his co-workers (see “Bibliography”), but variants of spiking neural P systems. The
still many problems remain open in this respect. topics vary from the introduction of new
(biologically motivated) ingredients to the
computational completeness, universality, and
Future Directions efficiency.
• Investigation of P colonies, which is a model of
Although so much developed in less than 18 years P systems using extremely simple rules and
since the investigations were initiated, membrane resources.
computing still has a large number of open prob- • Investigation of P systems where the multiset
lems and research topics which wait for research structure and operations are replaced by gen-
efforts. eralized variants. Simplest versions are
A general class of theoretical questions con- fuzzy and rough multisets; recent develop-
cerns the borderline between universality and ment makes use of generalized multisets
532 Membrane Computing: Power and Complexity

which are a function from an alphabet to an Turing AM (1937) On computable numbers, with an appli-
abelian group. cation to the Entscheidungsproblem. Proc London
Math Soc s2–42(1):230–265.
• Investigation of different new properties of plms/s2-42.1.230
P systems, like new derivation modes and halt- Verlan S (2013) Using the formal framework for P systems.
ing conditions and new types of objects and In: Alhazov A, Cojocaru S, Gheorghe M, Rogozhin Y,
rules with special semantics. Rozenberg G, Salomaa A (eds) Membrane computing –
14th international conference, CMC 2013, Chişinău,
• P system simulator design and questions 20–23 Aug 2013, Revised Selected Papers, Springer,
related to efficient implementations. Lecture notes in computer science, vol 8340, pp 56–79
• Verification frameworks using P systems, Verlan S, Bernardini F, Gheorghe M, Margenstern
especially based on kernel P systems. M (2008) Generalized communicating P systems.
Theor Comput Sci 404(1–2):170–184
Zhang G, PÃl’rez-JimÃl’nez MJ, Gheorghe M (2017)
Acknowledgments The work of G. Zhang was Real-life applications with membrane computing.
supported by the National Natural Science Foundation Emergence, complexity and computation, vol 25.
of China (61373047 and 61672437) and the Research Springer International Publishing, Cham
Project of Key Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery
(Xihua University), Ministry of Education, P.R. China
(JYBFXYQ-1). Books and Reviews
Alhazov A, Cojocaru S, Gheorghe M, Rogozhin Y,
Rozenberg G, Salomaa A (eds) (2014) Membrane
computing – 14th international conference, CMC
Bibliography 2013, Chişinău, 20–23 Aug 2013, Revised Selected
Papers, Lecture notes in computer science, vol 8340,
Primary Literature Springer.
Ciobanu G, Păun G, Pérez-Jiménez MJ (2006a) Applica- Corne DW, Frisco P, Păun Gh, Rozenberg G, Salomaa
tions of membrane computing, vol 17. Springer, Berlin A (eds) (2009) Membrane computing – 9th interna-
Ciobanu G, Pérez-Jiménez MJ, Păun Gh (2006b) Applica- tional workshop, WMC 2008, Edinburgh, 28–31 July
tions of membrane computing. Natural computing 2008, Revised Selected and Invited Papers, Lecture
series. Springer, Berlin notes in computer science, vol 5391, Springer. https://
Freund R, Leporati A, Mauri G, Porreca AE, Verlan S,
Zandron C (2013) Flattening in (tissue) P systems. In: Csuhaj-Varjú E, Gheorghe M, Rozenberg G, Salomaa A,
Alhazov A, Cojocaru S, Gheorghe M, Rogozhin Y, Vaszil G (eds) (2013) Membrane csomputing – 13th
Rozenberg G, Salomaa A (eds) Membrane computing – international conference, CMC 2012, Budapest, 28–31
14th international conference, CMC 2013, Chişinău, Aug 2012, Revised Selected Papers, Lecture notes in
20–23 Aug 2013, Revised Selected Papers, Springer, computer science, vol 7762, Springer.
Lecture notes in computer science, vol 8340, pp 173–188 10.1007/978-3-642-36751-9
Ibarra OH (2003) The number of membranes matters. In: Eleftherakis G, Kefalas P, Păun Gh, Rozenberg G, Salomaa
Martín-Vide C, Mauri G, Paun G, Rozenberg G, A (eds) (2007) Membrane computing, 8th international
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Ibarra OH, Yen H (2006) Deterministic catalytic systems shop, WMC 2005, Vienna, 18–21 July 2005, Revised
are not universal. Theor Comput Sci 363(2):149–161. Selected and Invited Papers, Lecture notes in computer science, vol 3850, Springer
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P systems. Fundam Informaticae 71(2–3):279–308 brane computing. OUP, Oxford
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1999.1693, also Turku Center for Computer Science tional conference, CMC 2010, Jena, 24–27 Aug 2010.
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tional conference, CMC 2014, Prague, 20–22 Aug Salomaa A (eds) (2005) Membrane computing, 5th
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Execution strategy of a P system Every
Applications of P Systems P system is executed in steps. In each step
and each compartment, a number of rules are
Marian Gheorghe1, Andrei Păun2, Sergey Verlan3 selected to be applied to the multiset contained
and Gexiang Zhang4,5,6 in the compartment. The most utilized execu-
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer tion strategies are maximal parallelism (in each
Science, University of Bradford, Bradford, West compartment after the rules are selected, no
Yorkshire, UK more objects are available to be processed by
Department of Computer Science, University of the existing rules), sequential execution (only
Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania one rule per compartment is applied), and sto-
LACL, Université Paris Est Créteil, Créteil, chastic behavior (the rules are selected in
France accordance with the probabilities associated
Robotics Research Center, Xihua University, to them). In most of the cases, maximal paral-
Chengdu, Sichuan, China lelism leads to nondeterministic behavior as
Key Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery, there might be different ways of selecting the
Xihua University, Ministry of Education, rules applied to the multisets contained in com-
Chengdu, Sichuan, China partments. One of the most used stochastic
School of Electrical Engeneering, Southwest behavior is based on Gillespie algorithm.
Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China Fuzzy reasoning spiking neural P system
(FRSNP system) This is a special type of
P system combining the features of a spiking
Article Outline neural P system (SNP system) and some fuzzy
theory concepts. The SNP system consists of
Glossary an alphabet with only one element, called
Introduction spike, neurons – each of them with its multiset
Applications in Systems in Synthetic Biology and rules; a set of links between neurons, called
Applications to Real-Life Complex Problems synapses; and designated input and output neu-
Other Applications rons. Fuzzy values are associated with rules
Future Directions defining the potential values of spikes and
Bibliography fuzzy truth values for rules. These values con-
trol both the amount of spikes consumed and
the rules selected to be executed.
Glossary Membrane algorithms A distributed evolution-
ary approach using the regions defined by the
Computational model A computational model membranes to host instances of specific meta-
is a concept introduced in computer science heuristic search algorithms. It makes use of
with the aim of defining an algorithm that is different topologies of the membrane structure
executed on an abstract machine. It is built for and the types of rules involved in the meta-
different purposes and makes use of various heuristic search algorithms. A broad spectrum
notations and formalisms. Some of the most of meta-heuristic search algorithms have been
widely used computational models are finite used in defining new membrane algorithms.
state machines, Turing machines, formal gram- Model checking Model checking is a method
mars, Boolean networks, Petri nets, cellular for automatically verifying the correctness
automata, and process calculi. of properties of a system. Given a model of a

# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018 535

A. Adamatzky (ed.), Unconventional Computing,
Originally published in
R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, # Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017
536 Applications of P Systems

system and a specification, both formulated A thorough account of the main theoretical topics
in a precise mathematical language, model and significant applications is provided in Păun
checking automatically checks in an exhaustive et al. (2010a).
manner that the model meets the specification. Membrane computing models have been used
The model is a state machine, and the specifica- in various applications in linguistics, computer
tion is given by a temporal logic formula. graphics, economics, approximate optimizations,
P system model A P system consists of a set of cryptography, and other computer science areas,
compartments. The most common P system in Ciobanu et al. (2006). The most prominent
models have their compartments linked in applications are related to systems and synthetic
such a way that they form a network (tissue biology (see Frisco et al. (2014)) and, more
P systems) or a tree – a hierarchical structure recently, to real-life complex problems, presented
(cell P systems). Each compartment consists of in Zhang et al. (2017).
a multiset of elements which are transformed Simple or more complex biological systems
through various rules. have been modeled for a long time using math-
Rules The most basic rules used by a P system are ematical approaches, such as differential equa-
rewriting (evolution or transformation) and com- tions and statistical models. In recent years,
munication between neighbor compartments especially after launching the concept of “exe-
(those directly connected). For stochastic cutable biology” in Fisher and Henzinger (2007
P systems, each rule has a probability or a kinetic Nov), computational models have started being
constant associated with. The kinetic constants used more often in applications in biology.
are utilized in computing the rule probabilities. These are attractive modeling approaches as
Standard membrane controller (MeC) A con- they provide a plethora of formal methods
struct based on the concept of numerical from computer science that allow not only to
P system. It uses a membrane structure; a set of efficiently simulate the systems, but they also
variables (replacing the usual multisets), with provide tools that are able to investigate the
some initial values; and a set of programs behavior of the systems for various scenarios
(instead of usual rewriting and communication and input conditions and check properties of
rules) associated to compartments. The programs the associated models. More well-established
in each compartment define polynomial produc- computational models, such as process alge-
tion functions, stating the values consumed from bras, Petri nets, Boolean networks, statecharts,
the local variables, and repartition protocols, or newly developed nature-inspired models –
indicating the values distributed to variables brane calculi, membrane systems, and kappa
from the same compartment and its neighbors. rule-based system – are utilized, according to
Bartocci and Lió (2016 Jan), in applications in
biology. In Bartocci and Lió (2016 Jan), it is
Introduction shown that these computational models come
with formal analysis methods such as static
Membrane computing was initiated in Păun analysis, runtime verification and monitoring,
(2000) as a new research topic investigating com- model checking, and tools supporting them.
puting models inspired by the architecture and the P systems, as presented in Ciobanu et al.
functioning of the living cells, as individual bio- (2006), have been used initially as computational
logical entities as well as parts of higher-order models for various applications primarily in biol-
structures, such as tissues or more complex ogy. However, the applicability area has been
organs. The models are called membrane sys- expanded due to the power and flexibility of the
tems or P systems. Membrane computing is a computational devices introduced and studied.
branch of natural computing, and the main devel- A relatively new and very promising application,
opments in this area are summarized in the hand- the controller design for mobile robots, using the
book of natural computing (see Păun (2012)). characteristics of numerical P systems, was
Applications of P Systems 537

introduced in Buiu et al. (2012) and Wang et al. interacting locally via evolution (or transformation
(2015c). P system concepts have been also com- or rewriting); and communication rules,
bined with methods and principles developed in corresponding to various biochemical interactions –
the area of soft computing, especially evolution- complex formation or its reverse transformation,
ary algorithms and fuzzy systems, with the aim of membrane interaction, or transport. The behavior
solving a broad spectrum of optimization prob- of such systems may be quite complex, nonlinear,
lems. In Zhang et al. (2014b) and Zhang et al. and emerging from local interactions within com-
(2017), a comprehensive survey was presented on partments or inter-compartments. Both qualitative
the combination of P systems with meta-heuristic and quantitative aspects of their behavior are
algorithms, such as local search approaches, evo- expressed with nondeterministic and stochastic
lutionary algorithms, and swarm intelligence models, respectively. Such models are presented
algorithms giving rise to membrane algorithms in Ciobanu et al. (2006) and Frisco et al. (2014)
or membrane-inspired evolutionary algorithms, covering a broad spectrum of applications.
involved in solving optimization problems. In In the early monograph on applications of mem-
Zhang et al. (2014c), a novel way of designing a brane computing (Ciobanu et al. (2006)), there are
P system for directly obtaining the approximate chapters dedicated to modeling problems in biology.
solutions of combinatorial optimization problems In these applications membrane computing is used as
and discrete engineering optimization problems a formal language allowing to describe in a rigor-
without the aid of meta-heuristic algorithms was ous and precise way the biochemical entities and
presented. In Wang et al. (2015a) and Zhang et al. their interactions. I. I. Ardelean, D. Besozzi, M. H.
(2017), the combination of P systems with fuzzy Garzon, G. Mauri, and S. Roy present a P system
logic theory to solve fault diagnosis problems was model for mechanosensitive channels; L. Bianco,
reviewed in a systematic manner. F. Fontana, G. Franco, and V. Manca discuss
In the sequel we show how various instances of P systems for biological dynamics; M. Cavaliere
the membrane computing models are used in and I. I. Ardelean introduce a P system model to
applications. We start with applications of mem- simulate respiration and photosynthesis interaction
brane systems in modeling systems and synthetic in cyanobacteria; G. Cioban models cell-mediated
biology problems, then continue presenting the immunity and T. Y. Nishida photosynthesis; a multi-
use of membrane algorithms for solving optimi- set processing model of p53 signaling pathway is
zation problems, and finally describe briefly the presented by Y. Suzuki and H. Tanaka.
use of membrane systems in modeling problems Most of the membrane systems presented in
from computer science, graphics, and economy Frisco et al. (2014) and used for systems and syn-
and mention some of the tools developed to sup- thetic biology applications are stochastic, each rule
port the simulation of various P system models. having associated a kinetic constant based on
which a probability is calculated. The execution
strategy, the model semantics, is based on Gillespie
Applications in Systems in Synthetic algorithm. In accordance with this semantics, the
Biology probabilities of the rules are evaluated at every step
of execution as these are computed taking into
There are many features of membrane computing account the kinetic constants and the current con-
models which make them attractive for applica- centrations of the reactants involved.
tions in several disciplines, especially biology. Firstly, we present a stochastic P system model
Membrane computing uses a set of concepts for a pulse generator example following Frisco
derived directly from cell biology: compartments, et al. (2014), and then we introduce a formal
which are independent entities; their objects, verification approach for this system. Finally, we
corresponding to simpler or more complex bio- describe some other P system models used for
chemical elements, such as simple molecules various systems and synthetic biology problems,
or complex proteins and DNA molecules, presented in Frisco et al. (2014).
538 Applications of P Systems

The pulse generator (by J. Blakes, J. Twycross, the sender cells and the rest are pulsing cells. The
S. Konur, F. J. Romero-Campero, N. Krasnogor, sender cells will start producing the molecular
and M. Gheorghe, in Frisco et al. (2014)), a syn- signal 3OC6–HSL (AHL). This will get initially
thetic bacterial colony, consists of two different accumulated in sending cells and then through the
bacterial strains, sender cells and pulsing cells: communication rules, r4, will start propagating
3OC6–HSL toward the pulsing cells. These in
– Sender cells contain the gene luxI from Vibrio turn, in the presence of 3OC6–HSL, will start
fischeri, codifying the enzyme LuxI which syn- producing the green fluorescent protein, GFP.
thesizes the molecular signal 3OC6–HSL The model, described in Chap. 1 of Frisco et al.
(AHL). The luxI gene is expressed by the pro- (2014), consists of a two-dimensional lattice, each
moter PLtetO1 from the tetracycline resistance cell being a stochastic P system, corresponding to
transposon. either a sending cell or a pulsing cell. A simulation
– Pulsing cells contain the lux R gene from the has been made for a lattice with 341 compartments
same organism, Vibrio fischeri, that codifies the (11  31) and 28 molecular species.
3OC6–HSL receptor protein LuxR. This gene is Figure 1 shows the signal molecule
regulated by the promoter PluxL. These cells 3OC6–HSL amount over time. The figure, ini-
also contain the gene c I from lambda phage tially presented in Chap. 1 of Frisco et al.
codifying the repressor C I under the regulation (2014), suggests that the further away the pulsing
of the promoter PluxR, activated by the binding cells are from the sender cells, the less likely they
of the transcription factor LuxR_3OC6_2. are to produce a pulse, the green fluorescent
These bacterial strains carry the gene g f p that protein.
codifies the green fluorescent protein under the Figure 1 shows the result of one single simu-
regulation of the synthetic promoter PluxPR lation. As this is a stochastic system, then several
combining the Plux promoter (activated by simulations need to be performed in order to com-
the transcription factor Lux R_3OC6_2) and pute an average behavior. By using some of the
the PR promoter from lambda phage analysis methods associated with computational
(repressed by the transcription factor CI). models, in the case of stochastic P systems, the
model checking tool, PRISM, one can get more
The rules describing the interactions within precise information regarding the behavior of the
sending cells are: pulse generator. Let us consider the concentration
of GFP at row 3 within 50 s. This can be formu-
r1: [PLtetO1;luxI !k1 PLtetO1;luxI + LuxI]s lated as “probability that GFP concentration at
r2: [LuxI !k2]s row 3 exceeds 100 within 50 s,” and in PRISM
r3: [LuxI !k3 AHL]s language, this becomes
r4: [AHL]s !k4 AHL[]s
P¼? true U50 GFP pulsing 3  100 :
The rules appear within a compartment,
denoted s, expressing interactions within the com- This confirms the behavior shown in Fig. 1, but
partment: luxI gene expressed by the promoter it also returns a high probability of this event,
PLtetO1 produces the enzyme LuxI (r1); LuxI 0.87, as presented in Frisco et al. (2014).
might degrade (r2); LuxI synthesizes the signal This example from synthetic biology shows
3OC6–HSL (AHL) (r3); and this signal is commu- the capabilities of membrane systems to model
nicated to a neighbor (r4). Following the descrip- biological systems using features such as com-
tion of a pulsing cell, one can derive in a similar partments, biochemical interactions, and inter-
manner the rules for such a cell. compartment communications, a direct way of
The pulse generator system consists of a lattice writing biochemical reactions through evolution
of cells distributed in accordance with a specific and communication rules. The stochastic behav-
spatial arrangement. At one end there are located ior of the system is studied through simulations.
Applications of P Systems 539

l ll
l ll

l ll
l ll

Applications of P Systems, Fig. 1 Signal 3OC6–HSL level over time (From Frisco et al. (2014))

