Discovering The Scientist Within Research Methods in Psychology 1st Edition Lewandowski Test Bank

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Discovering the Scientist Within Research Methods in Psychology 1st Edition Lewandowski Test

Discovering the Scientist Within Research Methods

in Psychology 1st Edition Lewandowski Test Bank

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1. Developing a research question to determine what a person feels, thinks, or does would
be best suited for:
A) descriptive research.
B) experimental research.
C) correlational research.
D) quasi-experimental research.

2. Developing a research question to explore why a person feels, thinks, or behaves in a

particular way is best addressed by:
A) descriptive research.
B) experimental research.
C) correlational research.
D) observational research.

3. Gershoff and colleagues (2010) found that:

A) the implementation of corporal punishment was significantly related to less
B) the implementation of time-out was significantly related to less anxiety.
C) the expression of disappointment was not significantly related to child aggression.
D) the implementation of corporal punishment was significantly related to greater

4. In the study examining parental discipline practices associations with child behaviors in
an international sample, the results indicated that:
A) the implementation of corporal punishment was significantly related to less
B) the implementation of time-out was significant related to less anxiety.
C) the implementation of time-out was significantly related to greater anxiety.
D) the implementation of corporal punishment was significant related to less anxiety.

5. The deliberate infliction of pain by physical force for the purpose of discipline best
A) disappointment.
B) corporal punishment.
C) time-out.
D) shaming.

Page 1
6. Corporal punishment results in:
A) immediate compliance.
B) less aggression.
C) higher levels of moral internalization.
D) improved parent-child relationships.

7. Corporal punishment results in:

A) delayed compliance.
B) less aggression.
C) lower levels of moral internalization.
D) improved parent-child relationships.

8. When a parent communicates the rationale for a rule and the subsequent consequences
of the child's actions, the parent is most likely using what form of discipline?
A) nonaggressive power assertion
B) induction
C) aggressive power assertion
D) aggression power compliance

9. Sarah's mother does not communicate the reasons behind her actions, but rather uses
corporal punishment or another immediate punishment to discipline Sarah. Sarah's
mother most likely falls into what category of discipline?
A) nonaggressive power assertion
B) induction
C) aggressive power assertion
D) aggression power compliance

10. Choose which description would be best termed authoritative parenting.

A) Samantha's parents are warm and affectionate, but have high expectations for
B) Tony's parents are warm and affectionate, but have very few, if any, expectations
for Tony.
C) Sylvia's parents are neither warm nor affectionate and have very few, if any,
expectations for Sylvia.
D) Taylor's parents are not warm and affectionate, but have very high expectations for

Page 2
11. When devising your research question, it is important to have clear:
A) differentiation of authorship.
B) conceptual definitions of terms.
C) designation of duties of lab assistants.
D) grant funding.

12. Which describes the common and accepted practice of conceptually defining terms for
A) making up new definitions not based on the literature
B) not checking literature for existing definitions
C) using previously existing definitions from the literature
D) developing a vague and broad definition of terms

13. One of the biggest advantages of self-report measures is:

A) real-time interval sampling.
B) accurate predictions of future behaviors.
C) introspection.
D) limited impact of social desirability.

14. Which of the following scenarios would be best suited for descriptive research?
A) providing positive feedback to one group of students and negative feedback to
another group of students to observe their subsequent behaviors
B) conducting home visit observations and in-depth parent interviews to determine
why certain behavior problems exist for students
C) dividing students in classrooms based on their IQ and then implementing a certain
teaching style
D) interviewing teachers regarding problem behaviors in their classrooms

15. Social desirability is:

A) the tendency for individuals to overreport socially acceptable qualities and
underreport undesirable qualities to look better.
B) the tendency for individuals to underreport socially acceptable qualities and
overreport undesirable qualities to look better.
C) the tendency to overreport undesirable qualities in an effort to look worse.
D) the tendency to restrict behavior.

Page 3
16. Research practices that utilize behavioral choice may inflate a(n):
A) ecological validity.
B) artificial environment.
C) behavioral traces.
D) introspection.

