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Installing with Uponor

S olu t ions f or p ota bl e

wat er ins ta l l at ions
Uponor is dedicated to providing solutions
for maintaining good quality of the potable
water on its way through the building to the
water tap.
Drinking water fresh as from the spring

Spring water freshness – It's not a matter of This means that hygienic aspects
must be taken into account in the
course that the potable water we take from the early planning phases. This is a
water tap is of comparable quality. Such quality vital aspect, as fact findings in the
recent years have increasingly dis-
demands a high degree of efficiency in the closed that microbiological germs
planning phases, as well as expert knowledge such as legionella pneumophila
pose a problem that must not be
and foresight. underestimated particularly with
regard to large-scale potable water
You may rest assured that when If you have ever taken a drink from systems.
planning the project and installing a clean spring, you will know how
Last but not the least, the high-
the system in cooperation with fresh and clear potable water may
grade, food-grade pipes and fitting
Uponor you will only deal with taste. However, along the route
of Uponor are fully compliant with
high-grade and hygienic compo- from the water generation plant
current hygienic requirements and
nents and systems that provide to the tap, our primary foodstuff,
particularly suitable for safe instal-
sustained spring water quality for namely the potable water, is ex-
your potable water installation. posed to the risk of soiling and
The systems and components
deployed by Uponor are designed The potable water quality is influ- Installing is more than
for efficient mounting and state- enced particularly by materials that mounting pipes!
of-the-art, practical installation come into contact with it along the
Activities ranging from the selection
techniques. Moreover, these ele- way to the water tap.
of suitable materials and planning
ments meet the high demands of all
The vast number of refurbishment reliability to simple installation are
relevant national and international
and decontamination projects is a decisive factors in terms of the total
standards and provisions.
clear indication of what may hap- of values added from the efficient
pen if poor piping materials such installation solutions of Uponor for
as obsolete and toxic lead piping new constructions, refurbishment or
systems need to be replaced with for complex large-scale projects.
harmless materials that are not
harmful to the health of humans.
However, the design of the build-
ing's potable water network, too,
has a notable impact on potable
water quality.

Pure and fit for human consumption

The minimization principle demands The new DWO commits the opera- All parts of the Uponor multi
that the concentration of substanc- tors or owners both of refurbished layer composite system are fully
es that pose a risk to human health and new buildings to submit infor- approved to DVGW and, moreover,
be kept as low as possible. Eleven mation concerning the treatment supplied with a 10-year warranty
of the twelve substances listed in substance used for the disinfection period. The Uponor composite pip-
Annex 2 of the German Drinking of the system to the responsible ing system is tested in accordance
Water Ordinance 2011 contained in public health department. This with DVGW worksheet W 534, BGA,
the installation materials or in dis- includes the commitment to proof KTW and DVGW W 270, and there-
infection equipment may possibly the use of suitable materials for the fore offers a high degree of safety
contaminate the potable water. For potable water installation. Plan- and hygiene for potable water
this reason, the concentration of ners and installers are committed installations. Moreover, the pipes,
the substances listed in this annex to use only materials that do not fittings and seals are approved for
may not exceed the specified level emit substances of a concentration the disinfection of potable water
in the potable water. The most im- that poses a risk to human health in in accordance with the treatment
portant parameters in this context order to safely prevent any adverse substances and disinfection meth-
are lead, copper, and nickel. chemical reactions in the distribu- ods listed in § 11, Drinking Water
tion network to the consumer. Ordinance (DWO).

Uponor contributes Hygiene provisions, product portfolio,

towards an ideal potable installation technology

water quality by providing

high-grade, hygienic
installation systems that Brick-wall construction, dry-wall
are compliant with construction, surface mount
legal provisions, as well
as with the high demands
imposed by national and Pipe and joinTing technology
international institutes Manifolds
such as DVGW, ÖVGW, Fittings
SKZ and KIWA. riser

