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लेन - देन

Analysing the accessibility of digital banking services

for Women from marginalised communities

User Research II

Semester 5


Group 2
न - दे

REsearch aim

The research intends to study the

acccesibility of digital banking services for

women from marginalised communities

through the context of....

Group 2
न - दे

REsearch aim

Literacy Cultural Gender Technological

Rates Norms Norms Accessibility

Group 2
लेन - देन

मुख्य शोध
मुख्य निष्क र्ष
కీలక అ న్వేషణలు

Group 2
लेन - देन

Key Findings
Women choose to rely on unofficial The literacy rate of marginalised women
banking mechanisms as they are more is low which in turn makes it difficult for
accessible. They are also more them to access banking services
exploitative Women from marginalised communities
Women find it easier to trust local groups tends to rely a lot on their external
and money lender than banks. This may influences for taking financial decisions
be due to the corporate and detached Banks and governments are doing a
narrative undertaken by the banks as poor job at communicating the schemes
compared to the more personal and provisions they offer.

interaction by the local individuals.

न - दे


Marginalised women in India are unable to be

financially independant due to lack of literacy and

other societal factors like orthodox cultural norms

and inefficient access to information.

Group 2
लेन - देन

To find out if:

a) Women from marginalised sectors

are financially independant?

b) Women have bank accounts?

c) Women are able to use digital banking services

d) Other stakeholders like banks and the males

in the family assist or deny financial access to


Group 2
न - दे


Secondary Research

Detailed Interviews

Card Sorting

User Persona

Empathy Map

Affinity Maps

Group 2
लेन - देन

Key Areas of research

a) Banking system

with emphasis on Accessibility for Marginalised Women

b) Gender Parity and Cultural Influences

c) Literacy

with emphasis on Digital Literacy

d) Family Dynamics

and their impact on Financial Independence

e) Effects of Financial Independence

on accessibility of banking services

Group 2
Research Participants

Sushila Mathur Madhu Naya Sukanya iskar
Age: 35 Age: 20 Age: 37
Location: Delhi Location: Delhi Location: Mumbai
Occupation: Maid at Houses Occupation: Chaukidaari Occupation: Maid at Houses
Income: 15000 and above Income: NA Income: 10000 and above

Managamma Sushila Devi Rubina

Age: 58 Age: 40 Age: 28
Location: Hyderabad Location: Delhi Location: Hyderabad
Occupation: Watch Women Occupation: Maid at Houses Occupation: Nurse
Income: 3000 and around Income: 10000 and above Income: 15000

Meera Singh
Age: 22
Location: Mumbai
Occupation: D-mart empolyee
Income: 10000 and above
Research Participants

Vijay Nayak Ravi
Age: 53 Age: 25
Location: Mumbai Location: Hyderabad
Occupation: security incharge Occupation: Construction Worker
Income: 10000 and above Income: 600/Day
Research Participants

Neeraj Jain
Age: 42
Location: New Delhi
Occupation: Sewa manager
Income: -

Bank Officials
Shoaib Malik Vishnu Kumar
Age: 36 Age: 32
Location: New Delhi Location: Amdabadi
Occupation: Bank Manager Occupation:Bank Employee
Income: 80000 per month Income: 100000 per month
लेन - देन

ु म संशोधन
द्वितीय शोध
సెకండరీ రీసె ర్చ్

Group 2
न - दे

SEcondary research insights

Demonetisation phase: 
 Why are fewer married women joining the

Banning the country’s most widely used notes has hit work force in rural India? : 

poor women hardest, as they often do not have bank A rise in more educated women’s returns to home

accounts production, relative to their returns in the labor

2020, Jan Dhan Yojna Scheme by Government market, may have adversely affected female labor

for women: 
 force participation in rural Indi

As a part of the COVID-19 stimulus package, Mann Deshi Bank : 

announced that they will transfer Rs 500 a month (for The bank was set up for women exclusively for

three months) to all women with Jan Dhan accounts women .They say that they are more than just a bank,