Properties of the system can be systematically model. The simulation of the model helps ana-
investigated and emergent behavior predicted. lyzing the bacterial chemotaxis by showing the
Other applications have been considered in stochastic fluctuations of various proteins and
Frisco et al. (2014) and adequate membrane sys- the distribution of flagellar motors over the cell
tem models developed in this respect. surface.
• A stochastic membrane computing model suit-
• A biological system linked to breast cancer is able for real ecosystem applications, called
modeled as a membrane system with periph- population dynamics P systems (PDP systems,
eral proteins (M. Cavaliere, T. Mazza and for short) is considered by M. A. Colomer-
S. Sedwards). This model allows to simulate Cugat, M. García-Quismondo, L. F. Macías-
the behavior of the system, revealing the role Ramos, M. A. Martínez-del-Amor, I. Pérez-
of estrogen in cellular mitosis and DNA Hurtado, M. J. Pérez-Jiménez, A. Riscos-
damage. The use of a stochastic model Núñez, and L. Valencia-Cabrera. The formal
checker facilitates the investigation of the definition of the syntax and semantics of the
appropriate time-dependent dosage of antag- PDP systems together with a simulation plat-
onist that is meant to be used to minimize the form, MeCoSim (standing for membrane com-
random replication of abnormal cells. puting simulator), are provided. The PDP
• An application of membrane systems to the systems are applied to modeling pandemic
study of intracellular diffusive processes is dynamics of three populations.
presented by P. Cazzaniga, D. Besozzi, • T. Hinze, J. Behre, C. Bodenstein, G. Escuela,
D. Pescini, and G. Mauri. A signal transduction G. Grünert, P. Hofstedt, P. Sauer, S. Hayat, and
pathway of bacterial chemotaxis is investi- P. Dittrich present three chronobiological stud-
gated by considering first a single-volume ies modeled with different types of membrane
module revealing the effects of different per- systems capturing spatiotemporal aspects
turbations on the system dynamics and then a of the biological systems. Using a KaiABC
multivolume module, extending the former, core oscillator, a cell signaling network
that looks at diffusive processes leading to the representing a posttranslational prototype for
formation of concentration gradients within the generation of circadian rhythms is investi-
bacterial cytoplasm. The membrane computing gated. The second study is dedicated to the
model is also a stochastic one, called t-DPP circadian clockwork able to adapt its
540 Applications of P Systems

oscillation to an external stimulus. The third Applications to Real-Life Complex

system investigated is a bistable toggle Problems
switch resulting from mutual gene regula-
tion. The P systems used as models of these The real-life complex problems discussed in this
systems are specified and analyzed with a section are of three types: engineering optimiza-
software package, called SRSim. The software tions, fault diagnosis, and robot control.
package allows the use of spatial interaction
rules and provides powerful visualization Membrane Algorithms
capabilities. Until now two kinds of membrane algorithms,
• A membrane system using an execution strat- also called membrane-inspired evolutionary algo-
egy for its rules based on a new algorithm, rithms, have been discussed. One is a proper
called nondeterministic waiting time method, hybridization of P system features – the hierarchi-
is introduced by J. Jack, A. Păun, and M. Păun. cal or network membrane structures, evolution
Some case studies from system biology are rules and computational procedures, and various
used to compare the method with stochastic well-established meta-heuristic methods such as
membrane systems and ordinary differential local search approaches, evolutionary algorithms,
equations. A FAS-induced apoptosis is then and swarm intelligence algorithms. The other type
modeled and studied with these membrane includes optimization spiking neural P systems
systems. (OSNPS), which were designed by using spiking
• The class of MP systems is introduced together neural P systems for directly obtaining the approx-
with a method based on regression analysis imate solutions of optimization problems without
that synthesizes a MP model from time series the aid of meta-heuristic algorithms. In what fol-
of observed dynamics (L. Marchetti, V. Manca, lows, we start from the first kind of membrane
R. Pagliarini, and A. Bollig-Fischer). This algorithms and then describe the second one.
model is applied to two systems biology case A very promising direction of research, namely,
studies. The first case study is about the glu- applying membrane computing in devising approx-
cose/insulin interactions related to the intrave- imate algorithms for solving hard optimization prob-
nous glucose tolerance test. The second one lems, was initiated by Nishida, in Nishida (2004),
presents gene expression networks involved who proposed membrane algorithms as a new class
in breast cancer. of distributed evolutionary algorithms. These algo-
• The behavior of E. coli bacterium with rithms can be considered as a high-level (distributed
respect to different levels of oxygen in the and dynamically evolving their structure during the
environment is investigated using an agent- computation) evolutionary algorithms. In short, can-
based approach (A. Turcanu, L. Mierlă, didate solutions evolve in compartments of a
F. Ipate, A. Stefănescu, H. Bai, (dynamical) membrane structure according to local
M. Holcombe, and S. Coakley). The behav- algorithms, with better solutions migrating through
ior of the system is not only studied through the membrane structure; after a specified halting
simulations of the agent-based model, but condition is met, the current best solution is extra-
certain properties, formulated in a temporal cted as the result of the algorithm.
logic formalism, are investigated through Nishida has checked this strategy for the trav-
two model checkers, Rodin and Spin. The eling salesman problem, and the results were more
translation of the agent-based system is not than encouraging for a series of benchmark prob-
directly into these model checkers, but it lems: the convergence is very fast, the number of
comes via a specific class of membrane sys- membranes is rather influential on the quality of
tems, called kernel P systems. These mem- the solution, the method is reliable, and both the
brane systems allow a direct translation of average quality and the worst solutions were good
their transformation rules into transitions of enough and always better than the average and the
the model checkers. worst solutions given by simulated annealing.
Applications of P Systems 541

This combination of two nature-inspired com- Fig. 3. NoFE represents the number of function
putational approaches has led to many variants of evaluations. It is shown that QEPS can achieve
such models and applications of various types. better balance between convergence and diversity
A survey of the results obtained is published in than QIEA, which indicates QEPS has a stronger
Zhang et al. (2014b). Real-life applications of this capacity of balancing exploration and exploitation
approach have been reported in Zhang et al. than QIEA in order to prevent premature conver-
(2017). A membrane algorithm is a successful gence that might occur.
instance of a model linking membrane computing In the sequel we use these references for pre-
and evolutionary algorithms. In Zhang et al. senting several types of membrane algorithms and
(2014a), the role played by P systems in mem- then, using the later reference, describe some
brane algorithms was discussed. Dynamic behav- applications dealing with complex industrial
iors of membrane algorithms by introducing a set problems of optimization.
of population diversity and convergence measures Now this area has reached a certain level of
were analyzed. This is the first attempt to obtain maturity, and the focus is on developing new
deep insights into the search capabilities of mem- variants of meta-heuristics by using different
brane algorithms. The analysis is performed on membrane structures, types of evolution rules
the membrane algorithm, QEPS (a quantum- and other computational capabilities of membrane
inspired evolutionary algorithm based on mem- systems, and various evolutionary computation
brane computing), and its counterpart algorithm, methods. Four types of hierarchical structures
QIEA (a quantum-inspired evolutionary algo- and two network structures of the membrane sys-
rithm), using a comparative approach in an exper- tems are used Zhang et al. (2014b). The mem-
imental context to better understand their brane algorithms using hierarchical membrane
characteristics and performances. Experiments systems are membrane algorithms with nested
are performed on the knapsack problems. The membranes (NMS, for short), one-level mem-
comparison with respect to the diversity measure, brane structure (OLMS), hybrid membrane struc-
Hamming distance between the best and worst ture (HMS), and dynamic membrane structure
binary individuals (Dhbw) in a population between (DMS). The membrane algorithms using network
QEPS and QIEA, is shown in Fig. 2. The best membrane structures are membrane algorithms
fitness convergence (Cfb) comparison is shown in with static network structure (SNS) and dynamic

Applications of 450
P Systems, Fig. 2 Dhbw of QIEA
QEPS and QIEA on the 400 QEPS
knapsack problem with
800 items (From Zhang 350
et al. (2017))






100 5000 10000 15000 20000
542 Applications of P Systems

Applications of 4
x 10
P Systems, Fig. 3 Cfb of 2.35
QEPS and QIEA on the
knapsack problem with
800 items (From Zhang 2.3
et al. (2017))




100 5000 10000 15000 20000

network structure (DNS). In each of these cases, We present from Zhang et al. (2017) the prob-
various meta-heuristic approaches have been con- lem below with nine linear constraints and a qua-
sidered, including tabu search, genetic algorithms, dratic objective function. Two types of experiments
quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithms, ant col- are performed with different halting criteria and
ony optimization, differential evolution, particle using different sets of optimization algorithms. In
swarm optimization, and so on. both cases DETPS is used. In addition to this, in the
The network structure considered for mem- first case, DETPS, HIHC, GAIS, and GAINM are
brane systems is called tissue, and the models used, whereas in the second one, TLBO, M-ES,
are called tissue P systems or neural P systems. PESO, VDE, CoDE, and ABC are used.
In the sequel we refer to membrane algorithms Problem:
designed with a tissue P system structure and
differential evolution (DETPS) approach pre- X
4 X
4 X

sented in Zhang et al. (2013). minf ðxÞ ¼ 5 xi  5 x2i  xi (1)

i¼1 i¼1 i¼5
In Zhang et al. (2017), experiments with five
constrained problems having a mixture of linear subject to
or quadratic objective functions and constraints
are presented. DETPS results are compared 8
> g ðxÞ ¼ 2x1 þ 2x2 þ x10 þ x11  10  0
with those obtained by using hybrid immune- > g1 ðxÞ ¼ 2x þ 2x þ x þ x  10  0
> 2 1 3 10 12
hill climbing algorithm (HIHC), genetic algo- >
> g ð xÞ ¼ 2x þ 2x þ x þ x
> 3 2 3 11 12  10  0
rithm with an artificial immune system (GAIS), >
< g4 ðxÞ ¼ 8x1 þ x10  0
genetic algorithm based on immune network g5 ðxÞ ¼ 8x2 þ x11  0
modeling (GAINM), teaching-learning-based >
> g6 ðxÞ ¼ 8x3 þ x12  0
optimization (TLBO), multi-membered evolu- > g7 ðxÞ ¼ 2x4  x5 þ x10  0
tionary strategy (M-ES), particle evolutionary >
> g ðxÞ ¼ 2x6  x7 þ x11  0
: 8
swarm optimization (PESO), cultural differen- g9 ðxÞ ¼ 2x8  x9 þ x12  0
tial evolution (CDE), coevolutionary differen-
tial evolution (CoDE), and artificial bee colony where 0 xi 1, i = 1,2,3,. . .,9; 0 xi 100,
(ABC). i = 10, 11, 12; and 0 x13 1. The optimal
Applications of P Systems 543

solution is f(x*) = 15 at x* = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, neural P systems algorithm is used to solve the
1, 3, 3, 3, 1). power system fault diagnosis problem.
In Table 1, the results of using the first set of The synthesis of various classes of P systems
optimization algorithms are presented, and in solving different problems has been investigated
Table 2, the results of running the second set are with evolutionary methods. A survey of this work
presented. One can observe that DETPS produces is presented in Zhang et al. (2014b).
similar results to the other algorithms (Table 2) if The membrane algorithms discussed above
not better (Table 1). In both sets of experiments, were designed by combining P systems with
DETPS arrives at the solution with less function meta-heuristic techniques. In what follows, an
evaluations (Table 1) or significantly less optimization algorithm, optimization spiking neu-
(Table 2). ral P system (OSNPS), is directly derived from
Membrane algorithms are successfully applied membrane computing models, spiking neural
to optimization problems in engineering in Zhang P systems (SN P systems) in Zhang et al. (2014c).
et al. (2017). An OLMS with a quantum-inspired Inspired by the behavior of the language gen-
evolutionary algorithm is applied to analyze radar erating SN P systems, OSNPS, as shown in Fig. 4,
signals and solve the image sparse decomposition was constructed by using a family of extended SN
problem. OLMS with a particle swarm optimiza- P systems (ESNPS) and a guider to adaptively
tion algorithm is used to optimize the design of a adjust rule probabilities. ESNPS, as shown in
proportional integral derivative controller and Fig. 5, is designed by introducing the probabilistic
mobile robot path planning. selection of evolution rules and the output collec-
DETPS, presented earlier, is applied for tion from multiple neurons.
  In each compartment
manufacturing parameter optimization problem. there are rewriting r 1i and forgetting r 2i rules,
A DNS based on population P systems, a variant 1  i  m.
of tissue P systems with dynamic structure, with a The viability and effectiveness of OSNPS were
quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm is used tested on knapsack problems by considering
to solve the distribution network reconfiguration genetic quantum algorithm (GQA), quantum-
problem in power systems. A SNS based on inspired evolutionary algorithm (QEA), novel

Applications of P Systems, Table 1 Statistical results mean best solution, worst solution, and standard deviation
of DETPS, HIHC, GAIS, and GAINM to test Problem. over independent 30 runs, respectively
Best, mean, worst, and SD represent the best solution,
Methods Best Mean Worst SD Function evaluations
DETPS 15.0000 15.0000 15.0000 2.2362e-6 64,156
HIHC 15 14.8266 14.3417 0.145 120,000
GAIS 14.7841 14.5266 13.8417 0.2335 150,000
GAINM 5.2735 3.7435 2.4255 0.9696 150,000

Applications of P Systems, Table 2 Statistical results of seven algorithms to test the problem. Best, mean, and worst
represent the best solution, mean best solution, and worst solution over independent 30 runs, respectively
Methods Best Mean Worst Function evaluations
DETPS 15.0 15.0 15.0 20,875
TLBO 15.0 15.0 15.0 25,000
M-ES 15.0 15.0 15.0 240,000
PESO 15.0 15.0 15.0 350,000
CDE 15.0 15.0 15.0 100,100
CoDE 15.0 15.0 15.0 248,000
ABC 15.0 15.0 15.0 240,000
544 Applications of P Systems

quantum evolutionary algorithm (NQEA), (2017)). FRSNP models offer an intuitive descrip-
quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm based tion of a system based on fuzzy logics, good fault
on P systems (QEPS), and two membrane- tolerance principles, a complete set of relationships
inspired evolutionary algorithms with quantum- between protective devices and faults, and an under-
inspired subalgorithms (MAQIS1 and MAQIS2) standable diagnosis model-building process. In what
as benchmark algorithms in the experiments. follows, we will refer to FRSNP models with trape-
Eleven knapsack problems, labeled 1–11, with zoidal fuzzy numbers.
1000, 1200, 1400, 1600, 1800, 2000, 2200, In Wang et al. (2015b) and Zhang et al. (2017),
2400, 2600, 2800, and 3000 items are used. the FRSNP model with trapezoidal fuzzy numbers
GQA, which obtained the worst performance is used in experiments carried out on seven cases
among the seven algorithms, is regarded as bench- of the local system in an electric power system. It
marks to illustrate the percentage of the improve- is shown that this FRSNP model obtains better or
ments of QEA, NQEA, QEPS, OSNPS, MAQIS1, competitive results, compared with four methods
and MAQIS2. The experimental results show that reported in the literature, fuzzy logic, fuzzy Petri
OSNPS is superior or competitive to the other six nets, genetic algorithm-tabu search, and genetic
optimization approaches, GQA, QEA, NQEA, algorithm.
QEPS, MAQIS1, and MAQIS2, with respect to Enzymatic numerical P systems have been
the best solutions over 11 problems and considered in modeling the robot controller in
30 independent runs. Zhang et al. (2017). These classes of P systems
introduce significantly new features to the stan-
Fault Diagnosis and Robot Control dard membrane computing framework. Mem-
Fault diagnosis problems, especially in electric brane controller P systems change the multiset
power systems, can be solved by using fuzzy rea- rewriting mechanism, widely utilized by the trans-
soning spiking neural P systems (short for FRSNP), formation rules, with a computational procedure
a graphic modeling approach combining spiking based on a distributed way of calculating different
neural P systems and fuzzy logic theory in Peng polynomials.
et al. (2013), Wang et al. (2015b), and Zhang et al. Membrane controllers for mobile robots use a
hierarchical cognitive architecture and are
Rule probabilities designed by using the syntax (such as the mem-
brane structure, initial multisets, and evolution
rules) and semantics of numerical P systems
(NPS) or enzymatic numerical P systems
(ENPS). In NPS and ENPS, the values of the
Spike trains
variables received from various sensors are real-
Applications of P Systems, Fig. 4 OSNPS (From valued numbers, and the computation is
Zhang et al. (2017)) performed on real-valued variables.

Applications of
P Systems, Fig. 5 ESNPS
structure (From Zhang et al.
Applications of P Systems 545

Algorithm 1 shows the generic structure of membrane system models; a public key protocol
membrane controllers in Buiu et al. (2012). In (O. Michel and F. Jaquemard) is described in the
the first step, the robot parameters are set to initial framework of membrane systems. Applications
values. In the second step, real-time data are read were also reported in computer graphics
from the sensors. The NPS corresponding to the (A. Georgiou, M. Gheorghe, and F. Bernardini) –
current membrane computing process is executed where the compartmentalization seems to add a
in the third step. Finally, the motors’ speeds are significant efficiency to well-known techniques
set. Then the execution of the controller goes back based on L systems, linguistics, both as a repre-
to the second step. sentation language for various concepts related to
language evolution, dialog, and semantics (G. Bel
Algorithm 1 Generic structure of membrane Enguix, M. D. Jiménez-Lopez) and as a parsing
controllers tool utilizing a new concept of automata-based
translation where the parallelism of the model is
Require: parameters = exploited (R. Gramatovici and G. Bel Enguix).
initialiseBehaviourParameters(robot, The additional bibliography consists of
behaviour) papers referring to other applications of mem-
While (True) brane systems. Some of the most significant are
sensors = readSensors(robot) in economics (where many biochemical meta-
# simulate Numerical P System on the phors find a natural counterpart, with the mention-
network server ing that the “reactions” which take place in
query = constructQuery(robot, economics, for instance, in market-like frame-
behaviour, sensors, parameters) works, are not driven only by probabilities/stoi-
response = queryWebApp(address,
chiometric calculations but also by psychological
influences, which make the modeling still more
speed = extractContent(response)
difficult than in engineering or biological applica-
setSpeed(robot, speed)
tions). R. Nicolescu and his collaborators have
End While
utilized in a series of papers various extensions
of the membrane systems to solve problems
Suppose that u and y are the inputs and outputs of
of synchronization, of broadcasting, or of
a membrane controller and r is the predefined
representing complex data structures with com-
setpoints. A standard membrane controller
pact and efficient membrane systems-based
(MeC), defined in Buiu et al. (2012), is used as a
P system model for designing robot controllers.
For most of the applications presented so far,
In Buiu et al. (2012) and Wang et al. (2015c),
there have been developed software tools helping
several examples using robot controllers designed
analyzing the systems investigated. Simulators for
with NPS or ENPS models are presented. They
the models built for different types of P systems
deal with features such as obstacle avoidance,
and, in some cases, tools revealing properties of
wall following, following another robot, and tra-
the systems are provided. Here there will be men-
jectory tracking.
tioned the most established software tools.
P-Lingua tool (
index.php/Main_Page) provides a domain-
Other Applications specific language, with the same name, allowing
to describe models for a large set of P systems,
In Ciobanu et al. (2006) applications of membrane including those presented in Chap. 4 of Frisco
systems in computer science are presented. Dif- et al. (2014). The P-Lingua language is supported
ferent sorting algorithms (A. Alhazov and by a dashboard allowing to handle input and out-
D. Sburlan) are considered, and their solutions put data associated with the models and data visu-
make use of the massive parallelism of the alization. This is integrated with a tool, MeCoSim
546 Applications of P Systems