17. Research practices that utilize behavioral choice may introduce:

A) multiple options.
B) behavioral traces.
C) introspection.
D) restriction of options.

18. Which of the following is NOT an advantage of observational research?

A) increase in Cohen's d
B) identify key factors related to phenomenon
C) identify connections between variables of interest
D) assist in formulation of theories

19. Loretta and her friend Simon sat on a bench in the food court at the mall all day on
Saturday to observe communication and eating patterns of different ages, sexes, and
ethnicities. Loretta and her friend Simon needed this information to complete a paper for
their sociology class and had decided on what behaviors they were going to focus on
prior to their observation on Saturday. This is an example of:
A) laboratory observation.
B) systematic observation.
C) analogue study.
D) participant observation.

20. Euna is a 22-year-old college student. Given the principle of social desirability she is
likely to _____ the number of alcoholic beverages she consumed at a party this past
A) underreport
B) overreport
C) to not report
D) to challenge

Page 4
21. Luella has a 2-year-old son and a 4-year-old daughter. When in the presence of her
parents she is likely to _____ the number of problematic behaviors of her children
according to the principle of social desirability.
A) underreport
B) overreport
C) not report
D) challenge

22. Deliberately making children misbehave to observe parental reactions would be a(n)
_____ research behavior.
A) ethical
B) unethical
C) moral
D) fitting

23. Tiana wants to see if individuals react differently to negative feedback from men than
from women. This would be an example of a(n):
A) analogue study.
B) laboratory observation.
C) systematic observation.
D) participant observation.

24. Gemma is studying young White women between the ages of 18 and 25 years. Choose a
limitation of her study based on this provided information.
A) internal validity
B) concurrent validity
C) content validity
D) external validity

25. Alden goes to his sociology professor for advice regarding a research question. Alden
wants to have complete control of his participants and their environment and he asks his
professor which observational method would be most appropriate. What is his
professor's answer?
A) systematic observation
B) laboratory observation
C) naturalistic observation
D) participant observation

Page 5
26. Dr. Keefer is skeptical of using laboratory observation designs as he knows they are
susceptible to both _____ and social desirability.
A) demand characteristics
B) natural behaviors
C) artificiality
D) personality characteristics

27. Which of the following would improves ecological validity?

A) artificiality of setting
B) computer-based programming
C) demand characteristics
D) real-time responses by participants

28. Researchers may experience several difficulties when engaging in participant

observation. Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with participant
A) systematic underestimation of events
B) systematic overestimation of events
C) impartiality
D) erroneous conclusions

29. You are socializing with your friends Rolanda and Zackary. Another couple who you
don't know, Alyse and Tyn, joins the gathering. You see Rolanda and Zackary discipline
their son with a tap on the hand for sticking his fingers in the potato salad and you see
Alyse and Tyn discipline their daughter by tapping her bottom for throwing the potato
salad. You react with harsher judgment to the punishment by Alyse and Tyn than to the
punishment by Rolanda and Zackary. One potential reason for this discrepancy could
A) social desirability.
B) observer bias.
C) artificiality.
D) external validity.

30. Demarco is initiating a naturalistic observation of children and their parents. Which of
the following is NOT absolutely necessary to continue with naturalistic observation
A) informed consent
B) coding system
C) research protocol
D) approval from the institutional review board

Page 6
31. In most nonconcealment observations it is best to use _____ disclosure.
A) full
B) partial
C) nonexistent
D) comprehensive

32. Donna enlisted to be a part of a psychological study at her university for extra credit.
She read the informed consent form and knew she was going to be observed in the
classroom during her next course exam. Donna became uncomfortable and starting
putting more thought into your typical exam behavior knowing that someone was
observing her. This is an example of:
A) perception.
B) bias.
C) ecological validity.
D) reactivity.

33. Evangelina was part of a summer reality television show and it is finally starting to air
on TV. She watched the first several episodes and noticed that she appeared very timid
initially, but then began to exhibit some embarrassing drinking and dating behaviors.
What happened?
A) Evangelina's reactivity decreased.
B) Evangelina's reactivity increased.
C) Evangelina's bias increased.
D) Evangelina became aware of active deception.

