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119178, 947 Pat 10,,Pandas Assignment Day 10pynd - Colaboratory Pandas Assignment Import pandas and numpy with ther aliases Create a variable 14 Seres({ 100,200,300, 400)) 2 = paasertes( 200, 308, 468)) Print, and datatype Using indexing access the element 300 from the series 2 print(atay) What ate the values of index fr series a? print(index) Printivalues) Rangerndex(starteo, stops, stapes) [ee 200 390 423) Change the index to fb] 2 = pe.sentes(( 200, 208, 300, 400), index = ("2") “2 [Access the value inthe series with index print¢at'a"]) Intps:ifeolab research google. com/érva/taFLOIVZret76aT sD 7gACRWCeNW_wuottontMode=tu an 119178, 947 Pat 410,,Pandas Assignment Day 10pyno Sort the values wrt tothe index and print t assort_index(oxis = 0) ‘ype ante Create a new Pandas Series b having index as‘, and and value 800,450,100 and prit it b= pe.sentes(( 680, 459, 100), index = ("e", "€, “ely ‘Append series at the end ofa series 2 = buappendcay Sort the values in descending order of a and print he index ofthe sorted series 2 + ausort_indextonis = @) Pandas DataFrame ntps:ifeolab rosearch google. com/érvel fgFLOIVZref7aTxDTeACRWCeNW_wuottorintMod: Colaboratory at 119178, 947 Pat 10,,Pandas Assignment Day 10pynd - Colaboratory Part 1 Create a pandas dataframe df from the series's' that we used in the last section print the dataframe oF = pa.vatatrane({ 209, 200, 360, 499, #90, 458, 1681) eFsne390) 100 +200 3400 Whats the shape ofthe datafarme (also, what does it imply?) oy Hey! remember shape (7,1) mplles dataframe has 7 rows and 1 column, Whats the index ofthe dataframe, ist same as the series A yep As same a5 the serses printtindex Rangelndex(starte®, stope7, stapes) print the head and tall ofthe dataframe ‘Addiional- (what does head and taliepresent?) © 100 + 200 3400 4 a0 Intps:ifeolab roscarch google. com/drva/taFLOIVZret76aTxD7eACRWCeNW_wuottorntMode=tue 119123, 947 PM 10,,Pandas Assignment Day 10pynd - Colaboratory print(af.nead(2)) print(af.tati(2)) Rename the column ofthe dataframe as points f.renane(colunnss{°2": points"), inplacesTrue) 100 3400 4 800 Create another Seles ute, which contains random names of tuts from [orangemangsapple randomly selected from [orangemangoapple] fruits = (orange, "ango",‘sppte") fruits = pe.series(("orange’,"nango'y'spple']) (Change the index of futs tothe index of dataframe d fruits = pe.oatafrane({#euses* = (orange, “nango',appte"1)) ‘Add this ute series asa new column to the dataftame df with its column name as fru print the head ofthe dataframe to verity Intps:feolab roscarch google. com/érvaltgFLOIVZret76aTuD7eACRWCeNW_wuottorntMode=tue he series should contaln 7 elements, am 1191723, 947 Pat 10,,Pandas Assignment Day 10pynd - Colaboratory efsneaso) Pandas Concatenation Create a datatrame di where the cols are ‘ty :['Chandigar, Deli, Kanpur, ‘Chennaf, ‘Manali ] and Temperature =[15,22, 20, 26,2] 61 = pa.vatafrane({‘esty" + ['chanaigarh', “DeInt', “Kanpur : 1 “chennat", “Manali, Temperature’ 125, 22, 28, 26,-212) Print) printean) Whats the shape of dt etty = antretty") print ity Whats the type of city prantcetty) © chandigarn Intps:ifeolab rosearch google. com/drvaltgFLOIVZret76aTsD7eACRWOeNW_wuottontMode=tu sit 1191728, 947 PM 10,,Pandas Assignment Day 10pynd - Colaboratory Create another datafeame 2 where the columns are ‘ety’ -[BengalaruColmbatore!SrrangamPondichesry] Temperature’ [24353639] “Tenperature’ + [24,35,3,38]}) print the shape of this datafame 2) ‘merge the two dataames together, save in a new dataframe named'83 63 = pauconcat(fet, a2}, axis = 0) © Changer © 2 Kanpur 2» 2 Strangam 36 3 Pondchenty 38 Select the part ofthe datatrame such that it contains cities wherer temp is less then or equal to 20 How mary cities are there? naa[[ctty' Temperature’ I] {B[ Temperature” ] <= 204([ Torpersture’ I Select the part ofthe datatrame such that contains the cties where tempearature greater than or equal to 35 al Terperature"] = 35 Intps:ifeolab rosearch google. com/érvaltgFLOIVZret76aTxD7gACRWCeNW_wuottontMode=tue ant 119123, 947 PM 10,,Pandas Assignment Day 10pynd - Colaboratory Applying functions to columns and creating new columns We need o ereate another column in 3, which contains @ boolean value foreach