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Test Bank for Group Counseling: Strategies and Skills, 7th Edition: Ed E.


Test Bank for Group Counseling: Strategies and

Skills, 7th Edition: Ed E. Jacobs

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Chapter 7 Items 1

Group Counseling Strategies & Skills

Test Bank Items
Chapter 7: Focus

FILL IN THE BLANK: Complete the following sentences with the most appropriate response.

1. The focus of a group counseling session must center upon a person, an activity, or a/an

ANS: topic
PG: 150

2. Before deepening the group’s focus to an intense level, the authors suggest that the leader
consider the group’s ____________________.

ANS: purpose
PG: 162

3. The key to leading most groups is deepening the focus to a level that is
____________________ and meaningful for most members.

ANS: productive
PG: 162

4. When an individual member has had several minutes of “air time” in this session, the
leader is probably trying to decide whether to ___________________ or
____________________ the focus.

ANS: hold, shift

PG: 155

5. The ________________ chart can provide members a concrete way to visualize and
understand how superficial or intense group sharing has been.

ANS: depth
PG: 163

6. The authors suggest the use of ________________ and exercises to establish the focus of
a group session.

ANS: activities
PG: 150

7. Group exercises need to be followed by ______________ and not just conducted one after
the other.
Chapter 7 Items 2

ANS: discussion or processing

PG: 157

8.8. In a task groupIn a task group,, when the members are working to solve an issue, In a
task group, when the members are working to solve an issue, the leaderthe leader will
usually want to will usually want to __________________ __________________the
focusthe focus..

ANS: hold
PG: 157

9.9. After a particular topic has been discussedAfter a particular topic has been discussed at
lengthat length , the the leader may want toleader may want to _________ the focusthe

ANS: shift
PG: 158

10.10. Asking a very thought-provoking question is one technique that can be used to
________________ the focus.

ANS: deepen
PG: 162

MATCHING: Match the situations described below with the most appropriate skill for focusing
in that situation from the choices available. Answers may be used more than once.


A. Deepening the focus

B. Establishing the focus
C. Holding the focus
D. Shifting the focus

_____ 1.8. After a break in the session, the leader draws

a diagram on a white board as he starts the
session again.

PG: 150

_____ 29. A task group member who rarely speaks

up begins to share an idea that has merit. Her
comments are taking the group in a worthwhile
direction. The leader encourages her to say more.
Chapter 7 Items 3

PG: 153
_____ 30. The leader says to the members, “For the next 20
minutes or so we are going to talk about decision
making.” The leader passes out pieces of paper and
asks members to draw their “board of directors,” or
the individuals they consult when they have an important
decision to make.

PG: 150

_____ 41. As one member of a parenting group shares her struggle

with holding her children accountable through
use of consequences, another member nods her
head in agreement. The leader says to the second
member, “I’ve noticed that you’re nodding your
head. What are your thoughts about what has been said?”

PG: 157

____ 52. The members of an Adult Children of Alcoholics

(ACOA) therapy group are talking about the
dynamics that existed in their families of origin.
To make the session more meaningful, the leader
proposes that the members try sculpting their family
dynamics using other members of the group as subjects.

PG: 162

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Choose the best answer for each item from the choices available.

_____ 13. Saying, “Can we wait a moment on that until John is finished?,” is an example of

A. shifting the focus to John.

B. holding the focus on John.
C. holding the focus on a topic.
D. shifting the focus from an activity.

PG: 154
Chapter 7 Items 4

_____ 24. A small chair or a large piece of paper with a word on it can __________ the group’s

A. Hold
B. Shift
C. Deepen
D. A and C

PG: 162

_____ 35. A beginning leader who lacks cutting off or drawing out skills may spend too much
time _______________ the focus.

