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Test Bank for Criminal Investigation, 12th Edition, Charles Swanson, Neil Chamelin Leonard T

Test Bank for Criminal Investigation, 12th Edition,

Charles Swanson, Neil Chamelin Leonard Territo
Robert W Taylor

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Student name:__________
TRUE/FALSE - Write 'T' if the statement is true and 'F' if the statement is false.
1) Sex is a major motivator and modifier of human behavior.

⊚ true
⊚ false

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2) When theft occurs during a rape, the items taken fall into three categories: evidentiary,
valuables, and vehicles.

⊚ true
⊚ false

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3) Many deaf victims may be reluctant to reach out to agencies that serve sexual assault
victims because most of the providers are hearing and do not have systems for effectively
communicating with deaf people.

⊚ true
⊚ false

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4) Semen that contains sperm as well as hair that has the root attached can now be
identified, through DNA typing, as coming from a specific individual.

⊚ true
⊚ false

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5) The motility of sperm in the vagina is long, measured in days rather than hours.

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⊚ true
⊚ false

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6) Manufacturers of condoms add substances to their product, and these are known as
exchangeable traces.

⊚ true
⊚ false

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7) The term "vivisection" is usually associated with postmortem examination of human

remains to determine the cause of death.

⊚ true
⊚ false

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MULTIPLE CHOICE - Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or
answers the question.
8) Which statement about the type and sequence of sexual acts occurring during an assault is

A) A rapist reveals a great deal about himself and the motivation behind the assault
through verbal activity with the victim.
B) Rapists are never polite nor do they ever express concern for the victim.
C) The attitude of the suspect is of no importance unless he/she was under the influence
of alcohol and/or drugs at the time of the assault.
D) Most rapists take no action to keep them from being identified by their victims.

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9) During a rape, how does the rapist signal an attitudinal change?

A) Verbally
B) Physically
C) Sexually
D) All of the answers are correct.

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10) Which of the following should investigators do when dealing with transgender victims of
sexual assault?

A) Investigators should document the assault using consistent and appropriate gender
pronouns while addressing the transgender victim to maximize cooperation and minimize further
B) Police should consider a transgender person's reticence to cooperate with police in
sexual-assault investigations as defensiveness or as an indication of deception.
C) Police should include questions about the appearance or gender identity of the victim
even if they are unrelated to the assault.
D) When interviewing transgender victims, investigators should call them by a legal
name even if it is no longer in use.

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11) Which of the following is a reason why women do not report rape to the police?

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A) Embarrassment
B) Apprehension
C) Fear of reprisal
D) All of the answers are correct.

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12) Which of the following is a police officer's first responsibility when responding to a
report of a rape call?

A) Attending to the victim's well-being, including medical attention if required

B) Preserving evidence before obtaining medical attention in order to prevent the
evidence from being contaminated
C) Establishing the crime scene and keeping all unnecessary people out to protect the
D) Preserving evidence before obtaining medical attention in order to prevent the
evidence from being contaminated, and establishing the crime scene and keeping all unnecessary
people out to protect the evidence

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13) Which of the following statements is true about semen?

A) It is a grayish white fluid, produced in the male reproductive organ, that is ejaculated
at the time of orgasm.
B) It is a tadpole-like organism that fertilizes the female egg.
C) It is a body fluid produced by females during sexual intercourse.
D) It is pubic hair found on the suspect and the victim.

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14) In the context of the victim of a sexual assault and the physical evidence, which of the
following statements is true about semen?

A) The presence of semen is evidence that a rape occurred, and its absence means a rape
never occurred.
B) In liquid form, semen has a chlorinelike odor, and when dried it has a starch like
C) If a rape was committed by a male who is sterile, then sperm rather than semen will
be present.
D) DNA typing is conducted on semen, not the sperm.

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15) Which of the following statements is true about sperm?

A) It is a viscid whitish fluid, produced in the male reproductive organ, that is ejaculated
at the time of orgasm.
B) It is a tadpole-like organism that fertilizes the female egg.
C) It is a body fluid produced by females during sexual intercourse.
D) It is pubic hair found on the suspect and the victim.

