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originated in the ordinary neck-cloth worn by all classes of

other kind, and in some cases neither kind, has hitherto been

tradition. It is well known that in the 5th century each

and distributing a very large extent of fibrous feeding root

formal factor in aesthetic experience we have many special

rather longer than the posterior. The females lay a vast number

of alpaca imported into the United Kingdom is black and

seaport is situated in 12 deg. 45' N. lat., and 45 deg. 4' E.

to the Nautical Almanac. A keen controversy arose in France

objects. In gathering materials for this great work Agassiz

triangular outline that is to be expected from tetrahedral

primary, secondary or tertiary amides, according to the

Americans, who had far greater facilities for building than

reader and investigator of all available authorities, as well

was launched on Victoria Nyanza 1896 by a British mercantile

treaty of Leipzig, and Albert received Meissen, together,with

and on the west by the Miri Hills, the villages of the tribe

alphabets in the West, the progress of writing was no less

Bengel's Gnomon, as does also his Commentarius utriusque

that it should take place at a fixed time--the festival of the

can readily be produced in the coastal region and at various

AMORITES, the name given by the Israelites to the earlier

boundary line of Afghanistan on the north-west had been settled

configuration of the body, that is to say, in reptiles with a

making good out of imperial funds the deficiency in local

undisputed master of Syria, he abandoned himself to a life of

lamb-ales (that held at lamb-shearing); Whitsun-ales, clerk-ales,

duty, but he had far less natural aptitude for war than his
are constantly required in judicial enquiries, sometimes

department, a refreshment-room, a lavatory, &c. The first

zeal for reform, and when radicalism assumed more and more

and taken prisoner in the ensuing conflict at Momemphis; the

and more representative of Africa, this theory must not be

confused and disastrous battle of Chancellorsville (q.v.).

chemical effect of luminous rays; their action generally depends

pharyngeal bar clothed with hypoblast, the outer face covered

holding members of their own race in peonage. A law forbidding

already settled in Algeria. To favour the establishment

1895 7065 29,221 6376 12,238

orange. The pus is characteristic, varying in consistency

were made by traders in the interests of commerce, and that

one molecule of PbO2 to sulphate at the same time that an

gill-slits (1ps-14ps.) The larvae swim normally like the

1472. It is in the form of a dialogue between himself and

along y and given with respect to our moving axes by

Kharosthi and Brahmi letters are found upon Persian

Florence. Of his prose works the most distinguished for

Siberia, in the Maritime Province. The gulf extends from Cape

A little later in the same year he received the well-deserved

son of Zeus and Aegina, daughter of the river-god Asopus.

class called Alpgemeinden (for instance in the well-known

withdrawn. Examples among the Egyptian monks of this blind

yds. In addition to this ``statute'' or ``imperial acre,''

below. This created in the general public the impression

Eritrea, as their colony was now called. Meanwhile John had

the receipts from the sale of a paper cover all its expenses

e.g. Robert Abbot, bishop of Salisbury. He is also wrongly

views were not able to hand them on to the next generation.

may give a bluish colour to amber. The so-called ``black

aediles always ranked higher than the plebeian, their functions

of January 1888, or J. A. Fleming, A Handbook for the

AGRIONIA, an ancient Greek festival, which was celebrated

She made her profession as a Franciscan nun at sixteen or

Christ Church, Canterbury, and chaplain to King Canute, and

and he was only mollified for the time by Napoleon's public

La Montagne a travers les ages (2 vols., 1902-1904); G.

In July 1852 the committee of the Kew Observatory resolved

contemplated version of the Odyssey. But the simultaneous

certain festivals in honour of Dionysus, probably because

1890, Belgium had again an opportunity of annexing the Congo

was reopened, and commerce soon began to flow in its former

Paris in the following May. Returning home he was created

At Laibach, whither in the spring of 1821 the congress had

history of religious toleration. Before reaching England he

situation was moreover singularly precarious. The Arabs

the making of an affiliation order. In the case of twins it

in the same seasons at Thermopylae (Hyp. iv. 7, 25 ff.;

others, and with mysticism imbibed from the great teacher

ground. A Teutonic origin has been suggested in the Old High

crossing of Africa took place. That crossing and all subsequent

end of the reaction is near. The inflammable gas is carbon

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