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DRUG EDUCATION AND VICE CONTROL are used for medical purposes upon a valid

- defined as chemical substance which, when A. THE DEPRESSANTS (DOWNERS)
introduced into the body, produces changes in These are drugs which suppress vital
its function (Guevara,2014). body functions especially those of the brain or
- it is any substance that produces physiological central nervous system with the resulting
changes when introduced to the body (Ganzon, impairment of judgement, hearing, speech and
2015). muscular coordination.
- is any chemical substance which by virtue of its 1. Narcotics - are drugs which produce
chemical nature, alters the structure and insensitivity, stupor, melancholy or dullness of
functioning of a living organism or in its broadest mind with delusions.
term, is a chemical substance that has known Opium, heroin, codein, and morphine are the
biological effects on humans or other animals most popular of narcotics.
(Soriano, 2017).
- any substance (other than food that provides 3. Opium - derived from a poppy plant –
nutritional support), that when inhaled, injected, Papaver somniferum popularly known as “gum”,
smoked, consumed, absorbed via a patch on the “gamot”, “kalamay” or “panocha”.
skin or dissolved under the tongue causes a
physiological change in the body (Web Sources). 4. Morphine - most commonly used and best
used opiate. Effective as a painkiller six times
The common methods of administration are potent than opium, with a high dependence -
the following: producing potential. Morphine exerts action
1. Oral - this is the safest most convenient and characterized be analgesia, drowsiness, mood
economical route whenever possible. changes, and mental clouding. Primarily used to
Example: Alcohol, Marijuana, and Ecstasy treat both acute and chronic severe pain.
2. Injection - this form of drug administration
offers a faster response than the oral method. It 5. Heroin - is three to five times more powerful
makes use of a needle or other device to deliver than morphine from which it is derived and the
the drugs directly into the body tissue and blood most addicting opium derivative.
Ex.: Heroin, Cocaine, and Methamphetamine 6. Codeine - a derivative of morphine,
3. Inhalation - this route makes use of gaseous commonly available in cough syrup preparations.
and volatile drugs, which are inhaled and
absorbed rapidly through the mucous of the 7. Paregoric - a tincture of opium in combination
respiratory tract. with camphor. Commonly used as a household
Ex.: Solvents: paint thinner, degreaser, gasoline, remedy for diarrhea and abdominal pain.
lighter fluid, dry cleaning fluids
4. Topical - this refers to the application of 8. Demerol and Methadone - common
drugs directly to a body site such as the skin and synthetic drugs with morphine – like effects.
the mucous membrane.
Ex.: Can be applied to the skin include liniments, 9. Barbiturates - are central nervous
gels, creams, ointments and lotions. depressants. They reduce the activity of nerves
5. Iontophoresis - the introduction of drugs into causing muscle relaxation. They can reduce
the deeper layers of the skin by the use of heart rate, breathing, and blood pressure.
special type of electric current for local effect.
Ex.: Used in physical therapy. 10. Tranquilizers - are drugs that calm and
relax and diminish anxiety. They are used in the
General Classification of Drugs: treatment of nervous states and some mental
1. Pharmaceutical Drugs- “Medicines” disorders without producing sleep.
pharmaceutical drugs are chemical substances
used to treat, cure, prevent, diagnose a disease, 11. Alcohol - the king of all drugs with potential
improve physical health, or promote well-being. for abuse. Most widely used, socially accepted
A. Over-the-Counter Drugs and most extensively legalized drug throughout
Are medicines sold directly to a consumer the world.
without a prescription from a healthcare Ex.: Beers, Wines, Spirits, Liqueurs
professional or attending physician.
B. Prescriptive Drugs
While OTC drugs are available in the B. THE STIMULANTS (UPPERS)
market without special restrictions, These produce effects opposite to that
prescription drugs on the other hand require of depressants. Instead of bringing about
a prescription from a medical practitioner for relaxation and sleep, they produce increased
their purchase. They are always required to mental alertness, wakefulness, reduce hunger,
pass over the counter from the pharmacist and provide a feeling of well being.
to the customer after the former has 1. Amphetamines - used medically for weight
validated the prescription of the medical reducing in obesity, relief of mild depression and
practitioner. treatment.
