Raster Vector

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RasteL _ E1tH. .
by Htxagon Geospa.tial. ~MG

MG filc:s use• hierarc~ic~ I forma.t (HFA) tha~

op1ional to store basic. mformauo n about t~
,le. For example. this c;in include lilc
ERDAS Imagine (!MG) forrna1ion. groWld control points and ,;ensof'

'"" I
h nster layer as pan of an JMG lik contai I
formation about ilsda.ta values. For example
his inc ludes projcciion. su11istics. attributes.
yramids and whether or not it's a continllou$ or
iscTc1c1ype ofrast~!:_

lnformation lnlen:hangc n their native form, ASCII tel11 files store GIS
ASCl!Gri:I ta in• delimited fo~ . This coukl
mma. ~ c or tab-dclumted format. Goini;:
m non-spa.tial to spatial da1a. you can run a.
nnnion~ss 1001 like~Cll to r.l'l!_tt. .
Gc-oTIFF has btcome an industry ima8C
andard lileforGJSandsatcllitcremote sensini;:
plications. GcoTJFFs ma y be 11Ccon..,anied

TFW is the workl file 1hal is required t

.TJF givt)Ourrtilergeolocation.
GeoTIFF TIFF XML optionally accon..,any GeoTI FF
AUXauxi liaryfilc:s~oreprojections a
other information.
OVR p)ffmid files ,mprovc
performance forlllSleTdisplay.
www.re ji npau l.co rr

RST do(llllltntacion fik (ROC) is •
IDRJSIRasleT" text fik for RST files. Tory ass ign
or columns and ro-.,i lo RST lilts
this. thc,y r«ord lhe file l)')M:'
rdina1c syS1em,reFtttnceunitsandpo1il iona

~tension for single/muhi-band aerial a nd

1c lli1eimagny.

Band l111crlea\~ for Line(BIL) s tores

pixelinformationbaKdonrowsfor all
bands inanimage I
Envi RAW Raster .BIP
usignspixel,.. tuesforeachband bY,
Finally, Band sequcn1ia l format (BSQ)
A()fffsq,anie band.I by rows

dcp1h and_layou1 Ul._an imag_e.

id filcsare 1 proprictaryforma1de,·elopcd by
ri. Grids hll\"e noeim:nsion and arc uniquc-
ausc 1heycanhokl attributeda11in1 rastcr,
,le. Blll the, caich IS that you can only add
. . , . I

~::iq:~: ::bihe
oou111 rq,R5Cn1ing the number of

1wo1ypes ofEsriGrid files arc integer

at ing point grids. Land 001·cr would be: an
xa11111 lc ofa discrete grid. Each dass has ~
iquc: integer ce ll 1'a h1C. Elrva1ion data is a n
xa mp le of a floating point grid. Eac h ce ll
re,;en1s anelcvationlloatin• valuc:.
Eilt1Hio•- -:,-,c
l'!a .:~ Z =fi~ is BY FAR the mosl common
you' l1 cnco11n1cr. All
n sourcc acreptshapc fik::
s so 11biquilous tha1il' s
s1andard .

EsriSMJ)Cfilc .SIIP.

SIIP is lhc fcalui~ gtomclry.

• S HX is 1hcWpcindc1 posilioTL
• DBF is 1hc a11rib1m:data.

~ ing. GcoJSON J.lorcs coordinatcJ .s tut

Pn J.-\..Scripl Obj:'Ct Notaljon (JSON) form.
his ir11:ludc1v«1orpoinls.linctandpolygons

coJSON stcn objects wilhin curly braces l l

Geo ~pl,ic JavaScript Objttl .GEOJSON hnc1 in gcllCnll ha,..: kss markup o,"ffllClld
Notalion(GeoJSON) .JSON f;~= ~~ -~~~~~~=modify in
y 101cdi1or.

ographyMarkupL.anguagc phc fonn of tcit: S imilar lo G~JSON. GML
l:an be updated m any 1ext editor. UCh fotu.rc

tr-::_u;; t~ics~:o':~~!t~:inn.

dcrcncc J)'Stcm.

hcn: isgcnera llymon:o\"crhcadwhcn

ompan: GML with GeoJSON. Th is is because
ML n:1111\U in JTWJrc data for lhc sa me amoune
r,rimaril y for Google Eanh. KML was
quired by Google.

MZ (KML-Zipped) rrplaccd KML as being

Google Keyhole Maitup ~he default Google Earth grospatial fomwit
langllilge (KMUKMZ) .KMZ t::~:~ ~:::7:c::::a~f~~
ftheOpcn Gcospatial COIIIIO!"lium in 2008.

Thc longiude.latiluckro~ncnts(dccimal
ystemof l9S4(WGS84). Thevertical
~ n t (altitude)ilmcaliUTCdinmcttrs
~m the WGSS4 EGM96 Geoid \"ertical
r,., r ~ xc ,.. ngc 0111 .... 1Slfl A<>u . scn,:ma11i;11
llescribes waypoints. trackll and rollles
aptun:d from a GPS ~ci,-er. B«ause GPX ii
n cxchangclormat.youcanopenlytransftr
GPS dala from one program IO another based
!c;PS eXchange Format (GPX .GPX oi:sdcscrip1ionpropn1iu .

he minimum requirement for GPX ue

1itudeandloogitudecoordinates. lnaddition.

nd udingtimc.cle va1ionandgcoidhe1gh1 as

~DRISI ~cc:tor data ~les haw • VCT cxlcns~n

• woh, voe rn=~•-

CT format an: limicd to poinli. linc s.

.VCT Jygons. textandphotos.Upon t~crcation
IDRIS! V«tor
.voe an!DRISl,·cc:tor~le
.• ita_, _tOll'l3t_x:ally
rca tesadocwnrnlahonfalelorbu11ding

tributesarestorcddautlyinttx:,-cctorfib .
ut youcanopt ionallyuscindepcndentdata
~ blesand,'llue~. _ ___,

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