Women getting marginalised further in digital and that they are a community dedicated to

empowering women by helping them become

India, says Unicef report: 

financially confident and independent.
If girls and women remain digitally illiterate, they risk

becoming further marginalised in society and at


Group 2
लेन - दे

म हिला

Group 2
लेन - देन

Interview Insights-Sushila MATHUR Interview Insights-madhu naya

Information regarding banking services isn’t Lack of literacy can lead to confusion with regards to
appropriately conveyed the financial situation of self
Illiteracy leads users into feeling a sense of Women are often bound to their homes post childbirth ,
dependancy on external influencers making financial independance inaccessible.

Interview Insight-sukanya iskar Interview Insight-Mangamma

They tend to rely a lot on their external influences for Literacy and documentation can be major hurdles
taking financial decisions. Bank employees aren’t supportive enough for migrant
Cash is a preferred as it makes money more easily workers.
accessible. This highlights that banking services seem

Group 2
लेन - देन

Interview Insights-Sushila Devi Interview Insights-rubina

Bank schemes and government provisions act as Digitallly literacy doesn’t always translate to being
motivators updated with newer mechanisms
Banking systems do not account for illiteracy. People don’t hesitate to trust local chit funds simply
because they are easier to access.

Interview Insight-Meera singh

In some families finances aren’t necessarily headed
by the males in the house
Even basic education can enable an individual to
showcase financial independance.

Group 2
न - दे

Card sorting

Post transcription of each interview, the important observations were

sorted into various categories. This helped us identify common

patterns and derive insights from the same.

Group 2
लेन - दे


“I have thought about She has taken a loan from Women want to access loans
getting a loan in the future one of the local
but that is only possible if I
get a reasonable salary
moneylenders and to pay
up his amount, they have Women choose to rely on unofficial
that can help pay the loan handed over their bank
whilst also taking care of
my family. I would take a
account details to him. banking mechanisms as they are
home loan.”
more accessible. 

(They are also more exploitative.)

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - दे



“I don't know how to read I’m dependent on my “Barrier to understand the Lack of appropriate documentation
is a major barrier for migrant women
and write & I don't have mother to handle my services is illiteracy, being
basic documents like pan finances. I think she is literate is good
card and address proof.” better at handling money. nowadays.”

Lack of literacy causes the women to

have to rely on external assistance.
Legal Documents are not She stated financial
formed which becomes a literacy as their main
barrier while opening a barrier to open a bank
bank account. account. The other being
the lack of an enabler to
help them make the right

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन


“There was no education She stated financial Lack of literacy becomes
Lack of literacy is one of the major barriers
for me at that time since
we were not even
literacy as their main
barrier to open a bank
a barrier for her to access
the services provided by
for women in opening bank accounts
considered for it.” account. The other being
the lack of an enabler to
the bank. They choose to depend on their family
help them make the right


“I don't know how to read “My husband and my

and write & I don't have daughters. I trust them
basic documents like pan most about money. They
card and address proof.” are more educated than
me. Although I know about
the banking system, I still
feel unsure if I will be able
to do it without their

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन


rEcEIved salary
“Monthly salary is credited “In cash normally, but the She receives her salary in
Women from marginalised sectors prefer to
to my account at the
beginning itself. We even
houses I work for also
have my bank account. So
her bank account and she
also saves her money in
recieve payment in cash but aren’t averse
get an additional salary if
we willingly accept
if there is no cash
available at that moment
the bank itself. to getting paid via bank transfers.

overtime. But again it they generally do bank

depends on what post we transfer. But that happens
are working at.” very rarely.”

At the end of each month

she gets her salary in the
form of cash which is then
sometimes deposited into
her bank account.

