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Encyclopedia of

Complexity and Systems Science Series

Editor-in-Chief: Robert A. Meyers

Andrew Adamatzky Editor

Cellular Automata
A Volume in the Encyclopedia of
Complexity and Systems Science,
Second Edition
Encyclopedia of Complexity and
Systems Science Series

Robert A. Meyers
The Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science Series of topical
volumes provides an authoritative source for understanding and applying the
concepts of complexity theory together with the tools and measures for
analyzing complex systems in all fields of science and engineering. Many
phenomena at all scales in science and engineering have the characteristics of
complex systems, and can be fully understood only through the transdisciplin-
ary perspectives, theories, and tools of self-organization, synergetics, dynam-
ical systems, turbulence, catastrophes, instabilities, nonlinearity, stochastic
processes, chaos, neural networks, cellular automata, adaptive systems,
genetic algorithms, and so on. Examples of near-term problems and major
unknowns that can be approached through complexity and systems science
include: the structure, history, and future of the universe; the biological basis of
consciousness; the integration of genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics as
systems biology; human longevity limits; the limits of computing; sustainabil-
ity of human societies and life on earth; predictability, dynamics, and extent of
earthquakes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and other natural disasters; the dynamics of
turbulent flows; lasers or fluids in physics; microprocessor design; macromo-
lecular assembly in chemistry and biophysics; brain functions in cognitive
neuroscience; climate change; ecosystem management; traffic management;
and business cycles. All these seemingly diverse kinds of phenomena and
structure formation have a number of important features and underlying
structures in common. These deep structural similarities can be exploited to
transfer analytical methods and understanding from one field to another. This
unique work will extend the influence of complexity and system science to a
much wider audience than has been possible to date.

More information about this series at

Andrew Adamatzky

Cellular Automata
A Volume in the Encyclopedia of
Complexity and Systems Science,
Second Edition

With 425 Figures and 20 Tables

Andrew Adamatzky
Unconventional Computing Centre
University of the West of England
Bristol, UK

ISBN 978-1-4939-8699-6 ISBN 978-1-4939-8700-9 (eBook)

ISBN 978-1-4939-8701-6 (print and electronic bundle)
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018947853

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018

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Series Preface

The Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science Series is a multivolume

authoritative source for understanding and applying the basic tenets of com-
plexity and systems theory as well as the tools and measures for analyzing
complex systems in science, engineering, and many areas of social, financial,
and business interactions. It is written for an audience of advanced university
undergraduate and graduate students, professors, and professionals in a wide
range of fields who must manage complexity on scales ranging from the
atomic and molecular to the societal and global.
Complex systems are systems that comprise many interacting parts with the
ability to generate a new quality of collective behavior through self-
organization, e.g., the spontaneous formation of temporal, spatial, or func-
tional structures. They are therefore adaptive as they evolve and may contain
self-driving feedback loops. Thus, complex systems are much more than a sum
of their parts. Complex systems are often characterized as having extreme
sensitivity to initial conditions as well as emergent behavior that are not readily
predictable or even completely deterministic. The conclusion is that a reduc-
tionist (bottom-up) approach is often an incomplete description of a phenom-
enon. This recognition that the collective behavior of the whole system cannot
be simply inferred from the understanding of the behavior of the individual
components has led to many new concepts and sophisticated mathematical and
modeling tools for application to many scientific, engineering, and societal
issues that can be adequately described only in terms of complexity and
complex systems.
Examples of Grand Scientific Challenges which can be approached through
complexity and systems science include: the structure, history, and future of
the universe; the biological basis of consciousness; the true complexity of the
genetic makeup and molecular functioning of humans (genetics and epige-
netics) and other life forms; human longevity limits; unification of the laws of
physics; the dynamics and extent of climate change and the effects of climate
change; extending the boundaries of and understanding the theoretical limits
of computing; sustainability of life on the earth; workings of the interior of the
earth; predictability, dynamics, and extent of earthquakes, tsunamis, and other
natural disasters; dynamics of turbulent flows and the motion of granular
materials; the structure of atoms as expressed in the Standard Model and the
formulation of the Standard Model and gravity into a Unified Theory; the
structure of water; control of global infectious diseases; and also evolution and
quantification of (ultimately) human cooperative behavior in politics,

vi Series Preface

economics, business systems, and social interactions. In fact, most of these

issues have identified nonlinearities and are beginning to be addressed with
nonlinear techniques, e.g., human longevity limits, the Standard Model, cli-
mate change, earthquake prediction, workings of the earth’s interior, natural
disaster prediction, etc.
The individual complex systems mathematical and modeling tools and
scientific and engineering applications that comprised the Encyclopedia of
Complexity and Systems Science are being completely updated and the major-
ity will be published as individual books edited by experts in each field who are
eminent university faculty members.
The topics are as follows:

Agent Based Modeling and Simulation

Applications of Physics and Mathematics to Social Science
Cellular Automata, Mathematical Basis of
Chaos and Complexity in Astrophysics
Climate Modeling, Global Warming, and Weather Prediction
Complex Networks and Graph Theory
Complexity and Nonlinearity in Autonomous Robotics
Complexity in Computational Chemistry
Complexity in Earthquakes, Tsunamis, and Volcanoes, and Forecasting and
Early Warning of Their Hazards
Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
Control and Dynamical Systems
Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
Ecological Complexity
Ergodic Theory
Finance and Econometrics
Fractals and Multifractals
Game Theory
Granular Computing
Intelligent Systems
Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
Perturbation Theory
Probability and Statistics in Complex Systems
Quantum Information Science
Social Network Analysis
Soft Computing
Statistical and Nonlinear Physics
System Dynamics
Systems Biology

Each entry in each of the Series books was selected and peer reviews
organized by one of our university-based book Editors with advice and
Series Preface vii

consultation provided by our eminent Board Members and the Editor-in-Chief.

This level of coordination assures that the reader can have a level of confidence
in the relevance and accuracy of the information far exceeding than that
generally found on the World Wide Web. Accessibility is also a priority and
for this reason each entry includes a glossary of important terms and a concise
definition of the subject. In addition, we are pleased that the mathematical
portions of our Encyclopedia have been selected by Math Reviews for
indexing in MathSciNet. Also, ACM, the world’s largest educational and
scientific computing society, recognized our Computational Complexity: The-
ory, Techniques, and Applications book, which contains content taken exclu-
sively from the Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, with an
award as one of the notable Computer Science publications. Clearly, we have
achieved prominence at a level beyond our expectations, but consistent with
the high quality of the content!

Palm Desert, CA, USA Robert A. Meyers

September 2018 Editor-in-Chief
Volume Preface

Somewhere in 1930s, while sipping coffee with brandy in Kawiarnia Szkocka

in Lwów, Stanislaw Ulam posed a problem – “Suppose one has an infinite
regular system of lattice points in En, each capable of existing in various states
S1, . . ., Sk. Each lattice point has a well defined system of m neighbors, and it is
assumed that the state of each point at time t + 1 is uniquely determined by the
states of all its neighbors at time t. Assuming that at time t only a finite set of
points are active, one wants to know how the activation will spread.”1 This is
just one of the possible onset of cellular automata theory. Cellular automata are
multiorigin and multifarious. They are mathematical machines, models of
computation, architectures of massively parallel processors, and fast pro-
totyping tools for studying dynamics of spatially extended nonlinear systems.
As Tommaso Toffoli told me once “a magic of cellular automata is that they
have low entry fees but high exit fees.” The cellular automata are very simple
yet their behavior is often far from predictable, and their analyses require
substantial efforts. In this unique book, we gathered a crème de la crème of the
cellular automata community. Authors came from different fields of science
and different walks of life. What makes the book unique is not just subjects and
objects of the studies but breadths of cellular automata discoveries made in
mathematics, computers, science, engineering, and physics. I am honored to
the bones to have a privilege of compiling the texts authored by brilliant and
brightest minds of the scientific and engineering world. Thank you, authors.

Bristol, UK Andrew Adamatzky

September 2018 Volume Editor

Ulam S. M. A. Collection of Mathematical Problems (New York: Interscience, 1960), p. 30
Cellular Automata Editorial

A cellular automaton is a discrete universe with discrete time, discrete space,

and discrete states. Cells of the universe are arranged into regular structures
called lattices or arrays. Each cell takes a finite number of states and updates its
states in a discrete time, depending on the states of its neighbors. Cellular
automata are mathematical models of massively parallel computing; compu-
tational models of spatially extended nonlinear physical, biological, chemical,
and social systems; and primary tools for studying large-scale complex sys-
tems. Cellular automata are ubiquitous; they are objects of theoretical study
and also tools of applied modeling in science and engineering.
Commonly, a cellular automaton array is a one- or two-dimensional rect-
angular matrix of cells. However, other topologies are also used, e.g., pentag-
onal tessellations (chapter “▶ Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal,
and Hexagonal Tessellations,” by Carter Bays) and hyperbolic spaces (chapter
“▶ Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces,” by Maurice Margenstern).
Structure of neighborhood, connections between cells, can also change
dynamically during automaton’s evolution (chapter “▶ Structurally Dynamic
Cellular Automata,” by Andrew Ilachinski). Typically, all cells of a cellular
automaton update their states simultaneously, at the same time, however, there
is a family of asynchronous automata where cells might not have a global clock
(chapter “▶ Asynchronous Cellular Automata,” by Nazim Fates). Cell-state
transitions per se can be based on quantum mechanics (chapter “▶ Quantum
Cellular Automata,” by Karoline Wiesner). Talking about nonstandard cell-
transition rules, we must mention cellular automata with injective global
functions, where every configuration has exactly one preceding configuration
(chapter “▶ Reversible Cellular Automata,” by Kenichi Morita).
Typically, a cell neighborhood is fixed during cellular automaton develop-
ment, and a cell updates its state depending on current states of its neighbors.
But even in this very basic setup, the space-time dynamics of cellular automata
are incredibly complex, as can be observed from analysis of the simplest
one-dimensional automata where a transition rule applied to the sum of two
states is equal to the sum of its actions on the two states separately (see chapter
“▶ Additive Cellular Automata,” by Burton Voorhees). The automata dynam-
ics becomes much richer if we allow the topology of the cell neighborhood to
be updated dynamically during automaton development (see chapter “▶ Struc-
turally Dynamic Cellular Automata,” by Andrew Ilachinski) or also allow a
cell’s state to become dependent on the cells’ previous states (see chapter
“▶ Cellular Automata with Memory,” by Ramón Alonso-Sanz). Insightful

xii Cellular Automata Editorial

classification of cellular automata based on their dynamics and structure of

state-transition functions are provided in chapter “▶ Classification of Cellular
Automata,” by Klaus Sutner.
The reader’s initial excursion into the theory of cellular automata them-
selves continues with decision problems of cellular automata expressed in
terms of filling the plane using tiles with colored edges (chapter “▶ Tiling
Problem and Undecidability in Cellular Automata,” by Jarkko Kari) and about
algebraic properties of cellular automata transformations, such as group rep-
resentation of the Garden of Eden theorem and matrix representation of
cellular automata (chapter “▶ Cellular Automata and Groups,” by Tullio
Ceccherini-Silberstein and Michel Coornaert).
Self-reproducing patterns and gliders are among the most remarkable
features of cellular automata. Certain cellular automata can reproduce config-
urations of cell-states, for example, the von Neumann universal constructor,
and thus can be used in designs of self-replicating hardware (chapter “▶ Self-
Replication and Cellular Automata,” by Gianluca Tempesti, Daniel Mange,
and André Stauffer). Gliders are translating oscillators, or traveling patterns, of
nonquiescent states, for example, gliders in Conway’s Game of Life. Gliders
are fascinating in two- and three-dimensional spaces (chapter “▶ Gliders in
Cellular Automata”).
Much of the research in cellular automata deals with dynamics of autom-
aton configurations in time and space. Several chapters are dedicated to
analysis and prediction of the cellular automaton behavior. These include
analyses of global transitions graphs (chapter “▶ Basins of Attraction of
Cellular Automata and Discrete Dynamical Networks”), phase-transitions
(chapter “▶ Phase Transitions in Cellular Automata”), propagated patterns
(chapter “▶ Growth Phenomena in Cellular Automata”), and travelling local-
izations (chapter “▶ Gliders in Cellular Automata,” chapter “▶ Emergent
Phenomena in Cellular Automata,” by James E. Hanson). Analytical tools
for analyzing cellular automaton dynamics are discussed in (chapter “▶ Topo-
logical Dynamics of Cellular Automata,” by Petr Kůrka and chapter
“▶ Dynamics of Cellular Automata in Noncompact Spaces,” by Enrico
Formenti and Petr Kůrka), probabilistic approaches to CA dynamics (chapter
“▶ Orbits of Bernoulli Measures in Cellular Automata,” by Henryk Fukś),
chaotic dynamics (chapter “▶ Chaotic Behavior of Cellular Automata,” Julien
Cervelle, Alberto Dennunzio, Enrico Formenti), and symbolic dynamics
(chapter “▶ Ergodic Theory of Cellular Automata,” by Marcus Pivato). Par-
ticular attention is paid to topological dynamics, e.g., in relation to symbolic
dynamics, subjectivity, and permutations (chapter “▶ Topological Dynamics
of Cellular Automata”), entropy and decidability of cellular automata behavior
(chapter “▶ Chaotic Behavior of Cellular Automata”), and insights into cellu-
lar automata as dynamical systems with invariant measures (chapter “▶ Ergo-
dic Theory of Cellular Automata”). Concepts of control theory to guide
dynamics of probabilistic cellular automata are overviewed in chapter “▶ Con-
trol of Cellular Automata,” by Franco Bagnoli, Samira El Yacoubi, and Raul
Complexity underpins almost every chapter but particularly pronounced in
chapter “▶ Algorithmic Complexity and Cellular Automata,” where
Cellular Automata Editorial xiii

Kolmogorov complexity as related to cellular automata configurations have

been used among other measures and chapter “▶ Graphs Related to Revers-
ibility and Complexity in Cellular Automata,” by Juan C. Seck-Tuoh-Mora
and Genaro J. Martínez, where De Bruijn graphs were applied to evaluate
complexity of cell-state transition function. Authoritative review of reversible
cellular automata and their computational universality is presented in chapter
“▶ Reversible Cellular Automata.”
Cellular automata are massive-parallel computing devices (chapter “▶ Cel-
lular Automata as Models of Parallel Computation”) and acceptors of formal
languages (chapter “▶ Cellular Automata and Language Theory”). Cellular
automata can compute using traveling localizations, or propagating particles or
gliders (chapter “▶ Evolving Cellular Automata,” by Martin Cenek and
Melanie Mitchell, and chapter “▶ Gliders in Cellular Automata,” by Carter
Bays) or by using each cell as an elementary processor, as in systolic archi-
tectures (chapter “▶ Cellular Automata Hardware Implementation,” by
Georgios Sirakoulis); there are, indeed, combinations of conventional parallel
computing techniques and less conventional approaches based on interaction
of growing patterns and traveling localizations. Firing squad synchronization
is a classical problem demonstrating computational potential of cellular
automata: all cells of a one-dimensional cellular automaton are quiescent
apart from one cell in the firing state; we wish to design minimal cell-state
transition rules enabling all other cells to assume the firing state at the same
time (chapter “▶ Firing Squad Synchronization Problem in Cellular Autom-
ata,” by Hiroshi Umeo). This has been further developed into solutions of
density determination using cellular automata (chapter “▶ Evolving Cellular
Automata”). Universality of cellular automata is another classical issue. Two
kinds of universality are of most importance: computational universality, e.g.,
an ability to compute any computable function or implement a functionally
complete logical system, and intrinsic, or simulation universality, such as an
ability to simulate any cellular automaton (chapter “▶ Universality of Cellular
Automata,” by Jérôme Durand-Lose).
Cellular automata models of natural systems media (chapter “▶ Cellular
Automata Modeling of Physical Systems,” by Bastien Chopard) such as cell
differentiation, road traffic, reaction-diffusion (chapter “▶ Stochastic Cellular
Automata as Models of Reaction–Diffusion Processes,” by Olga Bandman),
and excitable media are ideal candidates for studying all important phenomena
of pattern growth (chapter “▶ Growth Phenomena in Cellular Automata,” by
Janko Gravner), for studying transformation of a system’s state from one phase
to another (chapter “▶ Phase Transitions in Cellular Automata,” by Nino
Boccara), and for evaluating the ability of a system to be attracted to the states
where boundary between the system’s phases is indistinguishable (chapter
“▶ Self-Organized Criticality and Cellular Automata,” by Michael Creutz).
Cellular automata models of natural phenomena can be designed, in principle,
by reconstructing cell-state transition rules of cellular automata from snapshots
of space-time dynamics of the system we wish to simulate (chapter “▶ Iden-
tification of Cellular Automata,” by Andrew Adamatzky).

Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal

Tessellations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Carter Bays
Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Maurice Margenstern
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Andrew Ilachinski
Asynchronous Cellular Automata .......................... 73
Nazim Fatès
Quantum Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Karoline Wiesner
Reversible Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
Kenichi Morita
Additive Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
Burton Voorhees
Cellular Automata with Memory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153
Ramón Alonso-Sanz
Classification of Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
Klaus Sutner
Tiling Problem and Undecidability in Cellular Automata . . . . . . . 201
Jarkko Kari
Cellular Automata and Groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein and Michel Coornaert
Self-Replication and Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Gianluca Tempesti, Daniel Mange, and André Stauffer
Gliders in Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 261
Carter Bays

xvi Contents

Basins of Attraction of Cellular Automata and Discrete

Dynamical Networks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Andrew Wuensche
Growth Phenomena in Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 291
Janko Gravner
Emergent Phenomena in Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309
James E. Hanson
Dynamics of Cellular Automata in Noncompact Spaces . . . . . . . . . 323
Enrico Formenti and Petr Kůrka
Orbits of Bernoulli Measures in Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . 337
Henryk Fukś
Chaotic Behavior of Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 357
Julien Cervelle, Alberto Dennunzio, and Enrico Formenti
Ergodic Theory of Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 373
Marcus Pivato
Topological Dynamics of Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 419
Petr Kůrka
Control of Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 445
Franco Bagnoli, Samira El Yacoubi, and Raúl Rechtman
Algorithmic Complexity and Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 459
Julien Cervelle and Enrico Formenti
Graphs Related to Reversibility and Complexity in Cellular
Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
Juan C. Seck-Tuoh-Mora and Genaro J. Martínez
Cellular Automata as Models of Parallel Computation . . . . . . . . . 493
Thomas Worsch
Cellular Automata and Language Theory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 513
Martin Kutrib
Evolving Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 543
Martin Cenek and Melanie Mitchell
Cellular Automata Hardware Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis
Firing Squad Synchronization Problem in Cellular Automata . . . 583
Hiroshi Umeo
Universality of Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 641
Jérôme Durand-Lose
Cellular Automata Modeling of Physical Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 657
Bastien Chopard
Contents xvii

Stochastic Cellular Automata as Models of Reaction–Diffusion

Processes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 691
Olga Bandman
Phase Transitions in Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 705
Nino Boccara
Self-Organized Criticality and Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . 719
Michael Creutz

Identification of Cellular Automata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 733

Andrew Adamatzky

Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 749
About the Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Robert A. Meyers

President: RAMTECH Limited
Manger, Chemical Process Technology, TRW Inc.
Post doctoral Fellow: California Institute of Technology
Ph.D. Chemistry, University of California at Los Angeles
B.A. Chemistry, California State University, San Diego


Dr. Meyers has worked with more than 20 Nobel laureates during his career
and is the originator and serves as Editor-in-Chief of both the Springer Nature
Encyclopedia of Sustainability Science and Technology and the related and
supportive Springer Nature Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science.


Postdoctoral Fellow: California Institute of Technology

Ph.D. in Organic Chemistry, University of California at Los Angeles
B.A. Chemistry with minor in Mathematics, California State University,
San Diego

Dr. Meyers holds more than 20 patents and is the author or Editor-in-Chief
of 12 technical books including the Handbook of Chemical Production

xx About the Editor-in-Chief

Processes, Handbook of Synfuels Technology, and Handbook of Petroleum

Refining Processes now in 4th Edition, and the Handbook of Petrochemical
Production Processes, now in its second edition, (McGraw-Hill) and the
Handbook of Energy Technology and Economics, published by John Wiley
& Sons; Coal Structure, published by Academic Press; and Coal Desulfuri-
zation as well as the Coal Handbook published by Marcel Dekker. He served
as Chairman of the Advisory Board for A Guide to Nuclear Power Technology,
published by John Wiley & Sons, which won the Association of American
Publishers Award as the best book in technology and engineering.
About the Volume Editor

Andrew Adamatzky is Professor in Unconventional Computing at the Depart-

ment of Computer Science and Director of the Unconventional Computing
Laboratory, University of the West of England, Bristol. He does research in
theoretical models of computation, cellular automata theory and applications,
molecular computing, reaction-diffusion computing, collision-based comput-
ing, slime mold computing, massive parallel computation, applied mathemat-
ics, complexity, nature-inspired optimization, collective intelligence, bionics,
computational psychology, nonlinear science, novel hardware, and future and
emergent computation. He invented and developed new fields of computing –
reaction-diffusion computing and slime mold computing – which are now
listed as key topics of all major conferences in computer science and future and
emerging technologies. His first authored book was Identification of Cellular
Automata (Taylor & Francis, 1994). He authored seven books, most notable
are Reaction-Diffusion Computing (Elsevier, 2005), Dynamics of Crow Minds
(World Scientific, 2005), Physarum Machines (World Scientific, 2010), and
Reaction-Diffusion Automata (Springer, 2013) and edited 22 books in com-
puting, most notable are Collision Based Computing (Springer, 2002), Game
of Life Cellular Automata (Springer, 2010), and Memristor Networks
(Springer, 2014); he also produced a series of influential artworks published
in the atlas Silence of Slime Mould (Luniver Press, 2014). He is founding
editor-in-chief of Journal of Cellular Automata and Journal of Unconven-
tional Computing (both published by OCP Science, USA) and editor-in-chief
of Parallel, Emergent, and Distributed Systems (Taylor & Francis) and Par-
allel Processing Letters (World Scientific). He is co-founder of Springer Series
Emergence, Complexity and Computation, which publishes elected topics in
the fields of complexity, computation, and emergency, including all aspects of

xxii About the Volume Editor

reality-based computation approaches from an interdisciplinary point of view

especially from applied sciences, biology, physics, or chemistry. Adamatzky is
famous for his unorthodox ideas, which attracted substantial funding from UK
and EU, including computing with liquid marbles, living architectures, grow-
ing computers with slime mold, learning and computation in memristor net-
works, artificial wet neural networks, biologically inspired transportation,
collision-based computing, dynamical logical circuits in sub-excitable
media, particle dynamics in cellular automata, and amorphous biological

Andrew Adamatzky Unconventional Computing Centre, University of the

West of England, Bristol, UK

Ramón Alonso-Sanz Technical University of Madrid, ETSIAAB (Estadística,

GSC), Madrid, Spain

Franco Bagnoli Department of Physics and Astronomy and CSDC, Univer-

sity of Florence, Sesto Fiorentino, Italy

Olga Bandman Supercomputer Software Department, Institute of Computa-

tional Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk,

Carter Bays Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University

of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, USA

Nino Boccara Department of Physics, University of Illinois, Chicago, IL,

CE Saclay, Gif-sur-Yvette, France

Tullio Ceccherini-Silberstein Dipartimento di Ingegneria, Università del

Sannio, Benevento, Italy

Martin Cenek Computer Science Department, Portland State University,

Portland, OR, USA

Julien Cervelle Laboratoire d’Informatique de l’Institut, Gaspard–Monge,

Université Paris-Est, Marne la Vallée, France

Bastien Chopard Computer Science Department, University of Geneva,

Geneva, Switzerland

Michel Coornaert Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée, Université

Louis Pasteur et CNRS, Strasbourg, France

Michael Creutz Physics Department, Brookhaven National Laboratory,

Upton, NY, USA

xxiv Contributors

Alberto Dennunzio Dipartimento di Informatica, Sistemistica e

Comunicazione, Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca, Milan, Italy
Jérôme Durand-Lose Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale d’Orléans,
Université d’Orléans, Orléans, France
Samira El Yacoubi Team Project IMAGES_ESPACE-Dev, UMR 228
Espace-Dev IRD UA UM UG UR, University of Perpignan, Perpignan
cedex, France
Nazim Fatès LORIA UMR 7503, Inria Nancy – Grand Est, Nancy, France
Enrico Formenti Laboratoire I3S – UNSA/CNRS UMR 6070, Université de
Nice Sophia Antipolis, Sophia Antipolis, France
Henryk Fukś Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Brock University,
St. Catharines, ON, Canada
Janko Gravner Mathematics Department, University of California, Davis,
James E. Hanson IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY,
Andrew Ilachinski Center for Naval Analyses, Alexandria, VA, USA
Jarkko Kari Department of Mathematics, University of Turku, Turku,
Petr Kůrka Département d’Informatique, Université de Nice Sophia Anti-
polis, Nice, France
Center for Theoretical Study, Academy of Sciences and Charles University,
Prague, Czechia
Martin Kutrib Institut für Informatik, Universität Giessen, Giessen,
Daniel Mange Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lau-
sanne, Switzerland
Maurice Margenstern Université de Lorraine, LGIPM, Département
d’Informatique, Equipe GRAL, Metz, France
Genaro J. Martínez Escuela Superior de Cómputo, Instituto Politécnico
Nacional, México Unconventional Computing Center, University of the
West of England, Bristol, UK
Melanie Mitchell Computer Science Department, Portland State University,
Portland, OR, USA
Kenichi Morita Hiroshima University, Higashi-Hiroshima, Japan
Marcus Pivato Department of Mathematics, Trent University, Peterborough,
ON, Canada
Raúl Rechtman Instituto de Energías Renovables, Universidad Nacional
Autónoma de México, Temixco, Morelos, Mexico
Contributors xxv

Juan C. Seck-Tuoh-Mora Instituto de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería, Área

Académica de Ingeniería, Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo,
Hidalgo, Mexico
Georgios Ch. Sirakoulis School of Engineering, Department of Electrical
and Computer Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece
André Stauffer Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), Lau-
sanne, Switzerland
Klaus Sutner Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Gianluca Tempesti University of York, York, UK
Hiroshi Umeo University of Osaka Electro-Communication, Osaka, Japan
Burton Voorhees Center for Science, Athabasca University, Athabasca,
Karoline Wiesner School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Thomas Worsch Lehrstuhl Informatik für Ingenieure und Naturwis-
senschaftler, Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
Andrew Wuensche Discrete Dynamics Lab, London, UK
Oscillator a periodic shape within a specific cel-
Cellular Automata in lular automaton rule.
Triangular, Pentagonal, and Glider a translating oscillator that moves across
Hexagonal Tessellations the grid of a CA.
Generation the discrete time unit which depicts
Carter Bays the evolution of a cellular automaton.
Department of Computer Science and Rule determines how each individual cell within
Engineering, University of South Carolina, a cellular automaton evolves.
Columbia, SC, USA
Definition of the Subject

Article Outline A tessellation or tiling is composed of a specific

shape that is repeated endlessly in a plane, with no
Glossary gaps or overlaps. Examples of simple tessellations
Definition of the Subject are the square grid, the triangular grid (a plane
Two Dimensional Cellular Automata in the completely covered by identical triangles),
Triangular Grid etc. Hereafter, we shall also use “grid” when
The Hexagonal Grid referring to tessellations.
The Pentagonal Grid Cellular automata (CA) can be explained
Programming Tips most effectively with an example. Start with an
Future Directions infinite grid of squares; each square represents a
Bibliography cell, which is either “alive” or “dead”. Time pro-
gresses in discrete units called “generations”;
Typically, cellular automata (“CA”) are defined at every generation we evaluate simultaneously
in Cartesian space (e.g. a square grid). Here we the fate for each cell at the next generation by
explore characteristics of CA in triangular and examining neighboring cells (called “neigh-
other non-cartesian grids. Methods for program- bors”) – in this case, we shall consider as neigh-
ming CA for these non-cartesian grids are briefly bors any cell touching the candidate cell (eight
discussed. neighbors in all). This is sometimes called the
Moore neighborhood. We apply a “rule” to deter-
mine the next generation status of our candidate
Glossary cell. For example, our rule might state, (a) “If our
candidate cell is currently alive, then it will
Cellular automaton (CA) a structure compris- remain alive next generation if it touches either
ing a grid with individual cells that can have two or three live neighbors, otherwise it dies”,
two or more states; these cells evolve in dis- and (b) “If our candidate cell is not alive then it
crete time units and are governed by a rule, will come to life next generation if and only if it
which usually involves neighbors of each cell. is touching exactly three live neighbors.”
Game of Life a particular cellular automaton Figure 1 illustrates a simple configuration to
discovered by John Conway in 1968. which this CA rule has been applied. Notice that
Neighbor a neighbor of cell “x” is typically a cell this particular object repeats itself indefinitely.
that is in close proximity to (frequently touch- Such an object is called an “oscillator”; this
ing) cell “x”. particular oscillator has a “period” of two.

# Springer-Verlag 2009 1
A. Adamatzky (ed.), Cellular Automata,
Originally published in
R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, # Springer-Verlag 2009
2 Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal Tessellations

Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and with exactly 2 or 3 live neighbors remain alive (otherwise
Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 1 Top: Each cell in a they die); dead cells with exactly 3 live neighbors come to
grid has 8 “neighbors”. The cells containing “n” are neigh- life (otherwise they remain dead)”. Let us now evaluate the
bors of the cell containing the “X”. Any cell in the grid can transition from generation 1 to generation 2. In our dia-
be either “dead” or “alive”. Bottom: Here we have outlined gram, cell “a” is dead. Since it does not have exactly 3 live
a specific area of what is presumably a much larger grid. At neighbors, it remains dead. Cell “b” is alive, but it needs
the left we have installed an initial shape. Shaded cells are exactly 2 or 3 live neighbors to remain alive; since it only
alive; all others are dead. The number within each cell has 1, it dies. Cell “c” is dead; since it has exactly 3 live
gives the quantity of live neighbors for that cell. (Cells neighbors, it comes to life. And cell “d” has 2 live neigh-
containing no numbers have zero live neighbors.) Depicted bors; hence it will remain alive. And so on. Notice that the
are three generations, starting with the configuration at form repeats every two generations. Such forms are called
generation 1. Generations 2 then 3 show the result when oscillators
we apply the following cellular automata rule: “Live cells

Other configurations can have much larger 1. All neighbors must be touching the candidate
periods, or can behave in a more chaotic fash- cell and all are treated the same.
ion. Motionless patterns can be thought of as 2. There must exist at least one translating oscil-
oscillators whose period is one. lator (called a “glider”).
Needless to say, there are a huge number of 3. Random configurations must eventually stabi-
rules that can be applied, and each rule will lize into zero or more oscillators.
cause a distinct action. The rule given above –
the most famous cellular automaton of all – For a more formal description of GL rule
specifies the “Game of Life”, discovered by requirements see (Bays 2005). It is important to
John Horton Conway in 1968. Game of Life note that CA can be represented in one, two,
(GL) rules must satisfy the following informal three or higher dimensions, but most work has
criteria. been done in one or two. Furthermore, neighbors
Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal Tessellations 3

can be defined in many ways; for example we

might only consider as neighbors those cells
touching the sides of a candidate cell and not
the corners. Or we might expand our neighbor-
hood to include cells within a given distance of a
candidate cell. This is typically done for one-
dimensional CA.

Some Convenient Notation for Describing CA

We shall write CA rules using the following

E 1 , E 2 , . . . =F1 , F 2 , . . .

where the Ei specify the number of live neigh-

bors required to keep a living cell alive, and the
Fi give the number required to bring a non-
living cell to life. The Ei and Fi will be listed
in ascending order; hence if i > j then Ei > Ej
etc. Thus the rule for Conway’s Game of Life is
written 2, 3/3.
Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and We shall also use a convenient shorthand when
Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 2 The neighborhoods
appropriate: Ei–Ej denotes Ei, Ei + 1, . . ., Ei+j i
for cells in the triangular grid. Note that the candidate
cells can have two orientations – “E” and “O”. The neigh- etc. Thus, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6/2, 3, 4 can also be written
bors are indicated by “e” and “o” respectively 2–6/2–4.

Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 3 Examples of expanding rules.
The starting configurations are at the top
4 Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal Tessellations

Almost all CA research in two dimensions has
been done using rectangular (Cartesian) coordi-
nates, and hence typically utilizes the square grid.
But there is no reason to limit ourselves to this
tessellation; the number of different possible grids
is almost endless. Here we shall briefly investigate
CA behavior in only three – triangular, hexagonal
and pentagonal.

Two Dimensional Cellular Automata in

the Triangular Grid

Throughout this article we shall consider as

neighbors only those cells that touch the can-
didate cell; hence for a grid composed of tri-
angles, each cell would have 12 neighbors
(Fig. 2). These non-cartesian grids for CA
have been investigated from time to time;
Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and most notably by Preston (Preston and Duff
Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 4 An example of a stable
rule. The starting random configuration eventually stabi-
1984) and Bays (1994, 2005). Recently work
lizes into the shape shown at the lower right; interestingly relating to hexagonal CA has appeared on the
this shape happens to be an oscillator with a period of two internet occasionally.

Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and quite large. The plot at the lower left gives the number of
Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 5 Examples of bounded live cells at each generation. These values exhibit a normal
rules that churn endlessly. The total number of live cells can distribution (plot “A”). Note however that there are some
be employed as pseudorandom numbers that approximate a gaps. This is because the rule 1-8/6-8 tends to have “clumps”
normal distribution. Many candidate rules can be used. of living (and fairly large “holes” of non-living) cells.
Naturally the random like patterns eventually repeat, but Hence, before using this technique for generating random
with a sufficiently large initial shape, the period will be numbers, the candidate rule should be carefully investigated
Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal Tessellations 5

Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and

Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 7 Some gliders exhibit
Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 6 A simple glider for rather spectacular evolution. The period 80 2, 7, 8/3 glider,
the GL rule 3, 5/4. It has a period of three (indicated in swells to 60 live cells during its swaggering trip across the
parentheses) after which it will have moved one cell to the grid, and at the 81st generation, will have moved 12 cells to
right. Many gliders are not this well behaved, with much the right. The gliders move in the direction given by the
longer periods and irregular structure (see next figure) arrows. It should be noted that gliders have also been found
for non-GL rules but since these rules are unstable they
have not been investigated

With 12 touching neighbors instead of 8 (as in For some rules we can start with bounded
the square grid), we can write more than 16 million forms whose innards churn endlessly forever;
distinct rules, most of which are probably of only these rules can, for example, be used to generate
marginal interest. Many however exhibit behavior random numbers (Fig. 5). Such rules differ some-
worthy of investigation. what from expanding rules in that all finite pat-
Some rules will generate a continually terns are bounded and will not expand
expanding collection of live cells – we shall call indefinitely, but an infinite grid of random live
such rules “expanding” or “unstable” rules. Thus 2, cells will never stabilize.
3/2; 2, 3/3, 4; 2, 3, 4/3 each produce an ever
increasing area of live cells – even with extremely Game of Life Rules in the Triangular Grid
small starting configurations (Fig. 3). A few As mentioned above, the most famous GL rule
expanding rules “barely” expand; i.e. several gen- is Conway’s game, which utilizes a square
erations are required and the initial live configura- grid. But GL rules are not limited to squares;
tion must be fairly large in order to observe quite a few exist in the triangular grid. Among
instability. For example 2, 3, 6/4, 5 can produce these are 4, 5, 6/4; 3, 4/4, 5; 4, 5/4, 5, 6; 2,
unbounded growth, while 2, 3, 8/4, 5 always even- 3/4, 5; 3, 4/4, 5, 6; 2/3; 2, 4/4, 6; 3, 5/4; 2, 4,
tually stabilizes. The fate of configurations under 2, 6/4, 6; 2, 7/3; 2, 7, 8/3. Further information
3, 7/4, 5 is uncertain, but the rule appears to produce about these and other rules can be found in
unbounded growth. Many rules will ultimately lead (Bays 2005) and (Bays 1994) (Figs. 6, 7, 8, 9,
to a stable pattern (Fig. 4), or no live cells at all. 10 and 11).
6 Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal Tessellations

Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and

Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 8 Hundreds of oscilla-
tors exist for the GL (and other) rules in the triangular grid.
A few interesting ones are illustrated here. The stationary 4, Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and
5, 6/4 form is representative of an infinite number of such Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 9 The GL rule 2, 7, 8/3
objects that can be created for this rule by the careful is of special interest. It is the only known GL rule besides
positioning of live cells. The different oscillators at the Conway’s rule that supports a “glider gun” – a configura-
lower right happen to share one identical shape. The oscil- tion that spews out an endless stream of gliders. In fact,
lator at the upper right “rotates” clockwise, as does the there are probably several such patterns under that rule.
period 12 oscillator at the bottom. Unfortunately rule 1, 7, Here we illustrate two guns; the top one generates period
8/3 is not a GL rule 18 gliders and the bottom one creates period 80 gliders.
These configurations move in the direction shown, sending
a stream of gliders out behind them (see next figure)

The Hexagonal Grid

has also turned up; its rule is 3/2, 4, 5. Unfor-
The neighborhood for the hexagonal grid is tunately this rule is not a GL rule, as it will
only half the size of that for the triangular very slowly exhibit unbounded growth, given
grid and is symmetric – each neighbor is iden- a sufficiently large starting pattern (Fig. 13).
tical in the manner of contact with the cell in
question. This symmetry can be important for
some applications. Unfortunately, the hexago- The Pentagonal Grid
nal grid has a limited number of possible
rules – there are only about 4000, many of Regular pentagons cannot be formed into a grid,
which are of little interest. For many years but by varying the angles and side lengths, we can
past attempts to find a GL rule in the hexago- create several tessellations from identical convex
nal grid have failed, although gliders were pentagons. A classification system has been
discovered by defining rules where the spatial devised, wherein 14 different types of tilings
relationship between neighbors was a factor have been identified (Fig. 14). Of these, 12 are
(Preston and Duff 1984). Recently however topologically distinct; these twelve varieties will
the GL rule 3/2 was discovered. It supports behave in different ways under CA rules. We have
the glider shown in Fig. 12. Another glider chosen to investigate one of the most pleasing, the
Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal Tessellations 7

Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and

Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 12 At least two gliders
have been found. The GL rule 3/2 supports a period 5 glider
and the non-GL rule 3/2, 4, 5 supports a period 10 glider.
Note that the 3/2 glider also works for GL rules 3, 5/2 and
3, 5, 6/2

Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and

Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 10 After 800 genera-
tions, the two guns will have produced the output shown.
Motion is in the direction given by the arrows. The gun at
the left yields period 18 gliders, one every 80 generations,
and the gun at the right produces a period 80 glider every
160 generations

Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and

Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 13 Several interesting
oscillators have been discovered for GL rule 3/2. They
have been given rather whimsical names, a custom dating
Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and back to the early days of Conway’s rule. After 65 genera-
Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 11 The symmetric hex- tions the “supernova” pattern leaves a period 3 “neutron
agonal neighborhood. This rather “natural” grid can also be star” remnant. These patterns also work under rules 3, 5/2
illustrated with circles (upper right) and, just as the square and 3, 5, 6/2
grid can be expanded to cubes in 3 dimensions, the hexag-
onal grid lends itself to “densely packed spheres” in three
dimensions, where each sphere has exactly 12 touching
Under the Cairo grid, there are rules that
behave in the manner already described for the
“Cairo tiling”, so named because of its alleged use triangular grid – some rules expand, some sta-
in parts of that city. It’s appeal derives from the bilize, others contain a bounded, churning mass,
fact that the pentagons are both equilateral and etc. Interestingly, a GL rule has been discov-
isoseles. ered; its glider is depicted in Fig. 15. There is
8 Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal Tessellations

Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and arranged to depict the number of touching neighbors for
Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 14 The 14 distinct con- each cell. Where more than one number is given, there are
vex pentagonal tilings (Bays 2005; Wolfram 2002). They some cells with each of those neighbor counts. For exam-
are based upon certain relationships between the angles ple the “67b” tiling is the second tiling where some cells
and lengths of the sides of the particular pentagon that have 6 neighbors and others 7. The Cairo tiling is at the
constitutes the tiling. A sample of the pentagon for that upper left and is topologically equivalent to 7a and 7b.
tiling is displayed at the right of each. The tilings have been Note that 7c and 7d are also topologically equivalent
Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal Tessellations 9

than moving B back to A for the next iteration,

we switch between the two; i.e. if array A is
the array we are examining, then we copy it
into array B, changing the status and neighbor
counts of cells as needed. Array B then
becomes array A for the next generation,
etc. This trick allows us to rapidly scan over
all non-changed cells. For further speed we
can utilize hashing techniques and only store
cells whose status is going to change. For this
method, the speed of evaluation will depend
only upon the number of cells that change
between generations, and not the size of the
grid, nor the total number of live cells. Fur-
thermore, with a clever plotting algorithm, we
can get away with re-plotting only those
changed cells and not the entire grid.
We can program practically any grid or
tiling in rectangular (square) coordinates by
Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and
Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 15 The GL rule 2, 3/3, using templates to locate the neighbor cells
4, 6 supports the period 48 glider shown. It is asymmetric, as depicted in Fig. 16. The operation of finding
though the second half of its period is a mirror image of the the correct neighbors via templates adds a
first. This characteristic is common amongst many gliders
very small amount of time to the overall
“next generation” evaluation; hence we would
expect calculations on any type of grid to
execute almost as fast as on the standard
much opportunity for discovery in this and other
square grid.
pentagonal grids, as very little work has been
Future Directions

Programming Tips The triangular grid yields 12 touching neighbors

and hence an ample supply of rules to
We can speed up the scan of any grid by investigate – many more than the 8 neighbor
storing within each cell its current number of square grid. The hexagonal grid affords a more
live neighbors along with a tag that indicates natural approach to CA than does the traditional
whether it is alive or not. Thus when we scan 8 neighbor square grid, since neighbors all
the entire grid for the next generation, we touch in the same way. Furthermore, when we
update the status of cells that have changed expand this grid into three dimensions, we
since last generation (by examining their new obtain a universe of dense packed spheres,
neighbor counts) and, for each cell whose sta- which probably gives the best methodology for
tus has changed, we fix the neighbor counts for emulating 3D applications, as each cell has
its neighbors; these cells are candidates for 12 touching neighbors and all touch in the
updating at the next generation iteration. This same way. The fact that GL rules have been
method employs two arrays – a “current” found in a pentagonal grid undoubtedly means
array, A, and a “next” array, B. And, rather that other such rules can probably be found in
10 Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and Hexagonal Tessellations

Cellular Automata in Triangular, Pentagonal, and (i 1; j); (i 1; j + 1); (i; j + 1); etc. We can even simulate
Hexagonal Tessellations, Fig. 16 Templates can be grids made up of different types of polygons. Here, we
used to simulate any grid with rectangular coordinates. determine the polygon type by examining the subscripts of
For example, if we are evaluating the neighbors for a the cell in question. Of course, appropriate graphics pro-
hexagonal cell at (i, j) (see “X”) they would be found at cedures must be employed in order to view our grid

many different tessellations – pentagonal and Bays C (2005) A note on the game of life in hexagonal and
otherwise. The ultimate conclusion is that pentagonal tessellations. Complex Syst 15:245–252
Preston K Jr, Duff MJB (1984) Modern cellular automata.
there is room for much work in the area of Plenum Press, New York
non-cartesian CA. Sugimoto T, Ogawa T (2000) Tiling problem of convex
pentagon. Forma 15:75–79
Wolfram S (2002) A new kind of science. Wolfram Media,

Bays C (1994) Cellular automata in the triangular tessella-

tion. Complex Syst 8:127–150
independently of each other and around
Cellular Automata 1830. This geometry satisfies the axioms of
in Hyperbolic Spaces Euclidean geometry, the axiom of parallels
being excepted and replaced by the following
Maurice Margenstern one: through a point out of a line, there are
Université de Lorraine, LGIPM, Département exactly two parallels to the line. In this geom-
d’Informatique, Equipe GRAL, Metz, France etry, there are also lines which never meet:
they are called non-secant. They are charac-
terized by the existence, for any couple of such
Article Outline lines, of a unique common perpendicular.
Also, in this geometry, the sum of the interior
Glossary angles of a triangle is always less than p. The
Definition of the Subject and Its Importance difference to p defines the area of the triangle.
Introduction In hyperbolic geometry, distances are abso-
The Locating Problem in Hyperbolic Tilings lute: there is no notion of similarity. See also
Implementation of Cellular Automata Poincaré’s disk.
in Hyperbolic Spaces Invariant group of a tiling Group of transfor-
Complexity of Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic mations which defines a bijection on the set of
Spaces tiles. Usually, in a geometrical space, they are
On Specific Problems of Cellular Automata required to belong to the group of isometries
Universality in Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic of the space.
Spaces Pentagrid The tiling {5, 4}, necessarily in the
The Connection with Tiling Problems hyperbolic plane. Five sides and four tiles
Possible Applications around a vertex. The angles are right angles.
Future Directions Poincaré’s disk Model of the hyperbolic plane
Bibliography inside the Euclidean plane. The points are those
which are interior to a fixed disk D. The lines are
the trace in D of diameters or circles which are
Glossary orthogonal to the border of D. The model was
first found by Beltrami and then by Poincaré
Dodecagrid The tiling {5, 3, 4}. This tessella- who also devised the half-plane model also
tion lives in the hyperbolic 3D space. Its basic called after his name. The half-plane model is
polyhedron is the dodecahedron constructed a conformal image of the disk model.
on regular rectangular pentagons. Tessellation Particular case of a finitely gener-
Fibonacci sequence Sequence of natural inte- ated tiling. It is defined by a polygon and by its
gers, denoted by fn and defined by the recur- reflections in its sides and, recursively, of the
rent equation f nþ2 ¼ f nþ1 þ f n , for all n  ℕ images in their sides.
and by the initial values f0 = f1 = 1. Tiling Partition of a geometrical space; the clo-
Heptagrid The tiling {7, 3}, necessarily in the sure of the elements of the partition is called
hyperbolic plane. Seven sides and three tiles the tiles. An important case is constituted by
around a vertex. It is called ternary heptagrid finitely generated tilings: there is a finite set
in several papers by the author and its coau- of tiles G such that any tile is a copy of an
thors also in Margenstern (2007c, 2008b). element of G.
Hyperbolic geometry Geometry, discovered by Tiling {p, q} Tessellation based on the regular
Nikolaj Lobachevsky and Jànos Bolyai, polygon with p sides and with vertex angle 2p q :

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018 11

A. Adamatzky (ed.), Cellular Automata,
Originally published in
R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2015
12 Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces

Definition of the Subject and Its Introduction

Before the appearance of HCAs, there were a few
Cellular automata in hyperbolic spaces, in short papers on a possible implementation of cellular
hyperbolic cellular automata (abbreviated automata in abstract contexts, especially in the
HCA), consists in the implementation of cellular case of Cayley graphs (see Róka 1994). However,
automata in the environment of a regular tiling of as infinitely many tilings of the hyperbolic plane are
a hyperbolic space. not Cayley graphs of their invariant group, this
The first implementation of such an object method cannot solve the problem in full generality.
appeared in a paper by the present author and The difficulty was the location of the tiles, the
Kenichi Morita in 1999 (see Margenstern and locating problem. The problem is already difficult
Morita 1999). In this first paper, a first solution in the simple case of tessellations. Note that there
to the location problem in this context was are infinitely many of them in the hyperbolic plane.
given. The paper also focused on one advantage The study appeared to be possible, thanks to
of this implementation: it allows to solve NP a partial solution to the locating problem (see
problems in polynomial time. In 2000, a second Margenstern and Morita 1999, 2001). A decisive
paper appeared, by the present author, where a step was done in Margenstern (2000), where the
decisive solution of the location problem was already mentioned mixing of various techniques
given. appears. This first solution in the case of a
The study of HCAs is a new domain in com- particular tiling, the pentagrid, is dealt with in
puter science, at the border with mathematics and section “The Locating Problem in Hyperbolic
physics. They involve hyperbolic geometry as Tilings.” A significant advance was performed
well as elementary arithmetic and algebra with at the occasion of the meetings organized in
the connections of polynomials with matrices and 2002 for the bicentenary of the birth of Jànos
also some theory of fields. They also involve the Bolyai, coinventor with Nikolaj Lobachevsky of
theory of formal languages in connection with hyperbolic geometry and also at the occasion of
their properties of elementary arithmetic. SCI’2002. At this conference, seven papers were
To be a melting pot of such different tech- presented on the topic of this entry, and they had
niques is already something which is very a strong impact on the later development.
interesting. This introduction should contain a paragraph
But the new field has very striking properties. on hyperbolic geometry. If the reader is not
Their complexity classes offer a very different familiar with this geometry and who has some
landscape than that of the classical theory of time, we recommend him/her the first chapter of
complexity based on the Turing machine. They Margenstern (2007c) or of Margenstern (2013b).
also provide a bridge between the classical theory Alternatively, the reader may look at any other
of computation and super-Turing computations. book introducing to hyperbolic geometry. For a
HCAs are a novel object with rich properties: reader which is not familiar and who has no time,
they inherit the richness of the infinitely many we recommend the following solution. First,
regular tilings which live in the hyperbolic plane. forget everything of Euclidean geometry and
We are at the beginning of the study, and still, try to remember the few elements given in the
there are a lot of surprising results. HCAs might glossary: do not worry, the Euclidean objects
appear as successful as their Euclidean relatives will always be the first thing to come to your
in various domains as astrophysics, nuclear phys- mind, and most often, it will be misleading.
ics, and computer science. Second, never forget that in traveling over
For many results indicated in this entry, we hyperbolic spaces, you are in the situation of
quote the books Margenstern (2007c, 2008b) or the pilot of a plane flying with instruments
Margenstern (2013b), when the results and their only. You can see nothing in the usual sense of
proofs can be found there. these words and, sorry to repeat it again, the
Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces 13

usual intuition is misleading. The best introduc- Induction step:

tion is to imagine that when you venture into the Let P be the current pentagon.
hyperbolic plane, always keep with you the Ari- If P is the leading pentagon of a quarter Q
adne thread of the way backward. Otherwise, (see P0 in Fig. 1), the complement of P in Q
you will definitely be lost. With this precaution, splits into two quarters, R1 and R3 and
you will never regret the trip. The landscape remaining region, R3, which we call a strip.
changes very quickly and you are always fasci- If P is the leading pentagon of a strip S (see
nated by its unbelievable beauty. P1 in Fig. 1), the complement of P in S splits
into a quarter S 1 and again a strip, S 2.

The Locating Problem in Hyperbolic As proved in Margenstern (2007c, 2013), the

Tilings set of tiles attached to the tree generated in this
way, the leading pentagons of the above algo-
The Classical Case of the Pentagrid rithm, is exactly the set of pentagons contained in
The method introduced in Margenstern and the quarter Q0.
Morita (1999) consists in constructing a bijection With Margenstern (2000, 2007c), a new ingre-
between the tiling and a tree, the spanning tree of dient is brought in: number the nodes of the tree
the tiling. The tree is constructed in a recursive from the root, to which we attach 1, and then level
way, defined as follows (also see Fig. 1): by level, from left to right on each level (see
Fig. 2). As already noticed in Margenstern and
Initial step: Morita (1999), the number of nodes of the tree
P0 is the root of the tree; it is called the which spans the tiling of a quarter which are on
leading pentagon of the quarter Q0; it defines the same level k is f2kþ1 , where {fk}k  ℕ with
by its sides 1 and 5. f(0) = f(1) = 1. For this reason, the spanning tree

Cellular Automata
S2 5
in Hyperbolic Spaces,
Fig. 1 The pentagrid:
regular pentagons with
vertex angle p2 R3 4

R2 2

14 Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces

2 3 4

1 1 1
0 0 0
0 1

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1

13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1
0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1

Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces, Fig. 2 The Fibonacci tree

of the pentagrid is called the standard Fibonacci longest representation with respect to the lexico-
tree, illustrated by Fig. 2. Note that on level k, the graphic order and call it the coordinate of the node
first node is numbered f2k and the last one f2kþ21 : to which the corresponding number is attached.
The above splitting induces a particular struc- First, we have that the set of coordinates is a
ture on the standard Fibonacci tree. Define white regular language, which is a corollary of a well-
nodes as nodes which have three sons and black known theorem (see Fraenkel 1985). Now we
nodes as nodes which have two sons. Black and have a more interesting property, which was
white are the two possible values of the status of first noticed in Margenstern (2000) and which
a node. Then, there is a rule to define the status of we call the preferred son property. Let ak. . .a0
the sons of a node. We can write them as follows, be the coordinate of a node n of the standard
in self-explained notations: Fibonacci tree, with a0 as the lightest digit of
the representation. Denote it by [n]. The property
says that for each node n of the standard
B ! BW:
Fibonacci tree, there is exactly one son of
As initially performed in Margenstern (2000), n whose coordinate is [n]00. This son is called
let us represent the numbers attached to the nodes of preferred. Moreover, there is a rule to find out
the Fibonacci tree in the numeration basis defined the preferred son from the status of a node: in a
by the Fibonacci sequence itself, starting from f1. black node, the preferred son is the black son; in a
The representation is not unique. Choose the white node, the preferred son is the middle one.
Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces 15

Generalization: The Splitting Method Margenstern 2007c, 2013). In higher dimension,

The generalization was first announced in the following tilings were proved combinatoric:
Margenstern (2002a). It was then presented in the 3D tiling {5, 3, 4}, the dodecagrid (see
Margenstern (2002b), with a new visit to Margenstern and Skordev (2003b) and
Poincaré’s theorem, at the occasion of the second Margenstern (2007c)), and the 4D tiling {5, 3, 3,
century of the birth of Jànos Bolyai. 4}, based on the 120-cell (see Margenstern 2004,
The method defines a basis of splitting and 2007c).
then the notion of a combinatoric tiling. Two Once a tiling is combinatoric, from the defini-
important consequences can be derived from tion of its basis of splitting, we can derive a
these very definitions to which we turn now. square matrix M called the matrix of the split-
Let S0, . . ., Sk be finitely many parts of some ting (see Margenstern 2002a, 2007c). Its lines
geometric metric space X which are supposed to indicate, for each column, the number of copies
be closed, with nonempty interior, unbounded of Sjs entering in the splitting of Si. The polyno-
and simply connected. Consider also finitely mial of the splitting is the characteristic polyno-
many closed simply connected bounded sets P1, mial of M, divided by the greatest power of X it
. . ., Ph with h  k. Say that the Sis and P‘s contains as a factor. In our cases, this polynomial
constitute a basis of splitting if and only if: has a greatest real root. The polynomial of the
splitting induces a recurrent equation which
(i) X splits into finitely many copies of S0 defines the sequence of the splitting with appro-
(ii) Any Si splits into one copy of some P‘, the priate initial values. The maximal representations
leading tile of Si, and finitely many copies of of numbers in the basis defined by the sequence
Sjs of the splitting constitute the language of the
splitting. As proved in Margenstern and Skordev
where copy means an isometric image and (2003a) and Margenstern (2007c), the language
where, in the condition (ii), the copies may be of of the splitting of the tilings {p, q} is regular
different Sjs, Si possibly included. when q  4 and p  4.
As usual, it is assumed that the interiors of the
copies of P‘ and of the copies of the Sjs are
pairwise disjoint.
The set S0 is called the head of the basis and Implementation of Cellular Automata
the P‘s are called the generating tiles, and the Sis in Hyperbolic Spaces
are called the regions of the splitting.
On the example of the pentagrid, a basis of The implementation of HCAs is induced by the
splitting is given by a quarter Q and a strip S . results mentioned in the previous section.
When there is a basis of a splitting, we then But first, let us go back to the general defini-
define: tion of CAs. Three conditions must be fulfilled by
a set of cells to be called a cellular automaton.
Say that a tiling of X is combinatoric if X has a The cells of the automaton must uniformly be
basis of splitting and if the spanning tree of the
distributed in the considered space. The neigh-
splitting yields exactly the restriction of the tiling to
the head S0 of the basis. borhood of each cell is defined in a uniform way.
At each top of the discrete clock, all the cells
In Margenstern and Morita (1999) and update their own state according to the same
Margenstern (2007c), the pentagrid is proved function applied to the state of the cell and the
combinatoric. A lot of other tilings of the hyper- sequence of states of its neighbors.
bolic plane are combinatoric. In particular, all the To implement cellular automata, we have to
tilings {p, q}, with q  4, possess this property. It satisfy these three requirements.
is also the case for the tilings {p, 3}, with p  The first two conditions are easily satisfied in a
7 which live in the hyperbolic plane (see tessellation. Note that this is the standard frame
16 Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces

for CAs in the Euclidean plane and in the 3D 2007c), it is also possible in the case of tessella-
Euclidean space. tions of the hyperbolic plane to get rid of the
The third condition already requires that we origin. We just mention this point, here, and
have a system of coordinates for the tiles at our refer the interested reader to the quoted papers
disposal. More than three centuries after Des- for a closer study.
cartes’ discovery of the system of coordinates Once again, we illustrate how we proceed by
which everybody uses for the Euclidean plane, the case of the pentagrid. It is repeated in the case
this condition is trivially fulfilled. This is not only of the heptagrid (see Margenstern 2006a, 2007a)
the three-century usage. This is also the case and in the case of the dodecagrid (see
because the mathematical structure of the group Margenstern 2006b).
of displacements which leaves the considered For the implementation, we first fix a basis of
tessellations of the Euclidean plane globally splitting and the representation of the tiling. As
invariant is a very simple structure. indicated in Margenstern (2000, 2007c), there are
The situation is very different in the case of a lot of choices with the same basis of splitting.
hyperbolic spaces. Before Margenstern (2000), Moreover, in the case of the pentagrid and of the
there was no convenient, at least fast, procedure heptagrid in which the standard Fibonacci tree is
to define the coordinates of the tiles in a way also a spanning tree, we have the choice between
which is in connection with the geometrical prop- using the Fibonacci sequence, as we did in
erties of the tiling. section “The Locating Problem in Hyperbolic
Now, the splitting method gives such a solu- Tilings,” and using the basis derived from
tion. First, it effectively exhibits a tree which the polynomial of the splitting. The difference is
generates the tiling. As Gromov pointed out that the Fibonacci pffiffi sequence is defined by the
(Gromov 1981), hyperbolic spaces are character- golden mean 1þ2 5 , while the sequence of the
ized by a tree structure. Second, it provides fast splitting pisffiffi defined by the square of the golden
algorithms to handle these coordinates. By fast, mean, 3þ2 5 
we mean that the basic algorithms we need are Let us go on with the Fibonacci sequence, as is
linear in time with respect to the coordinate of it used in the majority of papers.
the initial point. Note that nobody really matters The preferred son property allows us to com-
with the fact that addition of vectors in Euclidean pute very easily the coordinates of the neighbors
coordinates is linear, while multiplication of of a cell n from [n]: the computation is linear in
coordinates by a scalar is not. Here, we have no time with respect to the length of [n] (see
addition, no multiplication, and no nice formula. Margenstern 2003, 2007c). Similarly, the path
We have algorithms only, but they turn out to from a cell n to the root of its tree can be com-
work in the best time. puted in a linear time with respect to the length of
The result of these considerations is that the [n] (again see Margenstern 2003, 2007c). As a
directions, north, south, east, and west, which simple example, if m is defined by ½n ¼ ½ma1 a0 ,
play a so nice role in the Euclidean case no more where a 0 is the lowest digit of [n], the father of
exist. In fact, we have infinitely many directions, n has m þ a1 as its number.
each of which defines an essential direction in the What we indicated up to now fixes the coordi-
space: if you follow other directions, you will nates for a cell whose supporting tile is in a given
never go to the area covered by this one. Of quarter. We can consider the central cell as the
course, an infinite amount of information is root of a tree whose sub-trees are exactly the five
ruled out in computer science. And so, we replace initial quarters which lie around the central
this basic indetermination of the direction by the pentagon. Now, it is enough to number the five
direction of the father. Of course, we are led to a sub-trees attached to these quarters in order to
root and a central cell, but nobody complains completely define the coordinates of a cell. The
about using an origin in the Euclidean case. central pentagon has 0 as a unique coordinate. All
Moreover, as shown in Margenstern (2006a, other cells are defined by two numbers: (a, n). The
Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces 17

first number, a is in {1. . .5} and defines the variables, is triggered at initial time. Once it is
quarter. The second number, v, defines the tile reached, the information comes back to the root
in the indicated quarter. Together with its coor- from the leaves of the tree, i.e., the nodes which
dinate, a cell is associated with other data: the are on the level n of the tree: each node computes
status of its supporting tile and the indication of the OR on the values of its left-hand side and
which side is shared with its father. On one hand, right-hand side sons. Accordingly, the root gives
note that the coordinate is a hardware feature: it is true if and only if there is a branch from it to a leaf
never known by the cell and it cannot be – it has along which the value is always true.
not a bounded size. Note that this is the same for From this, applying classical tools of the the-
CAs in Euclidean spaces. On the other hand, the ory of complexity, we obtain that any
status of the supporting node can be known by the NP-complete problem can be solved in polyno-
cell. As shown in Margenstern (2003), one can mial time by an appropriate cellular automaton of
define rules for a cellular automaton to dispatch the hyperbolic plane.
this information. As it is a finite information
which can be provided by the hardware, we may
P = NP in the Hyperbolic Plane
assume that the cell knows it.
From what we have seen previously, we have that
the classical class NP is contained in the class of
HCAs which work in polynomial time, denote it
Complexity of Cellular Automata by Ph. Now, it is also possible to define NPh for
in Hyperbolic Spaces
HCAs, taking the classical definition of nondeter-
ministic computations in polynomial time.
Now, we are ready to give the results about the
As shown in Iwamoto et al. (2002), it turns out
complexity classes of HCAs.
that Ph = NPh. The key point is that the compu-
tation of a nondeterministic Turing machine in
SAT and NP-Complete Problems
time O(t(n)), with t(n)  n, can be computed by a
In Margenstern and Morita (1999), HCAs are
deterministic HCA in time O(t2(n)).
proved to be able to solve SAT in polynomial
From this theorem, the following surprising
time. Historically, the possibility to solve
result can easily be derived (see Iwamoto
NP-complete problems in the hyperbolic plane
et al. 2002):
was first announced in Morgenstein and
Kreinovich (1995). Although the authors of
Ph ¼ NPh ¼ PSPACE,
Margenstern and Morita (1999) were not aware
of paper (Morgenstein and Kreinovich 1995), the
where PSPACE is the classical class of functions
latter paper does not involve cellular automata computed in polynomial space by a Turing
and does not provide a precise description of
how SAT can be solved in the new frame. On
Of course, in these results, a basic ingredient is
the contrary, Margenstern and Morita (1999) the possibility, given by the hyperbolic plane, to
describe a HCA which is able to solve the prob-
occupy a working space of exponential area
lem. In Margenstern and Morita (1999), the com-
within a polynomial time. The above process for
putation is estimated as quadratic. In fact it can be solving SAT is a basic example of such a
proved to be linear in the size of the input.
The solution for SAT is easy: it makes use of a
Fibonacci tree, in which only two nodes are
selected among the sons of a node. Each level Other Parts of the Complexity Hierarchy
represents the possible assignment of true and of HCAs
false values to the variable indexed by this In fact, if we look at the hierarchy of complexity
level. The computation of all possible assign- classes for HCAs, we get a landscape which is
ments until the level n, where n is the number of very different from the classical situation.
18 Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces

We have the following situation, described in cellular automaton A with states in Q on ℤ2, F A is
Iwamoto and Margenstern (2003): a continuous operator on C, fitted with the product
topology, which also commutes with the shifts on
DLOGh ¼ NLOGh ¼ Ph ¼ NPh ¼ PSPACE ℤ2. The remarkable property is that the converse is
⊈PSPACEh ¼ EXPTIMEh true. However, if we take a continuous operator F
¼ NEXPTIMEh ¼ EXPSPACE: on C which commutes with shifts, the proof of the
theorem does not allow us to obtain an effective
We can notice that compared to the Euclidean process that would provide a cellular automaton A
analogs, the hyperbolic hierarchy seems to be such that F A = F. The problem is that there is no
very flat. As, by construction, Ph ⊈EXPTIMEh ; algorithm which would compute the radius of the
there are indeed two classes on which the hierar- neighborhoods of A from F.
chy concentrates. In Margenstern (2008d) we proved that a sim-
We also have NPh ⊈APh ; unless ilar characterization exists for hyperbolic cellular
PSPACE ¼ NEXPTIME, where APh denotes automata on the pentagrid or the heptagrid, pro-
the class of alternate HCAs. As with classical vided we consider rotation invariant cellular
machines, an alternate HCA is defined on the automata. The characterization holds for rotation
set of configurations of a nondeterministic invariant cellular automata on all tilings of the
HCA. In the tree of these configurations, certain hyperbolic plane or of the hyperbolic 3D space
nodes are called existential; others are called whose tiling is algorithmically spanned by a tree.
universal. At an existential node, the node is
accepting if and only if it has at least one Synchronization of a HCA
accepting child. At a universal node, the node is Although no paper is especially devoted to this
accepting if and only if all its children are problem, we mention it because it has an analog
accepting. The result about APh indicates a sim- to the standard problem of the firing squad in
ilar situation with the Euclidean classes where one-dimensional CAs, and we shall use it in the
P⊈AP, unless P ¼ PSPACE: Accordingly, we next section.
may expect that alternating HCAs should be more In fact, as mentioned more or less explicitly in
powerful than HCAs, either deterministic or papers devoted to HCA (see Iwamoto and
nondeterministic. Margenstern (2003) and Margenstern (2008a)),
for instance, it is very easy to synchronize a disk
or a sector inside a disk, defined by a tree rooted
On Specific Problems of Cellular at the center of the disk. The idea is simply to
Automata simulate any classical algorithm of synchroniza-
tion of a one-dimensional CA on each branch of
Characterization of a HCA the tree for each radius of the disk.
For classical cellular automata, i.e., for cellular The synchronization is linear in the radius of
automata in a Euclidean space, there is a well- the disk or the height of the tree.
known characterization of cellular automata in
terms of operations on the space of configurations. Communications Between HCAs
Consider the most studied case of the square grid in Another problem, more specific to HCAs, is the
the Euclidean plane. The grid is most often identi- communication between HCAs, possibly distant
fied with ℤ2 so that if Q is the set of states of a ones. Two papers study the problem in different
cellular automaton, C = Qℤ is the set of all possible
settings (see Margenstern 2006a, 2007a).
configurations for a cellular automaton on ℤ2 with In Margenstern (2006a) the question is: how to
states in Q  A cellular automaton A on ℤ2 with establish a contact between two cells of a HCA,
states in Q defines an operator on C called the possibly distant ones? The paper provides a solu-
global function of A denoted by F A . A famous tion based on a new system of coordinates in
theorem (see Hedlund 1969), says that if A is a which there is no more an origin. The new system
Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces 19

is based on the possibility to represent the hyper- HCAs with a Small Number of States”). There
bolic plane as a union of growing quarters. We fix was also a paper about an intrinsically universal
such a sequence in an appropriate way. Each term HCA (see subsection “An Intrinsically Universal
of the sequence is a Fibonacci tree, indexed by an HCA”). There was also very recently two papers
integer n, and it contains all the trees indexed by about strong universality of HCAs with a rather
m when m  n. Inside a given Fibonacci tree, we small number of states (see subsection “Strong
use the standard system of coordinates, indicated Universal HCAs with a Small Number of States”)
in section “The Locating Problem in Hyperbolic
Tilings.” In the construction, the roots of the
mentioned trees belong to a line d. It is not diffi- Weakly Universal HCAs with a Small Number
cult to see that sending signals on d makes it of States
possible for the cell to establish a contact in a First, we have to notice that the just-mentioned
linear time with respect to their mutual distance. universal HCAs with a small number of states are
In Margenstern (2007a), another problem is in fact weakly universal HCAs. The term weak
considered. This time all cells may dispatch mes- refers to two conditions:
sages, and each cell forwards the messages it
receives and to which it does not want to reply. – The HCA needs an infinite initial
Accordingly, the same cell may be an emitter of configuration.
messages, a receiver of messages, and a relay in – The initial configuration is ultimately
the message system. The idea is to use the tree periodic.
property to be in bijection with the tiling as fol-
lows: each emitting cell considers that it is the Note that these conditions are standardly used
center of the hyperbolic plane, and the message is with ordinary CAs where universality with a
accompanied by an address which is updated by small number of states is investigated.
the relays and which is the address in the tree The second condition requires some explana-
whose root is the sender of the message. This tion. In the context of a hyperbolic space, the
allows any receiver willing to answer the mes- notion of periodicity is not as clear as it is in the
sage to send it to the right emitter. Again, the Euclidean case. Accordingly, we mean, by ulti-
complexity of the computation is linear in the mate periodicity that at large, i.e., outside a big
mutual distance of a sender and a receiver. Also enough domain, the configuration can be split
see subsection “Communications in a Network.” into finitely infinite domains in each of which it
is globally invariant under a shift depending on
the domain.
Universality in Cellular Automata The results accumulated in the recent years. In
in Hyperbolic Spaces the hyperbolic plane, there were a weakly univer-
sal HCA with nine states in the pentagrid (see
Of course, from the existence of universal cellu- Margenstern and Song 2009) and then two uni-
lar automata on the line, we conclude that there versal HCAs in the heptagrid: first with six states,
are universal HCAs. This means that there are (Margenstern and Song 2008), and then with four
HCAs which are able to simulate any universal states (see Margenstern 2011b). Very recently,
device, as a Turing machine, for instance. there was a weakly universal HCA in the tiling
There was recently a definite progress in the {13, 3} of the hyperbolic plane with two states
study of universal HCAs. From the first result only. In the dodecagrid, after the weakly univer-
about a universal HCA in the pentagrid with sal HCA with five states (see Margenstern
22 states (see Herrmann and Margenstern 2003), 2006b), there was a weakly universal HCA with
we arrive to universal HCAs with two states in three states (see Margenstern et al. 2010a) and
the hyperbolic plane and also in the hyperbolic then with two states (see Margenstern 2013),
3D space (see subsection “Weakly Universal which is the best result in this tiling.
20 Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces

The above-mentioned universal HCAs with a W

small number of states are obtained by a similar
construction. They all simulate a railway circuit 0 1
with the kind of switches, described by Stewart E1
(1994). Figure 3 illustrates the basic element on 1
which the whole circuit is based. It makes use of
the three kinds of switches used in the model: see 0
the caption of the figure.
While in Stewart (1994) a Turing machine is Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces, Fig. 3 The
simulated, in Herrmann and Margenstern (2003) basic element of the railway circuit. Three kinds of
switches: on the ways from R to E1 and to E2, we have a
and Margenstern (2006b), we simulate a register
fixed switch. In a passive crossing, from W to R, the
machine. It can be remarked that the smaller locomotive is sent to R. From R, in an active passage,
number of states in the dodecagrid is due to the the locomotive goes to E1 or to E2, never to W. At W, we
replacement of crossings in the railway circuit by have a flip-flop switch. It is always crossed actively: from
above W in the picture. Once crossed, the direction to
bridges, thanks to the third dimension, which is
which the locomotive is sent is changed. At R, we have a
also possible in the hyperbolic case. Moreover, as memory switch. It may be crossed actively or passively.
a cell in the hyperbolic 3D space has 12 neigh- The direction of the switch is given by the last passive
bors, there are much more combinations of states crossings. The circuit contains one bit of information.
When the locomotive arrives through R, it reads the bit:
which can be used to differentiate the relevant
0 if it is sent to E0, 1 if it is sent to E1. When the locomotive
steps of the computation. arrives through W, it rewrites the bit and changes it to its
Now, the progress mentioned in the quoted opposite value, thanks to the concatenation of the action of
results was made possible by a refinement in the the flip-flop with that of the memory switch
implementation of the railway model. A first pro-
gress was to improve the implementation of the enough. It was needed to revisit the implementa-
switches and the crossings. Note that in all these tion of crossings. In Margenstern (2013), they are
situations, there is a tile to which the ways on replaced by roundabouts, exploiting the possibil-
which the locomotive runs converge, called the ity with two states to distinguish between 0 and
center. Initially, the center was signalized by a 1 (Fig. 5).
specific color which had to change during the
crossing by the locomotive. Later, this center An Intrinsically Universal HCA
was distinguished from the other cells of the The intrinsically universal HCA is required to
path by its neighborhood. This allowed to reduce simulate any HCA in the same space. Of course,
the initial 22 states to 9 of them only. Then, there both the simulating HCA and the simulated one
was an improvement on the implementation of are required to work starting from finite
the tracks which constitute the larger part of the configurations only.
circuit. In the first implementations, the tracks In Margenstern (2008a), two ingredients are
had a specific color. Later, the cells of the tracks used to achieve the simulation. One ingredient is
were signalized by a specific neighborhood. the synchronization algorithm mentioned in sec-
Figure 4 illustrates the idle configurations at the tion “On Specific Problems of Cellular Autom-
crossings and the switches in the circuit devised ata.” The second is the construction of scaled
for a weakly universal cellular automaton in the trees. The construction consists in building a
heptagrid with four states (see Margenstern new Fibonacci tree inside the tiling but with a
2011b, 2013). constant distance k between two consecutive
In order to reach two states only, the tracks had nodes on a same branch. It is not difficult to
to be revisited again: they became one way, construct such a tree, which is illustrated by
which entailed deep changes in the switches. Fig. 6.
This was enough in the dodecagrid as there is The constant k is computed in such a way that
no crossing there. For the plane, this was not a disk of radius k contains both an encoding of the
Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces 21

Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces, memory switch and the flip-flop, we represented the left-
Fig. 4 Heptagrid and four states: the idle configurations hand side version only: the right-hand side ones can easily
at crossings and switches. From left to right: crossing, be devised from these ones
fixed switch, memory switch, and flip-flop. For the




Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces, roundabout, first branching: through E. Arrival at the
Fig. 5 Configuration at a roundabout in {13, 3}. Left- second and third branching: through A. Exit through F at
hand side: general view; right-hand side: zoom at a the third branching
branching. Right-hand side picture. Arrival at a

initial configuration of the HCA to be simulated, simulating cell, the new state is determined, and
say, A, and an encoding of the transition table of it is installed in the appropriate region, controlled
A. Figure 7 illustrates the mechanism of propaga- by the simulating cell. When this is performed,
tion of the scaled tree. the cell waits until it is informed by its simulating
Each step of the simulated HCA A is simulated sons that their step of computation is completed.
by a cycle of steps of the simulating HCA U. The When this is the case, the cells inform its father in
number of steps of U in a cycle is not constant. It the scaled tree that it finished its computation.
may be increasing, especially if the simulated Accordingly, when the central cell receives the
configuration is growing during its own compu- message of completion from all its neighbors of
tation. The synchronization algorithm of section the scaled tree, it knows that the computation of
“On Specific Problems of Cellular Automata” is this step of A is finished. Then the comparison
used to delimit the stages into which a cycle is with the previous configuration is performed,
split. These stages are the reception of the current thanks to a synchronization. Depending on the
states of the neighbors of the simulated cell of A, result of the comparison, the computation is
for each simulating cell of U. When this is stopped, if there was no difference, or it goes
achieved, possibly at different times for each on, when a difference was noticed.
22 Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces

Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces, Fig. 6 A scaled tree by a factor 2

Cellular Automata
in Hyperbolic Spaces,
Fig. 7 Propagation of a
scaled tree

Strong Universal HCAs with a Small Number been performed in Margenstern (2010) for the
of States weakly universal case. As underlined in that
The intrinsic cellular automaton of subsection paper, the implementation of one dimensional
“An Intrinsically Universal HCA” makes a into the pentagrid, the heptagrid, and the
natural transition to this subsection: that cellular dodecagrid is easy if not almost trivial. Then, it
automaton is strongly universal. It starts from is enough to implement the two-state weakly
a finite configuration, and it simulates a cellular universal cellular automaton of Cook (2004)
automaton starting from a finite configuration. As using the elementary cellular automaton defined
mentioned in Margenstern (2008a), the number by rule 110 (also see Wolfram et al. 2002).
of states of such an automaton is enormous. Paper To reach strong universality, it is not that
(Margenstern 2008a) does not even try to give an trivial: it is needed to go on an initial segment in
estimate to the number of states. such a way that the continuation of the segment
In this section, we consider the possibility to remains a segment supported by the same line. It
devise a small strongly universal cellular autom- is also desirable that the continuation is
aton. A simple idea would be to implement a performed at the same time as the computation
one-dimensional cellular automaton. This has itself. These constraints are satisfied in
Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces 23

Margenstern (2013a). Now, the problem was to Investigations in 3D and 4D

find a small strongly universal cellular automaton Indeed, the splitting method could be applied to
on the line. In fact, as far as I know, such a the tiling {5, 3, 4} of the hyperbolic 3D space (see
cellular automaton does not exist. I thought that Margenstern and Skordev (2003b) and
the cellular automaton with seven states Margenstern (2007c)). It turned out to be possible
constructed in Lindgren and Nordahl (1990) was to use an old tool of the late nineteenth century,
such an automaton, but this is not the case for the Schlegel diagrams, to both represent the tiles and
following reason: This cellular automaton simu- the construction of the tiling as a process which is
lates a particular Turing machine which is not infinite in time. The application of the splitting
universal: what can only be said about it is method revealed an interesting property. The lan-
that it has an undecidable halting problem. guage of the splitting of this tiling provides us
Note that this restriction was not known by with a natural example of a language which is
the authors of Lindgren and Nordahl (1990) at neither rational nor context free. As a corollary,
the time of their paper, the automaton does not the algorithm to compute the path from a tile to
start its computation from a finite configuration. the root of its tree is cubic in time with respect to
And so, in Margenstern (2013a), we first the size of the coordinate of the cell supported by
construct a strongly universal cellular automa- the tile.
ton on the line with 14 states. Next, we imple- The splitting method could also be applied to
ment this in a construction already defined in the tiling {5, 3, 3, 4} of the hyperbolic 4D space.
Margenstern et al. (2010b) and Margenstern It provides us with a simple system of coordinates
(2013b). It turned out that the part of the work- to explore this tiling which is the natural exten-
ing of the cellular automaton on the line which sion of the tiling {5, 3, 4} of the hyperbolic 3D
is performed after the halting of the simulated space. Note that the same process which allows to
Turing machine can be replaced by a process go from the pentagon with right angles to
which involves a single additional state. More- Poincaré’s dodecahedron also allows to go from
over, a part of the constructing automaton that dodecahedron to the 120-cell. This process is
can be obtained by using states of the called orthogonal completion in Margenstern
one-dimensional cellular automaton. Eventu- (2004, 2007c). Together with an appropriate
ally, we arrive at strongly universal cellular notion of interior and exterior, it allows to get a
automata in the pentagrid, in the heptagrid, and correct orientation in the hyperbolic 4D space
in the dodecagrid, all of them with ten states and to correctly use the dimensional analogy
(see Margenstern 2013a). with the spaces of lower dimension.

The Tiling Problem

The splitting method allowed the author to inves-
The Connection with Tiling Problems tigate the heptagrid rather deeply. This turned out
to give him a way to solve a long pending prob-
As usual, cellular automata have deep connec- lem: is the tiling problem decidable or not for the
tions with tilings. hyperbolic plane? This question was raised by
This is probably the case with HCAs, Raphael Robinson in 1971 (see Robinson 1971),
although, up to now, the single connection is the and it received a final negative answer with
possibility to implement them in the tilings, Margenstern (2008c) in 2008. The tiling problem
thanks to the coordinate system. asks whether there is an algorithm which, given a
However, this system itself appeared to be finite set of tiles called the prototiles, allows to
useful in order to investigate the properties of say yes or no; it is possible to tile the plane with
tilings in the hyperbolic plane and in the hyper- copies of the prototiles. In this setting, copies
bolic spaces of higher dimensions, namely, the mean isometric images according the geometry
dimensions 3 and 4. of the space of the tiling. Also, it is understood
24 Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces

that if the tiles are decorated, a solution must In order to go back, an additional facility is
satisfy the matching of any adjacent tiles along given: a compass, in the form of a point which
their common side. indicates the direction where the central cell lies
Robert Berger proved in 1966 (see Berger 1966) when it is no more visible in the disk. If the user
that the tiling problem is undecidable in the Euclid- wants to go back to the central cell, it is enough to
ean plane. In Robinson (1971), Raphael Robinson go to the direction of the compass as long as the
significantly simplified Berger’s solution and raised central cell is no more visible in the disk. What
the question about the status of the same problem can be seen is illustrated by the right-hand side
for the hyperbolic plane. Robinson himself gave a picture of Fig. 8.
partial answer, when the first tile is fixed, to this
problem in 1978 (see Robinson 1978). A Japanese Keyboard for Cell Phones
A few weeks after the time when the result Another application deals with cell phones with a
published in Margenstern (2008c) was announced possible way to write messages in Japanese. The
(see Margenstern et al. 2007b), another solution of idea is based on the fact that the Japanese lan-
the same problem was claimed (see Kari 2007). guage has two syllabic alphabets, hiraganas and
The solution given in Margenstern (2008c) turned katakanas, for phonetic purpose.
out to be very fruitful: the construction given in These syllabic alphabets are based on five
Margenstern (2008c) allows us to prove the vowels and the same series of consonants is
undecidability of the periodic tiling problem (see used for each vowel. The corresponding syllabic
Margenstern 2009a) and then the undecidability of signs are dispatched as indicated in Fig. 9. The
the finite tiling problem (see Margenstern 2008e). use of the keyboard is similar to that of the color
Also, another important result was obtained by a chooser. It can be noticed that any syllabic sign
refinement of the construction produced in can be reached in at most three clicks on the keys.
Margenstern (2008c): the injectivity of the global
function of a cellular automaton of the hyperbolic Communications in a Network
plane is also undecidable (see Margenstern The situation of Margenstern (2007a) was thor-
2009b). It also turned out that the classical theo- oughly studied in Margenstern (2012). The com-
rems connecting the surjectivity of the global munication protocol described in Margenstern
function of a cellular automaton with the (2007a) was implemented in the heptagrid with
injectivity and the injectivity on finite configura- an additional feature. In Margenstern (2007a), it
tions are no more true for hyperbolic cellular was decided that the decision by a cell to send
automata (see Margenstern 2009c). messages or to reply to messages it receives fol-
lows a Poisson law. Of course, the Poisson coef-
ficients are different. In Margenstern (2012), in
Possible Applications order to be more realistic, it was decided that a
message sent by a cell cannot run forever at infin-
A few applications of the theory described in the ity. When it is sent, it is dispatched within a disk of
previous sections were indicated, in particular in radius r, where r is a randomly fixed integer again
Margenstern (2008b). We mention three of them. following a Poisson law. Two experiments where
performed with a help of a simulation through a
Color Chooser computer program. The difference between the
The first one is a color chooser. It consists in a experiments was the size of the expansion radius
representation of the heptagrid in Poincaré’s disk, of a message and the coefficients of the Poisson
as illustrated by the left-hand side picture of laws followed by the different parameters. In
Fig. 8. At each step, the user selects a neighbor Margenstern (2012), an account of both experi-
v of the central cell. At the next time, v appears at ments is given. The experiments indicate that the
the central place. The motion is repeated until the model seems to be reasonable. See Margenstern
user finds out the color he/she wished. (2012) for more details.
Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces 25

Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces, Fig. 8 Left-hand side: idle position of the color chooser. Middle: the user
chooses to look at the blue colors. Right-hand side: the compass

Future Directions

Interestingly, most problems indicated as a con-

clusion in the first edition of this entry received at
least a partial solution in this second edition.
Moreover, not indicated issues also received a
solution, so that the hope written in the conclusion
at that time that the method initiated by the imple-
mentation of cellular automata in hyperbolic
spaces will help to improve the study of tilings in
hyperbolic spaces turned out to be grounded.
There are still problems, but we can say that the
foundational work is almost completed. There are
infinitely many tessellations in the hyperbolic
plane. Each one is characterized by positive inte-
gers and no doubt that the arithmetical properties
of these numbers play a key role. We just explored
Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces, Fig. 9 The
what can be roughly obtained for two or three
Japanese keyboard
couples of such numbers. Probably, much broader
results can be obtained with a finer analysis of
these arithmetic properties which may turn out to
be useful for specific problems. As an example, it of this entry. He is also much in debt to Andrew Spencer
is argued in Margenstern (2008b) why, on the one for asking him this new version.
hand, the heptagrid is more suited for the color
chooser than the pentagrid and why, on the other
hand, the pentagrid is more suited than the Bibliography
heptagrid for the Japanese keyboard.
Let us hope that future investigations will Berger R (1966) The undecidability of the domino prob-
comfort the possibilities offered by the infinitely lem. Mem Am Math Soc 66:1–72
Chelghoum K, Margenstern M, Martin B, Pecci I (2004)
many tessellations of the hyperbolic plane.
Cellular automata in the hyperbolic plane: proposal for
a new environment. Lect Notes Comput Sci
Acknowledgment The author again thanks Andrew 3305:678–687, proceedings of ACRI’2004, Amster-
Adamatzky for giving him the task to write the first issue dam, October, 25–27, 2004
26 Cellular Automata in Hyperbolic Spaces

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restricted-totalistic (RT) – but can be as varied
Structurally Dynamic Cellular as those for conventional cellular automata.
Automata Degree The degree of a node (or site, i) of a
graph is equal to the number of distinct nodes
Andrew Ilachinski to which i is linked, and where the links are
Center for Naval Analyses, Alexandria, VA, USA assumed to possess no directional information.
In general graphs, the in-degree (= number of
incoming links towards i) is distinguished from
Article Outline the out-degree (= number of outgoing links
originating at i).
Glossary Effective dimension A quantity used to approx-
Definition of the Subject imate the dimensionality of a graph. It is
Introduction defined as the ratio between the average num-
The Basic Model ber of next-nearest neighbors to the average
Emerging Patterns and Behaviors degree, both averaged over all nodes of the
SDCA as Models of Computation graph. The effective dimension equals the
Generalized SDCA Models Euclidean dimension d, in cases where the
Related Graph Dynamical Systems graph is the familiar d-dimensional hypercubic
SDCA as Models of Fundamental Physics lattice.
Future Directions and Speculations Graph A graph is a finite, nonempty set of nodes
Bibliography (referred to as “sites” throughout this article),
together with (a possibly empty) set of edges
Glossary (or links). The links may be either directed
(in which case the edge from a site i, say, is
Adjacency matrix The adjacency matrix of a directed away from i toward another site j, and
graph with N sites is an N  N matrix [aij] is considered distinct from another directed
with entries aij = 1 if i and j are linked, and edge originating at j and pointed toward i) or
aij = 0 otherwise. The adjacency matrix is undirected (in which case if a link exists
symmetric (aij = aji) if the links in the graph between sites i and j it carries no directional
are undirected. information).
Coupler link rules Coupler rules are local rules Graph grammar Graph grammars (sometimes
that act on pairs of next-nearest sites of a graph also referred to as graph rewriting systems)
at time t to decide whether they should be apply formal language theory to networks.
linked at t + 1. The decision rules fall into Each language specifies the space of “valid
one of three basic classes – totalistic (T), structures”, and the production (or “rewrite”)
outer-totalistic (OT) or restricted-totalistic rules by which given graphs may be trans-
(RT) – but can be as varied as those for con- formed into other valid graphs.
ventional cellular automata. Graph metric function The graph metric func-
Decoupler link rules Decoupler rules are local tion defines the distance between any two
rules that act on pairs of linked sites of a graph nodes, i and j. It is equal to the length of the
at time t to decide whether they should be shortest path between i and j. If no path exists
unlinked at t + 1. As for coupler rules, the (such as when i and j are on two disconnected
decision rules fall into one of three basic components of the same graph), the distance is
classes – totalistic (T), outer-totalistic (OT) or assumed to be equal to 1.

# Springer-Verlag 2009 29
A. Adamatzky (ed.), Cellular Automata,
Originally published in
R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, # Springer-Verlag 2009
30 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

Graph-rewriting automata Graph-rewriting auto- SDCA model hierarchy The SDCA model hier-
mata are generalized CA-like systems in which archy is a set of eight related structurally
both (the number of) nodes and links are allo dynamic cellular automata models, defined
wed to change. explicitly for studying their formal computa-
Next-nearest neighbor Two sites i and j are tional capabilities. The hierarchy is ordered
next-nearest neighbors in a graph if (1) they (from lowest to highest level) according to
are not directly linked (so that aij = 0; see their relative computational strength. For
adjacency matrix), and (2) there exists at least example, the SDCA model at the top of the
one other site k such that k 2 = {i, j}, and i and hierarchy is capable of simulating a conven-
j are both lined to k. tional CA with a speedup factor of two.
Random dynamics approximation The long-
term behavior of structurally dynamic cellular
automata may be approximated in certain cases Definition of the Subject
(in which the structure and value configura-
tions are both sufficiently random and Structurally dynamic cellular automata
uncorrelated) by a random dynamics approxi- (abbreviated, SDCA) are a generalized class of
mation: values of sites are replaced by the CA in which the topological structure of the
probability ps of a site having value s (and is (usually quiescent) underlying lattice is dynami-
assumed to be equal for all sites), and links cally coupled to the local site value configuration.
between sites are replaced by the probability The coupling is defined to treat geometry and
p‘ of being linked (and also assumed to be the value configurations on an approximately equal
same for all pairs of sites). The approximation footing: the lattice structure is altered locally as a
often yields qualitatively correct predictions function of individual site neighborhood value-
about how the real system evolves under a states and geometries, while the underlying local
specific set of rules; for example, to predict topology supports site-value evolution precisely
whether one expects unbounded growth or as in conventional nearest-neighbor CA models
that the lattice will eventually settle onto a defined on random lattices.
low periodic state or simply decay. SDCA provide a dynamical framework for a
Restricted totalistic rules Restricted totalistic CA-like analysis of the generation, transmission
rules are a generalized class of link rules and interaction of topological disturbances in a
(operating on pairs of sites, i and j), analogous lattice. Moreover, they provide a natural testbed
to “outer totalistic” rules (that operate on site for studying self organized geometry; by which
values) used in conventional CA. The local we mean true structural evolution, and not merely
neighborhood around i and j is first partitioned space-time patterns of value configurations that
into three sets: (1) the two sites, i and j; (2) sites may be interpreted geometrically (but are really
connected to either i or j, but not both; and just “bits” of information overlayed on top of an
(3) sites connected to both i and j. The otherwise static background lattice).
restricted totalistic rule is then completely
defined by associating a specific action with
each possible 3-tuple of site-value sums (where Introduction
the individual components represent a unique
sum in each of the three neighborhoods). SDCA were formally introduced in 1986 as part of
Structurally dynamic cellular auto- a physics doctoral dissertation by Ilachinski
mata Structurally dynamic cellular automata (1988), and developed further by Ilachinski and
are generalizations of conventional cellular Halpern (1987a, b), Halpern (1989, 1996),
automata models in which the underlying lat- Halpern and Caltagirone (1990), Majercik
tice structure is dynamically coupled to the (1994), and Alonso-Sanz and Martín (2006),
local site-value configurations. Alonso-Sanz (2006, 2007); in their original
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 31

incarnation (Ilachinski 1986), and at least two discrete pre-geometric theories of space-time
subsequent papers (Halpern and Caltagirone (Meschini et al. 2005). Just as “value structure”
1990; Rose 1993), SDCA were called topological solitons are ubiquitous in conventional CA
automata. Pedagogical discussions appear in models (Ilachinski 2001; Wolfram 1984), “link
Adamatzky (1995) and Ilachinski (2001). Exten- structure” solitons might emerge in SDCA; phys-
sions of the basic SDCA model (all discussed in ical particles would, in such a scheme, be viewed
this article) include the addition of probabilistic asgeometrodynamic disturbances propagating
rules, memory and reversibility. within a dynamic lattice. Three SDCA-like theo-
Applications include the simulation of crystal ries of pregeometry have recently been proposed
growth (Krivovichev 2004), the study of pattern in which space-time is a self-organized emergent
formation of random cellular structures construct: Hillman (1995), Nowotny and
(Schliecker 1998), modeling synaptic plasticity Requardt (2006) and Wolfram (2002).
in neural network models (Gerstner and Kistler Finally, we briefly comment on ostensible over-
2002), phase transitions in chemical systems laps between SDCA and four other related fields of
(Rose et al. 1994), chemical self-assembly study: (1) Lindenmeyer (or L-) systems, (2) graph
(Hasslacher and Meyer 1998), and gene- grammars, (3) random graphs (abbreviated, RG),
regulatory networks (Halpern and Caltagirone and (4) dynamic network analysis (abbreviated,
1990). Majercik (1994) hasstudied SDCA as gen- DNA). L-systems (Prusinkiewicz and
eralized models of computation, and describes a Lindenmayer 1990) are generalized CA systems
CA-universal SDCA that can simulate any con- in which the number of sites can grow with time,
ventional CA of the same dimension. and consist of recursive rules for rewriting strings
More recently, O’Sullivan (2001) and Saidani of symbols. If interpreted graphically, abstract
(2003, 2004) have used graph-based CA models symbol strings can be used to model growth pro-
similar to SDCA to study urban dynamics and cesses of plants and evolving morphology of phys-
emergent behaviors of self-reconfigurable robots, ical organisms. Graph grammars (Grzegorz 1997;
respectively. Tomita et al. (2002, 2005, 2006a, b, c) Kniemeyer et al. 2004) apply formal language
have introduced graph-rewriting automata in theory to networks, and consist of production
which both links and (the number of) nodes are rules that define the set of “valid structures” in a
allowed to change; and show that these systems given graph language. The study of RG (Durrett
are capable of both self-replication and Turing 2006) was introduced by Erdos and Renyi in the
universality (among with many other emergent late 1950s (Erdos and Renyi 1960), and is a math-
behaviors). Since SDCA provide the basic formal- ematical framework for exploring the general topo-
ism for describing locally induced topological logical structures of computational systems and the
changes within arbitrary graphs, they are a poten- behavior of certain random dynamical systems.
tially powerful general tool for studying complex Like SDCA, RG describes evolving graphs, but
adaptive networks, such as communication and the dynamics are global and random. DNA
social networks (Alonso-Sanz and Martin 2006). (Mendes 2004; Newman et al. 2006) is an emerg-
The concept behind SDCA has also been used as a ing field that fuses traditional social network theory
foundation for philosophical musings about com- with statistical analysis and modeling; part of its
putationally emergent artificiality (Mustafa 1999). charter is to explore general properties of network
More ambitious applications of SDCA generation and evolution.
encroach on fundamental physics. Because While, conceptually speaking, there is a prima
SDCA are inherently self-modifying systems – facie relationship between SDCA and all four
in which physical events are not just dynamically fields of study, the elucidation of a more precise
coupled to, but are an integral part of the spatio- nature of the relationship between SDCA and
temporal arena on which their transformations are these other systems awaits a future study. (The
defined – they are a potentially powerful method- relationship appears particularly strong between
ological and ontological tool for exploring SDCA and a generalized L-system called the
32 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

graph development system (abbreviated, GDS), Dij ¼ Minimum #links, l rs j fr,sg  Pij , (2)
introduced by Doi (1984), but not developed fur-
ther since its original conception. Using incidence
matrices to represent arbitrary topologies, GDS is we can write a general r-neighborhood CA
essentially a grammar by which sub matrices of value-transition rule ‘f’ (which will from now on
the whole matrix are rewritten to describe topo- refer generically to as a s-rule) in the form
logical changes. SDCA also formally falls under hn o i
the broader rubrics of DNA and RG; however, stþ1
i ¼f r ðiÞ ,
stj j j  S G (3)
there is no explicit reference to SDCA in the
current literature of either field.)  
where S G r ðiÞ ¼ jj Dij  r is the radius-r graph
sphere about the site i. In words, the value of stþ1 i
is some function, f, of the values stj in radius
The Basic Model r graph sphere around the site i. With this distance
measure, G becomes a discrete metric space.
Conventional CA are defined on fixed, and typically If G is a one-dimensional line, and r = 1, then
regular, lattices (one-dimensional lines, two- SGr ðiÞ ¼ fi  1,i, i þ 1g ; i.e., it is equal to the
dimensional Euclidean or hexagonal grids, etc.), conventional three site local neighborhood of
the sites of which are populated with discrete-valued elementary CA.
dynamic elements ( si  {0, 1, . . ., k}, where We now formally extend a conventional CA’s
i labels a particular site on the lattice) that evolve dynamic arena – limited to the values
according to local transition functions, f : si ! si . sti  f0,1, . . . , k  1g , i = 1,. . .,N – to one that
We emphasize that the dynamics of conventional includes the components of theunderlying lat-
CA are confined to the temporal evolution of the sis. tice’s adjacency matrix:
SDCA generalize conventional CA in two ways:
(1) they relax the assumption that the underlying 
stþ1 ¼ F s ½fst g, f‘t g
lattice is uniform, allowing the local site $ site , (4)
‘tþ1 ¼ F ‘ ½fst g, f‘t g
connectivity pattern to vary throughout the lattice;
and (2) they allow both the set {si} and the lattice to
where Fs and F‘ are some functions (to be defined
evolve according to local transition rules. The most
explicitly below) that explicitly couple the chang-
obvious – also the most dramatic – conceptual
ing value states and geometries. The complete
change this entails over the dynamics of conven-
system at time t is specified by the state-vector
tional CA, is that the meaning of “local” itself
changes as a function of how the SDCA system  n o

evolves: previously far separated sites may become jGit ¼ st1 , . . . , stN ; ‘tij : (5)
neighbors; and sites that are local at time t may
become far separated at some later time, t0. The time-evolution of |Gi proceeds according
To properly define SDCA, we first generalize to the following transition rules: (i) s-rules of the
regular lattices to mathematical graphs  G () general form given above and familiar from CA
possessing arbitrary topology. Assuming G has simulations and (ii) ‘-rules, which are divided into
N lattice sites, and that G is (for now) an undi- site couplers, linking previously unconnected ver-
rected graph (meaning that none of G’s links carry tices and site decouplers, which disconnect linked
directional information), G is completely defined points. Because the topology can be altered only
by the N-by-N adjacency matrix, ‘ij: by either a deletion of existing links or an addition
 of links between pairs of vertices ‘i’ and ‘j’ with
1 if i and j are linked; Dij = 2, the dynamics is strictly local.
‘ij ¼ (1)
0 otherwise: To be more precise, we first restrict the general
s-rule F1 to (maximally symmetric) totalistic (T)
Using the graph metric function, and outer-totalistic (OT) type. Since the underlying
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 33

lattice is a fully dynamic object, |Gi will, in general, where we distinguish the operator fb i acting on the
tend towards having a complex local geometry with global value state from the actual local transition
an unspecified local directionality. The most general function f which transforms each site value.
rules which can therefore be applied are those which
are completely invariant under all rotation and
Link Rules
reflection symmetry transformations on local neigh-
Local geometry altering rules are constructed by
borhoods. T(OT) s-rules are then specified by list-
direct analogy: for any two selected sites i and j we
ing particular sums{a}(outer-sums{a0},{a1}
restrict attention to site values of vertices
corresponding to center site values ‘0’ and ‘1’
contained within a 1-sphere of either site; that is,
respectively) for which the value of the center
to all k  S1(i, j) = S1(i) [ S1(j). Link operators,
sitebecomes ‘1’. Formally,
whose action on the state is represented by:
X  E  E
si ¼ ffag
‘ij sj , si ,
t t t
(6) b ij ‘t ¼ ‘t ,...,‘tþ1 ¼ cij ,...,‘t
decouplers : c fbg ij 11 ij NN
 E  E
where b feijg ‘tij ¼ ‘t11 ,...,‘tþ1
couplers : o ij ¼ oij
NN ,

ffag ðx,aÞ
P a dðx þ a,aÞ P $T either link or unlink two sites ‘i’ and ‘j’ depending
a a1 dðx,a1 Þ þ ð1  aÞ a0 dðx, a0 Þ $ OT, on whether the actual sum of values in S1(i, j)
(7) matches any of those given in the {b} or {e}
lists, which completely define decouplers and
and d(x, y) is the Kronecker delta. Note that j ‘tij couplers, respectively.
stj sums the values of all sites ‘j’ linked to ‘i’ at time In order to construct classes of rules analogous
‘t’. The action on the state |Gi is represented by to the two types of s-rules defined above, we
partition the local neighborhood into 3 disjoint
b i jsi
f sets (see Fig. 1): S1(i, j) = Vij [ Aij [ Bij, where
fag t
 X 8
 t < _ij ¼ fi,jg,
¼ s1 ,...,stþ1
i ¼ ff ag ‘tij stj ,sti ,...,stN ,
Aij ¼ fkjk C 1 ðiÞ\C 1 ðjÞg,where C 1 ðiÞ ¼ S 1 ðiÞ fig,
(8) :
Bij ¼ S 1 ðiÞ[S 1 ðjÞ_ij Aij :

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, belonging to one of the two sites but not both (  Bij). In
Fig. 1 Neighborhood partitioning. In the same way as this way we obtain the analogous totalistic (T), outer-
outer sites can be considered separately for s-transitions, totalistic (OT), and an additional type called restricted
we may, for topology transitions, distinguish between totalistic (RT)
those sites belonging to both i and j(  Aij) and those
34 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

The action of link operators is then conve- • RT rules are completely specified by giving the
niently expressed as a function of the sums within ‘k’ 3-tuples of values (xsi + sj, y = sum in A,
the individual partitions. Defining nij = si + sj, aij z = sum in B), for which the link operation
¼ k  Aij sk , and bij ¼ k  Bij sk , we get between ‘i’ and ‘j’ is to be performed. For exam-
decouplers, cijfbg ¼ cijfbg nij , aij , bij , where ple, define ‘c’ by unlinking ‘i’ and ‘j’ for the
following values of partitioned sums: (0, 0, 1),
(0, 0, 2), (0, 1, 1), (1, 1, 1); we then have that
cijfbg ðx,y,zÞ (b1,1 = 0, b2,1 = 0, b3,1 = 1), (b1,2 = 0, b2,2 = 0,
8 P 
> 1  k dðx þ y þ z,bk Þ ‘ij $T b3,2 = 2), (b1,3 = 0, b2,3 = 1, b3,3 = 1), and
<n P o
¼ n1  k dx, b1,k dy þ z, b2,k ‘ij o $ OT (b1,4 = 0, b2,4 = 1, b3,4 = 1).
: 1  P d x, b
‘ij $ RT,
k 1,k d y, b2,k d z, b3,k

(11) Global transition operators are obtained by

applying individual s- and ‘- operators to all
and couplers, oijfeg ¼ oijfeg nij , aij , bij , where
sites and site-pairs in the graph G:

oijfeg ðx,y,zÞ 8
< Fbfag jsi ¼ i fbfag jsi,
8 P > Q i
< d Dij ,2 Pk dðx þ y þ z, ek Þ $T
¼ d Dij ,2 Pk d x, e1,k d y þ z, e2,k $ OT Ccfbg j‘i ¼ bi
nij cfbg j‘i,
d Dij ,2 $ RT: >
:c Q
k d x, e1,k d y, e2,k d z, e3,k O feg j‘i ¼ nnij obfei g j‘i,

In the above expressions, RT stands for cand O

where the products for C cneed to be taken
restricted totalistic rules which maximally subdi- only over nearest and next nearest pairs respec-
vide the local neighborhood. The inclusion of an tively. Given the full value-topology transition
‘ij in the expressions for c assures that only those rule G, defined by
sites already linked can be decoupled and the
d(Dij, 2) in the equations defining o are put in to
jGtþ1 i ¼ Ob C
cFc jGi ¼ G jGi , (14)
make sure that only sites separated by distance = 2 t t

may be dynamically coupled.