No fear of complex standards

The release of the German Drinking Based on the new amendment Practical tip
Water Ordinance dated November of the DWO, legislation has now
The operators or owners of potable
2011 was amended in accordance placed defined obligations particu-
water systems are responsible
with new scientific findings related larly on the operators and owners
for monitoring compliance with
to potable water hygiene. Primary of commercially used property, e.g.
requirements. The linking of
objective was to manifest consumer housing corporations or hoteliers.
potable water with utility water
protection and to maintain the high The Drinking Water Ordinance, systems, i.e. water replenishment
standard of potable water quality in however, is not the only factor for heating systems, forms an
Germany. that determines the setup of a important example from the
Official bodies have supervised the hygienically impeccable potable housing sector area in this context.
technical requirements in terms water installation. Moreover, a DIN EN 1717 or DIN 1988-100,
of water extraction, -treatment wide range of DIN standards and for example, explicitly demand
and distribution since many years. VDI guidelines define the generally the integration of safety measures
However, such supervisory activities accepted technical codes of prac- for the safe prevention of
were rather restricted with regard to tice frequently referred to in the recontamination.
domestic potable water installations. German Drinking Water Ordinance The "short-term connection"
The responsible health department 2011. These technical regulations commonly used in previous systems
took such monitoring action concerning the planning and (to old DIN 1988-4) for filling
only for public buildings, or when installation of potable water the heating system is no longer
dealing with complaints. facilities form the key elements permitted. In accordance with
for hygienic operation and the DIN EN 1717, only a backflow
fundamental tools for technical preventer of the type CA of BA with
specialists. liquid category 3 or 4 may be used
as safety fitting. Downstream of the
system disconnect valve, it is now
allowed to connect rigid piping, or
Potable water quality can be flexible tubing.

influenced considerably by the

quality of the building installation.
For this reason and for the first time,
the German Drinking Water
Ordinance 2011 includes the
obligation of supervising
non-public areas of the
potable water supply.

Simple approach to the new provisions
to DIN 1988-300

Overview of the most important Inspection duties: Indicative Impact of DIN 1988-300
amendments and effects of the microbiological and chemical on the peak flow rate
new German Drinking Water examinations of the potable water
The peak flow rate is reduced
Ordinance 2011 at yearly intervals, or as specified
considerably compared to DIN
by the public health department.
Limits: A new technical action 1988-3; in this example by
Additional examination of legionella
value (100 KBE/100 ml potable approximately 42 %.
contamination in the case of mist-
water) has been introduced for
ing (showers). Pipe dimensions
legionella contamination. If this
The samples must be taken and The necessary dimensions of
value is exceeded, the public
analyzed by accredited test insti- manifold and riser systems are
health department is authorized
tutes. Important! The sampling usually smaller due to the reduced
to demand an in situ inspection of
procedure, i.e., the installation loca- peak flow rate; in this case, by one
the potable water installation and
tion of sampling valves is subject dimension.
submission of a risk analysis.
to agreements with the responsible There are no dimensional
Information for consumers and public health department. changes at the floor level
reporting duties: Lessees must compared to DIN 1988-3.
Materials: The materials used for
be provided with suitable and
the new installation or maintenance The portion of pressure losses
current information concerning
of systems for the preparation or caused by individual resistances
the potable water quality at least
distribution of potable water may compared to overall pressure losses
once per annum. This information
not release water-polluting sub- is relatively small and drops even
must include data concerning the
stances with concentrations exceed- further in accordance with the new
conditioning substances and the
ing the unavoidable level as defined DIN 1988-300; in this example,
selection of suitable materials used
in the generally accepted code of from 18 % to 16 %.
for the potable water system.
practice. Particular attention must A serial or loop installation using
The lead content limit is sig-
be paid to the DVGW test logos and the Uponor U-end elbow reduces
nificantly reduced to 0.01 mg/
certificates. the number of fittings and mini-
liter as of December 1, 2013 and,
mizes the significance of the zeta
therefore, enforces the replacement Potable water systems in buildings
value of individual resistances.
of lead piping in existing systems. are now subject to new regulations
Starting with the enactment of the that explicitly stipulate the integra-
more stringent limit in 2013, the tion of suitable safety equipment
owners of water supply systems are for the connection of apparatus
committed to inform consumers in to potable water systems (e.g. water
writing of the existence of lead pip- replenishment for heating systems).
ing in the system.
A fine may be imposed if the
Reporting duties: The installation, ordinance is ignored. If pathogenic
initial commissioning, construc- agents in the context of the Protec-
tional modification and existence of tion against Infectious Diseases Act
a large-scale water heating system are distributed as a result of such
(reservoir > 400 liters and/or non-compliance, criminal proceed-
content of 3 liters within the story ings must be expected.
piping from the reservoir outlet to
the tap) must be reported to the
public health department.