(, that pro- and their integration with existing tools. New
vides connections to various run time platforms. parallelization algorithms should be consid-
Stochastic P systems presented in Chap. 1 of ered, given the complexity of the models and
Frisco et al. (2014) can be described in a specific the systems investigated.
format and then simulated within the Infobiotics 3. More complex and diverse problems, requiring
software platform ( This both modeling and optimization aspects, are
allows to specify and verify properties of the expected to be approached with the methods
system expressed as probabilistic temporal logic and tools developed so far or with new ones.
Deterministic models written as metabolic Future developments regarding membrane
P systems, presented in Chap. 7 of Frisco et al. algorithms, as listed in Gheorghe et al. (2013),
(2014), are simulated with MetaPlab (http:// are as follows: The tool provides
support for data visualization but also calibrates 1. Further combinations of a larger set of evolu-
the model based on observed time series referring tionary algorithms with various classes of
to the system investigated. membrane computing models such as cell
SRSim simulator (http://www.biosys.uni-jena. P systems with active membranes, tissue
de/members/gerd+gruenert/srsim.html) allows to P systems, and population P systems are
analyze P systems with spatiotemporal features, expected to be studied.
as those presented in Chap. 5 of Frisco 2. Usually, in a membrane algorithm, an evolu-
et al. (2014). tionary algorithm is placed inside a membrane.
Some more details about these tools, including Given the distributed structure of a P system, it
the domain-specific languages they use, the sim- is natural to consider several different types of
ulators employed, and other features helping the evolutionary operators, or several distinct
analysis of the investigated system, are presented kinds of evolutionary mechanisms, such as a
in the additional bibliography. genetic algorithm, evolutionary programming,
evolution strategy, differential evolution, and
particle swarm optimization acting in parallel
Future Directions across the model. Furthermore, the flexible
communication rules can be used at the level
We present future developments of membrane of genes, instead of at the level of individuals.
computing applications, membrane algorithms, 3. The single-objective problems are usually
and finally FRSNP models and robot control involved in the investigations reported so far
models, as reflected in Gheorghe et al. (2013) in the literature. It is worth investigating how
and Zhang et al. (2017). multi-objective, dynamic, peaked optimization
In Gheorghe et al. (2013) some future devel- problems might lead to better solutions by
opments of the membrane computing pointing out using the P systems environment.
to applications of P systems as well are presented. 4. More real-world application problems, such as
The most important developments with respect to power system optimization, software/hardware
applications are: co-design, and vehicle route plan, might bene-
fit from a membrane algorithm-based
1. The analysis methods for P system models approach.
– formal verification and testing, causality, 5. A deeper and fine grain performance analysis
and semantics – and the efficient and robust and evaluation of membrane algorithms
development of tools related to numerical starting from the work in Zhang et al. (2014a)
P system models will be considered. is requested in order to reveal more precisely
2. The tool development will continue, especially the role played by P systems in the hybrid
with an emphasis on parallel implementations optimization algorithms.
Applications of P Systems 547

New research developments regarding FRSNP Fisher J, Henzinger T (2007) Executable cell biology. Nat
models are identified in Zhang et al. (2017). New Biotechnol 25(11):1239–1249
Frisco P, Gheorghe M, Pérez-Jiménez MJ (eds)
variants of SN P systems and their reasoning (2014) Applications of membrane computing in sys-
algorithms are expected to be investigated in con- tems and synthetic biology. Emergence, complexity
nection with more complex fault diagnosis prob- and computation. Springer, Cham
lems, such as online diagnosis, fast fault Gheorghe M, Păun G, Pérez-Jiménez MJ, Rozenberg
G (2013) Research frontiers of membrane computing:
diagnosis, high-precision diagnosis, as well as open problems and research topics. Int J Found Comput
power supply systems for urban rail transit, Sci 24(5):547–624
mechanical fault diagnosis, and power systems Nishida TY (2004) An application of P system: a new
with new energies. Another promising research algorithm for NP-complete optimization problems.
In: Proceedings of the 8th world multi-conference
avenue is the usage of FRSNP models with learn- on systems, cybernetics and informatics, vol 5,
ing abilities. pp 109–112
The future work with respect to the use of Păun G (2000) Computing with membranes. J Comput
P systems in supporting robot controller design Syst Sci 61(1):108–143. also Turku Center for Com-
puter Science Report TUCS 208, Nov 1998
is reported in Zhang et al. (2017): Păun GH (2012) Membrane computing. In: Rozenberg G,
Bäck T, Kok JN (eds) Handbook of natural computing.
1. The design of membrane controllers for more Springer, Berlin, pp 1355–1377
complex behaviors of a larger class of wheeled Păun G, Rozenberg G, Salomaa A (eds) (2010a) The
Oxford handbook of membrane computing. Oxford
robots University Press, Oxford
2. The applicability of numerical P systems to Peng H, Wang J, Pérez-Jiménez MJ, Wang H, Shao J,
other advanced robot control strategies with Wang T (2013) Fuzzy reasoning spiking neural
applications in various engineering areas P system for fault diagnosis. Inf Sci 235:106–116
Wang T, Zhang G, Pérez-Jiménez MJ (2015a) Fuzzy mem-
3. The use of P systems, including numerical brane computing: theory and applications. Int J Comput
P systems, in constructing cognitive and exe- Commun 10:904–935
cutable architectures (planning, learning, exe- Wang T, Zhang G, Zhao J, He Z, Zhao J, Wang J, Pérez-
cution) of autonomous robots, as stated in Buiu Jiménez MJ (2015b) Fault diagnosis of electric
power systems based on fuzzy reasoning spiking
et al. (2012), whereby P systems-based cogni- neural P systems. IEEE T Power Syst 30(3):
tive architectures at higher levels in a control 1182–1194
system can communicate with lower level Wang X, Zhang G, Neri F, Jiang T, Zhao J, Gheorghe M,
membrane controllers Ipate F, Lefticaru R (2015c) Design and implementa-
tion of membrane controllers for trajectory tracking of
nonholonomic wheeled mobile robots. Integr Comput
Acknowledgments The work of G. Zhang was supported Aided Eng 23(1):15–30
by the National Natural Science Foundation of China Zhang G, Cheng J, Gheorghe M, Meng Q (2013) A hybrid
(61373047 and 61672437) and the Research Project of approach based on differential evolution and tissue
Key Laboratory of Fluid and Power Machinery (Xihua membrane systems for solving constrained manufactur-
University), Ministry of Education, P. R. China ing parameter optimization problems. Appl Soft
(JYBFXYQ-1). Comput 13(3):1528–1542
Zhang G, Cheng J, Gheorghe M (2014a)
Dynamic behavior analysis of membrane-inspired
evolutionary algorithms. Int J Comput Commun
Bibliography 9(2):227–242
Zhang G, Gheorghe M, Pan L, Pérez-Jiménez MJ (2014b)
Evolutionary membrane computing: a comprehensive
Primary Literature survey and new results. Inf Sci 279:528–551
Bartocci E, Lió (2016) Computational modeling, formal Zhang G, Rong H, Neri F, Pérez-Jiménez MJ (2014c) An
analysis, and tools for systems biology. PLoS Comput optimization spiking neural P system for approximately
Biol 21(1):e1004,591 solving combinatorial optimization problems. Int
Buiu C, Vasile CI, Arsene O (2012) Development of mem- J Neural Syst 24(5):1–16
brane controllers for mobile robots. Inf Sci 187:33–51 Zhang G, Pérez-Jiménez MJ, Gheorghe M (2017) Real-life
Ciobanu G, Păun Gh, Pérez-Jiménez MJ (eds) applications with membrane computing. Emergence,
(2006) Applications of membrane computing. Natural complexity and computation. Springer, Cham
computing series. Springer, Berlin
548 Applications of P Systems

Books and Reviews simulator for P systems with symport/antiport rules.

del Amor MAM, García-Quismondo M, Macías-Ramos Fundam Inform 139(2):211–227
LF, Valencia-Cabrera L, Nez ARN, Pérez-Jiménez MJ Manca V (2013) Infobiotics – information in biotic sys-
(2015) Simulating P systems on GPU devices: a survey. tems. Emergence, complexity and computation.
Fundam Inform 136(3):269–284 Springer, Heidelberg
Dinneen MJ, Kim YB, Nicolescu R (2012) Faster synchro- Nicolescu R, Ipate F, Wu H (2013) Programming
nization in P systems. Nat Comput 11(1):107–115 P systems with complex objects. In: Alhazov A,
Freund R, Păun G, Rozenberg G, Salomaa A (eds) Cojocaru S, Gheorghe M, Rogohzin Y, Rozenberg G,
(2006) Membrane computing, 6th international work- Salomaa A (eds) Membrane computing, international
shop, WMC 2005, Vienna, 18–21 July 2005, Revised conference, CMC 2013, Chişninău, 20–23 Aug 2013,
selected and invited papers, Lecture notes in computer Revised papers, Springer, Lecture notes in computer
science, vol 3850, Springer science, vol 8340, pp 280–300
Leporati A, Rozenberg G, Salomaa A, Zandron C (eds) Păun GH, Pérez-Jiménez MJ, Riscos-Núñez A,
(2017) Membrane computing – 17th international con- Rozenberg G, Salomaa A (eds) (2010b) Membrane
ference, CMC 2016, Milan, 25–29 July 2016, Revised computing, 10th international workshop, WMC 2009,
selected papers, Lecture notes in computer science, Curtea de Arges, 24–27 Aug 2009. Revised selected
vol 10105, Springer and invited papers, Lecture notes in computer science,
Macías-Ramos LF, Valencia-Cabrera L, Song B, Song T, vol 5957, Springer
Pan L, Pérez-Jiménez MJ (2015) A P_Lingua based
Bees-inspired algorithms Bees-inspired algo-
Social Algorithms rithms are a class of algorithms for optimiza-
tion using the foraging characteristics of
Xin-She Yang honeybees and their labor division to carry
School of Science and Technology, Middlesex out search. Pheromone may also be used in
University, London, UK some variants of bees-inspired algorithms.
Department of Engineering, University of Cuckoo search Cuckoo search (CS) is an opti-
Cambridge, Cambridge, UK mization algorithm that mimics the brood par-
asitism of some cuckoo species. A solution to a
problem is considered as an egg laid by a
Article Outline cuckoo. The evolution of solutions is carried
out by Lévy flights and the similarity of solu-
Glossary tions controlled by a switch probability.
Introduction Firefly algorithm Firefly algorithm is an optimi-
Algorithms and Optimization zation inspired by the flashing patterns of trop-
Social Algorithms ical fireflies. The location of a firefly is
Algorithm Analysis and Insight equivalent to a solution vector to a problem,
Future Directions and the evolution of fireflies follows a non-
Bibliography linear equation to simulate the attraction
between fireflies of different brightness that is
linked to the objective landscape of the
Glossary problem.
Metaheuristic Metaheuristic or metaheuristic
Algorithm An algorithm is a step-by-step, com- algorithms are a class of optimization algo-
putational procedure or a set of rules to be rithms designed by drawing inspiration from
followed by a computer in calculations or com- nature. They are thus mostly nature-inspired
puting an answer to a problem. algorithms, and examples of such meta-
Ant colony optimization Ant colony optimiza- heuristic algorithms are ant colony optimiza-
tion (ACO) is an algorithm for solving optimiza- tion, firefly algorithm, and particle swarm
tion problems such as routing problems using optimization. These algorithms are often
multiple agents. ACO mimics the local interac- swarm intelligence–based algorithms.
tions of social ant colonies and the use of chem- Nature-inspired algorithms Nature-inspired
ical messenger – pheromone to mark paths. No algorithms are a much wider class of algo-
centralized control is used and the system evolves rithms that have been developed by drawing
according to simple local interaction rules. inspiration from nature. These algorithms are
Bat algorithm Bat algorithm (BA) is an almost all population-based algorithms. For
algorithm for optimization, which uses example, ant colony optimization, bat algo-
frequency-tuning to mimic the basic behav- rithm, cuckoo search, and particle swarm opti-
ior of echolocation of microbats. BA also mization are all nature-inspired algorithms.
uses the variations of loudness and pulse Nature-inspired computation Nature-inspired
emission rates and a solution vector to a computation is an area of computer science,
problem corresponds to a position vector of concerning the development and application
a bat in the search space. Evolution of solu- of nature-inspired metaheuristic algorithms
tions follow two algorithmic equations for for optimization, data mining, machine learn-
positions and frequencies. ing, and computational intelligence.
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018 549
A. Adamatzky (ed.), Unconventional Computing,
Originally published in
R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, # Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017
550 Social Algorithms

Objective An objective function is the function where multiple agents interact and exchange
to be optimized in an optimization problem. information, according to simple local rules.
Objective functions are also called cost func- There is no centralized control, and each
tions, loss functions, utility functions, or fitness agent follows local rules such as following
functions. pheromone trail and deposit pheromone.
Optimization Optimization concerns a broad These rules can often expressed as simple
area in mathematics, computer science, opera- dynamic equations and the system then
tions research, and engineering designs. For evolves iteratively. Under certain conditions,
example, mathematical programming or math- emergent behavior such as self-organization
ematical optimization is traditionally an inte- may occur, and the system may show higher-
grated part of operations research. Nowadays, level structures or behavior that is often more
optimization is relevant to almost every area of complex than that of individuals.
sciences and engineering. Optimization prob-
lems are formulated with one or more objective
functions subject to various constraints. Objec- Introduction
tives can be either minimized or maximized,
depending on the formulations. Optimization To find solutions to problems commonly used in
can subdivide into linear programming and science and engineering, algorithms are required.
nonlinear programming. An algorithm is a step-by-step computational
Particle swarm optimization Particle swarm procedure or a set of rules to be followed by a
optimization (PSO) is an optimization algo- computer. One of the oldest algorithms is the
rithm that mimics the basic swarming behavior Euclidean algorithm for finding the greatest com-
of fish and birds. Each particle has a velocity mon divisor (gcd) of two integers such as 12,345
and a position that corresponds to a solution to and 125, and this algorithm was first given in
a problem. The evolution of the particles is detail in Euclid’s Elements about 2300 years ago
governed by two equations with the use of the (Chabert 1999). Modern computing involves a
best solution found in the swarm. large set of different algorithms from fast Fourier
Population-based algorithm A population- transform (FFT) to image processing techniques
based algorithm is an algorithm using a group and from conjugate gradient methods to finite
of multiple agents such as particles, ants, and element methods.
fireflies to carry out search for optimal solu- Optimization problems in particular require
tions. The initialization of the population is specialized optimization techniques, ranging from
usually done randomly and the evolution of the simple Newton-Raphson’s method to more
the population is governed by the main sophisticated simplex methods for linear program-
governing equations in an algorithm in an iter- ming. Modern trends tend to use a combination of
ative manner. All social algorithms are traditional techniques in combination with contem-
population-based algorithms. porary stochastic metaheuristic algorithms, such as
Social algorithms Social algorithms are a class genetic algorithms, firefly algorithm, and particle
of nature-inspired algorithms that use some of swarm optimization.
characteristics of social swarms such as social This work concerns a special class of algo-
insects (e.g., ants, bees, bats, and fireflies) and rithms for solving optimization problems and
reproduction strategies such as cuckoo-host these algorithms fall into a category: social algo-
species coevolution. These algorithms tend to rithms, which can in turn belong to swarm intel-
be swarm intelligence–based algorithms. ligence in general. Social algorithms use multiple
Examples are ant colony optimization, particle agents and the “social” interactions to design rules
swarm optimization, and cuckoo search. for algorithms so that such social algorithms
Swarm intelligence Swarm intelligence is the can mimic certain successful characteristics of
emerging behavior of multiagent systems the social/biological systems, such as ants, bees,
Social Algorithms 551

birds, and animals. Therefore, our focus will The major development in the context of social
solely be on such social algorithms. algorithms started in the 1990s. First, Marco
It is worth pointing out that the social algo- Dorigo developed the ant colony optimization
rithms in the present context do not include the (ACO) in his PhD work (Dorigo 1992), and
algorithms for social media, even though algo- ACO uses the key characteristics of social ants
rithms for social media analysis are sometimes to design procedure for optimization. Local inter-
simply referred to as “social algorithm” (Lazer actions using pheromone and rules are used in
2015). The social algorithms in this work are ACO. Then, in 1995, particle swarm optimization
mainly nature-inspired, population-based algo- was developed by James Kennedy and Russell
rithms for optimization, which share many simi- C. Eberhardt, inspired by the swarming behavior
larities with swarm intelligence. of fish and birds (Kennedy and Eberhart 1995).
Social algorithms belong to a wider class of Though developed in 1997, differential evolution
metaheuristic algorithms. Alan Turing, the pio- (DE) is not a social algorithm; however, DE has
neer of artificial intelligence, was the first to use vectorized mutation which forms a basis for
use heuristic in his Enigma-decoding work during many later algorithms (Storn and Price 1997).
the Second World War and connectionism (the Another interesting development is that no-
essence of neural networks) as outlined in his free-lunch (NFL) theorems was proved in 1997
National Physical Laboratory report Intelligent by D.H. Wolpert and W.G. Macready, which had
Machinery (Turing 1948). much impact in the optimization and machine
The initiation of nondeterministic algorithms learning communities (Wolpert and Macready
was in the 1960s when evolutionary strategy and 1997). This basically dashed the dreams for
genetic algorithm started to appear, which finding the best algorithms for all problems
attempted to simulate the key feature of Darwin- because NFL theorems state that all algorithms
ian evolution of biological systems. For example, are equally effective if measured in terms of aver-
genetic algorithm (GA) was developed by John aged performance for all possible problems.
Holland in the 1960s (Holland 1975), which uses Then, researchers realized that the performance
crossover, mutation, and selection as basic genetic and efficiency in practice are not measured by
operators for algorithm operations. At about the averaging over all possible problems. Instead,
same period, Ingo Recehberg and H. P. Schwefel, we are more concerned with a particular class
developed the evolutionary strategy for construct- of problems in a particular discipline, and there
ing automatic experimenter using simple rules of is no need to use an algorithm to solve all possi-
mutation and selection, though crossover was not ble problems. Consequently, for a finite set of
used. In around 1966, L. J. Fogel and colleagues problems and for a given few algorithms, empir-
used simulated evolution as a learning tool to ical observations and experience suggest that
study artificial intelligence, which leads to the some algorithms can perform better than others.
development of evolutionary programming. All For example, algorithms that can use problem-
these algorithms now evolved into a much wider specific knowledge such as convexity can be
discipline, called evolutionary algorithms or evo- more efficient than random search. Therefore,
lutionary computation (Fogel et al. 1966). further research should identify the types of prob-
Then, simulated annealing was developed in lems that a given algorithm can solve, or the most
1983 by Kirkpatrick et al. (1983), which simu- suitable algorithms for a given type of problems.
lated the annealing process of metals for the Thus, research resumes and continues, just with a
optimization purpose, and the Tabu search was different emphasis and from different perspectives.
developed by Fred Glover in 1986 (Glover 1986) At the turn of this century, the developments
that uses memory and history to enhance the of social algorithms became more active. In
search efficiency. In fact, it was Fred Glover 2004, a honeybee algorithm for optimizing
who coined the word “metaheuristic” in his Internet hosting centers was developed by
1986 paper. Sunil Nakrani and Craig Tovey (2004). In
552 Social Algorithms