The three type-specific sums appearing above the fundamental problem is to understand the
are indexed with the following conventions: generic behavior of accessible graphs-G emerging
from all possible initial structures and value con-
• T rules are defined by the ‘k’ overall sums of figurations. We emphasize that the lattice fully
values in S1(i, j) for which the particular action participates in the dynamics and that, in general,
is to be taken. For example, define ‘c’ by no embedding is implied – it is the abstract con-
unlinking ‘i’ and ‘j’ if the total sum =1 nectivity itself whose evolution we are attempting
(=b1), 3 (=b2) or 5 (=b3). Equation (11) then to trace.
states that ‘nþ1
ij ¼ 0 if and only if ‘nij ¼ 1 and
nnij þ anij þ bnij  f1,3,5g.
An Example
• OT rules are specified by giving ‘k’ 2-tuples The application of the rather cumbersome expres-
(b1,k, b2,k), and (e1,k, e2,k), where {1, k} labels sions defining transition rules is in practice
the sum ‘si + sj’ and {2, k} labels the
P extremely straightforward, as we demonstrate
corresponding outer sum¼ s  S 1 ði,jÞfi,jg ss . with the following example: Consider a graph G
For example, link ‘i’ and ‘j’ if si + sj = 0 and defined as a (5  5) lattice with some distribution
outer sum = {3, 4}, so that ‘o’ is defined by of values s = 1 at time ‘t = 1’ (see Fig. 2). We are
listing the two 2-tuples (e1,10, e2,1 = 3) and interested in one global update of the system
(e1,2 = 0, e2,2 = 4). jGit¼1 !G
jGit¼2 with rules specified by
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 35

Structurally Dynamic
Cellular Automata,
Fig. 2 Sample dynamic
update of a (5  5) lattice
from t = 1 to t = 2, obeying
a T-type s-rule with s ! s0
for local sums =1,3,5
(i.e. a  {1, 3, 5}), and
OT-type ‘-rules: (i) link for
{e1,1 = 1, e2,1 = 3} and
(ii) unlink for
{b1,1 = 1, b2,1 = 3} and
{b1,2 = 1, b2,2 = 4}. Solid
sites indicate that s = 1

ðvalueÞ > Ffag : fagT ¼ fa81¼
 1,a2 ¼ 3,a3 ¼ 5g, 9 ‘t¼2 ¼ þ st¼1
st¼1 h , sb þ sd þ sg
t¼1 t¼1 t¼1
> ch c c
< < b1,1 ¼ 1,b2,1 ¼ 3 =
ðtopologyÞ Cfbg : fbgOT ¼  , þst¼1
i ; þsm ‘ch
t¼1 t¼1
> : b ¼ 1,b ¼ 4 ;
1,2 2,2
 ¼ cð1,3Þð1Þ ¼ 0:
Ofeg : fegOT ¼ e1,1 ¼ 1,e2,1 ¼ 3 :

We evolve the system by systematically 3. All next-nearest neighbors ‘i’ and ‘j’: . . .
sweeping through all sites, linked pairs, and linking them only if the 2-tuple
next-nearest neighbors: (a, b) = {(1, 3)}. By “next-nearest neighbor”
we mean those pairs which are themselves
1. All Sites: . . . setting si = 1 only at those ‘i’ for unlinked but which share at least one other
which the sum of the values at ‘i’ and its linked neighbor: (a, g), (h, r) and (w, y), for
neighbors is equal to ‘2’ at t = 1. By “neigh- example, are all next-nearest neighbors at
bors” of any point ‘i’ we will always mean the t = 1. For ‘c’ and ‘g’ we find

set of vertices linked to ‘i’: (a, b), (h, m) and
cg ¼ o sc
þ st¼1
g , sb þ sd þ sf
t¼1 t¼1 t¼1
(x, y), for example, are all neighbors at t = 1.
Writing out a few value-changing terms explic- h þ sl
þ st¼1 t¼1
d Dcg ,2
itly, we find that ¼ oð1,3Þð1Þ ¼ 1:

st¼2 ¼ f st¼1
b þ sc
þ st¼1
d þ sh
Notice that although ‘t¼1
dn ¼ 0 ! ‘dn ¼ 1, it is
c t¼2

¼ fð3Þ ¼ 1, and hidden by overlap with the remaining links ‘t¼2 di

 (16) ¼ 1 and ‘t¼2in ¼ 1 . For this reason, not all link
b ¼ f st¼1
a þ s b þ sc
t¼1 t¼1
þ st¼1
g changes can always be observed directly in the
following figures.
¼ fð2Þ ¼ 0:
Other sites and links are updated in precisely
the same manner. Had the link-rules been of
2. All linked pairs of sites ‘i’ and ‘j’: . . . removing T-type, only one sum would have to be consid-
those links only if the 2-tuple (a, b)  {(1, 3), ered: the sum of the values of the points in ques-
(1, 4), where a = si + sj and ‘b’ is the sum of tion along with their neighbors’ values. Had they
values of the neighbors of ‘i’ and ‘j’ at t = 1. been, instead, of RT-type, three sums would have
For the points ‘c’ and ‘h’, for example, we have to be considered: the sum of the values of the sites
(a, b) = (1, 3), so that the link ‘ch is no longer in question, the sum of the values of their common
present in |Git = 2: neighbors (neighborhood A in Fig. 1) and the sum
36 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

of the values of the points that are neighbors of c[f] = 42, c[c] = 23(3)+1 = 1024 and
one of the considered points, but not of the other c[o] = 23(4)+1 + 23(3)+1 = 9216. Note that ‘c’
(neighborhood B in Fig. 1). The final state |Git = 2 and ‘O’ are chosen always to be of the
emerges after the above process has been applied same type.
concurrently to all pairs, neighbors and next- Comment 3. Computer simulations of these sys-
nearest neighbors in |Git = 1. tems require that some measures be taken to
prevent possible memory overflows, such as
Comments would happen in cases either of pure coupling,
We conclude this section by making a few impor- where links are continually added and none
tant general comments: deleted, or in isolated regions of a graph
where for a few sites more neighbors are
Comment 1. As defined above, G consists of added than are allowed by memory. We thus
three operators acting simultaneously on the introduce working link transition rules
state |Gi. More generally, one may prescribe
any of 10 possible time-orderings to the opera-  0 0
cij $ d i or d j > d  d min
tors O,C and F. That is, specify certain inter- (20)
1 $ else,
mediate state dependencies, so that, for example
G1|Gi  (OC)(F|Gi) would in general be  0 0
oij $ d i or d j < D  d max
expected to yield results different from, say, o~ij  (21)
0 $ else,
G2|Gi  O(F(C|Gi)). While we will be solely
concerned with the synchronous time ordering where di = degree(i) (i.e. number of neighbors of
defined above, we do not expect the qualitative i). In words: make a sweep of the lattice, tem-
results to depend critically on this choice. porarily storing the candidates to add and
Comment 2. A given rule G is completely defined delete for each point. If, for any point i, the
by the set of sums {a},{b} and {e}. Alterna- updated degree is greater than d then proceed
tively, we can conveniently summarize a cho- with deleting the stored deletion-candidates,
sen transition rule by its vector-code otherwise do not delete; similarly, provided
C ¼ ðc½f, c½c, c½oÞa,b , where that the updated degree is less than D proceed
with addition. Thus, it is sufficient that one of
(P two points allow a dynamic link change
$T between them for that change to be enacted.
c½f ¼ P P In the following, the complete constrained
a0 2
þ a1 2ð2a1 þ1Þ $ OT !½d,D
8P dynamics will be quoted as C ða,bÞ . If con-
> k2
<P straints play no role in the actual evolution of
3b2,k þb1,k
c½ c  ¼ k2 $ OT specific examples, they will be left out of the
> P 3ðb þab Þþb
: definition.
2,k 3,k 1,k
k2 $ RT Comment 4. Because each dynamic update
8 P
> k2
$T involves three separate types of processing,
3e2,k þe1,k
the number of possible rules is extraordinarily
c½o ¼ k2 $ OT large (see Table 1). Unlike pure s-transitions,
: P 3ðe2,k þbe3,k Þþe1,k however, the fraction of the total number
k2 $ RT
which yield interesting behavior (i.e. neither
immediately explosive, where the number of
where a = max {b2,k} + 1, b = max {e2,k} + 1, links increases without bound, nor immedi-
and must be specified only for RT-type topol- ately degenerative, where an initial graph rap-
ogy rules. The G appearing in the above exam- idly dwindles to a few isolated links) appears to
ple, therefore, can be summarized by be manageably smaller.
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 37

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, represent sites with s = 1. Notice how the link
Table 1 Numbers of possible rules for each of the three additions follow the emerging corrugated bound-
types of transition rules. d= maximum allowable degree
and a= maximum sum to be used from partition Aij. Exam- ary surface of the value configuration. Remember
ple: for d = 5, we have Nf = 4096, Nc = 224  2  107 and that link additions are more than passive markers
No = 221  2  106. We thus have NT = NfNcNo  1017 indicating particular correlations between local
possible type OT Gs value configurations and structure; their presence
Rule type f c o directly influences all subsequent value develop-
T 2d+1 22d 22d1 ment in their immediate vicinity.
OT 22d+2 26(d1) 23(2d3) Figure 4 (in which site values are suppressed for
RT – 23(a+1)(2d1) 23(a+1)(2d+1) clarity) shows the continued development of this
system. Though boundary effects begin to appear
by t = 25, thecharacteristic manner in which this
Comment 5. Although it is the intrinsic geometri- particular G restructures the initial graph is clear:
cal patterning whose generic behavioral prop-
erties we are trying to deduce, one may • There is a high degree of geometrical organi-
approach SDCA from an alternative point of zation (the symmetry of the initial state is triv-
view: maintain the emphasis on unraveling the ially preserved by the totally symmetric G).
value configurational behavior, and interpret • The lattice remains connected.
the presence of [C, O] as background opera- • The distribution of link changes made through-
tors inducing nonlocal spatial connectivities. out the lattice remains fairly uniform i.e. there
Whereas the systems defined above are is an approximate uniformity in the probability
completely abstract entities, in that locality is of appearance of particular local value states
strictly defined by the link structure, the alter- which induce a structural change.
native scheme would be to embed the discrete • Link-lengths do not get arbitrarily large.
networks in some specified manifold, and to
study the effects of dynamically allocated non-
local communication channels. The last point implies that for a system embed-
ded in the plane, communication channels remain
approximately local. The global pattern emerges as
Emerging Patterns and Behaviors a consequence of local ordering. On the other hand,
Gs for which link-lengths get arbitrarily large are
Consider patterns that emerge from simple value also easy to find.
seeds starting from ordered two dimensional Euclid- Some other varieties of behavior are shown in
ean lattices. A single non-zero site may represent a Figs. 5 and 6. Figure 5a, b are representative of the
small local disturbance that then propagates out- class of ‘-rules that only mildly perturb the under-
ward, restructuring the lattice. With appropriately lying lattice (and for which s states do not differ
chosen Gs one can induce a rich spectrum of differ- much from their conventional CA cousins). Other
ent time evolutions only slightly perturbed by very rules, of course, may have a stronger effect on the
few concurrent link changes to ones in which the lattice, giving rise to associated s states bearing little
initial geometry becomes radically altered. (The or no resemblance to their conventional CA
graphical representation of evolving one dimen- counterparts.
sional systems, in which link additions must be Figure 5c shows an example of a link rule that
shown as arcs to avoid overlap with existing links, accelerates the outward propagation of the value
is needlessly confusing and is not considered.) configuration. Compare the diameter of this pat-
Figure 3 shows the first five iterations of a tern to that in the earlier figures, both shown at
system starting from a four neighbor lattice with equal times. The outwardly oriented links that
a single non-zero site at its center, the link struc- emerge from sites along the boundary surface
ture is given explicitly and the solid circles become conduits by which non-zero values
38 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, Fig. 3 First RT ‘-rules: C ¼ ð26,69648,32904Þ½3,3 (see text for rule
five iterations of an SDCA system starting from a 4-neighbor
definitions and code). Solid sites have s = 1
Euclidean lattice seeded with a single non-zero site at the
center. The global transition rule G consists of T s-rule and

rapidly propagate. Had the underlying of the initial disturbance. Figure 6c, on the other
lattice topology been suppressed in this figure, hand, shows a typical state of a system whose
and attention focused exclusively on the devel- global connectivity becomes progressively more
oping s state, we could have interpreted the complicated.
result as showing an effective increase in infor- A typical evolution starting from an initial state
mation propagation speed due to non-local in which all sites are randomly assigneds = 1 with
connectivities (see comment 5 of the previous probability p = 1/2 is shown in Fig. 7. Notice the
section). rapid development of complex local connectivity
Figure 5d, on the other hand, gives an example patterns, the appearance of which points to a geo-
in which the link dynamics lags behind the s metrical self-organization.
development. The boundary proceeds outward In general, structural behaviors emerging from
essentially unaffected by changes in geometry, random s-states under typical Gs can be grouped
which are themselves confined to the interior into four basic classes (not to be confused with
parts of the lattice (at least at this early stage of Wolfram’s classification of elementary CA
this system’s development). (Wolfram 1984)):
Figure 6 shows snapshot views of a few system
undergoing a slightly more complex evolution. • Class-1, in which initial graphs decay into
Figure 6b, for example, shows a rule in which structurally much simpler final states: most
the outward s propagation rapidly deletes most links are destroyed, and graphs ‘tij , for suffi-
links from the original lattice but leaves a complex ciently large t, consist essentially of a large
(though structurally stable) geometry at the origin number of small local subgraphs.
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 39

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, have been suppressed for clarity. The boundaries of the
Fig. 4 Several further time frames in the structural evolution original lattice do not extend beyond the region shown so
of the same system shown in the preceding figure. The values that the development is strictly confined to a 31  31 graph

• Class-2, whose final states are characterized by values of both hdegi and Deffec increase without
periodic but globally connected geometries. bound for class-3 SDCA (unless an arbitrary
SDCA typically arise in this class either because upper constraint D is imposed on G).
of a specific class-2 Fs remaining unchanged by Because the s-density responds to the
the coupling to the lattice or class-3 Fs coupling changing local neighborhood structure, it is
with {C, O} in such a way as to induce a lattice possible that what at first appears to be an
structure that supports a periodic state. explosive growth in fact eventually leads to a
• Class-3, consisting of SDCA that tend to grow more sedate, if not static, behavior at some
in size and complexity, at least as measured by larger hdegi  D. Fs that yield hsit  constant
two basic metrics: the average degree, hdegi  over a range of hdegi (such as the sum
(1/N) . i[|S1(i)|  1], and effective dimensional- modulo-2 rule; see below), when coupled
ity, Deffec  hNnni/hdegi, where hNnni is the with link rules that themselves become pro-
average number of next-nearest neighbors. The gressively less active with increasinghdegi,
40 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, coupler c[o] = 32, b = 2; c OT c[f] = 1022 and RT
Fig. 5 Snapshot views of four typical developing states coupler c[o] = 8, b = 1; dT s- and OT ‘-rules
starting from a single non-zero site at the center of a !
C ¼ ð682,19634061312,133120Þ½2,8
4-neighbor graph. Gs are as follows: a OTc[f] = 1022
and RT coupler c[o] = 16, b = 1; bTc[f] = 22 and RT

may induce evolutions leading to only mild continually changes, the average ratio of the
changes within specific ranges of the local number of next-nearest to nearest neighbors
structural parameters. stays approximately constant over long periods
• Class-4, which is a provisional class (pending of time. While there is evidence to suggest this
stronger evidence) that denotes a set of rules class is real, simulations have unfortunately
that yield open-ended s- and ‘ changes, but been run for too short a time and on graphs
during which the value of Deffec remains containing too few sites to permit making any
roughly constant. Cs and Os belonging to this conclusive statements regarding the veracity of
class effectively induce a structural equilib- this class. Nonetheless, it is tempting to spec-
rium: despite the fact that large numbers of ulate that, for arbitrary values of D , there
link changes continue to be made, so that the exists at least one set of SDCA rules for
detailed structure of the evolving graph which Deffec D (within a desired ϵ > 0) as
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 41

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, Fig. 6 Four bT s- and
OT ‘-rules C ¼ ð42,589952,8192Þ½2,8; cT s- and
more examples of states emerging from simple seeds. ‘-rules C ¼ ð42,128,4Þ½0,10 ; dTc[f] = 682 and RT ‘-rules
Figure a, b, c start from 4-neighbor graphs and d from an defined explicitly by C(104),(114),(124),(103),(113),(123) and
8-neighbor graph ( 4-neighbor with diagonals). Gs are as V(111),(215)
follows: aT s- and RT ‘-rules C ¼ ð42,69648,32904Þ½3,3 ;

the size of the graph N ! 1. (Pseudo class-4 random state is even more difficult (although
behavior, of course, can always be artificially graph visualization algorithms may help). How-
induced either by imposing severe [d, D = d] ever, even in cases for which a direct visual
constraints, or, as must typically be done for inspection of the dynamics reveals little, one can
category-3 Gs, by deliberately impeding always indirectly keep abreast of a given system’s
growth with some threshold D.) properties by monitoring its core structural and
behavioral measures (a more detailed account is
given in Ilachinski (1988)).
Statistical Measures
Site value measures include the average den-
As evidenced by Fig. 7, it is already nontrivial to P
meaningfully visualize the short-time evolution of 1=N Þ ENi¼1
sity of sites with value s = 1, hsit  ðD
(initially) regular lattices that start with random sti ; the local value correlation, C t  sti stj 
initial value state. Visualizing the long-term ðrt Þ2 , where sti stj is averaged over all pairs
dynamics of systems that start from a completely
42 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, constraints are [d = 0, D = 10]. The appearance of localized
Fig. 7 Evolution of a 35  35 lattice, with randomly substructures is evidence of a geometrical self-organization
seeded sites. The development proceeds according to T s-
and OT ‘-rules defined by code C ¼ ð84,36864,2048Þ. The

i and j with ‘ij = 1; the fraction of sites whose that describe all complex networks – such as
value changes during
P   of the evolution, Dt
one step connectivity, density, clustering, and path lengths
 ð1=N Þ Ni¼1 st1 i 2 i ; where
s t
2 is a sum (2,6), are applicable to SDCA as well.
modulo-2. Link changes may be monitored by keeping
Geometry measures include the average track of (1) the total number of link changes
degree, hdegi; the average number of next-nearest (allowed under prescribednconstraintoconditions),
ðl Þ P PN
neighbors, hNnnit  (1/N)i[|S2(i)|  |S1(i)|  1]; Dt  ð1=2Þ Ni¼1 t t1
j¼1 l ij 2 l ij ; (2) the
and Deffec. A measure of how the actual size of ðl Þ ðl Þ
constraint influence, f l  Dt =N t , where N t
ðl Þ
local neighborhoods changes with time may be is the total number of link changes that would
obtained by embedding graphs into the two-
have occurred in the absence of constraints
dimensional plane and calculating the average (fl = 1 indicates that the evolution is pure, mean-
path length at time t. Of course, global features
ing it is unaffected by constraints; flsmall
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 43

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, Fig. 8 Time !

C ¼ ð682,512,512Þ½0,10 ; dT s- and RT ‘-rules defined
development of the effective dimensionality Deffec for each !
explicitly by b  fð011Þ, ð110Þ, ð121Þ, ð233Þ, ð243Þg and
of the four categories of behavior (see text): aT type G !
! ϵ  fð120Þ, ð010Þ, ð021Þ, ð224Þg
defined by C ¼ ð42,128,4Þ ; bT s- and OT ‘-rules
C ¼ ð64,9216,1024Þ ; cT s- and OT ‘-rules

P P n t¼0 L n o
suggests that the imposed constraint window for alteration are selected; and (5) the link evolu-
[d, D] has resulted in observed structures that are tion index, gnL  1=N t¼0 l i l
j ij 2 l ij ,
impure); (3) the link creation- and link deletion- which gives the fraction of the initial lattice
ðl Þ ðl Þ
ratios, f C  N C =Dt and f D  N D =Dt , where remaining after n iterations.
NC and ND are the numbers of link created Figure 8 shows time series plots of Deffec for
and destroyed, respectively; (4) the activity levels, rules in each of the four behavioral classes defined
gtC  N C =N t1
nn and gD  N D =N l
t t1
(where N t1
l is above. The initial structure in each case is 35  35
the number of links at time t  1), which give the 4-neighbor Euclidean lattice, so that Dt¼0 effec  2 .
number of dynamic alterations relative to the Figure 8a gives an example of class-1 behavior, in
corresponding spaces from which the candidates which a short period of initial growth is followed
44 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

by a decay into mostly disconnected clusters. The 1. Static state: this trivially occurs when the link
final state is characterized by hdegi < 1, and is rules are unable to take effect; namely, when
stable. Figure 8b shows a system that starts from m 7 and n 8.
the same initial state as in Fig. 8a but whose G 2. Rapid growth: for an entire range of m and n, the
leads to a periodic geometry. Just the right number average number of neighbors for each site of the
of links have been deleted to permit regions with lattice increases rapidly for 20–30 iterations.
isolated activity to emerge.
Figure 8c shows class-3 behavior in which This number would likely continue to increase,
Deffec steadily increases. The apparent leveling off were it not for the constraint conditions
seen toward the end of the run is due both to a ( [0, 10]). The “final state” is neither stable nor
decreased overall activity level and the increas- periodic. One sometimes also sees delayed growth
ingly effect of the D = 10 constraint. The system in this class of behavior, in which case the link
in Fig. 8d exhibits class-4 behavior, characterized structure is initially relatively quiescent (and the
by a ongoing structural development within a rel- behavior of the system as a whole mimics that of a
atively narrow interval of values of Deffec. Note that conventional CA). As coupler rules are triggered
the structural changes here are essentially pure, and by specific s states, the average degree of the
are not merely artifacts of any imposed constraints. lattice rapidly increases (at least until the con-
Ilachinski (3) explores a wide range of emergent straint conditions take effect).
behaviors across all four classes, and examines the
qualitative relationship between emergent behavior 3. Spontaneous decay: when decouplers are
and initial s- and ‘-seeding. stronger than couplers, the average degree
typically decreases. If this occurs too rapidly,
Phase Plots the structure surrounding the single nonzero
While it is of obvious interest to systematically valued site may become isolated from other
explore every possible combination of b’s and ϵ’s parts of the lattice. If a few non-zero values do
that define ‘-rules, Table 1 unfortunately suggests not leak out into the outlying regions, link
that the resulting rule space is simply too large. changes remain confined to the central sub-
Nonetheless, we can learn much even by focusing graph, leading to either rapid stability or
our attention on a small subset of the complete periodicity.
rule space, keeping F, the initial s-seeding, and 4. Initial growth, followed by periodicity: this is the
all other factors constant. Specifically, consider least common behavior, and requires a delicate
the subset of all possible ‘-rules that consists of balance between coupler and decoupler rules.
OT link rules consisting of a single coupler, o,
L It is interesting to compare these results with
and a single decoupler, c. Moreover, let f  2
(i.e., sum modulo-2 rule), demand that only pairs those obtained from a random s seed. In this case,
of s = 0 sites be considered for a link change, and the sharp divisions between characteristic behav-
consider ‘-rules belonging to the following set: iors disappear, and there is a pronounced increase
in the number of links for all m and n. However,
n o the inclusion of an additional decoupler, may
decouplers : b1,1 ¼ 0, b2,1 ¼ m , 1  m  0, induce decay and periodicity. For example, con-
couplers : ϵ 1,1 ¼ 0, ϵ 2,1 ¼ n , 1  n  0: sider the same initial lattice and F as used in
(22) Fig. 9, fix two OT ‘-rules C(0, 5) and O(0, 1), and
add the decoupler C(0, m) : {b1,1 = 0, b2,1 = m},
Figure 9 summarizes the behavior of a four 1  m  9. Surveying the emergent behaviors for
neighbor, 25  25 lattice with periodic boundary this range of m’s, one now finds decaying lattices
conditions, starting from an initial s-seed for m 2. In each case, the initial graph succumbs
consisting of a single nonzero site. Four basic to periodicity following a transient of between
kinds of structural behaviors emerge: 50 and 100 iterations. The evolving lattice is
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 45

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, couplers–{ϵ 1,1 = 0, ϵ 2,1 = n}. Grey areas in both plots
Figure 9 Phase plot that summarizes behavior of a four denote periodic states. White areas denote growth in the
neighbor, 25  25 lattice with periodic boundary condi- plot for link behavior, and a nonperiodic state for
tions, starting from an initial s-seed consisting of a single s-behavior. The black area that appears in the link-
nonzero site. G is defined by the sum modulo-2 s-rule and bevavior plot denotes decay. Numbers that appear in indi-
‘-rules of the form: decouplers–{b1,1 = 0, b2,1 = m}, vidual boxes denote period lengths

also more prone to break up into small discon- for describing physical processes (which is the
nected subgraphs. primary reason for which SDCA0 were first con-
Although, just as in conventional CA, small ceived). Motivated primarily by finding models of
changes to ‘-rules can lead to large differences in human brain function (for which one intuitively
emergent behavior, they generally appear to do so expects nonlocal neural connections to play a
in a more predictable and patterned manner. Of fundamental role in the rewiring of neural tissue),
course, particular classes of G may induce more Majercik shows that suitably generalized SDCA
complex phase plots; for example, isolated are not only capable of universal computation, but
pockets of anomalous (and rapidly shifting) actually represent a more efficient class of com-
behavior may appear within larger surrounding putational models than conventional
regions undergoing otherwise mutually consistent CA. Majercik also reports an SDCA that can
and slowly changing dynamics. A better sense of solve the firing squad problem in O(logt) time
the space of possible emergent behaviors, along (i.e., exponentially faster than the O(t) in conven-
with a deeper understanding of the relationship tional CA),and a class of CA-universal SDCA
between F and ‘-rules, awaits a future study. models that can simulate any conventional CA
with a speedup factor of two. (The firing squad
problem (Moore 1962) consists of finding a rule
SDCA as Models of Computation for which allsites in a CA evolve into a special
state after the exactly the same number of steps.)
The basic SDCA model, as outlined above (which Majercik proceeds by first identifying five
we will denote as SDCA0 to avoid possible con- properties of SDCA0 that, while reasonable from
fusion with the hierarchy of related SDCA models a physical modeling standpoint, make it difficult
introduced in this section), was modified and gen- to rigorously formulate and prove theorems:
eralized by Majercik (1994) into a form more
suitable for addressing its formal computational 1. Finiteness: The requirement that SDCA0 be
capabilities rather than as an exploratory toolkit strictly finite, both in time and space, is obviously
46 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

necessary for computer experiments, but is locations remain unspecified. Finally, in MS, it is
unnecessarily restrictive for general theorem assumed that no information about the source of
proving. Likewise, the assumption that the sets the neighborhood states exists, and transition
a, b and ϵ must be finite is questioned. functions only know the number of neighbors in
2. Bidirectionality: While SDCA0 are defined a particular state.
with symmetric links, an obvious generaliza- Each of the three core models may be defined
tion that makes the basic model more readily in two versions: an unbounded links (abbreviated,
applicable to neural dynamics (among other UL) version, in which the number of neighbors a
kinds of physical and biological systems) is to given site can have is unbounded, and a bounded
allow for unidirectional links. links (abbreviated, BL) version, in which an
3. Link-rule Asymmetry: While SDCA0’s link explicit upper limit is imposed. In addition, there
decoupler function (Eq. (11)) contains the fac- is also one finite labels version of ML. Majercik
tor ‘ij to explicitly prevent the system from imposes certain mild conditions on the local tran-
inadvertently linking two unlinked sites, sition functions; for example, that local neighbor-
SDCA0 does not include an analogous term hoods always remain strictly finite, s-rules leave
for the coupler function (that is, a term to quiescent neighborhoods alone, and that links
prevent an evolving system from inadvertently between sites with quiescent neighborhood
unlinking two linked sites). remain unaltered.
4. Inconsistency: While s-rules effectively ignore
site positions, all three types of link rules Relative Location SDCA Model
assume that the various neighborhoods In the Relative Location model, the transition
surroundings individual sites (Aij, Bij, and functions all have access to the exact relative
Cij  {k| Dik = 1 Djk = 1}, where ‘ ’ location and state of each neighbor site. Define a
denotes exclusive or) are all recognized as neighbor of site i, ni  S  Zd, as a pair that
such by the dynamics. That is, the link rules specifies the state (by a single label) and relative
effectively “ know” the positions of a site’s location of the neighboring site (as a d-tuple of
neighbors, while s-rules possess no such coordinates). Let W = S  Zd be the set of all
information. possible neighbors, and F W (called the neighbor-
5. Small Rule Set: The class of s- and ‘-rules used hood function) be the set of all possible finite,
by SDCA0 may be generalized to include a far nonempty, partial functions that map Zd to W.
broader class of transition functions. The local state transition function s : F ! W
maps neighborhood functions to the state set of
On the basis of these observations, Majercik SDCA. The local link transition function
(1994) introduces a set of three core models todefine l : F  F  {0, 1, 2} ! {0, 1} maps pairs of
a hierarchy of eight alternative SDCA computational neighborhood functions (that define the neighbor-
systems, {SDCA(1), SDCA(2), . . ., SDCA(8)}. The hoods of two sites, i and j and a number that
three core models are (1) the relative location specifies the status of the link between i and j:
model (=MR), (2) the labeled links model value zero meaning that i and j are neither direct
(=ML), and (3) the symmetric links model neighbors nor next-nearest neighbors; value one
(=MS). They differ only in the degree to which meaning that i and j are immediate neighbors; and
their s- and ‘-transition functions depend on spe- value two meaning i and j are next-nearest neigh-
cific sites. For example, MR’s transition functions bors) to one of two link states: zero, meaning no
depend on the state and exact relative position of link between i and j, and one, meaning a link exists.
each neighbor (and therefore “knows” the exact
source of any state in a local neighborhood). In Labeled Links SDCA model
ML, links are labeled and the transition functions The Labeled Links model removes from MR’s
know both neighbor states and the label of the transition functions any dependency on the exact
links to given neighbors, but the exact neighbor relative location of a site’s neighbors, but allows
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 47

the links to still be labeled so that the transitions SDCA as CA Simulators

functions can distinguish one link from another. What does it mean to say that one dynamical
This ability to “label” links paves the way for us to system simulates another? Heuristically, it means
define SDCA with unidirectional links, since the that, for certain initial states, one system behaves
labels can be used to distinguish between the input just like another (Ilachinski 2001; Wolfram 1984).
and output links to a site. Consider, for example, Suppose we have two CA systems – CA and CA' –
the UL-version of ML. Labeling the links by nat- defined by rules f and f0, and initial states ! s S
ural numbers, N , we define a neighbor of site i, as ! 0
and s  S, respectively. Then, loosely speaking,
a pair (q, n), where q  S labels the state of the T iterations of CA are said to be “simulated” by
neighboring site, and n  N labels the link nT (n 1) iterations of CA', provided there exists
some invertible function, f : S ! S, by which !
between i and its neighbor. Site i is defined as s
the direct neighbor linked via the 0th link, and is replaced by f ! s . Simulation is a transitive
the set of all possible neighbors, W ¼ S  N . As relationship: if system B simulates system A, and
for MR, F W is the set of neighborhood functions another system C simulates B, then C also
that map Zd to W, the local state transition function simulates A.
s : F ! S maps neighborhood functions to states For example, a single site with a particular
in S, and the local link transition function value in CA may be simulated by a fixed block
l : F  F  {0, 1, 2} ! {0, 1} maps pairs of of sites in CA0. After n steps, the blocks in CA0
neighborhood functions and a number to either evolve to exactly the same final state as the single
the values zero (unlinked) or one (linked). time-step evolution of individual sites in CA. As a
concrete example, consider the elementary
(one-dimensional, binary valued, conventional
Symmetric Links SDCA Model CA) rules f18 and f90:
The Symmetric Links model imposes the strictest
constraint of all by doing away with all means by 111 110 101 100 011 010 001 000
which the local transition functions may distin- # # # # # # # #
guish different neighborhood orientations. Con- f18: 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
f90: 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
sider the unbounded link version of MS. Assume
the SDCA has a total of n states, and let
! Provided that two time steps under f18 are
S = {1, 2, . . ., n}. Let n i  N n be an
carried out for every time step of rule f90, it is
n-dimensional vector such that (ni)k is equal to
easy to show that under the block transforms
the number of site i’s neighbors in state k. Then
0 ! f(0) = 00 and 1 ! f(1) = 10, the evolution
the local state transition function s : Nn ! S maps
of arbitrary starting configurations under f90 is
vectors in Nn to states in S, and the local link
reproduced – or simulated – by f18. For example,
transition function l : Nn  {0, 1, 2} ! {0, 1}
the global state !
s ¼ f ‘0011000’ – which evolves
maps a vector in Nn and a link status label to either
into f90 ! s ¼ f ‘0111100’ under f90 – yields
the values zero (unlinked) or one (linked). MS can
the same state (after it is block-transformed) that
also be modified slightly to allow the local transi-
results from two iterations of f18 applied to
f90’s block-transformed initial state, f !
tion functions to retain knowledge of the state of
s ¼
site i: simply let s : S  Nn ! S map the pair
consisting of the state of site i and a vector that
defines the distribution of states among i’s imme-   
diate neighbors (excluding i). The local link func- f18 f18 f !
s ¼ 00101010100000
¼ f f90 !
s : (23)
tion likewise assumes a similar form
l : S2  Nn  {0, 1, 2} ! {0, 1}, where the
first component of the 3-tuple input to lambda is Now consider the specific case of SDCA simu-
a pair that defines the states of the two sites to lating a conventional CA (we follow Majercik
which the link function is being applied. (1994)). First, because SDCA cannot be expected
48 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

to preserve the local topology of a simulated CA, it classes, C1 and C2, let C1sC2 denote the fact
is necessary to define separate encoding (=e) and that if, given any SDCA S1  C1 there exists an
decoding (=d) functions – e : SCA ! SSDCA trans- SDCA S2  C2 that simulates S1. Then, for exam-
forms the initial configuration of the CA systems to ple, since any BL SDCA can be simulated by an
configurations in the SDCA system being used to unbounded links version of the same system, and a
simulate it (where SCA and SSDCA are the configu- finite links version of ML can be simulated by
rations spaces of CA and SDCA, respectively); and a bounded links version, we know immediately
d : SSDCA ! SCA effectively performs the inverse that SDCA(7)s SDCA(8), SDCA(4) s SDCA(5)
transformation. Encoding (and decoding) functions s SDCA(6), and SDCA(2) s SDCA(3). Similar
are called structurally defined if they are recursive reasoning (Majercik 1994) leads to the general
and use a finite amount of information to encode relationship:
(or decode) a given configuration; and are otherwise

expected to transform quiescent states to quiescent SDCAð3Þ s SDCAð8Þ s SDCAð6Þ ,and
states. Majercik further assumes that (1) e has access SDCAð2Þ s SDCAð7Þ s SDCAð5Þ :
to the rule table of the conventional CA system
being simulated; (2) d does not have access to the Finally, since the unbounded links version of MR
rule tables of either system; and (3) e and d must has all the information necessary to construct the
together satisfy the relation: e  d = Identity(SCA). neighborhood partitions used by SDCA0, and since
Denoting the global transition functions of the SDCA(8) s SDCA(6), we see that SDCA0 s
CA and SDCA systems by FCA and FSDCA, respec- SDCA(6) and SDCA0 s SDCA(8).
tively, FSDCA is said to simulateFCA if there exist Majercik’s two main results, which we state
m 1,n 1 and structurally-defined functions without proof, are:
e : SCA ! SSDCA and d : SSDCA ! SCA, such
that for any configuration ! s  SCA and any k 1, Majercik Theorem 1: Given an arbitrary
1-dimensional conventional CA with radius
!  km  ! 
CA s ¼ d FSDCA e s
Fkn : (24) r = 1, there exists an unbounded links version
of MR (=SDCA(8) of the SDCA hierarchy) that
If m > n then FSDCA simulates FCA with a can simulate it with a speedup factor of two.
slowdown factor of m/n. If m < n then FSDCA Majercik Theorem 2: There exists a 1-dimensional
simulates FCA with a speedup factor of n/m. finite links version of ML (=SDCA(4)) that can
simulate an arbitrary k-state 1-dimensional
conventional CA with radius r = 1 with a
SDCA Hierarchy of Models pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
slowdown factor O k 2r 2rlogk .
Majercik (1994) uses the three generalized models
introduced above (MR,ML, and MR) to define a Detailed proofs of these two theorems appear in
hierarchy of eight SDCA models of computation. Majercik (1994) (where they are called Theorems
At the top of his hierarchy (arranged from top-to- 4.4 and 4.5, respectively). In Chap. 5 of his thesis
bottom in roughly, but not completely, decreasing (Majercik 1994), Majercik presents an explicit con-
order of computational strength; see discussion that struction of a CA-universal SDCA(4) computa-
follows) are the UL and BL versions of MR: tional model, and compares it to Albert and
SDCA(8) and SDCA(7), respectively; followed by Culik’s (1987) construction of a 1-dimensional
SDCA(6) = UL version of ML; SDCA(5) = BL CA-universal conventional CA that simulates any
version of ML; SDCA(4)= a finite labels version 1-dimensional, k-state, radius r CA with an O(k8r)
of ML; SDCA(3) = UL version of MS; SDCA(2) = slowdown. Although Majercik’s CA-universal
BL version of MS; and, sitting on the lowest level SDCA uses more states than Albert and Culik’s
(computationally speaking), is SDCA(1)= SDCA0. universal CA, it is also markedly faster.
A little thought suffices to establish certain rela- The reason why the SDCA is faster is at least
tionships among the various classes. Give two intuitively clear. An SDCA’s dynamic links
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 49