Energy index short-therm setback

4,0 60 %

50 %
Peak flow rate Vs in l/s

40 %

2,0 30 %
20 %
10 %

10 20 30 40 50 60 70
Number of utility units (bath tub, shower, basin, WC, kitchen sink)

DIN 1988-3 DIN 1988-300

DIN 1988-300

DIN 1988-3

0 1000 2000 3000 4000

Apparatus and valves Geodetic height Piping

Individual resistances pmin Fl Excess

Example: Retirement home with 27 apartment units, Uponor multi layer composite system.

Design with HSE Software DIN 1988-300

The product data records for third- DIN 1988-300 can be dimensioned
party software as well as for the with HSE. The automatic acquisition
planning software HSE provided of the material length for ring or bar
by Uponor contain the zeta values piping ensures the precise inclusion
for all pipes and fittings – for of individual resistances without
maximum planning reliability. Loop greater input efforts.
installation systems at story level to

T-fitting installation

The T-fitting installation is still the Pressure losses in the installation Practical tip
most commonly deployed instal- system can be minimized by initially
What is potable water according to
lation method. The setup usually larger pipe dimensions.
the German DWO 2011?
starts with a larger dimension that Consumers can benefit from a high
is reduced gradually up to the last level of comfort at the tap even at The "potable water" supplied to
tap. Although piping efforts are mi- low operational pressure. public and commercial estates
nor, it is necessary to install a single can therefore be interpreted
pipe from the T-fitting to the tap. fundamentally as any "water that
is fit for human consumption". It
The installation variant with T-
must be "pure and fit for human
fittings should only be used for taps
that are in use on a daily or regular
basis; however, a minimum risk to
hygiene cannot be safely excluded
due to stagnating water.

The next sections will only deal with the Uponor manifolds and You will always achieve a safe
installation solutions recommended by risers from 63 mm to 110 and clean installation, no
Uponor, although, of course, there is a mm with versatile fitting matter whether you chose to
multitude of different options. options always ensure the work with the proven Uponor
optimum transition to a metal fittings with pressed
rise installation. indicator and color coded
stop rings or with the new
8 RTM fitting-technology!
In this context, it doesn't matter at valve". Building owners, planners
all whether the water is tapped for and installers therefore have a Short profile – T-fitting installation
preparing meals or for personal care. significant influence on the quality Area of application
A potable water installation consists of potable water in the building. Dry-wall and brick-wall construction, surface
of the "entire piping, fittings and They are responsible for compliance mounting, onwall installation
valves that is installed between of the water with the chemical and
Building types
the water meter (provider) and microbiological requirements of
Single family house, prefab house
the respective tap or protection the law.
Easy planning
Well-known installation variant
Low piping costs
Low spatial requirements

Simplified installation by Strong and twist-proof: The waste water set Ideal for flexible
means of pre-assembled simple rail mounting, includes the the waste connection to the basin:
mounting units with versatile product portfolio water elbow and the ideal the waste water and
sound proofing according for any application. fixture for installation sound proofing set.
to DIN 4109. on the standard Uponor
mounting panels, units
and elbows.
Serial installation

The serial installation prevents the is used most frequently, usually the The pressure loss is lower when
collection of stagnation water in toilet flushing or basin at the end consumers that demand the highest
the feed lines of consumers that are of the serial installation. This means total flow rate are positioned at the
rarely in use, e.g. outdoor taps in that the last consumer propagates start and not at the end of the pip-
a single-family home, or a washing the exchange of water at the ing segment.
machine connection in the shared upstream piping and taps.
laundry of a multi-family property.
The Uponor prefab press tap elbows
In this system, the consumers are
and mounting panels, rails and sets
connected by means of Uponor
support the flexible and rapid serial
U-end elbows that are routed
installation, while reducing piping
directly to the next consumer,
material and making it relatively
therefore excluding any stagnation
simple to route the piping.
of the water in the system if the
plan is to install the consumer that

The next sections will Looping is made easy thanks to the Uponor U-end elbows with optimized flow Under the aspect of
only deal with the characteristic. Uponor provides solutions for the press, RTM and Quick & Easy fitting hygiene, it is advisable to
installation solutions technology. employ a modern looping
recommended by method for potable water
Uponor, although, connections.
of course, there is a
multitude of different
Practical tip Moreover, planners should also
pay attention to the installation Short profile – Serial installation
Avoiding stagnation by means of
of the main consumers (basins, Area of application
suitable installation types.
WC cisterns) at the end of the dry-wall and brick-wall construction, surface
Current hygienically demanding segments to ensure a continuous mounting, onwall installation
installation systems utilize so-called turnover of water. Uponor offers
U-end elbows at the tap connection Building types
an extensive portfolio of piping
to safely prevent water stagnation. Residential buildings, single-family homes,
components for hygienically ideal
apartment buildings, prefab homes
Convenient planning, rapid progress of
Reduction of fittings
Favorable exchange of water

