Comm101outline22 23spri̇ng

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Fall 2022 – 2023


COURSE CODE & TITLE COURSE LEVEL : COMM101- Introduction to Communication
COURSE TYPE : Faculty Core
GROUP(S) : 01
COURSE PERIOD(S) & : Wednesday: 08.30-11.20
INSTRUCTOR : Dr. Pembe Tölük
OFFICE TEL : 03926302633
OFFİCE HOURS : Tuesday: 09.30-12.20 and 14.30-15.20

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course introduces its students to the field of Communication and
Media Studies. In addition to providing the students with the necessary knowledge and skills to
understand and analyze interpersonal, intercultural, mass, and computer-mediated communications, the
course aims to equip students with the tools needed to open the communication field to critical scrutiny.
With the acquisition of study skills to grasp the meaning of communicated messages in their wider social,
political, and historical contexts, and by dealing with the debates concerning the different
conceptualizations and practices of communication from issues related to language, discourse, and
representation to existing institutions and regulations of telecommunication, the students can expect to
cultivate an ethical sense of responsibility concerning their communicative actions.

COURSE MATERIAL: Suggested Books

J. Fiske (1990) ‘Introduction to Communication Studies’ Routledge

K. E. Rosengren (2000) ‘Communication: An Introduction’ Sage Publications

R. Dimbleby and G. Burton (1998) ‘More than Words: An Introduction to Communication’ Routledge

AIM(S) AND OBJECTIVES: This course aims to provide an understanding of communication studies.
This course offers interdisciplinary experience in basic human communication such as interpersonal
communication, intercultural communication, communication in groups and organizations, and mass

GENERAL LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this course, the student will have basic
knowledge about communication studies, communication models, and the importance of communication
in this era.

(A)(A-): exceeded expectations, work above what is required, superior, excellent: Students’ work and
understanding of the topics in the course contents is of exceptional quality and the submissions (of exam
papers and/or assignments/homework) show a depth of understanding of the issues embodied in the
program/course outline. Excellent understanding of the concepts and the principles of the concerned
theme as demonstrated by correct and accurate knowledge and application of practical homework.
Response to problems/questions is clear, legible, concise, and accurate. Completing all of the assignments
on time in an outstanding manner. Excellent performance.

(B+)(B)(B-)(good): met all expectations as specified for the class in a professional manner, good:
Student's work demonstrates above -average understanding of the issues embodied in the program /course
outline. Better than average understanding of the concepts and the principles of the concerned theme as
demonstrated by correct and accurate knowledge (as shown in exam papers) and application of home
work, but doesn’t have the depth and outstanding quality of “A”. Response to problems / questions in
exams is fairly clear, legible, but occasionally contains some inaccuracies. Completing assignments on
time in an above average manner. Performance exceeds the minimum requirements.

(C+)(C)(C-) (average): met minimum class requirements: Student's work (as shown in exam papers
and/or assignments) meets the minimum requirements of objective criteria. Work shown in exam papers
and assignments demonstrates average understanding and effort. An average understanding of the
concepts and the principles of the concerned theme as demonstrated by reasonably correct knowledge
and application of practical work in answering questions / solving problems / completing assignments
etc., but doesn’t have any depth. Response to problems / questions is reasonably clear, legible, but
contains inaccuracies. It reveals a sufficient understanding of the issues, but lacks depth in understanding
and approach in tackling the problems / questions / issues. Content and form don’t go beyond basic
expectations and/or display some substantial errors. Acceptable performance that doesn’t go beyond the
minimum requirements.

(D+)(D) (narrowly fail): did not meet minimum requirements: Student's work does not adequately
fulfill requirements, but still deserves credit. It demonstrates weak / below average understanding and/or
effort. The answers to the questions do not show reasonably correct knowledge; they do not meet the
minimal standards yet reveal insufficient understanding of the issues concerned. Performance
demonstrates severe problems in many areas. Completing assignments on a level measurably below
average, incomplete assignments or not completing many assignments. Student has to make more effort
to pass the course.

(D-)(F) (fail): did not meet minimum requirements and must repeat the course next semester:
Student's work is unresolved, incomplete and/or unclear. Minimum course objectives are not met, and
student's work demonstrates lack of understanding or effort. Performance is not acceptable. Work does
not meet the most minimal standards. It reveals no understanding of the issues concerned, lack of basic
academic skills and knowledge or completely incomprehensible writing. Not completing many of the
assignments, or completing assignments inadequately or both.
(NG) (nil grade): Failure due to absence. Indicates poor attendance and/or failure to complete assigned
work including exams. Conditions that lead to NG Grade.

i) Not attending the Class and Studios more than 20% of the total hours.
Not attending any Mid-term and / or final exams or submitting any course work assignments.


This course is the main introduction course to the Communication and Media Studies, hence, it is
associated with all other COMM courses.


This course is composed of Lecture in the class.


Mid-term Exam : 30
Final Exam : 40
Presentation : 20
Attendance and Participation: 10

COURSE POLICIES: Attendance is compulsory.


TOPIC: Prior to the class, you should

read these texts:
WEEK 1 Introduction to the Course
01.03. Suggested reading books in
2023 outline

WEEK 2 What is communication? Suggested reading books in

8.03. 2023 outline

WEEK 3 Communication Theory Suggested reading books in

15.03.2023 outline

WEEK 4 Communication Theory Suggested reading books in

22.03. outline
WEEK 5 Gerbner’s model (1956), Lasswell’s model (1948), Suggested reading books in
29.03. Newcomb’s model (1953) outline
WEEK 6 Interpersonal communication and intercultural Suggested reading books in
05.04. communication outline

WEEK 7 Mass communication

12.04.23 Suggested reading books in

WEEK 8 Communication in groups Suggested reading books in

19.04.23 outline

WEEK 9- No lecture this week.

10 MID-TERM EXAMS WEEK (24 April – 08 May 2023)
WEEK 11 Communication in organizations Suggested reading books in
10.05.23 outline
WEEK 12 Interpreting the media
17.05.23 Suggested reading books in

WEEK 13 Communication, meaning and signs

24.05.23 Suggested reading books in

WEEK 14 The importance of meaning and signs in Suggested reading books in

31.05.23 Communication outline

WEEK 15 Signification: Denotation and Connotation Suggested reading books in

07.06.23 outline
WEEK Lecture ends this week.
16-17 FINAL EXAMS WEEK (12 – 24 June 2023)

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