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Test Bank for Guiding Childrens Social Development and Learning, 8th Edition

Test Bank for Guiding Childrens Social Development

and Learning, 8th Edition

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1. Why do childhood professionals need to understand the nature and function of play?
a. Play is a common ground for social exchange in childhood.
b. Play is the predominant activity of early childhood.
c. Play offers opportunities to practice skills needed for social competence.
d. Play is the expressive outlet for thought and feeling.
e. All of the above
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

2. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of play?

a. It’s fun
b. It’s extrinsically motivated
c. It’s voluntary
d. It’s a species behavior
e. It’s not serious or focused on reality
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

3. Identify the best example of a child playing.

a. Brett is brushing his teeth.
b. Ashaki is receiving tennis instruction.
c. Rod is matching colored cubes as directed.
d. Steve is building with Tinkertoys.
e. Thomas is putting away the laundry.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

4. When a child calls a stick “spoon,” why is that considered an important indicator of ability?
a. The child perceives the difference between sticks and spoons.
b. The child is able to separate the word from the object it represents through pretense.
c. The child knows what the words mean.
d. A stick can do the same work as a spoon.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

5. Rita is regularly an onlooker while other children are pretending something. She comes close to them, and says nothing.
What would be the MOST effective strategy in helping her to engage in the play?
a. Wait and do nothing.
b. Tell Rita to say, "Can I play?”
c. Tell Rita to say, " I clean houses. Can I clean your house?"
d. Tell the other children that Rita wants to play even though her behavior makes this obvious.
e. Assign all of the children roles in pretend, including Rita.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.03 - Articulate how adults guide and facilitate children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

6. Which of the following social skills is (are) learned during play?

a. the ability to initiate and terminate interaction
b. the ability to affect events in a social context
c. the ability to empathize and dramatize emotions
d. taking turns
e. All of the above
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

7. What aspect(s) of the environment do (does) NOT influence sex role differences in play?
a. differential treatment by parents
b. selection of toys and furnishings
c. peer pressure in a group
d. demographic characteristics of the neighborhood
e. All of the above
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

8. What competencies do play activities generate for boys more than for girls?
a. rules learning
b. creative problem-solving
c. imitations
d. task persistence
e. compliance
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

9. Which of the following strategies would likely be effective to help a child experiencing developmental delays?
a. Direct the child to engage in a teacher-lead activity.
b. Get an aide who will help the child during play.
c. Use only the general support strategies.
d. Simplify the ongoing activities so that this child can participate with classmates.
e. Play with toys is wasted time in a learning setting for children having special needs.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.03 - Articulate how adults guide and facilitate children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

10. What type of social participation is the following? Claude is mixing soil and water near the area in which Todd and
Justin have constructed a roadway and town in the dirt. Occasionally he delivers “cement” to them, but his activity is
focused on the mixing process.
a. onlooker
b. solitary
c. parallel
d. associative
e. cooperative
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

11. Which question do children ask themselves in object play that they don’t ask in exploration?
a. What can I do with this?
b. How does it smell or taste?
c. What happens if the lever moves?
d. Does this piece come off?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

12. Which question do children ask themselves in construction play that they don’t ask themselves in object play?
a. What will happen if I shake this?
b. How can I make this look like something I’ve seen?
c. What happens if I move this lever?
d. Does this piece come off?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

13. Several children are in the block area, experimenting with various stacking strategies. Their aim is to get as many
blocks as they can to stand upright without falling over. This is an example of what kind of play?
a. object play b. pretend play
c. movement play d. construction play
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

14. Which of the following children is most definitely involved in practice play?
a. Jenny is playing dominoes with her best friend Sarah.
b. Larry is playing basketball on the playground.
c. Carrie is learning to knit.
d. Tony goes up and down the slide 20 times.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

15. Which of the following incidents demonstrate rough-and-tumble play?

a. Girls are laughing and wrestling, with some chasing.
b. Boys are practicing specific actions for boxing.
c. Boys are frowning and slugging each other.
d. Girls are shouting as they run around the track.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

16. Which is the most mature form of construction play?

a. making costumes for pretend play
b. stringing beads
c. lining up blocks in a horizontal grid
d. building a house with blocks
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

17. Which statement is NOT a characteristic of the challenging aspect of play?

a. The challenges undertaken are slightly more difficult than what the child can do.
b. Interest remains high in the activity until the child feels that the skill is mastered.
c. Children respond to dares from other children.
d. Boys are shouting as they run down the hill.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

18. Don and Bryan are playing a board game. Each child has played this game at home with family members. Bryan
insists that the first person who plays is the one with the red playing piece, and Don demands that they roll a die to
determine who starts. They engage in this discussion with much vigor for several minutes. What is their approximate age?
a. under three b. three to four
c. four to five d. over five
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