The turnkey Uponor Mount the bolt aligned Insert the captive Bolt the tap elbow to the Rapid fixation: The
ISI boxes facilitate the to the required spacing mounting screw into the rail at the correct position innovative fixation
simple and fast assembly onto the rear side. left or right hole of the (-45°/90°/+45°). -technology allows for
in dry-wall installations. U-shaped tap elbow, single-handed mounting
or of the tap elbow as and simple, anti-twist
shown in this figure. positioning.

Loop installation

The Uponor U-end elbows are also consistent hygienic flow in the loop Compared to the serial installation,
used to connect the taps to the installation, it is advisable to select the lower pressure losses allows you
loop installation and to route the a pipe with the same diameter as to significantly increase the number
multi layer composite pipes directly far as possible and less than that of of tap outlets per installation sys-
to the next tap. However, the the serial installation, as the objects tem. However, as this renders the
piping is routed back from the last are supplied from both sides. planning and calculation processes
object to the riser pipe. The ring slightly more complex, you may
installation system is therefore rely on the building technology
hygienically impeccable, thanks to software Uponor HSE that provides
the optimized turnover of water in you with support when engineering
the piping. In order to achieve a the project.

The next sections will only deal with the DIN 1988-300 allows for smaller tube The new connection components and
installation solutions recommended by dimensions as a result of lower peak flow innovative mounting technique makes
Uponor, although, of course, there is a rates. The Uponor fitting program offers installation faster, more flexible, and therefore
multitude of different options. practical solutions that meet all requirements. more cost-efficient.

Practical tip This worksheet defines the thermal
requirements for large-scale hot Short profile – Serial installation
Avoiding stagnation by means of
water systems usually operated Area of application
suitable installation types.
in multi-family housing, hotels, Dry-wall and brick-wall construction,
With regard to the temperature residential homes and hospitals. onwall installation
management in hot water systems,
Above 55 °C the growth of Building types
the German DWO 2011 refers to
legionellas is stopped. For this Hospital, kindergarten, apartment blocks,
DVGW worksheet W 551 "Technical
reason, it is imperative in large- retirement homes, office buildings
measures for reducing the growth
scale systems to maintain a
of legionella bacteria in new Benefits
constant temperature of ≥ 60 °C
domestic water systems“. Optimized hygiene
at the hot water outlet of hot
water reservoirs. Moreover, the Low pressure losses
temperature in the recirculating
Smaller pipe dimension
pipe may do not drop by more
than 5 K.

Any joint that is not yet pressed is clearly Uponor U-mixer connections inwall for inwall mixer and The Uponor ISI boxes consist of an insulating
indicated by the color coded press indicator. cisterns. The cisterns also need to be looped in serial element with thermal insulation and condensation-
In addition, the fittings are constructed that installation systems. For many models this can be realized proof insulation based on a pre-assembly of
water emerges during the pressure test. using the U-mixer connection inwall that is available with integrated drinking components of the proven
press or Quick & Easy fitting technology. Uponor multi layer composite pipe system.

Clean potable water with
Uponor multi layer composite pipes

5 layers – built for the future The Uponor multi layer composite
pipe made of an aluminum layer Short profile – Uponor
The Uponor 5-layer multi layer
with longitudinal welding seam and multi layer composite
composite pipe is a future-proof
is coated on the inside and outside system
product that combines the advan-
with a layer of high-temperature
tages of metal and plastic piping.
resistant polyethylene (to DIN Conforms to the stringent
The benefits achieved with this
16833). All layers are permanently directives of the Drinking
product cannot be surpassed. The
joined by an adhesive layer. Water Ordinance
inner aluminum tubing is absolutely
A special welding technique ensures
proof against the ingress of oxygen.
maximum safety. The aluminum 5-layer multi layer com-
It compensates for spring back
thickness selected for the Uponor posite pipe 14 mm to 110
forces and elongation that develop
multi layer composite pipe is mm, made of food-grade
at temperature changes. The
Emission losses fromprecisely
different emitters
adapted to meet require- polyethylene
system is based on the simple, safe
ments with regard to a pressure
and fast installation of the piping
resistance and bending property. Comprehensive quality
by means of the proven press
control in the manufactur-
ing process for safety of the
potable water installation

