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ISSN 2319-8885


Risk Management in Small Construction Project

Dept of Civil Engineering, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences (Formerly Allahabad
Agricultural Institute), Allahabad, India.
Dept of Mechanical Engineering, Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences (Formerly Allahabad
Agricultural Institute), Allahabad, India.

Abstract: Risk management is a concept which becomes very popular in a number of businesses. Many companies often
establish a risk management procedure in their projects for improving the performance and increase the profits. Projects
undertaken in the construction sector are widely complex and have significant budgets, and thus reducing risks associated should
be a priority for each project manager. The questionnaire prepared for the survey was formulated by seeing the relevant literatures
in the area of construction management. This research seeks to identify the risk factors that affect the performance of construction
projects, using appropriate tools and technique and to develop a risk management framework. The responses were analyzed by
bar chart, standard variance & mean using the software of SPSS. This model enables to know the strategies that propose risk
prevention, risk relocate future suggestion. This study investigates, categorizes and evaluates the risk and develops a risk
management policies and guidelines to the company contractor which can be adopted at the construction projects site for better
and risk free construction work.

Keywords: SPSS, Construction Site, Risk Management Policies.

I. INTRODUCTION construction project) ,Tulsiani group (for group housing

Risk can be defined as an uncertain event or condition project) , local brick factory nearby Allahabad, diplex
that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project construction Pvt. Ltd (sewage & waste water)a questionnaire
objective. It includes both the prevention of potential have been conducted among the employees. When the
problems and the early detection of actual problems when completed questionnaires had been collected, the data was
they occur. Risk is unavoidable and present in every human entered into the Statistical Package for Social Science
situation. It is present in daily lives, public and private sector (SPSS). All questions and sub-questions were converted into
organizations. Risk management nowadays a critical factor variables. Each answer alternative was coded using value
for successful project management, as projects are tending to labels. In total, 90 variables were entered and used for the
be more complex and day by day competition is increasingly analysis. Differentiate three main forms of content analysis –
tougher. According to Chapman and Ward (1997) “All qualitative, quantitative and structural. Despite a set of
projects involve risk – the zero-risk project is not worth quantitative data, a sample of 36 responses was not enough
pursuing. it is best way to identify the risk and follow a for a deep statistical analysis. Thus, simple SPSS tools such
suitable management policy. It not only saves time, cost but as descriptive statistics and custom tables were used. With
also life and future of the country. There are so many their help frequencies, means, distributions and rankings
researches and papers have been published time to time to were obtained. In order to illustrate statistical data, graphs
describe about risk management. were constructed in Microsoft Excel. The analysis of
questionnaire data formed a basis for the interviews.
Allahabad is located at 25.45°N 81.84°E in the southern A. Questionnaire Structure and Design
part of the Uttar Pradesh in the northern part of India at an The questionnaire was tested with a pilot survey for
elevation of 98 meters (322 ft) having the population of 1.11 clarity, ease of use, value of the information that could be
million according to 2011 census and stands at the gathered. The questionnaire survey is divided into two parts.
confluence of two, the Ganges and Yamuna. Over 25 The first part consists of general information like type of
companies & firms working on different infrastructural company, experience, value of their project etc., and the
projects, namely 1) Road construction projects 2) Group second part consists of the construction risk factors for
housing project 3) Local Brick production 4) Sanitation evaluation. Risk factor for this study classified into eight
projects (sewage/waste disposal). The four major categories, namely: financial risk, legal risk, management
construction companies are VIL limited (for road risk, market risk, policy &political risk, technical risk,

Copyright @ 2015 IJSETR. All rights reserved.