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन


pain points
An account has been “I prefer to have cash with “My husband and my
While a need for digital banking services is
opened but debit and
credit card services have
me everywhere I go
because you never know
daughters. I trust them
most about money. They
observed, lack of digital literacy prevents
not been availed. She
pays in cash only as she
whether they will accept
digital/card payments or
are more educated than
me. Although I know about
them from accessing the same
doesn’t know how to use
the banking services.
not. You can get stuck so
to avoid that, I carry cash
the banking system, I still
feel unsure if I will be able
Stringent requirements for documentation
around with me.”
to do it without their
is often a massive barrier for marginalised
communities whilst opening an account.
“I don't know how to read Lack of literacy becomes She tends to face
and write & I don't have a barrier for her while problems when she goes
basic documents like pan trying to access the out for shopping and the
card and address proof.” services provided by the cash gets over.

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन


“The lady I work for “Trust issues. It is as if we “My husband and Most women from this sector are
suggested opening an
account; her husband is a
don’t know anything.
Someone has to help us
daughter taught me how
to transact money influenced majorly by their
bank official. I learned it
from them.”
make choices for our life.”
digitally. So I try to do it
whenever I dont have
cash with me.”

employers and family members

Employers insisting for bank transfers
is likely to entice them into opening
“Money is usually received
in form of cash but
There is no influence from
her married life or from her bank accounts.
sometimes, people ask me family on her savings

to consider a bank

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन


daily transactions mechanisms

She spends money in the “The transactions where “I'm comfortable in all Not everyone is updated with the
form of cash to buy stuff
for the house.
my money is spent the
most is education fees for
mediums of transfer.”
latest and more efficient
my little sister, allowances,
electricity bills and other
family based expenses,
mechanisms like UPI
Cash still remains a favourite mode
and my own expenses like
travelling, personal needs
for transactions.
“I pay through NEFT

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - दे


Subsidies provided with a “I feel that if I have a bank They also get some Government schemes, good interest
rates, pension schemes all act as
good rate of interest on account it would be easy various incentives such as
money invested was for me to save and access rate of interest on money
availed while opening up the money in a more and no charge sheet of
the bank account. secure way” taxes altogether for the
money deposited in bank.
great motivators
Banks and governments are doing a
poor job at communicating these
“Opening up the bank
account is more
“Opened up the bank
account due to
“Benefits that I personally
know of having a bank schemes and provisions as only two
out of 8 subjects were aware of the
trustworthy than humans allowances provided by account is that I could also
when it comes to saving the government.” get a pension directly
up money and doing from the government.”
savings.” same.

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन


trust issues
She has taken a loan from “When I spend money via “Although I know about Women find it easier to trust local
one of the local
moneylenders and to pay
digital services it makes
me feel like my money is
the banking system, I still
feel unsure if I will be able groups than banks. This may be due to
up his amount, they have
handed over their bank
account details to him.
being wasted.” to do it without his
guidance.” the detached narrative undertaken by
the banks as compared to the more
personal interaction by the local
She feels her money is not
at all protected when kept
“I have not taken loan from
a bank but from a self help
She hasn't opened any
bank account and is really
in hands of other men. group. People from our
village trust them.”
scared to talk to people
especially men at the Banking systems portray complexity
which makes them inaccessible
place and is insecure
about her identity.

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - दे


The bank account was set “Savings are handled by “I’m dependent on my

Family has a massive impact on the

up by her husband as the women in our house. mother to handle my
there were allowances We as a family trust them finances. I think she is
and subsidies being more in terms of finances.” better at handling money.
provided by the
financial accessibility of women
Spending and investment patterns of
these women take future plans into
I dont earn any sort of “50% of what I earn is “There is no influence
income. My dependence
is fully on my husband.”
invested in the bank
because we have 4
from my married life or
from my family on my
daughters to look after. savings”

The other half is spent on

home expenses like food,
electricity, etc.”