2. Psychoactive Drugs- Also known as
“recreational drugs”, these drugs are chemical 2. Cocaine - taken orally, injected or sniffed as
substances that affect the central nervous to achieve euphoria or an intense feeling of
system and are used for pleasure though some “highness”.
3. Caffeine - it is present in coffee, tea, =====================================
chocolate, cola drinks, and some wake-up pills. DDB and PDEA (RA. 9165)

4. Shabu/ “poor man’s cocaine” - chemically Section 77. The Dangerous Drugs Board. –
known as methamphetamine. It is a central The Board shall be the policy- making and
nervous system stimulant and sometimes called strategy- formulating body in the planning and
“upper” or “speed”. It is white, colorless crystal formulation of policies and programs on drug
or crystalline powder with a bitter numbing taste. prevention and control.It shall develop and adopt
It can be taken orally, inhale (snorted), sniffed a comprehensive, integrated, unified and
(chasing the dragon) or injected. balanced national drug abuse prevention and
control strategy. It shall be under the Office of
5. Nicotine - an active component in tobacco the President.
which acts as a powerful stimulant of the central
nervous system. A drop of pure nicotine can Section 78. Composition of the Board. – The
easily kill a person. Board shall be composed of seventeen (17)
members wherein three (3) of which are
permanent members, the other twelve (12)
C. THE HALLUCINOGENS (PSYCHEDELIC) members shall be in an ex- officio capacity and
They consist of a variety of mind-altering the two (2) shall be regular members.
drugs, which distort reality, thinking and The three (3) permanent members, who shall
perceptions of time, sound, space and possess at least seven-year training and
sensation. experience in the field of dangerous drugs and
1. Marijuana - It is the most commonly abused in any of the following fields: in law, medicine,
hallucinogen in the Philippines. Marijuana is a criminology, psychology or social work, shall be
mixture of leaves, stems, and flowering tops also appointed by the President of the Philippines.
known scientifically as Cannabis Sativa Lima, The President shall designate a Chairman, who
smoked or eaten for its pleasure-giving effects. shall have the rank of a secretary from among
Its leaves formed a finger-like look-odd in the three (3) permanent members who shall
numbers from 3 up to 5 fingerlike serve for six (6) years. Of the two (2) other
leaves. members, who shall both have the rank of
- The female plant is known as the Pistillate undersecretary, one (1) shall serve for four (4)
(shorter but long lived). years and the other for two (2) years. Thereafter,
- The male plant is called the Staminate (taller the persons appointed to succeed such
but short lived). members shall hold office for a term of six (6)
years and until their successors shall have been
CANNABIS INDICA CANNABIS SATIVA duly appointed and qualified. The other twelve
Short, bushy plants Tall and thin with (12) members who shall be ex officio members
with wide leaves. narrow leaves. of the Board are the following:
Darker in shade of Lighter shade of (1) Secretary of the Department of Justice or
green. green. his/her representative;
Grow faster Take longer to grow, (2) Secretary of the Department of Health or
mature. his/her representative;
Less Light More Light (3) Secretary of the Department of National
Cannot grow and Can grow and cultivate Defense or his/her representative;
cultivate in the in the (4) Secretary of the Department of Finance or
Philippines Philippines his/her representative;
(5) Secretary of the Department of Labor and
2. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) - Employment or his/her representative;
Extremely potent hallucinogen. It is synthetically (6) Secretary of the Department of the Interior
made from lysergic acid, which is found in ergot, and Local Government or his/her
a fungus that grows on rye and other grains. representative;
(7) Secretary of the Department of Social
3. Peyote - Peyote is derived from the surface Welfare and Development or his/her
part of a small gray brown cactus. representative;
(8) Secretary of the Department of Foreign
4. Mescaline - It is the alkaloid hallucinogen Affairs or his/her representative;
extracted from the peyote cactus and can also (9) Secretary of the Department of Education or
be synthesized in the laboratory. his/her representative;
(10) Chairman of the Commission on Higher
5. STP - It is a take-off on the motor oil additive. Education or his/her representative;
It is a chemical derivative of mescaline claimed (11) Chairman of the National Youth
to produce more violent and longer effects than Commission;
mescaline dose. (12) Director General of the Philippine Drug
Enforcement Agency.
