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“Lately I’ve been winning battles left and right,

But even winners can get wounded in the fight.

People say that I’m amazing,

I’m strong beyond my years.

But they don’t see inside of me,

I’m hiding all the tears.

“Unafraid because his armor is the best.

But even soldiers need a quiet place to rest.

People say that I’m amazing,

I never face retreat.

But they don’t see the enemies,

That lay me at his feet.”

These lyrics from the song “Warrior is a Child” still give me the same feelings about my limits, and my
ability to hide all of them as much as I can. Then when I’m alone, I would bring them all out, crying by
myself until I feel better to face them again until I win. No one knows how struggling it is until they find
me lying on the cold ground, tired, fainted, and can’t even move a finger. I broke down, and yet no one
knew why, until I get back up and go again for another round, just keep on going and going until the
battle is won.

Each of us have individual struggles that no one knows, not even our parents. And yet, we find people
who seem to be working just fine with theirs. We tend to wonder how are they still holding up while
here we are struggling to even resolve one of ours. Sometimes, we even feel like they’re being unfair
because their concerns were easy to deal with, while ours is difficult. But until we get into their shoes,
we will never know how hard it really is.

Some of them might have occasional breakdowns or panic attacks when they can’t take it anymore.
Some of them are just really good at hiding their struggles that they don’t seem to have one at all. The
hardest part is when someone seemed to be fine all this time, then we would hear about him taking his
own life. Every single person we meet along the way has trials to deal with, and some are just really
unfortunate to deal with a lot worse than ours.
But if there’s anything that we should do when we have one is to look in those challenges as
opportunities for growth. Remember that the Lord gives us trials to make us stronger in life. When we
pray for stronger faith, he gives us trials to overcome. Though it’s harder than it looks, He promised us
that He will never leave us on our own. He promised that He will help us carry the weight so we can bear
it along the way. He promised that He will be with us until the very end.

So when you see someone who seemed to be doing well, despite of how hard life is to them, remember
to always give them a motivation to keep moving forward, and don’t hold back a helping hand that you
can give. Sometimes, helping others is the best way to help yourself.

“Go on until we are perfect, loving our neighbor more than we love ourselves.” – Brigham Young

“We are placed where we are so that we can love and lift others. We just cannot be or even call
ourselves disciples of Jesus Christ if we are not helping others along that path.” – Carol F. McConkie

“Tremendous happiness and peace of mind are the results of loving service to others. Nobody can live
fully and happily who lives only unto himself or herself.” – Gordon B. Hinckley

Stay woke, brothers and sisters. 😉

~Kuya Daichi 🔥

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