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Test Bank for Marriages Families and Relationships 13th by Lamanna

Test Bank for Marriages Families and Relationships

13th by Lamanna

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1. Seventy-two percent of Americans ages 18 and older were married in 1960, compared with _____ percent in 2014.
a. 25 b. 38
c. 49 d. 67

REFERENCES: Marital Status: The Changing Picture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
2. Almost ________ percent of the never-married tell pollsters that they do want to marry.
a. one-third b. half
c. two-thirds d. three-quarters

REFERENCES: Marital Status: The Changing Picture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
3. In the United States, __________ remains the most socially acceptable—and stable—gateway to family life.
a. marriage b. cohabitation
c. adoption d. childbearing

REFERENCES: Marital Status: The Changing Picture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
KEYWORDS: concept
4. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, in the last 50 years, the marriage rate has __________.
a. generally declined b. declined only slightly
c. stayed consistent d. risen significantly

REFERENCES: Marital Status: The Changing Picture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
5. Around 1950, family sociologists described a standard pattern of marriage at about age 20 for women and age ____
for men
a. 18 b. 20
c. 22 d. 26

REFERENCES: Marital Status: The Changing Picture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.

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6. Throughout the first half of the twentieth century, __________ percent of marriages lasted until the children left
a. 80 b. 70
c. 60 d. 50

REFERENCES: Marital Status: The Changing Picture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
7. Same-sex couples have successfully challenged ______, or the idea that heterosexuality is the only normal or
acceptable option.
a. the marriage gap b. misogyny
c. heteronormativity d. homophobia

REFERENCES: Marital Status: The Changing Picture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.04 - Discuss same-sex marriage as legal in the United
States and elsewhere.
8. What is the key function of marriage for most Americans?
a. a practical, economic institution b. love and ongoing emotional support
c. childbearing and rearing d. merging two families

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusitivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
KEYWORDS: concept
9. What was the first country to allow same-sex partners to legally marry?
a. Japan b. the United States
c. Sweden d. the Netherlands

REFERENCES: Marital Status: The Changing Picture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.04 - Discuss same-sex marriage as legal in the United
States and elsewhere.

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10. About what percentage of married couples in the U.S. are same-sex couples?
a. one-half of one percent b. two percent
c. five percent d. ten percent

REFERENCES: Marital Status: The Changing Picture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.04 - Discuss same-sex marriage as legal in the United
States and elsewhere.
11. Compared to other same-sex couples, married same-sex couples are more likely to
a. have lower household incomes. b. be unemployed.
c. be older. d. have less education.

REFERENCES: Marital Status: The Changing Picture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.04 - Discuss same-sex marriage as legal in the United
States and elsewhere.
12. The Netherlands first enacted a civil marriage law in
a. 1200 b. 1590
c. 1850 d. 1970

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
13. Which of the following is NOT one of the five major social institutions as identified by social scientists?
a. family b. religion
c. sports d. education

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.

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14. With few cross-cultural or historical exceptions, marriages have been expected to
a. result in divorce.
b. produce children.
c. be lifelong undertakings.
d. be based on love.

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
15. _______, or having more than one spouse, is culturally accepted in many parts of the world.
a. Monogamy b. Cohabitation
c. Serial monogamy. d. Polygamy

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
16. In Europe, requirements for women’s sexual exclusivity emerged to maintain the ______ line of descent.
a. polygamous b. matriarchal
c. polyamorous d. patriarchal

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
17. Polygamy has been illegal in the United States since
a. 1250 b. 1878
c. 1584 d. 1933

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.

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18. _____ is a type of polygamy wherein a woman has multiple husbands.
a. Polyandry b. Monogamy
c. Polygyny d. Matriarchy

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
19. Historically, marriage and family had two important functions: (1) guaranteeing property rights, and (2) _________.
a. the responsible upbringing of children b. emotional intimacy
c. sexual release d. changing the woman’s name

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
20. According to the text, permanence and sexual exclusivity are two every important elements of the marriage
a. dialogue. b. premise.
c. contract. d. dynamic.

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
KEYWORDS: concept
21. Bill and JoAnn have recently married and have made a commitment to each other that they will keep each other as
the most important people in their lives, and stay together as long as they live. Bill and JoAnn’s joint commitment
reflects the expectations of
a. self-disclosure. b. permanence.
c. devotion. d. convenience.