Outstanding surface finish

that prevents deposits

Stainless steel
Extensive product portfolio
and installation-friendly
steel fitting technologies

Copper Bar products of extreme

stiffness of the dimensions
16 and 20 mm for surface
KTW-tested (plastic in
PB potable water) multi layer
composite pipe

Elongation of the Uponor multi layer

composite pipe is comparatively small thanks
to the strong bonding of the plastic layers
with the aluminum.

State-of-the-art pipe design
14 mm to 110 mm

Ideal insulation
The standard Uponor multi layer composite pipe for
potable water installation systems and radiator connec-
tions are also available with pre-insulation. This means
that the product range of the dimensions from 16 mm
to 25 mm made available to you is compliant with insu-
lation requirements to DIN 1988-200 and to the Energy
Saving Ordinance (EnEV). The pre-insulated piping
facilitates time-saving installation because you can dis-
pense with extensive post-insulation.

Basis for your professional installation: the absolutely oxygen-proof

Uponor multi layer composite pipe. The 5-layer design ensures compliance
with the stringent directives of the new Drinking Water Ordinance.

Trend-setting connection techniques

Uponor press fittings Uponor press fittings Uponor compound press


14 mm to 32 mm 40 mm to 50 mm 16 mm to 50 mm

Tin-plated brass Tin-plated brass Test safety

Test safety Test safety PPSU high-performance
Press indicator Press sleeve made of plastic
Profiled press sleeve made stainless steel Press sleeve made of
of aluminum Color-coded stop rings stainless steel
Color-coded stop rings

Dimensional color code Dimensional color code Dimension

14 16 18 40 50 n 16 n 20 n 25
20 25 32 n 32 n 40 n 50
Page 18–19

Different fitting concepts – one Additional advantages include Uponor press fittings MLC
multi layer composite pipe shorter installation lengths and
Making connections using the
enhanced mounting reliability.
Both the press or screw mounting patented Uponor press system is
The extensive fitting portfolio of
methods ensure that the connec- only a matter of seconds. Complex
Uponor provides you with the
tions are permanently tight. The jointing techniques such as welding
connections that suit even complex
flexible Uponor multi layer compos- or soldering are omitted.
applications, no matter whether
ite pipe allows you to save elbows The Uponor press and screw joints
you are using the press or screw
in many cases. This means that you are permanently tight as confirmed
benefit substantially from reduced by the SKZ test reports and
material costs and installation time. DVGW certificates.

Fast and safe installation.

Uponor RTM fittings Uponor screw fittings Uponor fittings for riser
systems (modular)
63 mm to 110 mm
16 mm to 32 mm 14 mm to 25 mm
Test safety
With integrated press Plated brass coupling nut With color coding
function and color coding For Uponor ½ “ fittings Modular: You only need
PPSU high-performance For Uponor ¾ “ MT-Euro 27 components to meet
plastic cone fittings practical installation
Press ring made of high- requirements
tensile carbon steel with Tin-plated brass, stainless
special coating steel press sleeve
Threaded fittings made of Minimum storage space
tin-plated brass requirements
Excellent flexibility thanks
to the variant portfolio

Dimensional color code Dimensional color code

16 20 25 63 75 90
32 110
Page 20-21 Page 22-25

Uponor also shows its strength in the development and construction of a

fitting concept that is designed to precisely match the piping. The fitting
portfolio that includes couplings, elbows, tees and numerous practical
system components leaves nothing to be desired.

The first color coding system in the
plumbing business

Easy and safe installation Short profile – Press fitting

The color coded stop rings on the
Area of application
proven, easy to install brass fittings
Dry-wall construction,
highlight this generation of Uponor
surface mounting, onwall
fittings. The fact that each dimen-
sion is assigned a separate color
code provides clarity on the build- Building types
ing site, in the warehouse and in For all buildings types in
the wholesale trade. The color cod- the residential and non-
ing system makes installation child's residential construction
play and reliably prevents mistakes. sector
The system is still based on the
proven Uponor brass fitting with
Color coding of the fittings
Practical installation color coding which fits to the color
and pressing jaws for fast
coded pressing jaws.
The color-coded stop rings initially and reliable assignment to
provide a reliable stop end for all dimensions from 14 mm
the pressing jaws. These rings are to 50 mm
chipped off automatically in the
DVGW approval
pressing process to indicate the
completed press connection – Visually appealing on wall
a visual inspection will immediately installation
disclose non-pressed connections
even at a distance of several meters.

