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When You Are Old

S Yaseen Ahmed
English lecturer
Comprehension II

1. How is the ‘one man’ different from the many others who loved the lady?
Ans: The poet now feels that the young lady whom he loves so intensely is
surrounded by many young love aspirants who are merely drawn to her physical beauty.
He doubts if their intentions of love are true or false. In contrast, he says that he is the
one man different from them as he has loved the pilgrim soul in her.
2. Does the poem bring out the transient nature of beauty as against permanence
of love?
Ans: W.B. Yeats in this poem says that the young lady is surrounded by many
who are attracted to her physical beauty. Once it wears off, what remains will be
nothing. He loves her spiritual soul rather than her physical self. The poet thus says that
the lady who now enjoys attention hardly understands that in future she will be left only
with regret. The poem emphasises the fact that beauty is transient against permanence
of love.
Comprehension III
1. Comment on the usage of time frame by the poet.
“When You Are Old” is a poem of contrasts. What purposes do they serve?
Ans: The poem has a time frame of present and future. Besides, it presents striking
contrasts. In the poem the poet feels that his pure love for her is not reciprocated by
her, so he asserts his spiritual love. The poem sets up a time frame of present and
future in comparison with youth and old age. The opening stanza presents the picture of
the future years when the lady will be left with none but only the lines of the poet.
The poem shifts to the present in the second stanza where the poet brings us the
picture of the lady surrounded by love aspirant youth. He regrets that she does not
perceive his real spiritual love. The poem concludes with a shift to the future years
where she will have lost her beauty and love.
The poet has used wide contrasts in terms of present and future and beauty and
time. He takes a conservative stand in his spiritual love in contrast with the many who
loved her glad grace.

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