6. Psilocybin - This hallucinogenic alkaloid from Cabinet secretaries who are members of the
small Mexican mushrooms are used by Mexican Board may designate their duly authorized and
Indians today. permanent representatives whose ranks shall in
no case be lower than undersecretary.
7. Morning Glory Seeds - The black and brown
seeds of the wild tropical morning glory that are The two (2) regular members shall be as follows:
used to (a) The president of the Integrated Bar of the
produce hallucinations. Philippines; and
(b) The chairman or president of a non- DRUGS ACT OF 1972, AS AMENDED,
government organization involved in dangerous PROVIDING FUNDS THEREFOR, AND FOR
drug campaign to be appointed by the President OTHER PURPOSES
of the Philippines.
Section 1. Short Title. – This Act shall be known
The Director of the NBI and the Chief of the PNP and cited as the "Comprehensive Dangerous
shall be the permanent consultants of the Board, Drugs Act of 2002".
and shall attend all the meetings of the Board.
Section 81. Powers and Duties of the Board. Section 3. Definitions. As used in this Act, the
– The Board shall: following terms shall mean:
1. Formulation of Drug Prevention and Control (a) Administer. - Any act of introducing any
Strategy. dangerous drug into the body of any person,
2. Promulgation of Rules and Regulation to carry with or without his/her knowledge, by injection,
out the purposes of this Act. inhalation, ingestion or other means, or of
3. Conduct policy studies and researches. committing any act of indispensable assistance
4. Develop educational programs and info drive. to a person in administering a dangerous drug to
5. Conduct continuing seminars and himself/herself unless administered by a duly
consultations. licensed practitioner for purposes of medication.
6. Design special training.
7. Coordination with agencies for community Example:
service programs. Ramon and Elise went to a local bar, Ramon
8. Maintain international networking. secretly slip roofies into the drink of Elise
before she drunk it. The moment that Ramon
PDEA: PHILIPPINE DRUG ENFORCEMENT mix drugs in the drink of Elise this is already a
AGENCY form of administer.

Highest Position in the organization: Director (b) Board. - Refers to the Dangerous Drugs
General Board under Section 77, Article IX of this Act.
(c) Centers. - Any of the treatment and
Second in Command: rehabilitation centers for drug dependents
a. Deputy Director General for Administration referred to in Section 34, Article VIII of this Act.
b. Deputy Director General for Operations (d) Chemical Diversion. - The sale, distribution,
supply or transport of legitimately imported, in-
Nature: Enforcement Arm of the Philippine transit, manufactured or procured controlled
Government against Illegal Drugs precursors and essential chemicals, in diluted,
The enactment of R.A. 9165 reorganized the mixtures or in concentrated form, to any person
Philippine drug law enforcement system. While or entity engaged in the manufacture of any
the Dangerous Drugs Board remains as the dangerous drug, and shall include packaging,
policy-making and strategy-formulating body in repackaging, labeling, relabeling or concealment
planning and formulation of policies and of such transaction through fraud, destruction of
program on drug control and prevention, it documents, fraudulent use of permits,
created the Philippine Drug Enforcement misdeclaration, use of front companies or mail
Agency under the Office of the President. fraud.

Section 82. Creation of the Philippine Drug (e) Clandestine Laboratory. - Any facility used
Enforcement Agency (PDEA). - To carry out for the illegal manufacture of any dangerous
the provisions of this Act, the PDEA, which drug and/or controlled precursor and essential
serves as the implementing arm of the Board, chemical.
and shall be responsible for the efficient and Example: MALABON CITY, April 13 (PIA) --
effective law enforcement of all the provisions on The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
any dangerous drug and/or controlled (PDEA) has dismantled a clandestine laboratory
precursor and essential chemical as provided in located at a hicg class condominium utilized in
this Act. the manufacture of ecstasy, a party drug, during
the implementation of a search warrant in
The Director General of the PDEA: Malabon.
