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Amman- Jordan


Insurance agent – GIG Jordan

Jan.2022 – Present

• Attracting people and introducing them to the company

• Introducing the company, the service it provides and the insurance
• Renewing, amending, or canceling insurance policies.
• Receipt of insurance premiums and their delivery within a maximum
period of 48 hours prior to receipt

Business development department-Trust insurance

solutions L.L.C

Feb.2021 - Dec.2021

Trust Insurance Solutions works with our investment teams to ident areas of
risk or exposure our clients that might face and help find ways to mitigate

• Offer all types of direct insurance including; fire insurance, life

insurance, marine insurance, travel insurance, individual and group
medical insurance
• Consultations setting up insurance and reinsurance companies
• Consultations with insurance and reinsurance companies
• Performing technical professional feasibility studies

Section Head – Accounts Receivable – Financial Dept.

First Insurance

Jan 2016 – 2021

• Responsible for the company's accounts receivable (individuals and

companies) in all branches
• Work on the distribution of geographical areas to the collectors
• Coordinating with all the company's departments regarding giving
the approval to issue insurance policies and studying the client's
• Organizing with the other departments regarding the company's mail
and following up with the responsible postal company
• Follow up with all collection employees at the company's
headquarters and all branches and give a monthly report
• Coordinate activities of staff members to ensure a smooth and
efficient department that reduces the number of cases that are
• Create and implement strategies to increase the number of
successful collections on outstanding debt.
• Work on developing monthly and annual plans to develop the
collection process and make it keep pace with changes in the market
• Communicate with clients to build and maintain a strong working
relationship and reduce the number of clients who stop working with
the company.

Public relations – Financial Dept. – First Insurance


- Dec.2009- Jan.2016

• Adjustment and collection of outstanding receivables

• Follow up on customer opinions and create surveys to measure
customer satisfaction with the service provided.
• To facilitate the company's work, we follow all official and
nonofficial departments.
• Review all insurance proposals and provide the company with
all requirements.

Business Development Officer at First Insurance Company

- Jan.2008- Dec.2009

• Developing and sustaining solid relationships with company

stakeholders and customers.
• Analyzing customer feedback data to determine whether
customers are satisfied with company products and services.
• Providing insight into product development and competitive
• Develop and implement social and advertising programs
• Analyzing financial data and developing effective strategies to
reduce business costs and increase company profits.

Sales Officer at Arabia Insurance

Jan.2007- Jan.2008
• Deal with all customer enquires
• Ensure that each sale stage is completed in its time and accurate manner
• Cross-sell assets and fee products
• Follow financial procedures for all sales
• Ensure customer satisfaction through regular engagement


Course in principles of marketing, Arab Insurance Company

Course in retail loans: pricing strategies and credit collection
Course in safety and marketing

• Available on request

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