A. Holding
B. Shifting
C. Deepening
D. Establishing

PG: 153

_____ 46. By saying, “Let’s focus on another issue that is equally important as this one,” the
leader is

A. shifting the focus to a topic.

B. holding the focus on a topic.
C. deepening the focus on a topic.
D. none of the above

PG: 159

_____ 517. Malik has been talking for a while. The leader says, “Malik, you have raised some
points that are also relevant to others. Let’s spend some time discussing those. Which
of the following leadership skills has she just used?

A. Cutting off
B. Shifting the focus from person to topic
C. Both of the available choicesthese
D. Neither of the available choicesthese

PG: 161

_____ 618. Which of the following could be used to deepen the focus of a session?
Chapter 7 Items 5

A. Working intensely with one member

B. Asking the group a thought provoking question
C. Inviting all members to share at a more personal level
D. All of the available choices.above

PG: 162

_____ 719. Deepening the focus should be done during the ________________ phase of

A. Ending
B. Warm-up
C. Middle/working
D. Any of the available choicesabove

PG: 164

_____ 80. A member has been talking for some time. The leader asks all of the group members
to pair up with a partner and discuss their thoughts and feelings about what the
member has shared. In this instance, the leader

A. held the focus on the member.

B. deepened the focus of the group.
C. established the focus of the group.
D. shifted the focus from a person to an exercise.

PG: 161

_____ 91. Which of the following is TRUE regarding the depth of sharing in a group?

A. Members vary in the degree to which they can handle personal sharing in a group.
B. Leaders should consider the readiness of all group members when thinking about
deepening the group’s focus.
C. Both of the available choices are true.
D. Neither of the available choices is true.

PG: 164
Chapter 7 Items 6

_____ 102. The authors do not advise shifting the focus

A. from a person to a topic.

B. from a topic to an activity.
C. from an activity to an activity.
D. from a person to another person.

PG: 157

_____ 113. The authors suggest using all of the following techniques to establish the group’s
focus EXCEPT?

A. Use of comments
B. Use of lecture
C. Use of activities and exercises
D. Use of rounds and dyads

PG: 151-153

_____ 124. When determining whether to hold the group’s focus on a topic, group leaders

A. the relevancy of the topic

B. members’ level of interest in the topic
C. the length of time that has been spent on the topic
D. all of the available choicesabove

PG: 154

_____ 135. The authors suggest holding the focus on an individual person in a therapy group no
longer than

A. 30 minutes
B. 10 - 15 minutes
C. 5 minutes
D. 45 minutes

PG: 155
Chapter 7 Items 7

TRUE or FALSE Formatted: Font: Bold

Formatted: Font: Bold
1. The best way to deepen the focus in a personal growth group is to hold the focus Formatted: Font: Bold
on one member until he or she talks. Formatted: Font: Not Bold
Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2,
ANS: False 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.75" +
Tab after: 1" + Indent at: 1"
PG: 164
Formatted: Bullets and Numbering

2. When a leader believes the topic a member has brought up has relevance for the Formatted: Font: Not Bold
entire group, she may want to shift the focus from that member to the topic. Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0.75"
Formatted: Normal
ANS: True Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0.75"
PG: 161 Formatted: Normal

3. When a leader of a counseling or therapy group has focused on one member for a Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0.75"
certain period of time, he may decide to shift the focus to another person but on the
same topic, or shift to a fresh topic altogether.

ANS: True
PG: 160, 161 Formatted: Normal

4. Rounds and dyads have very little value when a leader is trying to focus a group. Formatted: Normal, Indent: First line: 0.25", Numbered +
Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Tab after: 0.5" +
ANS: False Indent at: 0.5"
PG: 153 Formatted: Bullets and Numbering
Formatted: Normal, Indent: First line: 0.25"
5. Use of written material or writing as an exercise is often a very effective technique Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0.75"
when working to focus a group. Formatted: Normal, Indent: First line: 0.25"
Formatted: Normal, Indent: Left: 0.75"
ANS: True
Formatted: Normal
PG: 151
Formatted: Font: Not Bold

SHORT ANSWER/ESSAY: In the space provided below, please write concise but complete Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.75"

answers to the following items. Formatted: Font: Times

Formatted: Normal
126. Why is holding the group’s focus a challenge for many leaders?