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन


inefficient users
She has an account but “Although I know about “In cash normally, but the Women aren’t accessing the
she doesn't access any of
the services provided by
the banking system, I still
feel unsure if I will be able
houses I work for also
have my bank account. So complete range of services provided
by the bank and this is due to the
the bank.
to do it without his if there is no cash
guidance.” available at that moment
they generally do bank
transfer. But that happens
very rarely.” inefficient commmunication and
complex systems established by the

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - दे


Migrant WORKER
“As a migrant worker, we “If I go to my village and “I don't have an Aadhaar Women from marginalised sectors
tend to depend on their husband’s
settle down wherever my stay for three months. I card as well as a ration
husband gets an offer to am not going to earn any card. I am considered as a
work as a watchman.” money.” migrant worker.”
work for deciding their geographical
Documents are a big issue for
migrant workers.

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - दे


bANK uSAGE- Cards

She frequently deposits At the end of each month She saves her money in “My husband and “I asked my son to open
the salary in her bank she gets her salary in the the account for short daughter taught me how the bank account as I dont
account. form of cash which is then term, She uses chit fund to transact money know much about paper
deposited in her bank mechanism under local digitally. So I try to do it work”
account sometimes. vendors for long term whenever I dont have
savings. cash with me.”

“Monthly salary is credited “50% of what I earn is “My wage is received in “I have taken loan from a “I pay through NEFT
to my account at the invested in the bank the form of cash but some private bank account to transactions.”
beginning itself. We even because we have 4 people request me to repay our bike payment.”
get an additional salary if daughters to look after. consider a bank transfer
we willingly accept The other half is spent on to my account.”
overtime. But again it home expenses like food,
depends on what post we electricity, etc.”
are working at.”

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन


bANK uSAGE- Insights

Banks don’t provide as much of an
incentive as chit funds for women to
consider long term investments
Women being paid salaries tend to
get deposits and hence, are more
connected to the banking systems
Private loan systems are easier to
access albeit with higher risks.

Group 2
लेन - देन

user personnas & empathy maps

Post transcription of each interview, the important
observations were sorted into various categories. This
helped us identify common patterns and derive insights
from the same.

Group 2
 Independant Dependent
women Women women
Laxmi das Rashmi Sachdeva Surbhi Damani
Security guard Housemaid Housewife
Hyderabad New Delhi Mumbai
लेन - देन
A migrant worker looking forward to settle down at
a place so that she can get the legal documents
that she requires for accessing banking systems.
Laxmi is a security guard at a local colony in Hyderabad. She is a
migrant from Madhya Pradesh and has been living in Hyderabad with
her husband for 10 years. She ran away from her hometown due to the
discrimination and abuse that her family was facing. Due to this, she
has no access to any of her documents.

Migrant women Need and goals Frustrations Influencers

• Job security. • Low wages. • Husband
Laxmi das • Daily sustainance in • Legal documents. • Government

Security guard terms of food and programs.

healthcare. Trust issues in terms of
Hyderabad job security • ociety Members.

• Managing a monthly
Group 2 budget. .
लेन - दे



Being a migrant worker her main Getting a certain amount of interest on
concern was the legal documents. They their savings through fixed deposits was
were one of the main reasons why she capitivating for them, but ultimately
was unable to open a bank account inaccessible due to the lack of
She generally uses cash as the medium documents.

of transaction.
The main influencers for her are her
family members as she trusts them the
most. The husband has played the main
role of taking financial decisions in the
house and she has supported them.

Group 2
लेन - देन

An independent worker whose aim is to earn money

to support her family and pay off her family’s debts.

A worker who serves as a housemaid at 4 households daily. She earns

roughly Rs.10,000 per month. Some of her employers pay in cash while
others do bank transfer. Rashmi lives with her husband, has three kids
and has been married for 15 years. Her husband works as an autodriver.
Independant Need and goals Frustrations Influencers
Women • To pay off the loan as
soon as possible.
• Bank official help and
• Husband

• Government schemes.
Rashmi Sachdeva • Daily sustenance. • Trust issues in terms of
security. • Employers.
• Language is a barrier. • Neighbours.
New Delhi
Group 2
लेन - देन


EMPATHY MAP- Insights ( Rashmi sachdeva)

Due to the lack of ability and skills Investment in mutual funds is what she
which are needed to learn and find considers to give more interest rates
information regarding the digital but is scared of risking her money
banking platforms, she thinks that it is Her main motive is to save money, and
difficult for them to avail services in the pay off the loan that was taken by
banking sector bank.
Allowances and the subsidies that are
provided were the main reason for her
to get attracted to the possibility of
opening a bank account.

