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According to some geek fandoms, Saiyans, from the Dragonball anime, are known to become stronger

the more they are exposed to harder situations. It’s like the term, “What doesn’t kill them makes them

stronger.” And as a Dragonball fan, I really want to become one, even at my age. 😆 But not because I want
to have that golden or blue hair they have whenever they transform…No. Wait. I want that. But aside
from that, their resilience in harder situations is what I truly admire. They fall once, they make sure to
get back up immediately (Unfortunately the majority weren’t able to because Frieza casually destroyed
their planet and everyone in it). So when life hits hard on me, and people think I can’t go on, I’d say, “Oh,
don’t worry. I’m a Saiyan”, then I’d chuckle, and keep moving.

Life will keep throwing at us the difficult moments that we need to overcome. It’s not that easy most of
the time, and yet, when we fall on our knees, we wonder if we’ll even be able to get back up. But
remember, it’s not the end yet.

All of us, humans, are born as weaklings, but some, through hard-work and perseverance, become
stronger over time. We are created special because we have the ability to choose for ourselves what to
do, unlike the other living organisms that were created before us who have this kind of a cycle when
thinking. We had the opportunity to know more, and we are created in our Heavenly Father’s image.

What truly matters in this life is what we have learned as we go along the way, how many times you get
back on your feet, and how many times you humbled yourself and thank God for helping you get over
those trials you had through our Savior, Jesus Christ.

As a new month and another first Sunday begins for us tomorrow, I invite you to bear your testimony of
how the gospel and your faith has helped you overcome even the worst trials you have faced in your life.
Remember that at the end of every dark tunnel is a light that shines brightly towards us.

“The Lord gives us opportunities, sometimes even through trials, that we may grow and become
stronger.” – D. Todd Christofferson

“In a paradoxical way, afflictions and sorrow prepare us to experience joy if we will trust in the Lord and
His plan for us.” – L. Todd Budge

“Adversities are temporary. What is permanent is what we become by the way we react to them.” –
Dallin H. Oaks
Stay woke and resilient, brothers and sisters. 😉

~Kuya Daichi 🔥

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