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
KEYWORDS: application

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22. Rhonda and Javier have recently married and have agreed that they will only have sexual relations with each other.
This agreement reflects the expectations of
a. polygamy. b. permanence.
c. sexual exclusivity. d. self-disclosure.

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
KEYWORDS: application
23. Social scientists have defined the family as a(n) __________—a fundamental component of social organization.
a. social institution b. individual contract
c. familial norm d. unit of existence

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
24. With a group of other married couples, Melissa and Bobby regularly exchange partners in order to engage in purely
recreational sex. This reflects a practice known as
a. polyamory. b. cohabiting.
c. polygamy. d. swinging.

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
KEYWORDS: application
25. Roland and Megan are married, but have agreed to retain the option of sexually and emotionally loving others. This is
referred to in the text as
a. polyamory. b. polygamy.
c. polygyny. d. swinging.

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
KEYWORDS: application

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26. A key difference between swinging and polyamory is that in the case of polyamory, outside relationships
a. are exclusively sexual. b. can be emotional as well as sexual.
c. are always emotional as well as sexual. d. are exclusively emotional, but not sexual.

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
27. The text reports that more than ___________ percent of Americans believe that adultery is morally wrong.
a. 30 b. 50
c. 70 d. 90

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
28. The United States is considered a(n) __________ society, where romantic love is valued in marriage.
a. individualistic b. collectivistic
c. communal d. polyamorous

REFERENCES: From “Yoke Mates” to “Soul Mates”: A Changing Marriage Premise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.
29. Other societies, and past societies, tended to be more __________, where people identify with and conform to the
expectations of their extended kin.
a. individualistic b. collectivistic
c. libertarian d. progressive

REFERENCES: From “Yoke Mates” to “Soul Mates”: A Changing Marriage Premise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.

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30. Due to the American individualist orientation, three interrelated developments have occurred relating to marriage.
Which of the following is NOT one of these?
a. The authority of kin and extended family weakened.
b. Community became more vital and important.
c. Individuals began to find their own marriage partners.
d. Romantic love came to be associated with marriage.

REFERENCES: From “Yoke Mates” to “Soul Mates”: A Changing Marriage Premise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.
KEYWORDS: concept
31. Parents and children, along with other relatives such as in-laws, grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins are
included in the __________ family.
a. extended b. nuclear
c. conjugal d. fictive

REFERENCES: From “Yoke Mates” to “Soul Mates”: A Changing Marriage Premise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.
KEYWORDS: concept
32. Some groups have friends who are so close that they are hardly distinguished from actual relatives. These
relationships are referred to as “__________” kin.
a. conjugal b. extended
c. nuclear d. fictive

REFERENCES: From “Yoke Mates” to “Soul Mates”: A Changing Marriage Premise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.
KEYWORDS: concept
33. Parents, brothers, and sisters are part of a person’s family of
a. procreation. b. origin.
c. orientation. d. dominance.

REFERENCES: From “Yoke Mates” to “Soul Mates”: A Changing Marriage Premise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.
KEYWORDS: concept

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34. Spouses and children are part of a person’s family of
a. parentage. b. procreation.
c. orientation. d. extension.

REFERENCES: From “Yoke Mates” to “Soul Mates”: A Changing Marriage Premise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.
KEYWORDS: concept
35. For Hispanics today, la familia means
a. the extended family only.
b. the nuclear family only.
c. the conjugal family only.
d. the extended as well as the nuclear family.

REFERENCES: From “Yoke Mates” to “Soul Mates”: A Changing Marriage Premise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.
KEYWORDS: concept
36. Arranged marriage has characterized __________ societies.
a. individualistic b. collectivistic
c. egalitarian d. postmodern

REFERENCES: From “Yoke Mates” to “Soul Mates”: A Changing Marriage Premise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.
37. That marriages should involve romance and lead to personal happiness is a uniquely __________ idea.
a. Western b. communal
c. modern d. collectivist

REFERENCES: From “Yoke Mates” to “Soul Mates”: A Changing Marriage Premise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.
KEYWORDS: concept