19. Which of the following statements is most appropriate to say to Phillip, who is attempting to engage George in rough-
and-tumble play when George is either unwilling or uncertain?
a. “Go away and leave him alone.”
b. “That’s not nice.”
c. “There are no superheroes here.”
d. “Ask George if he wants to play.”
e. “Instead of running around chasing each other, why don’t you dig in the sand?”
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.03 - Articulate how adults guide and facilitate children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

20. Mr. Ramirez is stationed at the game table and notices that the children playing Candy Land are arguing about how to
use the playing pieces. He chooses a playing piece. Next, he asks the children if it is his turn to spin the spinner. He has
decided to help the children in what way?
a. from inside the playframe b. from outside the playframe
c. through metacognitive coaching d. through direct instruction
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.03 - Articulate how adults guide and facilitate children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

21. Barbara entered the play area after Geraldine and Rachel were already playing house and asked if she could play. She
listened to their dialogue, made role-appropriate comments as the neighbor, and contributed to the storyline the others
suggested. She smiled and gestured as others also played out their roles, accepting and modifying and responding in her
own play to coordinate with theirs. How would you describe this child’s level of play?
a. a beginner of simple pretend play
b. a friendly easy player
c. a master player who knows the implicit rules
d. a player who has not grasped how to initiate and maintain play
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

22. Lalita, age four, has tried unsuccessfully to be the director of house play on several occasions. Ms. Kurzhals usually
dismissed children to free choice activities for the story time by name. She has noticed Lalita’s attempts and is
considering what might be effective in supporting her. What do you think she should try first?
a. Change the materials that are available for free play.
b. Explain the importance of taking turns to the children during the story time.
c. Dismiss Lalita ahead of her usual playmates for a few days so that she can arrive at the pretend play area first.
d. Direct the players to allow Lalita to determine the narrative of the play from outside the play frame.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.03 - Articulate how adults guide and facilitate children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

23. What skills that children learn through play contribute to self-regulation?
a. follows game rules appropriately for age
b. shares or takes turns
c. maintains role in pretend play
d. All of the above
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding
24. Cun Liu and Hui Li I pretending to bury a stuffed toy dog. They put him in a box, gather dandelions, and appear to
have a ceremony for it. What social competence are they demonstrating?
a. emotional intelligence
b. positive self identity
c. social values
d. cultural competence
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

25. Which of the following behaviors contribute to positive self-identity during play?
a. reads and sends nonverbal cues
b. contributes to the plans of others
c. establishes social status in the play group
d. negotiates roles and rules
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

26. What is the difference between the play of four-year-olds and children of eight or nine?
a. Older children are no longer interested in pretend play.
b. Older children make great effort to maintain the illusion that the pretend is real.
c. Older children use more explicit strategies.
d. There are no differences between these age groups.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

27. The opposite of play is work.

a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

28. The locus of control during play is with the adult.

a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

29. Demonstrating how to construct a bridge is an effective strategy for children who have never seen it done.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.03 - Articulate how adults guide and facilitate children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

30. Based on your understanding of the definition of play, the game of Ping-Pong could represent play for some people,
but not for everyone.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

31. The capacity to play is an acquired ability.

a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

32. Play with objects is less socially demanding than playing with a group of children.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

33. Pretend play requires that a child understand a role.

a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

34. The language is used in play as well as being a subject of play.

a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

35. Children practice newly acquired skills in play.

a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

36. Learning takes place only as a result of adult instruction.

a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.04 - Identify pitfalls to avoid in facilitating children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

37. A child's cultural context including characteristics of the community have little impact on the content of pretend play.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

38. Children who engage in a lot of fantasy play have poor mental health.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

39. The feedback to children from playthings and playmates provides a sense of competence.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

40. Pretend play usually focuses the child’s attention on salient features of social situations.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

41. Children are likely to learn about cooperation and competition through play.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

42. Young boys and girls play in about the same way.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

43. Activities that have little structure force the players to create their own structure and make their own rules.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

44. Boys tend to play family roles more often than girls.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

45. Social play tends to enhance the bonds between individuals.

a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

46. Children are unaware of social status in their play.

a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

47. All exploratory behavior is play.

a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering
48. Play for children having special needs is less important than for typically developing children.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.04 - Identify pitfalls to avoid in facilitating children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

49. Play with movable outdoor equipment is more likely to be pretend play than play with immobile equipment.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

50. The term “play transformation” refers to children’s tendency to substitute one object or situation for another.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

51. Children whose style is that of a patterner communicate meaning by the special location of objects and their
perceptual attributes.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