34. Concealment studies tend to drastically reduce issues with all of the following,
A) ecological validity.
B) reactivity.
C) deception.
D) social desirability.

Page 7
35. Dr. Reef wanted to study relationship break-ups in natural settings. She enlisted several
of her research assistants to recruit couples for the study. She fully disclosed the goals of
the study to one of the individuals in the couple and only told the other individual that
the study was focused on relationships. Dr. Reef devised “natural” scenarios where a
break-up would occur and gained permission from both parties to observe. Dr. Reef was
not fully honest with both participants for the sake of her research question, but the
deception may not have been justifiable. Which of the following is true?
A) Dr. Reef's research used active deception ethically.
B) Dr. Reef's research used active deception unethically.
C) Dr. Reef's research used nonconcealment efforts ethically.
D) Dr. Reef's research used concealment efforts ethically.

36. If concealment efforts are deemed justifiable and acceptable for the purposes of the
specific research question, which setting would be considered an ethical medium for
obtaining the data?
A) hiding under someone's bed in their dorm room
B) sitting on a bench in a community park
C) installing hidden cameras in a bathroom
D) audio recording conversations in retail store fitting rooms

37. Dr. Daneker has been reading through the last 10 years of literature on the topic of
veterans, mental health, and deployments to develop a representative and accurate list of
terms and to make sure she is appropriately and clearly describing her study variables in
her upcoming research study. Dr. Daneker was:
A) developing a coding system.
B) debunking previous literature.
C) developing research protocols.
D) developing operational definitions.

38. Which would likely be considered the most accepted operational definition for the term
A) someone younger than 18 years still living at home
B) someone between the ages of 2 years and 17 years old
C) someone between the ages of 13 years and 17 years old
D) someone younger than 25 years still living at home

Page 8
39. In a 2008 study examining discipline practices among mothers and fathers suggests:
A) discipline practices of mothers do not influence how the father disciplines the
B) discipline practices of single mothers do not influence discipline practices of single
C) discipline practices of mothers influence how the father disciplines the children.
D) discipline practices of single fathers influence discipline practices of single

40. In a 2010 study examining reasons for parental discipline it was found that the two main
reasons to change a child's behavior are:
A) parental embarrassment and safety.
B) safety and model social norms.
C) model social norms and teach perfection.
D) punishment and reinforcement.

41. According to the famous Asch (1951) study individuals feel:

A) pressure to display unique behaviors.
B) pressure to draw lines the same as the person next to them.
C) pressure to be just like their peers.
D) pressure to correct behavior to align more with expectations.

42. In a 2000 study investigating the relation between socioeconomic status and discipline,
the researchers found that:
A) higher-income parents tended to endorse harsher discipline practices overall.
B) lower-income parents tended to endorse harsher discipline practices overall.
C) lower-income parents tended to endorse more lenient discipline practices overall.
D) higher-income parents tended to endorse more monetary discipline practices.

43. In early research it has been found that the presence of others negatively influences:
A) performance on complex and simple tasks.
B) performance on an athletic activity.
C) performance on a task and the decision to help someone in need.
D) naturalistic observations.

Page 9
44. A set of rules that helps guide how a researcher classifies and records observations
refers to:
A) a coding system.
B) an action plan.
C) a research protocol.
D) descriptive statistics.

45. Mr. Gregory and Dr. Eszpara are researching eating habits in various different types of
restaurants. They have several different research questions they would like answered by
these observations. One research question focuses on how long between the first bite of
the entrée before alcohol is ordered by either party. This research question would best
be addressed by:
A) frequency count recording.
B) duration recording.
C) interval recording.
D) variable schedule recording.

46. Mrs. Sommer and Dr. Elston are researching eating habits in various different types of
restaurants. They have several different research questions they would like answered by
these observations. One research question focuses on how many different times couples
ate at different eating establishments to help determine any patterns in behavior. This
research question would best be addressed by:
A) frequency count recording.
B) duration recording.
C) interval recording.
D) variable schedule recording.