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38. According to family historian Stephanie Coontz, the institution of marriage has changed from being seen as the
fundamental unit of work and politics to being ____________________.
a. like a yoke for paired oxen b. expected by the extended family unit
c. an economic unit d. a haven in a heartless world

REFERENCES: From “Yoke Mates” to “Soul Mates”: A Changing Marriage Premise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.
KEYWORDS: concept
39. Family sociologist Andrew Cherlin has noted that time-honored family definitions and social norms “count for far less”
than in the past. He calls this__________.
a. the disrespecting of the family b. the deinstitutionalization of marriage
c. tragic and irreversible. d. extended kin disdain

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
KEYWORDS: concept
40. In a(n) __________ marriage, coming together as husband and wife was based on dutiful adherence to the time-
honored marriage premise, particularly the norm of permanence.
a. institutional b. companionate
c. individualized d. romantic

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
KEYWORDS: concept
41. According to the ______ hypothesis, many of the benefits of marriage result from the personal characteristics of
those who marry.
a. selection b. companionate
c. individualized d. romantic

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.07 - Contrast the selection hypothesis with the experience
hypothesis regarding the benefits of marriage.
KEYWORDS: concept

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42. In a(n) __________ marriage, the husband was expected mainly to be a hard-working provider, and the wife a good
housekeeper and cook.
a. institutional b. companionate
c. individualized d. arranged

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
KEYWORDS: concept
43. Middle-class Americans often dream of attaining “the white picket fence.” That is, they see marriage as an
opportunity for idealized domesticity within the “haven” of their own single-family home. Which marriage does this
a. the institutional marriage bond b. the companionate marriage bond
c. the individualized marriage bond d. the cohabitation bond

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
KEYWORDS: concept
44. The text lists four interrelated characteristics that distinguish individualized marriage. Which of the following is NOT
one of these?
a. It is optional.
b. Spouses’ roles are flexible—negotiable and renegotiable.
c. Its expected rewards involve love, communication and emotional intimacy.
d. It is economically practical.

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
KEYWORDS: concept
45. In a(n) __________ marriage, which dominates Americans’ goals for marriage today, partners expect companionship
and intimacy as well as more practical benefits.
a. institutional b. companionate
c. individualized d. arranged

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
KEYWORDS: concept

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46. Marriage partners now expect love and emotional intimacy, open communication, role flexibility, gender equality, and
personal growth. Which does this describe?
a. the institutional marriage bond b. the companionate marriage bond
c. the individualized marriage bond d. the cohabitation bond

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
KEYWORDS: concept
47. People in individualized marriages expect all of the following EXCEPT
a. patriarchal authority. b. love and emotional support.
c. personal autonomy. d. role flexibility.

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
KEYWORDS: concept
48. According to the text, the high expectations inherent in an individualistic marriage may be associated with all of the
following EXCEPT
a. people deciding not to marry.
b. a high divorce rate.
c. a lower birth rate.
d. more early marriages.

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
KEYWORDS: concept
49. About __________ million children under age 18 live in single-parent households.
a. 10 b. 20
c. 40 d. 60

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.

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50. When compared with teens in married, two-biological-parent homes, those in single-parent and cohabiting families are
more likely to experience all EXCEPT which of the following?
a. higher teen pregnancy rates
b. earlier premarital intercourse
c. lower academic achievement
d. higher rates of school suspension and delinquency

REFERENCES: Individualized Marriage and the Postmodern Family: Decline or Inevitable
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
KEYWORDS: concept
51. Considerable research supports the overall conclusion that growing up with married parents
a. has no effect on children b. is worse for children
c. is better for children d. is so uncommon we have no data to analyze

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
52. Compared with family members in unmarried households, spouses as a category have
a. less wealth. b. overall lower levels of health.
c. more frequent sex. d. higher rates of alcoholism.

