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WEEK 1 LECTURE History of Symbols

Irena dianti atmojo



Symbol Terms

What is a symbol? What are the 3 functions of symbol?

- Social identity, ownership, origins

What is a pictogram? The United States department of transportation uses pictogram to help what?
- A two dimensional picture representing an object. The object is typically conveyed in a reduced
and simplified manner that could be generalized by other regardless of one’s native language, or
degree of literacy.

What does Nicole Recchia’s warning ideogram looks like?

- demonstrates the danger of moving or tipping a vending machine.

What is a rebus? Describe Paul Rand rebus for IBM.

- Rand's rebus only functions in English where the
name for eye matches phonetically for the word "I" in English. (For example in French word for
eye, les yeux, the German, auge, and Spanish ojo, etc. will not apply to the IBM configuration.)

Give an example of a combination of a rebus and a phonogram?

- The ubiquitous I Love New York rebus by Milton Glaser (b. 1929) is a combination of a rebus and
a phonogram.

What is a phonogram?
- Refers to a symbol that represents a spoken sound.

Give an example of a logotype.

- Cocacola logo

In digital age, watermarks are embedded into an image file for what reason?
- The use of watermarks persists today in paper of fine quality. The term has been adopted in the
digital age for marks embedded into an image file for security.

What symbol terms that can increase the status to an everyday object and add value?
- Monogram

Corporate Symbol
In the context of corporate design, symbols and trademarks are used to identify what?
- Symbols and trademarks usually reflected the stylistic period during which they are created.
Products of Wiener Werstätte, or Vienna Workshops are always imprinted with what?
- A monogram of the letters WW was used on printed matter. A stylized rose was used to identify
products from the workshops.

Why is Peter Behrens’ design for AEG is recognized as the first complete corporate identity system?
- Used the symbol as the anchor for an entire design scheme applied to the print work, products
and architecture.

What characterised Raymond Loewy logo design?

- Known for sleek and streamlined product designs.

What does Paul Rand’s symbol design reflect? What makes his work stand out?
- the style of the mid to late 20th century —simplicity, neutrality, clarity— all part of the
vocabulary of the Modernist period. However, Rand added a blend of playfulness and
illustration that made his work unique.

What is the role of the logo according to Paul Rand? What does he think about design that is complex?
- As simple a manner as possible.

What does a “good” logo depends on?

- Distinctiveness, visibility, usability, memorability, universality, durability, timelessness.

Symbol Systems
What kind of symbol terms does Otto Aicher use for the Munich Olympics timetable?
- Modernist modular symbols and then combined them into clear language systems.

What is more important in Henry Dreyfuss design processes?

- A way of figuring out what you need to do, then doing it.

Symbol on screens

Saul Bass office focuses on the production of what?

- Movie posters, film trailers, advertising and logo design.

What was his ground-breaking trailer? What year was it?

- 1955 trailer for Otto Preminger’s The Man with a Golden Arm (trailer online) lead to numerous
other title designs which he created in partnership with his wife, Elaine Bass.

Cultural Issues

Why the symbol mr. yuk was more effective as a stop sign for poisonous substance than skulls and
bones for children?
- Moriarty felt that the traditional skull and crossbones representing poison was no longer
appropriate for children
- The design and color were chosen when Moriarty used focus groups of young children to
determine which combination was the most unappealing. Possible expressions were "mad"
(crossed eyes and intense expression), "dead" (a sunken mouth and Xs for eyes), and "sick" (a
sour expression with the tongue sticking out).

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