2005, Pham et al. (2005) developed the bees As the focus of this work is on social algo-
algorithm, and the virtual bee algorithm was rithms, we will now explain some of the social
developed by Xin-She Yang in 2005 (Yang algorithms in greater details.
2005). About the same time, the artificial bee
colony (ABC) algorithm was developed by
Karaboga in 2005 (Karaboga 2005). All these Algorithms and Optimization
algorithms are bee-based algorithms and they
all use some (but different) aspects of the forag- In order to demonstrate the role of social algo-
ing behavior of social bees. rithms in solving optimization problems, let us
Then, in late 2007 and early 2008, the firefly first briefly outline the essence of an algorithm
algorithm (FA) was developed by Xin-She Yang, and the general formulation of an optimization
inspired by the flashing behavior of tropic firefly problem.
species (Yang 2008). The attraction mechanism,
together with the variation of light intensity, was Essence of an Algorithm
used to produce a nonlinear algorithm that can deal An algorithm is a computational, iterative proce-
with multimodal optimization problems. In 2009, dure. For example, Newton’s method for finding the
cuckoo search (CS) was developed by Xin-She roots of a polynomial p(x) = 0 can be written as
Yang and Suash Deb, inspired by the brood para-
sitism of the reproduction strategies of some cuckoo pð x t Þ
xtþ1 ¼ xt  , (1)
species (Yang and Deb 2009). This algorithm sim- p0 ð x t Þ
ulated partly the complex social interactions of
cuckoo-host species coevolution. Then, in 2010, where xt is the approximation at iteration t, and
the bat algorithm (BA) was developed by Xin-She p0 (x) is the first derivative of p(x). This procedure
Yang, inspired by the echolocation characterisitics typically starts with an initial guess x0 at t = 0.
of microbats (Yang 2010b), and uses frequency- In most cases, as along as p0 6¼ 0 and x0 is not
tuning in combination with the variations of loud- too far away from the target solution, this algo-
ness and pulse emission rates during foraging. All rithm can work very well. As we do not know
these algorithms are can be considered as social the target solution x = limt!1 xt in advance,
algorithms because they use the “social” interac- the initial guess can be an educated guess or a
tions and their biologically inspired rules. purely random guess. However, if the initial guess
There are other algorithms developed in the is too far way, the algorithm may never reach the
last two decades, but they are not social algo- final solution or simply fail. For example, for
rithms. For example, harmony search is a p(x) = x2 + 9x  10 = (x  1) (x + 10), we
music-inspired algorithm (Geem et al. 2001), know its roots are x = 1 and x = 10. We also
while gravitational search algorithm (GSA) is have p0 (x) = 2x + 9 and
a physics-inspired algorithm (Rashedi et al.
2009). In addition, flower pollination algorithm x2t þ 9xt  10
xtþ1 ¼ xt  : (2)
(FPA) is an algorithm inspired by the pollination 2xt þ 9
features of flowering plants (Yang 2012) with
promising applications (Yang et al. 2014; If we start from x0 = 10, we can easily reach
Rodrigues et al. 2016). All these algorithms x = 1 in less than five iterations. If we use
are population-based algorithm, but they do x0 = 100, it may take about eight iterations,
not strictly belong in swarm intelligence–based depending on the accuracy we want. If we start
or social algorithms. A wider range of applica- any value x0 > 0, we can only reach x = 1 and we
tions of nature-inspired algorithms can be found will never reach the other root x = 10. If we
in the recent literature (Yang et al. 2015; Yang and start with x0 = 5, we can reach x = 10 in
Papa 2016; Yang 2018). about seven steps with an accuracy of 109.
Social Algorithms 553

However, if we start with x0 = 4.5, the algorithm subject to

will simply fail because p0 (x0) = 2x0 + 9 = 0.
This has clearly demonstrated that the final hi ðxÞ ¼ 0, ði ¼ 1, 2, . . . , MÞ, gj ðxÞ  0,
solution will usually depend on where the initial ðj ¼ 1, 2, . . . N Þ,
solution is.
This method can be modified to solve optimi- where hi and gj are the equality constraints
zation problems. For example, for a single objec- and inequality constraints, respectively. In a spe-
tive function f(x), the minimal and maximal values cial case when the problem functions f(x), hi(x),
should occur at stationary points f0 (x) = 0, which and gj (x) are all linear, the problem becomes
becomes a root-finding problem for f0 (x). Thus, linear programming, which can be solved effi-
the maximum or minimum of f(x) can be found by ciently by using George Dantzig’s Simplex
modifying Newton’s method as the following iter- Method. However, in most cases, the problem
ative formula: functions f(x), hi(x), and gj(x) are all nonlinear,
and such nonlinear optimization problems can
f 0 ðx t Þ be challenging to solve. There are a wide class
xtþ1 ¼ xt  : (3)
f 00 ðxt Þ of optimization techniques, including linear pro-
gramming, quadratic programming, convex opti-
For a D-dimensional problem with an objec- mization, interior-point method, trust-region
tive f(x) with independent variables x = (x1, x2, method, conjugate-gradient methods (Süli and
. . ., xD), the above iteration formula can be gener- Mayer 2003; Yang 2010c) as well as evolution-
alized to a vector form ary algorithms (Goldberg 1989), heuristics
(Judea 1984), and metaheuristics (Yang 2008,
∇f ðxt Þ 2014b).
xtþ1 ¼ xt  , (4) An interesting way of looking at algorithms
∇2 f ðxt Þ
and optimization is to consider an algorithm sys-
where we have used the notation convention xt to tem as a complex, self-organized system (Ashby
denote the current solution vector at iteration 1962; Keller 2009), but nowadays researchers
t (not to be confused with an exponent). tend to look at algorithms from the point of view
In general, an algorithm A can be written as of swarm intelligence (Kennedy et al. 2001;
Engelbrecht 2005; Fisher 2009; Yang 2014b).
xtþ1 ¼ Aðxt , x , p1 , . . . , pK Þ, (5)
Traditional Algorithms or Social Algorithms?
which represents that fact that the new solution As there are many traditional optimization tech-
vector is a function of the existing solution vec- niques, a natural question is why we need new
tor xt, some historical best solution x during the algorithms such as social algorithms? One may
iteration history, and a set of algorithm- wonder what is wrong with traditional algo-
dependent parameters p1, p2, . . ., pK. The exact rithms? A short answer is that there is nothing
function forms will depend on the algorithm, wrong. Extensive literature and studies have dem-
and different algorithms are only different in onstrated that traditional algorithms work quite
terms of the function form, number of parame- well for many different types of problems, but
ters, and the ways of using historical data. they do have some serious drawbacks:

Optimization • Traditional algorithms are mostly local search,

In general, an optimization problem can be for- there is no guarantee for global optimality for
mulated in a D-dimensional design space as most optimization problems, except for linear
programming and convex optimization. Con-
minimize f ðxÞ, x ¼ ðx1 , x2 , . . . , xD Þ  ℝD , (6) sequently, the final solution will often depend
554 Social Algorithms

on the initial starting points (except for linear Social Algorithms

programming and convex optimization).
• Traditional algorithms tend to be problem- The literature of social algorithms and swarm
specific because they usually use some informa- intelligence is expanding rapidly, here we will
tion such as derivatives about the local objective introduce some of the most recent and widely
landscape. They cannot solve highly nonlinear, used social algorithms.
multimodal problems effectively, and they strug-
gle to cope with problems with discontinuity, Ant Colony Optimization
especially when gradients are needed. Ants are social insects that live together in well-
• These algorithms are largely deterministic, and organized colonies with a population size ranging
thus the exploitation ability is high, but their from about 2 million to 25 million. Ants commu-
exploration ability and diversity of solutions nicate with each other and interact with their envi-
are low. ronment in a swarm using local rules and scent
chemicals or pheromone. There is no centralized
Social algorithms, in contrast, attempts to control. Such a complex system with local inter-
avoid these disadvantages by using a population- actions can self-organize with emerging behavior,
based approach with nondeterministic or stochas- leading to some form of social intelligence.
tic components to enhance their exploration Based on these characteristics, the ant colony
ability. Compared with traditional algorithms, optimization (ACO) was developed by Marco
metaheuristic social algorithm are mainly Dorigo in 1992 (Dorigo 1992), and ACO
designed for global search and tend to have the attempts to mimic the foraging behavior of social
following advantages and characteristics: ants in a colony. Pheromone is deposited by each
agent, and such chemical will also evaporate. The
• Almost all social algorithms are global opti- model for pheromone deposition and evaporation
mizers, it is more likely to find the true global may vary slightly, depend on the variants of
optimality. They are usually gradient-free ACO. However, in most cases, incremental depo-
methods and they do not use any derivative infor- sition and exponential decay are used in the
mation, and thus can deal with highly nonlinear literature.
problems and problems with discontinuities. From the implementation point of view, for
• They often treat problems as a black box with- example, a solution in a network optimization
out specific knowledge, thus they can solve a problem can be a path or route. Ants will explore
wider range of problems. the network paths and deposit pheromone when it
• Stochastic components in such algorithms can moves. The quality of a solution is related to the
increase the exploration ability and also enable pheromone concentration on the path. At the same
the algorithms to escape any local modes (thus time, pheromone will evaporate as (pseudo)time
avoiding being trapped locally). The final solu- increases. At a junction with multiple routes, the
tions tend to “forget” the starting points, and thus probability of choosing a particular route is deter-
independent of any initial guess and incomplete mined by a decision criterion, depending on the
knowledge of the problem under consideration. normalized concentration of the route, and rela-
tive fitness of this route, comparing with all
Though with obvious advantages, social algo- others. For example, in most studies, the proba-
rithms do have some disadvantages. For example, bility pij of choose a route from node i to node
the computational efforts of these algorithms tend j can be calculated by
to be higher than those for traditional algorithms
because more iterations are needed. Due to faij d bij
pij ¼ Pn a b , (8)
the stochastic nature, the final solutions obtained i, j fij d ij
by such algorithms cannot be repeated exactly, and
multiple runs should be carried out to ensure con- where a, b > 0 are the so-called influence param-
sistency and some meaningful statistical analysis. eters, and fij is the pheromone concentration on
Social Algorithms 555

the route between i and j. In addition, dij is the particle has an individual best solution xi by itself
desirability of the route (for example, the distance during the entire past iteration history.
of the overall path). In the simplest case when It is clearly seen that the above algorithmic
a = b = 1, the choice probability is simply pro- equations are linear in the sense that both equation
portional to the pheromone concentration. only depends on xi and vi linearly. PSO has been
It is worth pointing out that ACO is a mixed of applied in many applications, and it has been
procedure and some simple equations such as extended to solve multiobjective optimization
pheromone deposition and evaporation as well problems (Kennedy et al. 2001; Engelbrecht
as the path selection probability. ACO has been 2005). However, there are some drawbacks
applied to many applications from scheduling to because PSO can often have so-called premature
routing problems (Dorigo 1992). convergence when the population loses diversity
and thus gets stuck locally. Consequently, there
are more than 20 different variants to try to rem-
Particle Swarm Optimization edy this with various degrees of improvements.
Many swarms in nature such as fish and birds
can have higher-level behavior, but they all Bees-Inspired Algorithms
obey simple rules. For example, a swarm of Bees such as honeybees live a colony and there
birds such as starlings simply follow three are many subspecies of bees. Honeybees have
basic rules: each bird flies according to the flight three castes, including worker bees, queens, and
velocities of their neighbor birds (usually about drones. The division of labor among bees is inter-
seven adjacent birds), and birds on the edge of esting, and worker bees forage, clean hive, and
the swarm tend to fly into the center of the defense the colony, and they have to collect and
swarm (so as to avoid being eaten by potential store honey. Honeybees communicate by phero-
preditors such as eagles). In addition, birds tend mone and “waggle dance” and other local inter-
to fly to search for food or shelters, thus a short actions, depending on species. Based on the
memory is used. Based on such swarming char- foraging and social interactions of honeybees,
acteristics, particle swarm optimization (PSO) researchers have developed various forms and
was developed by Kennedy and Eberhart in variants of bees-inspired algorithms.
1995, which uses equations to simulate the The first use of bees-inspired algorithms was
swarming characteristics of birds and fish probably by Nakrani and Tovey in 2004 to study
(Kennedy and Eberhart 1995). web-hosting servers (Nakrani and Tovey 2004),
For the ease of discussions below, let us use xi while slightly later in 2004 and early 2005, Yang
and vi to denote the position (solution) and veloc- used the virtual bee algorithm to solve optimiza-
ity, respectively, of a particle or agent i. In PSO, tion problems (Yang 2005). At around the same
there are n particles as a population, thus i = 1, 2, time, Karaboga used the artificial bee colony
. . ., n. There are two equations for updating posi- (ABC) algorithm to carry out numerical optimi-
tions and velocities of particles, and they can be zation (Karaboga 2005). In addition, Pham et al.
written as follows: (2005) used bees algorithm to solve continuous
optimization and function optimization problems.
    In about 2007, Afshar et al. (2007) used a honey-
i ¼ vti þ aϵ1 g  xti þ bϵ2 xi  xti , (9)
bee mating optimization approach for optimizing
reservoir operations.
i ¼ xti þ vtþ1
i , (10)
For example, in ABC, the bees are divided into
three groups: forager bees, onlooker bees, and
where ϵ 1 and ϵ 2 are two uniformly distributed scouts. For each food source, there is one forager
random numbers in [0,1]. The learning parameters bee who shares information with onlooker bees
a and b are usually in the range of [0,2]. In the after returning to the colony from foraging, and
above equations, g is the best solution found so the number of forager bees is equal to the number
far by all the particles in the population, and each of food sources. Scout bees do random flight to
556 Social Algorithms

explore, while a forager at a scarce food source variations of pulse emission rate r and loudness
may have to be forced to become a scout bee. The A to control exploration and exploitation. In the
generation of a new solution vi,k is done by bat algorithm, main algorithmic equations for
position xi and velocity vi for bat i are
vi, k ¼ xi, k þ f xi, k  xj, k , (11)
f i ¼ f min þ ðf max  f min Þb, (13)
which is updated for each dimension k = 1, 2, . . .,  
D for different solutions (e.g., i and j) in a popu- vti ¼ vt1
i þ xt1
i  x f i , (14)
lation of n bees (i, j = 1, 2, . . ., n). Here, f is a
random number in [1,1]. A food source is cho- xti ¼ xt1
i þ vti , (15)
sen by a roulette-based probability criterion, while
a scout bee uses a Monte Carlo style randomiza- where b  [0, 1] is a random vector drawn from a
tion between the lower bound (L) and the upper uniform distribution so that the frequency can
bound (U). vary from fmin to fmax. Here, x is the current best
solution found so far by all the virtual bats.
xi, k ¼ Lk þ r ðU k  Lk Þ, (12) From the above equations, we can see that both
equations are linear in terms of xi and vi. But, the
where k = 1, 2, . . ., D, and r is a uniformly control of exploration and exploitation is carried
distributed random number in [0,1]. out by the variations of loudness A(t) from a high
Bees-inspired algorithms have been applied value to a lower value and the emission rate r from
in many applications with diverse characteris- a lower value to a higher value. That is
tics and variants (Pham et al. 2005; Karaboga
2005). Atþ1
i ¼ aAti , r tþ1
i ¼ r 0i ð1  egt Þ, (16)

where 0 < a < 1 and g > 0 are two parameters. As

Bat Algorithm a result, the actual algorithm can have a weak
Bats are the only mammals with wings, and it is nonlinearity. Consequently, BA can have a faster
estimated that there are about 1000 different bat convergence rate in comparison with PSO. BA
species. Their sizes can range from tiny bumble- has been extended to multiobjective optimization
bee bats to giant bats. Most bat species use echo- and hybrid versions (Yang 2011, 2014b).
location to a certain degree, though microbats
extensively use echolocation for foraging and
navigation. Microbats emit a series of loud, ultra- Firefly Algorithm
sonic sound pules and listen their echoes to “see” There are about 2000 species of fireflies and most
their surrounding. The pulse properties vary and species produce short, rhythmic flashes by biolu-
correlate with their hunting strategies. Depending minescence. Each species can have different
on the species, pulse emission rates will increase flashing patterns and rhythms, and one of the
when homing for prey with frequency-modulated main functions of such flashing light acts as a
short pulses (thus varying wavelengths to increase signaling system to communicate with other fire-
the detection resolution). Each pusle may last flies. As light intensity in the night sky decreases
about 5–20 milliseconds with a frequency range as the distance from the flashing source increases,
of 25–150 kHz, and the spatial resolution can be the range of visibility can be typically a few hun-
as small as a few millimetres, comparable to the dred metres, depending on weather conditions.
size of insects they hunt. The attractiveness of a firefly is usually linked to
Bat algorithm (BA), developed by Xin-She the brightness of its flashes and the timing accu-
Yang in 2010, uses some characteristics of racy of its flashing patterns.
frequency-tuning and echolocation of microbats Based on the above characteristics, Xin-She
(Yang 2010b, Yang 2011). It also uses the Yang developed in 2008 the firefly algorithm
Social Algorithms 557

(FA) (Yang 2008, 2010a). FA uses a nonlinear Therefore, a good value of g should be linked to
system by combing the exponential decay of the scale or limits of the design variables so that
light absorption and inverse-square law of light the fireflies within a range are visible to each
variation with distance. In the FA, the main algo- other. This range is determined by
rithmic equation for the position xi (as a solution
vector to a problem) is 1
L ¼ pffiffiffi , (19)
i ¼ xti þ b0 eg rij xtj  xti þ a ϵti , (17)
where L the typical size of the search domain or
the radius of a typical mode shape in the objective
where a is a scaling factor controlling the step sizes landscape. If there is no prior knowledge about its
of the random walks, while g is a scale-dependent possible scale, we can start with g = 1 for most
parameter controlling the visibility of the fireflies problems.
(and thus search modes). In addition, b0 is the
attractiveness constant when the distance between
two fireflies is zero (i.e., rij = 0). This system is a Algorithm 1 Firefly Algorithm
nonlinear system, which may lead to rich charac- Initialize all the parameters a, b, g, n;
teristics in terms of algorithmic behaviour. Initialize a population of n firefies;
Since the brightness of a firefly is associated Determine the light intensity/fitness at xi
with the objective landscape with its position as by f(xi);
the indicator, the attractiveness of a firefly seen by
others, depending on their relative positions and while t < MaxGeneration do
relative brightness. Thus, the beauty is in the eye for All fireflies (i = 1 : n) do
of the beholder. Consequently, a pair comparison for All other fireflies (j = 1 : n)
is needed for comparing all fireflies. The main with i 6¼ j (inner loop) do
steps of FA can be summarized as the pseudocode if Firefly j is better/brighter
in Algorithm 1. than i then
Move firefly i toward j using
It is worth pointing out that a is a parameter
Eq. 17;
controlling the strength of the randomness or
perturbations in FA. The randomness should be
gradually reduced to speed up the overall conver-
Evaluate the new solution;
gence. Therefore, we can use
Accept the new solution if better;
a ¼ a0 dt , (18) Rank and update the best solution
where a0 is the initial value and 0 < d < 1 is a Update iteration counter t t + 1;
reduction factor. In most cases, we can use Reduce a (randomness strength) by a
d = 0.9–0.99, depending on the type of problems factor;
and the desired quality of solutions. end
If we look at Eq. 17 closely, we can see that g is
an important scaling parameter. At one extreme, In fact, since FA is a nonlinear system, it has the
we can set g = 0, which means that there is no ability to automatically subdivide the whole
exponential decay and thus the visibility is very swarm into multiple subswarms. This is because
high (all fireflies can see each other). At the other shortdistance attraction is stronger than long-
extreme, when g  1, then the visibility range is distance attraction, and the division of swarm is
very short. Fireflies are essentially flying in a related to the mean range of attractiveness varia-
dense fog and they cannot see each other. Thus, tions. After division into multiswarms, each sub-
each firefly flies independently and randomly. swarm can potentially swarm around a local
558 Social Algorithms

mode. Consequently, FA is naturally suitable for xtþ1 ¼ x þ  ð  ϵÞ  x  x k , (20)
t t t
i i as H p a j
multimodal optimization problems. Furthermore,
there is no explicit use of the best solution g, thus
selection is through the comparison of relative where xtj and xtk are two different solutions selected
brightness according to the rule of ‘beauty is in randomly by random permutation, H(u) is a Heav-
the eye of the beholder’. iside function, ϵ is a random number drawn from a
It is worth pointing out that FA has some uniform distribution, and s is the step size. This
significant differences from PSO. Firstly, FA is step is primarily local, though it can become
nonlinear, while PSO is linear. Secondly, FA has global search if s is large enough. However, the
an ability of multiswarming, while PSO cannot. main global search mechanism is realized by the
Thirdly, PSO uses velocities (and thus have some other equation with Lévy flights:
drawbacks), while FA does not use velocities.
Finally, FA has some scaling control by using g, xtþ1
i ¼ xti þ aLðs, lÞ, (21)
while PSO has no scaling control. All these
differences enable FA to search the design spaces where the Lévy flights are simulated (or drawn
more effectively for multimodal objective random numbers) by drawing random numbers
landscapes. from a Lévy distribution
FA has been applied to a diverse range of
applications and has been extended to multi- lGðlÞ sin ðpl=2Þ 1
Lðs, lÞ  , ðs  0Þ:
objective optimization and hybridization with p s1þl
other algorithms (Yang 2014a, b). (22)

Cuckoo Search Here a > 0 is the step size scaling factor.