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
KEYWORDS: concept
53. Those who view individualized marriage as __________ assert that our culture’s unchecked individualism has cause
widespread moral weakening and self-indulgence.
a. family change b. family erosion
c. family cycling d. family decline

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage: The Policy Debate
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.05 - Describe the debate between policy makers and
scholars who see marriage as "in decline" versus those who see marriage a
"changing" but not necessarily in decline.
KEYWORDS: concept

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54. Those who view individualized marriage as __________ say that those who look back with nostalgia to the good old
days may be idealizing the past.
a. family change b. family erosion
c. family cycling d. family decline

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage: The Policy Debate
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.05 - Describe the debate between policy makers and
scholars who see marriage as "in decline" versus those who see marriage a
"changing" but not necessarily in decline.
KEYWORDS: concept
55. Policy advocates from a marital __________ perspective are mainly concerned about the high number and
proportions of parents and children living in poverty.
a. change b. decline
c. advocacy d. traditionalist

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage: The Policy Debate
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.05 - Describe the debate between policy makers and
scholars who see marriage as "in decline" versus those who see marriage a
"changing" but not necessarily in decline.
KEYWORDS: concept
56. An important goal from the marital __________ perspective is to return to a society more in line with the values and
norms of companionate marriage.
a. change b. decline
c. advocacy d. traditionalist

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage: The Policy Debate
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.05 - Describe the debate between policy makers and
scholars who see marriage as "in decline" versus those who see marriage a
"changing" but not necessarily in decline.
KEYWORDS: concept
57. Policy advocates from a __________ perspective are concerned with the breakdown of the family including money
spent on welfare.
a. family change b. family erosion
c. family cycling d. family decline

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage: The Policy Debate
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.05 - Describe the debate between policy makers and
scholars who see marriage as "in decline" versus those who see marriage a
"changing" but not necessarily in decline.
KEYWORDS: concept

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58. Comparing children’s well-being in married families with that of those in one-parent families, Linda Waite found that
children from married families had several strengths. Which of the following is NOT one of her findings?
a. Children were about half as likely to drop out of high school
b. Children had a higher IQ and were more creative.
c. Children were significantly less likely to live in poverty.
d. Children had better-quality relationships with their parents.

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
KEYWORDS: concept
59. The proportion of children under age eighteen living with two married parents __________ over the past 30 years.
a. rose dramatically b. rose steadily
c. declined steadily d. remained the same

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
60. Personalizing a role by modifying or adjusting the expectations traditionally assigned to it is called
a. role-making b. boundary-setting
c. marital sanctification d. marital navigation

REFERENCES: Happiness, Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction: How Does Marriage Matter?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
KEYWORDS: concept
61. Research would suggest what which of the following married couples are MOST likely to be the happiest?
a. Ashley and Scott, who have three children and have b. Mary and Stan, who are retired with grown
been married ten years children
c. Juanita and LeBron, who are a middle-aged couple d. Rita and Jon, who have no children and have
with one child in college been married two years

REFERENCES: Happiness, Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction: How Does Marriage Matter?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
KEYWORDS: application

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62. All of the following have been identified as potentially problematic topics for couples in first marriages EXCEPT
a. balancing job and family. b. sexual frequency.
c. finding agreement in political views. d. agreeing on how much time to spend together.

REFERENCES: Happiness, Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction: How Does Marriage Matter?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
KEYWORDS: concept
63. Which of the following is NOT strongly related to couple satisfaction?
a. pursuing leisure activities together b. communicating supportively
c. raising children together d. spending time together

REFERENCES: Happiness, Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction: How Does Marriage Matter?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
KEYWORDS: concept
64. Polls show that both male and female spouses are far more likely than others to say that they are “very happy.”
Nearly __________ of marrieds say they are “very happy,” compared to less than half of unmarrieds.
a. three-fourths b. two-thirds
c. more than half d. half

REFERENCES: Happiness, Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction: How Does Marriage Matter?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
KEYWORDS: concept
65. The family as a social institution rests on the marriage premise of permanence and sexual exclusivity.
a. True
b. False

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
KEYWORDS: concept
66. Expectations for permanence derive from the fact that, historically, marriage has been a practical social institution.
a. True
b. False

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
KEYWORDS: concept

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67. Polyandry refers to multiple wives for one husband.
a. True
b. False

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
68. Historically, polygamy has been very rare and taboo across all cultures.
a. True
b. False

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
KEYWORDS: concept
69. Polyamory refers to marriages in which one or both spouses retain the option to sexually and emotionally love others
in addition to their spouse.
a. True
b. False

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
KEYWORDS: concept
70. Only about 25 percent of Americans believe that extramarital sex is morally wrong.
a. True
b. False

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.