- shall be appointed by the President of the
Philippines (f) Confirmatory Test. - An analytical test using
- shall perform such other duties that may be a device, tool or equipment with a different
assigned to him/her. chemical or physical principle that is more
- He/she must possess adequate knowledge, specific which will validate and confirm the result
training and experience in the field of dangerous of the screening test.
drugs, and in any of the following fields:
- He/she must either be law enforcement, law, (g) Controlled Delivery. - The investigative
medicine, criminology, psychology or social work. technique of allowing an unlawful or suspect
consignment of any dangerous drug and/or
===================================== controlled precursor and essential chemical,
REPUBLIC ACT NO. 9165 equipment or paraphernalia, or property
AN ACT INSTITUTING THE COMPREHENSIVE believed to be derived directly or indirectly from
DANGEROUS DRUGS ACT OF 2002, any offense, to pass into, through or out of the
REPEALING REPUBLIC ACT NO. 6425, country under the supervision of an authorized
OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE DANGEROUS officer, with a view to gathering evidence to
identify any person involved in any dangerous possession of any dangerous drug and/or
drugs related offense, or to facilitate prosecution controlled precursor and essential chemical.
of that offense. (s) Instrument. - Any thing that is used in or
intended to be used in any manner in the
Example: commission of illegal drug trafficking or related
Jose a PDEA agent went undercover, following offenses.
the directive of his superior went to delivery 300 Example:
grams of marijuana to Sinaloa Cartel, this is for In 2018, mail and parcel interdiction operations
the bureau to build up relevant and competent in airports and seaports resulted in the arrest of
evidence, which are vital in the development of a 11 consignees and seizure of 94.67 kg. of shabu,
drug case against the Sinaloa Cartel. 16,713 pieces of ecstasy tablets, and 1,109.5
(h) Controlled Precursors and Essential grams of marijuana kush, a hybrid marijuana,
Chemicals. - Include those listed in Tables I and with a total estimated market value of
II of the 1988 UN Convention Against Illicit PHP672,161,877.88.
Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic (
Substances as enumerated in the
attached annex, which is an integral part of this (t) Laboratory Equipment. - The paraphernalia,
Act. apparatus, materials or appliances when used,
(i) Cultivate or Culture. - Any act of knowingly intended for use or designed for use in the
planting, growing, raising, or permitting the manufacture of any dangerous drug and/or
planting, growing or raising of any plant which is controlled precursor and essential chemical,
the source of a dangerous drug. such as reaction vessel, preparative/purifying
(j) Dangerous Drugs. - Include those listed in equipment, fermentors, separatory funnel,
the Schedules annexed to the 1961 Single flask, heating mantle, gas generator, or their
Convention on Narcotic Drugs, as amended by substitute.
the 1972 Protocol, and in the Schedules
annexed to the 1971 Single Convention on Example:
Psychotropic Substances as enumerated in the A house may be a meth lab if you notice the
attached annex which is an integral part of following inside:
this Act. 1. Ammonia.
(k) Deliver. - Any act of knowingly passing a 2. Camping fuel.
dangerous drug to another, personally or 3. Empty pill bottles, and cans of alcohol,
otherwise, and by any means, with or without toluene, and paint thinner.
consideration. 4. Funnels.
(l) Den, Dive or Resort. - A place where any 5. Lab equipment, like glass tubes, beakers,
dangerous drug and/or controlled precursor and 6. Bunsen burners, and large plastic
essential chemical is administered, delivered, containers.
stored for illegal purposes, distributed, sold or 7. Many stoves, hot plates, or blow torches.
used in any form. 8. Melted pots and pans.
(m) Dispense. - Any act of giving away, selling 9. Numerous cold medicines or non-
or distributing medicine or any dangerous drug prescription weight-loss pills.
with or without the use of prescription. 10. Plastic tubes.
(n) Drug Dependence. - As based on the World 11. Propane tanks.