In the natural world, among 141 cuckoo species, By looking at the equations in CS carefully, we
59 species engage the so-called obligate brood can clearly see that CS is a nonlinear system due to
parasitism (Davies 2011). These cuckoo species the Heaviside function, discovery probability, and
do not build their own nests and they lay eggs in Lévy flights. There is no explicit use of global best
the nests of host birds such as warblers. Some- g, but selection of the best solutions is by ranking
times, host birds can spot the alien eggs laid by and elitism where the current best is passed onto the
cuckoos and thus can get rid of the eggs or aban- next generation. In addition, the use of Lévy flights
don the nest by flying away to build a new nest in a can enhance the search capability because a fraction
new location so as to reduce the possibility of of steps generated by Lévy flights are larger than
raising an alien cuckoo chick. The eggs of those used in Gaussian. Thus, the search steps in CS
cuckoos can be sufficiently similar to eggs of are heavytailed (Pavlyukevich 2007; Reynolds and
host birds in terms the size, color, and texture so Rhodes 2009). Consequently, CS can be very effec-
as to increase the survival probability of cuckoo tive for nonlinear optimization problems and multi-
eggs. In reality, about 1/5 to 1/4 of eggs laid by objective optimization (Yang and Deb 2010;
cuckoos will be discovered and abandoned by Gandomi et al. 2013; Yang and Deb 2013; Yang
hosts. In fact, there is an arms race between 2014a; Yildiz 2013). A relatively comprehensive
cuckoo species and host species, forming an inter- literature review of cuckoo search has been carried
esting cuckoo-host species coevolution system. out by Yang and Deb (2014).
Based the above characteristics, Yang and
Deb developed in 2009 the cuckoo search (CS) Other Algorithms
algorithm (Yang and Deb 2009). CS uses a com- As we mentioned earlier, the literature is expanding
bination of both local and global search capabili- and more social algorithms are being developed by
ties, controlled by a discovery probability pa. researchers, but we will not introduce more algo-
There are two algorithmic equations in CS, and rithms here. Instead, we will focus on summarizing
one equation is the key characteristics of social algorithms and
Social Algorithms 559

other population-based algorithms so as to gain a Social Algorithms, Table 1 Characteristics and proper-
deeper understanding of these algorithms. ties of social algorithms.
Components/ Role or properties
Algorithm Analysis and Insight
Population Diversity and sampling
Characteristics of Social Algorithms Randomization/ Exploration and escape local
Though different social algorithms have different perturbations optima
characteristics and inspiration from nature, they Selection and Exploitation and driving force
do share some common features. Now let us look elitism for convergence
at these algorithms in terms of their basic steps, Algorithmic Iterative evolution of solutions
search characteristics and algorithm dynamics.

• All social algorithms use a population of mul-

tiple agents (e.g., particles, ants, bats, cuckoos, No-Free-Lunch Theorems
fireflies, bees, etc.), each agent corresponds to Though there are many algorithms in the litera-
a solution vector. Among the population, there ture, different algorithms can have different
is often the best solution g in terms of objec- advantages and disadvantages and thus some
tive fitness. Different solutions in a population algorithms are more suitable to solve certain
represent both diversity and different fitness. types of problems than others. However, it is
• The evolution of the population is often worth pointing out that there is no single algo-
achieved by some operators (e.g., mutation by rithm that can be most efficient to solve all types
a vector or by randomization), often in terms of of problems as dictated by the no-free-lunch
some algorithmic formulas or equations. Such (NFL) theorems (Wolpert and Macready 1997).
evolution is typically iterative, leading to evo- Even the no-free-lunch theorems hold under cer-
lution of solutions with different properties. tain conditions, but these conditions may not be
When all solutions become sufficiently similar, rigorously true for actual algorithms. For exam-
the system can be considered as converged. ple, one condition for proving these theorems is
• All algorithms try to carry out some sort of the so-called no-revisiting condition. That is, the
both local and global search. If the search is points during iterations form a path, and these
mainly local, it increases the probability of points are distinct and will not be visited exactly
getting stuck locally. If the search focuses too again, though their nearby neighborhood can be
much on global moves, it will slow down the revisited. This condition is not strictly valid
convergence. Different algorithms may use because almost all algorithms for continuous opti-
different amount of randomization and differ- mization will revisit some of their points in his-
ent portion of moves for local or global search tory. Such minor violation of assumptions can
so as to balance exploitation and exploration potentially leave room for free lunches. It has
(Blum and Roli 2001). also been shown that under the right conditions
• Selection of the better or best solutions is car- such as coevolution, certain algorithms can be
ried out by the “survival of the fittest” or sim- more effective (Wolpert and Macready 2005).
ply elitism so that the best solution g is kept in In addition, a comprehensive review by
the population in the next generation. Such T. Joyce and J.M. Herrmann on no-free-lunch
selection essentially acts a driving force to (NFL) theorems (Joyce and Herrmann 2018),
drive the diverse population into a converged free lunches may exist for a finite set of problems,
population with reduced diversity but with a especially those algorithms that can exploit the
more organized structure. objective landscape structure and knowledge of
optimization problems to be solved. If the perfor-
These basic components, characteristics, and mance is not averaged over all possible problems,
their properties can be summarized in Table 1. then free lunches can exist. In fact, for a given
560 Social Algorithms

finite set of problems and a finite set of algorithms, error in combination with the empirical obser-
the comparison is essentially equivalent to a zero- vations. How to tune them quickly and auto-
sum ranking problem. In this case, some algorithms matically is still an open question.
can perform better than others for solving a certain • Large-scale applications: Despite the success
type of problems. In fact, almost all research papers of social algorithms and their diverse applica-
published about comparison of algorithms use a tions, most studies in the literature have
few algorithms and a finite set (usually under concerned problems of moderate size with the
100 benchmarks), such comparisons are essentially number of variables up to a few hundred at
ranking. However, it is worth pointing out that for a most. In real-world applications, there may be
finite set of benchmarks, the conclusions (e.g., thousands and even millions of design vari-
ranking) obtained can only apply for that set of ables, it is not clear yet how these algorithms
benchmarks, they may not be valid for other sets can be scaled up to solve such large-scale
of benchmarks and the conclusions can be signifi- problems. In addition, though social algo-
cantly different. If interpreted in this sense, such rithms have been applied to solve combinato-
comparison studies and their conclusions are con- rial problems such as scheduling and the
sistent with NFL theorems. travelling salesman problem with promising
results, these problems are typically non-
deterministic polynomial-time (NP) hard, and
Future Directions thus for larger problem sizes, they can be very
challenging to solve. Researchers are not sure
The research area of social algorithms is very how to modify exist social algorithms to cope
active, and there are many hot topics for further with such challenges.
research directions concerning these algorithms. • Hybrid and coevolutionary algorithms: The
Here we highlight a few: algorithms we have covered here are algo-
rithms that are “pure” and “standard” in the
• Theoretical framework: Though there are sense that they have not been heavily modified
many studies concerning the implementations by hybridizing with others. Both empirical
and applications of social algorithms, mathe- observations and studies show that the combi-
matical analysis of such algorithms lag behind. nation of the advantages from two or more
There is a strong need to build a theoretical different algorithms can produce a better
framework to analyze these algorithms mathe- hybrid, which can use the distinct advantages
matically so as to gain indepth understanding of its component algorithms and potentially
(He et al. 2017). For example, it is not clear avoid their drawbacks. In addition, it is possi-
how local rules can lead to the rise of self- ble to build a proper algorithm system to allow
organized structure in algorithms. More gener- a few algorithms to coevolve to obtain an over-
ally, it still lacks key understanding about the all better performance.
rise of social intelligence and swarm intelli-
gence in a multi-agent system and their exact Though NFL theorems may hold for simple
conditions. algorithms, it has been shown that there can be
• Parameter tuning: Almost all algorithms free lunches for coevolutionary algorithms
have algorithm-dependent parameters, and the (Wolpert and Macready 2005). Therefore, future
performance of an algorithm is largely in- research can focus on figuring out how to assem-
fluenced by its parameter setting. Some param- ble different algorithms into an efficient coevolu-
eters may have stronger influence than others tionary system and then tune the system to its best.
(Eiben and Smit 2011). Therefore, proper
parameter tuning and sensitivity analysis are • Self-adaptive and self-evolving algorithms:
needed to tune algorithms to their best. How- Sometimes, the parameters in an algorithm can
ever, such tuning is largely done by trial and vary to suit for different types of problems. In
Social Algorithms 561

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Springer, New York tation: theory and applications. Elsevier, London
Traveling Salesman Problem An NP-problem
Cellular Ants Computing where, providing a list of nodes and their cor-
relation, the shortest possible route is defined.
Konstantinos Ioannidis and
Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis Definition of the Subject
School of Engineering, Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Democritus As the community encounters novel computing
University of Thrace (DUTh), Xanthi, Greece environments that offer new opportunities while
posing new challenges, it is reasonable to
seek inspiration from natural analogues of these
Article Outline environments. Following this research trend,
much attention was given to bio-inspired tech-
Glossary niques, which have been proven capable of
Definition of the Subject successfully handling complex algorithmic prob-
Introduction lems. As such, Ant Colony Optimization (ACO)
Cellular Automata Fundamentals algorithms have been introduced as a meta-
Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms heuristic optimization technique originating
Principles and Applications of Cellular Ants from the swarm intelligence research field. In
Future Directions addition, many decades ago, Cellular Automata
Bibliography (CA) have been proposed as a powerful parallel
computational tool aiming at modeling biologi-
cal systems. Exploiting a CA as a basis and
Glossary introducing the fundamental principles of ACO,
an unconventional computational model results
Artificial Intelligence The study of “intelligent taking advantage of their common prominent
devices” which perceive their environment and features, such as simplicity, locality, and self-
act to maximize the possibility of their success organization. Cellular ants have been proposed
at some goal. to overcome many computational and algorith-
Classification A general process related to cate- mic issues providing efficient solutions in the
gorization where ideas and objects are recog- fields of clustering and swarm robotics among
nized, differentiated, and understood. others.
Clustering The process of partitioning a
dataset into specific meaningful subsets, by
categorizing or grouping similar data items Introduction
Dynamic System A system in which a function CA is a discrete, spatially explicit extended
describes the time dependence of a point in a dynamic system characterized by a simple struc-
geometrical space. ture. It is composed of individual elements, called
Field-Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) An cells, which evolve in discrete time steps
integrated circuit designed to be configured by according to a common local transition rules.
a customer or a designer after manufacturing. CA were originally introduced by John von Neu-
Swarm Intelligence The collective behavior of mann (1966) and his colleague Stanislaw
decentralized, self-organized systems, natural Ulam (1952).
or artificial. The concept is employed in work CA have sufficient expressive dynamics to
on artificial intelligence. represent phenomena of arbitrary complexity,
# Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018 565
A. Adamatzky (ed.), Unconventional Computing,
Originally published in
R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, # Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017
566 Cellular Ants Computing

while they can be simulated exactly by digital classification (Martens et al. 2007), communi-
computers, due to their intrinsic discreteness, cation networks (Di Caro and Dorigo
i.e., the topology of the simulated object is 1998), etc.
reproduced in the simulating device (Vichniac The combination of these two nature inspired
1984). The CA approach is consistent with the computation techniques advantages of their
modern notion of unified space-time. In com- common prominent features, like simplicity,
puter science, space corresponds to memory and locality, and self-organization. The cellular
time to the processing unit. In CA, memory model for parallel ACO comprises a generic
(CA cell state) and processing unit (CA local proposal following the cellular model for paral-
rule) are strictly related to a CA cell (Sirakoulis lel evolutionary algorithms. In addition, it dis-
et al. 2003). Moreover, CA are an alternative to plays major alterations compared to similar
partial differential equations (Omohundro 1984; cellular-like models such as hardware parallel
Toffoli 1984), and they can efficiently process ACOs using processing arrays (Merkle and
complex boundary and initial conditions, inho- Middendorf 2002) or FPGAs (Scheuermann
mogeneities, and anisotropies (Sirakoulis et al. et al. 2004). This differentiation exists mainly
2000). Algorithms based on CA exploit their due to the application of a cellular automata
inherit parallelism to execute their processes model (Albuquerque and Dupuis 2002) but
faster on digital computers and could be appro- without introducing a parallel implementation.
priate for implementation on dedicated mas- In addition, various alterations of such combi-
sively parallel computers, such as the Cellular nations have also been reported like defining
Automaton Machine (CAM) (Toffoli and CA transition rules using ACO algorithms
Margolus 1987). (Yang et al. 2012), adapting CA locality for
On the other hand, artificial ACO was based stigmergy (Li et al. 2011), etc. Most of these
on the behavior of ants to solve initially the approaches combine both AI methods in an
shortest path problem when seeking food with- opposite approach (adopt CA features in ACO
out the use of visual information (Dorigo et al. approaches) leading to sequential processes
1996). To exchange information about which forfeiting the inherit parallelism.
path should be followed, ants communicate Cellular ants aim to provide a framework of
with each other using pheromones, which are solutions, which incorporate the benefits of both
unique to ants. Pheromones are detected by artificial intelligence methods, on one hand, the
moving ants to drive their motion; nonetheless, inherit parallelism and simplicity of the CA and,
they display a specific evaporation rate. on the other hand, the effectiveness of ACO in
When the population of ants following a spe- computing optimized solutions. Such models
cific path is increased, the amount of the depos- where a single colony is structured in small neigh-
ited pheromones is also increased, resulting in a borhoods with limited interactions are in line with
higher probability for other ants to follow this the most widely accepted categories of parallel
route. evolutionary algorithms (Cantu-Paz 2000; Alba
Essentially, the ACO algorithms are a col- and Tomassini 2002). Current applications that
ony of artificial ants or cooperative agents, benefit from cellular ants display a wide diversity
designed to solve combinatorial optimization including clustering (Bitsakidis et al. 2015),
problems. These algorithms are probabilistic robotics (Rosenberg 2008), network design (Liu
in nature since local minima entrapment could et al. 2008), etc.
be avoided, and, thus, they can provide efficient The rest of the chapter includes the CA and
solutions similar to the corresponding natural ACO fundamentals as well as details about their
solutions. ACO algorithms are extensively uti- adaptation in specific applications. Finally, future
lized in a variety of applications such as the directions will address the potential impacts of the
travel salesman problem (Dorigo et al. 1996), cellular ants on the development of specific
image retrieval (Konstantinidis et al. 2009), research fields.
Cellular Ants Computing 567

Cellular Automata Fundamentals ðxi, yiÞ ¼ fðx, yÞ : jx  xi j þ jy  yi j  r g (1)


CA can be considered as dynamical systems in

ðxi, yiÞ ¼ fðx, yÞ : jx  xi j  r, jy  yi j  r g
which space and time are discrete and interactions
are local. In general, a CA is divided into a num- (2)
ber of identical entities, which display local con-
where xi and yi correspond to the coordinates in
nectivity arranged on a regular array. A finite CA
the lattice of a given cell and r the range of the
is usually defined by the quadruple A = (Sd, Q, N,
applied neighborhood. A pictorial representation
d) where:
of both types of range equal to one is provided in
Fig. 1.
• A represents the CA.
The transition set of rules d determines how
• Sd denotes the space where cells are
every cell updates its state at each evolution step.
The state of every cell is affected only by its
• Q represents the set of states based on which
current state and the states of its adjacent cells,
every cell is marked.
based on the applied transition rules. It should be
• N defines the utilized type of neighborhood
highlighted that every cell of the lattice updates its
8z  Sd, N(z)  Sd.
state simultaneously, providing an inherent paral-
• d indicates a rule of states transition which
lel system. As, for example, considering that the
conducts the cells to transit from one state to
transition rule corresponds to a logical AND (+)
another, 8z  Sd, d(z) : Q|N(z)| 7! Q.
and von Neumann neighborhood of range 1 is
used, every cell will update its state based on the
Cellular space can be either a 1-D or a 2-D grid
following equation:
G. Let G = [0,. . .,w(n)-1]  [0,. . .,h(n)-1] repre-
sent the cellular space which is a two-dimensional
i, j ¼ Ci, j þ Ci1, j þ Ci, j1 þ Ciþ1, j
Ctþ1 t t t t
array of all positions (x, y), where w(n) and h(n)
are functions related to the agent number n. For þ Cti, jþ1 (3)
CAs of a 2-D dimensionality, two types of neigh-
borhoods are usually considered, von Neumann
and Moore neighborhood, and can be expressed, where C represents a cell state, i and j the coordi-
respectively, as follows: nates of a cell, and t the evolution step.