Group 2
लेन - देन

A dependent worker whose main aim is to be with

her husband.

Surbhi is a housewife living in Mumbai. She lives with her husband who
runs a roadside tea stall. She has next to no financial freedom as her
husband is the sole breadwinner. He gives her a fixed amount for

monthly household expenses.

Dependent Needs and goals Frustrations Influencers
women • Cutting down daily
• Economic challenges • Husband

• Literacy. • Neighbours.
Surbhi Damani • Savings.
• Bank official help and • Relatives.
Housewife • Access to income support.
generating possibilities to • Friends.
Mumbai help family.
Group 2
लेन - देन



She engages in traditional barter methods
wherein she provides services and
goodsin exchange for some food and
clothes. She does this to save money
Adapting to the new technologies that are
involved for opening of an account is
difficult for her because of insufficient

Group 2
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Group 2
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Interview Insights-Ravi Interview Insights-VIJAY NAYAK

The family has no accessibilty to Perceives banks as the only real
digital platforms and hence has no way to keep money safe despite
knowledge about digital the fact that opening an account
payments involves numerous flaws
They have access to physical Operates a joint account with his
banking as they get good returns sister and shares a cordial
in the form of interest through long relationship that highlights overall
term investments. independance for his sister.

Group 2
न - दे

Card sorting

Post transcription of each

interview, the important

observations were sorted

into various categories.

This helped us identify

common patterns and

derive insights from the


Group 2
लेन - देन


“We have a joint account “I feel banks are more “Banking is a part of my “I do have a smartphone
Men utilise bankiing systems
for two members in the
family that was made for
trustworthy compared to
job, I work under the tally
department (chairman)for
with an internet
connection. It doesn’t
with a lot more confidence
our mother. Now it is in
use for us to save things
society maintenance and

have any kind of mobile

app related to banks but it
despite having similar levels of
up.” has Google pay and
PhonePe installed.”
digital literacy at times. This
highlights the gender parity in
“There are certain flaws in “I only know that we can He does have a bank
bank to open up an check bank balance from account and he uses it,
account but it's too rare our mobile, other than that not so regular but for his
that you will experience I don't know any other long term savings.
them. We have to keep our information or any other
money safe. So there's no methods to access online
choice in today's world banking.”

but trusting them.”

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन


“We have separate mobile “I am aware there are “We do access the There’s a huge gap in society with
phones for every family
member with an access of
digital banking facilities
available through our
internet. As usual, I spend
time on youtube, news, regards to understanding of banking
wifi and mobile data.” phones itself. “ movies, whatsapp, etc.
My niece uses it for
information for her
systems. People assume that apps
projects and so on.”

running on the UPI Framework do not

come under the scope of banking.
“I do have a smartphone “I only know that we can
with an internet check bank balance from
connection. It doesn’t our mobile, other than that
have any kind of mobile I don't know any other
app related to banks but it information or any other
has Google pay and methods to access online
PhonePe installed.” banking.”

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन


“There are certain flaws in “I feel banks are more Banks although trusted aren’t considered
bank to open up an
account but it's too rare
that you will experience
trustworthy compared to
humans.” as rock solid mechanisms.
them. We have to keep our
money safe. So there's no
choice in today's world
but trusting them.”