environmental risk, social risk. Respondents are 21-30 India. Table 1, below shows the variable function chosen in
Projects, 32 % of respondents are 31-40Projects, 12 % of SPSS 16.0 Created Series.
respondents are 40 above labors so the majority of the
respondents are Project in hand are 31-40. TABLE I: The Variable Function Chosen in SPSS 16.0
Created Series
B. Risk Rating
A Likert scale of 1-5 was used in the questionnaire. A
Likert scale is a type of psychometric response scale
questionnaire, and is the most widely used scale in survey
research. When responding to a Likert questionnaire item,
respondents specify their level of agreement to a statement.
The scale is named after Rensis Likert, who published a
report describing its use. The respondents were required to
indicate the relative critically/effectiveness of each of the
probability of risk factors and their impact to the
management. Analysis of Survey Results: SPSS software
(Statistical Package of Social Studies), this software is one of
the management tool helps to analyze the 5-scale likert factor
analysis. Where Si = significance score assessed by
respondent j for risk i; a, = probability of occurrence of risk i,
assessed by respondent j; and p, = degree of impact of risk i,
assessed by respondent j. By averaging scores from all
responses, it is possible to get an average significance score
for each risk, and this average score is called the risk index
score and is used to rank among all risks. The model for the
calculation of risk index score can be written

Where RS1 = index score for risk i; and

S1 = significance score assessed by respondent j for risk I and

T=Total number of responses. To calculate S', the five scales
for o and (3, this will be converted into numerical (Likert
scale) scales.


As far as the contractor is concerned shortage of skillful  The absence of trained local manpower in the survey,
workers has the maximum risk rating and other risks which mean value calculated (3.56) and Standard Deviation
have maximum risk rating are time constraint, subcontractor value (1.758).
related problems, project delay, and improper verification of  Agreed upon technical specification are not realized
contract documents, and competition from other companies. mean value is (3.28) and Standard Deviation value
For the construction companies, time constraint has the (1.696).
maximum risk rating and other risks which have maximum  Providing special cadre is abided mean value
risk rating shortage of 3and budgeting, and loss due to calculated (3.24) and Standard Deviation value
fluctuation of inflation rate. The least risk rating is (1.615).
environmental risk, social risk, relation with government  The absence of training centers for local manpower
departments, local protectionism and industrial disputes and mean value is (3.32) and Standard Deviation value
problem from near project. Now the point to be noted about (1.600).
the data generated from survey, so in brief the data analysis  Long distance between the project site and resources
reveals that 8% respondent are directors, 48% of the mean value calculated (3.08) and Standard Deviation
respondents are vice directors,12% of the respondents are value (1.706).
project manager,32% respondents are site engineers of work  Meeting should be conducted periodically to ensure
experience 3-5 years. So majority are site engineers. Another the labor provided for the work is good.
survey reveals the result about the labors which plays an
 Proper training should be allotted for the labors.
important role in the execution of any civil engineering
 Proper supervision should be given from the
projects. 8 % respondents are of 50-60 age group and in the
category of skilled labors. 32% labors are of 35-45 age group
and 8% are 75 and above. Survey also reveals that 12%  The proper supervision should be taken care from the
respondents companies are 10 projects or below in hand, Management during the work in progress.
20% companies have 21-30 projects in hand and only 12%  Weakly once work progress report should be
companies have 30-40 projects running in different parts of submitted to know the work is done under the proper
International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.04, IssueNo.13, May-2015, Pages: 2472-2474
Risk Management in Small Construction Project
 The person should have the proper record  Incentives or Bonus from profit will enthusiast the
maintenance. workers
 Work progress record to be checked for the  Increment based on experience or efficiency will lead
maintenance of proper specification. the workers to retain.
 The site engineers and supervisors are responsible for  Technical skilled person to be execute the work.
the training of labors.  Highly technically experienced person to be
 Supervision for the implementation of workers after administrate the project.
the training.  Sufficient technical information’s to be provided in the
 Night time shifting is allowed because there will be drawings and documents
reduction of traffic rate.  Necessary technical trainings to be provide to the
 Day and night work should be helpful for the workers
construction of bridges.  High tech technology equipment and machineries to be
used to get fast and accuracy.
V. RECOMMENDATIONS  Do not awarded the work to inadequate experienced
Possible For the sub-contractors some 50% finance has to contractor.
be given for their work, during the work 30% of finance
should be given for the work in progress. After finishing, VI. REFERENCES
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 Delaying payment to Workers will affect the progress.
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International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research
Volume.04, IssueNo.13, May-2015, Pages: 2472-2474

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