Cellular Ants Computing, Fig. 1 2-D CA neighborhoods (a) von Neumann and (b) Moore
568 Cellular Ants Computing

Finally, as a finite system, boundary condi- tai, j bi, j
tions define the way that boundary cells are pi , j ¼ P     (4)
evolved due to the different spatial neighbor- tai, j bi, j
hood they display. Most commonly, it is
assumed that the lattice is augmented by a set where tai, j and bi, j correspond to the pheromone
of virtual cells beyond its limits and according
concentration and the heuristic value associated
to the applied range of neighborhood. Periodic
with an available solution route, respectively. Var-
and null boundary conditions are the most
iables a and b are positive real parameters whose
widely used techniques to resolve the issue,
values determine the relative importance of pher-
meaning the lattice displays a torus-like topol-
omone versus heuristic information.
ogy or virtual cells are denoted with a null state,
During their search for food, all ants deposit a
small quantity of a specific pheromone type. As
soon as an ant discovers a food source, it evaluates
its quantity and quality and transfers a propor-
tional amount of food to the nest. During their
Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms
return, every such ant deposits on the ground a
different type of pheromone of specific quantity,
The basic element of ACO algorithms is agents
based on the detected food. Pheromone quantities
with simple capabilities, which mimic the
are updated as follows:
behavior of real insects, namely ants (Dorigo
1992). Real ants are considered unsophisticated tai, j ¼ ð1  rÞtai, j þ Dtai, j (5)
insects in some ways due to their limited mem-
ory and since they exhibit individual behavior
where r represents the evaporation rate and Dti,j is
that appears to have a large random component.
the amount of the deposited pheromone, typically
Nonetheless, acting as a collective, ants collab-
calculated by:
orate to achieve a variety of complicated tasks
with increased reliability and consistency, such (
if ant k travels on edge i, j
as solving the shortest path problem. This type Dtki, j ¼ Lk (6)
of social behavior relies on the self-organization 0 otherwise
feature, a set of dynamical mechanisms ensur-
ing that the global aim of the system could where Lk is the cost of the kth tour of an ant
be achieved through low-level interactions (typically measured as length). Finally, the depos-
between its elements. The interaction between ited trails will guide other ants to the food source
these elements has as prerequisite only the by detecting the corresponding concentration.
availability of local information. The transfer For example, in Fig. 2, the ants wander from
of such information between ants can be food source F to the nest N. At point B, every ant
achieved with two discrete methods, a direct should decide which path must be followed (from
communication and an indirect communication, either point C or point H). A higher quantity of
usually known as stigmergy. The latter is bio- pheromone through point C provides an ant a
logically realized through pheromones, a spe- stronger motivation and, thus, a higher probability
cial secretory chemical described by an to follow this route. As no pheromone was depos-
evaporation ratio and deposited as a trail by ited previously at point B, the first ant reaching
individual ants during their motion. Due to the point B displays the same probability to follow the
ability of ants to deposit and detect pheromones, path through the point C or point H. The first ant
they tend to follow routes displaying higher following the path BCD will reach point D earlier
pheromone concentrations. In ACO algorithms, than the first ant that followed BHD path. There-
an ant moves from point i to point j in the fore, an ant returning from N to D will detect a
configuration area with a probability equal to: stronger trail on path DCB, caused by the half of
Cellular Ants Computing 569

Cellular Ants Computing,

Fig. 2 An example of a
real ant colony, (a) an ant
follows BHD path, (b) ants
follow both paths, and (c)
the majority of the ants
follow BCD path, which is
the shortest route (Ioannidis
et al. 2011)

all the ants that by chance followed DCBF path. ACO algorithms fully cover the basic pillars of
Consequently, the number of ants following this self-organization. They display dynamical non-
path will increase during time, which results to linearity behavior, balance of exploitation and
higher pheromone concentrations on the shortest exploration, and multiple interactions. Therefore,
route. Thus, the probability based on which an ant common features comprise the basis of a unified
selects its path is quickly biased toward the opti- system, which can exploit the advantages of both
mal route, meaning the shortest path. evolutionary intelligence approaches.
Contrary to attempts of combining ACO with
CA principles (Yang et al. 2012), cellular ants
Principles and Applications of Cellular theory foresees the adaptation of ACO features
Ants into a CA system. This is significantly beneficial
for the overall objective and the complexity since
Cellular ants’ novelty and their capability in pro- ACO features will provide efficient solutions,
viding efficient solutions in many diverse prob- while the inherit parallelism of the CA will
lems rely on the common features that both AI decrease the required execution time. Following
methods display. The presented intelligent algo- the CA principles, the combined algorithm
rithm can be characterized by simplicity also since assumes that the operational area or the processed
both algorithms are based on simple structures, data are divided into a lattice of cells. The applied
cells for the CA, and ants for the ACO algorithms. neighborhoods and the boundary conditions are
In addition, both of these structures are required to similar with the corresponding CA features. In
interact with their surroundings and react upon most applications, Moore neighborhood is
alterations. Local interactions should be valid to adopted so that every cell could react more effi-
enable global behaviors rising from the collective ciently with its adjacent cells.
effect of the simple components. As a result, cel- Eventually, cellular ants’ applicability relies on
lular ants present the vital feature of self- the development of proper sets for cells’ states and
organization since initially disordered systems the corresponding transition rules in order to
can diverge to more stable states based on the evolve during time. The novelty of every cellular
local interactions. In addition, both CA and ant algorithm is based on the proposed alterations
570 Cellular Ants Computing

regarding these two basic features. Mostly, the f ðagi Þ 8  19

developed transition set of rules designates the < 1 X d agi ,agj =
¼ max 0,   @1  A
operations and the final objectives. Therefore, in : ð2sx þ 1Þ  2sy þ 1 ag Nðag Þ
j i
a ;
most cases, researchers concentrate their efforts in (7)
developing an appropriate evolution rule set based
on the application of the system. For reasons of where a is a constant representing the substitution
comprehension, cellular ants’ basic principles are of the average distance between two agents,
provided through the presentation of applications d denotes the measurement of distance between
since the transition rules strictly depend on the two agents, and sx and sy is the radius of the
application itself. neighborhood toward both directions. Its value
measures the similarity of an agent based on its
Cellular Ants in Data Clustering environment. The probability of activating a cell
The process of a clustering algorithm sets as an ant from its sleeping mode is given by:
objective to partition datasets into specific mean-
ingful subsets. Several data clustering approaches bl
exist in the literature that are distinguished by pa ð f Þ ¼ (8)
bl þ f l
algorithmic principles, e.g., data types, cluster
shapes, etc. Among others, traditional ACO
where b and l denote a threshold of the ants’
methods have also been reported as clustering
active fitness and their active pressure (usually a
methods (Ji et al. 2013). The cellular ant method
constant), respectively.
conceptually differs from these by considering the
The method successfully divides the dataset
ants as unique data objects that can wander around
into the desired clusters nonetheless; stigmergy
the search space looking for similar ants. More-
of the classical ACO algorithms is not applied.
over, parallel implementations of ACO algorithms
The aforementioned method exploits a fraction
significantly differ from similar implementations
of the ACO advantages disregarding basic princi-
of cellular ants since parallel processes are exe-
ples that could be proven significantly beneficial
cuted nonetheless, without self-organization.
in data clustering. A more relevant method with
One of the first attempts of applying cellular
the concept of cellular ants includes multiple addi-
ants in data clustering was made by Chen et al.
tions regarding the cells’ states and the
(2004). The method, entitled by the authors as
corresponding transition rules in order to exploit
“Ants Sleeping Model” (ASM), extends the clas-
fully their advantages (Moere and Clayden 2005).
sical CA model by incorporating biological
The method abolishes the term of sleeping state
swarm intelligence for solving data clustering
for every cellular ant and considers that the actions
problems in data mining. The authors selected to
of every agent are determined by the discrete
embody ACO main features to their model and
number of similar ants in their neighborhood.
consider that the ants tend to group with ants
This assumption has impact on the final set of
having similar physiques. The method inserts a
cell states and the transition rules. Data similarity
“sleeping” mode to every ant as a feature and
between pairs of ants is calculated as follows:
modifies the final objective of the total system.
The ants repeatedly search for comfortable and  
datai ¼ zi1 , zi2 , . . . , zip  Rp , p  Z þ (9)
secure positions in their surrounding environ-
ment. When an ant discovers such positions, it    
becomes inactive and terminates its exploration. dij ¼ d datai  dataj ¼ datai  dataj p (10)
In addition, when an ant at sleeping state is not  
satisfied with its current position, it becomes dij < t ) similar anti , antj ¼ true (11)
active and starts its exploration to find an addi-
tional “comfort” position. The method denotes the where p is the dimensionality of the dataset and
scattered data as cells, while the measurement of t is considered similar to the object distance mea-
fitness of a cell ant is calculated by: sure variable a in normal ant-based clustering
Cellular Ants Computing 571

approaches. In addition, transition rules were the dimensionality issue, the enhanced cellular ant
developed in order to achieve positional swapping method imposes different predefined weights for
so that adjacent cell ants could swap positions in each data dimension, and so, the proportional
the grid based on their data similarity and so distance measurement embodied as a step of the
clusters could be ordered internally. These swap- transition rules is computed as:
ping rules ensure that for any three ants that are
linearly neighboring, the pair of cellular ants with  iP¼1 bi 
i¼j ai þ bi
the highest distance in parameter space will be  
positioned at the outer grid positions. Finally, the dij ¼ 2 i¼1  50 (12)
cell states are updated with additional states that  i¼j weighti 
correspond to pheromone concentrations, and the
required search time for defining similar ants
could be decreased through stigmergy. Finally, the method inserts a new concept to
The method was evaluated using the IRIS solve the “trapped” cellular ants’ problem, named
dataset and produced adequate results in terms of as Hyper-Cellular Ants. Essentially, the simplicity
clustering accuracy. Nonetheless, its accuracy is of the model only requires the insertion of an
decreased due to some factors relating to the additional transition rule, which will handle such
approach itself and the developed transition occasions. More specific, Hyper-Cellular Ants
rules. Due to the positional swapping and the present two additional capabilities in order to
similarity measures, which affect directly the tran- avoid local minima entrapment: (a) extended vis-
sition rules, cellular ants display excessive mobil- ibility and interaction capability beyond their
ity in cases where no similar adjacent ants or no direct Moore neighborhood of radius 1 and (b)
pheromone are present. In addition, the concept of capability of a “flying mode” to transit its state
the discrete data tolerance faces two major issues: beyond its direct neighborhood and in analogy of
the diverse weight of differences between the certain ant types.
values of two data dimensions when a wider allo- The cellular ant data clustering method was
cation of values is displayed in one of the dimen- evaluated using a number of different datasets.
sions and defining a proper tolerance threshold. The clustering results using the computer hard-
Finally, the method suffers from the so-called ware dataset (Ein-Dor and Feldmesser 1987) are
“trapped” cellular ants, which emerges due to provided in Fig. 3. Based on the results, the
faulty positioning on initial random allocation or enhanced version exhibits better results in terms
their boundary location where their evolution is of clustering accuracy and overall performance.
problematic (due to boundary conditions). Due to the method’s simplicity, various modifica-
These flaws were thoroughly studied, and an tions could improve the results and display similar
enhanced version of the cellular ant method for or even better outcomes with state-of-the-art clus-
data clustering was introduced (Bitsakidis et al. tering techniques.
2015) by mostly developing a more detailed tran-
sition rule set which considers these drawbacks. Cellular Ants in Swarm Robotics
The excessive mobility that boundary cellular ants Due to the discretization of the operational area and
display, which also leads to non-comprehensive the inherit locality feature, cellular ants comprise a
visualization, was addressed by applying a rect- very promising approach in the research field of
angular grid instead of a toroidal. In addition, the robotics also. Both CAs and ACO algorithms
issues inserted by the Euclidean distance as a have been utilized in robotic systems for providing
similarity measure were addressed by applying a framework to estimate the motion of a robot inside
the proportional distance measurement where the its configuration area. For either obstacle avoid-
proportion between the values of two data objects ance, path planning, or any task execution process,
is examined. The similarity threshold should dis- the corresponding algorithms have produced very
tinguish two agents according to their percentage promising results. Nonetheless, due to complex
proportional distance (Eq. 12). Considering also environments and the need of exploiting less
572 Cellular Ants Computing

a b



10 15


2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 5 10 15 20 25
c d



10 15


16 25
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 5 10 15 20 25

Cellular Ants Computing, Fig. 3 Data clustering results with cellular ants by applying: (a) long interaction rule, (b)
progressive expansive grid, (c) long interaction and proportional distance measurement, and (d) all the above

computational resources, the use of simple, yet Moreover, every FSM comprises both a trans-
efficient, methods for such objectives is imperative. mitter and a receiver to simulate the communi-
A cellular ant-based model, named as cellu- cation that the robots must exhibit. The
lar automata, was introduced to define the path- exchanged packets include information about
way of a robot in an operating area depending (i) the presence of adjacent cellular ants, food,
on its final objective (Rosenberg 2008). The etc. and (ii) commands to the resident ant. The
approach considers that the robots operate in a developed transition rules based on which every
type of intelligent floor in order to comply with cellular ant will develop its state relied on the sys-
the stigmergy feature of ACO algorithms. The tem’s final objective. Three scenarios as final tasks
floor is divided into multiple Finite-State were tested: (i) parking, (ii) food-finding, and (c)
Machines (FSM) in order to develop a two- maze-threading. Parking scenario aims at position-
dimensional mesh whose nodes form tiles. ing cellular ants to the boundary of the grid (more
Every FSM can be denoted with finite values precise to corners), while food-finding case targets
similar to a classical CA. The model considers to simulate the classic ACO problem (Fig. 2).
also values for the pheromone concentrations Finally, the third scenario’s objective was to deter-
except the states that correspond to robots. mine the path of a robot, operating in a maze. The
Cellular Ants Computing 573

model had successfully defined the solution for the Obstacle

robots in order to accomplish their tasks. Moore
Similar approach was also followed in
Ioannidis et al. (2011) for a system of swarm
robots. The developed model incorporates fea-
tures of ACO algorithms into a CA in order to
provide the system a framework to accomplish
multiple objectives. The system is composed of
multiple robots which must exhibit collective
behavior in order to achieve one main objective
as a team, e.g., to cover a specified distance in Cellular ant
Pheromone cells
space retaining their initial formation. Every cell
robot as individual must also be able to detect and Cellular Ants Computing, Fig. 4 Obstacle avoidance
bypass every obstacle found during its route to its for a cellular ant
final destination point. The model should provide
solutions in both problems: obstacle avoidance positions retaining its formation during the entire
and formation control. process. In cases of scattered formations, the cel-
Following the CA principles, the configuration lular ants collaborate to exchange their position in
area is considered as two-dimensional lattice of the formation so that the initial structure could be
cells, while Moore neighborhood was used in regained as soon as possible. The method divides
order for a robot cell to have a complete overview the entire team into subgroups, so after the first
of its surroundings. Moreover, the set of states subgroup, the second sub-team starts covering the
includes one state for every member of the robot desired distance. During their transition to their
team as well as discrete values that correspond to final destination, each cellular ant deposits a quan-
pheromone concentrations. The entire set was tity of pheromone, which is detected by the forth-
divided into four subsets each for every type of coming cellular ants of the next sub-team. The
cell, meaning free, obstacle, robot, and phero- pheromone trails assist the cellular ants to avoid
mone cell. Transition rules were also divided the communication between their collaborative
into subsets based on the desired operation: obsta- members leading to a more simple and efficient
cle avoidance, formation control, and pheromone solution for the formation control process. The
evaporation. method was successfully implemented in “real
More specific, the method considers that robots” using a simulation environment and min-
potential obstacles should be avoided before pro- iature robots with low capabilities (Fig. 5). The
ceeding to the next processing step. Thus, transi- simplicity of the cellular ant approach and its low
tion rules for obstacle avoidance are applied first. requirements for computational resources render
Every cellular ant searches its Moore neighbor- its implementation possible in real swarm robotic
hood for the presence of an object. If an obstacle teams.
was found, the robot cellular ant will eventually
bypass the obstacle with the application of the
appropriate transition rules (Fig. 4). Future Directions
In addition, appropriate transition rules were
developed to simulate the evaporation process of As we encounter novel computing environments
the pheromones. Based on the defined evapora- that offer new opportunities while posing new
tion rate, a pheromone cell decreases its value challenges, many researchers focus on proposing
after some evolution time steps. Finally, the and evaluating methods inspired from natural ana-
method simulates the collective behavior that the logues of these environments. Novel algorithms
swarm must display by applying the proper tran- are required in many cases to solve complex prob-
sition rules. The team must proceed to its final lems with the minimum possible resources.
574 Cellular Ants Computing

Cellular Ants Computing, Fig. 5 Cellular ant implementation approach in simulated swarm robotic team (from left to
right and from upper to lower images)

Current literature includes algorithms that solve known artificial intelligence methods, CA and
sufficiently various issues, but high amounts of ACO, can be severally beneficial in many appli-
computational and memory resources are required cations exploiting the advantages of both
in real implementations. methods. The cellular ant advantages include its
Cellular ant algorithms and its numerous alter- algorithmic simplicity based on a few predefined
ations can provide efficient solutions in many variables and a small set of ant behavior rules that
problems. The combination of two widely are completely determined by fixed, discrete
Cellular Ants Computing 575

values. Therefore, the method displays low Albuquerque P, Dupuis A (2002) A parallel cellular ant colony
requirements for computational resources due to algorithm for clustering and sorting. In: Bandini S,
Chopard B, Tomassini M (eds) Cellular Automata.
its simplicity. This advantage renders the method ACRI 2002. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol
appropriate for implementations using low-cost 2493. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp 220–230
systems. Nonetheless, the most significant contri- Bitsakidis NP, Chatzichristofis SA, Sirakoulis GC
bution probably consists of the decentralized (2015) Hybrid cellular ants for clustering problems.
Int J Unconv Comput 11(2):103–130
behavior of the method. Self-organization feature Cantu-Paz E (2000) Efficient and accurate parallel genetic
provides the ability to a system of evolving during algorithms, 2000. Kluwer, New York
time without the need of external interference. Chen L, Xu X, Chen Y, He P (2004) A novel ant
The system will modulate its actions based on clustering algorithm based on cellular automata. In:
Proceedings. IEEE/WIC/ACM international confer-
internal processes in order to converge to its final ence on intelligent agent technology, 2004. (IAT
objective. ACO principles contribute to accelerate 2004), pp 148–154.
this process, and in combination with a CA, the 1342937/
algorithm provides the advantage of inherit paral- Di Caro G, Dorigo M (1998) AntNet: distributed
stigmergetic control for communications networks.
lelism to the system. J Artif Intell Res 9:317–365
Despite the adequate results of its applications, Dorigo M (1992) Optimization, learning and natural algo-
cellular ants are still in a very preliminary stage of rithms. PhD thesis, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
exploitation. The method is limited to discrete and Dorigo M, Maniezzo V, Colorni A (1996) The ant system:
optimization by a colony of cooperation agents. IEEE
finite systems due to the CA nature. Thus, its Trans Syst Man Cybern 26:29–41
adaptation in systems where real data must be Ein-Dor P, Feldmesser J (1987) Attributes of the perfor-
processed will lead to a possible accuracy mance of central processing units: a relative perfor-
decrease. The use of possible relaxation of CA mance prediction model. Commun ACM 30:
definition with the introduction of continuous Ioannidis K, Sirakoulis GC, Andreadis I (2011) Cellular
space CA instead of the already defined discrete ants: a method to create collision free trajectories for a
CA could solve this issue; nonetheless, multiplied cooperative robot team. Robot Auton Syst 59:113–127
computational resources will be required. In addi- Ji J, Song X, Liu C, Zhang X (2013) Ant colony clustering
with fitness perception and pheromone diffusion for
tion, inappropriate boundary conditions could community detection in complex networks. Phys
lead to unexpected results especially when pher- A 392:3260–3272
omone trails are detected on the grid’s boundaries Konstantinidis K, Sirakoulis GC, Andreadis I (2009)
and a torus-like grid is used. Fortunately, due to Design and implementation of a fuzzy-modified ant
colony hardware structure for image retrieval. IEEE
the discretization of space, flexible options could Trans Syst Man Cybern Part C Appl Rev 39:520–533
be studied aiming at more natural solutions and Li X, Lao C, Liu X, Chen Y (2011) Coupling urban cellular
avoiding potential deviations regarding the evolu- automata with ant colony optimization for zoning pro-
tion of the system. Finally, enhanced and novel tected natural areas under a changing landscape. Int
J Geogr Inf Sci 25:575–593
transition rules will increase the applicability of Liu C, Li L, Xiang Y (2008) Research of multi-path routing
the method in more systems and not restrict its protocol based on parallel ant colony algorithm optimi-
usage in specific applications. Modeling a prob- zation in mobile ad hoc networks. In: Information tech-
lem with the use of proper evolution rules could nology: new generations, 2008. Fifth international
conference on ITNG 2008, pp 1006–1010. http://
allow the use of cellular ants and, thus, exploit
fully their advantages. Martens D, De Backer M, Haesen R, Vanthienen J,
Snoeck M, Baesens B (2007) Classification with ant
colony optimization. IEEE Trans Evol Comput
Bibliography Merkle D, Middendorf M (2002) Fast ant colony optimi-
zation on runtime reconfigurable processor arrays.
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Alba E, Tomassini M (2002) Parallelism and evolutionary based clustering with cellular automata. In: Tools with
algorithms. IEEE Trans Evol Comput 6:443–462 Artificial Intelligence, 2005. 17th IEEE international
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conference on ICTAI 05, p 8. Ulam S (1952) Random processes and transformations. In:
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Omohundro S (1984) Modelling cellular automata with ics, American Mathematical Society. pp 264–275.
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implementation of population-based ant colony optimi- model of land use change based on ant colony optimi-
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Sirakoulis GC, Karafyllidis I, Mardiris V, Thanailakis Model 233:11–19
A (2000) Study of the effects of photoresist surface
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Sci Technol 15:98 Books and Reviews
Sirakoulis GC, Karafyllidis I, Thanailakis A (2003) Bastien C, Michel D (1998) Cellular automata modeling of
A CAD system for the construction and VLSI imple- physical systems. Cellular automata modeling of phys-
mentation of cellular automata algorithms using ical systems. Cambridge University Press, New York
VHDL. Microprocess Microsyst 27:381–396 Feynman RP (1982) Simulating physics with computers.
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a new environment for modeling. MIT Press, Cambridge ing Ltd and Oxford University Press), pages C6.4:1–6
Molecule A molecule is a concrete instance of a
Artificial Chemistry molecular species. Molecules are those entities
of an artificial chemistry that react. Note that
Peter Dittrich sometimes the term “molecule” is used equiv-
Department of Mathematics and Computer alently to molecular species.
Science, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Jena, Multiset A multiset is like a set but where ele-
Germany ments can appear more than once; that is, each
element has a multiplicity, e.g., {a, a, b, c, c, c}.
Order of a reaction The order of a reaction is the
Article Outline sum of the exponents of concentrations in the
kinetic rate law (if given). Note that an order can
Glossary be fractional. If only the stoichiometric coeffi-
Definition of the Subject cients of the reaction rule are given Eq. (1), the
Introduction order is the sum of the coefficients of the left-
Basic Building Blocks of an Artificial Chemistry hand side species. When assuming mass action
Structure-to Function Mapping kinetics, both definitions are equivalent.
Space Reaction network A set of molecular species
Theory together with a set of reaction rules. Formally,
Evolution a reaction network is equivalent to a Petri net-
Information Processing work. A reaction network describes the stoi-
Future Directions chiometric structure of a reaction system.
Bibliography Self maintaining A set of molecules is called self
maintaining, if it is able to maintain all its con-
stituents. In a purely autocatalytic system under
flow condition, this means that every molecule
can be catalytically produced by at least one
(Chemical) Organization A closed and self
reaction among molecule from the set.
maintaining set of molecules.
Autocatalytic set A (self maintaining) set where
each molecule is produced catalytically by mol- Definition of the Subject
ecules from that set. Note that an autocatalytic
may produce molecules not present in that set. Artificial chemistries are chemical like systems or
Closure A set of molecules A is closed, if no abstract models of chemical processes. They are
combination of molecules from A can react to studied in order to illuminate and understand fun-
form a molecule outside A. Note that the term damental principles of chemical systems as well
“closure” has been also used to denote the as to exploit the chemical metaphor as a design
catalytical closure of an autocatalytic set. principle for information processing systems in
Molecular species A molecular species is an fields like chemical computing or nonlinear
abstract class denoting an ensemble of identi- optimization.
cal molecules. Equivalently the terms “spe- An artificial chemistry (AC) is usually a formal
cies”, “compound”, or just “molecule” are (and, more seldom, a physical) system that con-
used; in some specific context also the terms sists of objects called molecules, which interact
“substrate” or “metabolite”. according to rules called reactions. Compared to