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
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“I am
haveaware there
thought are
about “IShe
havetaken a loan from
a smartphone Males seem to have greater access
a loan infacilities
the future
through our
if I get a reasonable
one ofanthe
with local
moneylenders and to pay
connection.” to the digital world and this causes
amount itself. “ to pay
of salary
the loan and also take
care of my family at the
up his amount, they have
handed over their bank
account details to him.
disparity in the accessibility of digital
same time. I would take a
home loan.” banking.

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन

user personnas & empathy maps

Post transcription of each
interview, the important
observations were sorted
into various categories.
This helped us identify
common patterns and
derive insights from the

Group 2
लेन - देन
An autodriver whose aim is to support and get his
children a good education after paying off his
vehicle loan
Rakesh is an autodriver who has been driving an autorickshaw for the
past 12 years. He earns approximately 13000 per month and a majority
of it goes into paying his vehicle loan. He lives with his wife, Rashmi and
three kids. He is glad that he has his wife’s support in the house’s

men Goals and Needs Frustrations Influencers

• Pay off the loan. Rise in petrol rates • Husband

Rakesh sachdeva • Savings. Bank official help and

• Customers.

Auto driver • Improve earnings and • overnment


living condition. Literacy. programs.

New- delhi
Group 2 • riends.
लेन - देन



He is very much aware of digital transactions, as
most of his customers prefer to pay via UPI.
His main goal is to clear up his loan
Knowing his current situation, he chooses to take
all the advantages provided by the government
and the bank, i.e subsidies, schemes,etc
He is looking forward to long term savings in terms
of fixed deposits
Being the man of the house, he feels that he is the
one responsible for all the financial decisions.

Group 2
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Group 2
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Interview Insights-Shoaib Malik Interview Insights-Vishnu Kumar

They assume women are more likely to Whilst banks are encouraging female
open bank accounts when the entrepreneurship, it only solves the
stakeholders mention exactly the problem at the middle tier of the
opposite society. Marginalised sectors require
The bank’s observation about the more than just good interest rates.
gender gap being more prevalent due They also rely on external assistance
to the pandemic highlights the reality that banks lack.
of the extent of the situation
Banks tend to make conversations
about banking being accessible to
women seem like a marketing gimick.
Group 2
न - दे

Card sorting

Post transcription of each

interview, the important

observations were sorted into

various categories. This helped

us identify common patterns

and derive insights from the


Group 2
लेन - देन


Banks need to undertake direct
Implementing various
strategies that involve
The YES bank's social and
financial programmes
Incentives are more for
women provided by the actions that can have an impact.
The current actions seem
women to take a step have helped in the growth government in the form of
forward and open up their of family income, self- more intensified offers
bank account with some employment options,
professional and modern

improved health and

cleanliness. underplanned.

As he told about how it Opening of business

has been making drastic accounts and private ones
improvement in terms of for women to even
the given economy I got to exceeding limitations in
know also how the banks certain areas, investment
are again trying to stand plans and even in relation
up again. to medical problems with
more decency

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन


Women in large Accepted that better and The existing gender gap Banks cannot just take women as a
perspective are more
likely to own a bank
relevant financial
initiatives help reduce
has been exposed by the
pandemic. whole since maginalised women
face far worses dynamics than an
account or engage with gender inequality. The
formal banking institutions existing gender gap has
compared to men,cause been exposed by the
of the incentives provided
by the government but its
handled by their husbands

average woman.
With the inclusion of so Opening of business
many policies and accounts and private ones
services for the women it for women to even
can be ensured the exceeding limitations in
women sector in even certain areas, investment
villages can have access plans and even in relation
to basic services and to medical problems with
benefits in order to help more decency.

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन



They prefer to come and Women in large It has also aided in the
deposit their money in the
format of fixed deposits
perspective are more
likely to own a bank
growth of family income,
self-employment options, Banks need better engagement
activities to reach the marginalised
which is seen as a best account or engage with improved health and
method to extrude their formal banking institutions cleanliness
money. compared to men,cause
of the incentives provided
by the government but its sectors properly.
handled by their husbands

Incentives are more for a lot of benefits and the

women provided by the recent services that have
government in the form of been provided prior to the
more intensified offers covid situation

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन



The existing gender gap lockdown and covid Women want to access loans however
has been exposed by the
affected the situation of
the bank and it is now a
issues of not earning enough is a major
bit weak with everyday
improvising policies being
used Women choose to rely on unofficial banking
mechanisms as they are more accessible.
They are also more exploitative.