Dimension 14 Dimension 16 Dimension 18 Dimension 20 Dimension 25 Dimension 32 Dimension 40 Dimension 50

Test safety as standard –
leaking in non-pressed state

Are you tackling large Cost-effective installation

Uponor offers a cost-effective alter-
native consists of PPSU fittings of
You can use the same press tech-
the dimensions from 16 mm to
nique and press tools to process
50 mm for convenient installation.
40 mm and 50 mm fittings and
tubing, the only difference being The extensive portfolio of high-
that non-profiled stainless steel performance PPSU fittings differ
sleeves are used for pressing instead visually due to their non-profiled
of the stop rings on the stainless steel press sleeve, but also
fittings as pressed indicator. provide test safety, i.e., they are
leaking in non-pressed state.

1. Positioning 2. Pressing 3. Check

The press jaw is The stop ring is chipped The chipped off stop Any non-pressed The barrier-free
positioned onto the stop off from the press sleeve rings are a reliable connection is therefore connection allows you to
ring of the press sleeve. in the pressing process up indication even at a indicated twice during slip on a continuous pipe
to dimension 32 mm. distance of several meters the pressure test. The insulation.
of successful completion color-coded stop rings
of the compression are still on the sleeve.
process. In addition, the fittings
are constructed so that
water emerges during
the pressure test. Now,
simply press the sleeve
to achieve a permanently
tight connection.

RTM – the fitting technology
with integrated press function

Safe and enduring installation thanks to the Short profile –

new RTM™ technology of Uponor! The fitting
with integrated press function facilitates a fast
RTM™ fitting technology
and safe connection and therefore represents
Area of application
the ideal supplement to the proven Uponor
multi layer composite pipe system. Dry-wall construction,
surface mounting, onwall
Pressing without tools
by means of integrated,
pre-stressed ring made of
high-tensile carbon steel
Time savings thanks to
particularly fast installation
DVGW approval
Visually appealing on wall

The materials used for the fitting The new RTMTM fitting with inte-
combine lightweight plastic with grated press function is produced
the best mechanical properties of based on technologies and materi-
metal and therefore guarantee ex- als that are also deployed in the au-
traordinary performance. The press tomotive industry for applications
ring is made of high-tensile carbon such as ABS disks
steel with special coating.

The revolutionary RTMTM technology offers the advantages of

the proven press technology in combination with the
innovative TOOL INSIDE concept. Thanks to the integrated
press function, this concept facilitates a perfect and enduring

Click. Pressing without tools!

One of Uponor's primary goals is to a fitting that conforms to all current

maintain the ultimate safety stand- test standards for potable water
ards for the connection. Same as all and heating installations and even
other Uponor products, the RTMTM withstands extraordinary loads such
fitting was subject to the most as impact pressure and elongation
demanding tests and extremest of the piping as a result of tempera-
operating conditions. For these ture changes.
reasons, Uponor is proud to present

Integrated press function

The memory effect of this pre-stressed ring transforms it into an integrated

press tool and also ensures sustained seal tightness of the connection.
A constant pressure on the entire circumference of the tubing is the ideal
compensation for elongation of the pipe.
The RTMTM technology with TOOL INSIDE concept is certified by DVGW.
The integrated pressing function saves you from having to use an additional
press tool!

The safety lock is released from the press ring

when the Uponor multi layer composite pipe is
inserted into the RTM™ fitting.
A clearly audible click signals the successful
connection. The released safety lock can be
recognized through the 360° window. The
lock fulfills three tasks: It maintains tension
on the press ring until completion of the
pressing, contains the dimensional color code,
and signals completion of the press process.
1. Cutting 2. Calibrating 3. Pressing
Cut off the multi layer ... calibrate the end of ... and trigger the
composite pipe to the tubing ... pressing operation by
achieve an impeccable sliding in the tubing until
connection ... you can hear the click