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71. At least among white, middle-class Americans, the husband-wife dyad is expected to take precedence over any
a. True
b. False

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
KEYWORDS: concept
72. La familia means the extended, but NOT the nuclear family.
a. True
b. False

REFERENCES: From “Yoke Mates” to “Soul Mates”: A Changing Marriage Premise
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.
KEYWORDS: concept
73. In most cases, marriage alone is sufficient to alleviate poverty.
a. True
b. False

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
74. Higher income is positively associated with marriage.
a. True
b. False

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
75. A majority of unmarried families live in poverty.
a. True
b. False

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of

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76. Nearly two-thirds of marrieds say they are “very happy,” compared to less than half of unmarrieds.
a. True
b. False

REFERENCES: Happiness, Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction: How Does Marriage Matter?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
77. The family as a social institution rests on the __________ of permanence and sexual exclusivity.

ANSWER: marriage premise

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
78. __________ refers to multiple wives for a man.

ANSWER: Polygyny
REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
79. __________ is a marriage arrangement in which couples exchange partners in order to engage in purely recreational

ANSWER: Swinging
REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
80. Marriages in which one or both spouses retain the option to sexually love others in addition to their spouse are
practicing _________.

ANSWER: polyamory
REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
81. Beginning with a public ceremony, marriage makes for what sociologist Andrew Cherlin calls

ANSWER: enforced trust

REFERENCES: Happiness, Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction: How Does Marriage Matter?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.03 - Explain why marriage has historically been a public
rather than simply private ceremony.

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82. In a(n) __________ marriage, the husband was expected mainly to be a hardworking provider and the wife was
expected to be a good housekeeper and cook.

ANSWER: companionate
REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
83. Some of the benefits associated with marriage are caused by the experience of being married, rather than the
selection of a particular partner. Researchers call this the _________ of marriage.

ANSWER: experience hypothesis

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.07 - Contrast the selection hypothesis with the experience
hypothesis regarding the benefits of marriage.
84. Marital _______ encourages spouses to see their marriages as ordained by god and hence of divine significance.

ANSWER: sanctification
REFERENCES: Happiness, Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction: How Does Marriage Matter?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
85. Instead of marital stability, some policy makers argue for _________, or supporting children and therefore their
parents in whatever family form they find themselves.

ANSWER: family stability

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage: The Policy Debate
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.05 - Describe the debate between policy makers and
scholars who see marriage as "in decline" versus those who see marriage a
"changing" but not necessarily in decline.
86. What is the “marriage premise?”

ANSWER: Will vary

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
87. What are the three “subcultures” discussed by the text as alternates to marital sexual exclusivity?

ANSWER: Will vary

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.
88. Explain the relationship between expectations of permanence and expectations of sexual exclusivity. Give an example
of each category.

ANSWER: Will vary

REFERENCES: The Time-Honored Marriage Premise: Permanence and Sexual Exclusivity
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.02 - Describe the marriage premise and its components,
including permanence and expectations of fidelity.

Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 20

Test Bank for Marriages Families and Relationships 13th by Lamanna

89. Not all same-sex couples want to marry. Briefly explain why.

ANSWER: Will vary

REFERENCES: Marital Status: The Changing Picture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.04 - Discuss same-sex marriage as legal in the United
States and elsewhere.
90. Briefly describe the relationship between marriage and poverty.

ANSWER: Will vary

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage: The Policy Debate
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of
91. What is the marriage gap and why does it exist?

ANSWER: Will vary

REFERENCES: Marital Status: The Changing Picture
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.01 - Analyze the value that Americans place on marriage
as attitudes about it change.
92. Contrast the selection and experience hypotheses. Which seems more plausible to you? Why?

ANSWER: Will vary

REFERENCES: Deinstitutionalized Marriage
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.07 - Contrast the selection hypothesis with the experience
hypothesis regarding the benefits of marriage.
93. Discuss the relationship between marriage and happiness and life satisfaction.

ANSWER: Will vary

REFERENCES: Happiness, Well-Being, and Life Satisfaction: How Does Marriage Matter?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: MFaR.LAMA.15.07.06 - Describe some research-established benefits of

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