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MARCH 2019:

1. The diagram shows a wave before it reflects from a barrier.

Which labelled section of the diagram represents a wavefront?

2. A vibrating object produces ripples on the surface of a liquid. The object

completes 20 vibrations every second. The spacing of the ripples, from one
crest to the next, is 3.0 cm. What is the speed of the ripples?
A 0.15 cm / s
B 6.7 cm / s
C 60 cm / s
D 120 cm / s

3. A narrow beam of light is travelling through a transparent liquid. It meets

the surface as shown, at an angle of incidence of 40°. The refractive index of
the liquid is 1.5.

What is the angle of refraction as the light enters the air?

A 25°
B 27°
C 60°
D 75°
4. What is the speed of X-rays in a vacuum and in air?

5. A sound wave passes a point. The air pressure at that point increases and then
decreases 300 times every second. Which descriptions apply to this sound

6. A boy stands 150 m from a wall. He claps and when he hears the echo, he

immediately claps again. He continues this for some time. Another student has
a stop-watch. She starts the watch on the first clap and stops it on the eleventh
clap. The watch reads 10.0s.
Which value do her measurements give for the speed of sound in air?
A 150 m / s
B 170 m / s
C 300 m / s
D 330 m / s
7. Fig. shows parallel wavefronts of a light wave in ice. The wavefronts are
incident on a boundary with air

The speed of the light wave in air is 3.0 × 108m/s.

The refractive index of the ice is 1.3.
(a) On Fig. :
(i) draw the wavefronts of the wave that passes into the air [3]
(ii) draw arrows to show the direction of travel of the refracted wave [1]
(iii) label the angle of incidence i and the angle of refraction r. [1]
(b) Calculate the speed of the light wave in the ice.
JUNE 2019:
8. When water waves pass through a gap they diffract. The diagrams show
wavefronts approaching a narrow gap. In which diagram will the diffraction
be least?

9. Which conditions are necessary for light to be totally internally reflected?

10. Light is travelling through air. The light strikes a glass block at an angle of

incidence of 45°. The glass has a refractive index of 1.4.

What is the angle of refraction of the light as it enters the glass?
A 29°
B 30°
C 32°
D 82°
11. A pulse of sound is produced at the bottom of a boat. The sound travels
through the water and is reflected from a shoal of fish. The sound reaches
the boat again after 1.2 s. The speed of sound in the water is 1500 m / s.

How far below the bottom of the boat is the shoal of fish?
A 450 m
B 900 m
C 1800 m
D 3600 m
12. (a) Fig. 6.1 shows a water wave in a ripple tank.

(i) State the name of the process that occurs as the wave moves from region A to
region B. [1]
(ii) Suggest a cause for the change in direction of the wave. [1]
(b) Fig. 6.2 shows a transverse wave.

On Fig. 6.2, draw a wave which has half the amplitude and a greater
frequency than the wave shown. [2]
(c) A train travels along steel rails. A person waiting at a station hears the
sound of the train through the rails before he hears the sound through the
(i) Explain why this
happens. ..........................................................................................................
(ii) The speed of sound in the rails is 5800m/ s.
Calculate the wavelength of sound of frequency 1100Hz travelling at this
wavelength = ........................................................ [2] [Total: 7]

13. The diagram shows a ray of light inside an optical fibre approaching point X.

The light is totally reflected within the fibre. The refractive index of the material of
the optical fibre is 1.39. Which condition ensures that total internal reflection
A Q < 45 B Q > 47 C P > 47 DP=Q
14. The diagram shows air particles in a sound wave.

Which row correctly identifies the position of a compression and

position of a rarefaction?

15. A tank contains water. Ripples are produced on the surface of the
water. Refraction is observed. What causes the ripples to refract?
A The cold water in the tank is replaced by warm water.
B The ripples change speed as they move from deep to shallow water.
C The ripples hit the wall of the tank.
D The ripples pass through a narrow gap
16. Fig. 6.1 shows particles of a material in which a sound wave is travelling.

(a) On Fig. 6.1, mark: (i) the centre of a compression with the letter C [1]
(ii) the centre of a rarefaction with the letter R [1]
(iii) one wavelength with a double-ended arrow. [1]
(b) Circle one value from the list which is the speed of sound in water.
15m/s 150m/s 1500m/s 15000m/s 150000m/s 1500000m/s [1]
(c) The wavelength of a sound wave in water is 12cm.
Calculate the frequency of this sound wave using your value from (b).
frequency = ........................................................ [3]
(d) State and explain whether the sound in (c) is ultrasound.
17. Fig. 7.1 shows a ray of light approaching face AB of a glass prism of refractive
index 1.5.

(a) (i) On Fig. 7.1, accurately draw the path of the ray within the prism from face AB to
face AC. You will need to make a measurement from Fig. 7.1 and carry out a
(ii) Determine the angle of incidence of this ray when it strikes face AC.
angle = ........................................................ [1]
(b) Without further measurement or calculation, sketch on Fig. 7.1 the approximate
path of the ray after passing through the face AC. [1]
(c) Fig. 7.2 shows a ray of light travelling within an optical fibre.

(i) Complete the path of the ray of light to the left-hand end of the fibre. [2]
(ii) Name the process taking place at X. ..........................................................................

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