Modular installation of riser systems

The portfolio of modular Uponor fittings for riser Compact dimensional

systems: Flexible planning, reliable procure-
It was frequently necessary in con-
ment, simple installation. Hundreds of variations ventional systems to couple several
at your hand using only 27 system components. reducing fittings in order to join
piping of different diameters. The
Uponor multi layer composite pipe
system for riser piping handling this
Accelerated planning with only Moreover, there are no special
task with only a single component
27 components components that are used only on
provides a clearly faster, more com-
rare occasions, i.e., any components
Conventional 63 mm to 110 mm in- pact and stable solution.
left over from a project can be used
stallation systems require up to 300
without problems for the next job.
different components. The Uponor
Construction delays that are fre-
multi layer composite pipe system
quently incurred by long delivery
for manifold and riser piping makes
times particularly for special fittings
do with only 27 components and
are now a thing of the past. Short profile – riser system
therefore makes it clearly easier for
you to plan the project. Despite the New connection concept
modest number of components, the consisting of basic elements
system covers almost any conceiv- and matching adapter
able task and opens the way for inserts made of tin-plated
creative solutions. brass
Innovative plug-in
connection between the
basic element and the
Enhanced flexibility and
lower costs of logistics due
to the minimum number of
system components
Optimized availability with
low shelf and investment
Rapid mounting by pressing
on the workbench and in
situ assembly without tools
Use of the known pressing
machine UP 75 now up to
dimension 110 mm
Simple revision of the
planning in the installation

Simply forget all about over-head pressing

Pressing – Inserting – Locking workbench. Heavy tools are only

required at this workplace. The pre-
In the past it was frequently nec-
installed multi layer composite pipe
essary on building sites to work
elements are then inserted into the
at greater heights or in confined
fitting and interlocked at the instal-
spaces when completing press
lation location.
connections. At such conditions,
several persons were required to This solution ensures fast and high-
handle the pipe sections, fittings grade installation even in the most
and heavy tools, which means that difficult spatial situations. Working
the risk of accident increased and under stress with heavy press tools
work results were not satisfactory in in confined angles or in overhead
all situations. positions are a thing of the past.
The modular Uponor fitting
system MLC for riser piping lets you
produce all necessary press connec-
tions conveniently and safely on the

The four steps towards the perfect connection

The modular system structure allows you to set up all connections in four
identical steps. You only need a tool to complete the press in a convenient
step on the workbench:

1. Inserting 2. Pressing 3. Inserting 4. Locking

Simply insert the Make the press connection Insert the press adapter Insert the lock pin into
calibrated multi layer into the base part the opening of the fitting
composite pipe into the until it engages.
press adapter

Safe and cost-effective installation using
the Uponor PE-Xa installation system

Uponor PE-Xa potable water Short profile – PE-Xa

piping installation system
The food-grade Uponor PE-Xa tub- 
Ideal system for all potable
ing is tailored to suit the require- water qualities
ments of potable water installation

Hygienically impeccable and
systems. Uponor delivers the tubing
with food grade
as per factory in optional coiled
form, or already installed in black 
Temperature resistant up
corrugated conduit. Tubing with the to 70 °C according to
dimensions from 20 mm to 32 mm DIN EN ISO 15875, class 2
is also available as bar product. The

High operational safety
Uponor PE-Xa potable water tubing
(mal function temperature
Developed based on many years can be used for any potable water,
of 95 °C)
of expertise is hygienically impeccable and con-
forms to legal requirements without 
Potable water components
The Uponor PE-Xa installation sys-
ifs and buts. for versatile installation
tem is the ideal solution for flexible
installation tasks in the field of po- Uponor potable water
table water and heating installation components 
Mounting rails and brackets
systems. Connections can be made that are compatible with the
In addition to the basic fitting port-
with conventional tee installation, Uponor multi layer compos-
folio, Uponor PE-Xa installation sys-
as well as in serial and loop installa- ite pipe system
tem includes special fittings such as
tion. The polyethylene tubing (PE- 
Extensive connection
end elbows for potable water instal-
Xa) that is cross-linked is available diversity with tee or loop
lation systems. No matter whether
in practical dimensions and length, and serial installation
you are using tees or a loop or
both without insulation and in pro-
serial installation for your system,
tective conduit.
the Uponor potable water fittings
facilitate the fast and safe realiza-
tion of all standard potable water
installation systems. The range of
accessories consisting of mounting
rails, sound proofing components
and waste water connections are
compatible with the Uponor multi
layer composite pipe system.

