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1.) Don Eliseo, the father of Armando, owned two (2) parcels of land consisting of 50 sq.m.

and 451
sq.m. located at Antipolo City. The two (2) parcels of land were sold to Honrado at P1,000,000.00
andP750,000.00, respectively, Armando, contending that the contract price for the two (2) parcels of
land was grossly inadequate, tried to negotiate with Honrado to increase the purchase price. When
Honrado refused, Armando then filed a complaint for annulment of the sale. Honrado alleged that the
contract of sale was null and void on the grounds that Don Eliseo, at that time, already had senile
dementia. Honrado, on the other hand, contended that Armando had effectively ratified both contracts
of sales, by receiving the consideration offered in each transaction

a.) What is the status of the contract of sale?

The contract or agreement is spurned. A legally binding document known as a contract of sale
contains the seller's promise to sell the contract and the buyer's agreement to purchase it in exchange
for a set of agreed-upon terms and conditions that are both written down and signed. A legitimate
contract must contain the following clauses: A legal sale or sale contract must contain the following
clauses. Free consent, legitimate object competence of the parties, and consideration are all
requirements for a contract to be deemed enforceable. Due to senile dementia, Don Eliseo, the seller in
this instance, was unable to sign the contract.

b.) What remedy does Armando have, if any?

The only available remedy considering Armando hasn't been hurt or harmed is to revoke the
erroneous contract. The agreement that permits both parties to coexist may be canceled and treated as
if it never existed. Additionally, Armando has the right to request an additional sales agreement be
negotiated with the buyer.

2.) Abel sued Cain for the partition of the lots inherited by both parties from their deceased father. Cain,
however, moved to dismiss on the ground that some years before a final and executory judgment
(based on a compromise agreement) involving the same parties, same subject matter, and same causes
of action had already been rendered by a court of competent jurisdiction, and that therefore the
doctrine of res judicata dearly bars the present case. Abel contends that said judgment is void because
the compromise agreement had been signed on their behalf by their lawyer who had not been
authorized by them to enter into such agreement, and consequently, there can be no res judicata.

a.) What is the status of the compromised agreement?

In the absence of Abel's permission, the settlement agreement was invalid. In order to resolve the
conflict, the parties to the compromise agreement must be capable of or have the authority to do so.
The contract, according to Abel, is void due to the legal professionals' skills. A compromise agreement is
a type of settlement pact that two or more parties have crafted to put a case to rest. The principal
makes a request to act as an agent for lawyers. They should go beyond their scope of authority in their
failure to meet such requirements.

3.) Robin and Rommel entered into an agreement wherein Rommel will deliver the drugs Robin is selling
to a prospective buyer. Two (2) months have passed and yet the contract was not executed. Robin has
been harassing Rommel to fulfill the agreement.

What is the status of the agreement?

The present contract is against the law. That is why because it is illegal in a court of law, the contract is
null and void from the outset, and Robin is unable to enforce it. The contract is void due to its illegality.
Robin cannot make the contract binding in a court of law. The purpose of this agreement is to traffic
drugs. directly from nature.

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