47. Dr. Lorns is examining snoring patterns in males and females. He is interested to see if
men snore more frequently than women and has developed a sleep lab to help answer
this research question. He will most likely use:
A) frequency count recording.
B) duration recording.
C) interval recording.
D) variable schedule recording.

Page 10
48. Dr. Timmons is investigating criminal behavior trajectories, specifically the length of
time between the first criminal act committed and the first criminal act that resulted with
incarceration in prison. Dr. Timmons is interviewing hundreds of prisoners for his data
collection. Dr. Timmons will be playing close attention to:
A) frequency count recording.
B) variable schedule recording.
C) interval recording.
D) duration recording.

49. Dr. Pryor is continuing previous research on suicidality by interviewing families as to

the occurrence of completed and attempted suicides in the last four generations. Dr.
Pryor will most likely use:
A) frequency count recording.
B) variable schedule recording.
C) interval recording.
D) duration recording.

50. There are multiple considerations Tessa must make when thinking about her sociology
homework. She has been given the task to observe diverse children interact. She has
decided to go to a neighborhood park near her parents' home. Her parents live in an
upper-middle-class, predominantly White neighborhood. Which of the following would
be an issue with her sample at the park?
A) low ecological validity
B) high external validity
C) lack of representativeness
D) observer bias

51. Dr. Yanira is an education specialist and has begun observing various schools
throughout the county. Dr. Yanira randomly selected a private school in the area with
the highest per-capita income to be her first school observation. She decided to base her
request for budget, school supplies, school lunches, among many other things on that
single observation. What is the main issue with her results from that single observation?
A) low ecological validity
B) low external validity
C) lack of representativeness
D) observer bias

Page 11
52. Dr. Izmen decided to conduct research multiple nights at the county fair. He decided to
observe patrons on both weeknights and weekends, as well as in the afternoon, early
evening, and late evening. He had research assistants throughout the fair, at different
booths, noting observations about parenting behaviors and romantic relationship
behaviors. He was able to collect data on a diverse sample in age, ethnicity, sex, and
socioeconomic status. Dr. Izmen's study has:
A) high external validity.
B) low external validity.
C) lack of representativeness.
D) observer bias.

53. A study in which an observer must make accurate decisions as to the relationship an
individual has with another person (e.g., friend, parent, sibling, romantic partner)
without being able to question the individuals being observed would rely heavily on:
A) subjective reasoning.
B) research protocol.
C) observer training.
D) blind observations.

54. As discussed in the text, most child discipline research focuses on:
A) fathers.
B) mothers.
C) grandparents.
D) stepparents.

55. Who is the worst candidate to be an observer in a study?

A) a trained unbiased observer who was not involved in the development of the study
B) a trained college student who has moderate understanding of coding systems
C) the researcher who is responsible for the inception and development of the study
D) a trained research assistant from another research lab

56. Observer training teaches all of the following, EXCEPT how to:
A) minimize potential biases.
B) identify and define appropriate situations.
C) properly record behaviors.
D) use personal judgment in coding.

Page 12
57. Dr. Peltier wants his research assistants to be as unbiased as possible when coding
observations of participants in an upcoming study on gender identity. One of the most
effective means of ensuring limited biases is to conduct:
A) intra-observer reliability.
B) blind observations.
C) external validity.
D) duration recording.

58. Blind observations mean that trained observers do not know:

A) how to code behaviors.
B) what behaviors to code.
C) what the study is about.
D) the individuals they are observing.

59. The goals of training observers include all of the following, EXCEPT how to:
A) conduct ambiguous observations.
B) conduct consistent observations.
C) conduct accurate observations.
D) conduct objective observations.

60. Herschel and Lynn were trained observers in Dr. Pettier's research lab. Herschel was
known for being consistent in his coding and observations of a rat named Perry, and
although Lynn was trained at the same time as Herschel, her observations of Perry were
not as dependable as Herschel's observations. Herschel had:
A) high intra-observer reliability.
B) high inter-observer reliability.
C) low inter-observer reliability.
D) low intra-observer reliability.