# Springer-Verlag 2009 577

A. Adamatzky (ed.), Unconventional Computing,
Originally published in
R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, # Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2017
578 Artificial Chemistry

conventional chemical models, artificial chemis- et al. 1990). However, models that fell under the
tries are more abstract in the sense that there is definition of artificial chemistry appeared also
usually not a one-to-one mapping between the decades before, such as von Neumann’s universal
molecules (and reactions) of the artificial chemis- self replicating automata (von Neumann and
try to real molecules (and reactions). An artificial Burks 1966). In the 50s, a famous abstract chem-
chemistry aims at capturing the logic of chemistry ical system was introduced by Turing (1952) in
rather than trying to explain a particular chemical order to show how spatial diffusion can destabi-
system. More formally, an artificial chemistry can lize a chemical system leading to spatial pattern
be defined by a set of molecular species M, a set formation. Turing’s artificial chemistries consist
of reaction rules R , and specifications of the of only a handful of chemical species interacting
dynamics, e.g., kinetic laws, update algorithm, according to a couple of reaction rules, each care-
and geometry of the reaction vessel. fully designed. The dynamics is simulated by a
The scientific motivation for AC research is to partial differential equation.
build abstract models in order to understand Turing’s model possesses the structure of a
chemical like systems in all kind of domains rang- conventional reaction kinetics chemical model
ing from physics, chemistry, biology, computer (subsection “The Chemical Differential Equa-
science, and sociology. Abstract chemical models tion”). However it does not aim at modeling a
to study fundamental principles, such as spatial particular reaction process, but aims at exploring
pattern formation and self replication, can be how, in principle, spatial patterns can be generated
traced back to the beginning of modern computer by simple chemical processes. Turing’s artificial
science in the 40s (Turing 1952; von Neumann chemistries allow one to study whether a particu-
and Burks 1966). Since then a growing number of lar mechanism (e.g., destabilization through dif-
approaches have tackled questions concerning the fusion) can explain a particular phenomena (e.g.,
origin of complex forms, the origin of life itself symmetry breaking and pattern formation).
(Eigen 1971; Segre et al. 2000), or cellular diver- The example illustrates that studying artificial
sity (Kauffman 1993). In the same way a variety of chemistries is more a synthetic approach. That is,
approaches for constructing ACs have appeared, understanding should be gained through the syn-
ranging from simple ordinary differential equa- thesis of an artificial system and its observation
tions (Eigen and Schuster 1977) to complex indi- under various conditions (Kaneko 2007; Langton
vidual based algebraic transformation systems 1989). The underlying assumption is that under-
(Fontana 1992; Hofstadter 1979; Laing 1972). standing a phenomena and how this phenomena
The engineering motivation for Acre search can be (re-)created (without copying it) is closely
aims at employing the chemical metaphor as a related (Vico 1710).
programming and computing paradigm. Today’s artificial chemistries are much more
Approaches can be distinguished according to complex than Turing’s model. They consist of a
whether chemistry serves as a paradigm to program huge, sometimes infinite, amount of different
or construct conventional in silico information pro- molecular species and their reaction rules are
cessing systems (Ban^atre and Métayer 1986), Or defined not manually one by one, but implicitly
whether real molecules are used for information (section “Structure-to Function Mapping”) and
processing like in molecular computing (Conrad can evolve (section “Evolution”). Questions that
1992) or DNA computing (Adleman 1994) are tackled are the structure and organization of
(▶ Cellular Computing, ▶ DNA Computing). large chemical networks, the origin of life, prebi-
otic chemical evolution, and the emergence of
chemical information and its processing.
Introductory Example
The term artificial chemistry appeared around It is relatively easy to create a complex, infinitely
1990 in the field of artificial life (Rasmussen sized reaction network. Assume that the set of
Artificial Chemistry 579

possible molecules M are strings over an alpha- a realistic measure of time takes the amount of
bet. Next, we have to define a reaction function collision and not the amount of reaction events
describing what happens when two molecules a1 , into account. Then, we determine stochastically
a2  M collide. A general approach is to map a1 whether the selected molecules react. If the mole-
to a machine, operator, or function f = fold(a1) cules react, a randomly selected molecule from
with f : M ! M [ {elastic}. The mapping fold the population is replaced by the new product,
can be defined in various ways, such as by which assures that the population size stays con-
interpreting a1 as a computer program, a Turing stant. The replaced molecules constitute the out-
machine, or a lambda expression (section flow. The inflow is implicitly assumed and is
“Structure-to Function Mapping”). Next, we generated by the catalytic production of mole-
apply the machine f derived from a1 to the second cules. From a chemical point of view, the algo-
molecule. If f(a2) = elastic the molecules collided rithm assumes that a product is built from an
elastically and nothing happens. This could be the energy rich substrate, which does not appear in
case if the machine f does not halt within a pre- the algorithm and which is assumed to be avail-
defined amount of time. Otherwise the molecules able at constant concentration.
react and a new molecule a3 = f(a2) is produced. The following section (“Basic Building Blocks
How this new molecule changes the reaction ves- of an Artificial Chemistry”) describes the basic
sel depends on the algorithm simulating the building blocks of an artificial chemistry in more
dynamics of the vessel. Algorithm 1 is a–simple, detail. In section “Structure-to Function Map-
widely applied algorithm that simulates second ping” we will explore various techniques to define
order catalytic reactions under flow conditions: reaction rules. The role of space is briefly
Because the population size is constant and thus discussed in section “Space”. Then the important
limited, there is competition and only those mol- theoretical concepts of an autocatalytic set and a
ecules that are somehow created will sustain. chemical organization are explained (section
“Theory”). Section “Evolution” shows how artifi-
Algorithm 1 cial chemistries can be used to study (chemical)
INPUT: P : population (array of k evolution. This article does not discuss informa-
molecules) tion processing in detail, because there are a series
randomPosition() := randomInt of other specialized articles on that topic,
(0, k-1); which are summarized in section “Information
reaction(r1, r2) := (fold(r1)) Processing”.
while not terminate do
reactant1 := P[randomPosition Basic Building Blocks of an Artificial
()]; Chemistry
reactant2 := P[randomPosition
()]; Molecules
product := reaction(reactant1, The first step in defining an AC requires that we
reactant2); define the set of all molecular species that can
if product == not elastic appear in the AC. The easiest way to specify this
P[randomPosition()] := product; set is to enumerate explicitly all molecules as sym-
fi bols. For example:M ¼ fH 2 , O2 , H 2 O, H 2 O2 g or,
t := t + 1/k ;; increment simulated equivalently, M ¼ fa, b, c, d g. A symbol is just a
time name without any structure. Most conventional
od (bio-)chemical reaction system models are
defined this way. Also many artificial chemis-
First, the algorithm chooses two molecules tries where networks are designed “by hand”
randomly, which simulates a collision. Note that (Eigen and Schuster 1977), are created randomly
580 Artificial Chemistry

(Stadler et al. 1993), or are evolved by changing S ¼ s a ,r ¼ r a ,r  l a ,r : (2)
the reaction rules (Jain and Krishna 1998, 1999,
2001) use only symbolic molecules without any An entry sa,r of the stoichiometric matrix
structure. denotes the net amount of molecules of type
Alternatively, molecules can posses a struc- a produced in reaction r.
ture. In that case, the set of molecules is implicitly A reaction rule determines a multiset of mole-
defined. For example: M = {all polymers that can cules (the left-hand side) that can react and subse-
be made from the two monomers a and b}. In this quently be replaced by the molecules on the right-
case, the set of all possible molecules can even hand side. Note that the sign “+” is not an operator
become infinite, or at least quite large. A vast here, but should only separate the components on
variety of such rule-based molecule definitions either side. The set of all molecules M and a set of
can be found in different approaches. For exam- reaction rules R define the reaction network
ple, structured molecules may be abstract charac- hM,Ri of the AC. The reaction network is equiv-
ter sequences (Bagley and Farmer 1992; Farmer alent to a Petri net (Petri 1962). It can be
et al. 1986; Kauffman 1993; McCaskill et al. represented by two matrices, (la,r) and (ra,r),
1994), sequences of instructions (Adami and made up of the stoichiometric coefficients. Equiv-
Brown 1994; Hutton 2002), lambda expressions alently we can represent the reaction network as a
(Fontana 1992), combinators (Speroni di Fenizio hyper-graph or a directed bipartite graph with two
2000), binary strings (Banzhaf 1993; Dittrich and node types denoting reaction rules and molecular
Banzhaf 1998; Thürk 1993), numbers (Banzhaf species, respectively, and edge labels for the
et al. 1996), machine code (Rasmussen et al. stoichiometry.
1990), graphs (Salzberg 2007), swarms (Sayama A rule is applicable only if certain conditions
2009), or proofs (Fontana and Buss 1996). are fulfilled. The major condition is that all of the
We can call a molecule’s representation its left-hand side components must be available. This
structure, in contrast to its function, which is condition can be broadened easily to include other
given by the reaction rules R. The description of parameters such as neighborhood, rate constants,
the valid molecules and their structure is usually probability for a reaction, influence of modifier
the first step when an AC is defined. This is species, or energy consumption. In such a case, a
analogous to a part of chemistry that describes reaction rule would also contain additional infor-
what kind of atom configurations form stable mation or further parameters. Whether or not
molecules and how these molecules appear. these additional predicates are taken into consid-
eration depends on the objectives of the artificial
chemistry. If it is meant to simulate real chemistry
Reaction Rules as accurate as possible, it is necessary to integrate
The set of reaction rules R describes how mole- these parameters into the simulation system. If the
cules from M ¼ fa1 , a2 , . . .g interact. A rule r  goal is to build an abstract model, many of these
R can be written according to the chemical nota- parameters can be omitted.
tion of reaction rules in the form Like for the set of molecules we can define the
set of reaction rules explicitly by enumerating all
l a1 ,r a1 þ l a2 ,r a2 þ    ! ra1 ,r a1 þ ra2 ,r a2 rules symbolically (Eigen and Schuster 1977), or
þ   : (1) we can define it implicitly by referring to the
structure of the molecules. Implicit definitions of
The stoichiometric coefficients la,r and ra,r reaction rules use, for example, string matching/
describe the amount of molecular species a  string concatenation (Bagley and Farmer 1992;
M in reaction r  R on the left-hand and right- Lugowski 1989; McCaskill et al. 1994), lambda
hand side, respectively. Together, the stoichio- calculus (Fontana 1992; Fontana and Buss 1994),
metric coefficients define the stoichiometric Turing machines (Ikegami and Hashimoto 1995;
matrix Thürk 1993), finite state machines (Zauner and
Artificial Chemistry 581

Conrad 1996) or machine code language (Adami the reaction r (i.e.,LHSðrÞ  a  M : l a,r > 0 )
and Brown 1994; Dittrich and Banzhaf 1998; and sometimes on additional modifier species,
Salzberg 2007; Suzuki and Ikegami 2006), proof whose concentration is not influenced by that reac-
theory (Fontana and Buss 1994), matrix multipli- tion. There are two important assumptions that are
cation (Banzhaf 1993), swarm dynamics (Sayama due to the nature of reaction systems. These assump-
2009), or simple arithmetic operations (Banzhaf tions relate the kinetic function v to the reaction
et al. 1996). Note that in some cases the reactions rules R:
can emerge as the result of the interaction of many
atomic particles, whose dynamics is specified by Assumption 1
force fields or rules (Sayama 2009). A reaction r can only take place if all species of its
Section “Structure-to Function Mapping” will dis- left-hand side LHS(()r) are present. This implies
cuss implicitly defined reactions in more details. that for all molecules a  M and reactions r  R
with a  LHS(r), if xa = 0 then vr = 0. The flux
Dynamics vr must be zero, if the concentration xa of a mol-
The third element of an artificial chemistry is its ecule appearing on the left-hand side of this reac-
specification of how the reaction rules give rise to tion is zero. This assumption meets the obvious
a dynamic process of molecules reacting in some fact that a molecule has to be present to react.
kind of reaction vessel. It is assumed that the
reaction vessel contains multiple copies of mole- Assumption 2
cules, which can be seen as instances of the If all species LHS(r) of a reaction r  R are
molecular species M. present in the reactor (e.g. for all a  LHS(r),
This section summarizes how the dynamics of xa > 0) the flux of that reaction is positive, (i.e.,
a reaction vessel (which usually contains a huge vr > 0). In other words, the flux vr must be
number of molecules) can be modeled and simu- positive, if all molecules required for that reaction
lated. The approaches can be characterized are present, even in small quantities. Note that this
roughly by whether each molecule is treated assumption implies that a modifier species neces-
explicitly or whether all molecules of one type sary for that reaction must appear as a species on
are represented by a number denoting their fre- the left- (and right-) hand side of r.
quency or concentration.
In short, taking Assumption 1 and 2 together,
The Chemical Differential Equation we demand for a chemical differential equation:
A reaction network M,R specifies the structure of
a reaction system, but does not contain any notion vr > 0 , 8a  LHSðrÞ, xa > 0: (4)
of time. A common way to specify the dynamics
of the reaction system is by using a system of Note that Assumption 1 is absolutely neces-
ordinary differential equations of the following sary. Although Assumption 2 is very reasonable,
form: there might be situations where it is not true.
Assume, for example, a reaction of the form
x_ ðt Þ ¼ Svðxðt ÞÞ, (3) a + a ! b. If there is only one single molecule
a left in the reaction vessel, the reaction cannot
where x = (x1, . . ., xm)T  ℝm is a concentration take place. Note however, if we want to model this
vector depending on time t, S the stoichiometric effect, an ODE is the wrong approach and we
matrix derived from R Eq. (2), and should choose a method like those described in
v = (v1, . . ., vr)T  ℝr a flux vector depending the following sections.
on the current concentration vector. A flux vr  0 There are a large number of kinetic laws ful-
describes the velocity or turnover rate of reaction filling these assumptions Eq. (4), including all
r  R. The actual value of vr depends usually on laws that are usually applied in practice. The
the concentration of the species participating in most fundamental of such kinetic laws is mass
582 Artificial Chemistry

action kinetics, which is just the product of the reactions of the form ! A, where the left-hand
concentrations of the interacting molecules side is empty). By defining the probability of
(cf. Gillespie 1976): obtaining a subset of size n, we can control the
rate of reactions of order n. If the molecules react,
Y l a,r
v r ð xÞ ¼ xa : (5) the reactands are removed from the population
aM and the products are added. Note that this algo-
rithm can be interpreted as a stochastic rewriting
system operating on a multiset of molecules (Pǎun
P The sum of the exponents in the kinetic law
a  M l a,r is called the order of the reaction. 2000; Suzuki and Tanaka 1997).
Most more complicated laws like Michaelis–Menten For large population size k, the dynamics cre-
kinetics are derived from mass action kinetics. In this ated by the algorithm tends to the continuous
sense, mass action kinetics is the most general dynamics of the chemical differential equation
approach, allowing one to emulate all more compli- assuming mass action kinetics. For the special
cated laws derived from it, but at the expense of a case of second order catalytic flow, as described
larger amount of molecular species. by the algorithm in the introduction, the dynamics
can be described by the catalytic network equation
Explicitly Simulated Collisions (Stadler et al. 1993)
The chemical differential equation is a time and X
state continuous approximation of a discrete system x_k ¼ aki,j xi xj  xk FðxÞ,with
i ,j  M
where molecules collide stochastically and react. In X (6)
the introduction we saw how this can be simulated FðxÞ ¼ aki,j xi xj ,
by a rather simple algorithm, which is widely used i,j,k  M
in AC research (Banzhaf 1993; Dittrich and which is a generalization of the replicator equation
Banzhaf 1998; Fontana 1992). The algorithm pre- (Hofbauer and Sigmund 1988). If the reaction
sented in the introduction simulates a second order function is deterministic, we can set the kinetic
catalytic flow system with constant population size. constants to
It is relatively easy to extend this algorithm to

include reaction rates and arbitrary orders. 1 reactionði,jÞ ¼ k,
aki,j ¼ (7)
0 otherwise:
Algorithm 2
while not terminate() do This dynamic is of particular interest, because
reactands := choseASubsetFrom
competition is generated due to a limited popula-
(P); tion size. Note that the limited population size is
if randomReal equivalent to an unlimited population size with a
(0, 1) < reactionProbability
limited substrate, e.g., (Bagley and Farmer 1992).
products = reaction(reactands);
P := remove(P, reactands); Discrete Event Simulation
P := insert(P, products); If the copy number of a particular molecular spe-
fi cies becomes high or if the reaction rates differ
t := t + 1/ sizeOf(P) ;; increment strongly, it is more efficient to use discrete event
simulated time simulation techniques. The most famous tech-
od nique is Gillespie’s algorithm (Gillespie 1976).
Roughly, in each step, the algorithm generates
First, the Algorithm 2 chooses a subset from P, two random numbers depending on the current
which simulates a collision among molecules. population state to determine the next reaction to
Note that the resulting subset could be empty, occur as well as the time interval Dt when it will
which can be used to simulate an inflow (i.e., occur. Then the simulated time is advanced
Artificial Chemistry 583

t ≔ t + Dt, and the molecule count of the popula- over an alphabet A = {l, . , , } [ V where
tion updated according to the reaction that V = {x1, x2, . . .} is an infinite set of available
occurred. variable names. The set of l expressions G is
The Gillespie algorithm generates a statisti- defined for x  V, s1  G, s2  G by
cally correct trajectory of the chemical master
equation. The chemical master equation is the xG variable name,
most general way to formulate the stochastic lx:s2  G abstraction,
dynamics of a chemical system. The chemical ðs2 Þs1  G application:
master equation is a first-order differential equa-
tion describing the time evolution of the probabil- An abstraction lx. s2 can be interpreted as a
ity of a reaction system to occupy each one of its function definition, where x is the parameter in the
possible discrete set of states. In a well stirred (non “body” s2. The expression (s2)s1 can be
spatial) AC a state is equivalent to a multiset of interpreted as the application of s2 on s1, which
molecules. is formalized by the rewriting rule