Health Organization definition, it is a cluster of 12. Red-stained coffee filters.
physiological, behavioral and cognitive 13. Starter fluid.
phenomena of variable intensity, in which the
use of psychoactive drug takes on a high priority (u) Manufacture. - The production, preparation,
thereby involving, among others, a strong desire compounding or processing of any dangerous
or a sense of compulsion to take the substance drug and/or controlled precursor and essential
and the difficulties in controlling substance- chemical, either directly or indirectly or by
taking behavior in terms of its onset, extraction from substances of natural origin, or
termination, or levels of use. independently by means of chemical synthesis
(o) Drug Syndicate. - Any organized group of or by a combination of extraction and
two (2) or more persons forming or joining chemical synthesis, and shall include any
together with the intention of committing any packaging or repackaging of such substances,
offense prescribed under this Act. design or configuration of its form, or labeling or
(p) Employee of Den, Dive or Resort. - The relabeling of its container; except that such
caretaker, helper, watchman, lookout, and other terms do not include the preparation,
persons working in the den, dive or resort, compounding, packaging or labeling of a drug or
employed by the maintainer, owner and/or other substances by a duly authorized
operator where any dangerous drug and/or practitioner as an incident to his/her
controlled precursor and essential chemical is administration or dispensation of such drug or
administered, delivered, distributed, sold or used, substance in the course of his/her professional
with or without compensation, in connection with practice including research, teaching and
the operation thereof. chemical analysis of dangerous drugs or
(q) Financier. - Any person who pays for, raises such substances that are not intended for sale
or supplies money for, or underwrites any of the or for any other purpose.
illegal activities prescribed under this Act.
(r) Illegal Trafficking. - The illegal cultivation, (v) Cannabis or commonly known as
culture, delivery, administration, dispensation, "Marijuana" or "Indian Hemp" or by its any
manufacture, sale, trading, transportation, other name. - Embraces every kind, class,
distribution, importation, exportation and genus, or specie of the plant Cannabis sativa L.
including, but not limited to, Cannabis americana, midwife, veterinarian or pharmacist in the
hashish, bhang, guaza, churrus and ganjab, and Philippines.
embraces every kind, class and character of (ee) Protector/Coddler. - Any person who
marijuana, whether dried or fresh and flowering, knowingly and willfully consents to the unlawful
flowering or fruiting tops, or any part orportion of acts provided for in this Act and uses his/her
the plant and seeds thereof, and all its influence, power or position in shielding,
geographic varieties, whether as a reefer, resin, harboring, screening or facilitating the escape of
extract, tincture or in any form whatsoever. any person he/she knows, or has reasonable
grounds to believe on or suspects, has violated
(w) Methylenedioxymethamphetamine the provisions of this Act in order to prevent the
(MDMA) or commonly known as "Ecstasy", arrest, prosecution and conviction of the violator.
or by its any other name. - Refers to the drug Example:
having such chemical composition, including any June is a known drug dealer in his Barangay
of its isomers or derivatives in any form. and has a standing warrant of arrest, despite the
effort of law enforcers to arrest him, he is yet to
(x) Methamphetamine Hydrochloride or be caught this is due to May the Barangay
commonly known as "Shabu", "Ice", "Meth", captain who covers for June and misleads the
or by its any other name. - Refers to the drug police officer of the location of June.
having such chemical composition, including any (ff) Pusher. - Any person who sells, trades,
of its isomers or derivatives in any form. administers, dispenses, delivers or gives away
to another, on any terms whatsoever, or
(y) Opium. - Refers to the coagulated juice of distributes, dispatches in transit or transports
the opium poppy (Papaver somniferum L.) and dangerous drugs or who acts as a broker in any
embraces every kind, class and character of of such transactions, in violation of this Act.
opium, whether crude or prepared; the ashes or (gg) School. - Any educational institution,
refuse of the same; narcotic preparations thereof private or public, undertaking educational
or therefrom; morphine or any alkaloid of opium; operation for pupils/students pursuing certain
preparations in which opium, morphine or any studies at defined levels, receiving instructions
alkaloid of opium enters as an ingredient; opium from teachers, usually
poppy; opium poppy straw; and located in a building or a group of buildings in a
leaves or wrappings of opium leaves, whether particular physical or cyber site.
prepared for use or not. (hh) Screening Test. - A rapid test performed to
establish potential/presumptive positive result.