61. Herschel and Lynn were trained observers in Dr. Pettier's research lab. Herschel was
known for being consistent in his coding and observations of a rat named Perry, and
although Lynn was trained at the same time as Herschel, her observations of Perry were
not as dependable as Herschel's observations. Lynn had:
A) high intra-observer reliability.
B) high inter-observer reliability.
C) low inter-observer reliability.
D) low intra-observer reliability.

Page 13
62. An example of intra-observer reliability would be:
A) When compared with each other Dell and Trinity's observations of the local food
fair are consistent and accurate.
B) Kenneth provides consistent and accurate observations of the primates in his
assigned habitat at the zoo.
C) Margo and Tarah's observations of a daycare center classroom have a high degree
of consensus.
D) Fawn and Altha's observations of the local soccer match have a low degree of

63. An example of inter-rater reliability would be:

A) Marlon has been stable and precise in his observations of mating behaviors among
fruit flies.
B) Donovan provides dependable and uniform observations of harvesting behaviors
on a local farm.
C) Babette provides repeatedly consistent and accurate observations of the lunar cycle.
D) Ronaldo's and Frank's observations of altruistic behaviors at a local homeless
shelter have a high degree of consensus.

64. Pilot studies are important in order to do all of the following, EXCEPT:
A) refine the study design.
B) provide clarity in the coding system.
C) refine methodology.
D) promote subjectivity.

65. When evaluating the observations of two research trainees using a new coding system
you notice that there is little consensus among their ratings. This lack of consensus may
illuminate issues with all of the following, EXCEPT:
A) potential biases.
B) reactivity.
C) problems with coding system.
D) effectiveness of training.

Page 14
66. Dr. Marcus developed a study examining verbal arguments in movie theaters. His
research protocol and coding systems specified that trained observers were only
supposed to observe theater goers for a specific period. The trained observers were
supposed to observe whether a verbal argument did or did not occur for 15 minutes and
then not observe for 10 minutes and then observe again for 15 minutes and so on until
the movie ended. This would be an example of:
A) continuous recording.
B) duration recording.
C) interval recording.
D) frequency-count recording.

67. Dr. Haltyn was conducting a case studying on an adolescent male in the school setting.
She attended all of his classes and sat in the back of the room and recorded all of the
adolescent male's behaviors in each class throughout the day. This would be an example
A) continuous recording.
B) duration recording.
C) interval recording.
D) frequency-count recording.

68. Dr. Flores studies primate behavior during the day and at night. She spends a 24-hour
period observing and coding all of the primate's behaviors in the captivity habitat. This
would be an example of:
A) interval recording.
B) duration recording.
C) continuous recording.
D) frequency-count recording.

69. Dr. Lansing was interested in children's real-time reactions to loss. He had a party and
invited all of the participants and their parents. He gave each child a puppy at the
beginning of the party. At the end of the party he made an announcement that the
puppies needed to be returned to him before they left the party. Dr. Lansing had
research assistants throughout the grounds recording the real-time reactions of the
children upon news of the loss of their new puppy. The best description for this would
be a(n):
A) blind observation.
B) contrived observation.
C) continuous observation.
D) interval observation.

Page 15
70. Dr. Poppins wanted to study adolescents' reaction to disappointment. At the beginning
of a local concert, Dr. Poppins had the announcer broadcast that the musicians would be
available immediately following the concert for autographs and photographs. At the end
of the concert all of the youth crowded into the autograph area. The announcer then
stated that the musicians had to leave unexpectedly and would be unable to stay.
Trained observers were planted throughout the arena recording the attendees' reactions
to the news. The best description for this would be a(n):
A) blind observation.
B) interval observation.
C) continuous observation.
D) contrived observation.

71. The 2007 study that focused on how individuals react to insult took place on a local
train in:
A) Canada.
B) United States.
C) England.
D) the Netherlands.