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16) Which of the following statements is true about the collection of a rape victim's clothing?

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A) If the victim is still wearing the clothes worn during the incident, she should undress
over a clean cloth or large paper mat so that any evidence that may be dislodged from her clothes
is not lost.
B) If the victim was forced to disrobe before the attack, it is not necessary to collect the
C) When collecting the victim's clothing, the underwear is most important as it is worn
closest to the body where the attack occurred.
D) The evidence most frequently obtained from the victim's clothing is DNA from

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17) Which of the following statements is true about the collection of a sexual assault victim's

A) Underpants are the only item of a victim's clothing that should be recovered for a
forensic examination.
B) If a victim was forced to disrobe before the sexual attack, it is highly unlikely that
hair, semen, or fibers from the suspect's clothing would have been deposited on her clothing.
C) The evidence most frequently obtained from a victim's clothing consists of fibers
from the suspect's clothing and loose pubic hairs.
D) Underpants are unlikely to be contaminated with stains that interfere with a
laboratory examination.

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18) Developments in DNA technology within the past 15 years have added a new dimension
to rape investigation. How can DNA analysis, combined with careful hair and fiber analysis,
assist a rape investigation?

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A) It can describe the clothes worn by the suspect.
B) It can give an idea of the suspect's stature, age, hair color, or similar information.
C) It can significantly limit the officer's search for the suspect.
D) All of the answers are correct.

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19) Manufacturers produce many types of condoms with latex rubber condoms being the
largest number in existence due to the lesser cost associated with them. Manufacturers add other
substances known as exchangeable traces. Which of the following is not an exchangeable trace?

A) Particulates
B) Lubricants
C) Powder
D) Spermicide

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20) Many condom brands contain a liquid lubricant and are classified as either wet or dry.
What, if any, major difference exists between the two types of condoms?

A) Wet condoms use water-based lubricants, whereas dry condom lubricants are not
B) Wet condoms are made from lamb membranes, whereas dry condoms are latex
C) Wet condoms are made from polyurethane plastic, whereas dry condoms are latex
D) There is no significant difference between wet and dry condoms.

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21) How can condom trace evidence assist investigators in a rape case?

A) By helping prove corpus delicti

B) By providing evidence of penetration
C) By linking the acts of serial rapists
D) All of the answers are correct.

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22) The side effects of the date-rape drug Rohypnol include all of the following except

A) muscle relaxation
B) increased excitation
C) sedation
D) reduction in anxiety

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23) Rohypnol, also known as flunitrazepam, belongs to a class of drugs called _____.

A) benzodiazepines
B) barbiturates
C) amphetamines
D) delirants

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24) Which of the following describes the effects of Rohypnol?

A) Skeletal muscle relaxation

B) Sedation and reduction in anxiety
C) Eight to ten times more potent than Valium
D) All of the answers are correct.

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25) Which of the following is not a street name for gamma hydroxybutyrate or GHB as listed
in the textbook?

A) Tarboy
B) Georgia home boy
C) Goop
D) Liquid ecstasy

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26) When laboratories conduct drug screening tests in order to identify drugs that might have
been used in a sexual assault, which category of drugs should they be screening for?

A) Benzodiazepine, muscle relaxants, and sleep aids

B) Antihistamines, cocaine, and marijuana
C) Ketamines, opiates, and other substances that could depress the central nervous
D) All of the answers are correct.

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27) According to the textbook, what is the most common mode of sexual expression among
homosexual men?

A) Anal intercourse
B) Fellatio (mouth to penis oral sex)
C) Mutual masturbation
D) Bestiality

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28) _____ is noncoital sex—usually anal or oral sex.

A) Bestiality
B) Oral copulation
C) Sodomy
D) Insertion

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29) Psychosexual wounds may be present in homosexual or heterosexual homicides. Which

of the following is an example of a psychosexual wound?

A) Cutting the throat of a victim

B) Stabbing wounds to the throat and chest of a victim
C) Attacks to the breasts of females and to genitalia
D) All of the answers are correct.