ðlx:s2 Þs1 ¼ s2 ½x s1 , (8)

Structure-to Function Mapping
where s2[x s1] denotes the term which is gen-
A fundamental “logic” of real chemical systems is erated by replacing every unbounded occurrence
that molecules posses a structure and that this of x in s2 by s1. A variable x is bounded if it
structure determines how the molecule interacts appears in in a form like . . .(lx. . . .x. . .). . .. It is
with other molecules. Thus, there is a mapping also not allowed to apply the rewriting rule if a
from the structure of a molecule to its function, variable becomes bounded. Example: Let
which determines the reaction rules. s1 = lx1.(x1)lx2.x2 and s2 = lx3.x3 then we
In real chemistry the mapping from structure to can derive:
function is given by natural or physical laws. In
artificial chemistries the structure-to function ðs1 Þs2 ) ðlx1 :ðx1 Þlx2 :x2 Þlx3 :x3
mapping is usually given by some kind of algo- ) ðlx3 :x3 Þlx2 :x2 ) lx2 :x2 : (9)
rithm. In most cases, an artificial chemistry using
a structure-to function mapping does not aim at The simplest way to define a set of second
modeling real molecular dynamics in detail. Rather order catalytic reactions R by applying a molecule
the aim is to capture the fact that there is a structure, s1 to another molecule s2:
a function, and a relation between them.
Having an AC with a structure-to function s1 þ s2 ! s1 þ s2 þ normalFormððs1 Þs2 Þ: (10)
mapping at hand, we can study strongly construc-
tive dynamical systems (Fontana and Buss 1994, The procedure normalForm reduces its argu-
1996). These are systems where, through the ment term to normal form, which is in practice
interaction of its components, novel molecular bounded by a maximum of available time and
species appear. memory; if these resources are exceeded before
termination, the collision is considered to be
Example: Lambda Calculus (AlChemy) elastic. It should be noted that the l-calculus
This section demonstrates a structure-to function allows an elegant generalization of the collision
that employs a concept from computer science: rule by defining it by l-expression
the l-calculus. The l-calculus has been used by F  G : s1 + s2 ! s1 + s2 + normalForm(((F)
Fontana (1992) and Fontana and Buss (1994) to s1)s2).
define a constructive artificial chemistry. In order to simulate the artificial chemistry,
In the so called AlChemy, a molecule is a nor- Fontana and Buss (1994) used an algorithm like
malized l-expression. A l-expression is a word the algorithm described in subsection “Explicitly
584 Artificial Chemistry

Simulated Collisions”, which simulates second (for a sufficiently large population size). How-
order catalytic mass action kinetics in a well- ever, there are still regularities, which depend on
stirred population under flow condition. the prime factors of n (cf. Dittrich 2001).
AlChemy possesses a couple of important gen-
eral properties: Molecules come in two forms: as
Matrix Multiplication Chemistry
passive data possessing a structure and as active
More complex reaction operators can be defined
machines operating on those structures. This gen-
that operate on vectors or strings instead of scalar
erates a “strange loop” like in typogenetics
numbers as molecules. The matrix multiplication
(Hofstadter 1979; Varetto 1993), which allows
chemistry introduce by Banzhaf (1993, 1994,
molecules to refer to themselves and to operate
1995) uses binary strings as molecules. The reac-
on themselves. Structures operate on structures,
tion between two binary strings is performed by
and by doing so change the way structures operate
folding one of them into a matrix which then
on structures, and so on; creating a “strange”, self
operates on the other string by multiplication.
referential dynamic loop. Obviously, there are
always some laws that cannot be changed, which
Example of a reaction for 4-bit molecules
are here the rules of the lambda calculus, defining
Assume a reaction s1 + s2 ) s3. The general
the structure-to function mapping. Thus, we can
approach is:
interpret these fixed and predefined laws of an
1. Fold s1 to matrix M. Example:
artificial chemistry as the natural or physical laws.  
s1 ¼ s11 , s21 , s31 , s41
Arithmetic and Logic Operations 0 1
One of the most easy ways to define reaction rules s11 s21
M ¼ s31 s41 A: (11)
implicitly is to apply arithmetic operations taken
from mathematics. Even the simplest rules can
generate interesting behaviors. Assume, for exam-
2. Multiply M with subsequences of s2. Exam-
ple, that the molecules are natural numbers: M 
¼ f0,1, 2 . . . , n  1g and the reaction rules are ple: Let s2 ¼ ðs12 , s22 , s32 , s42 be divided into two
  3 4
subsequences s122 ¼ ðs2 , s2 2 ¼ s2 , s2 .
1 2
defined by division: reaction(a1, a2) = a1/a2 if and s34
a1 is a multiple of a2, otherwise the molecules Then we can multiply M with the subsequences:
do not react. For the dynamics we assume a finite,
3 ¼ M  s2 ,s3 ¼ M  s2 :
s12 12 34 34
discrete population and an algorithm like the one (12)
described in subsection “Explicitly Simulated
Collisions”. With increasing population size the 3. Compose s3 by concatenating the products.
resulting reaction system displays a phase transi- Example: s3 ¼ s12
3  s3 .

tion, at which the population is able to produce

prime numbers with high probability (see Banzhaf There are various ways of defining the vector
et al. 1996 for details). In a typical simulation, the matrix product . It was mainly used with the
initially high diversity of a random population is following threshold multiplication. Given a bit
reduced leaving a set of non reacting prime vector x = (x1, . . ., xn) and a bit matrix M = (Mij)
numbers. then the term y = M  x is defined by:
A quite different behavior can be obtained by  P
simply replacing the division by addition: 0 if ni¼1 xi M i,j F:
yj ¼ (13)
reaction(a1, a2) = a1 + a2 mod n with n ¼ jMj 1 otherwise:
the number of molecular species. Initializing the
well-stirred tank reactor only with the molecular The threshold multiplication is similar to the
species 1, the diversity rapidly increases towards common matrix vector product, except that the
its maximum and the reactor behaves apparently resulting vector is mapped to a binary vector by
totally chaotic after a very short transient phase using the threshold F.
Artificial Chemistry 585

Simulating the dynamics by an ODE or explicit Reactions that are not catalyzed are assumed to be
molecular collisions (subsection “Explicitly Sim- very slow and not depicted, whereas catalyzed
ulated Collisions”), we can observe that such a reactions, inflow, and decay are fast.
system would develop into a steady state where Typical experiments simulate a well-stirred
some string species support each other in produc- flow reactor using meta dynamical ODE frame
tion and thus become a stable autocatalytic cycle, work (Bagley and Farmer 1992); that is, the
whereas others would disappear due to the com- ODE model is dynamically changed when new
petition in the reactor. molecular species appear or present species van-
The system has a couple of interesting proper- ish. Note that the structure of the molecules does
ties: Despite the relatively simple definition of the not fully determine the reaction rules. Which mol-
basic reaction mechanism, the resulting complex- ecule catalyzes which reaction (the dotted arrows
ity of the reaction system and its dynamics is in Fig. 1) is assigned explicitly randomly. An
surprisingly high. Like in typogenetics and interesting aspect is that the catalytic or autocata-
Fontana’s lambda chemistry, molecules appear in lytic polymer sets (or reaction networks) evolve
two forms; as passive data (binary strings) and as without having a genome (Kauffman 1986, 1993).
active operators (binary matrix). The folding of a The simulation studies show how small, sponta-
binary string to a matrix is the central operation neous fluctuations can be amplified by an autocat-
of the structure-to function mapping. The matrix alytic network, possibly leading to a modification
is multiplied with substrings of the operand and of the entire network (Bagley and Farmer 1992).
thus some kind of locality is preserved, which Recent studies by Fernando and Rowe (2007)
mimics local operation of macromolecules include further aspects like energy conservation
(e.g. ribosomes or restriction enzymes) on poly- and compartmentalization.
mers (e.g. RNA or DNA). Locality is also con- Bagley and Farmer (1992) showed that auto-
served in the folding, because bits that are close in catalytic sets can be silhouetted against a noisy
the string are also close in the matrix. background of spontaneously reacting molecules
under moderate (that is, neither too low nor too
Autocatalytic Polymer Chemistries high) flow.
In order to study the emergence and evolution
of autocatalytic sets (Eigen 1971; Kauffman Artificial Chemistries Inspired by Turing
1971; Rössler 1971) Bagley, Farmer, Fontana, Machines
Kauffman and others (Bagley and Farmer 1992; The concept of an abstract automaton or Turing
Farmer et al. 1986; Kauffman 1986, 1993; Lohn machine provides a base for a variety of structure
et al. 1998) have used artificial chemistries function mappings. In these approaches mole-
where the molecules are character sequences  cules are usually represented as a sequence of
e:g:; M ¼ fa, b, aa, ab, ba,bb,aaa,aab . . .g and bits, characters, or instructions (Hofstadter 1979;
the reactions are concatenation and cleavage, for Laing 1972; McCaskill 1988; Suzuki 2007).
example: A sequence of bits specifies the behavior of a
machine by coding for its state transition function.
aa þ babb  aababb ðslowÞ: (14) Thus, like in the matrix multiplication chemistry
and the lambda chemistry, a molecule appears in
Additionally, each molecule can act as a cata- two forms, namely as passive data (e.g., a binary
lyst enhancing the rate of a concatenation string) and as an active machine. Also here we can
reaction. call the mapping from a binary string into its
machine folding, which might be indeterministic
aa þ babb þ bbb  bbb þ aababb ðfastÞ: (15) and may depend on other molecules (e.g., Ikegami
and Hashimoto 1995).
Figure 1 shows an example of an autocatalytic In the early 1970s Laing (1972) argued for
network that appeared. There are two time scales. abstract, non analogous models in order to
586 Artificial Chemistry

Artificial Chemistry, Fig. 1 Example of an autocatalytic inflow of the monomers a and b. Note that the network
polymer network. The dotted lines represent catalytic contains further auto catalytic networks, for example, {a,
links, e.g., aa + ba + aaa ! aaba + aaa. All molecules b, aa, ba} and {a, aa}, of which some are closed and thus
are subject to a dilution flow. In this example, all polymer- organizations, for example, {a, b, aa, ba}. The set {a, aa}
ization reactions are reversible and there is a continuous is not closed, because b and ba can be produced

develop a general theory for living systems. For 1998). The molecules of typogenetics are charac-
developing such general theory, so called artifi- ter sequences (called strands) over the alphabet
cial organisms would be required. Laing A, C, G, T. The reaction rules are “typographic”
suggested a series of artificial organisms (Laing manipulations based on a set of predefined basic
1972, 1975, 1977) that should allow one to study operations like cutting, insertion, or deletion of
general properties of life and thus would allow characters. A sequence of such operations forms a
one to derive a theory which is not restricted to the unit (called an enzyme) which may operate on a
instance of life we observe on earth. The artificial character sequence like a Turing machine on its
organisms consist of different compartments, e.g., tape. A character string can be “translated” to an
a “brain” plus “body” parts. These compartments enzyme (i.e., a sequence of operations) by map-
contain binary strings as molecules. Strings are ping two characters to an operation according to a
translated to a sequence of instructions forming a predefined “genetic code”.
three dimensional shape (cf. Salzberg 2007; Another artificial chemistry whose reaction
Suzuki 2007; Varetto 1993). In order to perform mechanism is inspired by the Turing machine
a reaction, two molecules are attached such that was suggested by McCaskill (1988) in order to
they touch at one position (Fig. 2). One of the study the self organization of complex chemical
molecules is executed like a Turing machine, systems consisting of catalytic polymers. Variants
manipulating the passive data molecule as its of this AC were realized later in a specially
tape. Laing proved that his artificial organisms designed parallel reconfigurable computer based
are able to perform universal computation. He on FPGAs – Field Programmable Gate Arrays
also demonstrated different forms of self repro- (Breyer et al. 1999; Ehricht et al. 1997; Tangen
duction, self description and self inspection using et al. 1997). In this approach, molecules are binary
his molecular machines (Laing 1977). strings of fixed length (e.g., 20 (McCaskill 1988))
Typogenetics is a similar approach, which was or of variable length (Breyer et al. 1999). As in
introduced in 1979 by Hofstadter in order to illus- previous approaches, a string codes for an autom-
trate the “formal logic of life” (Hofstadter 1979). aton able to manipulate other strings. And again,
Later, typogenetics was simulated and investi- pattern matching is used to check whether two
gated in more detail (Morris 1989; Varetto 1993, molecules can react and to obtain the “binding
Artificial Chemistry 587

Machines with Fixed Tape Size

In order to perform large-scale systematic simula-
tion studies like the investigation of noise
(Ikegami and Hashimoto 1995) or intrinsic evolu-
tion (Dittrich and Banzhaf 1998), it makes sense
to limit the study to molecules of fixed tractable
length. Ikegami and Hashimoto (1995) developed
an abstract artificial chemistry with two types of
molecular species: 7 bit long tapes, which are
mapped to 16 bit long machines. Tapes and
machines form two separated populations, simu-
lated in parallel. Reactions take place between a
tape and a machine according to the following
reaction scheme:

sM þ sT ! sM þ sT þ s0M þ s0T : (17)

A machine sM can react with a tape sT, if its

head matches a substring of the tape sT and its tail
matches a different substring of the tape sT. The
machine operates only between these two sub-
strings (called reading frame) which results in a
tape s0T . The tape s0T is then “translated” (folded)
into a machine s0M .
Artificial Chemistry, Fig. 2 Illustration of Ikegami and Hashimoto (1995) showed that
Laing’smolecular machines. A program molecule is asso- under the influence of low noise, simple autocat-
ciated with a data molecule. (Figure from Laing (1975))
alytic loops are formed. When the noise level is
increased, the reaction network is destabilized by
parasites, but after a relatively long transient
site”; i.e., the location where the active mole- phase (about 1000 generations) a very stable,
cule (machine) manipulates the passive mole- dense reaction network appears, called core net-
cule (tape). The general reaction scheme can be work (Ikegami and Hashimoto 1995). A core net-
written as: work maintains its relatively high diversity even if
the noise is deactivated. The active mutation rate
sM þ sT ! sM þ s0T : (16) is high. When the noise level is very high, only
small, degenerated core networks emerge with a
In experimental studies, self replicating strings low diversity and very low (even no) active muta-
appeared frequently. In coevolution with para- tion. The core networks which emerged under the
sites, an evolutionary arms race started among influence of external noise are very stable so that
these species and the self replicating string diver- their is no further development after they have
sified to an extent that the parasites could not appeared.
coadapt and went extinct. In a spatial environment
(e.g., a 2-D lattice), sets of cooperating polymers Assembler Automata
evolved, interacting in a hypercyclic fashion. The An Assembler automaton is like a parallel von
authors also observed a chemoton-like (Gánti Neumann machine. It consists of a core memory
1975) cooperative behavior, with spatially iso- and a set of processing units running in parallel.
lated, membrane bounded evolutionary stable Inspired by Core Wars (Dewdney 1984), assem-
molecular organizations. bler automata have been used to create certain
588 Artificial Chemistry

artificial life systems, such as Coreworld polymers like their energy landscape and folding
(Rasmussen et al. 1990, 1992), Tierra (Ray processes (Sali et al. 1994a, b), but should not
1992), Avida (Adami and Brown 1994), and give insight into questions concerning origin and
Amoeba (Pargellis 1996). Although these evolution self maintaining organizations or
machines have been classified as artificial chem- molecular information processing. For these ques-
istries (Rasmussen et al. 1990), it is in general tions more abstract systems are studied as
difficult to identify molecules or reactions. Fur- described in the following.
thermore, the assembler automaton Tierra has Varela, Maturana, and Uribe introduced in
explicitly been designed to imitate the Cambrian (Varela et al. 1974) a lattice molecular system to
explosion and not a chemical process. Neverthe- illustrate their concept of autopoiesis
less, in some cases we can interpret the execution (cf. McMullin and Varela 1997; Zeleny 1977).
of an assembler automaton as a chemical process, The system consists of a 2-D square lattice. Each
which is especially possible in a clear way in lattice site can be occupied by one of the follow-
experiments with Avida. Here, a molecule is a ing atoms: Substrate S, catalyst K, and monomer
single assembler program, which is protected by L. Atoms may form bonds and thus form molec-
a memory management system. The system ular structures on the lattice. If molecules come
is initialized with manually written programs close to each other they may react according to the
that are able to self replicate. Therefore, in a following reaction rules:
basic version of Avida only unimolecular first
order reactions occur, which are of replicator
type. The reaction scheme can be written as K + 2S ! K + L (1) Composition: Formation of a
a ! a + mutation(a). The function mutation rep-
... - L - (2) Concatenation:
resents the possible errors that can occur while the L + L ! ... - L -
program is self replicating. L-L
L+L!L-L Formation of a bond between a
Lattice Molecular Systems monomer and another monomer
with no more than one bond. This
In this section systems are discussed which con-
reaction is inhibited by a double-
sist of a regular lattice, where each lattice site can bounded monomer (McMullin
hold a part (e.g. atom) of a molecule. Between and Varela 1997).
parts, bonds can be formed so that a molecule L ! 2S (3) Disintegration:
covers many lattice sites. This is different to sys- Decomposition of a monomer
tems where a lattice site holds a complete mole-
cule, like in Avida. The important difference is Figure 3 illustrates an autopoietic entity that
that in lattice molecular systems, the space of the may arise. Note that it is quite difficult to find the
molecular structure is identical to the space in right dynamical conditions under which such
which the molecules are floating around. In sys- autopoietic structures are stable (McMullin and
tems where a molecule covers just one lattice site, Varela 1997; Ono and Ikegami 2000).
the molecular structure is described in a different
space independently from the space in which the Cellular Automata
molecule is located. Cellular automata (Mathematical Basis of Cellu-
Lattice molecular systems have been inten- lar Automata, Introduction to) can be used as a
sively used to model polymers (Vanderzande medium to simulate chemical like processes in
1998), protein folding (Socci and Onuchic various ways. An obvious approach is to use the
1995), and RNA structures. Besides approaches cellular automata to model space where each cell
which intend to model real molecular dynamics as can hold a molecule (like in Avida) or atom (like
accurately as possible, there are also approaches in lattice molecular automata). However there are
which try to build abstract models. These models approaches where it is not clear at the onset what a
should give insight into statistical properties of molecule or reaction is. The model specification

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