(z) Opium Poppy. - Refers to any part of the General Drug Tests.
plant of the species Papaver somniferum L., Example:
Papaver setigerum DC, Papaver orientale, Pedro and his team of PDEA agent conducted
Papaver bracteatum and Papaver rhoeas, which an anti-drug operation, they have identified
includes the seeds, straws, branches, leaves or several individuals who have is suspected to be
any part thereof, or substances derived meth addicts prior from arresting them they
therefrom, even for floral, decorative and conducted they watch for visible meth symptoms
culinary purposes. which includes; Dilated pupils, Rapid eye
movement, Twitching, Outbursts or mood
(aa) PDEA. - Refers to the Philippine Drug swings.
Enforcement Agency under Section 82, Article (ii) Sell. - Any act of giving away any dangerous
IX of this Act. drug and/or controlled precursor and essential
(bb) Person. - Any entity, natural or juridical, chemical whether for money or any other
including among others, a corporation, consideration.
partnership, trust or estate, joint stock company,
association, syndicate, joint venture or other (jj) Trading. - Transactions involving the illegal
unincorporated organization or group capable of trafficking of dangerous drugs and/or controlled
acquiring rights or entering into obligations. precursors and essential chemicals using
(cc) Planting of Evidence. - The willful act by electronic devices such as, but not limited to,
any person of maliciously and surreptitiously text messages, email, mobile or landlines, two-
inserting, placing, adding or attaching directly or way radios, internet, instant messengers and
indirectly, through any overt or covert act, chat rooms or acting as a broker in any of such
whatever quantity of any dangerous drug and/or transactions whether for money or any other
controlled precursor and essential chemical in consideration in violation of this Act.
the person, house, effects or in the (kk) Use. - Any act of injecting, intravenously or
immediate vicinity of an innocent individual for intramuscularly, of consuming, either by chewing,
the purpose of implicating, incriminating or smoking, sniffing, eating, swallowing, drinking or
imputing the otherwise introducing into the physiological
commission of any violation of this Act. system of the body, and of the dangerous drugs.
Example: PCpl. Abo issued a warrant of arrest
to Mr. Lao, a suspected drug pusher. To =====================================
strengthen the case DURATION OF PENALTIES
against Mr. Lao, upon the suspects arrest PCpl. Aggravating Circumstances
Abo covertly placed a sachet of shabu in Mr. 1
Lao pocket. Involving a mentally deranged
(dd) Practitioner. - Any person who is a 2
licensed physician, dentist, chemist, medical 18 years old and below
technologist, nurse, 3
The violation took place 100 meter
Note: □ Ethyl alcohol is an important industrial
RA # 7959, otherwise called the Death Penalty chemical; it is used as a solvent, in the synthesis
Law approved in January 2, 1994. of other organic chemicals, and as an
RA # 8177 (The Lethal Injection Law) was additive to automotive gasoline (forming a
enacted, the execution of death penalty was mixture known as a gasohol).
changed from electrocution to lethal injection. □ Ethyl alcohol is also the intoxicating ingredient
RA # 9346, also known as An Act Prohibiting the of many alcoholic beverages such as beer, wine,
Imposition of the Death Penalty in the and distilled spirits.
Drug Traffic Route Availability
THE 2ND MAJOR DRUG TRAFFIC ROUTE The Philippine government prohibits the selling
a. Golden Triangle of alcoholic beverages to minors. The availability
1) Burma/Myanmar of such may also be affected by special
2) Laos pronouncements from different agencies such
3) Thailand as the temporary banning due to election period.
b. Drugs that originates from the Golden
Crescent 1. Beer
1) Iran Brief History
2) Afghanistan This is one of the oldest beverages in the world.
3) Pakistan Historically, this was regulated in the Code of
4) India Hammurabi. In the ancient world, a goddess of
===================================== beer known as Ninkasi, was worshiped in songs
VICE and prayers wherein the recipe for beer forms
- Is a practice, behavior, or habit generally part of a hymn.
considered immoral, sinful, criminal, rude, taboo,
depraved, or degrading in the associated society. Modern Times
- In more minor usage, vice can refer to a fault, a In the modern day, beer is served in
negative character trait, a defect, an infirmity, or varying temperatures and containers such as
a bad or unhealthy habit (such as an addiction to casks, kegs (draught), bottles, and cans.
smoking). Common modern beers have 4% to 6% alcohol.