city to incleste whether it's a union tertory oF not, + HINT: Chandigarh, Pondicherry and Delhi are only 3 union tetitris here cet is.wt(eity) oulist =f print(a) EF a mot in ["cnandtgarh', ut 21st. append(False) ut List-append(true) ue ots (ect Tinsel wetter = if a not fv ["Chandsgaeh’, “Pondicherry”, episee) = utilise 2 Kanpur 2» © Bongalan Py + Coimbatore 36 2 sorangam 36 [rrue, True, False, False, enh") 182 950 False, False, False, False, Trve] Intps:feolab roscarch google. com/érvaltgFLOIVZret76aTuD7eACRWCeNW_wuottorntMode=tue am 1191728, 947 PM 10,,Pandas Assignment Day 10pynd - Colaboratory chty Temperature is_ut temp farentiet © Chansaarh 18 Te 0 + Dati 22 Te ns 3 henna 2 Fal 708 4 Nana 2 Fale ms 0 Bengatan 2 False 82 2 Sirangam 38 Fae 08 2 Pon ty 39 Tue 1022 ‘The temperatures mentioned in Temperature! column ate mentioned in Celsius, we need another column which contains the same In Fahrenhet, HN + Define a function ¢_t0_f which takes input temp in celsius and returns a value with temperature in Fahrenheit + To check: ¢-to_4(10) should return 50. ser C20 Ho) e213 ane = « te_f(cel) print(*%@.47 degrees Celsius Ss equivalent to 40.16 degrees Fahrenbeit™ X(ce1, fahe)) f check function «.te_#(18) fet eto. fle) pre tay e ‘ann = «.to_4(19) Print(*4l.37 degrees Celsius 4s equivalent to X9.1¢ degrees Fahrentest abn) fa list = fet « te.) #2 Gs hay 3 for x An dsl Temperature’) 4s et0-f0) fahr-Tset- append(¢) eal tenp_faremnser' [= fahe_Dist Intps:ifeolab roscarch google. com/érvaltgFLOIVZret76aTsD7gACRWCeNW_wuottontMode=tue ant 1191728, 947 PM 10,,Pandas Assignment Day 10pynd - Colaboratory Indexing and selecting rows in DataFrame Select subset ofthe dataframe d1 such that it contains the cities which are union teritories 64 = eafas[ ts ue']e “ee at Incoxingiror ‘ssceback (nore recent call Ieee) “Spython-Anput-75-07Ce1649°259 40 srry at = sil esey"|-0e8,2,3] trames Jusr/ocal/1sb/pythons.£/s8st-packages/pandas/core/indexig py in validate key_length(seif, key) 790" def validate ey length(setf, key! Sequence[y]} -> Rone Jot Ge en(eey) > sett. nai 3 1B False Indexingerror("Too many andexers") 74 def _geriven tuple_sane-din(self, taps tuple) Selecta subset ofthe dataframe dl auch that it contains the etes which only have temperature above 90 Farenhiet, ft = e9[ast tenp_tarenhiet 996] Select only the ist three rows of the dataframe dl 4 A0ef 1,233] 3 Pontchery 8 Te 1022 Select all the rows and lat wo columns inthe datarame et Aoe{t:A{ts_ut', "tonp_farenhiet* 1] Groupby 1 create 2 catafrane using tctionary of your choice cata = pd.oataFrane( ane’: ['Ankit’, ‘Aishwarya', “Shaurya!, ‘Shivangi" Ty Age’ + 123, 21, 38, 21], University’ = [°BM, "OMI", “OU, “aMU'D, 29 oF = pa.batatrane(aata, colums-{ ‘Age’ }).sun() sen) Intps:ifeolab roscarch google. com/érvaltgFLOIVZret76aTsD7gACRWCeNW_wuottontMode=tuo ont 119123, 947 PM 10,,Pandas Assignment Day 10pynd - Colaboratory ige 94 type: Snes 44 Use Groupby of single colton with angregste count) (2 = data. groupby([ "University" I)[Universsty']-e2unt() Use Groupby of single column with aggregate sin() and atx() #42 = data. groupby(("Age"})-s12e().groupby (Level-8) ax) (43 = data. groupby({ "University" ]).size()-grougby(leve ning) 44 Use Groupby of any 2 columns with a nea) (2 = data-groupby( ("Age") 988((°Age"* 'ne80"1)) ef2.colunms = [-abr_sean"] na nm m0 2» m0 Use Grouply of any 2 colums with aggregate sin() and max() 22's data. groupby( (Age, Mare" I).agg(Cage"? [nin "mae ]},(°Mave's (nin’, “aa D)) ef2.colums = ("age nin", "age sax stage ierst ag Page Covers min’, Snare ))oCAg8" Cain's mae) oniversity Age a) Data Range Create a pandas daterange where starting date is Tst of January.2020 and end dates 1st of April 2021, store it na new variable named’ 8 = pe.date_range(sta 2020-61-81", endo'2621-01-1") pinta Datetinerndex({'2022-01-01', "2020-01-02", "2020-01-05", "2020-01-64", Intps:ifeolab roscarch google. com/érvaltgFLOIVZret76aTsD7gACRWCeNW_wuottontMode=tuo sont 119178, 947 Pat 10,,Pandas Assignment Day 10pynd - Colaboratory types‘datetinesa{ns]", lengthea57, freq'2") Whats the len of a? tents) Whats the ype ofa? eyeeta) Intps:ifeolab roscarch google. com/érvaltgFLOIVZret76aTsD7gACRWCeNW_wuottontMode=tuo wt

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