52. It’s easier for children to play with an adult than with a peer.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.03 - Articulate how adults guide and facilitate children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

53. Boys are usually as willing to play mother roles as father roles.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

54. Play is a part of the expected curriculum in some states.

a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

55. Rough-and-tumble play is similar to aggression except for the laughter and other nonverbal acts.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

56. The difference in children’s humor and adult humor is mostly in subject matter.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

57. Children who laugh when others use inappropriate words for bladder and bowel movements should be sharply
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.03 - Articulate how adults guide and facilitate children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

58. Roger, Mary, and Carl have been playing chase for the past several minutes, laughing and calling to each other as they
run from one corner of the playground to another. Mrs. Sanchez, who has been watching from the sidelines, runs toward
them calling, “Chase me, chase me instead.” This is an example of responding from within the playframe.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.03 - Articulate how adults guide and facilitate children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

59. Peter offers Celeste a block saying, “Here, have a cookie before you leave on your trip.” Celeste pretends to eat the
“cookie.” This is an example of object invention.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

60. Vanessa is singing quietly and playing house by herself. Carl is playing with the computer nearby. This is an example
of associative play.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

61. Master players operate within explicit and implicit social rules during pretend play.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

62. Rough-and-tumble play helps children to establish and maintain dominance within the group.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

63. Older school age children tend to use implicit signals to regulate the play drama rather than straight forward proposals
for adjustments.
a. True
b. False
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

64. What is the difference between a sport and an informal game?

ANSWER: Sports have codified rules and are administered by adults; informal games are not.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

65. Why do adults sometimes think preschool children cheat when they play games?
ANSWER: Children treat rules as simple examples of how to play, not as obligations.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.04 - Identify pitfalls to avoid in facilitating children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

66. What conditions are most conducive to play?

ANSWER: Children’s physiological needs are met. Children feel safe and are not experiencing strong
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

67. How can adults support a playful atmosphere?

ANSWER: Relax; remain close but outside the play space; maintain open, warm, nonverbal
communication signals; attend to what the children are doing.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.03 - Articulate how adults guide and facilitate children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

68. What resources do children need to play?

ANSWER: time, the absence of interruptions, sufficient space, play materials
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

69. What is the function of the play frame?

ANSWER: It links players through communication and shared goals. It defines who is and is not engaged
in the play episode at a given point in time.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

70. Where does the violent content sometimes seen in play come from?
ANSWER: Imitation of adults; portrayal of media scenes; acting out of inner emotional needs to cope
with feelings of helplessness or aggression; imitation of scripts from electronic games; real
aggression masked as play
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

71. Describe the sequence through which children proceed in each of the following play types:
a. play with objects
b. dramatic play
c. constructive play
d. play with movement
e. games
f. humor
ANSWER: Answers will vary.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

72. Why should childhood professionals know the developmental sequences of play?
ANSWER: Answers will vary.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

73. How can adults help children to play at increasingly complex levels?
ANSWER: Answers will vary.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.03 - Articulate how adults guide and facilitate children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

74. Explain the role of play in relation to other aspects of development: language, social development, emotional
development, cognition, learning.
ANSWER: Answers will vary.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

75. Describe the characteristics of play and give examples of playful and unplayful behavior.
ANSWER: Answers will vary.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

76. Describe the relationship of gender to play.

ANSWER: Answers will vary.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

77. Which of the following is NOT a significant feature of cultural influences on play behavior?
a. content of play is universal
b. timing and skill development of pretend play
c. the choice of games and the rules used to govern informal games
d. children use what they know regardless of culture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

78. Which of the following behaviors is a hallmark of rough-and-tumble play that is different than movement
a. Children run a lot and make noise.
b. Intimidation and staring down are common.
c. Children tackle, wrestle and laugh.
d. Children may challenge one another.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Remembering

79. Why is adult understanding of an individual’s style of play important?

ANSWER: I will ask the adult to interpret the play of one child to another as well as to decide
how to handle the use of materials when more than one child wishes to use them. In
addition, it will enable the adult more successful in making transitions and supporting
another child’s entry into play.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.03 - Articulate how adults guide and facilitate children’s play.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

80. Explain the differences between a master player and a child who plays with basic skills only.
ANSWER: Answers will vary.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.02 - Explain how various types of play develop over time.
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

81. Using what you know about play and development, justify incorporating play into the daily program.
Test Bank for Guiding Childrens Social Development and Learning, 8th Edition

ANSWER: Answers will vary.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES: GCSDAL.KOSTELNIK.08.07.01 - Describe the nature of play and how it relates to social
KEYWORDS: Bloom’s: Understanding

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