effectively endow an otherwise conventional SDCA and Genetic Algorithms

CA with a random access memory. Since Genetic algorithms (abbreviated, GA) are a class of
SDCA can establish links between any two heuristic search algorithms and computational
sites a distance d apart in O(logd) time, any models of adaptation and evolution based on natural
site potentially has access to the state of any selection. In nature, the search for beneficial adapta-
other site. While it may be argued that sites in tions to a continually changing environment (i.e.,
conventional CA can also access the states of evolution) is fostered by the cumulative evolutionary
other cells, they cannot do so permanently. knowledge that each species possesses of its fore-
Once information is accessed once and used, bears. This knowledge, which is encoded in the
the connection is lost, and must subsequently chromosomes of each member of a species, is passed
be re-established. Moreover, the links in SDCA on from one generation to the next by a mating
can potentially connect sites that are arbitrarily process in which the chromosomes of “parents”
far apart; so that, once a small number of links produce “offspring” chromosomes.
are dynamically created, they continue to pro- A comprehensive review of GA is given by
vide long-range communication channels Mitchell (1998).
throughout the network. Since the propagation While GAs may be effectively used to search for
of information in a conventional CA is neces- “interesting” topological structures (but for which
sarily limited in being able to flow one site at a the structures themselves do not play any dynamic
time, the overall computational speed is obvi- role; see, for example, Lehmann and Kaufmann
ously limited. (2005)), Halpern (1996) is the first to explore a
However, it is worth pointing out that while the novel hybrid algorithm between GA and SDCA, in
computational strength of Majercik’s which SDCA rules are used to evolve a GA. Weinert
CA-universal SDCA model undoubtedly derives et al. (2002) explore a related “structurally dynamic”
from its ability to forge long-range communica- GA model, in which links between adjacent individ-
tion links, the results as quoted from Majercik uals of a population are dynamically chosen
(1994) do not tap into what is potentially according to deterministic or probabilistic rules. In
SDCA’s greatest strength; namely, the ability to this section, we follow Halpern (1996, 2003).
adaptively create links, even as a given computa- Formally, GAs are defined byn(1) o an ensemble
! !
tion unfolds. In Majercik’s model, the links are of “candidate solution” vectors, s i : s i  M P
dynamically coupled to an actual computation
 Rn , where M is the set of all possible solutions
only insofar as they are initially fixed as a function !
to a given “problem” P (the s i are usually, but not
of the initial state. While the local structure cer-
always, defined as a string of binary numbers
tainly evolves (as it does in all SDCA systems, as
(Mitchell 1998)), and (2) a “fitness function”, f

the computation itself unfolds), it does so purely ! !
as a consequence of the SDCA rules, and not s , that represents how well a given s “solves”
adaptively to the evolution. P. The goal of the GA is to find the global optimal
Majercik concludes his thesis by speculating on solution, s such thatfrom thepoint of view of
! ! !
how an adaptive variant of his CA-universal SDCA maximizing fitness, f s  f s f , 8 s
may be used to explore certain aspects of evolution-  M . Optimization proceeds through the com-
ary learning. (Working from a different set of bined processes of selection, breeding, mutation,
assumptions, Halpern (1996, 2003) applies evolu- and crossover replacement (Mitchell 1998); to
tionary programming techniques to SDCA0 to which – in the hybrid SDCA $ GA algorithm,
explore what happens when the structure is allowed Halpern adds the new feature of self-selective
to play an explicit dynamic role in the computation; neighborhood structure.
see next section.) The question of whether there It should be immediately noted that this is not
exist SDCA-universal SDCA models – that are an ad-hoc addition. Muhlenbein (1991) points out
able to simulate certain classes of the SDCA hierar- that if each generation of a GA searches over the
chy, for example – remains open. entire possible solution space, the algorithm
50 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

may – depending on the fitness function – converge eventually levels off. In the first stage, the fittest
prematurely to a sub-optimal solution. To reduce possible communities are first established; in the
the likelihood of this happening, Muhlenbein intro- second stage, connections with poorer candidate
duces a spatial population structure; restricting fit- solution are deleted; finally, in the third stage, the
ness and mating to neighborhoods called demes. system essentially “fine-tunes” its optimal solu-
Demes are geographically separate subpopulations tions. Halpern (2003) finds two different evolution-
in which candidate solutions evolve along dispa- ary paths toward high connectivity: (1) monotonic
rate trajectories; though occasional mixing still growth over time (for low mutation rates, pm), and
occurs through the process of migration. (2) a phase transition between low and high
In Halpern’s variant (1996), an otherwise con- degrees of connectivity (for some pm ). Using
ventional GA is placed within the structure of SDCA$GA hybrid model parameters N = 100
SDCA0 (i.e., the basic model defined by and fD = fC = 0.1, pm 0:05, for which Halpern
Eqs. (11), (12), (13), and (14)). Heuristically, this (2003) finds a sharp increase in the number of links
allows each candidate solution to “choose a com- per site between generations 350 and 450.
munity” with which to mate, during each genera- Despite the novelty of the approach, and the
tion. The choice of neighborhoods thus becomes promising link between optimization rates and
an integral component of the GA, and is deter- dynamic structure established in Halpern (1996),
mined dynamically by the evolving solutions. concrete applications of the algorithm – except for
Halpern’s algorithm proceeds as follows (2003): Weinert et al. (2002) work on a related hybrid GA
(Step 1) an initially random lattice (defined by adja- algorithm – have yet to be developed. One sugges-
cency matrix l ij ) is seeded with single- tion, from Halpern (2003), is to use the SDCA$GA
chromosome candidate solutions of fixed length, hybrid model for finding “optimal” connectivity
one per site; (Step 2) a fitness function, f i ¼ Ni¼1 patterns in parallel computers. The search algorithm
dij , is defined to assign a numerical measure of may be used to directly model how component
“optimality” to each site (N is the number of sites, processors are connected, and decide to keep or
and dij is the value – equal to 0 or 1 – of the jth gene sever existing links, or establish new ones, adap-
of the ith chromosome; (Step 3) each site i ranks tively as a function of local fitness criteria.
each of its nearest and next-nearest neighbors
according to fi; (Step 4) each site disconnects with
a fraction, fD, of its least-fit neighbors, and connects Generalized SDCA Models
with a fraction, fC, of its fittest next-nearest neigh-
bors; (Step 5) each site randomly mates with one of Despite SDCA being obviously more “complex”
its nearest neighbors (i.e., the usual processes of than conventional CA (and certainly more com-
mutation and crossover operations are applied plex to formally define, if only because one must
(Mitchell 1998)); (Step 6) the least fit members of specify both s and ‘ rules), the SDCA model
the population are replaced by the offsprings from nonetheless has more in common with elementary
Step 5; and (Step 7) loop through steps 5–7, until CA than with any of its brethren’s more “compli-
some suitable “optimality” threshold (or some other cated” variants. By “elementary” CA we mean the
convergence criterion) is satisfied. simplest one-dimensional CA with s  {0, 1}
Halpern (1996, 2003) reports a wide range of and local neighborhoods consisting only of left
resulting behaviors, collectively suggesting a clear and right (i.e.,nearest) neighbors. Just as there are
relationship between the parameters defining the many generalizations of elementary CA – for
GA optimization and lattice connectivity. Of par- example, increasing the state space to include s’s
ticular interest are the dynamic conditions for that take on one of N values, larger-sized neigh-
which the fitness-based creation and deletion of borhoods, and memory, among many other
links increases the rate of growth of overall fitness. possibilities – so too there are natural extensions
The fastest convergence occurs when lattice con- of basic SDCA. In this section we discuss three
nectivity first increases, then decreases, then generalizations: (1) rules that are reversible in
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 51

time, (2) rules that retain a memory of past states, a two dimensional hexagonal lattice, and values
and (3) probabilistic rules. evolve according to the three-state (i.e.,
s  {0, 1, 2}), next-nearest neighborhood T bee-
hive rule. The beehive rule is defined explicitly by
Reversible SDCA
assigning one of three values (0, 1, or 2), to
The first generalization of the basic SDCA model,
each possible 3-tuple, (N0, N1, N2), that gives
explored extensively by Alonso-Sanz (2006), is
the number of local sites with N0 0s, N1 1s, and
to apply the Fredkin reversible-rule construction
N2 2s (Alonso-Sanz 2006): (0, 0, 6) ! 0,
to ‘ rules to render them reversible in time. Con-
(0, 1, 5) ! 1, (0, 2, 4) ! 2, (0, 3, 3) ! 1,
i that is first-order
sider a conventionalh CA system
(0, 4, 2) ! 2, (0, 5, 1) ! 0, (0, 6, 0) ! 0,
in time, si ¼ f sj  N i , where N i is the
tþ1 t
(1, 0, 5) ! 0, (1, 1, 4) ! 2, (1, 2, 3) ! 2,
neighborhood around site i and, generally, si  (1, 3, 2) ! 2, (1, 4, 1) ! 1, (1, 5, 0) ! 1,
Z k. The Fredkin construction converts this system (2, 0, 4) ! 0, (2, 1, 3) ! 0, (2, 2, 2) ! 2,
into an explicitly invertible one that is second- (2, 3, 1) ! 2, (2, 4, 0) ! 0, (3, 0, 3) ! 0,
order in time by subtracting the value of the center (3, 1, 2) ! 2, (3, 2, 1) ! 2, (3, 3, 0) ! 0,
site at time t  1: (4, 0, 2) ! 0, (4, 1, 1) ! 0, (4, 2, 0) ! 2,
h i (5, 0, 1) ! 2, (5, 1, 0) ! 0, (6, 0, 0) ! 0.
stþ1 ¼ f stj  N i k st1 The top row of Fig. 10 shows the first four
i i , (26)
steps (t = 1,2,3, and 4) in the memoryless evolu-
tion of the initial “ring” of sites that appears at
where ‘k’ is subtraction modulo-k. Since
t = 1. The link rules used for this run are those
Eq.  (26)h can i be trivially solved for
defined in Eq. (28). Since the decoupler removes
i ¼ f stj  N i k stþ1
i , we see that any links between pairs of sites whose values are equal
pair of consecutive configurations uniquely spec- to zero, most of the lattice disappears after a single
ifies the backwards trajectory of the system. More- time step, and both value and link activity is
over, this is true for arbitrary (and, in particular, confined to a small region. After two more steps
irreversible) functions f. of changes,
n the o system
n o attains a fixed
Now, exactly the same procedure may be point: st , ‘tij ¼ st¼4 , ‘t¼4 ij for all t 5.
applied to link functions:
While the frequency of states is not constrained
8   n o to total six for a dynamic lattice, the beehive rule is
< l tþ1
ij ¼ c st , l t 2 l t1
ij , unchanged; if the sum of frequencies at a given
 k  n ij o (27)
: l tþ1 ¼ o st , l t 2 l t1 , site exceeds six, the site value remains the same.
ij k ij ij
The bottom row shows the evolution of the
Fredkin reversible versions of the rules defined
where 2 is subtraction modulo-2 (since links are
in Eq. (28) (to simplify the visualization, links
obviously binary valued).
along the border sites are not shown). In contrast
Following Alonso-Sanz (2006, 2007), we con-
to the basic SDCA version, the initial lattice in this
sider these two specific SDCA link rules (which
case does not decay. Since, according to Eq. (27)
will also be used in a later example):
(which assumes that ‘t¼0ij ¼ ‘t¼1
ij ), the initial hex-
8  agonal lattice is subtracted from the evolved struc-
< c sti ,stj ,l tij ¼ 0 iff l tij ¼ 1 and sti þ stj ¼ 0,
 ture at t = 1 (modulo-2), the original graph is
: o st ,st , lt ¼ 1 iff l t ¼ 0,st > 0,st > 0,and Dij ¼ 2: effectively restored, and the outlying regions
i j ij ij i j
appear undisturbed.

Figure 10 compares the evolution of the SDCA with Memory

Fredkin reversible version of these rules to their A second generalization to the basic SDCA
memoryless counterpart. Both evolutions start on model, introduced and studied by Alonso-Sanz
52 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, of these rules (obtained by applying Eq. (27) to Eq. (28)).
Fig. 10 Comparison between first few time steps of a a In both cases, s’s evolve according to the beehive rule
memoryless SDCA, evolving according to link rules defined in the text. (Reproduced with permission from
defined in Eq. (28), and b the Fredkin reversible versions Alonso-Sanz (2006))

and Martín (2006) and Alonso-Sanz (2006, 2007), function of a given site’s current value, si,
is to endow both s-rules and ‘-rules with memory. alone, but is instead a function of the transformed
The rules for conventional memoryless CA and value, s ¼ Mf ðs;m,aÞ, obtained from si’s past
SDCA, depend only on neighborhood configura- m values: fm : s ! s0, where 0  a  1 is a
tions that appear on the immediately preceding numerical memory factor. The value transforming
time step. Therefore, rules may be said to possess memory function, M , assumes the following
a “memory” of depth m if they depend explicitly specific form (to avoid confusion, note that in
on values (in the case of CA), or on both values Eqs. (29) and (30), sxi means the value of si at
and link states (in the case of SDCA), that existed timet = x, and ax means the numerical quantity a
on m previous time steps. We note, in passing, that raised to the power x):
since the Fredkin construction couples states at 8 t
times t + 1, t and t  1, reversibility may be < 1 if sbi Þm > 1=2,
considered a specific form of memory that extends sti ¼ M f sti ;m,a ¼ sti if sbit Þm ¼ 1=2,
backwards a single step. 0 if sbit Þm < 1=2,
Of course, there is no unique prescription for (29)
introducing a dependency on past values; and a where
variety of alternative memory mechanisms have sti þ m aDt stDt
sbi t
¼ Pm
Dt¼1 i
: (30)
been proposed in the literature (for example, see m 1 þ Dt¼1 aDt
page 43 in Ilachinski (2001) and page 118 in
Wolfram (1984)). We focus our discussion on At any given time, t, the depth m can never
the approach proposed by Alonso-Sanz (14), and exceed t  1. Our discussion follows Alonso-Sanz
for the moment confine our attention to value (2007), and sets m(t)  t  1 for all t; i.e., we assume
rules, f : s ! s0. Alonso-Sanz’s approach is to that M f ðs;m,aÞ yields a weighted mean value of all
preserve the form of the transition rule, but have it the previous values of a given site. In practice,
act on an effective site value that is a weighted memory becomes active only after a certain number
function of its m prior values. of initialization steps, here taken to be three; with
This is done by introducing a memory- seeded values s1i ¼ s1i and s2i ¼ s2i .
endowed value rule, fm, that – in contrast to its Memory can be added to link rules in a similar
memoryless version, f – is not, in general, a manner. The form of the link rules (c and o)
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 53

remains the same, but rather than acting on a evolves according to the parity T s-rule (that
graph that is defined by its adjacency matrix, ‘tij , assigns a value zero to a site if the sum of the
c and o instead act on the memory-transformed values in its neighborhood is even, and assigns the
values, L ¼ Mðc,oÞ ð‘;m,aÞ: value one if the sum is odd) and the ‘ rules defined
above in Eq. (28). The first row of evolving pat-
8 t
terns (for each a) applies memory only to values;
> 1 if ^l ij > 1=2,
< t m the second applies memory only to links, and the
Ltij ¼ M ðc,oÞ l tij ;m,a ¼ l tij if ^l ij ¼ 1=2, third appliers memory to both. Figure 13 shows
> t m
:0 the reversible beehive SDCA shown in Fig. 10,
if ^l ij < 1=2,
m but with full memory (a = 1.0).
Probabilistic SDCA
Another natural extension of the basic SDCA model
t P is to replace the set of explicit s- and/or ‘-rules with
l tij þ m Dt¼1 a
l tDt
^l ¼ P ij
: (32) probabilities. In this way one can study the evolution
m 1þ m Dt¼1 a Dt
of a system that undergoes random but s-dependent
lattice changes. For example, this may be useful for
As for memory-endowed s-rules, the memory studying genetic networks in which new links are
for link rules is activated only on the third iteration forged (with a given probability) only if both genes
step, and the system is initialized by setting L1i are active, and existing connections are broken if
¼ s1i and L2i ¼ s2i . both sites are inactive.
Figures 11 and 12 show the effects of applying Following Halpern and Caltagirone (1990),
partial memory weighting (a = 0.6) and full mem- consider the parity T s-rule and the following
ory (a = 0.6), respectively, to a SDCA that starts probabilistic versions of decoupler (cp) and cou-
with a Euclidean four-neighbor lattice, and pler rules (op):

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, The first row of evolving patterns applies memory only to
Fig. 11 Sample runs of a SDCA with memory for mem- values; the second row applies memory only to links, and
ory weighting a = 0.6. The SDCA is initialized as a the third row shows the evolution when memory is applied
Euclidean four-neighbor lattice, and evolves according to to both. (Reproduced by permission from Alonso-Sanz
the parity T s-rule and the two ‘ rules defined in Eq. (28). (2007))
54 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, Fig. 12 Sample runs of the same SDCA shown in Fig. 11, but with
memory weighting a = 1.0. (Reproduced by permission from Alonso-Sanz (2007))

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, Fig. 13 Sample runs of a reversible beehive SDCA with full memory
(a = 1.0); compare to Fig. 10. (Reproduced by permission from Alonso-Sanz (2007))

< l tþ1 ¼ cp l tij ; sti , stj , pD , and (3) PD = 1 decoupler rule applied 100% of the
ðdecoupler Þ :  time (consistent with non-probabilistic SDCA
: c  1  d st þ st ,0 dðp > rÞ,
p i j D
8  rules). We see that changing PD induces qualita-
< l tþ1
ij ¼ op l ij ; si , sj , pD ,
t t t
tively different s behavior, that ranges from small
ðcouplerÞ : 
: op  d Dij ,2 d st þ st ,2 dðp > rÞ,
i j C
fluctuations around hsi  0.5 (for PD = 0), to
decay to small static values (hsi = 0.05 for
PD = 1/2, and hsi = 0.12 for PD = 1).
where PD and PC are the decoupler and coupler Halpern and Caltagirone (1990) have studied a
probabilities, respectively, and r is a random num- wide range of probabilistic SDCA, using random
ber between 0 and 1. initial s configurations, step-function, parity, and
Thus, cp unlinks two previously linked sites Conway’s life s-rules, Cartesian and random initial
with probability PD if and only if the sum of their lattice structures, and various probabilities
site values is zero; and op links two previously 0  PD  1 and 0  PC  1. Some of their results
unlinked sites with probability PC if and only if are reproduced (with permission) in the behavioral
phase plots shown in Fig. 15. (The step-function rule
they are next-nearest neighbors and the sum of P t t
their site values is two. is defined by stþ1 ¼ 0 if and only if j ‘ij si > 2
Figure 14 shows time series plots of hsi as a and stþ1
i ¼ 1 if and only if ‘ t t
j ij i  2; Conway’s
function of time for three different cases: life rule assigns st + 1 = 1 to a site if and only if
(1) PD = 0 (no decoupling at all), (2) PD = 1/2, s(t) = 0 and the sum of values in its neighborhood at
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 55

Structurally Dynamic
Cellular Automata,
Fig. 14 Time series of
average s value, st, for the
Halpern-Caltagirone rules
(defined in Eq. (33)) and
for three values of
decoupler probability:
PD = 0, PD = 1/2, and
PD = 1. (Reproduced with
permission from Halpern
and Caltagirone (1990))

time t is equal to 3 or st = 1 and the sum of values is the influence of dynamic topology on the zero-
equal to 2 or 3; otherwise st + 1 = 0.) temperature limit of ferromagnetic transitions.
Figure 15 shows a wide range of possible
behaviors. Consider, for example, the number of Random Dynamics Approximation
links per site for the case where the lattice is For cases in which the structure and value config-
updated with probabilistic ‘-rules and the s’s are urations are both sufficiently random and
all random (shown at the top left of the figure). uncorrelated, a random dynamics approximation
Four distinct classes of behavior appear, with (abbreviated, RDA) may suffice to qualitatively
growth dominant for most values of PD and PC. predict how the system will tend to evolve under
Pure decoupling (or pure coupling) leads to com- a specific rule set; for example, to predict whether a
plete decay (or growth to a stable state); a mixed state given rule is more (or less) likely to yield
of coupling/decoupling generally yields slow unbounded growth, to eventually settle into a low
growth. Periodic behavior occurs only for periodic state, or to simply decay. The idea is to
PD  PC  1. Compare this behavior with the approximate the real SDCA as a mean-field; that is,
cases where the s-rule is either the parity value rule assume all local value and structural correlations
(shown in the middle of the top row of Fig. 15) or the are close to zero (and can thus be ignored), and
step-function rule (shown at left bottom of the fig- replace all specific site values and local link geom-
ure). While the parity rule also displays four similar etries with average, or effective, values.
phases (growth to stability, decay to stability, incom- More precisely, assuming that (1) the probability
plete growth, and incomplete decay), decaying struc- pðnsi Þ of a site ‘i’ having value s = 1 at time t = n is the
tures eventually reach a stable (not null) final state. same for all sites – so that pðnsi Þ ¼ pðnsÞ for all i – and
The step-function rule shows an even greater variety ðlij Þ
of possible behaviors, and appears more sensitive to (2) that the probability pn of two sites ‘i’ and ‘j’
small changes in link probabilities. being linked at t = n is the same for all pairs of sites –
ðlij Þ
The probabilistic SDCA system discussed in so that pn ¼ pðnlÞ for all i and j – the RDA evolution
this section adds a stochastic element specifically equations may be written formally as follows:
to SDCA. Of course, there are other ways of (  
ð sÞ
injecting stochasticity into a CA with dynamic pnþ1 ¼ F RDA pðnsÞ , pðnlÞ ; GSDCA ,
ðl Þ   (34)
topology. For example, Makowiec (2004) com- pnþ1 ¼ GRDA pðnsÞ , pðnlÞ ; GSDCA ,
bines the deterministic evolution of a conven-
tional CA with an asynchronous stochastic where SDCA’s rule GSDCA (defined in Eq. (14)) is
evolution of its underlying lattice (patterned after included, formally, to remind us that the functional
the Barabasi and Albert (2002) model of degree forms assumed by FRDA and GRDA will be different
distributions in small-world networks), to explore for different GSDCAs.
56 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, and small fluctuations (around a stable lattice), and peri-
Fig. 15 Behavioral phase plots summarizing the long odicity. The initial graph is a Cartesian four-neighbor lat-
term evolution for several different s and ‘-rules defined tice in each case except for the top-right plot (labeled
in Eq. (33). The x and y axes for each plot depict values Random connections/links) for which the initial graph is
(  {0, .25, .5, .75, 1}) of PC and PD, respectively. There random. (Reproduced with permission from Halpern and
are six classes of behavior: growth, decay, stability, large Caltagirone (1990))

The first function, FRDA, is the easier of the two any site has exactly d neighbors. Since this means
to calculate. For any given site with degree d we that, out of a total of N  1 possible neighbors, a
simply count the total number of ways to distribute given site must have exactly d links, and not be
the local s-values among the d possible neighbor- connected to any of the remaining (N  1  d)
ing sites to obtain the desired sums that define a sites, we have by inspection:
given rule. In this way we find the average  0 1h id 
N 1 N 1d
expected s density at t = n + 1, assuming all sites P d; pðnlÞ ¼ @ d A pðnlÞ 1  pðnlÞ :
in the lattice have the same degree d at time t = n:
8 d,p
X d þ 1 h ia 
To calculate the second function in Eq. (34)
> pðnsÞ 1  pðnsÞ $T
> fag a (= GRDA), we first define the local transition
< X d h ðsÞ ia0 þ1  da0 functions
¼ pn 1  pðnsÞ 8 a
> a0
> fa0 g > p ðd 1 , d 2 ,lÞ
> X 
d þ1
h i 
a1 dþ1a1 < ¼n Prob l ¼ 1 ! l 0 ¼ 0j d ¼ d , d ¼ d , A  ¼ l ,
> þ pðnsÞ 1  pðnsÞ $ OT i 1 j 2 ij
: a1 > pbn ðd 1 , d 2 ,lÞ
fa1 g >
¼ Prob D ¼ 2 ! l0 ¼ 1j d i ¼ d 1 , d j ¼ d 2 , Aij  ¼ l ,
We then get
ð sÞ
F RDA ! pnþ1 ¼ P d; pðnlÞ which give the probabilities that any two sites –
d i and j – will be disconnected (pan) or connected (pbn)
pðnsÞ d,pðnsÞ as an average over all possible if they have prescribed degrees di = d1 and
degrees, where P d; pðnlÞ is the probability that dj = d2, and are each linked to the same l sites
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 57

in the shared neighbor set, Aij (see Fig. 1). In the choosing d1  l sites from i, d2  l sites from j,
case of type-T s- and ‘-rules, pan and pbn are given and l sites from both:
explicitly by (OT versions of s- and ‘-rules, and
RT versions of ‘-rules are defined by similar, but ðN  3Þd1 þd 2 l2
P2 ðd 1 ,d 2 ,lÞ ¼
slightly more complicated, expressions): ðd 1  lÞ!ðd 2  lÞ!l!
 ðlÞ d 1 þd 2 2ðN þl3Þd 1 d 2
8   p 1  pð l Þ :
> P d 1 þ d 2  l  ð sÞ  bk
> pn ðd 1 ,d 2 ,lÞ ¼ k
pn (42)
> bk
< ðsÞ 1 2 lbk
d þd
 1  pn , The second (link-update) function of the pair

> P d þ d þ 2  l  ek of functions in Eq. (34) is thus given by
> pbn ðd 1 ,d 2 ,lÞ ¼ k 1 2
> e
> k
: d 1 þd 2 þ2lek ðl Þ
1  pðnsÞ , GRDA ! pnþ1

(38) ¼ pðnlÞ 1  Pan þ 1  pðnlÞ
where bk and ek refer to the sums that appear in PD¼2 Pan , (43)
Eqs. (11) and (12). The total probability that any
two sites will be disconnected (l = 1 ! l0 = 0) or
where, assuming that two sites, i and j, are not
connected (D = 2 ! l0 = 1) – Pan and Pbn ,
themselves connected, PD=2 = probability that
respectively – may then be obtained by summing
there exists at least one site k, such that Dik = Djk = 1,
over all possible local topologies:
which implies that PD¼2 ¼ 1  Probðthere is no such k Þ
8 a   2 N 2
> Pn  XhProb
X ¼ 1 ! l 0 ¼ 0Þ i
ðl X ¼ 1  1  pðnlÞ ; and P1 and P2 are defined
> ¼ P1 ðd 1 , d 2 ,lÞ pan ðd 1 , d 2 ,lÞ,
< in Eqs. (41) and (42).
d1 d2 l
Pbn  X
hProb ¼ 2 ! l 0 ¼ 1Þ i
ðDX A structural equilibrium is established when
> X
ðl Þ
pnþ1 pðnlÞ, which happens when the average num-
> ¼ P2 ðd 1 , d 2 ,lÞ pbn ðd 1 , d 2 ,lÞ,
: ber of new connections is equal to the average
d1 d2 l
(39) number of link deletions: Pbn hN nn i ¼ Pan hdegi,
where hdegi ¼ pðnlÞ ðN  1Þ is the average degree,
> P1 ðd 1 ,d 2 ,lÞ ¼ Probðsites i,j j l ij ¼ 1 have
 d i ¼ d 1 , and Nnn is the average number of next-nearest neigh-
< d ¼ d ,A  ¼ l ,
j 2 ij bors. For SDCA rules that naturally tend to produce
> P2 ðd 1 ,d 2 ,lÞ ¼ Probðsites i,j j l ij ¼ 0 have
 d i ¼ d 1 , graphs with minimal site value and structural corre-
d j ¼ d 2 ,Aij  ¼ l : lations, the predicted ratio of RDA link creations to
(40) deletions, gc:d  Pbn N nn =Pan hdegi, may be used
to predict qualitatively how the graphs will evolve.
To find P1 we need to count, from among the Since the averagenumber
remaining N  2 sites, the number of ways of  of pairs of sites a distance
selecting disjoint sets S1, containing d1  1  l D = 2 apart ¼ PD¼2 ¼ hN nn i N =2, we
sites linked only to i; S2, consisting of d2  1  l find that:
sites connected only to j; and S3, with l sites
(  )
linked to both i and j. But this is simply a multi-
Pb 1  pðnlÞ h i2 N 2
nomial coefficient, so we can write: gc::d ¼ na ðl Þ
1 1 pðnlÞ :
Pn pn
ðN  2Þd 1 þd 2 l2 (44)
P1 ðd 1 ,d 2 ,lÞ ¼
ðd 1  1  lÞ!ðd 2  1  lÞ!l!
 ðlÞ d1 þd 2 2 2ðN 1Þd 1 d 2
p 1  pðlÞ , gc::d is also implicitly a function of site-value
(41) density, since pðnsÞ appears in both Pan and Pbn ,
defined in Eq. (39).
where (n)k  n(n  1) (n  k + 1). Similarly, for Figure 16 shows a grayscale density-plot of
P2, we need to count the number of ways of gc::d for an OT decoupler rule:
58 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

Structurally Dynamic
Cellular Automata,
Fig. 16 Density-plot of
gc::d for an OT decoupler
rule: {(0, 0),
(1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)}; an
OT coupler rule: {(1, 1)};
0:1  pðnsÞ  0:9; and 0:1 
pðnlÞ  0:9; the rectangular
area highlighted in black
denotes the “equilibrium
boundary” that separates
regions of growth and decay

{(0, 0), (1, 1), (1, 2), (2, 2)}; an OT coupler rules assume the familiar T and OT (and related
rule: {(1, 1)}; 0:1  pðnsÞ  0:9 ; and 0:1  pðnlÞ RT) forms, as defined in section “The Basic
 0:9 . Areas that are close to white represent Model”. Indeed, while the preceding sections of
combinations of pðnsÞ , pðnlÞ for which gc::d  1, this article have introduced several
and which therefore predict “decay”; areas that are generalizations – such as the addition of probabi-
close to black represent combinations of listic rules, reversibility and memory – in each
pðnsÞ , pðnlÞ for which gc::d  1, and predict case, the basic form of the rules (as defined in
“growth”; the rectangular area highlighted in Eqs. (11), (12), and (13)) has remained essentially
black denotes the “equilibrium boundary” that the same. However, just as for conventional CA, an
separates regions of growth and decay. almost endless variety of different kinds of rules
can in principle be defined; including rules that
alter the geometry but are not functions of the s
states. In this section, we look at two illustrative
Related Graph Dynamical Systems examples of SDCA-like dynamical systems: one
that uses coupled s-ℓ rules, and another whose
The original SDCA model (Ilachinski 1986) repre-
rules depend only on topology.
sents one (albeit not entirely arbitrary) approach to
dynamically coupling site values({si}) and topol-
ogy ({lij}), of the normally quiescent lattice. Since Graph Rewriting Automata
this model was primarily introduced as a general Tomita et al. (2002, 2005, 2006a, b, c) have
tool to explore self-organized emergent geome- recently introduced graph rewriting automata
tries, s values are an integral dynamic component (abbreviated, GRA), in which both links and (the
only because SDCA’s original rules were con- number of) sites are allowed to change. Motivated
ceived to generalize conventional CA rules, not by CA models of self-reproduction, Tomita et al
replace them. Moreover, SDCA’s link rules are, suggest that fixed, two-dimensional lattices – used
by design, close analogs of their conventional-CA as static backdrops to most conventional models –
brethren; this is the reason why SDCA’s c and o are unnecessarily restrictive for describing
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 59

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, Fig. 17 Graphical representations of the actions of the GRA rules defined
in Eq. (45). (Reproduced from Tomita et al. (2006a) with permission)

self-reproductive processes. They cite, as an ðs rulesÞ :

example, the inability of conventional CA to ftransitionðx,a,b,cÞ ! ðu,a,b,cÞ,
describe biological processes (such as embryonic ðsite rulesÞ :
development) that must unfold in a finite closed 
divisionðx,a,b,cÞ ! ðu,v,w,a,b,cÞ,
space; once the underlying space of the CA is
fusionðx,y,z,a,b,cÞ ! ðu,a,b,cÞ,
defined at the start, however large (and sometimes
ðlink rulesÞ :
deliberately assumed infinite), its size remains the 
same throughout the development. This not only commutationðx,y,a,b,c,d Þ ! ðx,y,a,b,c,d Þ,
makes it hard to model the typically growing need annihilationðx,y,a,b,c,d Þ ! ða,b,c,d Þ,
that developing organisms have for space, but (45)
makes it impractical even to provide some room
for avoiding overlaps between the original and where x, y and z denote the s values of the center
daughter patterns (Tomita et al. 2002). sites before undergoing a structural change; u,
Motivated by these, and other issues related to v and w denote the s values of the center sites
computation, Tomita et al. (2002, 2006a) introduce after the structural change; and a, b, c, and
GRA, which is a form of graph grammar (Grzegorz d denote the states of the neighboring sites. The
1997). At first glance, GRA appear superficially ordering is unimportant, so long as a given string
similar to SDCA, at least in the sense that they both can be obtained from another by cyclic permuta-
dynamically couple site values with topology. tion, otherwise the strings are different; i.e.,
However, the transition rules are very different, (a, b, c) is both topologically and functionally
and – in GRA’s case – two properties hold that equivalent to (b, c, a), but (c, b, a) is different.
are not true for SDCA systems: (1) all sites have The action of s, value, and links is graphically
exactly three neighbors at all times (which is the illustrated in Fig. 17.
minimum number of neighbors that yield non- By convention, the GRA algorithm is applied
trivial graphs (Tomita et al. 2002)), and (2) multiple in two steps: (1) site rules (transition, division and
links are allowed to exist between any two sites. fusion) are executed first, and at all subsequent
The authors claim that the 3-neighbor restriction even time steps, followed by (2) link rules
not only does not constrain the space of emergent (commutation and annihilation), executed at odd
geometries (an observation that is echoed by Wol- steps.
fram (2002); see subsection “Network Automata” In the event that multiple rules are simulta-
below) but has the added benefit of allowing the neously applicable – such as might happen, for
rules to be expressed in a regular form: each rule is example, if the rules include more than one divi-
defined by a rule name and, at most, six symbols for sion, or fusion, for the same lefthandside argu-
its argument: ment in their expressions (in Eq. (45)) – the order
60 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, (1, 0, 0, 2) ! (1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 2), (2) commutation(1, 2) !