- In this sense, the word “vice” comes from the There are, however, some breweries that create
Latin word “vitium”, meaning "failing or defect". beer from 0.5 to 20% alcohol. In rare occasions,
brewers create strong beers that reach to 40%
A. ALCOHOL and beyond.
- Is one of the oldest intoxicants known to man
starting from the early era of civilization. 2. Rum (alternatively spelled RHUM in the
- In chemistry, an alcohol is any organic Philippines)
compound in which the hydroxyl functional Brief History
group (–OH) is bound to a saturated carbon The origin of rum is very hard to
atom. determine since it has existed in the records of
- The term alcohol originally referred to the China, Southeast Asia, and Iran for thousands of
primary alcohol ethanol (ethyl alcohol), the years. The primary ingredient is sugar cane, with
predominant alcohol in alcoholic beverages. its byproduct molasses. The actual fermentation
was recorded in the Carabean area in the 17th
- An addiction to the consumption of alcoholic
liquor or the mental illness and compulsive Modern Times
behavior resulting from alcohol dependency. This alcoholic drink is often called “whisky” by
- Also known as alcohol use disorder (AUD), is a people in the Philippines, specifically those in
broad term for any drinking of alcohol that the provincial areas of Visayas. This was due to
results in problems. its indifference to beer and nearly similar effects
to whiskey.
- A person who is habitually drunk/takes or uses 3. Gin
any intoxicating alcoholic liquor Brief History
There are two kinds of alcohol: Unlike other alcoholic beverages, gin
1. Methyl alcohol started out as a herbal medicine that turned out
□ Methanol, also known as methyl alcohol, wood to be an alcoholic beverage to to its tendency to
alcohol, wood naphtha, methyl hydrate, or wood produce euphoric effects. This was created in
spirits. the middle ages. Despite being one of the potent
□ Methanol is a nondrinking type of alcohol used spirits (a liquid from juices which has undergone
for industrial and automotive purposes. fermentation which was then forwarded to
distillation), this was used to remove bacteria in
2. Ethyl alcohol wounds and battle infections. This is either
□ Ethyl alcohol, also called ethanol, grain gargled or drank for such purpose.
alcohol, or alcohol, a member of a class of
organic Modern Times
compounds that are given the general name This alcoholic beverage is commonly
alcohols; mixed with tonic or soda water in most countries
except in the Philippines. In the local setting, this
is rarely drank without any form or chaser in
forms of juices or carbonated drinks. Most B. Prostitution
people prefer drinking this cold in Asia; - is an act or practice of a woman who engages
specifically in forms of cocktails. or habitually indulged in sexual intercourse for
money or profit.Prostitution is the act or practice
4. Vodka of providing sexual services to another person in
Brief history return for payment.
This potent beverage is mainly
composed of ethanol and water. It has nearly Types of Prostitutes
the same properties with gin in terms of its 1. Call Girls. These are the part-time prostitutes.
claim to medical effects in battling bacteria. They have their own legitimate work or
Historically, this is made from fermented profession but work as prostitutes to
potatoes or grains. This alcoholic drink supplement their income.
was used since the 8th century. 2. Hustler. They are the professional type of
prostitutes; they maybe bar or tavern pick-up
Modern Times girls or street walker.
Modern forms of this drink often include 3. Door Knocker.This is the occasional or
flavors of fruits to appeal to the younger selective type of prostitutes; they are usually
generations, specifically females. It must be newcomers in the business.
noted, however, that vodka as a drink is very 4. Factory Girls.They are the real professional
masculine if taken without any other substance type of prostitutes. They work in regular houses
that changes its color, retaining its potency. It of prostitution or brothels.
must be noted that modern vodka has a C. Gambling
minimum 40% alcohol content. - is a game or scheme wherein the result of
which depends wholly or chiefly upon chance or
5. Wine hazard.Gambling is the wagering of money or
Brief history material value, referred to as "the stakes," on an
This has existed since 7000BC, wherein event with the primary intent of winning
the first known use was in China. Contrary to additional money or material goods.