ANS: Holding the focus is a challenge for many group leaders because both cutting off and
drawing out skills are necessary. The authors state that the focus will rarely remain the same
without effort from the leader. Part of the difficulty in holding the focus is in deciding whether or
not it is valuable for members for the focus to remain the same or whether a shift is needed. The
leader is constantly deciding whether to hold or shift the focus.
PG: 156

227. Though closely related, why should holding and shifting the group’s focus be considered
separate group leadership skills?
Chapter 7 Items 8

ANS: Though holding and shifting the focus are linked, they should be considered separately in
the leader’s mind because they serve different functions. By holding the focus on a person, topic,
or activity, the group continues to do the same thing and stay with what is happening. When the
leader thinks that a change is necessary, then shifting the focus should be considered. Shifting
the focus could take the group in many different directions, and the leader has to decide whether
it would be more valuable for the group to hold the focus where it is or shift it and move on.
PG: 157

28. Why is it a mistake to frequently shift the group’s focus from one activity to another?

ANS: The authors believe it is a mistake to shift the focus from one activity to another because
exercises need to be processed with discussion to sufficient depth to make them meaningful for
members. The authors state that shifting from one activity to another is one of the biggest
mistakes a group leader can make.
PG: 157

429. How can using the depth chart be helpful to the leader and to members?

ANS: The depth chart can be helpful to both leaders and members to understand what is
happening in group. It is a concrete representation of how deep or superficial the sharing in the
group is, and provides the leader with a gauge for deciding whether to deepen the session further
or not.
PG: 163

305. Why is it important to consider the purpose of the group before deepening the focus of the

ANS: It is important to consider the purpose of the group before deepening the focus of the
session because members may become uncomfortable and even be harmed if the session is
deeper than what they are ready for or can handle. Even if the members are willing, the leader
should still consider what depth is appropriate for the population or type of group being led. The
leader should also base some of the decision to go deeper on the awareness of certain members
of his or her group, as consideration for these members is important
PG: 164

66. Discuss the relationship between focusing on a topic in a group, such as “anger”, and Formatted: Font: Not Bold
focusing on a person in the group in relation to his or her anger issues. Formatted: Font: Not Bold
Formatted: Left
ANS:: In a counseling or therapy group, the purpose in focusing on a topic, such as anger or Formatted: Font: Not Bold
guilt, is to help the members explore if, and to what extent, they may have unresolved issues Formatted: Font: Not Bold
regarding that particular topic. The role of the leader is to explore the topic in sufficient depth to
determine how may members may be able to relate to the issue, then to deepen the focus through
Test Bank for Group Counseling: Strategies and Skills, 7th Edition: Ed E. Jacobs

Chapter 7 Items 9

a technique such as asking a penetrating question, a round, or an exercise. Once the members are
“warmed-up” to the topic, that is, once they have identified how the topic relates to their own
unfinished business, the leader will want to shift the focus to an individual to help that person
process and deal therapeutically with the issue.
PG: 157
Formatted: Left
7. Briefly discuss the relationship between the kind of group a leader is leading (eg: task,
education, support, therapy, etc.) and how long the leader may choose to hold the focus either on
a topic or a person.

ANS: In an education or task group, the leader will want to hold the focus more on a topic of Formatted: Normal, Tab stops: 0.75", Left
relevance to the purpose of the group than on a particular person. However, in a group that
involves personal sharing, such as a growth, counseling, or therapy group, while there will be
need to focus on various topics, at some points the leader will want to focus on one or more
individuals to deepen the focus and provide individual help in dealing with personal issues
related to that topic.
PG: 155 Formatted: Font: Not Bold
Formatted: Font: Not Bold
Formatted: Left
Formatted: Title

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