Fig. 18 Sample GRA evolution starting from the graph (1, 2), and (3) commutation(0, 0) ! (0, 0). (Reproduced
on the left. The rules are (see Eq. (45)): (1) division from Tomita et al. (2006a) with permission)

in which the rules are applied is determined by an “tape” (of indefinite length, to record data), a
a priori priority ranking. Also, since applying “head” (that reads/writes symbols on the tape,
either commutation or annihilation rules to adja- and that can move left or right), and “state transi-
cent links yields inconsistency, whenever a local tion rules” (that tell the head which new symbols
context arises in which this might happen, the to write given the current state of the tape). The
application of these rules is temporarily tape is analogous to “memory” in a modern com-
suppressed. (This is done by sweeping through puter; the head is analogous to the microproces-
the link set twice: on the first pass, a temporary sor. A Turing machine is called “universal” if it
flag is set for each link that satisfies a rule condi- can simulate any other Turing machine.
tion; on the second pass, the link rule is applied if Tomita et al.’s (2002) Turing machine is modeled
and only if the four neighboring links did not raise as a ladder structure: the upper sites constitute the
flags during the first pass.) “tape” mechanism; the lower sites form the “tape
Figure 18 shows the first few steps in applying head” that reads the tape; both ends of the ladder are
one division and two commutation rules to a sim- single sites that define “end of tape”; and the two
ple initial graph. (Kohji Tomita provides several ends are joined to form a loop. Although the tape is
movies of GRA evolutions on his website: http:// initially finite, the ladder can grow to arbitrary length, as required, by using appropriate GRA
Tomita et al. (2002, 2005, 2006a, b, c) report a rules. Tomita et al. (2002) self-replicating Turing
variety of emergent behaviors, including (1) arbi- GRA consists of 20 states and 257 (2-symbol)
trary resolution (because GRA rules effectively rules. They also introduce a design for a universal
allow an arbitrary number of sites to “grow” out of Turing machine (Tomita et al. 2006a) that consists
any initial structure, these systems define their of 30 states and 955 rules for reproduction, and
own “boundary conditions” and graphs with arbi- 23 states and 745 rules for computation. While
trary resolution are possible); (2) repetitive struc- self-reproducing universal Turing machines can be
tures, in which some geometrical subset of an described using conventional CA, their expression
initial graph is reproduced, indefinitely, and con- using GRA rules are considerably more compact.
tinuously grafted onto the original structure; and
(3) self-replication, in which both site-value and Dynamic Graphs as Models of Self-
structure is replicated after N steps. In Tomita et al. Reconfigurable Robots
(2006b), Tomita et al. describe how genetic algo- In the context of looking for self-reconfiguration
rithms (Mitchell 1998) may be used for automat- algorithms that may be used to manufacture mod-
ing the search for self-replicating patterns. ular robots for industry, Saidani (2003, 2004) has
In Tomita et al. (2002), Tomita et al. also pre- recently introduced a dynamic graph calculus that
sent the design of a self-reproducing Turing includes rules similar to those that define SDCA;
Machine. Turing machines are abstract symbol but which depend only on the topology of (but not
manipulating devices that mimic the basic opera- the s-values living on) the lattice. Saidani and Piel
tions of a computer. Formally, they consist of a (2004) have also introduced an interactive
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 61

Structurally Dynamic
Cellular Automata,
Fig. 19 Schematic
illustration of a tree
topology reconfiguring
itself into a linear chain
using a set of case-based
“if–then” topology rules
defined in Saidani (2004);
see text for details

programming environment for studying dynamic computed from its local topology, and the in-
graph simulations called Dynagraph, and and out-degrees of its nearest neighbors); (3) a
implemented in Smalltalk. site controls its outgoing links (and can connect
There are two basic approaches to designing or disconnect any outgoing links), but cannot
modular robots: (1) to develop a set of elementary sever incoming connections; (4) sites must main-
generic modules that can be rapidly assembled by tain at least one link throughout an evolution
humans to form robots that solve a specific problem, (so that the graph remains connected); and (5) all
and (2) to design a set of (otherwise identical) prim- sites are equipped with the same set of rules.
itive components that can adaptively reconfigure As in conventional CA and the basic SDCA
themselves. Focusing on the latter approach, Saidani model, the “reconfiguration” proceeds synchro-
(2004) formally reinterprets modular “robots” to nously throughout the graph. The decision pro-
mean modular networks; and proceeds to model cess includes an innate stochastic element: in the
adaptive robotic self-reconfigurations as a class of event that there is a rule that specifies that a site is
recursive graph dynamical systems. In contrast to to establish a link to a neighbor of one of its
other related dynamic graph models (Ferreira 2002; neighbors, but all neighboring sites have the
Harary and Gupta 1997), the “modules” same degree (which is the only dynamical dis-
(or subgraphs) of Saidani’s model use local knowl- criminant), the neighbor with which a new link
edge of their neighborhood topology to collectively will be forged is selected at random.
evolve to some goal configuration. Although the As a concrete example, Saidani (2004) presents a
dynamics transforms the global state, the evolution tree-to-chain algorithm that evolves an initial “tree”
remains strictly decentralized, and individual mod- graph to a linear chain of linked sites (see Fig. 19).
ules do not know the (desired) final state. While we do not reproduce the full algorithm here, it
Apart from restricting the dynamics to topol- is essentially a case-driven list of rules of the form if
ogy alone (indeed, none of the sites harbor infor- condition C1 (and condition C2, . . . and condition
mation states of any kind), Saidani (2003, 2004), Cn) then connect (or disconnect) site i to (from) the
Saidani and Piel (2004) further assumes that nth neighbor of i’s neighbor, n. For example, an
(1) connections between sites are directional explicit “rule” might be: if 1  deg(i)  2 and
(both to- and from-links may coexist between the deg+(i) = 1 and |t(i)| = 2 then link i to a neighboring
same two modular components); (2) “active” sites site j that has deg(j) = 0, where deg(i) and
reconfigure their local neighborhood by deg+(i) are the in- and out-degrees of site i, and
accepting, keeping, or removing their adjacent t(i) is the total number of sites to which i is currently
links according to rules that are functions of their linked (with either incoming or outgoing links).
current topology (defined as a given sites’ current Conceptually, the details of Saidani’s rules are
local neighborhood and the current neighborhood less important than what the unfolding process
of its neighbors: a site only knows about its own represents as a whole. An initial graph – which
in- and out-degree, which can obviously be we recall is to be viewed as a distillation of a
62 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

“modular robot” – is transformed, by the individ- proposed the idea that particles be viewed as geo-
ual sites (or parts of the robot), into another metric disturbances of space time, called
desired structure; i.e., the graph is entirely self- geometrodynamic excitons.
reconfigured. Though the broader reverse- A priori, SDCA appear tailor-made for describ-
engineering problem (which includes asking ing pregeometric theories of space-time. Since in
such fundamental questions as “How can a SDCA, lattice and local s-values are explicitly
desired final state be mapped onto a specific coupled, and geometry and value configurations
cased-based list of graphical rules?”) remains, are treated on an approximately equal footing,
as yet, unanswered, and the Dynagraph work SDCA is certainly at least formally consistent
environment (Saidani and Piel 2004) is currently with Einstein’s geometrodynamic credo. The
limited to experimenting only with graphs that structure is altered locally as a function of indi-
have less than 30 sites, the basic model already vidual site neighborhood value-states and geom-
represents a viable new approach to using etries, while local site-connectivity supports the
dynamic graphs to describe self-reconfigurable site-value evolution in exactly the same way as in
robots; and is potentially more far-reaching as a conventional CA models defined on random lat-
general model of topologically-reconfigurable tices. The microphysical view of physics that
dynamical systems. emerges from this construction is one in which a
fundamentally discrete pregeometry continually
evolves in time as an amorphous structure but
SDCA as Models of Fundamental Physics with a globally well-defined dimensionality. Par-
ticles are constructs of that amorphous structure
Pregeometric Theories of Emergent Space- and can be viewed as locally persistent
Time substructures – i.e. geometrical or topological
Although SDCA are a natural formal extension of solitons – with dimensions that differ from the
conventional CA – and serve as general-purpose surrounding value. Just as “value structure” soli-
modeling tools – their conception was originally tons are ubiquitous in conventional CA models
motivated by fundamental physics; specifically, (Ilachinski 2001; Wolfram 1984), “link structure”
by a search for models of self-organized emergent solitons might emerge in SDCA; physical parti-
discrete space-time (Meschini et al. 2005). “Space cles would, in such a scheme, be viewed as
acts on matter, telling it how to move; . . . matter geometrodynamic disturbances propagating
reacts back on space, telling it how to curve”, within a dynamic lattice.
which is the central lesson of Einstein’s geometro- Of course, speculation regarding the ultimate
dynamics, as explained by Misner, Thorne and constituents of matter and space-time date back at
Wheeler in their classic text on Gravitation least as far as 500 BC when the philosopher
(Misner et al. 1973). Wheeler (1982) has been a Democritus mused on the idea that matter is
particularly eloquent spokesman for the need to made of indivisible units separated by void.
search for what he calls a pregeometry, or a set of Since then there have been countless attempts,
basic elements out of which what we normally with varying degrees of success, to fashion an
think of geometry is built, but which are them- entirely discrete theory of nature. We limit our
selves devoid of a specific dimensionality: discussion to a short survey of some recent work
“Space-time . . . often considered to be the ulti- that centers on ideas that are either direct out-
mate continuum of physics, evidences nowhere growths of, or are otherwise conceptually related
more clearly than at big bang and at collapse to, SDCA models. (A short history of pre-
that it cannot be a continuum. Obliterated in geometric theories appears in Chap. 12 of
those events is not only matter, but the space and Ilachinski (2001)).
time that envelope that matter . . . we are led to ask One of the earliest proponents of pregeometry
out of what ‘pregeometry’ the geometry of space is Zuse (1982), who speculated on what it would
and spacetime are built”. Wheeler has also take for a CA-like universe to sustain “digital
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 63

particles” on a cellular lattice. He focused on two sum of tensor products of single-particle; or, in
main problems: (1) How does the universe’s this case, single-graph, Hilbert spaces) it shares
observed isotropy arise from a CA’s (Euclidean, two important properties with SDCA: (1) interac-
hexagonal, etc.) anisotropy?, and (2) What is the tions depend only on the local properties of the
information content of a physical particle? As an graph, and (2) interactions induce only minimal
answer to the first question, Zuse suggests . . . changes to the local metric function. An important
consequence of their theory is that the dimension
“. . . variable and growing automata. Irregularities
of the grid structure are a function of moving pat- of a graph is a scale dependent quantity that is
terns, which is represented by digital particles. generated by the dynamics.
Now, not only certain values are assigned to the
single crosspoints of the grid in the concept of the Combinatorial Space-Time
cellular automaton which are interrelated and
sequencing each other, but also the irregularities Hillman (1995) introduces a combinatorial
of the grid are itself functions of these values of the space-time, which he defines as a class of dynam-
just existing interlinking network. One can imagine ical systems in which finite pieces of space time
rather easily that in such a way the interdependence contain finite amounts of information. Space
of mass, energy, and curvature of space may logi-
cally result from the behavior of the grid structure.” time is modeled as a combinatorial object,
constructed by dynamically coupling copies of
Jourjine (1985) generalizes Euclidean lattice finitely many types of certain allowed neighbor-
field theory on a d-dimensional lattice to a cell hoods. There is no a priori metric, and no con-
complex. Using homology theory to replace cept of continuity, which is expected to emerge
points by cells of various dimensions and fields on the macroscale.
by functions on cells, he develops a formalism The construction (and evolution) of spaces
that treats space-time as a dynamical variable proceeds in three steps: (1) define a set X of com-
and describes the change in the dimension of binatorial n-dimensional spaces (examples are
space-time as a phase transition. conventional CA graphs, graphs with directional
Kaplunovsky and Weinstein (1985) develop a links, or some other kind of embedded symme-
field-theoretic formalism that treats the topology try); (2) define a set of local, invertible primitive
and dimension of the spacetime continuum as maps T : X $ Y between pairs of space sets, such
dynamically generated variables. Dimensionality that the maps do not all commute with one another
is introduced out of the characteristic behavior of (for example, a simple renaming of the sites or
the energy spectrum of a system of a large number links gives an invertible, local map); (3) generate
of coupled oscillators. an arbitrary set of local invertible graph transfor-
Dadic and Pisk (1979) introduce a self- mations by composing primitive maps with one
generating discrete-space model that is based on another. Since the primitive maps are deliberately
the local quantum-mechanics of graphs. Just as in chosen so that they do not all commute, the act of
SDCA, Dadic and Pisk’s spatial structure is dis- composition yields infinitely many nontrivial
crete but not static; it is fundamentally amorphous transformations. The orbits{T z(x)| z  Z} (for
and evolves in time. Though the metric is essen- each space x in X) are (n + 1)-dimensional com-
tially the same one used to define SDCA (i.e., binatorial spacetimes; which include reversible
Deffec), it is generalized to unlabeled graphs by CA and SDCA-like networks in which geometry
referring to the topological description of the node evolves locally over time. Formally, Hillman
positions rather than their arbitrary labels. Though uses matrices of nonnegative integers, directed
their “graph dynamics” differs from what is used graphs, and symmetric tensors to describe these
by SDCA (and uses a symmetrized Fock space systems, so that local equivalences between
that is local in terms of their graph metric, where space sets are generated by simple matrix trans-
“Fock space” is a Hilbert space used to describe formations. Concrete examples of dynamic com-
quantum states with a variable, or unspecified, binatorial space-time graphs are given in Hillman
number of particles, and is made from the direct (1995).
64 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

Structurally Dynamic Disordered Cellular Nowotny and Requardt (1998) introduce two
Networks network models: one in which connected sites that
As an explicit example of how dynamic graphs can have very different internal states typically lead to
be used to model pregeometry, consider structurally large local fluctuations (=SDDCN1), and another
dynamic disordered cellular networks (abbreviated, in which sites with similar internal states are
SDDCN), recently introduced by Nowotny and connected (=SDDCN2):
Requardt (1998, 1999, 2006) and Requardt (1998,
2003a, b). SDDCN are a class of models closely SDDCN
8 tþ11 X
related to SDCA but developed explicitly to >
> si ¼ sti þ J tji ,
describe a discrete, dynamic space-time fundamen- < j
tal physics. The main difference between the two $ J tþ1 ¼ sign Ds  Dsij  l2 ,or
> ij for 
Dsij  l1 ^J tij 6¼ 0,
models is that whereas link connections in SDCA > ij
: tþ1
are strictly local, SDDCN are capable of generating J ij ¼ 0, otherwise,
both local and translocal links. SDDCN
8 2 X
> stþ1 ¼ sti þ J tji ,
In contrast to more mainstream high-energy >
> j
theories of fundamental physics (which are dom- < 0 < Dsij  < l1 ,or
$ J ij ¼ sign Dsij
inated by string theory and/or loop quantum grav- > 0 < Dsij  < l2 ^J tij 6¼ 0,
ity, both of which assume a certain level > J tþ1 ¼ J t ,
> for Dsij ¼ 0,
> ij ij
discretization at the Planck scale, but assume : J tþ1 ¼ 0, otherwise,
that a discrete space-time emerges from an under-
lying continuum physics), SDDCN takes a
bottom-up approach. SDDCN assumes that there
is underlying dynamic, discrete and highly erratic where Dsij ¼ sti stj , and l2 l1 0. Since
network substratum that consists of (on a given SDDCN is intended to model pregeometric
scale) irreducible mutually interacting agents dynamics, Nowotny and Requardt (1998) caution
exchanging information via primordial channels that the t parameter that appears in these equations
(links). The known continuum structures are must not to be confused with the “true time” that
expected to emerge on a macroscopic (or, meso- (they expect) emerges on coarser scales. In keep-
scopic) scale, via a sequence of coarse graining ing with its physics-based motivation, SDDCN’s
and/or renormalization steps. dynamical laws depend only on the relative dif-
Like SDCA, SDDCN are defined on arbitrary ferences in site values, not on their absolute
graphs, G, initially defined by a specified set of values. Indeed, charge is nowhere either created
sites and links. Both sites and links are allowed to or destroyed,Xso that SDDCN conserves global
take on values. Site values, si (which represent a “charge”: sti ¼ constant , where the arbitrary
primitive “charge”), are taken from some discrete constant cani be set to zero.
set, q Z, where q is a discrete quantum of infor- Both models start out initially on a simplex
mation; link states assume the values Jij  {1, 0, graph with N  200 nodes, so that the maximum
+1}, and represent an elementary coupling. The number of possible links is N(N  1)/2. The initial
Jij are equivalent to SDCA’s lij, but take on three s-seed consists of a uniform random distribution
values rather than two. Heuristically, Jij represent of values scattered over the interval {k, k + 1,
directed edges pointing either from site i to . . ., k  1, k}, where k  100. The initial values
j (if Jij = 1), or from j to i (if Jij =  1); or, in for link states, J t¼0
ij , are selected from {1, 1}
the case of Jij = 0, the absence of a link. At each with equal probability; i.e., the initial state is a
time step (representing an elementary quantum of maximally entangled nucleus of nodes and links.
time), an elementary quantum q is transported Nowotny and Requardt (2006) state that “. . . in a
along each existing directed link in the indicated sense, this is a scenario which tries to imitate the
direction. As for SDCA, SDDCN dynamically big bang scenario. The hope is, that from this
couples site values to links. nucleus some large-scale patterns may ultimately
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 65

emerge for large clock-time”.

X  For most  properties intrinsically global property; one that is indepen-
(other than the st and stþ1  st  , which are dent of any arbitrary embedding dimension, and
i i
both equal to zero by construction),
i the average one that can take on relatively stable values in the
over the width of the initial vertex state distribu- whole (to characterize effective system-wide char-
tion, taken over l1 and l 2, specific realizations of acteristics), while simultaneously being relatively
initial conditions, and time, depend linearly on impervious to otherwise rapidly changing struc-
network size. tural changing taking place on the microscale.
We summarize Nowotny’s and Requardt’s Toward this end, Nowotny and Requardt (1998)
(1998, 2006) findings, culled from extensive define the upper (and lower) scaling dimensions,
DUS ðiÞ (and DS ðiÞ), with respect to site i:
numerical experiments: (1) the appearance of
very short limit cycles in SDDCN1 (period 6 and
multiples of 6, with the longest having period lnbði,rÞ
S ðiÞ ¼ lim sup
DU ,
36 on a network of size N = 800), (2) Much longer r!1 ln r
limit cycles and transients in SDDCN2, both of lnbði,rÞ
which appear to grow approximately exponen- DLS ðiÞ ¼ lim inf ,
r!1 ln r
tially, (3) structurally, SDDCN1 evolve from
almost fully connected simplex networks to and the upper (and lower) connectivity dimen-
C ðiÞ (and DC ðiÞ), with respect to site i:
sions, DU L
more sparse connectivities with increasing l1/2;
there is a regime in which few vertices with very
high degree coexist with many vertices with a low ln@bði,rÞ
C ðiÞ ¼ lim sup
DU ,
degree; for large around l1 60; for large l1/2, the r!1 ln r
graph eventually breaks apart and all nodes ln@bði,rÞ
become isolated; (4) for SDDCN2, nodes typically DLC ðiÞ ¼ lim inf ,
r!1 ln r
have zero degree small l1/2, and links become
increasingly dense as l1/2 increase; the degree where b(i, r) = # sitesj j Dij  r, and @b(i, r) is the
distribution is generally broad and remains so for number of sites on the surface of the r-sphere.
large l1/2 (the authors also note observing multi- When the upper and lower limits coincide, we
ple local maxima of the distributions in a wide have the scaling dimension (=DS) and the con-
range of l1/2 values); (5) for SDDCN1, there is an nectivity dimension (=DC), respectively. DS is
abrupt phase-transition in the temporal fluctua- related to well known dimensional concepts in
tions of vertex degrees (defined as degi(t + 1)  fractal geometry; DC is a more physical measure
degi(t)) from a state in which there are essentially that describes how the graph is connected, and
no fluctuations (“frozen network”) to one with thus how sites may potentially influence one
strong fluctuations (“liquid network”); (6) the dis- another (Nowotny and Requardt 2006). Prelimi-
tribution of site values is strongly bimodal for nary research (Nowotny and Requardt 1998) sug-
62  l1  85 for SDDCN1 while SDDCN1 dis- gests that under certain conditions, behavior
tributions are not bimodal, the width of the site resembling a structural phase transition to states
value distributions for different values of l 1 with stable internal (and/or connectivity) dimen-
appears modulated. sions is possible.
From a fundamental physics perspective, the
most interesting class of behaviors of SDDCN Network Automata
involves emergent dimensionality. Nowotny and Stephen Wolfram devotes Chap. 9 of his Opus – A
Requardt (2006) argue that since the continuum is new kind of science (abbreviated, NKS) (Wolfram
a self-organized dynamic structure that emerges in 2002) – to applying CA to fundamental physics;
the limit of large N and t, the most useful measure and speculates on ways in which space may be
of “dimension” cannot be purely local (as in the described using a dynamic network. The central,
case of effective dimensionality, Deffec, used for overarching theme of NKS is that “simple” pro-
describing SDCA systems). Rather, it must be an grams often suffice to capture complex behaviors.
66 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

The bold claim made in Chap. 9 of NKS is that, loss of generality. With two connections, only
on an even more fundamental level, what under- very trivial graphs are possible; and it is easy to
lies all the laws of physics, as we currently under- show that any site with more than three links can
stand them, is a simple CA-like program, from always be redefined, locally, as a collection of
which, ultimately, all the phenomenologically sites with exactly three links each (see Fig. 20).
observed complexity in the universe naturally Wolfram (2002) gives several concrete exam-
emerges. As for the specific forms such a “pro- ples of evolving graphs (as models of pre-
gram” may take, Wolfram’s intellectual point of geometry), the dynamics of which are prescribed
departure echoes that of other proponents of a by a set of substitution rules; i.e., explicit lists of
discrete dynamic pregeometric theory: the topological configurations (of sites and links)
that are used to replace (at time t + 1) specific local
“. . . cellular automata . . . cells are always
configurations (as they appear at time t). However,
arranged in a rigid array in space. I strongly sus-
pect that in the underlying rule for our universe in contrast to SDCA rules, Wolfram’s substitution
there will be no such built-in structure. Rather . . . rules are strictly topological; no site-value infor-
my guess is that at the lowest level there will just be mation is used. Also, the number of sites in the
certain patterns of connectivity that tend to exist,
graph can change as the graph evolves; where, in
and that space as we know it will then emerge from
these patterns as a kind of large-scale limit.” SDCA, the number remains constant.
Figure 21 shows examples of rules in which
Wolfram introduces his network automata specific clusters of sites are replaced with other
(abbreviated, NA) with these basic assumptions clusters of sites. While the rules shown in the
(see additional notes in NKS (Wolfram 2002) on figure share the property that they all preserve
the evolution of networks: pp. 1037–1040): planarity, there is no particular reason for impos-
(1) features of our universe emerge solely from ing such a restriction; in fact, rules that generate
properties of space, (2) the underlying model non-planarity are just as easy to define. Wolfram
(and/or “rules”) must contain only a minimal speculates (2002, pp. 526–530) that “particle
underlying geometric structure, (3) the individual states” may be defined as mobile non-planar sub-
sites of emergent graphs must not be assigned any graphs that persist on an otherwise planar, but
intrinsic position, (4) sites are limited to randomly fluctuating topology. Reversible ver-
possessing purely topological information (that sions of these rules may also be constructed, by
defines the set of sites to which a given site is associating a “backward” version with each “for-
connected), (5) incoming and outgoing connec- ward” transformation.
tions need not be distinguished, and (6) all sites Some care must be taken while both defining
have exactly the same total number of links to and applying these rules consistently. For exam-
other sites (which is assumed equal to three). ple, if a cluster of sites contains a certain number
This last assumption – which is essentially the of links at t, one is not permitted to define a rule
same one made by Nowotny and Requardt that replaces that cluster with another one that has
(1998) as the basis of their SDDCN model; see a different number of connections. Another
subsection “Structurally Dynamic Disordered restriction is that rules must be independent of
Cellular Networks” above – does not lead to any orientation; that is, if a candidate rule requires

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, Fig. 20 Illustration of how sites that have more than three links can always
be redefined as a set of sites with exactly three links each
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 67

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, Fig. 21 Examples of planarity-preserving network substitution rules.
(Reproduced from Wolfram (2002) with permission)

identifying the specific links (of, say, an otherwise subgraph (or subgraphs, in Fig. 22a) involved in
topologically symmetric n-link local subgraph) the replacement is highlighted at both top and
before activating a desired substitution, that rule bottom.
is likewise forbidden. However, even with these Wolfram also suggests that analogs of mobile
restrictions, a large number of rules are still pos- automata (Miramontes et al. 1993) can be defined
sible. For example, 419 distinct rules may be for evolving networks. By tagging a site i, say,
defined for clusters with no more than five sites. with a “charge”, si  1, substitution rules may be
In applying network rules, one cannot simply defined to replace clusters of sites around the
simultaneously replace all pertinent subgraphs charged site. The effect is that the charge itself
with their replacements, since, in general, two or appears to move, as its effective (relative) position
more subgraphs with the same topology may within the network changes as the geometric
overlap somewhere within the network. Since dynamics unfolds. (However, Wolfram also
there is no priori, or universally consistent, way notes – on page 1040 in Wolfram (2002) – that
of ordering the subgraphs, meta-rules must be “despite looking at several hundred cases I have
imposed to eliminate any possible ambiguities. not been able to find network mobile automata
For example, one method (m1) is to restrict with especially complicated behavior”).
replacements to a single subgraph per time step,
selecting the subgraph whose replacement entails
the minimal change to all recently updated sites. Future Directions and Speculations
Another method (m2) is to allow all possible
nonoverlapping replacements, while ignoring Although SDCA were first introduced over two
those that overlap. Wolfram reports that, although decades ago (Ilachinski 1986), much of their
the second method obviously produces larger behavior remains unexplored. Of course, this is
graphs in fewer steps, the two methods generally due largely to the difficulty of studying dynamical
produce qualitatively similar structures. systems that harbor an a priori vastly larger
Figure 22 traces the first few steps in the evo- coupled value-geometry space than the “merely”
lution of a simple graph under the action of a spatially-confined behavioral space of conven-
single substitution rule (defined at the center of tional CA. Only relatively recently have desktop
the figure). Figure 22a, b show the results of computers become sufficiently powerful, and
applying this rule using methods m1 and m2, visualization programs adept enough at rendering
respectively. In each case, the top row shows the multidimensional graphs (Chen 2004), to make a
form of the network before the substitution takes serious study of SDCA behaviors possible. For
place at that step, and the bottom row shows the example, the general-purpose math programs
network that results from the substitution. The Mathematica ( and Maple
68 Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata

Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata, Fig. 22 Examples of network evolutions using the substitution rule shown
at center. See text for explanation. (Reproduced from Wolfram (2002) with permission)

( both provide power- either a long-term transient or an unintentional

ful built-in graph-rendering algorithms to help artifact of imposed run-time constraints; and, if
visualize complex graphs. Standalone public- this class is “real”, we obviously need to ask, How
domain packages are also available; for example, large is it?, and Under what conditions does it
AGNA (2008), NetDraw (Borgatti 2002), and arise?; (2) developing SDCA as formal mathe-
Pajek (Nooy et al. 2005). In this final section, we matical models, perhaps as members of a broader
list several open questions and briefly speculate class of graph grammars (Grzegorz 1997;
on possible future directions. Kniemeyer et al. 2004); and (3) finding purely
Because of the relative paucity of studies ded- geometric analogs of the solitons known to exist
icated purely to exploring the space of emergent in conventional CA models (Ilachinski 2001;
structures (such as Wolfram’s (1984) pioneering Wolfram 1984).
studies of conventional CA), many (even very This article has introduced several generaliza-
fundamental) questions remain open: What kinds tions of the basic SDCA model, including memory
of geometries can arise?, Which subspace of the effects (subsection “SDCA With Memory”),
space of all possible graphs corresponds to those reversibility (subsection “Reversible SDCA”),
that are actually attainable using SDCA (and probabilistic transitions (subsection “Probabilis-
SDCA-like) rules?, What are the conditions for tic SDCA”), and a class of SDCA-like dynamical
which certain geometries do, and do not, form?, systems that evolve according to rules that depend
What combinations of s- and ‘-rules give rise to only on topology (subsections “Dynamic Graphs
specific kinds of graphs? as Models of Self-Reconfigurable Robots” and
Other open problems include: (1) determining “Network Automata”). However, other possibili-
whether the (provisionally defined) set of class-4 ties abound:(1) s site-variables may take on a
rules, for which effective dimension appears to larger range of values, s  {0, 1, . . ., k  1};
remain constant, is genuine, rather than being (2) link variables,‘ij, may similarly take on a larger
Structurally Dynamic Cellular Automata 69

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system converges to a fixed point. Fixed points
Asynchronous Cellular play a special role in the theory of asynchro-
Automata nous cellular automata because synchronous
and (classical) asynchronous models have the
Nazim Fatès same set of fixed points. In some cases,
LORIA UMR 7503, Inria Nancy – Grand Est, reaching a fixed point can be interpreted as
Nancy, France the end of a randomized computation.
De Bruijn graph (or diagram) This is an ori-
ented graph which allows one to represent all
Article Outline the overlaps of length n  1 in words of length
n. This graph is used to find some elementary
Glossary properties of the convergence of asynchronous
Article Outline CA, in particular to determine the set of fixed
Definition of the Subject points of a rule.
Introduction Elementary cellular automata There are
Defining Asynchrony in the Cellular Models 256 one-dimensional binary rules defined
Convergence Properties of Simple Binary Rules with nearest-neighbor interactions; an update
Phase Transitions Induced by a-Asynchronous sets a cell state to a value that depends only on
Updating its three inputs – its own state and the states of
Other Questions Related to the Dynamics its left and right neighbors. Using the symme-
Openings tries that exchange 0 s and 1 s and left and
Cross-References right, these rules reduce to 88 equivalence
Bibliography classes.
Game of Life This cellular automaton was
invented by Conway in 1970. It is probably
Glossary the most famous rule, and it has been shown
that it can simulate a universal Turing machine.
Configurations These objects represent the The behavior of this rule shows interesting
global state of the cellular automaton under phenomena when it is updated asynchronously.
study. The set of configurations is denoted by Markov chain A stochastic process that does not
Qℒ, where Q is the set of states of the cells and keep memory of the past; the next state of the
ℒ is the space of cells. In this text, we mainly system depends only on the current state of the
consider finite configurations with periodic system.
boundary conditions. In one dimension, we Reversibility When the system always return to
use ℒ = ℤ/nℤ, the class of equivalence of its initial condition, we say that it is reversible
integers modulo n. or, more properly speaking, that it is recurrent.
Convergence When started from a given initial Various interpretations of the notion of revers-
condition, the system evolves until it attains a ibility can be given in the context of probabi-
set of configurations from which it will not listic cellular automata.
escape. It is a difficult problem to know in Updating scheme The function that decides
general what are the properties of these attrac- which cells are updated at each time step. In
tive sets and how long it takes for the system to this text, we focus on probabilistic updating
attain them. In this text, we are particularly schemes. Our cellular automata are thus partic-
interested in the case where these sets are lim- ular cases of probabilistic cellular automata or
ited to a single configuration, that is, when the interacting particle systems.
# Springer Science+Business Media LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018 73
A. Adamatzky (ed.), Cellular Automata,
Originally published in
R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, # Springer Science+Business Media LLC 2018
74 Asynchronous Cellular Automata

Article Outline Naturally, this is a partial view on the topic, and

there are other approaches to asynchronous cellu-
This text is intended as an introduction to the topic lar automata. In particular, such systems can be
of asynchronous cellular automata and is pre- viewed as parallel models of computation (see
sented as a path. We start from the simple example Th. Worsch’s article in this encyclopedia) or as
of the Game of Life and examine what happens to models of real-life systems. Readers who wish to
this model when it is made asynchronous (section extend their knowledge may refer to our survey
“Introduction”). We then formulate our defini- paper for a wider scope on this topic (Fatès
tions and objectives to give a mathematical 2014a).
description of our topic (section “Defining Asyn-
chrony in the Cellular Models”). Our journey
starts with the examination of the shift rule with Introduction
fully asynchronous updating, and from this simple
example, we will progressively explore more and Cellular automata were invented by von Neumann
more rules and gain insights on the behavior of the and Ulam in the 1950s to study the problem of
simplest rules (section “Convergence Properties making artificial self-reproducing machines
of Simple Binary Rules”). As we will meet some (Moore 1962). In order to imitate the behavior of
obstacles in having a full analytical description of living organisms, the design of such machines
the asynchronous behavior of these rules, we will involved the use of a grid where the nodes, called
turn our attention to the descriptions offered by the cells, would evolve according to a simple
statistical physics and more specifically to the recursive rule. The model employs a unique rule,
phase transition phenomena that occur in a wide which is applied to all the cells simultaneously:
range of rules (section “Phase Transitions Induced this rule represents the “physics” of this abstract
by a-Asynchronous Updating”). To finish this universe. The rule is said to be local in the sense
journey, we will discuss the various problems that each cell can only see some subset of cells
linked to the question of asynchrony (section located at short distance: these cells form its
“Other Questions Related to the Dynamics”) and neighborhood. In von Neumann’s original con-
present some openings for the readers who wish to struction, all the cells are updated at each time
go further (section “Openings”). step, and this basis has been adopted in the great
majority of the cellular automata constructions.
This hypothesis of a perfect parallelism is quite
Definition of the Subject practical as it facilitates the mathematical defini-
tion of the cellular automaton and its description
This article is mainly concerned with asynchro- with simple rules or tables. However, it is a matter
nous cellular automata viewed as discrete dynam- of debate to know if such a hypothesis can be
ical systems. The question is to know, given a “realistic.” The intervention of an external agent
local rule, how the cellular automaton evolves if that updates all the components simultaneously
this local rule is applied to only a fraction of the somehow contradicts the locality of the model.
cells. We are mainly interested in stochastic sys- One may legitimately raise what we could call
tems, that is, we consider that the updating the no-chief-conductor objection: “in Nature,
schemes, the functions which select the cells to there is no global clock to synchronise the transi-
be updated, are defined with random variables. tions of the elements that compose a system, why
Even if there exists a wide range of results should there be one in our models?”
obtained with numerical simulations, we focus However, this objection alone cannot discard
our discussion on the analytical approaches as the validity of the classical synchronous models.
we believe that the analytical results, although Instead, one may simply affirm that the no-chief-
limited to a small class of rules, can serve as a conductor objection raises the question of the
basis for constructing a more general theory. robustness of cellular automata models. Indeed,
Asynchronous Cellular Automata 75

at some point, the hypothesis of perfectly syn- asynchrony (a = 0.98), and an evolution with a
chronous transitions may seem unrealistic, but stronger asynchrony (a = 0.5).
we cannot know a priori if its use introduces The first observation is that the introduction of
spurious effects. There are some cases where a a small degree of asynchrony does not modify the
given behavior of a cellular automaton will only qualitative behavior of the rule on the short term.
be seen for the synchronous case, and there are However, one can predict that the long-term
also cases where this behavior remains constant behavior of the rule will be perturbed because it
when the updating scheme is changed. In essence, is no longer possible to observe cycles. For exam-
without any information on the system, we have ple, the configuration with only three living cells
no means to tell what are the consequences of in a row oscillates in the classical Game of life, but
choosing one updating scheme or the other. these oscillations only exist with a synchronous
If we have a robust model, changes in the updating, and the configuration evolves to a
updating may only perturb slightly the global totally different pattern when this perfect simulta-
behavior of a system. On the contrary, if this neity is broken. Another important property to
modification induces a qualitative change on the remark is that the new (asynchronous) system
dynamics, the model will be called structurally has the same fixed points as the original
unstable or simply sensitive to the perturbations of (synchronous) system. In fact, this is a quite gen-
its updating Scheme. A central question about eral property that does not depend on the local
cellular automata is thus to know how to assess rule. The reason is simple: if a configuration is a
their degree of robustness to the perturbations of fixed point of the synchronous system, it means
their updating. Naturally, the same questions can that all its cells are stable under the application of
be raised about the other hypotheses of the model: the local rule. Hence, if we select a subset of cells
the homogeneity of the local rule, the regular for an update, this subset will also be stable.
topology, the discreteness of states, etc. (see, Reciprocally, if any choice of cells gives a stable
e.g., Problem 11 in Wolfram (1985)). situation, then the whole system is also stable.
The second important observation regards the
A First Experiment evolution with a = 0.5: the global behavior of the
In order to make things more concrete, we pro- system is completely overwhelmed! A new sta-
pose to start our examination with a simple asyn- tionary behavior appears, and a pattern which
chronous CA. We will employ the resembles a labyrinth forms. This pattern is stable
a-asynchronous updating scheme (Fatès and in some parts and unstable in some other parts of
Morvan 2005) and apply the following rule: at the grid. We will not enter here into the details on
each time step, each cell is updated with a proba- how this stability can be quantified, but it is suffi-
bility a and is left in the same state with probabil- cient to observe that, in most cases, this pattern
ity 1 – a. The parameter a is called the synchrony remains for a very long time.
rate (see the formal definitions below) (Note that
from the point of view of a given cell, all happens Questions
as if between two updates each cell was waiting a It may be argued that these observations are not
random time that follows a geometric law of that surprising, because if one modifies the basic
parameter a.). The advantage of this definition is definitions of a dynamical system, one naturally
to control the robustness of the model by varying expects to see effects on its behavior. However,
the synchrony rate continuously from the classical this statement is only partially true, as this type of
synchronous case a = 1 to a small value of a, radical modifications is not observed for all the
where most updates will occur sequentially. We rules. In fact, as Nakamura has shown, we can
thus propose to examine the behavior of the always modify a rule in order to make it insensi-
a-asynchronous Game of Life. Figure 1 shows tive to the variations of its updating scheme
three different evolutions of the rule: the synchro- (Nakamura 1974, 1981). Formally, this amounts
nous case (a = 1), an evolution with a little to show that any classical deterministic cellular
76 Asynchronous Cellular Automata

a= 1
a = 0.98
a = 0.50

t=0 t = 25 t = 50 t = 75 t = 100
Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Fig. 1 Configura- stable at t = 50; (middle) small asynchrony introduced,
tions obtained with the a-asynchronous Game of Life for the system is still evolving at t = 100; (bottom) a = 1/2, the
three values of the synchrony rate a and the same initial qualitative behavior of the system has changed
conditions. (Top) Synchronous updating, the system is

automaton may be simulated by an asynchronous this rule on a two-dimensional grid with periodic
one. By “simulated” we mean that the knowledge boundary conditions shows that it is robust to the
of the evolution of the stochastic asynchronous variations of a: roughly speaking, if we start from a
system allows one to know the evolution of the uniform random initial condition, for 0.5 < a < 1,
deterministic original rule with a simple transfor- the system seems to always stabilize quickly on a
mation (see Th. Worsch’s article). The idea of fixed point. For smaller values of a, the only notice-
Nakamura is that each cell should keep three reg- able effect is a slowdown of the converge time.
isters: one with its current state, one with its previ- However, a modification also exists at the vicinity
ous state, and one with a counter that tells if its local of a = 1: like for the Game of Life, as soon as a little
time is late, in advance or synchronized with the asynchrony is present, cycles disappear.
local time of its neighbors. There is of course an These experiments indicate that there is some-
overhead in terms of simulation time and number of thing about asynchronous systems that deserves to
states which are used, and one may want to reduce be investigated. Since the first numerical simula-
this overhead as much as possible (Lee et al. 2004), tions (Buvel and Ingerson 1984), a great number
but the point is that there are asynchronous rules of approaches have been adopted to gain insights
which will evolve as their synchronous determin- on asynchronous cellular automata. However, if
istic counterparts. As an extreme example, we can we want to be convinced that these systems can be
also think of the rule where each cell turns to a studied and understood theoretically, and despite
given state independently of its neighbor: the their randomness, we need some analytical tools.
global evolution is easily predicted. The purpose of the lines that follow is to give a
Partial robustness can also be observed with few indications on how the question of asyn-
some simple rules. For example, let us consider chrony in cellular automata can be dealt with
the majority rule: cells take the state that is the theoretical tools from computer science and prob-
most present in their neighborhood. Observing ability theory.
Asynchronous Cellular Automata 77

