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For a time he was director of the physics

populous. The Spanish and Portuguese states of America are mainly

in the 10th century, and recalls its former situation in the

has been more or less skimmed. It varies consequently very

Tuscany against Algiers, in which he displayed such courage and

colour if the thickness is great. This curious phenomenon

Livy and Tacitus; his digressions on the various countries he

he admits that in some respects the development of the two

written by Longfellow on ``The fiftieth birthday of

authority from the legislature to make ordinances or by-laws

military station of Nasirabad, with a population of 22,494.

which enabled the grain, fruit and wine of the Guadiana

geographer, Abu-r-Raihan Muhammad al-Biruni (see

umbels. The plant is a native of the Mediterranean region,

date of either birth or baptism. He was the son of William

arc, and except in the molten state it is not susceptible

small waves, none of which may be sufficiently distinct to

less extensively in the other portions of the state. Cotton

insect fertilizers being mostly wanting at great heights.

genus Heteropleuron are divided among the three subgenera

Highest. Lowest. Difference

Ten MSS. exist, of which the chief are (1-2) Copenhagen,

Lot, the nephew of the patriarch Abraham, and must have been

boreal regions. Where the temperature allowed, vegetable

A. B. Coolidge, Josias Simler et les origines de l'alpinisme

by Richard Coeur de Lion in 1191. In 1229 it was placed

but in her twentieth year she was affianced, at the instigation

was held (Brown v. Foot, 1892, 66 L.T. 649) that a master

to different European powers have still to be brought under

1 With the islands, 11,498,000 sq. m.

art, which took their rise in the ancient Egyptian city of

of electricity. It is now known that the platinum electrodes

the exploits of a band of 400 Portuguese under Christopher da

in the senior department of the Royal Military College at

or rings (which break up into segments) about a tinned-iron

had asked for French coffee and had been supplied with a mixture

his fief as in the case of any other. The enfeoffment of

It is clear that we have here the drama in its nascent

Portugal over this coast region, except for the mouth of the

Col du Carro (Bonneval to Ceresole), snow (C). . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10,302

acids, formerly a common practice, is now exceedingly rare.

hall, and in the larger ones pillars support the roof on all

The excavations have laid bare several other buildings,

can diffuse into or out of the pores: obviously this is

by Eisenlohr this view has changed, for in this work there

of the Maritza; Enos, at the river-mouth, is the nearest by

Great activity was also displayed in completing the work of

first. Among his college contemporaries were Taine, Francisque,

the form of secret societies and revolutionary agitation,

Rodd, concluded a friendly treaty with Abyssinia (15th

enemies as they hunted animals. In their war dances, which

gramme-calories of energy per minute per square centimetre

returned to Malmesbury, where he was a monk under Maildulf

stigma. The oosphere is not differentiated within the wall of

granted. Ultimately he was permitted to ascend from the Artillery

$2,834,639), foundry and machine-shop product (value, 1905,

Reptilia for it. J. F. Meckel,3 on the other hand, while

Lucia. But nothing decisive occurred. The Spanish fleet

senior incumbent of St Paul's Chapel in the Cowgate. For

and Antichrist (1623, 4to), that he had ``received all'' his

the title Commentarios do Grande Affonso d'Alboquerque .

its entirety till 1901, when a new act came into operation.

which are the two principal mosques. A large part of the

lake shore, where it ends in a low rounded hill. In general,

underlying the phenomenon of the universe stands to us in the

Manning, Menelek provided a force of 5000 to co-operate with

Oriental alabaster is either a stalagmitic deposit, from the

than any other single country. Most of the British alkali

continuously. In the XIIth dynasty a gigantic tomb was

an extremely beautiful table and set of men, belonging to Ibn

history of Mont Blanc has been written by Ch. Durier, Le

down as a finely-divided precipitate of alum meal. If much

conservation of force or the indestructibility of matter. . . .

diarrhoea. It is an ingredient in pot-pourri, is employed

the impure amber is called firniss. Enclosures of pyrites

the mouth of the Baron of Bradwardine in Waverley, chap.

mysticism. His best known works are: a manual of theology

a number of small states under the control of the British and

war, making several successful expeditions into Corinthian

The Emperor Hadrian, trans. by M. E. Robinson (1898).

being provided out of the rates. The Act 30 & 31 Vict. c.

urge him to this great enterprise. Some lines of the Roman

a British cruiser west of Ireland on his return journey, was

receive evidence and report as to whether any modification

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