Imp. Points Patho

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Father of plant pathology: Anton de Berry
Father of modern plant pathology is: Julius Koon
Who considered as father of modem Plant Pathology in India: EJ Butler
Father of microbiology: Louis Pasteur
Bengal famine: Occurred in 1943 due to brown spot of rice (Helminthosporium
Iris famine: Occurred in 1845 due to late blight of potato (Phytophthora
Coffee rust: Occurred in 1867 in Shri Lanka due to Hemileia vastratix
Fungi obtaining food from dead organic matter called: Saprophyte
Mycelium growing on the surface of host is called: Ectophytic
Mycelium growing inside host tissues is called: Endophytic
Viruses infecting bacteria are as: Bacteriophages
When a variety is uniformly more or less resistant to all races of the pathogen then
it is called: Horizontal resistance
A host resistant to one or few races of a pathogen is called: Vertical resistance
Concept of vertical and horizontal resistance is given by: Vander Plank (1963)
Ascocarp /Ascus and Basidiocarp/Basidium are the examples of: Sexual spore
Mycoplasmas are sensitive to tetracycline antibiotic and insensitive to penicillin
Complete stem parasite: Cuscuta
Partial stem parasite: Loranthus
Complete root parasite: Orobanche
Partial root parasite: Striga
Basidiospore and ascospores are sexual spores of fungi
Bavistin and Benlate are the systemic fungicides.
Epidemiology of wheat rust in India was studied by: Dr. KC Mehta
An ascus usually contains: Eight ascospores
The basidium usually contains: Four basidiospores
Zoospore are motile, asexual spores with flagella
Aplanospores are non-motile spores.
Apothecium is an example of completely open ascocarp.
Cleistothecium and perithecium are examples of completely closed ascocarp
The sex organs of fungi are termed as: Gametangi
Bordeaux mixture is the example of copper fungicide.
An individual filament of the fungus is called: Hypha
Bunch or group of hyphae is called: Mycelium
Chemical which kills the fungi is called: Fungicide
Organism which lives entirely on living tissues or host is called: Obligate Parasite
Alternate host of stem rust of wheat is: Barberry
Prevention of introduction of disease / pathogen in a disease-free area is termed as
Antibiotic penicillin was discovered by: Alexander Flaming (1929)
Streptomycin was discovered by: S.A.Waksman
Solar heat treatment was developed by; J.C. Luthra for control of: Loose smut of
Oidi are asexual spores produced by powdery mildew fungi
Robert Koch, Louis Pasteur proved germ theory of diseases.
Hot water treatment is recommended for diseases: Internally seed borne
Oospores are sexual spores produced by downy mildew fungi.
Non cellular plant pathogen devoid of enzyme system is: Viruses and Viroid
Mycoplasmas are the plant pathogens without free cell wall.
Bordeaux mixture was developed by: P.M.A. Millardet (1885)
Needham first reported association of nematodes with plant disease.
Term virus was coined by: Beijerinck.
WM. Stanley (1935) crystallization of TMV protein and also proved autocatalytic
nature of virus proteins.
Nucleic acid is the infective principle/disease causing component in virus
Mycoplasmas infecting plants are referred as: Phytoplasmas or mollicutes
Viroids are the smallest infectious nucleic acid (RNA) molecules.
Prions are infectious protein molecules reported to cause diseases like Scaripie in
sheep and mad cow disease in humans.
Potato spindle tuber is the first disease reported by; Diener (1971) caused by
First viral disease (tobacco mosaic) was reported by: Adolf Mayer
First dithiocarbamate fungicide discovered was: Thiram (1934)
First systemic fungicide discovered was: Carboxin (1965)
First antibiotic used to control bacterial diseases of plants was: Streptomycin
The concept of gene-for-gene hypothesis given by: H.H Flor
Vertical resistance is governed by one or few major genes and effective against
one or few specific races of the pathogen.
Horizontal resistance is controlled by many minor genes and effective against all
races of pathogen species.
Wart disease of potato is caused by: Synchytrium endobioticum
Bunchy top of banana caused by: Virus
Late blight of potato is caused by: Phytophthora infestans
Club root of cauliflower is caused by: Plasmodiophora brassicae
Ooze test is done for detecting: Bacteria
White rust of cruciferous is caused by: Albugo candida
Papaya mosaic disease is: Viral
Brown spot of rice caused by: Helminthosporium oryzae
Systemic fungicide is discovered by: Van Schleming and Kulka
Cauliflower mosaic virus contain: DNA
Bacteria used in biological control: Pseudomonas fluorescens
Plant viruses are mostly: Single stranded RNA (78% of all plant viruses)
Single stranded DNA plant virus is: Gemini virus
Double stranded DNA virus: Cauliflower mosaic viru
Double stranded RNA virus: Reovirus
The largest single group of plant viruses’ family is: Potyviridae
Carboxin (Vitavax) is very effective against: Smuts disease
Downy mildew of bajra is caused by: Sclerospora graminicola
Generally, viruses are composed of: Nucleic acid and protein
The causal organism of black rust of wheat is: Puccinia graminis tritici
The prions are considered to be infectious protein which has no nucleic acids.
Agar agar is produced by: Gelidium (Red algae)
Wart disease of potato in the country is restrricted to: Darjeeling hills
Kresek phase of rice is due to: Bacterial leaf blight
Bakanae disease of rice (also called foot rot) is due to: Gibberella fujikuroi
Disease due to which plant become very tall is: Bakanae
The downy mildew of pearl millet is suppressed by: Chlorine
Loose smut pathogen of wheat is: Internally seed borne
One of factors causing malformation of mango is: Fungus
The most effective fungicide for the control of powdery mildew: Sulphur
fungicide (Karathane)
The vector responsible for spread of potato leafroll virus disease is: Aphids
The effective and new fungicide for the control of Oomycetes fungi is: Metalaxyl
(marketed under the trade names of Ridomil & Apron)
Most dangerous and poisonous mushroom is: Amanita phalloides
Purple blotch of onion is caused by: Alternaria porri
The MLO’s when appeared in spiral (helical) in shape and are motile known as
The sum of all symptoms and signs is: Syndrome
First bacerial disease was discovered: Fire blight of pear
Fungus causing late blight of potato and white rust of crucifers belong to
The cybrids contain nucleus of one and the cytoplasm of both the parents
In rust fungi repeating spores are: Uredospores
Sexual spores in downy mildew fungus are: Oospores
The of blast disease can be reduces by application of: Silicon in rice
Smut fungi belongs to the genera: Ustilaginale
Vertical resistance is also known as: Major gene/qualitative/race specific
Examples of prokaryotes are: BGA, bacteria and phytoplasma
Moko disease of banana is caused by: Pseudomonas solanacearum
Pine-apple disease' is associated with sugarcane caused by: Ceratocys
Agrobacterium mediated gene transfer is only effective for: Dicots
Antibiotic used to Kill MLOs (no cell wall in MLOs) is: Tetracycline (because it
acts m cell membrane)
Coffee rust occurred in Sri Lanka in 1867 by: Hemileia vastatrix
Downey mildew fungi belongs to order: Peronosporales
ELISA (Enzyme-Linked Immuno-Sorbent Assay) test is mainly done for. Viral
Purification (crystallization) of TMV is done by: Stanley (1935)
Ergot is a mycelium form called: Sclerotia
The most common vectors of plant viruses are: Aphids
The downy mildew of Bajra Oospores is resting spores, which are responsible for
Primary infection
Gram staining method in bacteria was given by: Christian Gram 1884

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