Defining Asynchrony in the Cellular 8c  ℤ, xtþ1 ¼ . . . cþnk :
t t
c f x cþn1 , , x

Literally, asynchronous is a word derived from the Now, to define an asynchronous cellular
Ancient Greek a᾿sunwronoB, which simply means automaton, we need to introduce an updating
“not same time”. From this etymology, it follows scheme. Such a function takes the form U : ℒ !
that we cannot speak of a single model of asyn- P ðℒÞ, where P ðSÞ denotes the parts of S, that is,
chrony in cellular automata, but there is an infinity the set of all subsets of S (also denoted by 2S). For
of models. In fact, one is allowed to speak of an a given time step t  ℕ, the set of cells that are
asynchronous model as soon as there is some updated at time t is represented by U ðtÞ.
perturbation in the updating process of the cells We obtain a new global rule, denoted by
(Note that asynchrony and asynchronism have FU : ℕ  Qℒ ! Qℒ where FU ðx, tÞ represents
been both used in the literature in an equivalent the image of x at time t given the updating
way. We will in general use the former for the scheme U: The evolution of (xt)t  ℕ starting
modification of the updating and use the latter to from x  Qℒ is now defined with x0 = x and
designate a topic of research.).We voluntarily stay xtþ1 ¼ FU ðxt Þ such that:
vague at this point in order to stress that one may (  
imagine a great variety of situations where some f xtcþn1 , . . . , xtcþnk if c  U ðtÞ,
8c  ℤ, xc ¼
irregularity occurs on the way the information is xc otherwise:
processed by the cells. For instance, we may
examine what happens if all the transitions do The type of function U defines the type of
occur at each time step but where the cells receive asynchronism in use. The first issue of distinction
the state of their neighbors imperfectly. is between deterministic and stochastic
In this text, we will restrict our scope to the (or probabilistic) functions. In this text, we will
most simple cases of asynchronous updating. focus on stochastic functions. Indeed, since asyn-
chronism is often thought of as an unpredictable
aspect of the system, stochastic systems have been
Mathematical Framework more intensively studied. One finds only a small
Let ℒ  ℤd be the set of cells that compose a number of studies which use deterministic systems.
d-dimensional cellular automaton. The set of Examples of such studies can be found in Cornforth
states that each cell may hold is Q. The collection et al. (2005), Schönfisch and de Roos (1999) where
of all states at a given time is called a configura- the authors have considered, for example, the
tion, and the configuration space is thus Qℒ. effects caused by updating cells sequentially from
Let N  ℤd be the neighborhood of the left to right. As one may expect, such approaches
cellular automaton, that is, for N ¼ ðn1 , . . . , nk Þ, often lead to curious phenomena: the information
ni represents the vector between the central cell spreads in a nonnatural way because a single
and its ith neighbor. sequence of updates from left to right suffices to
The local function of a cellular automaton is a change the state of the whole system. More inter-
function f: Qk ! Q which assigns to a cell c  ℒ esting are even-odd updating schemes where one
its new state q0 = f (q1,. . ., qk), where the tuple updates the even cells and, in the next step, the odd
(q1,. . ., qk) represents the state of the neighbors of cells. A famous example of such model is the Q2R
a cell c. model (Vichniac 1984): although the local rule of
Starting from an initial configuration x  Qℒ, this system is deterministic, using a random initial
the classical evolution of the system gives a condition makes it evolve with the same density as
sequence of configurations that we denote by the Ising model (see, e.g., Kari and Taati (2015) for
(xt)t  ℕ. This sequence is obtained by the recursive a recent development).
application of the global rule F : Qℒ ! Qℒ In fact, we can remark that in general it is not
defined with x0 = x and xt+1 = F (xt) such that: difficult to transform an asynchronous system into
78 Asynchronous Cellular Automata

a synchronous one: in many cases, adding more of independent and identically distributed ran-
states is sufficient. For example, for the even-odd dom variables that select an element uniformly
updating, we may mark the even and odd cells with in ℒ. The evolution of the system is given by:
a flag up and down, respectively, and make this flag
“flip” at each time step. Similarly, an ordered x0 ¼ x and 8i  ℤ, xtþ1 i
updating may be simulated in a synchronous (  
model by moving a token in a given order. How- f xtiþn1 , . . . , xtiþnk if i ¼ St ,
ever, such direct transformations are not always xtc otherwise:
possible: for example, Vielhaber has proposed an
original way of achieving computation universality Note that in most
 authors do not use the
by selecting the cells to update (Vielhaber 2013), indices i and t for ℬti or (St) and simply consider
and this construction cannot be transformed into a that there is one function that is used at each time
deterministic cellular automaton by the mere addi- step and for each cell.
tion of a few internal states. We do not enter here into the details of how we
can generalize these definitions (see, e.g.,
Dennunzio et al. (2013)). We point the work of
Randomness in the Updating
Bouré et al. on asynchronous lattice-gas cellular
In the case where the updating scheme U is a
automata to underline that adding asynchrony to
random variable, then the evolution of the system
the cellular models which have more structure
is a stochastic process, and if U does not depend
than the classical ones can be a nontrivial opera-
on time, it is a Markov chain (a memoryless sys-
tion if one wants to maintain the properties of
tem). In order to be perfectly rigorous in the for-
these models (e.g., conservation of the number
mal description of the system, advanced tools
of particles) (Bouré et al. 2013a). Similar difficul-
from probability theory are necessary. A good
ties arise when agents can move on the cellular
example on how to properly use these mathemat-
grid, and one needs to define some procedures to
ical objects and their properties can be found in a
solve the conflicts that may occur when several
survey by Mairesse and Marcovici (2014). How-
agents want to modify simultaneously the same
ever, for the sake of simplicity, one may still use
cell (Belgacem and Fatès 2012; Chevrier and
the usual notations and consider that the
Fatès 2010).
sequences (xt)t  ℕ are formed by configurations
rather than probability distributions.
We can now define the two major asynchro-
nous updating schemes: Convergence Properties of Simple
Binary Rules
• a-asynchronous updating scheme: let a  (0, 1]
be constant called the synchrony rate. Let We have seen that a central question in the study
ℬi i  ℒ, t  ℕ be a sequence of independent of asynchronous cellular automata was to deter-
and identically distributed Bernoulli random mine their convergence properties. In particular
variables of parameter a. The evolution of the one may wonder, given a simple binary rule, what
system with an a-asynchronous updating we can predict about its possible behavior. Is it
scheme is then given by: converging to a given fixed point? In which time
in average? And if so, what kind of “trajectory”
the system will follow to attain a stable state
x0 ¼ x and 8i  ℤ, xtþ1 i
(   (if any)? The lines that follow aim at presenting
f xtiþn1 , . . . , xtiþnk if ℬti ¼ 1, the mathematical tools to answer these questions.
xtc otherwise:
Expected Convergence Time to a Fixed Point
• Fully asynchronous updating scheme: in the Recall that one major modification caused by the
case where ℒ is finite, let (St)t  ℕ be a sequence transformation of a cellular automaton from
Asynchronous Cellular Automata 79

synchronous to asynchronous updating is the Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Table 1 Notation

removal of cycles: cycles are replaced by some by transitions. Left, table of transitions and their associated
labels. Right, symmetries of the ECA space (see text for
attractive sets of configurations (see below for a explanations)
more precise description). Let us examine this
property on a simple case. We work on a finite
000 001 100 101
one-dimensional system and denote the set of cells
010 011 110 111
by ℒ = ℤ/nℤ, where n is the number of cells. We
employ a fully asynchronous updating scheme
described by a sequence of independent and iden-
tically distributed random variables (St) which are The mapping between labels and transition is given
uniform on ℒ (one cell is selected at each time in Table 1.
step). The local rule depends only on the state of reflexion
the cell itself and its left and right neighbors; we A B C D C
have N = {1, 0, 1}. Recall that for an 000 001 100 101 conjugation
initial condition x  Qℒ, the evolution of the 010 011 110 111
E F r+c
system is thus described by (xt)t  ℕ such that E F G H
x t= x and = F (xt) such that 8i  ℒ, xtþ1 ¼f
xi1 , xti , xtiþ1 if i = St and xtþ1
i ¼ xti otherwise. For example, let us consider the XOR rule
To evaluate the converge time of given rule, f(x, y, z) = x y z, where denotes the
we proceed as in the theory of computation and usual XOR operator. The decimal code associated
define the “time complexity” of this rule as the to this rule is 150. The active transitions of this
function which estimates the amount of time rule are 001 ! 1 (B), 100 ! 1 (C), 011 ! 0 (F),
taken by the “most expensive” computation of and 110 ! 0 (G). The four other transitions are
size n (see Th. Worsch’s article in this encyclo- passive, that is, they do not change the state of the
pedia). Let F denote the set of fixed points of a central cell. We thus obtain the new code: BCFG.
rule, and let T (x) denote the random variable Given the transition code of a rule, one can
which represents the time needed to attain a easily deduce the symmetric rules: to obtain the
fixed point: T (x) = {min t: xt  F }. In order to rule where the left and right directions are per-
have a fair comparison with the synchronous muted, it is sufficient to exchange the letters B and
update, we consider that one time step corre- C and to obtain the symmetric rule where the
sponds to n updates, and we introduce the states 0 and 1 are permuted, on exchanges the
rescaled time t (x) = T (x)/n. The “complexity letters A and E, B and F, C and G and H (see
measure” of a rule is then given by the worst Table 2, right).
expected convergence time (WECT): W ECT ðnÞ In the case of a fully asynchronous updating,
¼ max ftðxÞg; x  Qℒ . the notation by transitions also allows us to
decompose the behavior of the local rule as
Two Notations for ECAs
Following a convention introduced by Wolfram, • If a rule does not have A (resp. H) in its code,
it is common to identify each ECA f with a the size of a 0-region (resp. a 1-region) may
decimal code W ( f ) which consists in converting increase or decrease by 1, but this region can-
the sequence of bits formed by the values of f to a not be broken.
decimal number: W ( f ) = f(0, 0, 0).20 + f(0, 0, • Transitions B and F control the movements of
1).21 +    + f(1, 1, 1).27. We now introduce the 01-frontiers: B (resp. F) moves this frontier
another notation of ECA rules, which consists in to the left (resp. to the right). If both transitions
identifying an ECA rule f with a word which con- are present, the 01-frontier performs a non-
sists in a collection of labels from {A, B,. . ., H} biased random walk.
where each label identifies an active transition, that • Similarly, transitions C and G control the
is, a couple ((x, y, z), f(x, y, z)) such that f(x, y, z) ¼
6 y. movements of the 10-frontiers.
80 Asynchronous Cellular Automata

Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Table 2 Left, sum- A Starting Example

mary of the effect of each transition on a fully asynchro- Let us take the shift rule f(x, y, z) = z as a first
nous ECA. Right, summary of the combinations of two
(active or inactive) transitions example of ECA. The Wolfram code and the
transition code of this rule are 150:BCFG. As it
A Stability of
0-regions can be seen from the space-time diagrams shown
B B 01-frontiers No A+ no H doubly quiescent in Fig. 3, although the local rule is elementary, the
move left rule evolution of the system is quite puzzling at first
C 10-frontiers move sight. The diagrams show that, starting from the
right same initial condition, the system may reach
D Absorption of B+ F random walk of the either the fixed point 0 = 0ℒ or the fixed point
0-regions 01-frontiers
1 = 1ℒ and that the convergence time is subject to
E Absorption of
1-regions a high variability. A little close-up on the behavior
F 01-frontiers move C + G random walk of the of the rule allows us to discover that the number of
right 10-frontiers regions of 0 s or 1 s can only decrease. Indeed, it is
G 10-frontiers move impossible to create a new state inside a region of
left homogeneous state. More precisely, a change of
H Stability of state can only occur on the boundaries between
regions: if such a boundary is updated, it moves
one cell to the left.
• Transition D (resp. E) controls the fusion of Let us examine what happens for an initial
1-regions (resp. 0-regions): the absence of condition x  Qℒ with only two regions: we
D (resp. E) implies that the 0-regions (resp. have |x|01 = 1, where |x|01 is the function which
1-regions) cannot disappear. counts the number of occurrences of the pattern
01 in x. To calculate the probability to reach a
These properties are summed up on given fixed point, we introduce the stochastic
Table 2, left. process (Xt) which counts the number of 1’s in a
In addition, the code by transitions can be used configuration: Xt = |xt|1, where |x|1 is the func-
to produce a complementary useful view on con- tion which counts the number of occurrences of
figurations by transforming a configuration 1’s. It can easily be verified that (Xt) is a Markov
x  Qℒ in a configuration x~  fa, . . . , hgℒ , chain whose graph is shown in Fig. 4. Note that
where each cell is labeled with a, b, . . . if the this is not immediate and this property is not true
transition A, B, . . . applies on it. An example of for any initial condition. The values Xt = 0 and
such transformation is shown in Fig. 2, left. This Xt = n are the absorbing states of the Markov
transformation can be done directly, but it is also chain and represent the convergence of the asyn-
interesting to consider the de Bruijn graph chronous cellular automaton to its respective
(or diagram), which allows one to do this trans- fixed points 0 and 1. We can thus calculate the
formation by reading one symbol at a time, from probability p1(k) to reach the fixed point 1 given
left to right, and by following the edge with the an initial condition x such that |x|1 = k. This can
label that was read (see Fig. 2, right). This graph is be done by recurrence by noting that p(0) = 0,
useful for determining various properties of cellu- p(n) = 1, and p(k) = ϵp(k  1) + (1  2ϵ)p(k)
lar automata. For example, the fixed points of rule + ϵp(k + 1), where ϵ = 1/n is the probability to
are made by the cycles which do not contain a update a cell. The solution is p(i) = ϵi = i/n. In
node with an active transition. For any configura- other words, the probability to reach the fixed
tion x, if we write by a, b, . . . the respective point 1 is exactly the density of the initial
number of a’s, b’s, . . . of x~ , then the following configuration.
relations can be easily obtained: b = c; f = g; Let us now estimate the average number of time
|x|01 = b + d = e + f; |x|10 = c + d = e + g; steps that it will take to reach one of the two fixed
|x|01 = |x|10. points. Recall thatT(x) = min {t  ℕ : xt  {0, 1}}.
Asynchronous Cellular Automata 81

b 1 f
001 011

0 1
0011001111100 1 1
↑ 0 a 1 e 1 d 0 h
0011001011100 000 010 0 101 111
abfgcbedfhgca 0 0
0 1

c 0 g
100 110

Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Fig. 2 (left): Exam- correspondence between binary sequences of length
ple of two binary configurations and their images by the 3 and transitions A, . . ., H. The label on the edges shows
transition code. The upper configuration is obtained by the next letter that is given in input when reading a binary
updating the lower configuration on the cell indicated sequence from left to right
with an arrow. (Right) De Bruijn graph with the

Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Fig. 3 Space-time bottom to top. Each row shows the state of the system
diagrams showing the evolution of the shift rule for a after n random updates. This convention is kept in the
ring of n cells, with n = 20. Cells in blue and white, following
respectively, represent states 0 and 1. Time goes from

As the Markov chain is finite and has two absorb-

ing states, T is almost surely finite. The average of
T i ¼ eðT i1 þ 1Þ þ ð1  2eÞðT i þ 1Þ
T depends only on the number of 1 s of the initial
þ eðT i1 þ 1Þ (1)
condition. With a small abuse of notation, we can
denote by Ti the average convergence time from an ¼ 1 þ eT i1  ð1  2eÞT i þ eT iþ1 (2)
initial condition with i cells in state 1; we have the
following recurrence equation: T0 = Tn = 0 and 8i The solution of this system is Ti = i(n  i)/2e.
 {1,. . ., n  1}, Since e = 1/n, we can write 8i  {0,. . ., n},
82 Asynchronous Cellular Automata

Ti  n3/8; in other words, for the configurations We thus have an upper bound on the WECT
with only two zones, the average number of which is WECT (n)  n2/8, and, considering the
updates needed to attain a fixed point is at most initial condition x = 0n/21n/2, we obtain the lower
cubic in n. bound WECT (n)  n2/8. We can thus write WECT
(n) = O(n2) where O expresses the equivalence up
to a constant. We thus say that the shift has a
quadratic convergence time or, for short, that it
How can we deal with the other configurations? If
is quadratic.
we start from a configuration x with k 1-regions
and k > 1, the probability to increase or decrease
A Relationship with Computational Problems
by 1 the number of 1 s is kϵ. The evolution of the
In fact, since the convergence of the asynchro-
system can no longer be described by the Markov
nous shift depends on the initial density, one
chain in Fig. 4. Indeed, the value ϵ needs to be
may consider this process as a particular kind
replaced by ϵ 0 = kϵ, but, as k is not constant, this
of decentralized computation. For the sake of
process is no longer a Markov chain. As seen in
brevity, we will not develop this point here, but
Fig. 4, the frontiers of the regions will perform
we simply indicate to the readers interested by
random walks until a region disappears, which
this issue that similar stochastic rules have been
will make ϵ 0 decrease again and so on until we
used to solve the density classification problem
reach one of the two fixed points. In order to
(see, e.g., (de Oliveira 2014; Fatès 2013b; Fukś
determine the convergence time t (x), one could
2002) and de Oliveira’s article in this
estimate the average “living time” of a configura-
tion with k-regions. However, this is a difficult
problem because this living time strongly depends
From the Shift to Other Quadratic Rules
on the size of each region.
We now examine step by step how to generalize
It is easier to note that the process (Xt) defined
the example of the asynchronous shift given
with Xt = |xt|1 is a martingale, that is, a stochastic
above to a wider class of rules.
process whose average value is constant over
With the decomposition described above, we
time. The theory of martingales allows us to find
can readily deduce that the Markov chain
the probability p1(x) to reach the fixed point
described for counting the number of 1 s for
1 from x and the average time of convergence 
the shift rule (BDEG) also applies for rule CG,
ftðxÞg. For the sake of brevity, we skip the details
for which the 10-frontier performs a non-biased
of the mathematical treatments and write down
random walk and for rule BCDEFG, for which
directly the results that are exposed in Fatès et al.
the two frontiers perform a random walk.
(2006a): (a) the probability of reaching the
In a second time, we can ask what happens if
fixed point 1 is still equal to the initial density,
we change the code of these rules by removing
p1(x) = |x|1/n, and (b) the rescaled average time
the transition D of their code, that is, we set
also  quadratically with n : ftðxÞg  jxj1 101 ! 0 and make the transition D inactive.
n  jxj1 =2.
This transformation implies that the 0-regions
can no longer disappear, while the 1-regions
may disappear if an isolated 1 is updated
ε ε ε (010 ! 0). As a consequence, the fixed point
0 1 2 n−1 n 1 is no longer reachable, and the system will
ε ε ε almost surely converge to the fixed point 0 for
1 1−2ε 1−2ε 1−2ε 1 an initial condition different from 1. The system
will thus most of the time behave as a regular
Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Fig. 4 Representa-
tion of the Markov chain that counts the number of 1 s. The
martingale, but sometimes it will “bounce” on
constant ϵ = 1/n represents the probability to update a cell an isolated 0. Is the average convergence time
at a given time step still quadratic? The answer is positive: even
Asynchronous Cellular Automata 83

though the behavior cannot be described “spectacular” than the quadratic rules. The size
(simply) by a martingale, it is possible to of the 1-regions regularly decreases until all the
“save” the previous results and still obtain a regions disappear and the system reaches the fixed
quadratic scaling of the WECT. Interested point 0. It is easy to see that in the case where the
readers may refer to our study on fully asyn- initial condition does not contain an isolated 0, the
chronous doubly quiescent (A quiescent state is evolution of the number of 1 s is a non-increasing
a state q such that the local rule f obeys f(q,. . ., function. Now, let us consider the function
q) = q.) rules for the mathematical details (Fatès f : Qℒ ! ℕ defined by f(x) = |x|1 + |x|01. Writing
et al. 2006a). (Xt) = f(xt), one can verify that the evolution of
(Xt) is non-increasing. Indeed, if a transition D is
Functions with a Potential applied, the number of 1 s increases by 1, but the
In the previous paragraph, we started from the number of regions also decreases by 1. Moreover,
shift rule (BDEG), showed that it had a quadratic we have that Xt = 0 implies that xt = 0. The
WECT, an then indicated that five other rules had function f can thus be named a potential: it is a
a similar qualitative behavior and a quadratic positive, non-increasing function of the current
WECT. The other rules were obtained by making state of the system, which equals to zero when
the transition D inactive or by changing the the system has attained its attractive fixed point.
behavior of the frontiers, as long as this move- This argument can be applied for showing a linear
ment remained a non-biased random walk WECT for the following four rules (G is active)
(Fig. 5). 136:EG, 140:G, 168:DEG, and 172:DG and the
We now propose to examine what happens if following four rules (F and G are active) 128:
we dare to “touch” a transition that breaks the EFG, 132:FG, 160:DEFG, and 164:DFG.
random movement of the frontiers. Concretely, Interestingly, a similar type of convergence can
let us make the transition B inactive: we obtain also be obtained by adding an active transition to
the minimal representative rule DEG (168). The the shift rule. For example, let us consider ECA
evolution of this rule is displayed in Fig. 6; it can BDEFG (162). Its evolution is shown in Fig. 6.
be seen that the evolution of the rule is less One should observe that the 01-frontiers perform


184 152 178 146

Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Fig. 5 Space-time diagrams showing the evolution of four rules with a quadratic
worse expected convergence time (WECT).
84 Asynchronous Cellular Automata


168 168 162 162

Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Fig. 6 Space-time diagrams showing two evolutions of two rules with a linear
worse expected convergence time (WECT)

a non-biased random walk, while the 10-frontier • The rules 134:BFG, 142:BG, 156:CG, and
tends to move to the left. This means that the 150:BCFG are non-converging. This is
1-regions have a tendency to decrease, but their because in all these rules, transitions D and
evolution is no longer monotonous as in the case E are inactive and, at the same time, the fron-
of rule DEG. It can be shown that if we take back tiers are not static.
the function f(x) = |x|1 + |x|01 and Xt = f(xt),
then (Xt) is a super-martingale, that is, its average Other Elementary Rules
value decreases in average. This property and The question of classifying the other ECA rules,
other conditions ensuring that it cannot stay too where no state or only one state is quiescent, is still
“static” imply that its convergence time scales open. Some conjectures have been stated from
linearly with the ring size n (Fatès et al. 2006a). experimental observations, but they still deserve
Indeed, for any configuration
 that is not a fixed an in-depth analysis (Fatès 2013a). In particular,
point, the quantity  Xtþ1  Xt jxt is negative. there are currently only partial results for all the
The same method can be applied for showing the rules which are conjectured to converge “very rap-
convergence in linear time for the rule 130: idly,” that is, in logarithmic time (Fatès 2014b).
From Fully Asynchronous to a-Asynchronous
Non-polynomial Types of Convergence. Updating
For the sake of brevity, we will not go here into the What happens if one uses a partially synchronous
details but only indicate the other classes of con- updating scheme instead of a totally asynchronous
vergence that were exhibited. Readers may con- one? Regnault et al. have extended the conver-
sult Fatès et al. (2006a) for detailed arguments. gence results of the doubly quiescent ECA to the
case of a-asynchronous updating (Fatès et al.
• The rules 200:E and 232:DE have a logarith- 2006b). The possibility of having simultaneous
mic WECT. This can be shown with the same updates of neighboring cells creates additional
techniques as for the convergence of the “local movements,” and the behavior of these
coupon-collector process (Fatès et al. 2006a). rules is more difficult to analyze. In particular,
• The rule 154:BCEG has an exponential the authors have identified four phenomena that
WECT. This comes from a kind of paradox: are specifically related to the a-asynchronous
the rule has a tendency to increase the number updating: the shift, the fork, the spawn, and the
of 1 s, but its only fixed point 1 is not reachable. annihilation. These phenomena are shown in
The only way it can converge is by reaching the Fig. 7.
fixed point 0, a phenomenon that is very The authors developed an interesting analytical
unlikely. framework (potential functions, masks, etc.) and
Asynchronous Cellular Automata 85

t +1
shift fork spawn annihilation

Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Fig. 7 New phenomena observed with the a-asynchronous updating of linear CA
(From the work of Fatès et al. (2006b))

succeeded in giving bounds on the convergence of remarkable exception was given by the epidemic
19 (minimal) doubly quiescent rules, leaving the rule, where a 0 turns into a 1 if it has a 1 in its
question open for five other rules. The various neighborhood and then will always remain a 1. This
rules show different kinds of scaling relations of rule has a WECT which scales as Yð nÞ: Even
the WECT, depending on a and n. If we consider though this scaling property can be intuitively
the dependence on n only, the families of functions understood from the dynamics of the rule, which
are the same as those obtained for fully asynchro- merely amounts to “contaminating” neighboring
nous dynamics, that is, logarithmic, linear, qua- cells, proving the class of convergence was a diffi-
dratic, exponential, and infinite. However, there are cult task. It is only recently that a proof has been
rules whose type of converge varies from the fully proposed by Gerin, who succeeded in applying
asynchronous updating to a-asynchronous subtle combinatorial arguments to obtain upper
updating. For example, rule 152:CEG, which is and lower bounds on the time of convergence
quadratic with a fully asynchronous updating (see (Gerin 2017).
above), becomes linear for a-asynchronous The minority rule received a special attention.
updating. Two rules, namely, ECA 146:BCEFG Indeed, when updated asynchronously, it has the
and 178:BCDEFG, were conjectured to display a ability to create patterns which can take the form
phase transition: their type of converge may change of checkerboard or stripes. The behavior of this
from polynomial to exponential depending on rule with an asynchronous updating was analyzed
whether the a is greater or lower than a particular in the case of von Neumann and Moore neighbor-
critical value. This property was partially proved by hood (the cell and its eight nearest neighbors)
Regnault in a thorough study of ECA 178, where the (Regnault et al. 2009, 2010). Regnault et al.
polynomial and exponential convergence times noticed that the convergence to the fixed point
were formally obtained for extrema values of the was not uniform: the process can be separated in
synchrony rate (Regnault 2013). Ramos and Leite two phases – first the “energy” decreases rapidly,
recently studied a generalization of this model and then the system stays in a low-energy state
where the asynchronous case appears as a special where it will progressively approach the fixed
case of the family of probabilistic cellular automata point by moving the unstable patterns, thanks to
that are studied (Ramos and Leite 2017). the random fluctuations. It is an open question to
know to which extent this type of behavior can be
Two-Dimensional Rules found in other contexts, e.g., lattice-gas cellular
The study of the convergence properties of simple automata (Bouré et al. 2013b).
two-dimensional rules has been carried out for the The convergence properties can thus be deter-
so-called totalistic cellular automata, where the local mined quite precisely but only for a family of simple
rule only depends on the number of 1 s in the binary cellular automata rules. It is an open problem
neighborhood (Fatès and Gerin 2009). For the von to find such analytical tools. As far as the
Neumann neighborhood (the cell and its four nearest a-asynchronous updating is concerned, the results
neighbors), there are 26 such rules. Their WECT are even more restricted. As we will see in the
were also analyzed for the fully asynchronous following, this is not so surprising because the
updating, and all rules but one was found to fall behavior of some rules sometimes requires the intro-
into the previous classes of convergence. One duction of tools from advanced statistical physics.
86 Asynchronous Cellular Automata

Phase Transitions Induced by at ac  0.911. Moreover, for the Game of Life, the
a-Asynchronous Updating critical phenomenon was shown to be robust to
the introduction of a small degree of irregularity in
The Game of Life the grid. This phase transition was also observed
We propose to come back to the phenomenon for other lifelike rules (Fatès 2010).
observed in Fig. 1 (see p. 4). Blok and Bergersen
were the first authors to give a precise explanation Elementary Cellular Automata
of the change of behavior in the Game of Life, the In the first experiment where the whole set of
phenomenon that was described in the introduc- ECAs was examined with an a-asynchronous
tory part of this article. They identified the exis- updating (Fatès and Morvan 2005), some rules
tence of a second-order phase transition were observed to display an abrupt variation of
(Informally, in statistical physics, phase transi- the density for a given value of the synchrony rate
tions are defined by the existence of a discontinu- a. This phenomenon was later studied in detail,
ity in the values taken by a macroscopic and this critical phenomenon was identified for
parameter, called the order parameter, when sys- ten (non-equivalent) rules. As for the Game of
tem is submitted to a continuous variation of a Life, we are here in the presence of second-order
control parameter. First-order transitions are those phase transitions which belong to the directed
for which the discontinuity appears directly on the percolation universality class (Fatès 2009). The
order parameter, while second-order phase transi- values of the measured critical synchrony rates are
tions (or continuous phase transitions) are those reported in Table 3.
where the derivative of the order parameter is It is a puzzling question to know why these ten
infinite.) which separates two qualitatively differ- rules are specifically producing such critical phe-
ent behaviors: a high-density steady state with nomena. Some insights to this question were given
vertical and horizontal stripes and low-density in a study of the local-structure approximations of
steady state with avalanches (Blok and Bergersen the rules, that is, a generalization of the mean-field
1999). They measured the critical value of the syn- approximation to correlations of higher order (Fukś
chrony rate at ac  0.906 and showed that near the and Fatès 2015). This study revealed that it was
critical point, the stationary density d1 obeyed a possible to predict the occurrence of a phase transi-
power law of the form d1  (a  ac)b. It is well tion, but it was not possible to use it to correctly
known in the field of statistical physics that the approximate the value of the critical synchrony rate
values taken by the power laws are not arbitrary (Fig. 8). Another possible approach would be to
and that various systems of unrelated fields may analyze the branching-annihilating phenomenon in
display the same critical exponents (see F. Bagnoli’s a specific way, with small-size Markov chains, for
article in this encyclopedia). The class of systems instance, but this remains an open path of research.
which share the same values of exponents is called a
universality class, and in the case of the Game of
Life, Blok and Bergersen found that its phase tran- Other Questions Related to the
sition was likely to belong to the universality class Dynamics
of directed percolation (also called oriented perco-
lation or Reggeon field theory). In order to broaden our view of asynchronous
These measures were later confirmed by a set cellular automata, we now briefly mention some
of more precise experiments (Fatès 2010), and the other problems which have been studied with
critical value of the synchrony rate was measured analytical tools.

Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Table 3 Critical synchrony rates for the ECA with a phase transition
ECA 6 18 26 38 50 58 106 134 146 178
ac 0.283 0.714 0.475 0.041 0.628 0.340 0.815 0.082 0.675 0.410
Asynchronous Cellular Automata 87

ECA 6 ECA 50
0.5 0.5
0.45 0.45
0.4 0.4
0.35 0.35
0.3 0.3

0.25 0.25
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9
α α
ECA 146
plots legend
0.25 k=3
0.2 k=4

0.15 k=5
0.05 exp
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9

Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Fig. 8 Local struc- k = 8 are omitted. The plot in red (labelled “exp”) shows
ture approximations obtained for various approximation the experimental steady-state density obtained for a ring
levels of order k (see Fukś and Fatès (2015) for details). size of n = 40,000 cells after 10,000 time steps
For the sake of readability of the results, the cases k = 7 and

Reversibility the “inverse” of the graph of the original rule. By

The question of reversibility amounts to knowing “inverse” it is meant that the directions of the
if it is always possible to “go back in time” and to transitions are reversed. In other words, the prob-
knowing if any configuration has a unique prede- abilities to go from x to y are identical if one
cessor. This question is undecidable in general, permutes x and y. Interestingly, the authors show
but there are some sets of rules for which one can that the property of being phase-space invertible is
tell whether a rule is reversible or not (see Morita decidable for one-dimensional fully asynchronous
(2008) for a survey on this question). In the con- cellular automata.
text of random asynchronous updating, the ques- Another approach has been proposed by Sethi
tion cannot be transposed in a direct way because et al.: to interpret the reversibility of a system as
the evolution of the system is not one to one the possibility to always go back to the initial
(otherwise we would have a deterministic condition (Sethi et al. 2014). The problem then
system). amounts to deciding the recurrence property of the
To date, two different approaches have been Markov chain. This allows the authors to propose
considered for finite systems. Wacker and Worsch a partition of the elementary cellular automata
proposed to examine the transition graph of the according to their recurrence properties and to
Markov chain of the asynchronous system show that among the 88 non-equivalent rules,
(Wacker and Worsch 2013). A rule is said to be there are 16 rules which are recurrent for any
phase-space invertible if there exists another ring size greater than 2 and 2 rules which are
rule – possibly itself – whose transition graph is recurrent for ring sizes greater than 3 (Fatès et al.
88 Asynchronous Cellular Automata

Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Table 4 Wolfram Fig. 9: if we start from two different initial condi-
codes and transition codes of the 16 recurrent rules (From tions of the same size and apply the same updates
Fatès et al. (2017)). The two separate rules are recurrent for
n 6¼ 3 on the two systems, they quickly synchronize and
adopt the same evolution. This is a particular kind
35: 38:BDFGH 43:ABDEGH 46:BDGH
ABDEFGH of synchronization where no desynchronization is
51: 54:BCDFGH 57:ACDEGH 60:CDGH possible: after the coalescence has occurred, the
ABCDEFGH two trajectories remain identical as the local rules
62:BCDGH 105:ADEH 108:DH 134:BFG are deterministic. The question is to know under
142:BG 150:BCFG 156:CG 204:I which conditions coalescence happens and how
33:ADEFGH 41:ADEGH long does it take in average for two different initial
conditions to “merge” their trajectories.
Rouquier and Morvan have studied experi-
2017). These rules are listed in Table 4. For the
mentally this phenomenon for the 88 ECA with
recurrent rules, the structure of the transition
a-asynchronous updating (Rouquier and Morvan
graph was analyzed as well as the number of
2009). They discovered an unexpected richness of
connected components of this graph, that is, the
behavior: some rules coalesce rapidly and others
number of communication classes of the rules. It
slowly, some never coalesce, some even display
was found that the number of classes of commu-
phase transitions, etc. Insights have been given by
nication varies greatly from one rule to another:
Francès de Mas on this question, and a classifica-
some rules have an exponential number, while
tion of the convergence time has been given from
others have a constant number; the most interest-
both the observation of space-time diagrams and
ing examples were obtained for the rules with an
an analysis of the behavior (de Mas 2017). It is
“intermediary” behavior. For example, for rule
still an open question to provide a complete math-
105:ADEH, the number of communication clas-
ematical analysis of these systems and to issue a
ses is 2 for an odd ring size n and is equal to n/
proof that coalescence can indeed happen in a
2 + 3 when n is divisible by 4 and to n/2 when n is
linear time with respect to the ring size.
even and not a multiple of 4. It is an open question
to generalize these results to other types of rules or
Other Problems
to other types of updating schemes.
There are many other problems which have led to
These results are encouraging, and it is rather
various interesting experimental or theoretical
pleasant to note that contrarily to the problem of
works. For instance, Gacs (2001) and then
convergence seen above, deciding the recurrence
MacAuley and Mortveit (2010, 2013; Macauley
properties of an ECA can be achieved. It is thus
et al. 2008) have provided a deep analysis on the
interesting to see to which extent these results
independence of the trajectories of an asynchro-
apply to a broader class of systems, including
nous with regard to the updating sequence.
infinite-size systems.
Chassaing and Gerin analyzed the scaling relation-
ships that would lead to an infinite-size continuous
Coalescence framework (Chassaing and Gerin 2007). This
In the experimental study of the a-asynchronous framework is also analyzed in detail by Dennunzio
ECA (Fatès and Morvan 2005), a strange phe- et al., who examined how the theory of measure
nomenon was noticed for ECA 46, almost by can be applied to one-dimensional systems defined
chance: though this rule does not converge to a on an infinite line (Dennunzio et al. 2013, 2017).
fixed point and remains in a chaotic-like steady As an example of a possible application of the
state, its evolution does not seem to depend on the use of these dynamical systems, we mention the
initial condition. All seems to happen as if the work of Das et al., who proposed to use such
evolution of the rule was only dictated by the models for pattern classification (Sethi et al.
sequence of updates that is applied. This phenom- 2016), and the work of Takada et al., who designed
enon, named coalescence, can be observed in asynchronous self-reproducing loops (Takada
Asynchronous Cellular Automata 89

et al. 2007a). These are only some entry point to has led to propose the use of some measure-
the literature on this topic, and we refer again to theoretic tools to define m-asynchronous cellular
our survey paper for a wider scope (Fatès 2014a). automata to include the cases of nonhomogeneous
probabilities of updating, infinitesimal ones,
etc. (Dennunzio et al. 2012, 2013).
Openings To complete this point, let us underline that
Bouré et al. have proposed to examine the case
We have seen that the randomness involved in the where the randomness occurs not on the moments
asynchronous updating create an amazing source of updating but on the possibility to miss the
of new questions on cellular automata. After more information from one or several neighbors
than two decades of continued efforts, this topic (Bouré et al. 2012). Interestingly, the study of
shows signs of maturity, and although it remains these new updating schemes, named b- and
in large part a terra incognita, there are some g-asynchronous updating schemes, shows that
insights on how asynchronous cellular automata their behavior partially overlaps with
can be studied with a theoretical point of view. a-asynchronous systems but also reveals some
A set of analytical tools are now available, and novel and unexpected behaviors (e.g., other rules
when the analysis fails to answer all the questions, show a phase transitions).
one can carry out numerical simulations. Readers
should now be convinced that asynchronous cel- Asynchronous Models
lular automata are by no means some “exotic” The theoretical results obtained so far do not tell
mathematical objects but constitute a thriving us what is a good model of asynchrony in general.
field of research. The elements we presented Since cellular automata are defined with a discrete
here are only a small part of this field and should of time and space, it is not straightforward to
be completed by a more extensive bibliographical decide a priori to use a synchronous updating, or
work. Before closing this text, we want to present a fully asynchronous one, or a partially synchro-
a few questions that are currently investigated. nous one. In fact, the most reasonable position
would be to test various updating schemes on a
Defining Asynchrony rule and to examine if it is robust or sensitive to
As mentioned in the introduction, asynchrony is a these modifications. Although this critical atti-
concept that can be defined with a great variety of tude has been quite rare so far, a good example
forms. For example, the notion of a-asynchronous of such a study has been provided by Grilo and
updating scheme needs to be generalized to go Correia, who made a systematic study of the
beyond the simple homogeneous finite case. This effects of the updating in the spatially extended

Asynchronous Cellular Automata, Fig. 9 Rapid coa- middle). The right diagram shows the agreement and dis-
lescence phenomenon for ECA 46 with fully asynchronous agreement of the two systems. Cells in white and light gray,
updating. The same updates are applied on two systems respectively, show agreement on state 0 or 1, while red and
with two different random initial conditions (left and green show disagreement (the order is not important)
90 Asynchronous Cellular Automata

evolutionary games. This question rose after the asynchronous computations (Lee et al. 2016b;
criticisms made by Huberman and Glance (1993) Peper et al. 2010). They represent a potential
to the model proposed by Nowak and May (1992). source of major technical innovations, in particu-
We think that exploring more systematically these lar with the possibility of implementing such cir-
issues on real-world models could help us under- cuits with DNA reaction-diffusion systems
stand to which extent the simplifications operated (Yamashita et al. 2017) or single electron tunnel-
in a model are justified or are a potential source of ing techniques (Lee et al. 2016a).
artifacts (see Fatès (2014a) for other examples).

Experimental Approaches and Theoretical Cross-References

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asynchronous systems are of course primordial. Computation
Among the various approaches, let us mention ▶ Identification of Cellular Automata
that Silva and Correia have shown the importance
of taking into account the time-rescaling effects
when using experiments (Silva and Correia 2013).
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ulation may greatly vary depending on the differ- Belgacem S, Fatès N (2012) Robustness of multi-agent
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2015). Recently, Bolt et al. have raised the prob- with synchronous and asynchronous updating. Com-
plex Syst 21(3):165–182
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puting abilities of general asynchronous cellular cellular automata through variations of asynchronous
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asynchronous lattice-gas models with an application
authors, the question becomes much more delicate
to a swarming rule. Nat Comput 12(4):551–560
if one asks how to simulate an asynchronous system Bouré O, Fatès N, Chevrier V (2013b) A robustness
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Chassaing P, Gerin L (2007) Asynchronous cellular auto-
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nized (Silva et al. 2015). Lee, Peper, and their of AofA’07, volume AH. Juan les Pins, France,
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Pauli operator The three Pauli operators are sx ¼
Quantum Cellular Automata 0 1 0 i 1 0
,sy ¼ ,sz ¼
1 0 i 0 0 1
Karoline Wiesner Phase gate The one-qubit unitary gate
School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, 1 0
Bristol, UK U¼
0 eif
QMA complexity class Quantum Merlin-
Arthur, the class of decision problems such
Article Outline that a “yes” answer can be verified by a
1-message quantum interactive proof
Glossary (verifiable in BQP).
Definition of the Subject Quantum Turing machine A quantum version
Introduction of a Turing machine – an abstract computa-
Cellular Automata tional model able to compute any computable
Early Proposals sequence.
Models of QCA Qubit Two-state quantum system, representable
Computationally Universal QCA as vector a|0i + b|1i in complex space with
Modeling Physical Systems a2 + b2 = 1.
Implementations Schrödinger picture Time evolution is
Future Directions represented by a quantum state evolving in
Bibliography time according to a time-independent unitary
operator acting on it.
Glossary Space homogeneous The transition function/
update table is the same for each cell.
BQP complexity class Bounded error, quantum Swap operation The one-qubit unitary gate
probabilistic, the class of decision problems 0 1
solvable by a quantum computer in polyno- U¼
1 0
mial time with an error probability of at most Time homogeneous The transition function/
one third. update table is time independent.
Configuration The state of all cells at a given Update table Takes the current state of a cell and
point in time. its neighborhood as an argument and returns
Hadamard gate The one-qubit unitary gate
  the cell’s state at the next time step.
1 1
U ¼ p1ffiffi2
1 1
Heisenberg picture Time evolution is Definition of the Subject
represented by observables (elements of an
operator algebra) evolving in time according Quantum cellular automata (QCA) are a general-
to a unitary operator acting on them. ization of (classical) cellular automata (CA) and in
Neighborhood All cells with respect to a given particular of reversible CA. The latter are
cell that can affect this cell’s state at the next reviewed shortly. An overview is given over
time step. A neighborhood always contains a early attempts by various authors to define one-
finite number of cells. dimensional QCA. These turned out to have seri-
ous shortcomings which are discussed as well.

# Springer Science+Business Media LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018 93

A. Adamatzky (ed.), Cellular Automata,
Originally published in
R. A. Meyers (ed.), Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, # Springer Science+Business Media New York 2013
94 Quantum Cellular Automata

Various proposals subsequently put forward by a Neumann presented a detailed analysis of the
number of authors for a general definition of one- above question in his book Theory of Self-
and higher-dimensional QCA are reviewed, and Reproducing Automata (von Neumann 1966).
their properties such as universality and revers- Thus, von Neumann initiated the field of cellular
ibility are discussed. automata. He also made central contributions to the
Quantum cellular automata (QCA) are a quanti- mathematical foundations of quantum mechanics,
zation of classical cellular automata (CA); and in a sense von Neumann’s quantum logic
d-dimensional arrays of cells with a finite- ideas were an early attempt at defining a computa-
dimensional state space; and a local, spatially homo- tional model of physics. But he did not pursue this
geneous, discrete-time update rule. For QCA, each and did not go in the directions that have led to
cell is a finite-dimensional quantum system, and the modern ideas of quantum computing in general or
update rule is unitary. CA as well as some versions quantum cellular automata in particular.
of QCA have been shown to be computationally The idea of quantum computation is generally
universal. Apart from a theoretical interest in a attributed to Feynman who, in his now famous
quantized version of CA, QCA are a natural frame- lecture in 1981, proposed a computational scheme
work for what is most likely going to be the first based on quantum mechanical laws (Feynman
application of quantum computers – the simulation 1982). A contemporary paper by Benioff contains
of quantum physical systems. In particular, QCA the first proposal of a quantum Turing machine
are capable of simulating quantum dynamical sys- (Benioff 1980). The general idea was to devise a
tems whose dynamics are uncomputable by classi- computational device based on and exploiting quan-
cal means. QCA are now considered one of the tum phenomena that would outperform any classi-
standard models of quantum computation next to cal computational device. These first proposals
quantum circuits and various types of were sequentially operating quantum mechanical
measurement-based quantum computational machines imitating the logical operations of classi-
models. (For details on these and other aspects of cal digital computation. The idea of parallelizing the
quantum computation, see the article by Kendon in operations was found in classical cellular automata.
this encyclopedia.) Unlike their classical counter- However, how to translate cellular automata into a
part, an axiomatic, all-encompassing definition of quantum mechanical framework turned out not to
(higher-dimensional) QCA is still missing. be trivial. And to a certain extent how to do this in
general remains an open question until today.
The study of quantum cellular automata
Introduction (QCA) started with the work of Grössing and
Zeilinger who coined the term QCA and provided
Automata theory is the study of abstract comput- a first definition (Grössing and Zeilinger 1988).
ing devices and the class of functions they can Watrous developed a different model of QCA
perform on their inputs. The original concept of (Watrous 1995). His work led to further studies
cellular automata is most strongly associated with by several groups (van Dam 1996; Dürr and
John von Neumann (1903, †1957), a Hungarian Santha 2002; Dürr et al. 1997). Independently of
mathematician who made major contributions to a this, Margolus developed a parallelizable quan-
vast range of fields including quantum mechanics, tum computational architecture building on
computer science, functional analysis, and many Feynman’s original ideas (Margolus 1991). For
others. According to Burks, an assistant of von various reasons to be discussed below, none of
Neumann (1966), von Neumann had posed the these early proposals turned out to be physical.
fundamental questions: “What kind of logical The study of QCA gained new momentum with
organization is sufficient for an automaton to the work by Richter, Schumacher, and Werner
reproduce itself?” It was Stanislaw Ulam who (Richter 1996; Schumacher and Werner 2004)
suggested to use the framework of cellular autom- and others (Arrighi and Fargetton 2007; Arrighi
ata to answer this question. In 1966, von et al. 2007a; Perez-Delgado and Cheung 2007)
Quantum Cellular Automata 95

who avoided unphysical behavior allowed by the Quantum Cellular Automata, Table 1 Update table for
early proposals (Arrighi et al. 2007a; Schumacher CA rule “110” (the second row is the decimal number
“110” in binary notation)
and Werner 2004). It is important to notice that in
spite of the over two-decade-long history of QCA, M 110 ¼ 111
110 101 100 011 010 001 000
1 1 0 1 1 1 0

there is no single agreed-upon definition of QCA,

in particular of higher-dimensional QCA. Never-
theless, many useful properties have been shown number of cells are not in a quiescent state, i.e., a
for the various models. Most importantly, quite a state that is not effected by the update.
few models were shown to be computationally
universal, i.e., they can simulate any quantum The most studied CA are the so-called elementary
Turing machine and any quantum circuit effi- CA – 1-dimensional lattices with a set of two states
ciently (van Dam 1996; Perez-Delgado and and a neighborhood scheme of radius 1 (nearest-
Cheung 2007; Raussendorf 2005; Shepherd et al. neighbor interaction). That is, the state of a cell at
2006; Watrous 1995). Very recently, their ability point x at time t + 1 only depends on the state of
to generate and transport entanglement has been cells x  1, x, and x + 1 at time t. There are
illustrated (Brennen and Williams 2003). 256 such elementary CA, easily enumerated using
A comment is in order on a class of models a scheme invented by Wolfram (1983). As an exam-
which are often labeled as QCA but in fact are ple and for later reference, the update table of rule
classical cellular automata implemented in quan- 110 is given in Table 1. CA with update rule “110”
tum mechanical structures. They do not exploit have been shown to be computationally universal,
quantum effects for the actual computation. To i.e., they can simulate any Turing machine in poly-
make this distinction clear, they are now called nomial time (Cook 2004).
quantum-dot QCA. These types of QCA will not A possible approach to constructing a QCA
be discussed here. would be to simply “quantize” a CA by rendering
the update rule unitary. There are two problems with
this approach. One is that applying the same unitary
Cellular Automata to each cell does not yield a well-defined global
transition function nor necessarily a unitary one.
Definition (Cellular Automata) A cellular The second problem is the synchronous update of
automaton (CA) is a 4-tuple ðL,S, N , f Þ consisting all cells. “In practice,” the synchronous update of,
of (1) a d-dimensional lattice of cells L indexed say, an elementary CA, can be achieved by storing
i  ℤd, (2) a finite set of states S, (3) a finite the current configuration in a temporary register;
neighborhood scheme N  ℤd , and (4) a local then, update all cells with odd index in the original
transition function f :SN ! S . A CA is discrete CA, update all cells with even index in the register,
in time and space. It is space and time homoge- and finally splice the updated cells together to obtain
neous if at each time step the same transition func- the original CA at the next time step. Quantum
tion, or update rule, is applied simultaneously to all states, however, cannot be copied in general due to
cells. The update rule is local if for a given lattice the so-called no-cloning theorem (Wootters and
L and lattice site x, f(x) is localized in x þ N ¼ Zurek 1982). Thus, parallel update of a QCA in
fx þ njx  L,n  N g , where N is the neighbor- this way is not possible. Sequential update on the
hood scheme of the CA. In addition to the locality other hand leads to either an infinite number of time
constraint, the local transition function f must gen- steps for each update or inconsistencies at the
erate a unique global transition function mapping a boundaries. One solution is a partitioning scheme
lattice configuration Ct  SL at time t to a new as it is used in the construction of reversible CA.
configuration Ct+1 at time t + 1:F:SL ! SL.
Most CA are defined on infinite lattices Reversible Cellular Automata
or, alternatively, on finite lattices with periodic Definition (Reversible CA) A CA is said to be
boundary conditions. For finite CA, only a finite reversible if for every current configuration, there
96 Quantum Cellular Automata

belongs to exactly one block, and any two blocks

are connected by a lattice translation. Such a CA is
neither time homogeneous nor space homoge-
neous anymore, but periodic in time and space.
As long as the rule for evolving each block is
reversible, the entire automaton will be reversible.

Early Proposals

Grössing and Zeilinger were the first to coin the

term and formalize a QCA (Grössing and Zeilinger
1988). In the Schrödinger picture of quantum
mechanics, the state of a system at some time t is
described by a state vector | cti in Hilbert space ℋ.
Quantum Cellular Automata, Fig. 1 Even (solid lines)
and odd (dashed lines) of a Margolus partitioning scheme
The state vector evolves unitarily.
in d = 2 dimensions using blocks of size 2  2. For each  
partition, one block is shown shaded. Update rules are c ¼ U jct i (1)
applied alternatingly to the solid and dashed partition
U is a unitary operator, i.e., UU† = 1, with the
is exactly one previous configuration. The global complex conjugate U† and the identity matrix 1. If
transition function F of a reversible CA is bijec- {|fii} is a computational basis of the Hilbert
tive. In general, CA are not reversible. Only 16 out space ℋ, any state |ci  ℋ can be written as
of the 256 elementary CA rules are reversible. P
a superposition ci jfi i , with coefficients
However, one can construct a reversible CA jf i
P i
using a partitioning scheme developed by Toffoli ci  ℂ and ci ci  ¼ 1. The QCA constructed
and Margolus for 2-dimensional CA (Toffoli and by Grössing i and Zeilinger is an infinite
Margolus 1990). 1-dimensional lattice where at time t lattice site
i is assigned the complex amplitude ci of state |cti.
Consider a 2-dimensional  CA with
 nearest  neigh- The update rule is given by unitary operator U.
borhood scheme N ¼ x  ℤ2 8jxi j  1 . In the
partitioning scheme introduced by Toffoli and
Margolus, each block of 2  2 cells forms a unit Definition (Grössing-Zeilinger QCA) A
cube □ such that the even translates □ + 2x with Grössing-Zeilinger QCA is a 3-tuple (L, ℋ, U)
x  ℤ2 and the odd translates □ + 1 + 2x, which consists of (1) an infinite 1-dimensional
respectively, form a partition of the lattice (see lattice L  ℤ representing basis states of (2) a
Fig. 1). The update rule of a partitioned CA takes Hilbert space ℋ with basis set {|fii} and (3) a
as input an entire block of cells and outputs the band-diagonal unitary operator U.
updated state of the entire block. The rule is then
applied alternatingly to the even and to the odd Band diagonality of U corresponds to a locality
translates. The Margolus partitioning scheme is condition. It turns out that there is no Grössing-
easily extended to d-dimensional lattices. Zeilinger QCA with nearest-neighbor interaction
A generalized Margolus scheme was introduced and nontrivial dynamics. In fact, later on, Meyer
by Schumacher and Werner (2004). It allows for showed more generally that “in one dimension
different cell sizes in the intermediate step. there exists no nontrivial homogeneous, local,
A partitioned CA is then a CA with a scalar QCA. More explicitly, every band
partitioning scheme such that the set of cells are r-diagonal unitary matrix U which commutes
partitioned in some periodic way: Every cell with the one-step translation matrix T is also a
Quantum Cellular Automata 97

translation matrix Tk for some k  ℤ, times a crucial to avoid an infinite product of unitaries
phase” (Meyer 1996a). and, thus, to obtain a well-defined QCA.
Grössing and Zeilinger also introduced QCA The Watrous QCA, however, allows for non-
where the unitarity constraint is relaxed to only physical dynamics. It is possible to define tran-
approximate unitarity. After each update, the con- sition functions that do not represent unitary
figuration can be normalized which effectively evolution of the configuration, either by produc-
causes nonlocal interactions. ing superpositions of configurations which do
The properties of Grössing-Zeilinger QCA not preserve the norm or by inducing a global
were studied by Grössing and coworkers in transition function which is not unitary. This
some more detail in following years (see Fussy leads to nonphysical properties such as super-
et al. 1993, p. and references therein). This luminal signaling (Schumacher and Werner
pioneering definition of QCA, however, was not 2004). The set of Watrous QCA is not closed
studied much further, mostly because the “non- under composition and inverse (Schumacher
local” behavior renders the Grössing-Zeilinger and Werner 2004).
definition nonphysical. In addition, it has little in Watrous defined a restricted class of QCA by
common with the concepts developed in quantum introducing a partitioning scheme.
computation later on. The Grössing-Zeilinger def-
inition really concerns what one would call today Definition (Partitioned Watrous QCA) A
a quantum random walk (for further details, see partitioned Watrous QCA is a Watrous QCA with
the review by Kempe 2003). S = Sl  Sc  Sr for finite sets Sl, Sc, and Sr
The first model of QCA researched in depth was and matrix L of size S  S. For any state, s = (sl,
that introduced by Watrous (1995), whose ideas sc, sr)  S define transition function f as
were further explored by van Dam (1996), Dürr
et al. (1997), Dürr and Santha (2002), and Arrighi f ðs1 , s2 , s3 , sÞ ¼ Lðsl3 , sm2 , sr1 , sÞ, (2)
(2006). A Watrous QCA is defined over an infinite
1-dimensional lattice, a finite set of states including a with matrix element Lsi,sj.
quiescent state. The transition function maps a
neighborhood of cells to a single quantum state In a partitioned Watrous QCA, each cell is
instantaneously and simultaneously. divided into three sub-cells – left, center, and
right. The neighborhood scheme is then a nearest-
Definition (Watrous QCA) A Watrous QCA is a neighbor interaction confined to each cell. The
four-tuple ðL,S,N ,f Þ which consists of (1) a transition function consists of a unitary acting on
1-dimensional lattice L  ℤ, (2) a finite set of each partitioned cell and swap operations among
cell states S including a quiescent state e, (3) a sub-cells of different cells. Figure 2 illustrates the
finite neighborhood scheme N , and (4) a local swap operation between neighboring cells.
transition function f :SN ! ℋS. For the class of partitioned Watrous QCA,
Watrous provides the first proof of computational
Here, ℋS denotes the Hilbert space spanned universality of a QCA by showing that any quan-
by the cell states S. This model can be viewed as a tum Turing machine can be efficiently simulated
direct quantization of a CA where the set of pos- by a partitioned Watrous QCA with constant slow-
sible configurations of the CA is extended to down and that any partitioned Watrous QCA can
include all linear superpositions of the classical be simulated by a quantum Turing machine with
cell configurations and the local transition func- linear slowdown.
tion now maps the cell configurations of a given
neighborhood to a quantum state. One cell is Theorem (Watrous 1995) Given any quantum
labeled “accept” cell. The quiescent state is used Turing machine MTM, there exists a partitioned
to allow only a finite number of states to be active Watrous QCA MCA which simulates MTM with
and renders the lattice effectively finite. This is constant slowdown.
98 Quantum Cellular Automata

Models of QCA

Reversible QCA
Schumacher and Werner used the Heisenberg picture
rather than the Schrödinger picture in their model
(Schumacher and Werner 2004). Thus, instead of
associating a d-level quantum system with each
Quantum Cellular Automata, Fig. 2 Each cell is cell, they associated an observable algebra with
divided into three sub-cells labeled l, c, and r for left, center, each cell. Taking a quasi-local algebra as the tensor
and a right, respecti vely. The update rule consists of
product of observable algebras over a finite subset of
swapping left and right sub-cells of neighboring cells and
then updating each cell internally using a unitary operation cells, a QCA is then a homomorphism of the quasi-
acting on the left, center, and right part of each cell local algebra, which commutes with lattice transla-
tions and satisfies locality on the neighborhood.
The observable-based approach was first used
Theorem (Watrous 1995) Given any partitioned in Richter (1996) with focus on the irreversible
Watrous QCA MCA, there exists a quantum Turing case. However, this definition left questions open
machine MTM which simulates MCA with linear such as whether the composition of two QCA will
slowdown. again form a QCA. The following definition does
avoid this uncertainty.
Watrous’ model was further developed by Consider an infinite d-dimensional lattice L  ℤd
van Dam (1996), who defined a QCA as an of cells x  ℤ2, where each cell is associated with
assignment of a product vector to every basis the observable algebra Ax and each of these algebras
state in the computational basis. Here the qui- is an isomorphic copy of the algebra of complex
escent state is eliminated, and thus, the QCA is d  d-matrices. When L  ℤd is a finite subset of
made explicitly finite. Van Dam showed that the cells, denote by A(L) the algebra of observables
finite version is also computationally universal. belonging to all cells in L, i.e., the tensor product
Efficient algorithms to decide whether a given x  LAx. The completion of this algebra is called
1-dimensional QCA is unitary was presented by a quasi-local algebra and will be denoted by A(ℤd).
Dürr et al. (1997), Dürr and Santha (2002). Due
to substantial shortcomings such as non- Definition (Reversible QCA) A quantum cellu-
physical behavior, these early proposals were lar automaton with neighborhood scheme N 
replaced by a second wave of proposals to be ℤd is a homomorphism T:A(ℤd) ! A(ℤd) of the
discussed below. quasi-local algebra, which commutes with
Today, there is not a generally accepted QCA lattice translations, and satisfies the locality con-
model that has all the attributes of the CA model: dition T ðAðLÞÞ  T ðAðL þ N ÞÞ for every finite
unique definition, simple to describe, and compu- set L  ℤd. The local transition rule of a cellular
tationally powerful. In particular, there is no axi- automaton is the homomorphism T0:A0 ! A(N).
omatic definition, contrary to its classical
counterpart, that yields an immediate way of Schumacher and Werner presented and proved
constructing/enumerating all of the instances of the following theorem on one-dimensional QCA.
this model. Rather, each set of authors defines
QCA in their own particular fashion. Theorem (Structure Theorem (Schumacher
The states s  S are basis states spanning a and Werner 2004)) Let T be the global transition
finite-dimensional Hilbert space. At each point homomorphism of a one-dimensional nearest-
in time, a cell represents a finite-dimensional neighbor QCA on the lattice ℤd with single-cell
quantum system in a superposition of basis states. algebra A0 = Md. Then T can be represented in
The unitary operators represent the discrete-time the generalized Margolus partitioning scheme,
evolution of strictly finite propagation speed. i.e., T restricts to an isomorphism
Quantum Cellular Automata 99

T : Að□Þ !  ℬs , (3)

where for each quadrant vector q  Q, the sub-

algebra ℬq  A(□ + q) is a full matrix algebra,
ℬqMn(q). These algebras and the matrix dimen-
sions n(q) are uniquely determined by T.

Theorem (Structure Theorem (Schumacher and

Quantum Cellular Automata, Fig. 3 Generalized
Werner 2004)) does not hold in higher dimensions
Margolus partitioning scheme in 1 dimension using two
(Werner R, private communication). A central result unitary operations U and V
obtained in this framework is that almost any
(Werner R, private communication) 1-dimensional
QCA can be represented using a set of local unitary translations Ux and Uy must commute for all x,
operators and a generalized Margolus partitioning y  L.
(Schumacher and Werner 2004), as illustrated in
Fig. 3. Furthermore, if the local implementation The product VU is a valid local, unitary quan-
allows local ancillas, then any QCA, in any lattice tum operation. The resulting global update rule is
dimension, can be built from local unitaries well defined and space homogeneous. The set of
(Schumacher and Werner 2004; Werner R, private states includes a quiescent state as well as an
communication). In addition, they proved the fol- “ancillary” set of states/subspace which can store
lowing corollary: the result of the “read” operation. The initial state
of a local-unitary QCA consists of identical kd
Corollary (Schumacher and Werner 2004) blocks of cells initialized in the same state.
The inverse of a nearest-neighbor QCA exists Local-unitary QCA are universal in the sense
and is a nearest-neighbor QCA. that for any arbitrary quantum circuit, there is a
The latter result is not true for CA. A similar local-unitary QCA which can simulate it. In addi-
result for finite configurations was obtained in tion, any local-unitary QCA can be simulated
Arrighi et al. (2007a). Here evidence is presented efficiently using a family of quantum circuits
that the result does not hold for two-dimensional (Perez-Delgado and Cheung 2007). Adding an
QCA. The work by Schumacher and Werner can additional memory register to each cell allows
be considered the first general definition for this class of QCA to model any reversible QCA
1-dimensional QCA. A similar result for many- of the Schumacher/Werner type discussed above.
dimensional QCA does not exist.
Block-Partitioned and Nonunitary QCA
Local Unitary QCA Brennen and Williams introduced a model of
Perez-Delgado and Cheung proposed a local uni- QCA which allows for unitary and nonunitary
tary QCA (Perez-Delgado and Cheung 2007). rules (Brennen and Williams 2003).

Definition (Local-Unitary QCA) A local- Definition (Block-Partitioned QCA) A block-

unitary QCA is a five-tuple fðL, S, N , U 0 , V0 Þg partitioned QCA is a 4-tuple fL, S, N , M g
consisting of (1) a d-dimensional lattice of cells consisting of (1) a 1-dimensional lattice of n cells
indexed by integer tuples L  ℤd, (2) a finite set indexed L = 0, . . ., n  1, (2) a 2-dimensional state
of orthogonal basis states S, (3) a finite neighbor- space S, (3) a neighborhood scheme N , and (4) an
hood scheme N  ℤd , (4) a local read function update rule M applied over N .
U 0 :ðℋSÞ ! ðℋSÞ , and (5) a local update
function V0:ℋS ! ℋS. The read operation Given a system with nearest-neighbor interac-
carries the further restriction that any two lattice tions, the simplest unitary QCA rule has radius
100 Quantum Cellular Automata

r = 1 describing a unitary operator applied over a The implementation of such a block-

three-cell neighborhood j  1, j, j + 1: partitioned nonunitary QCA is proposed in form
of a lattice of even order constructed with an
M ðu00 , u01 , u10 , u11 Þ ¼ j00ij00i  u00 alternating array of two distinguishable species
þj01ij01i  u01 þ j10ij10i  u10 (4) ABABABAB. . . that are globally addressable and
þj11ij11i  u11 interact via the Ising interaction. Update rules that
generate and distribute entanglement were studied
where | abihab |  uab means update the qubit at in this framework (Brennen and Williams 2003).
site j with the unitary uab if the qubit at the site j  1
is in state | ai and the qubit at site j + 1 is in state | bi. Continuous-Time QCA
M commutes with its own two-site translation. Thus, Vollbrecht and Cirac initiated the study of
a partitioning is introduced by updating simulta- continuous-time QCA (Vollbrecht and Cirac
neously all even qubits with rule M before updating 2008). They show that the computability of the
all odd qubits with rule M. Periodic boundaries are ground state energy of a translationally invariant
assumed. However, by addressability of the end n-neighbor Hamiltonian was QMA-hard. Their
qubits, simulation of a block-partitioned QCA by a QCA model is taken up by Nagaj and Wocjam
QCA with boundaries can be achieved. (2008) who used the term Hamiltonian QCA.
Nonunitary update rules correspond to
completely positive maps on the quantum states
Definition (Hamiltonian QCA) A Hamiltonian
where the neighboring states act as the environment.
QCA is a tuple {L, S = Sp  Sd} consisting of
Take a nearest-neighbor 1-dimensional block-
(1) a 1-dimensional lattice of length L, (2) a finite
partitioned QCA. In the density operator formalism,
set of orthogonal basis states S = Sp  Sd
each quantum system r is given by the probability
P containing (2a) a data register Sd, and (2b) a pro-
distributionr ¼ iri jcihcj over outer products of
gram register Sp.
quantum states | ci. A completely positive map S(r)
applied to state r is represented by a set of Krauss
The initial state encodes both the program and
operators Fm, which are positive operators that sum
P † the data, stored in separate subspaces of the state
up to the identity mF m F m ¼ 1. The map Sjab(r)
acting on cell j conditioned on state a of the left
neighbor and state b of the right neighbor can then
L  E  
be written as jfi ¼  rj  d j (8)
j¼1 j
j ðrÞ ¼ jabihabj 
S ab m rF m
F ab ab†
The computation is carried out autonomously.
Nagaj and Wocjam showed that, if the system is
 jabihabj: (5) left alone for a period of time t = O(L log L),
polynomially in the length of the chain, the result
As an example, the CA rule “110” can now be of the computation is obtained with probability
translated into an update rule for cell j in a block- p 5/6  O(1/log L). Hamiltonian QCA are
partitioned nonunitary QCA: computationally universal; more precisely, they
are in the complexity class BQP. Two construc-
F j1 ¼ j00ih00j  1j þ j10ih10j  1j tions for Hamiltonian QCA are given in (Nagaj
and Wocjan 2008), one using a 10-dimensional
þ j11ih11j  sjx þ j01ih01j  j1ijj h1j (6) state space, and the resulting system can be
thought of as the diffusion of a system of free
F j2 ¼ j01ih01j  j1ijj h0j, (7) fermions. The second construction given uses a
20-dimensional state space and can be thought of
where sx is the Pauli operator. as a quantum walk on a line.

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