The Uponor PE-Xa installation system
with unique Quick & Easy jointing

Quick & Easy basic fittings Practical tip

The Uponor PE-Xa installation sys- The U-shaped end elbow with
tem consists of matched high-grade optimized flow characteristic enables
components. These components integration of the potable water
can be used for all standard potable connections in serial or loop topologies
water installation systems: Threaded that are recommendable under the
brass fittings for general-purpose aspect of hygiene.
Uponor Q&E PPSU coupling with Q&E rings
connection to system components
and fittings made of the high-per-
formance plastic polyphenylsulfone
(PPSU). Both materials are proven
in practice and physiologically
unobjectionable for foodstuff ap-

Uponor Q&E PPSU transition nipples made of

brass and with Q&E rings

Uponor PE-Xa tubing has a thermal memory,

namely the so-called memory effect: An
Uponor PE-Xa tubing that is expanded using
a suitable tool will restore its original state
within a short time and act as sealing material.
This produces a frictional and positive joint
between the tubing and the Quick & Easy
fitting, which is an absolutely safe fitting/pipe
connection. Complex tasks such as welding or
soldering are a thing of the past.
1. Sliding on the 2. Expanding 3. Inserting,
lock ring Expand the end of done!
Slide the lock ring onto the tubing. An even Slide the expanded
the end of the tubing expansion is achieved by tubing end swiftly into
that was cut at a right rotating the expansion the fitting nipple until it
angle. head in the tubing meets the end stop. Hold
automatically with the the assembly briefly until
help of the special tool the tuning is shrunk onto
mechanism. the fitting. Done!

Uponor ISI box – fast and safe installation

The turnkey Uponor ISI boxes are The high-grade cellular PU foam
supplied with an assembly consist- guarantees optimum sound proof- Simple and fast installation
ing of the proven Uponor fittings ing characteristics and excellent solutions
and multi layer composite pipe. This thermal insulation properties with a Optimized sound proofing
convenient installation technology lambda value of 0.024 W/m*K. according to DIN 4109 and
is suitable for all Tee, serial and loop VDI 4100:2012–10
The Uponor ISI boxes are available
installation systems and facilitates a
in many different variants, as well as Convenient and energy-
simple and very fast assembly.
in customized solutions to suit your efficient right up to
The Uponor ISI boxes (insulation, project requirements. the outlet thanks to
sound proofing, installation) consist uninterrupted insulation
of an insulating element with ther-
mal insulation and condensation-
proof insulation based on a pre-
assembly with integrated drinking
components of the proven multi
layer composite pipe system.

Uponor press end elbows with Uponor sound

proofing set on mounting rail

Sound proofing according

to DIN 4109 and VDI
4100:2012–10, tested by
the Fraunhofer Institute,
report numbers P-BA
276/2012 and P-BA

Uponor Services

Technical hotline The Web pages that include the The ideal design software for
product catalog and comprehensive technical building equipment:
information are available at Uponor HSE

The exclusive bonus program for Extensive dealer network Practical expert knowledge: The
professionals – Collect vouchers Uponor Academy offers training
and claim your bonus at: www. courses and seminars throughout the year.

We bring you right up to date:

uponor academy

Uponor offers its customers premium quality, state-of-the-art expertise, services,
and a long-term partner relation. Uponor GmbH is a leading player on the market
for building and supply technology and is known for its solutions that provide
ideal wellness environments.

More sustainability More hygiene

It is proven fact that the Uponor Our technologies were thoroughly
solutions reduce the energy con- tested under the aspect of the ab-
sumption and CO2 emission of solutely impeccable hygiene of po-
buildings. This means that we join table water. This means that you are
forces to improve on environmental always on the safe side with regard
quality both for us and for future to the number one foodstuff!
More partnership
More efficiency Based on the expert knowledge
Uponor systems are absolutely reli- acquired in many years and exten-
able and provide many features for sive services, Uponor supports you
the efficient handling of design and with information and assistance in
installation tasks. This provides you all project phases. This means that
with a simple and more efficient you have a competent and reliable
means of achieving ideal results, partner at hand.
while benefiting from time and cost

More comfort
Although usually installed in hidden
areas, our solutions nonetheless
provide the buildings with comfort-
able room temperatures and pleas-
ant cooling effects every day of
the year. This lets you live in pure
comfort in your home or at work,
no matter whether it is summer or
03/2013 - rBr - Subject to modifications.

Uponor GmbH
Industriestraße 56
97437 Haßfurt
T +49 (0)9521 690-0

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