72. In a 2007 study in a local train in the Netherlands researchers were interested in how
individuals reacted to insults. The results indicated:
A) insulted participants with a strong belief in honor displayed more anger, less joy,
and less fear than those with a weak belief.
B) insulted participants with a strong belief in manners displayed more anger, more
joy, and more fear than those with a weak belief.
C) insulted participants with a weak belief in honor displayed more anger, less joy,
and less fear than those with a strong belief.
D) insulted participants with a weak belief in manner displayed more anger, more joy,
and more fear than those with a strong belief.

73. Data for a given participant is likely to be represented in a statistical dataset within a(n):
A) column.
B) row.
C) cell.
D) observation.

Page 16
74. A researcher is interested in what behaviors are common among individuals during
summers of intense and atypical heat waves. This would be indicative of a(n):
A) inferential statistic.
B) multiple regression.
C) descriptive statistic.
D) summative evaluation.

75. Researchers at a local advocacy center are interested in the types of behaviors foster
children engage in when in the presence of their foster family in comparison with their
biological family. This would be indicative of:
A) descriptive statistics.
B) multiple regressions.
C) summative evaluations.
D) inferential statistics.

76. Admissions counselors use _____ to determine whether GPA is predictive of success
during a student's freshmen year in college.
A) descriptive statistics
B) inferential statistics
C) summative evaluations
D) formative evaluations

77. Dr. Juni is organizing data from his recent study on aggression. He decided to classify
participants based on their self-reported hair color: blond, brown, red, and black. Dr.
Juni then runs analyses using these groupings. Dr. Juni is grouping the participants
based on a(n):
A) categorical variable.
B) continuous variable.
C) ordinal variable.
D) interval variable.

78. McGuire is classifying and arranging data from his recent park observations. He has
grouped participants into three classifications: parents, children, and youth. McGuire is
grouping the participants based on a(n):
A) interval variable.
B) continuous variable.
C) ordinal variable.
D) categorical variable.

Page 17
79. Dr. Alier is examining psychopathic tendencies among prisoners and nurses. He decided
to provide a self-report questionnaire to prisoners and nurses and asked them to
complete it. Dr. Alier and his research assistants then followed up with individual
interviews for all of the participants. Scores on the self-report scale ranged from 0 to
106. In this example psychopathic tendencies are a(n):
A) interval variable.
B) continuous variable.
C) ordinal variable.
D) categorical variable.

80. Mr. Chapman is a local scientist studying germ incubation times for varying fungi. He
records the incubation times to the second, minute, and hour. This would be an example
of a(n):
A) nominal variable.
B) ordinal variable.
C) continuous variable.
D) categorical variable.

81. Charlese creates charts showing her teacher the number of times she referred to her
notes, PowerPoint slides, textbook, flashcards, and classmates to study for the last three
exams in the class. Charlese has unknowingly developed a(n):
A) continuous variable.
B) frequency distribution.
C) interval recording.
D) duration recording.

82. Dante had to complete a project for his statistics class. He was tasked with going to a
nursing home and recording the various types of physical activity and how often
residents engaged in each activity on a given day. Dante then had to organize the
information in a clear and concise manner. Dante probably displayed his information in
A) observation schedule.
B) coding system.
C) frequency distribution.
D) mode.

83. Which of the following is the appropriate symbol for mode?

A) M
B) Mdn
C) Mn
D) Mo

Page 18
84. Which of the following is the appropriate symbol for mean?
A) M
B) Mdn
C) Mn
D) Mo

85. Which of the following is the appropriate symbol for median?

A) M
B) Mdn
C) Mn
D) Mo

86. Which of the following is NOT a measure of central tendency?

A) M
B) R2
C) Mo
D) Mdn

87. Dr. Regent was evaluating the inter-rater reliability between Trisha and Fitz's study
observations. Which would be the most appropriate statistic to measure agreement
between their observations?
A) Cohen's d
B) Cohen's f
C) Cohen's kappa
D) Cohen's alpha

88. Which of the following is the most appropriate calculation to determine the level of
agreement between two observers coding categorical items?
A) Cohen's kappa
B) Cohen's f
C) Cohen's d
D) Cohen's alpha

89. LaQuila's dance team scored the following at the last 10 dance competitions: 6, 6, 9, 3,
10, 9, 9, 5, 8, 8. The mode for these scores would be:
A) 6.
B) 8.
C) 9.
D) 10.