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30) A male is chained to a rack to be whipped by a master who is dressed in a special leather
suit, while the slave might wear a leather discipline mask in a display of submission. This is an
example of _____.

A) coprolagnia
B) sado-masochism
C) anal intercourse
D) fisting

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31) What is the major purpose of a psychological autopsy in suicides?

A) To form a logical understanding of death from tangible physical evidence

B) To form a logical understanding of death from documented life events
C) To form a logical understanding of death from intangible, often illusive, emotional
D) All of the answers are correct.

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32) _____ is defined as an analysis of a decedent's thoughts, feelings, and behavior,

conducted through interviews with persons who knew him or her, to determine whether a death
was an accident or suicide.

Version 1 11
A) Clinical autopsy
B) Academic autopsy
C) Anatomical autopsy
D) Psychological autopsy

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FILL IN THE BLANK. Write the word or phrase that best completes each statement or
answers the question.
33) A(n) _____ is, simply, a law enforcement investigation that focuses on the actions and
choices of the offender—not the actions or inactions of the victim.

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34) A(n) _____ seeks to reduce the physical and psychological trauma to the victim of sexual
violence by responding in a compassionate, sensitive, and non-judgmental manner.

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35) Police officers use a _____ as the easiest and most efficient way to collect DNA from a

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36) Exchangeable traces, substances that have been added to condoms by the manufacturer,
include particulates, lubricants, and _____.

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37) Both wet and dry condoms may contain the spermicide _____.

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38) Sexual offenders' increasing use of _____, such as Rohypnol and gamma
hydroxybutyrate, as tools of submission accounts for much of the complexity surrounding these

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39) _____ is often marketed as an antidepressant and a bodybuilding and weight control
supplement. The drug's intoxicating effects have led to its increasing popularity at parties and
nightclubs where in some cases it becomes the tool of sexual offenders.

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40) There may be certain _____ wounds present in homosexual and heterosexual homicides.
For example, this may include cutting of the throat, attacks to the breasts of females, and attack
to the genitals.

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41) _____ is noncoital sex—usually anal or oral sex.

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42) A masochistic practice associated with sexual asphyxia is the practice of _____, or
masochism involving the genitals.

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43) A(n) _____ autopsy is an analytical statement prepared by a mental health professional
based upon the deceased's thoughts, feelings, and behavior.

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ESSAY. Write your answer in the space provided or on a separate sheet of paper.
44) What are some of the major reasons that women do not report rape?

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45) Why is the discovery of semen, sperm, and hair valuable in rape investigations?

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46) Why is the absence of semen fairly common in rape cases?

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47) What are condom exchangeable traces composed of?

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48) How can condom trace evidence be of value in linking acts of serial rapists?

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49) What are the effects of Rohypnol?

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50) In executing a search warrant in the investigation of a possible drug-facilitated sexual

assault, what kinds of evidence should be collected?

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Answer Key

Test name: Leonard 10

8) A
9) D
10) A
11) D
12) A
13) A
14) B
15) B
16) A
17) C
18) D
19) C
20) A
21) D
22) B
23) A
24) D
25) A
26) D

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27) B
28) C
29) D
30) B
31) D
32) D
33) victim-centered response
34) trauma-informed response
35) buccal swab
36) spermicide
37) nonoxynol-9
38) date-rape drugs
39) Gamma hydroxybutyrate
40) psychosexual
41) Sodomy
42) infibulation
43) psychological
44) 1. Lack of belief in the ability of the police to apprehend the suspect
2. Worries about unsympathetic treatment from police and discomforting
3. Belief that they were somehow at fault for the rape
4. Embarrassment about publicity, however limited
5. Fear of reprisal by the rapist
6. Apprehension, as a result of television programs or newspaper reports,
of being further victimized by court proceedings
45) For the first time, positive identification can now be made from
sperm and hair as a result of DNA typing. If sperm is not present,
another test may be conducted to test for semen. This test is called an
acid phosphatase test. Acid phosphatase is an enzyme in the liquid
portion of the semen.