Note- Each differently coloured sticky note represents a different person

Group 2
लेन - देन

गैर-सरकारी संस्था
गैर सरकारी संगठन
భు త్వేతర సంస్థ

Group 2
लेन - देन

Interview Insights-neeraj jain

Community wide impact can

be created by influencing
even a few people with
proper interventions
Just having a bank account
can also push women
towards greater financial

Group 2
लेन - देन

सहानु भू
ती नकाशा
सहानु भूति नक्शा
అఫినిటీ మ్యాప్

Group 2
लेन - देन


Due to digital illteracy women are forced Women in the marginalised sector are
to take loan from external and unsafe influenced by allowances and subsidies
sources provided by the government and banks. It
Language can be a barrier for migrant acts as encouragement for opening up a
workers wherein they are required to bank account
depend on others to perform all the Services such as self help groups and chit
necessary actions while availing banking funds are considered trustworthy by
services women in the marginalised sectors for
Opening a Bank account requires financial services.
numerous amount of documents which
is often inaccessible for migrant workers.

Group 2
लेन - देन


Most digital banking services rely Banks tend to have too many
on internet access which is an channels of communication that
additional cost burden makes it complicated for women
Family and Neighbours are direct to approach banks at times
influencers in financial decision Women who earn are more aware
making for women.
about banking systems and

Group 2
लेन - देन

टिप्प णियों

Group 2
लेन - दे

Women from marginalised Migrant workers aren’t allowed to
communities tends to rely a lot on open a bank account due to non-
their external influences for taking availability of legal documents, since
financial decisions it is necessary to have address proof
Banks and governments are doing a to avail services
poor job at communicating the The literacy rate of marginalised
schemes and provisions they offer women is low which in turn makes it
Banks don’t provide as much of an difficult for them to access banking
incentive as chit funds for women to services.
consider long term investments.

Group 2
लेन - दे

Financial terminology and jargon which Private loan systems are easier to
is used by banking officials, as well as access albeit with higher risks. Getting
e-banking services, is difficult to loans for marginalised people via
understand for marginalised women traditional banking is often difficult
Trust issues involved with regards to the Women find it easier to trust local
security of the money that has been groups and money lender than banks.
deposited into the bank This may be due to the corporate and
Women choose to rely on unofficial detached narrative undertaken by the
banking mechanisms as they are more banks as compared to the more
accessible. They are also more personal interaction by the local

Group 2
लेन - देन

सिफा रिशों
సిఫార ్సులు

Group 2
न - दे


Effective communication between bank Facility for a video tutorial in terms of

officials and marginalised women would explaining the various services provided

help banks in bridging the gap and by the bank could be implemented so

providing safe and high-quality services that it is easier for the women to

Employers could insist for bank transfers navigate through the system

and entice marginalised women into A medium for authentication can be

opening bank accounts created in a more user friendly way

Migrant workers could be allowed to keeping in mind the lack of literacy.

access banking services by showing a in place of an address proof.

letter of hiring by their employers or the

district officials of thier originating state

Group 2
न - दे


Greater public information

campaigns that highlight the risks

associated with unregulated chit


All communication from the banks

should be simplified and be made

available in multiple languages to

increase accessibility

Greater community outreach must

be initiated to increase permeation

of banking services for women.

Group 2
लेन - देन


Group 2
लेन - देन
Meet the project Team

Prabhutendolkar jAMI GHOSALKAR singhal

Manas SaiAkash Sakshi Chhavi

Group 2
लेन - देन

Thank You

Group 2

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