Page 19
90. Olive has been tracking her progress in training for a triathlon. Here is the list of the
miles she ran for the last 15 days: 2, 1, 6, 5, 8, 9, 2, 4, 7, 6, 6, 8, 9, 2, 2. The approximate
mean for this set of data would be:
A) 4.
B) 5.
C) 6.
D) 7.

91. Olive has been tracking her progress in training for a triathlon. Here is the list of the
miles she ran for the last 15 days: 2, 1, 6, 5, 8, 9, 2, 4, 7, 6, 6, 8, 9, 2, 2. The median for
this set of data would be:
A) 4.
B) 5.
C) 6.
D) 8.

92. Triny has been recording the number of times she says “um” for the last 7 days to help
improve her public-speaking grade. She recorded the following data for the last 7 days:
23, 27, 12, 10, 5, 5, 5. What is the approximate average number of times she says “um”
over the 7-day period?
A) 12
B) 15
C) 17
D) 22

93. Inter-observer reliability calculations can range from:

A) –1 to –2.
B) –1 to 1.
C) 0 to 1.
D) 0 to 2.

94. Research suggests that a value of _____ or higher indicates high inter-observer
A) .05
B) .5
C) .7
D) 1.2

Page 20
95. Categorical data is best visually represented by a:
A) bar chart.
B) regression line.
C) polygon.
D) flow chart.

96. According to the text and recent studies, spanking remain a common practice in the
United States, with approximately _____ of parents still using this form of discipline.
A) 62%
B) 76%
C) 80%
D) 87%

97. Catrina wants to determine which book on the summer reading list is most preferred by
her students. She has collected data at the beginning of the school year for the last 3
years. What statistic should she use to show the most frequently reported preferred
A) the mode
B) the median
C) the mean
D) the range

98. Kiyoko is wondering which friend sends and receives the most text messages, on
average, during a 1-week period. Kiyoko records the number of text messages received
and sent for each friend at the end of each day. Which measure of central tendency
would most accurately answer Kiyoko's question?
A) the mode
B) the median
C) the mean
D) the range

99. Chanelle needs to choose a measure of central tendency that is less influenced by
outliers. Which measure of central tendency would be most appropriate?
A) the mode
B) the median
C) the mean
D) the range

Page 21
100. Kyra wanted to determine what types of monetary currency was used to pay for
merchandise at a local bargain store. She noted there was an assorted use of currency
including, but not limited to, dimes, quarters, $5 bills, $20 bills, and $100 bills. To
easily explain the selection of currency taken by the bargain store Kyra should use_____
to describe the data collected.
A) the mode
B) the median
C) the mean
D) the range

Page 22
Answer Key
1. A
2. B
3. D
4. C
5. B
6. A
7. C
8. B
9. C
10. A
11. B
12. C
13. C
14. D
15. A
16. B
17. D
18. A
19. B
20. B
21. A
22. B
23. C
24. D
25. B
26. A
27. D
28. C
29. B
30. A
31. B
32. D
33. A
34. C
35. B
36. B
37. D
38. B
39. C
40. B
41. D
42. B
43. C
44. A

Page 23
45. B
46. A
47. A
48. D
49. A
50. C
51. B
52. A
53. C
54. B
55. C
56. D
57. B
58. C
59. A
60. A
61. D
62. B
63. D
64. D
65. B
66. C
67. A
68. C
69. B
70. B
71. D
72. A
73. B
74. C
75. A
76. B
77. A
78. D
79. B
80. C
81. B
82. C
83. D
84. A
85. B
86. B
87. C
88. A
89. C
90. B

Page 24
Discovering the Scientist Within Research Methods in Psychology 1st Edition Lewandowski Test

91. C
92. A
93. C
94. C
95. A
96. C
97. A
98. A
99. B
100. D

Page 25

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