most belief that wine was made to intoxicate
people, there are many colorful literature and Types of Illegal Gambling in The Philippines
practical uses of wine. Such ranges from - games turn from legal to illegal when the
rituals to various forms of celebrations; and it is wagers no longer transpire between players and
also used in cuisines world wide. a legally licensed and regulated operator but
rather when bets become a peer-to-peer game
Modern Times where the “house” takes a rake of the profit
Common identification of wine is the fruit which thus makes it illegal. The following games
juice of grapes. Contrary to this, in the modern are deemed illegal in the peer to peer
times, this is largely made from other fruit juices betting environment :
wherein such juices mix with yeast, transforming 1. Cockfighting
sugars to ethanol and carbon. 2. Jueteng
3. Jai alai game fixing
6. Brandy 4. Numbers games
Brief history 5. Bingo
This beverage is a spirit, produced 6. Cara y cruz
through distilling wine. This is due to the 7. Black jack
curiosity of people in search of a much potent 8. Lucky nine
form of liquor with negated after effects. This 9. Mahjong
was first created in the 15th century wherein its 10. Domino
primary discovery was due to an 2021 11. Basketball
accident of storing wine in casks. 12. Boxing

Modern Times
This item is drank usually during damp DEFINITION OF TERMS
or wet seasons. In Asia, this could be seen with □ DRUG ADDICTIONS - a state of periodic or
ice or served in glass specifically made for chronic (continuous) intoxication (drunk)
brandy. detrimental to individual and to the society
produced by the repeated consumption of drugs.
7. Whiskey (WHO)
Brief history □ CHEMICALS - is any substance taken into the
This is a type of distilled alcoholic drink body, which alters the way, the mind and the
alcoholic drink made from fermented grain mash. bodywork. (Manwong, 2004)
Various grains are used wherein this product is □ CHEMICALABUSE - is an instance when the
aged in barrels or casks. This was discovered in use of a chemical has produced a negative or
Babylonia (present day Iraq) during the 2nd harmful consequence.22
millennium. □ TREATMENT - Is a medical service rendered
to a client for the effective management of hit
Modern Times total conditions related to drug abuse. It deals
This is very popular among places with the physiological without abusing drugs.
where the temperature is lower than normal □ DRUG ADDICTIONS - a state of periodic or
room temperature; referred to as cold areas. chronic (continuous) intoxication (drunk)
detrimental to individual and to the society
produced by the repeated consumption of drugs.
□ POLYDRUG ABUSE - many people who
abuse on drug tend to take all sorts of drugs.
Some play chemical “Russian roulettes” by
taking everything including unidentified pills.
□ DRUG EXPERIMENTER - one who illegally,
wrongfully, or improperly uses any narcotics
substances, marijuana or dangerous drugs as
define not more than a few times for reasons or
curiosity, peer pressure or other similar reasons.
□ TOLERANCE - it is the increasing dosage of
drugs to maintain the same effect.
□ WITHDRAWAL PERIOD - from the point of
habituation or drug dependence up to the time a
drug dependent is totally or gradually deprived
of the drug.
□ HERBAL DRUGS - are plant substances that
have drug effects and whose use is not
generally regulated by law. These substances
generally require little processing after the plants
are gathered. Although they may be processed
or sold commercially, it is possible for the
consumer to prepare the drug for use if it can be
grown locally.
commercially produced drugs that may be
purchased legally without prescription.
These drugs are also known as propriety drugs.
They are safe and effective when you follow the
directions on the label and as directed by the
health care professionals.
□ PRESCRIPTION DRUGS - are commercially
produced drugs that can be legally sold or
dispensed only by a physician or on physician’s
order. They are like over-the-counter drugs for
they are manufactured by pharmaceutical
companies, but they differ, because the decision
to use drugs is vested in a physician, not in the
□ BUY BUST OPERATIONS - is a form of
entrapment employed by law enforcement
officers as an effective way of apprehending a
criminal in the act of the commission of the
offense. Entrapment has
received judicial sanction as long as it is carried
out with due regard to constitutional and legal
□ INTOXICATION - it is a physiological state
occurring when an organism has a high level
of ethanol in its bloodstream, or when ethanol
otherwise causes the physiological effect known
as drunkenness.

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