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Class 1

Computer worksheet Chapter 1

Q1. Write the names of four things that you see around you.
_________________ ________________
________________ ________________
Q2. Write the names of any two natural things.
_______________ __________________
Q3. Write the names of any two human-made things.
_______________ __________________
Q4. Write the names of any two things that you see inside in your house.
_______________ __________________
Q5. Write the names of any two things that you see outside of your house.
_______________ __________________
Q6. Write the machine names
( Fridge, mixer, washing machine , camera)
1.The machine which is used to keep our food fresh.__________
2.The machine which is used to click photographs.___________
3.The machine which is used to wash our dirty
4.The machine which is used to grind or mix things.___________

Q7. Choose the correct answer

a) A_________ is a man-made thing.
Cake Tree
b) We can____________ on the computer.
play games eat food
c) A computer is a__________.
smart machine dumb machine
d) Machines work______
slowly very fast
e) Desktop computers need _______to work.
Batteries electricity
Q8. Who am I?
a) I am small. You can hold me in your hand. I am a__________
b) I am smart. I can do many things at the same time. I am
c) I make your work easy. I am a___________
d) You can type or select things by touching me. I am a
Q9. True or false
1. A cycle is a machine.
2. We can wash our clothes in fridge.
3. We used fridge to keep our food fresh.
4. A laptop can fit in our hand.
5. A computer can make mistakes.
Q10. Learn page no 14 in your IT Bytes book.
Computer worksheet Chapter 2
Q1. Write any four places where computers are used .
_____________________ ____________________
_____________________ ____________________
Q2. Match the following
Bank - To learn new things
School - to open a new account
Shop - to book the tickets
Hospital - to make the bills
Railway station - to keep the patient record
Q3. Tick the activity which you can do with help of your hand
Eat food watch movies
Q4. Tick the activity which you can be done on your computer
Run Listen music
Q5. Choose the correct answer
a) You can keep a record of the______ in a library using computers.
Patients books
b) A computer is used to prepare_____ in a restaurant.
Food bills
c) You can use a computer to _____at home.
Sleep study
Q6. True or false
1.You can write letters on a computer.___
2.You can play games on a computer .____
3.Computers are used for forecasting weather._____
4.You cannot cook using a computer.____
Q7. Fill in the blanks
( music , book, type, cartoons, pictures)
1,We can listen to ____________ on the computer.
2.You can draw___________ on the computer.
3.You can _______ tickets using a computer.
4.We can watch ___________ on the computer.
5. You can _______ on the computer using a computer.
Q8. Give one word answer ( by your choice)
1. A game you can play on the computer.______________
2. A place in your school where a computer are used.______________
3. A cartoon you have seen on your computer ._________
4. Your father use a computer to do this .____________
Q9. Learn page no 20 (bottom) and 21 (full)
Chapter 3 worksheet
Q1. Give one word answer
( monitor, speaker, scanner, mouse, keyboard, printout, headset,
typing, CPU cabinet)
1.Which device is used to hear music and sound____________
2.Which device is used to copy the picture on the paper and store it in the
3.Which device is used to draw pictures on the monitor.___________
4.Which device is used to write on the computer______________
5. Which device is used to show the work you are doing.___________
6. Printed work on the paper is called _______________
7.The headphone with a microphone.______________
8.Writing on the computer using a keyboard.______________
9.Another name of CPU box._____________________
Q2. Choose the correct answer
1. A computer has _____ main parts.
Four three
2. A monitor looks like a _______
TV microwave
3. A_______ is used to print a picture on paper.
Printer scanner
4. We use ______ to listen to music without disturbing other.
Speaker headphone
5. A mouse has ________buttons on it
Three four
Q3.True or false
1. A scanner is used to print our work.
2. A monitor is also called a VDU.
3. A speaker is used to record our music.
4. The computer mouse has a tail.

Q4.Learn the match the following in page no 27 and 28.

Q5.Fill in the blanks
(monitor, CPU, draw, keyboard)
1.You can cartoon on the ____________.
2.A mouse is used to _________ pictures.
3.The ____ is the brain of the computer.
4.You can type on the computer by pressing the keys of the
Chapter 4 Worksheet
Q1. Choose the correct answer
1.You should ______ in the computer lab.
Eat not eat
2.______ Are small pictures on the desktop.
Icons symbols
3.Switching on a computer is called ________
Starting up closing down
4.____________ take turns with your friend while working in the
computer lab.
Always never
5.Switching off a computer is called _________
Starting up shutting down
6.The computer works on a ________
Battery electricity
Q2. True or false
1. The power button is the most important button.
2. The main power switch should be kept on for some time.
3. Switching on a computer is known as starting a computer.
4. We should talk to our friends while working on the computer.
Q3.Fill in the blanks
( shut down , straight, pull, eat, noise, gently, clean)
1. You should not ____________ the computer wires.
2. You should sit _______________ while working on the computer.
3. You should _____________ the computer after finishing your
4. Keep the lab__________.
5. Press the keys ______________.
6. Don not make ____________ in the computer lab.
7. You should not __________ anything in the lab.

Q4. Learn page no 35 ( picture) and page no 36.

Q5. Practice Coding book Chapter (1,2,3)

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