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46) In the interviews of 133 convicted rapists, 50 admitted some sexual
dysfunction. Twenty-three of the rapists stated that they were unable to
achieve an orgasm during the sex act; twenty-two experienced difficulty
in achieving and sustaining an erection (impotency); and five
experienced premature ejaculation.
47) Particulates: Condom manufacturers add finely powdered
particulates to prevent a rolled-up latex condom from sticking to itself.
Particulates found in different brands include cornstarch, potato starch,
lycopodium (a powder found in plants), as well as amorphous silica,
talc, or other minerals. In the laboratory, forensic scientists use several
different techniques to characterize these particles and compare them
with those obtained from other condom brands.
Lubricants: Sexual assailants prefer lubricated condoms, probably for
the same reason they use petroleum jelly—that is, to help facilitate their
crimes. Many condom brands contain a liquid lubricant, which may be
classified as either "wet" or "dry." Both types of condom lubricant have
an oillike consistency, but wet lubricants are water-based and/or water-
soluble, whereas dry lubricants are not. Although many different
manufacturers use the same dry lubricant, the viscosity grades
sometimes differ. The forensic laboratory can recover these silicone oils
easily from items of evidence and possibly associate them with a
condom manufacturer. Wet lubricants may contain either polyethylene
glycol or a gel made from a combination of ingredients similar to those
found in vaginal lubricants. Forensic examination can associate specific
formulations with particular condom brands, despite their similarities to
other products on the market.
Spermicide: Both wet and dry lubricated condoms may also contain the
spermicide nonoxynol-9. Its recovery and detection along with lubricant
ingredients in particular can help show condom use and indicate the
specific brand.

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48) People tend to be creatures of habit, and sexual criminals are no
exception. A serial rapist likely will use the same brand of condom to
commit repeated acts. Moreover, repeat offenders whose DNA profiles
have been stored in a computer data bank may be likely to use a condom
when committing subsequent crimes. Along with other aspects of his
modus operandi, traces from the same condom brand or manufacturer
found during several different investigations can help connect a suspect
to an entire series of assaults.
49) Rohypnol, also known as flunitrazepam, belongs to a class of drugs
called benzodiazepines. It produces a spectrum of effects similar to those
of diazepam (Valium), including skeletal muscle relaxation, sedation,
and a reduction in anxiety. Of these effects, the sedative and hypnotic
effects are the most important. Flunitrazepam is considered to be
approximately 8 to 10 times more potent than Valium. The effect or
"high" may last from 7 to 12 hours or longer after the dose. With pills or
"hits" readily available for prices ranging from $2 to 5, Rohypnol is
extremely sought-after. Street names include "roofies," "R-2s," "roach-
2s," "trip and fall," and "mind erasers."
This fast-acting drug can be ground into a powder and easily slipped into
food or drink. It can take effect within 30 minutes, and symptoms may
persist for up to 8 hours. Symptoms of Rohypnol intoxication include
sedation, dizziness, visual disturbances, memory impairment, and loss of
consciousness and motor coordination. These effects may be
compounded, and made potentially lethal, by alcohol. It is traceable in a
person's urine for 48 to 96 hours after ingestion and in blood for only 12

Version 1 20
Test Bank for Criminal Investigation, 12th Edition, Charles Swanson, Neil Chamelin Leonard T

50) When an investigation reaches the point at which a search warrant

can be obtained for a suspect's residence, car, or place of work, the
following items should be included in the search warrant:

1. Packages of Rohypnol and other drugs

2. Bubble envelopes and other types of packaging that indicate receipt of
a drug shipment
3. Cooking utensils
4. Precursors and reagents
5. Prescriptions (from the United States and other countries), especially
for sleeping aids, muscle relaxants, and sedatives
6. Liquor bottles, mixers, and punch bowls (in which drugs may have
been mixed with liquor)
7. Glasses, soda cans, bottles, and any other containers that might
contain drug residue
8. Video and photo camera equipment
9. Photographs or videotapes of the victim
10. Pornographic literature
11. Internet information on Rohypnol and GHB recipes
12. Computers and computer disks

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